With All of My Art

By Foxy Fashion Boy

Published on Apr 27, 2006


DISCLAIMER: This is a work of homoerotic fiction. While the places in this story actually do exist, the characters exist only in the imagination of the author and reader. If it is illegal for you to be reading something of this nature, then don't read it! Any similarities to actual people and events is pure coincidence, and completely unintended by the author.

That being said, if you want to reach me, you can do so @ FoxyFashionBoy@gmail.com .


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With All of My "Art"

Chapter 2: Tainted Love

An emotionally unstable Jayson was curled up on the sofa, his head on the lap of his childhood friend, Jocelyn. Idly, Jo began to run her fingers through Jayson's light locks, as it was grounding not only her at the moment but the frightened boy in her lap.

"Oh, Robbie..." she said softly as her suspicions had confirmed just by seeing her roommates face.

Jayson had been talking about Adam all along when he was describing the asshole from earlier. And I called him a prick...she had to hold back a snicker as it the situation had grown not only awkward but kind of ironic. What the hell is a girl supposed to say now?

"Um..." Adam fumbled for words. "Would you like a pop?"

A quiet voice came from the couch. "I thought you said your name was Adam."

"Well technically it is," Jo chimed in. "I'm the only one that calls him Robbie. I took it from his last name," she said, giving Jay the short explanation.

Jayson looked up at Jo. "His last name?"

"I'll be in my room." Adam said, trying to get away from Jo before she went apeshit on him. As he turned, he caught a glimpse of something in the right leg of Jay's shorts and he stopped dead in his tracks, transfixed by the sight.

"Hold it mister," Jo said getting up from the couch after nudging Jay to lift his head. She reached out and grabbed a hold of Adam's wrist, though it wasn't necessary. The boy had already stopped dead in his tracks, obviously rooted there for some reason or another.

The little sprite tilted her head to the side wondering what the hell could have caught Adams attention like that so suddenly. Following where his eyes were focused, she let out a quiet "eep" and covertly tried to get Jay's attention.

"What?" Jay said as he shifted on the couch, causing something to fall out even more. "Jo, what?"

She didn't want to come right out and say it because that would only cause the shy boy to...she didn't want to think about what would happen. Shifting her body weight she crossed her ankles and after catching his eyes, poignantly looked down to his groin. " Oh for the love of...don't make me say it Jay," she whined to herself.

"Holy hell! You didn't tell me he was hung like a fucking horse, Jo!" Once again, Adam said exactly the wrong thing at the worst possible time.

Looking down, Jay saw a good 4 inches of soft cut cock hanging out of his shorts. Turning a bright red, he reached down and tucked himself back in.

Jo smacked Adam. She felt bad for Jay; he couldn't help if he was "gifted."

"Of all days to forget my jock," Jay thought to himself, as he hid the painful memories of high school that came rushing back. He hid his pain well, or so he thought. It never fooled Jo.

Adam had been so lost in his own thoughts that the blow to the back of his head snapped him to the present. "Oww," he said reaching up to the back of his head. "What the hell did you do that for?" he asked, finally able to take his eyes away from Jay.

"You never could learn how to be tactful could you?" she said making a face at him that said she wasn't happy with him right now. She couldn't fault Adam because he didn't know that Jay's size was the main problem with his confidence. The teasing in school didn't help, and Adam's comment certainly didn't help.

"I think I'm gonna go out," said Jay, getting up and heading to the door. "Maybe I can find somewhere dark so I can eat alone and not be gawked at."

"No you don't, pussycat^Å you aren't going anywhere either," she said turning around and snatching the back of Jay's shirt. She knew Jay to well to know the signs. Call her an overprotective sister or what not, but Jay meant a lot to her. She didn't want to see him run off and block himself from the rest of the world before he even got to enjoy it.

Pulling back her arm, she motioned Jay to sit back down while also pulling on Adam to get him to sit down. "We are staying here and talking, and don't make me be the only one talking," she said looking from one friend to the other.

"Josie, haven't I been through enough already? I just want to be by myself and not be treated like an asshole or a freak," Jay said as he allowed himself to be dragged down into a kitchen chair.

Still rubbing the back of his head, Adam grumpily made his way into the kitchen and plopped down into the chair.

