Winter Break

By jw m

Published on Jan 1, 1999


Warning: This story is a work of fiction. I have made up this story in my cockeyed mind to entertain myself and others. It deals with consentual sex between young adults. It also deals with a fetish for a certain type of clothing: parkas. It is my true fetish and I hope someone else may enjoy it with me. I use it a lot, so get used to it. If you like the story, please write to me and give me your opinions. There may be more stories in the future.

Winter Break

It was a dark, cold day in December. The snow blew and so did the bitter winds. It was the weekend and almost all of the college students had gone home for the Christmas break. All except Chris and Josh. They are roomates at the college. They met each other this year, their freshman year. They were both from out of state and had a few things in common. They got along great and spent a lot of time together.

The only problem was that Josh was infatuated with Chris. The first day they met, he fell in love with Chris' eyes. They were crystal blue. Piercingly cold, yet very warm and friendly. His hair was a sandy brown and teeth were pearly white. His pink, pouty lips went well with his dimples. His wirey physique was hairless, and slightly muscular. Josh had got a glimpse of his cock once as they were in the showers. It was a mosdest four inches when soft and was cut. It had a beautiful soft brown bush that was just the right amount around the base of his shaft. His balls were fairy small. It was the perfect cock as far as Josh was concerned.

They had both decided not to go home for Christmas because they didn't want to hear their families argue. They both had problems, and neither wanted to deal with them. Besides, Josh wanted to send Christmas with Chris, even though it was only in his own head.

Josh stood at the window looking out at the falling snow. He loved this time of year. The bitter cold, heavy snowfalls, cold winds, and the clothes! Josh loved the clothes guys wore in the winter. That was another reason he loved Chris. Chris comes from a fairly wealthy family and always had great clothes. JCrew sweaters and khakis. Champion sweatshirts, hikers, turtlenecks and lots of heavy jackets. Josh loved jackets the most. He had a few, but he loved looking at Chris wear his. He especially liked the Miami Dolphins Starter jacket that he wore a lot. The pullover style was Josh's favorite and the colors looked great on him.

The only thing that Josh didn't like was that Chris didn't wear the one kind that he thought was the best. In fact very few people wore them anymore. Josh has one but never wears it, because it isn't so fashionable anymore. He keeps it in the back of his closet and uses it to jack off when Chris is at class. He dreams of Chris wearing it. He imagines himself kissing him and groping him.

As he gazed out the window, he spotted a figure walking through through the snow towards the dorm. He recognized the Dolphins jacket and got hard instantly. He always did when he saw Chris wear it. He rubbed his crotch through his heavy gray Champion sweatpants. His fingers tips pinched his hard nipples through the hooded Champion sweatshirt keeping his body warm. He watched him make his way through the quad and into the building. He was carrying a couple large boxes. Josh ran over and laid face down on the bed to hide his swollen cock . He humped into the down comforter until he heard Chris at the door. He closed his eyes and pretended to sleep. He heard the door open and a couple of thuds. The door shut and footsteps across the floor. He heard the familiar sound of swishing nylon as Chris pulled his Starter jacket over his head. He tossed it at Josh and hit him in the head. Josh jumped slightly. He could smell Chris' body scent on the jaket and it drove him nuts. He pretended to be groggy and roll over slightly. He pulled the jacket off his face and slid it down towards his crotch. He left his hand on the jacket and that wasn't helping the stiff cock in his sweatpants.

"What, what......what's up?" Josh stammered

"Get up sleepy head, we have presents! Our parents sent our gifts and I went down to the admissions office to get them. Wanna open them now?" Chris said with all the excitement of a child.

"Yeah why not, maybe we got something good. They started ripping apart packages. They opened a lot of warm sweatshrts and sweaters. They were both getting good stuff. Josh admired a lot of the sweaters that Chris was getting, imaginng how he was going to look in them, but there was any doubt how he would. Josh opened a larger box to find a new JCrew pullover jacket. It was forest green and it was fleece lined. "Cool!" Chris said, "I like that. Maybe I can borrow it sometime?!"

