Wizards on Deck

By RobGnVA80

Published on Mar 10, 2012


A note from the Author: To all those who have written, thank you so much! I appreciate the feedback and to know you are enjoying the story so far. Lots more to tell-and yes, to those of you who asked/suggested, as I imply here, I plan to 'mix it up' in later chapters (and maybe some other hot Disney stars might visit the Tipton or NYC). I also welcome your input of course. I would like to know that people are reading it. One last random question, would you like shorter chapters more often, or longer chapters like this one, every few weeks? I am a slow writer, so I can't crank out a chapter every couple days.



(Very) loosely based on an episode of the Disney series 'Suite Life on Deck,' where characters from 'Wizards of Waverly Place' have guest spots. (Both shows are still being repeated) 18 year-old Wizard Justin Russo (played by David Henrie) wins a trip on the cruise ship SS Tipton, and his 15 year-old Wizard brother Max (played by Jake T. Austin) joins him. (In this version everyone is a little older than they were on the show episode). The twins Zack and Cody Martin (played by Dylan and Cole Sprouse, respectively) are 17. Oh and if anyone has any doubts about Justin's buffness, just Google image search of the actor who plays him, David Henrie. If you need any other visual aids of him, Jake T. Austin, or the Sprouse Twins, there are tons of images on Google and clips on YouTube.

This story is a complete work of fiction and all characters are copyrighted to Disney. This is in no way a representation of the sexuality of the actors or the characters.

Wizards on Deck, Part 2

Zack spread his fingers out and cradled Max's lean, muscular fifteen-year-old ass in his hands, feeling it flex as Max thrust their hips together. He could also feel Max's hardon rubbing against his through their shorts. One of the Russo boy's hands was on the small of Zack's back, the other was combing through his hair as they kissed, tongues sometimes playfully battling as they moaned softly.

Zack slowly worked Max backward towards his bed -- wishing for once that he had actually made it - then when he felt the younger guy start to unbalance, he helped support him as they fell together on the bed. Still, both had the breath knocked out of them.

"Oooh!" Max gasped, but he was smiling up at Zack, whose hair had fallen down over his face.

The twin spread his legs so he was straddling Max and provocatively ground their hips together a couple of times.

"Oh man, if you keep doing that, I'm gonna..."

"Gonna what?" Zack grinned devilishly. Then he slid one hand up under Max's t-shirt and started to tickle his tight lean stomach.

"No, please I'm ticklish!!" Max almost squealed as he tried to squirm away from the taller boy.

"Oh, now I know your secret weakness!" Zack raised up a little so he could use both hands to yank Max's shirt up higher, exposing his totally smooth stomach and the lower part of his chest.

"Two can play at this game!" Max reached out with his own long slim arms and slipped his hands into Zack's shirt and started tickling his soft smooth skin.

"Oh, no! No way man, you can't - ohh ahhh!" As it turned out, Zack was at least as ticklish as Max.

Cody gently cupped Justin's perfect pecs in his hands, feeling the smooth skin, the powerful muscles underneath. Justin was like some gorgeous god. He could feel Justin's heart pounding in his chest. 'Could I really be exciting him?' Cody dared to glance up, and his god had his eyes closed, a little smile on his face.

While Cody was playing with Justin's chest, the eldest Russo son was lightly running his fingers up and down Cody's slim flanks. 'Kind of like Max's...' he thought, before pushing that thought out of his mind. He'd already dealt with his issues about being gay; worse by far, he could feel a strange attraction for his little brother as he had gotten older. They would wrestle and tickle each other, and more than once lately Justin had gotten an erection, which he had to hide from Max. 'Maxie would never understand.' But meanwhile, Cody's soft hands on his chest felt so incredible... he was moving his fingers down... he was rubbing his thumbs over Justin's nipples very lightly. "Cody that feels amazing, please don't stop."

"Justin it's just as great to be able to touch your awesome body, believe me." Then Cody glanced down and he saw the big tent in Justin's shorts. 'Oh my gosh, Justin must be huge!' He felt the urge to reach down and feel that big bulge, but was scared that would be way too forward. He slid his hands down over Justin's six-pack abs, feeling them going in and out as his hunky fellow nerd breathed.

