Wooing My Beloved

By Susan Rogers

Published on Jun 11, 2001


Blah blah blah, same bullshit... if yer underage or offended by matieral of the homosexual nature.. screw off..

I don't know the people in this story, this is a work of fiction..

here we go!

The Next Day

I woke up entwined in Chris' arms, and smiled. Any morning like this is a good morning. I looked over at the clock and realized it was 6:00, we had to meet up with the guys in J.C's room at 7:00 to get ready for the day. I gently shook Chris, trying to get him to wake up. He groaned and rolled over. I smiled.

"Don't make me get the water gun." I whispered slyly in his ear.

One of Chris' eye popped open. "Don't you dare." He muttered sleepily.

"Then get yer sexy ass out of bed and join me in the shower. I need someone to wash my back." I whispered sexily in his ear, and then gently nibbled on the lobe.

I made my way into the bathroom, pushing my boxers off my hips and onto the floor and continued walking saucily into the washroom, knowing that Chris was watching me the whole time.

I turned the water on and slipped under the showers hot spray. I heard the washroom door open and felt the cool air on my back as Chris slipped into the shower behind me. He wrapped his strong arms around my waist.

"You're sucha tease silky." Chris murmered in my ear and gently kissed my neck.

"Who said anything about teasing elfkin. I just wanted to have a shower." I said and turned around and gave him an innocent look with my big green eyes.

He just laughed at me. "Common Lance, you know I don't believe that for a second!" he said to me and leaned forward and kissed me on the lips.

I kissed him back and enjoyed the feel of the water spray on my back and Chris' hands on my chest, and his lips on mine.

Then I heard a banging on the outside door. And a loud, obnixious voice "Lance! Chris! Common you two homo's get out here we've got stuff to do!" Shouted Joey.

I groaned and looked at Chris. He gave me a pleading look, but I knew that Joey wouldn't be ignored. He'd find some way to get into the room and we wouldn't get ANY privacy.

I groaned and turned the shower off. "We're comin Joey... We'll meet you in J.C's room" I shouted back at him.

"You better hurry Lancey, or I'm coming in!" Joey said and then silence. I guessed he left.

"Sorry Chris..." I apologized.

Chris just grinned at me. "That's ok Lance... It's not you fault Joey's has bad timing."

"I promise that I will make it up to you soon Elfkin." I said looking at him. I felt so bad to leave him hanging like this. It was awful.

Chris just grinned at me. "Oh don't worry, I'll make sure that you do." Chris said.

I grinned at Chris and exited the shower, with him following behind me. "Maybe this is someones way of making sure we're ready before we take the plunge." Chris said cheekily.

I twirled my towel up, and cracked Chris across the ass. "Cheeky Monkey." I said.

Chris grinned at me saucily and proceeded to towel off and slip into fresh boxers.

I just shook my head, he was a handful, but I knew how to handle him.

"So... what do you think is going on with Justin Chris?" I asked him softly. Not knowing how exactly Chris felt about the situation.

"I don't know Lance. Maybe there is something going on. But you know Curly, eventually he'll tell us. Just keep an eye out... just incase." Chris said looking at me.

"Ya... maybe." I said softly and retreated to the bedroom to get dressed.

*** Justin & His Mystery Man

I awoke to find my loves arm snugly wrapped across my middle. I smiled. It was like this every morning that we were together. He was always and forever being the protector.

I detangled myself from his death grip and propped myself up on an elbow. Looking down at his handsome face, I was overwhelmed by his beauty. I knew that sounds silly, but to me, he's beautiful. I ran my hand over his smoothe head. I loved him bald, it made him look so sexy. Everything about him was sexy.

I did my best to get out of bed without making much movement. And headed to the showers to get ready for todays meetings. As I soaped myself up... I knew by the end of today the group would know about my relationship. I hoped they would welcome it.

After I was done towelling myself off, I admired my newly shaved head in the mirror, no longer blonde, and a little stubbly. It suited me, and my love inspired me to go to such drastic measures. Although he hated the fact that I cut off all my curly hair, it felt cooler, especially with summer arriving.