"Okay first things first: you aren't an asshole, and you are definitely not a freak," she said making sure to emphasis that she meant every word she spoke. "Here's the deal... we three are going to be living together, right? Of course right. So to make this arrangement work out, things between you two need to be settled," she said pulling up a chair for herself and sitting down. "Who's going to go first?"

Adam took a deep breath. "Look, I'm sorry I yelled at you. I've got boyfriend issues and took it out on the wrong person. I really am sorry. As far as the staring goes, I think its hot^Å." He winked at Jay.

Jay nodded and smiled at Adam, silently thanking him for the apology. But when he saw the wink, he freaked out. Jay stood up, tripped over his chair and fell to the ground cursing and holding his leg. "And today was supposed to be happy." He said to himself.

"Alright an apology is a good start," Jo was thinking to herself as Adam began talking. She almost caught herself giggling as the wink passed between the two, except for the fact that Jay had freaked out. It really didn't hit her until now, with both guys in the same room, how different they really were. Adam was open to the world about being gay, whereas Jay was still locked in his proverbial closet.

"Jay!" she shrieked when she saw him hit the floor. Pushing back on her chair she shot up and crouched down next to him on the floor. She looked over her should and shot him a look to cut it out, before attending to Jay. "Sweetie, are you okay?"

"The chair hit my nuts," he choked out as Jo knelt next to him.

With a slight grin, Adam stood up and walked over to Jay. "Hey hot stuff, need help seeing if your equipment still works? I mean, I'd hate to see something as beautiful as that get damaged."

Jo needed to do something and fast, if she wanted to salvage any attempt at these two becoming friends. "Can I tell him why? I mean, I don't want to do it without your permission, babe," she asked softly, meaning why Jay was sensitive about his size.

Jay nodded and moved over to the couch. Leaning back, he stuck a hand down his shorts, making sure he was ok.

After making sure that Jay was set, and that he was alright with Jo telling Adam, she stood up and turned on her heel to face Adam. Grabbing his hand, she pulled Adam to the side of the kitchen, still within hearing distance from Jay. "Listen up and listen well," she said in a tone she very much hated to use. It was a tone that left no room for argument. "Things happened to Jay when he was in high school. The other guys used to torture him like you wouldn't believe, because he was more "gifted" then they were. I'd say they were jealous," she said bitterly. "But we're getting off track. Whatever you do, do not make any more comments about him like that again while I'm around, you got me?"

He hadn't seen what the big deal was about; it had only been a simple comment. " The guy should be flattered; he's got something like that in his pants. Any other guy would be stupid not to want it."

"Okay enough with the tugging damn it," he said, still being manhandled by Jo. He ripped his hand from her grip. Adam didn't even get a chance to say anything else because from what Jo said, he was in deep shit. The only other time she used that tone was when Adam had walked in on Brad in Adam's bed with another guy.

"Well how the hell was I supposed to know he has problems with his dick? If I were him I'd be happy to have something like that," he said looking up and noticing that the subject of conversation could now be seen in the kitchen, behind the small island, naked from the waist down.

As Jay hunted for his jockstrap, he felt better knowing that Jo was sticking up for him and that Adam had apologized. "Jo, why is he called both Robbie and Adam?" he yelled down the hallway. And why do all the hot ones have to be taken?

"He doesn't have problems with his dick, dumbass," she said rolling her eyes. "He's got self esteem problems is all," she said defending Jay. "You weren't there Robbie, you don't know what they did to him. So please, promise me..." she said grabbing a hold of his chin and making him look down at her. "Knock it off with the jabs alright? At least until you guys are friends," she said softly with a hopeful smile. God this has to work.

Adam had a hard time saying no to Jo when she got like this, she looked so helpless and knew it. "Damn it, I hate when you do this you know that?"

Ha bingo! Jo knew that she got her answer from his response. Not a definite yes or no, but she knew his answer. "You still love me anyways and you know it," she flashed him a smirk while ruffling his hair.

"What?" she said hearing Jay say something. "Oh yeah forgot about that," she chuckled while walking over to the couch and laying down, looking out the window at the city beyond it. "Nothing special really, I just wanted to be different. I took 'Robbie' from his last name, Robinson. His full name is Adam Robinson."

"It's ok, I forgive you, Adam. I know you didn't mean it." There went his heart again. He looked at Adam and smiled, mentally undressing the stud.

Taking one glance at Jay, Adam saw he was standing in the kitchen, still naked from the waist down. Oddly enough he was still staring directly at Adam.