Justin opened his eyes then and looked at Cody. They were just about the same height, but of course Justin probably outweighed Cody by at least 20 pounds, all of it muscle. Justin smiled gently, slipped his arms around Cody and pulled them together. Both young men could feel their straining erections pressing against each other. Cody started to tremble. "Cody what is it? Please don't be nervous! Do you want to stop?" Justin asked, concern in his voice.

"I won't lie, I am nervous, but I trust you. It's just that I've never... had these feelings before."

Justin smiled and tenderly brushed Cody's hair out of his eyes. The twin smiled shyly then. "You have the cutest smile Cody."

"Aw come on."

"I mean it!" Justin pulled him into a hug, and for a moment Cody felt just how strong Justin Russo was. "So, um, I think there's an elephant in the room, or maybe two elephant trunks in the room..." He guided them apart a few inches, showing the tents in their shorts. They both looked down, then back up into each others' eyes.

Even in the dimly lit cabin, it was easy to see Cody's fair skin blush with embarrassment.

But Justin was blushing too. "Cody, dude, whatever happens, or doesn't happen, I'm okay. This is your home and I am just visiting. I'm all wound up and excited. I never thought I might meet someone as cute and smart as you, who liked... guys... like I do. At least I think I got that right."

"Yeah, I have been scared about it, but Justin, now I know I can't go back. But you're so perfect. I don't know if I could ever meet anyone again who could compare to you."

"Well." Justin pulled Cody against him again in a gentle hug, "I'm not all that great, once you get to know me. I'm kind of goofy sometimes, I'm not really very coordinated, even kind of a spazz."

"I think that's kind of cute." Cody smiled. "I'm not athletic at all, I have allergies, and I don't know what else."

"It's all good Cody. We're just two guys, we're having a nice time together. Maybe that's a good thing about it being just guys, I mean, we're kind of on the same mindset." Justin slid his hands over Cody's perky little butt.

"Yeah." Cody leaned back a little, but kept their hips together. "Dark Matter... extrasolar planets, that new fossil discovery in England..."

"Nanites, geothermal power... and the large 'hardon' collider." At the last one, Justin grinned and pulled Cody against him a little tighter so their hard cocks rubbed together through their shorts.

Cody giggled nervously, but he put his hands on Justin's hips. "So you caught my little Freudian slip earlier."

"Of course I did. That's when I started to hope you were interested. I think Freud was right."

"You saw me staring at your chest didn't you?"

"Only because I was looking at your eyes."

Meanwhile, Zach and Max were giggling and wrestling like two wild boys. They had managed to get each others' shirts off, and if Zack's bed hadn't been already trashed, it was now. Zack was a couple inches taller than Max, and weighed a few more pounds, but Max was a bit more athletic, so they were pretty evenly matched. Finally, Zack got Max pinned on his back on the bed again, straddling him. Both were sweating, breathing hard, and Zack was grinding against Max's crotch again. Then he put his hands on the cute part-Latino boy's chest (which was already starting to get defined) and instead of tickling, he started to feel him up.

Max looked up at him, and the playful expression turned to something else: hungry, wanting, a little confused. "Dude, what are you..."

Before Max could even say anything else, Zack had slipped his hands down over Max's lean abs and started fumbling with the button of his cargo shorts. "Max, I've never done this with a guy - or anybody - but you are so hot."

Max's answer was to grab Zack's head and pull him down so they could kiss again while the twin kept fumbling with his shorts. Even as he was kissing Zack, thoughts something like this were running through Max's hormone-addled brain: 'I don't know what the hell I'm doing, but this is great! I wonder what Justin is doing? Is he with Zack's twin Cody?' Then Max felt a strange pang of jealousy. He would never admit it, but he looked up to Justin, even kind of worshipped him. He was so smart, and handsome, and even if he acted like a dork sometimes, he always looked out for his younger siblings. And Max had to admit, sometimes, he used magic to spy on Justin naked... and jerking off. And it turned him on. Justin had a really hot body, and a big dick, and Max got really hard watching Justin stroke it, and he wondered what Justin thought about. And when he came, his spunk blew all over his hot chest and abs. It made Max feel really strange, and those feelings confused him. Was he attracted to his older brother?

