Witches Shapeshifters and Sex

By Sky Tanek

Published on Oct 18, 1999


WARNING: This story contains vivid descriptions of sexual acts between men with men and is not meant for minors. If you are offended by touchy subjects such as homosexuality, witchcraft etc please do not read it. Do not distribute. A single copy has been sent to the Nifty Archives. Please do not post to newsgroups or websites. You may E-mail this story to anyone you choose, so long as you retain this warning and the author's E-mail.

This is a work of fiction and does not reflect the real life activities of the author. All characters are purely fictional, and any resemblance to any person or persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Any opinions/beliefs expressed in this article are included for enhancing the storyline and has no bearing on the author's personal belief and faith. This article is not intended to poke fun, insult, harm or damage anything, living or dead.

Any mentions of witchcraft or shapeshifting or any occult art is purely from imagination. They are not real. The author does not bear any responsibilities for any misinterpretation and subsequent misuse of any fictitious spell/incantations etc included in this article.

The author is not a witch and does not have a witch and a shapeshifter for parents.

Title: Witches, Shapeshifters And Sex -------------------------------------

Chapter One ============

A. My Weird Family -------------------

I am a gay witch, or at least that is the only English term that I think best describes my sexuality and beliefs. I currently stay in Singapore with my Dad and Papa. They hate it when I call them that but still I think I should be respectful.

Dad is an Associate Professor at a local University and teaches Economics. He is British and prefers to be called Duvre. He is a witch just like me, the main difference being he is at least 120 years old and I just turned 22. He doesn't look old though and definitely doesn't look young or desirable like David Boreanaz from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. He looks more like your average 40 plus tutor, blond hair with a dash of silvery-white in the front. There are wrinkles near his eyes but they only make him look more sexy when he grins at some snide remarks from Papa each night when they watch the News at 9:30.

Papa works as an Information Technology Consultant for an overseas corporation. He is an American-Chinese and prefers to be called Jeremy although he has several names before this but most of which I cannot recall. He is definitely the cute one in our home; Black hair that is smooth and silky to the touch, deep blue eyes the color of the ocean that dance with gaiety as he discusses in depth about the latest development in network such as the recent proliferation of ATM technology. His body is definitely the epitome of the organic version of David's Michelangelo. Hard warm flesh rippling with muscles, solid abdominal with 6 protruding mounts of meat and tight butts without an ounce of fat. He looks like the 10 years later version of your Varsity track-and-field team captain who has managed to keep his body in shape. Papa's actual age is 200 years old and is a shape-shifter belonging to the noble class.

During their off days, usually the weekends even though they sometimes work during this time as well, Dad will take care of grocery whereas Papa helps out with the housework. Not that both my parents do not like to take a break, I know for certain Papa hates it because it is natural for shape-shifters of his clan to laze around as much as possible, just that we simply cannot trust the part-time maids to do everything for fear she will discover our secrets. Trust me, from where I come from, you really don't want every Tom, Dick and Harry to know you are gay and you have a witch and a shape-shifter for parents. They either freak out on you or you have to promise lots of fringe benefits to shut their mouth up. Then there is the problem of some personal space we want to keep. For instance, Dad will murder anyone who dares to touch his altar, not that anyone will notice because it looks just like a normal bookshelf with beautiful items on display. Then there is our Book of Shadows and Papa's collection of weird artifacts, some look like focus objects which he use whenever he morphs whereas other look more like torture implements. Of course there is that issue of stocking up of pig and chicken blood in the fridge because occasionally Papa has a craving for blood.

I have always been curious as to how Dad motivates Papa to do daily chores like sweeping and mopping the floors of their bedroom and mine. I know for certain it has something to do with the charm around Papa's neck. The charm looks very innocent, a silver ring crafted into the semblance of an entwined vine hanging from a black cord. But I never got to find out how the charm actually works until my 16th birthday.

B. My 16th Birthday ------------------ We observe the movements of the sun and moon very closely because they resemble the life-giving source of the God and Goddess. Dad and I would keep track of the sun and moon's relative position with each other as well as with other star signs using astrology charts. Both of us would then decide how best we can work out activities to tap the raw energy of our patron deities. Papa couldn't be bothered because for him so long as his neanderthal urges are satisfied, he is happy.

It was my 16th birthday, Dad decided that in honour of the Goddess we would go vegetarian and as a form of celebration, the entire house should only be lit by aromatic candles. It was quite an affair, the place filled with the refreshing smell of citrus, lavender and ginseng, our dining table covered using silver silk and laden with boiled baby carrots, fried pineapple rice, fresh orange juice, herbal soup and other delicacies. Both my parents wore their white robes and I wore a black t-shirt with a pair of grey shorts. Neither of us were wearing any underwear because Dad felt clothes were physical barriers that inhibited our full dedication to the Goddess.The evening proceeded quite smoothly until the time came for me to beseech the Goddess for her blessings.

I poured clumps of earth into a clay bowl before me, clasping my hand together and began a chant that sounded more like a song.

"HMmm, since She is going to be busy tonight I don't suppose He would like

to come out and play?", Papa said sarcastically.

