With All of My Art

By Foxy Fashion Boy

Published on Sep 26, 2006


DISCLAIMER: This is a work of homoerotic fiction. While the places in this story actually do exist, the characters exist only in the imagination of the author and reader. If it is illegal for you to be reading something of this nature, then don't read it! Any similarities to actual people and events is pure coincidence, and completely unintended by the author. (There is one MAJOR exception in this chapter, and yes that part is completely true.)

That being said, if you want to reach me, you can do so @ FoxyFashionBoy@gmail.com .


P.S. I apologize for the lapse in posting time, things have come up and you all will understand by the end of the story.

With All of My "Art"

Chapter 3: Counting Your Losses

Jayson felt the fist connect with his face, and he flew back out of his chair, hitting the floor with a dull thud.

"Jayson!" he heard Jo screech and she ran over to his side, her motherly instincts kicking in again.

He couldn't believe what he was seeing, but then again it hadn't surprised all that much. "What the hell is wrong with you?" Adam said turning to face the attacker. "He didn't do anything to you and I am not your boy anymore!"

Having seen Adam kissing another guy, only one day after breaking up with him, Brad had lost it. His temper sometimes got the better of him and today it was Jayson who was taking the brunt of said anger.

"He was kissing you," he said incredulously like it had explained everything, and to him it did.

"I'm completely free to kiss other people, Brad. We are NOT going out anymore!"

"Still," he paused because he was trying to come up with a reason, any reason, for having done what he had done. "One fucking day Adam and you already got your tongue down asshat's mouth," he said waving a hand in Jays direction.

Adam sighed. "Brad, why are you back? I mean, seriously, why?"

"Well since you bit my head off earlier, I though I'd better come back to get the shit I left in your car. It was why I called," he said in a huff. "And I wanted to see you but I guess that was pretty stupid of me huh?" he said with sarcasm dripping from his words. His intent was to make Adam feel bad for treating Brad like this.

"I want nothing to DO with you!" Adam's voice was quickly growing louder, "I found you in bed with best friend, Brad! My best fucking friend!" Tears started to slowly crawl down Adam's olive toned face. "What the fuck was I supposed to do, join in? All I could think of was that my ass wasn't enough for you. Maybe I didn't love you enough, or show it often enough! But you've convinced me of the real problem: You. YOU were the one that got drunk! YOU were the one that cheated! YOU were the one that gave both me AND Jordan bruises. Damn it Brad, I used to love you!"

Without really thinking about what Adam said, as it only went in one ear and out the other, Brad reached forward with one hand and grasped the front of Adam's shirt. With a quick tug, he pulled the smaller boy to his chest and caught his lips in a searching kiss. There really was no point in having the kiss, it was just to show Adam that Brad still could do as he pleased, and it would show that fucker on the floor that Adam was still his no matter what.

Adam let himself be pulled into the kiss, forgetting how mad he was at Brad. He lets his ex-boyfriends strong, muscular arms erase any doubt and envelop him in a feeling that he had fooled himself into believing was love. "You shouldn't be doing this," his mind told him.

Happy that he had gotten the intended reaction out of Adam, Brad tugged on the boys bottom lip as he pulled back. Wearing a satisfied smirk on his face he said, "Doesn't look like you stopped loving me."

As Adam dragged Brad into his bedroom, half-heartedly swatting at the door to close it, Jayson's cell phone rang. "Could you answer that, Jo? I'm kind of in the middle of bleeding, here."

"Sure thing, babe," came the answer as Jo flipped open the phone and pressed "SEND." As Jayson walked into the bathroom to stop the bleeding, he could hear Jo's side of the conversation.

"Jayson's phone, Jo speaking... What? Oh my god! Does Jay know?" He heard a muffled sob escape Jo's lips. "Of course. Yes, we'll both be there as soon as possible."

Jay managed to get the bleeding stopped and stepped out of the bathroom. A phone was immidiately thrust in his face.

"Hello?" he said tentatively, not knowing who it could be.

A wavering voice answered him, "Jayson, its mom. I've got some bad news for you. Your father collapsed about 30 minutes ago and is not breathing. They took him to the hospital, but it doesn't look good. The doctor said he has a 1 in 1000 chance of surviving."

"I... but... he..." Jayson fumbled for words.

"Come home, honey. I need you. Your Uncle David and Aunt Ann are coming in from Chicago with your cousins, and Aunt Diane and Uncle Ken have already started to drive up from Florida. I need you and Jocelyn to pick up your Grandparents and come home as soon as possible. Please let Jo drive, I need you to be there for your grandpa and grandma." He was amazed at how steady his mothers voice was.

"Of course, mommy. We're heading out now. I'll keep my phone on. Call me if anything happens." Jay hung up the phone and hugged Jo, letter her cry into his chest.

"She wants us to pick up my grandparents on the way back to Lansing," was all Jay could think of to say. "C'mon, lets go."


The drive to Lansing was stressful to say the least. His grandpa stared out the window with an arm around his grandma, who kept on saying that they should not be burying their son, but it should be the other way around. This of course, got his grandpa to yell about Dad not being dead yet. Jayson didn't even try to intervene.


Entering the ICU was something Jay would never forget. There was something about the sterile white walls and tiled floors that was not comforting at all. His mother met him at the door of his father's room, informing him that so far he was stable but completely unresponsive. She walked Jay over to the figure of his father lying on the hospital bed.

"Look who's here honey, it's your bouncing baby boy," his mother sat down on a chair that someone had brought her a while ago.

"Hi, Daddy," he said, reaching out to touch his fathers unmoving hand. The skin was cold and felt waxy to Jayson.

Unable to bear the sight of his father like this, turned to leave. "Mom, I'm going to be in the Visitor's Lounge."


Jay and Jo stayed at the hospital, not wanting to leave. Someone eventually brought them pillows and blankets to sleep on. Shortly before 8:00 am the next morning, a nurse came in and told everyone that his vital signs were dropping and he might pass very soon so everyone should come and say their final 'goodbye's.

When Jayson went into the room he found his mother with a tear streaked face, and put his arm around her. "Jayson's back, sweetie. Your baby boy is back."

He held one of his fathers hands as his mother held the other. He leaned in close to his father's right ear and whispered softly, "I love you, daddy."

Suddenly the alarms started beeping, and at 8:00 exactly, the tone on the heart monitor became solid.

"He was waiting for me to say goodbye," Jayson thought to himself as he and his mother cried into each others arms.

~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~*~

To be continued...


Continuity between real life and the story:

My father died on May 21st, 2006 at 8:00 am exactly. He had collapsed the previous morning and had stopped breathing on his own. I was in the shower at that time and can't help but think that if I hadn't been in there, I might have been able to do something...he might still be alive today.

Unlike in the story my grandfather is not still alive. I added him in physically, because somehow I could feel him there spiritually.

Also, I was in Lansing with my mom and grandma when this all happened, not Grand Rapids as in the story.

Responses are appreciated, and I once again apologize for the long delay in posting this chapter.


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