Just then Zack got Max's shorts open, his hand slipped in and he started to feel up Max's hard cock in his boxer briefs. Max was so embarrassed because he knew he was already leaking out stuff he was so excited.

"Oh Max, damn I think your... cock... is bigger than mine." Zack breathed as the two teens writhed together on the bed. He ran his hand up and down the length of Max's pulsing cock, unable to help himself. He'd never gone this far with anyone... well a few times he had played with Cody but that didn't count, it was just brothers. But now, Max was whining and gasping, and Zack could feel the guy's cock throbbing in his hand. He felt kind of powerful, like he could get little Max off or not, and Max might even beg for it. But Zack wasn't mean, even though he did like to tease. And dammit, he really liked this hot skinny guy. This was the first person ever to share his bed with him and it was a guy! Sure he'd made out with girls before, but this was different... for some reason it was way more exciting, even though they were not naked yet, what did that mean? Was he gay? If he and Cody were twins, was Cody gay too?

For someone who played dumb, Zack was actually just about as smart as Cody; just in a different way. Where Cody had intellect, reasoning and incredible mathematical skills (very left-brain), Zack had intuition, creativity and instinct (right-brain). In a way they were a perfect yin and yang. One day they would figure that out, and then... well that's another story. But both boys had emotions and needs, and it seems like each had met someone special...

Meanwhile, Zack looked down into Max's beautiful big brown eyes. Max was looking up at him with a funny expression: kind of hot and horny, but trusting too. 'Damn I don't want to hurt his feelings, what if he gets a crush on me? Heck, what if I already am getting a crush on him?'

"Zack? Can I feel yours too?" Max asked, even as his hand slid down over Zack's bulge in his shorts.

Zack - who was getting tired of supporting himself on one arm anyway - flopped on his side, and Max rolled over to face him.

Max immediately went to work on the belt and zipper on Zack's shorts. 'Oh man, I can't believe it, this hot dude is feeling me up and he's gonna let me do the same to him. I wonder what his dick is like.'

The teenagers squirmed and wriggled their way out of their shorts, leaving Max in a pair of navy blue boxer briefs and Zack in a pair of colorful boxers. Both were breathing hard, and not just from exertion.

"You want to get under the covers?" Zack asked, suddenly feeling shy.

"Sure, okay."

They scrambled under the disheveled sheets, and as if on cue, both reach out and cuddled together. Both were trembling. "Dude, Max," Zack whispered, pulling the younger teen tight, "We don't have to do any more if you don't want to, but if you want to sleep here, that would be... really cool."

"Thanks man, this does feel good. You even smell nice. And I know you aren't trying to take advantage of me or anything. Heck, I wanted to be like this as much as you."

"Aren't you from New York City? And you never met anyone at school, no friends or anything, you wanted to mess around with?"

"Sure a few I want to, but I'm scared, and was kinda confused about it, and what if people found out, you know. Actually, I kinda think Justin Bieber is hot." Max looked down shyly.

"Yeah you and every tween girl, and I am sure more than a few guys." Zack said, and ran his fingers through Max's hair.

"But here on the ship, it's Justin and me. He's a little protective of me, but since I think he's off with your twin brother and he figures I am with you, that I am probably okay."

"Little does he know his brother is cuddled up with Zack in his underwear."

"Yeaaaah!" Max laughed and started writhing against Zack while play wrestling him at the same time.

"Want me to put on some music?" Justin asked. "I got a lot of stuff on my iPod."

"Sure, lemme see." Cody pulled it out of his hand, though Justin grabbed at it. "Oh wow, you got all kinds of stuff, science podcasts, pop, dance, lots of classical. Wow Justin," Cody looked up, "I like you even more." He plugged the iPod into the cabin's speakers and Pachelbel's Canon in D began to play.

"Wow Cody that is one of my favorites, it helps me relax."

"Me too. So let's just relax and enjoy being together."

"I like that idea." Justin took Cody's hands and drew them back together. They slid their hands over each other, Cody still reveling in how strong and powerful Justin felt. But Justin was enjoying Cody's slim smooth body as well, and his soft shaggy blond hair.