I got carried away with my preening and when I noticed what time it was I thought "oh fuck!" I was almost late for the meeting.

I left my love a note...


Gone to the meetings, and photo shoot, I'll be back tonight... Please stay in the room. Don't make to much noise, I want you to be a surprise. I hope you are as ready as I am. I'll try and call later if I can.

Hope you slept well, I love you....

Justy Bear

I left the note on the pillow beside my sleeping lover, and made my way down to the lobby.

In the Limo after the meeting

I snuggled up to Chris' side, and pressed my face against his neck and inhaled his sent. I loved the way Chris smelled. I felt him nudge my side and I looked up at him puzzled.

He just slightly nodded his head in the direction of another passenger, and raised an eyebrow. I looked to where he was nodding and noticed Justin staring out the window preoccupied with something. I looked back at Chris and looked at him questioningly. He just shrugged.

"Hey Just..." I called to him, and got no response. "Just, hey!" I said and threw a skittle at him.

He was jerked out of his daydream and glared at me. "Ow! Lance! What was that for you git!"

"Just wondered what was up. I tried to get your attention but you seemed a million miles away." I asked softly.

"Yea, Just, you have been acting weird lately, what gives?" Implored Joey, the ever clueless wonder schmuck.

"Nothing guys, nothing at all..." He said and then seemed to change his mind. "Actually... I would like to call a meeting when we get home. If that's okay with everyone?" he asked softly. I saw J.C reach over and take Justin's hand, and look at him with a questioning look. Just, nodded at J.C, and smiled. J.C just kissed Justin's forehead and nodded at him.

I gave Chris my best "What the fuck" look. And he returned it just as puzzled.

"Um, Okay Justin..." I said not knowing what else to say.

"You got a thing goin on with J.C that we should know about?" Chris blurted out. I jabbed him in the ribs and glared at him. He looked back at me like a scolded puppy.

Justin looked ready to cry. That made me want to kill Chris even more. "Ya know Chris's mouth shoots off before his brain has time to make sense of what he's saying just." I glared at Chris some more.

J.C cut in, "How about we just leave this until later?"

And that shut everyone up. I turned away from Chris, annoyed. He knew I was annoyed so he sulked. J.C comforted Justin, and Joey just looked confused.

*** Photo Shoot

The photo shoot was tense to say the least. Everyone was on guarded ground. Not wanting to step out of line. Joey looked worst of all. I pulled him aside.

"What's up Joe?" I asked him during a break.

"Not much Lance, not much." Joe said with a fake smile.

"Come on Joe... What's wrong?" I asked him trying to pry the truth out of him.

He sighed and looked at me. "I just don't feel part of the group anymore Lance." He said bluntly. But then again, that's Joey, never the type to beat around the bush.

"Aw Joe, everyone is just going threw changes right now. It's nothing personal. It's just... life." I told him softly and rubbed his shoulder.

"Ya, I know... But I seem out of the loop. Everyone has something going on but me. I lead a plain boring life. I have no girlfriends, and I spend most of the time on the tour by myself. And it's pissing me off!" He said his voice staring to rise.

I gently rubbed his back trying to soothe him. "Once things get settled tonight, I promise things will go a lot easier." I said taking a breath, "It's the season man, out with the old, in with the new." I said trying to lighten the mood.

"I guess I am just bitter because I don't have some big secret." He said ruefully.

I just chuckled. "Well, don't worry Joe, things will get better for you I promise. You're a great guy."

"Ya I know I am." He said arrogantly and I punched him in the shoulder before pulling him into a hug.

He returned the hug and gave me a squeeze. "Thanks for talking to me Lance, I feel a lot better. And... congratulations on the relationship with Chris. It was a long time coming."

I looked at Joe questioningly but Chris came barrelling around the corner and I didn't get my chance to question that comment.

"Hey you big baboon you better not be putting the moves on my man!" Chris said in mock anger.

"Don't worry homo, I'm not one of your kind." Chris said in a fake arrogant tone.

"Yes young Jedi, you remain on the dark side." Chris said in a stupid tone of voice.

I just laughed at Chris and shook my head. He could be a total idiot sometimes but he meant well. I went to Chris and wrapped my arms around him.