"Yeah, maybe, but I will want something in return!!!" Josh said with a wry smile across his face. He knew he would need something in return, he wanted to see him wear it. It would be an honor, not a favor.

Chris reached the bottom of his box and pulled out the last box. It was a fairly good size. As he slowly took the paper off, Josh stared at him. He was so cute. He was wearing a dark green turtleneck and a purple hooded sweatshirt, black jeans and hikers. Josh was so attracted to him. His cock swelled in his sweats.

Chris opened the box and stared. He had a puzzled look on his face. He grabbed the contents and pulled it out. As it fell open, Josh gasped to himself. His cock twitched so hard, he jumped. Chris held in his hands a jacket. A parka to be specific. An old style parka. It had a snorkle hood with fur trim around it and an orange lining. It was navy blue and it was satin nylon. It glimmered in the light. The fur trim around the hood was grayish-brown and a little matted. This was the exact parka that drove Josh crazy. He had a brown one in the back of his closet that has a lot of cum stains on it. He loved them. Always had. Now, here in front of him, the boy he was in love with, held one up in front of him. He must be dreaming he thought.

"What the hell is this?" Chris asked.

"Looks like mommy sent you a new coat!" Josh said trying to be really sarcastic even though he wanted to grab right out of his hands and put it on.

"Why did she send me this? I don't need it. I have a bunch of other jackets that I like. Nobody wears these. This isn't my style?" Chris lobbed it on the bed and got up. He put all his stuff away and went into the bathroom. Josh sat still, looking at the Air Force style parka laying on Chris' bed. He wished he was rolling around with Chris on that bed with him wearing it. He got up and went over to it. He picked it up and shuddered. He ran is finger tips throught the fur and felt its softness. He brushed it on his cheek. The door opened from the bathroom. Josh jumped and stood there holding the parka in his trembling hands. He stuttered, "It ain't that bad man, she just wuvs you!" He laughed half heartedly .

"I don't know, I guess not." Chris said as he took it from Josh. He held it and twirled i around looking at it. He slid his arms into the sleeves and up onto his shoulders. He zipped it up three quarters of the way ad adjusted the heavy hood across his shoulders.

"Well how does it look? Do I look stupid in it?" He asked. Josh stood trembling. It was a picture he never wanted to forget. " Um , I guess you look okay. It isn't too bad. Maybe they will come back into style now that the retro look is back. " He mumbled not knowing what else to say.

Chris walked up to Josh and said "Gee, I figured by that huge tent in these sweatpants, that you liked what you saw!" He reached out and grabbed ahold of the stiff cock. Josh gasped. "What, wha...what are you talking about?" Josh was not handling this very well. He didn't even notice the hand on his cock.

"Well after reading all the stories you have hidden in the back of your closet, I figured you would grab me and kiss me hard and grope my parka and do all things you wrote about. I guess I am not as good looking in it as you wrote that I would be?" Chris said as he squeezed the bulge a little harder.

Josh fumbled for the words but was stymied. He shook uncontrollably. Chris laughed and leaned in. He pressed his moist, pouty lips against Josh" and kissed him softly. Josh closed his eyes and almost fell backwards. Chris wrapped his arms around him and pulled him close. He pryed open Josh's ridged lips and slid his tongue in deeply. Josh started to relax and slowly worked his hands around Chris. As he touched the parka, he moaned and pulled in close to Chris. They kissed freely now, exchanging tongues and moans.Josh groped the parka wrapped around Chris' hairless body. He loved the feel of the nylon between his fingers. His hands made there way up to the soft snorkle hood. He entwined his fingers in the fur and moaned into Chris' hot mouth.