Then when Cody's fingers strayed down to the waistband of Justin's shorts but started to move back up, the elder Russo gently grasped his hand and guided it further down... "Please Cody, please..." Justin groaned.

Cody couldn't believe what he was doing; he almost felt like he was an observer watching his hand reach down and start to slide up and down over the big long bulge in Justin's shorts. And all of a sudden, as he felt Justin's cock pulse, the head pushed up out of the top of his shorts and underwear. "Oh my god!" Cody whispered. It looked huge.

"Oh Cody I'm sorry, but that feels... so amazing..." Justin was almost gasping. Then suddenly Justin reached down and groped Cody, feeling his hard dick in his shorts, roughly stroking it through the fabric.

"Oh man! Jeeze!" Cody hissed and whimpered as Justin kept playing with him. Then the elder Russo pulled at Cody's shorts, yanked them open and down, and slid his hand right into Cody's briefs. "Ohhhh gawwd!" the twin whined as Justin gently gripped his hard cock.

"Yeah Cody, does that feel good? Man I have so wanted to get my hands on you. You are so hot!" Justin could feel a little precum leaking out of Cody's cock. He wasn't sure but Cody's dick didn't seem quite as large as his own - not that he cared about that - but it was nice and thick.

"Stop it man, if you are gonna get in my pants, I want to see you. Justin, get naked for me!" Cody said with a surprising command in his voice.

"Um, really?" Justin stepped back, suddenly shy.

"Well, yeah, you are the one with the awesome body. Please Justin, just show off for me, a little? I am sure you got nothing to be embarrassed about."

"Well, okay." Justin stepped back, slipped off his flip-flops, unbuckled his belt and dropped his shorts, then skinned off his pale blue briefs, but then he immediately cupped his hands over his crotch. Still he was an incredible vision, his legs were as powerful as his upper body; he was just plain gorgeous. And Cody knew he had no reason to be shy about what he was trying to cover.

"Come on man, I know it's bigger than mine, please let me see you just standing there naked and hot."

"Stop it!" Justin pleaded. "I am not hot! I'm just a nerdy wiz- I mean nerd. Please stop saying I am hot. Besides, I have a hadron."

Cody had to giggle then. "If you show me your hadron I'll show you mine."

Justin rolled his eyes. "Fine! I can't believe I am doing this with some guy I just met on some ship in the middle of the Caribbean. He slowly moved his hands away, revealing his cock. And what a cock. Thick and cut, with a big head, about eight inches long and pointed up from a little patch of black curls. Beneath were a pair of egg-sized balls in a tight sack. Of course the muscled 'V' of his lower abs meeting down in that region made him look even more like some kind of god.

"Damn." Whispered Cody.

"Are you happy?" Justin shifted nervously from one foot to the other, making his big weapon bob up and down.

"Dude..." Cody muttered, staring.

"Uh, I am the only one naked here!" Justin pressed.

"Oh, yeah." Cody hooked his thumbs in his briefs, now even more shy about being naked with Justin. His dick was not nearly as big. Maybe almost as thick, but not as long, and the head of Justin's was huge...



"Wanna get naked?"

"Dude if it's cool with you..." Zack barely got that out of his mouth before Max was yanking his boxers off for him, and then didn't even wait for any help from Zack before kicking off his own boxer briefs. 'Man, this guy is younger than me and I feel like he's taken charge. Not that I mind.'

Then Max pulled them together again, and Zack felt Max's hard dick against his own. For once in his life, Zack was not sure what to do with his hands. 'Oh my gosh, Max is grinding our parts together! Oh my god I want to feel his dick so bad. Will he freak out? Well, what does he expect, we're freakin naked and we're hard and... omg omg omg, he's got hold of my dick!'

"Oh dude, wow um, sorry, I just wanted to, wow your wiener is fat."

"Uh it's cool Max, actually, it feels really good." 'Oh man does it feel good!' Zack thought, feeling incredibly turned on by this hot teenager. "Can I feel yours too?"

"Sure dude that would be awesome! Oh, wow I've never had anyone else touch my dick. Zack you are the best bud ever."