"No one but you elfkin, no one but you." I whispered softly in his ear before biting it gently. I felt him shudder slightly and smiled.

"Eww! Get a room queer boys, no one wants to see that" Joe said good naturedly. I just gave him the finger and kissed Chris on the lips.

We then got a call to get back to the shoot. I groaned inwardly but made my way back to the main stage with the other guys following me.

A few minutes before hand... On the other side of the studio thingy

I snuck off from the shoot during the break to make a call to my love.

He picked up after the first ring. "Hello?" he asked sexily into the phone. I knew, he knew I was the one calling.

"Hey babe." I said softly.

"How's my sexy Justybear?" He questioned me.

I blushed even tho there was no one around to see it. "I am doing great. How's my tattooed bandit doing?" I asked him softly.

I heard a chuckle on the other end. "He's good... he's good." Came the response.

I knew we were skirting the issue so I just plowed right into it. "So... For sure tonight right?" I asked him softly.

"Yes, tonight. Tonight is the night... our night. I love you Justybear. Always." I felt tears dampen my eyes at the soft sweet words and smiled.

"Forever and always my love, forever and always." I responded.

"So you'll call me from J.C's room?" He implored.

"Yes," I answered.

"See you then, be strong Justybear. Things can only get better, and they will. I love you babe, get back to your shoot." He said softly.

"Love you." I whispered.

"Always." Was the response and then a click.

I hung up the phone and stood there for a few moments, and pondered the wonderment that was going to happen tonight.

God I loved this man.

I ran my fingers threw my now short hair. And headed back to the shoot.

*** In J.C's Room after the shoot

I looked around the room, and noticed that everyone was staring at me. I briefly felt nervous, terribly nervous. But I felt J.C slip his hand into mine and I felt a little bit more confident.

J.C had been wonderful ever since I told him about my relationship. He had been so supportive too. Him and my love was what gave me confidence that I could do this. I was strong.

"Well, everyone.. I um, obviously brought you here tonight because I like to be the centre of attention." I said and waited, and as I suspected I heard laughter from my bandmates.

"Now, I know Chris and Lance just came out... so I just HAD to steal there thunder with big news of my own." I said and paused again, dramatically.

"Get on with it you silly git!" demanded Chris. And I glared at him over dramatically.

"Ok, on the first note, I am..." I paused again, for effect. "Gay." I said and waited.

"Ya, and the big news is?!" Shouted Lance this time. Followed by more laughter. I stuck my tongue out at him.

I was handling this quite well for how very nervous I was. My knees were shaking and my palms were damp. I never got this nervous, not even on the stage.

"The big news is.. I'm in love." I said and grinned stupidly. "And I felt you should all meet him at once." I said.

"It better not be a backstreet boy!" Shouted Joey. "Those guys are dirty." He then burst out in laughter.

Even though we pretend to have a problem with the BSB, we really don't. But we joke a lot.

"Well, it's not I can tell you that." I said with a smile. "But.. I have to call him. He's been waiting in my room all day."

"Well get on with it!" said Chris. He had never been able to stand suspense.

I went over to the phone, and punched in my room number and was connected with my room.

"Hello?" came the nervous reply.

"It's time..." I said softly.

I heard a long drawn out sigh. "I'm on my way." And then a click.

"He's on his way." I said sating the obvious and wrung my hands.

There was a knock on the door, and I went to answer it.

I swung it open and in walked the love of my life. And everyone in the rooms mouths dropped open in shock and wonderment.

HAHHEHAHHAHA , ....Any ideas????



Well.. Next chapter the mystery man will be introduced!


I wanna rant for a bit.. so if ya stick around to read this then good..

I read a lot of stories.. And.. They're good

but I am so bloody pissed at people who threaten to not continue writing if they don't get response.. that's total shit.. you should write for the pleasure of wiritng not so that someone can compliment you...

And people.. Lay off the chatter prior to the story.. common.. if it's longer then your story, you've got issues!


I hope you enjoyed my story..

thank you to everyone who has responded..


ta ta

Susie Q


Next: Chapter 18

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