Chris broke the kiss. He backed away, and watched Josh's stunned look. He walked over to Josh's closet and reached way in the back. He pulled out the brown snorkle parka that was Josh's and said, "If we are going to do this right, you need yours too!" He walked over and helped Josh slide it on. As it wrapped around Josh he shuddered. From behind, Chris zipped it up buttoned over a few of the strom flap buttons. He slid his hands down into the lower pockets of the parka. He groped Josh's cock through the pockets and his sweatpants. Josh loved the feel of layers around his cock. Chris kissed his neck gently. The more Josh moaned , the more Chris sucked on his neck.

Josh spun around and grabbed Chris' hood. He pulled it up and pulled the fur forward so it wrapped around both of thier faces. He reached back and pulled up his own hood and wrapped it around the other hood. They started kissing deep inside the two hoods. Soft pile lined hoods brushing their cheeks as they moaned and kissed. They fondled each other like long lost lovers.

Soon they made their way over to Chris' bed, ever breaking the kiss. They rolled around groping and moaning inside the snorkle hoods. They were both beginning to get hot. They got up and got undressed.Each was standing before each other naked. Chris' perfect cock was about six inches of pure beauty. Josh was hung slightly better at seven inches. They both reached down and picked up their snorkle parkas, and put them on. The cold orange quilted linings felt great against their bare hairless skins.

They once again rolled around on the bed and kissed. Their cocks slapped against the insides of their parkas and against each other. They were both rock hard. Chris slid his hand between them and took ahold of the base of Josh's cock. Slowly he stroked. Josh moaned, "Oh god yeah that feels so good. I want you......I want you so bad!"

Chris kissed his neck and his Adam's apple. He slowly kissed his way down the front of the brown nylon parka. He licked every button and bit through the thick parka when he reached Josh's nipples. Josh almost screamed out in pleasure. He continued down reaching the bottom of the parka. He slid it up, letting Josh's cock spring free. He could feel the intense heat coming from the swollen shaft. He rotated his hood around in a circle, lightly touching the fur to his cock. It sent shivers through Josh. Chris lowered his mouth down around the moist head. He wrapped his lips around it and flickered his tongue into the piss slit. Josh squirmed under him. Slowly he slid the entire seven inch shaft down into his throat.The fur trim around his snorkle hood pressed firmly into Josh's light brown bush. The sensation was causing Josh's cock to twitch uncontrolably. Chris swallowed the shaft repeatedly. Josh watched the parka hood bob up and down on his shaft. Each time the fur touched his thighs. He reached up and pushed his own hood against his cheeks. He loved the smell and feel of the soft brown pile lined hood. He would often lick it and chew on it while he jacked off.

Chris continued the onslaught on the shaft. Sucking hard and long. He massaged Josh's ball sac as he sucked furiously. He could feel the balls tighten and he knew it wouldn't be long before he shot his man cum.

The louder Josh moaned the harder Chris sucked. His legs twitched, he grabbed ahold of Chris's hood. He pushed down hard until Chris' nose was buried deep in his soft bush. Chris' throat contracted around the shaft until the first powerful blast exploded down his throat. Josh screamed out in excitement "Oh FUCK YEAH!!!!!!! OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

Chris pulled his mouth full of cum off of the thrusting cock and let it explode all over the soft fur trim around his hood. He never saw anyone who could shoot so much cum. Josh shot stream after stream outward into the fur. It wasn't stopping. Chris was blasted a half dozen times in the face and in the fur. It dripped all over the trim. When he thought Josh was done, he looked up and was met with a huge stream of watery boy cum. It blasted against the fur and riccocheted onto his cheek. The fur tunnel around his face was a mass of dripping cum. He was shocked at the amount of cum and the force that it had shot out. He looked up at Josh and Saw such a look of love in his eyes.