Zack nervously reached out, and fumbled a little before wrapping his hand around Max's cock. Max had a little bush at the base, and it seemed pretty thick there, and tapered towards the end, then the head seemed a little bigger. It seemed a little longer than his, and the head was all wet and sticky. Zack gently played with it, stroking and fondling it a little. He didn't want to hurt Max. "Does that feel okay?"

"It feels awesome dude," Max sighed. "So much better than when I just do it myself. Am I doing okay?"

"Yeah buddy it feels really good." Zack had his other hand sliding up and down Max's chest and abs, feeling the younger teen shiver with pleasure. "You know what else we could do?" He asked almost in a whisper.

"W-what?" Max whimpered, even as Zack started to slip under the covers. 'Oh my god is he going to...?' "Ohhhh!"

Zack held the base of Max's cock in one hand while cupping his tight, almost hairless balls in the other, and began to lick the head of Max's pulsing cock. Zack felt kind of naughty but at the same time it was so hot, and Max was so cute and innocent, how could it be wrong for them to just have fun together? He slowly, gently, sucked Max's cock into his mouth...

Cody shyly stepped out of his briefs, fighting the urge to hide his privates the way Justin had. He was a respectable 6" or so cut, very thick, head about the same size as the shaft, maybe a bit bigger but not the mushroom Justin was sporting.

"See?" Justin said. "Another way we're alike. Dude, like I said we're two guys, we like each other." He walked slowly towards Cody. "Maybe it sounds corny, but Cody I like you a lot. I'm a virgin, you said you're a virgin, we can be safe together, whatever we agree on, even if we just cuddle naked. But..."

"But what?" Cody asked when Justin hesitated.

"I hope we can do whatever two guys can do to make each other happy. I haven't done anything, but I have heard about stuff, and I'm sure your have." He smiled then. "Maybe not tonight, but we have a week, maybe more."

"How could we have more? We dock in Miami and you fly back to New York in a week."

"You never know." Justin took Cody's hard cock in his hand and very gently stroked it.

"Oh man," Cody shivered, and was grateful he had an excuse to reach out and wrap his long fingers around Justin's thick beautiful cock.

"Yeah Cody!" Justin sucked in a deep breath. "Man, that feels nice."

Cody had to admit, he wanted... he wanted so bad to kneel down and try sucking on Justin's dick. He had seen it on the gay porn he had secretly downloaded to the hidden partition on his laptop that Zack could never find, and it looked so hot. But he didn't want Justin to think he was some kind of slut or something, even though they said they were virgins... he started to have trouble breathing but he fought it back.

"Dude, you okay?" Justin hugged him then, arms around his back, suddenly not sexual at all, just concern (even though their dicks were pressing together).

"Yeah, I have a little asthma. But its okay."

"Maybe we should take it easy, go a little slow? Would you be okay sleeping together? I promise not to molest you in your sleep." Justin smiled.

"Aw darn." Cody playfully punched him in the pec. "But yeah, that would be nice. Are you okay sleeping naked? It would be kind of new for me."

"We can try it and if it's awkward we can put on our undies."

"Sounds like a plan. But, um, can we cuddle?"

"I was hoping we could. I have never slept with anyone before like that."

"I have with Zack - but of course that's different, we're brothers."

"Of course. So what's it like, you sleep together naked? Max and I don't sleep together, though we rough house and stuff of course."

"Well, we kind of grew up in a hotel, our mother worked a lot, our father was away, so it was just Zack and me. We had to depend on each other. No one else knew, but Zack would cry sometimes and I told him he could sleep with me. And we would hold each other. I liked it as much as him. I think there is something special between twins, especially identical ones. I swear sometimes I know what he is thinking."

"That must be kinda strange."

"It's... different." Cody's hand strayed back to Justin's big hard cock, starting to lightly stroke it again.

Justin happily did the same for Cody, loving the feel of another guy's dick in his hand, and secretly wondering what it would taste like. They stood close to each other, sometimes looking in each others' eyes, sometimes down watching each other stroke.

"Justin, I hope you don't think I'm a pervert or something..."

"I promise I won't unless you want to do something gross!" Justin laughed nervously.