To disrupt a ritual is a definite no-no. Now Papa never interrupted any of our rituals as far as I can remember, but I guess something Dad said earlier on pissed him off. Both of them were supposed to place candles around the house for the party tonight but somehow Dad got called away to a meeting at the University. When Dad came home a few hours before the celebration, Papa was mad. Never one to be extremely willing to work and I suspected a large part because Dad had been too busy with his work lately and neglected Papa (There were definitely less moans and groans coming from their room for the past fortnight), Papa must have decided this was THE perfect time to grumble.

Quickly, I finished the chant and lit the black and white candles on the altar leaving them to burn through the night.

I turned around.

Dad glared at Papa with a look that could melt ice. It conveyed several meanings, disgust and something like "I didn't think you would stoop so low".

"With a small and deformed dick like yours?" Dad inquired in a clipped, glacial tone.

"I didn't hear you complaining when I had it up your arse, bitch." Papa retorted.

Then something strange happened.

Suddenly, all emotions were wiped clean from Dad's face, replaced by a teasing smile and a sensual look. He sauntered towards Papa, swaying his hips and butts with the seductive grace of a siren, putting his left arm around Papa's neck while the other languorously explores Papa's crotch - tracing burning paths as he lightly circles the area with his fingers.

Papa was stunned speechless and could only look on. Papa's eyes opened in shock and then a soft groan escaped his lips as the hand below reached into his robe and squeezed his nuts.


A soft groan of pleasure.


A sharp intake of breath and Papa's rod peeked out from beneath the robe. Pulsing and hot, the veins were visible beneath the skin.


Papa's knees buckled and he stumbled to the floor.

"Uhmm..mmMmm" Papa groaned as the hand began to stroke his 8" rod now stiff as a mast.

Slowly yet purposefully the hand stroked and then after a while Dad bent down and covered Papa's rod with his mouth. I could only hear slurping sounds as Papa's rod was licked and the red flush of pleasure on Papa's face was unbelievably erotic. That was even before the blond head began to move.

Up and Down.

Up and Down.

Faster and quicker.

The groaning became louder and louder.

"Harder and deeper love. YES, OH YESS . THROAT ME DUVRE, COME ON BABY!" Papa encouraged

Papa's legs were now fully-stretched on the floor, his hands behind his back as he strained to lift himself upwards.

I could only see the head bobbed up and down even faster, that piece of 8" seemed to have completely disappeared down the throat.

"I'm going to CUM....I'M CUMMING" Papa screamed like a beast.

Then Dad stopped.

Swiftly from a side pocket in his robe, he pulled out a huge rubber band and tied it around Papa's erect rod, now smeared with saliva and pre-cum. Not too tight and not too loose, just around the base of the cock. Then he pulled out a rope and tied Papa's hands together. All this time Papa seemed oblivious to what was going on because he was drugged with his pleasure. Next was the feet. When Papa realized what had happened, it was too late. Papa was now in a suspended state of pleasure where he could not relieve himself and needed someone to help him ejaculate.

"WHAT THE FUCK@!...YOU BLOODY WITCH" Papa stared at Dad in anger.

Papa started to struggle and when that failed he closed his eyes as if in meditation. I knew what he was doing, morphing. Changing himself so he could get out of this situation. It was then that Dad grabbed the charm around Papa's neck and began to chant in an inaudible voice.

When the chanting stopped, Papa opened his eyes and could only stare at Dad with an expression between hate and fury. I realized Dad had temporarily sealed Papa's shape-shifting ability with the charm! It wasn't a beautiful sight, Papa was only half-way through changing himself. I'm not sure what he wanted in mind but spiky hair was sprouting all over his body and his nails had began to grow longer and sharper, almost like a wolf. But his flawless facial features and muscled body were still intact, which was a good thing I concluded because he would look real yummy for people with a fetish about hair.

"YOU CURSED......GODDAMNED...." Papa cried in frustration only to be muffled as Dad's mouth covered his in a hot kiss.

"You know...... I really..... enjoy a hairy beast..... under my disposal. It turns me on.....Immensely. Come on....BITE ME darling" Dad taunted, all the time kissing and pinching Papa's nipples until they became taut like twin peaks in a jungle of hair.

Papa's rod was still hard and throbbing in pain. Then Dad began to kiss Papa's body, lingering at the crotch, licking and slurping. The next thing I saw before I quietly slipped to my bedroom was Dad inserting his pinky into Papa's butthole and teasing him until Papa was moaning and screaming all over again. And Dad was cracking some joke at the expense of Papa about expanding his dick until 12" or something.

"Please....take..me...." I heard Papa pleading.

"Now who's the bitch?" I heard Dad laughed, obviously enjoying himself.

Now, it wasn't the first time they went wild before me, but THIS was definitely an eye-opener. I never quite found out the invocation spell for Papa's charm besides I think I probably wouldn't be able to use it anyway because I have the odd feeling that some sort of spiritual bonding must be achieved for such a spell to work.

The next morning, both my parents were up exceptionally early and were definitely on better terms with each other. It seemed like last night released much of their pent-up emotions and stress. Papa was even caught necking Dad when I stumbled into the kitchen. I merely smiled.


This is my first time writing erotic fiction. Any comments, please send to sky_tanek@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 2

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