He moved his way up Josh's chest and ressed his cum covered hood into Josh's. He pressed his lips into Josh's and let the outh of cum flow between the two. Josh Opened his eyes quickly at the taste of his own cum. They shared it and swallowed every drop. The cum was sticking to the fur around both of thier hoods. Chris pulled his hood away and started licking the cum ot of the fur on Josh's hood. With each taste he shuddered. Josh reached down and stroked Chris's shaft. It was on fire. He had never felt something so hard and hot. It only took a few strokes for Chris to explode. He shot cum all over the front of Josh's brown parka. Glob after hot glob shot fierclely. It splashed against the nylon material and splattered. He cried out in pleasure and once again tongue kissed Josh. After about thrity seconds of continuous shooting, he relaxed. He gasped and caught his breath. he reached down and with a finger, he picked up a huge gob of cum. He inserted his finger into Josh's mouth and let him lick it clean.

They laid there for a long time, wrapped in snorkle parkas and kissing. The cum was drying and they hugged. "I can't believe you did this for me" Josh said. "I am shocked, and a little scared!"

"I found those stories about six weeks ago when I was looking or a sweater to wear. I liked one that you had worn so I wanted to wear it. I didn't think you'd mind. I stumbled on them and started reading. I didn't get it at first, but once I realized how much they turned you on, I got really hard. And, I have to admit, I wore your parka once, just to try it and I liked that it made you feel that good. I called my mom and asked her to send my old one. I have been planning this for awhile. I hope you liked my present!"

"I totally loved it! I have dreamed about it for so long. I jack off looking at your jackets hanging in your closet all the time. I have wanted you since the day we met. Can I tell you something, without you freaking out?"

"Yeah of course. We just exchanged cum, how freaked out can I get?" he laughed

"I......I .........I think I am in love with you." Josh looked away as he said it. He wasn't sure if he should be embarrassed or scared.

"I know. I have known for a long time. I see the way you look at me.And guess what, I love you too!" Chris said as he leaned in and kissed him again. "In fact, I love you so much that I want to explore all these parka fantasies you have written about. Especially the two in that separate folder you have. I think they would be really hot. In fact, I saw someone who just might fit your fantasy exactly! And maybe we get a lot of beer and try the other one too! I really like the sounds of that one!"

They laughed and hugged. Before long they were in each others arms, fast asleep wearing cum covered snorkle parkas. Two Parka Lovers, forever in love.

Winter Break Part 2

Due to the overwhelmingly positive responses I recieved concerning part 1, I have decided to continue my fantasy and I hope you all enjoy it as much as part 1.

Warning : This is a continuing story of homosexual sex between young college age boys and a young teen. If this is illegal where you are then stop reading. If you are under 18, stop reading. This is a work of my imagination and involves a fetish that I have for parkas. If this won't interest you, stop reading. I hope you enjoy my continuing story, and I would love to hear your impressions of it, so please mail me.

Winter Break part 2

It had been a couple days since Chris and Josh discovered thier passion for each other. They spent more time together than before and now slept in the same bed. They were growing closer by the minute. They were on the verge of true love, and they both knew it.

Josh laid quietly sleeping in Chris' bed. Wearing a heavy Champion sweatshirt and sweatpants, he was very warm on the very cold morning.He dreamt of Chris and his tasty cock. His sweet boy cum and hairless body. He also pictured him wearing his blue parka that he wore just for Josh. He was awakened by a noise at the door. He wiped the sleepiness from his eyes. The door opened and Chris came walking in. He threw his snorkle hood off his head, sending snow onto the rug and and he removed his gloves. His cheeks were red.

"I'm sorry I woke you. I was trying to be quiet! " He said as he approached the bed. He sat on the side and leaned down.They locked lis and kissed deeply. Josh placed his hand on the fur trimmed hood laying across Chris' back . The cold snow melted instantly. The smell of the wet synthetic fur excited him. They broke the kiss. " I am having breakfast delivered. I figured you would want to shower and change before it got here."

"I can just stay like this, in bed can't I?" Josh asked. "Well you could, but trust me, it would be better if you got cleaned up."

"What are you upto?" Josh asked slyly.

"Me? Upto? Nothing. Just do what I say and you will enjoy breakfast." Chris said as he got up off the bed and removed his parka. He hung it in the closet next to Josh's brown one. Josh groaned and rolled out of bed. He stretched his arms high over his head and his sweatshirt rode up revealing his hairless flat stomach.