"Can I... may I... suck your dick?" Cody was shaking, and his voice cracked as he asked, but he thought maybe he'd never have another chance with such a hot guy. Maybe Justin would freak out and ask him to leave, but at least he had tried.

"Dude, if you really want to, that would be so awesome. But, can I suck yours too?" Justin asked earnestly, squeezing Cody's cock with one hand while cupping his butt with the other.

"Sh-sure, if you really want to."

"Don't you get it Cody? I really like you!" Justin pulled Cody close and started to kiss his neck. Then he whispered in Cody's ear "I will do anything you want."

Cody thought he might cum right then but he managed not to. Instead he drew Justin over to the bed and got him to lie back, his head and shoulders propped up a little of a couple of pillows. Cody had to stare for another few seconds at this amazing hunky guy. Justin had black spiky hair, beautiful eyes that seemed to change color from blue-gray to hazel, and a body anyone would die for. 'How did I ever deserve this? I don't! I can't believe inside that guy is a nerd just like me!' Cody crawled in and grasped Justin's huge hard cock at the base. "Tell me if I do something wrong, okay?" He asked quietly.

"The part right under the glans - the head - is real sensitive. But you probably know that since you have a dick too." Justin realized he was using the geeky medical term for his own cock - not to mention that of course Cody would know - but he was so confused and excited. He could feel his cheeks burning. But fortunately, Cody knew what he meant and was already busy.

Cody leaned in and licked the underside, just under the big cockhead, which swelled even bigger under the gentle stimulation. "Ohh man." Justin moaned and threw his head back.

Cody was careful to cover his teeth as he gently took the big purple head of Justin's cock into his mouth. Then he started to suck on it a little while running his tongue over the sensitive underside, hoping he was doing it right.

"Oh god, that feels awesome!" Justin hissed, his fingers digging into the sheets on either side, his strong legs opening wide so Cody had full access to his cock and balls. He could not believe the hot sight as he looked down to see naked Cody, one hand kneading the base of his cock, the other playing with his balls, and his mouth around the head of his dick. He could feel Cody's tongue playing with his cock, and it was making him crazy. Justin's head was a muddle of feelings. Cody was so smart and cute, and he would be a great friend like Zeke (Justin actually had some fantasies about Zeke, but his goofy cute friend seemed kind of clueless about sex), but here they were naked and their dicks hard and Cody was sucking on him! This was way beyond even his wildest dreams for this cruise. Justin realized he was starting to get close, and he didn't want this to end yet. Even though he knew he could be hard again pretty fast, he wanted to help Cody get off too.

"Cody, man, stop I am so close!"

Cody let go of Justin's cock, and the big dick slapped down against Justin's hard abs. "I'm sorry, was I doing something wrong?

"No dude, you were awesome, and I was about to cum, but I want to suck you too."

"Really? But..."

"No buts man. Your dick seems like the perfect size for me to..." As he spoke he leaned forward and gently pushed Cody onto his back on the bed. He smiled up at the twin before slowly sucking his hard cock into his mouth. He had one hand on his chest, playing with Cody's soft pec and nipple, the other around the base of his cock.

"Oh man, oh, man...." Cody was practically incoherent. "Justin, I'm not gonna last long..."

But Justin kept sucking, sliding his mouth up and down the shaft further and further until he worked his mouth all the way down on Cody's cock while running his fingers over the sensitive spot under his balls.

"Oh god!!" Cody yelped. "I'm cumming!"

Justin kept sucking, and managed to swallow most of Cody's sweet cum while the twin writhed on the bed.

After a minute, when Cody had started to catch his breath, Justin went to the bathroom. When he came out he brought a towel and a warm wet washcloth. As he gently cleaned up Cody he said "Sorry I'm not ready to try swallowing yet." His cock was still semi-hard, swinging between his legs.

"It's cool, you didn't even have to do that. Now I want to get you off."

"I'd love that, but don't feel pressured man."

"No, I want to. Just lay back like you were before."

"Okay." Justin smiled shyly. Cody crawled over him, and began kissing his chest, licking one of his nipples while fondling the other nipple with his fingertips and groping his pec.

"Yeah buddy that's it." Justin moaned, leaning back, eyes closed, legs wide open. His cock quickly rising to full hardness again. "You like my chest don't you Cody?"