Sometimes Jo knew that Jay was easy to forgive others, as the guy wore his heart on his sleeve. But she wasn't going to fault him this time as it all had been a misunderstanding.

Pleasantly oblivious to the real reason why the two were looking at each other, Jo's satisfied smile played on her lips as things seemed to be working out alright.

Once again the boy, presently dressing behind the island, was able to captivate Adam's attention. Or rather it was his most impressive bulge in his pants, which Adam didn't see the point in trying to hide it. You'd have to be pretty damn blind not to see that thing.

Suddenly realizing what he was doing, Jay yanked jock on and pulled his shorts back up. "Jo, where's my room?"

"Oh, that's ok. I'll show you. It's the least I can do after yelling at you." Adam said, barely containing his excitement.

If Adam hadn't offered to show Jay, Jo would have suggested he do it anyway. She may have been oblivious before, but she was quick to pick up. "He's gotta grow up, and who better to help him then Robbie," she thought to herself about Jay needing some kind of guidance.

"Go ahead Jay, Robbie'll show you to your room," she said nudging the boy with her foot.

Thankful that Jo hadn't noticed him changing, Jay quickly hurried around the corner and followed Adam down the hall to his room.

"So, this is your room. It used to belong to my ex-boyfriend before I walked in on him cheating. Have you ever had a boyfriend?" Adam asked as he opened the door to Jay's room.

"Um... well you see..." Jay blushed and leaned against the wall, avoiding looking at Adam.

"Oh my god. You're not out yet!" Adam, smiled and moved closer to Jay. "I can help you change that," he purred as he stared up into Jay's intense blue eyes. "Has anyone told you how sexy and kissable you are?" Adam gently placed his mouth on the Jayson's, feeling Jayson's resistance crumble.

"I want you to trust me. I promise I'll never hurt you intentionally, if you promise that you'll open up to me more. Deal?" Adam stuck a hand out.

"You kissed me," Jay said, shaking the offered hand.

"Yes, I did. I'll go apologize to Jo for ruining her day while you take care of your problem. Welcome to Grand Rapids, sugar," Adam said. Kissing him gently on the cheek, Jay watched Adam leave the room.

Jo waited until the two were out of sight before deciding she needed a fix, a chocolate fix to be exact. Jay was the one that got her hooked on the stuff and now was a time she needed it. Getting up, she padded into the kitchen area and rifled through the cupboards trying to remember where she hid the damn stuff. "Why have the shit if I can never find it?" she grumbled before exclaiming, "Gotcha!"

Sitting down at the table after grabbing a Coke from the fridge, she made herself comfortable at the table. "Wonder how those two are doing?" she thought out loud.

Adam walked into the kitchen, a big smile on his face. "Guess who just kissed me?"

The chocolate didn't even make it to her mouth, as she gaped at Adam. "No way," she said not believing what she heard. Though she couldn't help but smile some at the thought.

"Joey, when were you going to tell me that hot, hung, honey is homo!"

"Shhh," she giggled waving a hand at Adam to keep his voice down. "Sit," she said pushing the chair out with her foot. "First of all, that 'hot, hung, honey' has a name. And besides, I didn't think it was pertinent information," she said jokingly.

Adam took a seat at the table. "So you've known him basically your entire life, right? I mean, do you think him and me could, well... you know... work? I mean, he's hot beyond belief and tried to help me earlier today after Brad called. It seemed like he actually cared, too."

Adam looked up as Jay rounded the corner into the kitchen. He bent down behind Jo and whispered so only she could hear, "Josie, I want him." He walked around the table and sat very close to Adam. "I forgot to give you this earlier." he said, giving Adam a kiss on the lips.

Suddenly the door opened and in walked Brad. "Hey babe, I forgot my^Å" he started to say as he walked in the door and caught sight of Jay and Adam. "What the fuck?! You don't wait a single fucking DAY do you?!?!" Brad stalked over and without waiting, punched Jayson. "Don't fucking touch my boy!"

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To be continued...

Notes: I love mail from my readers! It lets me know just how well I've done with my writing. Last time, I only got one e-mail from a reader, and I'm hoping more than that actually read it. The next installment is being written as I speak... or type I guess... and will be posted after my boy read it and all that.

Hugs and smoochies for all!


Next: Chapter 3

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