"Don't try to get out of showering by turning me on Josh!" Just get in there and make it quick. I want you to have breakfast while your hot!"

"Don't you mean , while It's hot?" Josh asked.

" Don't worry about that, breakfast is very hot!" Chris said laughing. He sat at his desk and did some work.

Josh went into the bathroom and showered slowly. The hot water pounded on his hairless chest and over his erect nipples. He was horny today. The water felt wonderful. His cock started to grow as he lathered up. With a soapy hand he washed between his ass cheeks and slowly slid a finger up into his pink hole. He gasped as it touched a sensitive spot. His cock twitched and his balls tightened.

Bang! Bang! Bang! The bathroom door startled him." Hey hurry up, you haven't got all day. Make it quick. " Chris yelled through the door. SH rinsed off and cursed under his breath. He would be sure to get even later. He was squeaky clean and smelled of soap. He toweled off and went out to get dressed. He decided to do a towel dance for Chris, but he seemed uninterested. Josh couldn't figure out why he was acting like this.

" Would you hurry up. Breakfast will be here any minute. "

Josh dressed in a white turtleneck and a black , heavy, hooded Champion sweatshirt. Light blue loose fitting jeans and hikers. He sprayed a little Hugo Boss cologne on, and went over to Chris.

" Happy now?" he asked sarcasticly.

The knock came at the door , and Chris jumped up. He went over to the closet and pulled out Josh's brown snorkle parka. He tossed it across the room and he caught it by the orange lining." Put your parka on." Chris said smiling." Why? I thought you said it was being delivered? "

" Just do as I say and then answer the door." Chris said in glee. Josh pulled the parka on and adjusted the sweatshirt hood inside of the parka hood. He couldn't figure out what was going on, but he knew it wasn't going to be a normal beakfast.

He opened the door slowly, not knowing what to expect. As he did, his jaw almost hit the floor. Standing in the hall was the cutest boy he had ever seen. Dirty blonde hair, cut very boyishly. Bright green eyes, and pink pouty lips. His cheeks were rosey and he had dimples when he smiled. But what was blowing Josh's mind was the fact that this boy was wearing a parka. Not just any parka. A real military parka. It was sage green and had a gray piled lined hood. Around the hood was trimmed in a white synthetic fur that was slightly dirty and matted, showing age. It was a little big on him so it must be a hand - me - down. The hood was lying crooked across his shoulders, probably because he was wearing it outside and pushed it off his head. He couldn't have been more than fourteen or fifteen.

" I have your breakfast for you. It's hot bagels and coffee. May I come in?" The young boy said.

" come in. " Josh stuttered. He watched this adorable boy pass him. His eyes were glued to him. The boy turned and unzipped his parka. Under it he had on a baggy navy blue hooded sweatshirt. The drawstrings hung halfway down his undoubtedly hairless chest. Around his neck was a tight metal beed necklace. His jeans were baggy and his feet were covered in Doc Martins. He smiled and held out the bag of bagels to Josh. " Gee mister, by the way your looking at me, I guess I am exactly like the boys you write about in your stories. My name is Chad. "

" What is this about?" Josh asked.

" I have searched for someone to help you fulfill all your fantasies. I came across Chad at the bagel shop where he works for his dad. We talked and he was cool with it. And the best part is, this is the way he really dresses.That's what caught my attention. I thought he would be perfect for you. He knows about everything, so I am sure he will turn you on. I'm gonna leave you two alone for a while. I will be back in a couple hours." Chris walked over to the closet, pulled out his Miami Dolphins Starter jacket and pulled it over his head. He walked up to Josh and gave him a deep kiss."Enjoy !" He whispered. " I love you!!!" Josh said back. He left and they looked at each other.