"I love it man," Cody murmured between sucks on Justin's tender nipple, while his hand slid down to wrap around the wizard's thick hard cock.

Justin fought the urge to put his hand on the back of Cody's head and guide him down to his cock, but he did reach down to tweak his own nipple that the twin had released. He loved to feel up his chest and play with his nipples when he jerked off. Sometimes he even played with his butt a little.

Soon enough though, Cody worked his way down and began to lap at Justin's big slab of meat, enjoying how it bobbed every time he licked it, and it started to leak out little drops of clear precum. He aimed the shaft up and took it in his mouth, sucking gently on it as he locked his lips around the base of the head and flicked his tongue over it.

Justin whimpered and moaned, finally wrapping his legs over Cody's thighs to pull him closer. Then he put his hands on the sides of Cody's head, not to force him, but to play with his hair and ears and caress him as he started to suck.

Cody was a little nervous, knowing how much stronger Justin was, but soon relaxed when he realized he wasn't going to try to force his monster cock down his throat. He was pretty proud of himself that he was taking about half while working on the base and Justin's big tight balls. In the back of his mind he though of those wild gay pornos he had seen where men had anal sex. Secretly he thought it would be amazing if Justin would make love to him that way, but he was awfully big...

"Cody! I'm gonna, ohhh jeeze, I'm cumming!" Then Justin's fingers started to grab onto Cody's hair and his legs tightened and for a split second of terror, Cody thought 'Oh my god what am I doing having sex with this super-strong guy I barely know, he could be some psycho and is about to kill me or something!' But the moment passed when he thought how that was against all his intuition he had felt about Justin so far, and at the same time the felt the stud's fingers loosen but gently try to pull Cody's head away. "Dude, I'm about to shoot... you don't have to, oh god!"

But the twin stubbornly held on, tightening his lips around the base of Justin's swelling cockhead and gently tugging on his big balls as they started to pull up, as Justin's cock started to unload jets of cum into his mouth. Cody hadn't counted on the volume or force though and he had to back off, coughing. Justin grabbed his shaft and stroked it against his stomach after that, milking the rest of his cum out in little spurts on his abs as his body shook and shivered. "I'm sorry man, I tried to warn you," Justin said between gasps.

"It's okay." Cody smiled weakly around a mouthful of cum. "It was just a lot." Then he swallowed what was in his mouth, surprising himself. "Actually, yours tastes pretty good."

Justin gently pulled Cody down on top of him. "That was incredible man, I think that was the most intense orgasm I ever had."

Cody let himself relax on top of Justin for a minute, letting his body rise and fall with the bigger youth's breathing. But soon his normal neat-freak nature got the best of him. "Um, I'm gonna clean up..."

"Actually I really would like to wash up too. Would you be okay showering together?" Justin added shyly. I have a spare toothbrush you can use too."

"Okay." Cody added with a nervous giggle.

Later they were all clean and in fresh underwear (Cody borrowed a pair of Justin's, which kind of excited him) and cuddled in bed together, Justin with his arms around the slender twin.

"This is s nice." Cody sighed. "I'm glad you didn't feel strange after, you know, like..."

"Like I was going to kick you out or something?" Justin asked, sounding a little hurt.

"Well, I don't know, you hear about guys, after they 'do it,' then they don't want to hang around." Cody said softly.

"I'm glad you are hanging around." Justin spooned a little closer.

"Me too, really glad. But I wonder what Zack and your brother are up to."

"Probably sleeping in your cabin. I put the 'do not disturb' on this one."

"Did you! I missed that."

"Try to keep up, Cody Martin!" Justin playfully kissed him on the neck.

"I guess I better, Justin Russo! So, um, do you have any plans tomorrow? It's Monday, so I have class, but I don't have to work. Maybe we can have another date after that?"

"I'd like that. Maybe on our second date we can try something else."

"What?" Cody thought he knew the answer, and he could feel his heartbeat quickening. 'Oh man, Justin is awfully big.' But it wasn't quite what he expected.

"Would you... fuck me?" Justin whispered in his ear earnestly.

End of Part 2.

Next: Chapter 3

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