Josh just stared at Chad, not knowing what to do . Chad zipped his parka back up and walked towards him. " You like me, don't you? I am exactly what you dream about huh? From my cute face to my parka, you have always dreamed of young boys like me." Chad said softly. " My mommy makes me dress warm whenever I go out. She says parkas are the warmest and she makes me wear this one that was my big brothers. It's a little big , but I will grow into someday. Mommy says little boys need to keep thier little tight bodies warm."

Josh loved talk like this and Chad knew it. It made him very horny and wet. His cock was growing harder than it had ever been. Chad stood in front of him and reached out. He lightly touched the brown nylon parka covering Josh's torso. Josh leaned down and softly pressed his lips to Chads. It was a very soft kiss. Josh's heart pounded hard in his chest. Chad's tongue pried it's way into between Josh's nervous lips. Within seconds, it was a full blown passionate kiss. He took Chad into his arms and hugged him close as he explored his young mouth. The sweet breath of a young boy was just what he had imagined. The little soft tongue probed over his teeth and down his throat. Soft moans could be heard from both.

Josh slid his hands up and down the back of Chads parka. The feeling of the material between his fingers made him grind into Chad. Chad pushed hard against him. Josh could feel his young cock pressing against his thigh. Chad reached up and took a corner of the hood on his shoulders. He brushed the matted white fur against Joshs face as they kissed. Josh trembled with the feeling.

" You make my little boy cock hard, Josh. I want to suck your hard cock into my young mouth . Would you fuck my mouth, please?" Chad said with an innocent look on his face. He was such a pure young boy, Josh melted.

Chad dropped to his knees and started to run his little hands up Josh's legs. He slid them up under his parka and undid his loose fitting jeans. He slowly slid them down his thighs ad stared at the tent in Josh's briefs. He looked up at Josh and smiled slyly. His little hands pulled down on the briefs, exposing the rock solid flesh.Chad instantly pressed his lips against the wet tip. He kissed it softly. Josh watched this hot, cute, innocent boy kiss it and almost blew his creamy load into his face right away. He had fantasized about this for so log, he wasn't sure how long he could hold out. Chad opened his pouty lips and slowly took the cock into his mouth. His soft lips slowly slid down the hard pole. Josh moaned loudly. Here was a cute underage cocksucker going down on him.

Chad slowly sucked him. He had trouble fitting it ito his mouth. He did't know how to swallow a cock , so he was trying to fit it all in his mouth. Josh felt his teeth softly grazing his cock. He heard him slurping and swallowing. He was in awe of the feeling of a soft young mouth around his cock. Chad reached up and pulled his heavy hood onto his head. He took the corners of the fur once again and brushed it against Josh's balls. The sensation drove josh crazy. His thighs tightened and he let out a loud gasp. Chad knew he was doing it right. He let the cock slip out from between his lips. A trail of saliva was stuck to the tip of the cock and his lip. He looked up at Josh and smiled. Josh smiled widely back at him. Chad wrapped his little hand around the shaft and started to pump back and forth slowly. He felt the cock get rigid with his touch.

" Can I taste your cream Josh? I wanna feel it in my mouth. I bet it tastes good!" Chad said. " Will you blow your load into my young mouth? PLEASE?" Chad was driving him insane. " Yes.....please." Josh whispered back.

Chad dove back down on the shaft and sucked hard. All Josh could see was a snorkle hood sliding back and forth on his cock. He heard loud slurping. He grabbed the fur around Chad's hood and dug his fingers in. He pulled it hard and bucked his hips, fucking the young boys hot mouth. He was close. He pushed the hood off his head and watched the pouty lips suck him.

" I'm gonna cum, Chad. Oh my god......uh.....uh....uh..........mmmmmmmmmmmm .........ooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh , he shot his cum against Chads throat. Chad pulled off a little and Josh shot glob after glob into the boys mouth. Chad swallowed as fast as he could but, it was still running out the corners of his mouth. It tasted so sweet. He felt it pump spurts into his throat. He almost coughed. Josh moaned loudly, as he kept pumping his cock into the young mouth. He was so turned on he couldn't stop cumming. Chad pulled his full mouth off and Josh shot several more streams onto his soft cheeks and into the matted white fur around Chads hood.His heart pounded and he was gasping for breath. He looked down and saw cum running out of the sides of Chads mouth. He smiled up at him. Josh pulled him to his feet. As he leaned towards his mouth, Chad opened a little and cum flowed freely down his chin. Josh quickly pushed his tongue against his chin and licked upwards to his mouth, catching it all and slamming it into Chads cum filled mouth. They kissed , swishing the cum between them, swallowing it all. Chad kissed with fierce passion. Creamy cum sliding down thier throats.The taste was overwhelming.

They licked the insides of each others mouths cleaning all the cum out. Holding each other tight, they kissed for a long time. They touch each others parkas and rubbed the fur on their cheeks. Soon Chad was moaning as Josh slid his hand onto Chad's bulging jeans. Josh traced the outline of the thin hard cock. He unzipped the jeans and pulled back his white briefs. His boy cock sprung free.It was beautiful. Smooth, four and a half inches, solidly hard. The beginnings of hair around the base and on his small ball sac. Josh drooled at the sight. He slowly wrapped his lips around it and went down. He took the whole boy meat into his warm mouth. Chad gasped and wiggled . It tickled yet felt great. He little round bottom arose off the bed. He moaned loudly. His body writhing and thrashing. Josh knew he was going to cum soon. Josh took the corner of the snorkle hood on his haed and lightly grazed it under Chad's balls. " OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Chad moaned and started shooting his boy cream.Josh felt his cock get rigid and flow. It wasn't a lot of cum . It didn't explode in his mouth, it dribbled. But it was so sweet tasting. Boy cum flowed freely into his mouth as Chad moaned and gasped. He squirmed on the bed.Josh savored every sweet drop of the boy's cream. He swallowed slowly, wanting to remember what it tasted like. Chads breathing was slowly getting softer. He moaned quietly.

Josh let the small , soft boy penis fall from his lips and came back up next to Chad . He wrapped his arms around him again and started kissing him. Chad tasted remnants of his own sweet cum. They kissed for a long time. Josh had never been happier. He was in love with a young parka boy and his roommate.

" That was the first time I ever shot cum ." Chad said softly. " I always felt like I did but nothing would come out. I guess I needed you to do that to me." Chad was smiling widely. His soft cheeks had the dimples showing.

" It was gonna happen sometime. I am just glad it was me the first time. You taste so good.Someday you will shoot a lot of cum and I want to swallow all of it." Chris said as he ran his palm down Chads cheek.

" It felt like I was goona pee. I was scared" Chad said. " Oh yeah it can feel like that at first. Did you ever pee so hard it felt good?" Josh asked. " I know what your getting at, Chris told me. And I will try it with you guys. But I will have to get a different parka, I don't wanna ruin this one. I love this one and my mommy says I can keep it if I take care of it. " Josh loved it when he talked like that.

" I better get back to the shop. I told my dad I was going to be gone a while, but I don't want him to get suspicious. When can we see each other again?" Chad asked as he put his hand on Josh's soft cock.

" How about Saturday? Maybe we can go out and find you another parka, then the three of us will go to the park." Josh was getting hard again. " Yeah Saturday morning I will be here." He gave him a deep kiss and got up. He slid his jeans back up and fixed his rumpled parka. Josh got up and wrapped his arms around him. They kissed again. He led him to the door . " It's freezing out, make sure you wear this." Josh pulledhis hood up onto his head and sent him o his way down the hall. He watched his young lover walk throught the double doors. He almost didn't believe what had happened that morning. He did know one thing, when Chris got back, he was gonna get the best blow job he ever got!!!!

to be continued...............

If you liked my story, please let me know. If you have any ideas for adventures for these Parka Lovers, give them to me and I'll see what I can do.If you like this one I have a couple more I will share. Send your comments to :

Next: Chapter 2

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