Wooing My Beloved

By Susan Rogers

Published on Dec 6, 2000


This story is fictional, I do not know Any member of N'sync, Nor do I know anything about there sexual orientation.

If you are to young to be reading this, stop and go here: www.toysrus.com :)

I felt something-soft brush all over my face and I opened my eyes, to discover my little elfkin brushing the carnation along my face. I smiled groggily at Chris. "Are we there?" I asked softly.

"We sure are." Chris responded with a smile.

I stretched and got ready to face the rest of the day. I wanted a shower, I always felt so icky after spending a few hours on a airplane. Chris smiled at me and I smiled back. It was a nice way to wake up, and I hoped that there would be many more waking ups like this.

When we got off the airplane we were rushed into a limo and whisked off to our hotel. Once there we were given our hotel keys and we stumbled into the elevator and made our way up to our rooms.

When I got to my room I quickly looked around. I always liked looking around new hotels. I tested out the firmness of the mattress and found out it was quite pleasant. There were lots of pillows on the bed, which I also liked. I wandered into the washroom and noticed the huge bathtub, which I hoped to make use of later. I also noticed that there was a door in the washroom. I thought this was quite unusual. I knocked on the door and waited to see if anyone would respond. I saw the doorknob turn and open... and in front of me stood Chris.

"Uhm... hi" I said to Chris a bit surprised.

"What are you doing in my washroom?" Chris joked.

"it seems like we're sharing one... I bet the other guys had something to do with this." I said trying to seem more agitated then I was.

"Well, I'm glad it's you and not Justin, we all know how much time he takes up in the bathroom." Chris said and snickered.

I nodded in agreement. "So elfkin... are we still on for pizza and a movie?" I asked Chris softly.

Chris blushed, :"You betcha lance... I just want to have a shower... why don't you get everything ready and I'll be over in like twenty minutes?" Chris asked with a small smile.

"Sounds great Chris... Just come threw the bathroom." I said and giggled a bit. I thought it was strange that we were going to be sharing a bathroom.

I went back to my room and closed the door. I called up Justin and told him that Chris and I wanted to spend the night together in my room bonding a little more. Justin made a few snide comments that I wasn't to happy with, but I let it go, I had some planning to do. I flipped through the phone book and called up a pizza hut and ordered a pizza, then I called down to the front desk to tell them to expect it, and that I wanted it delivered to my room with some dr pepper.

I still had fifteen minutes till Chris arrived. So I made a quick getaway down to the gift shop to have a peek around. I found a fluffy stuffed moose and I bought it and took it back upstairs. I was always given extra keys to all the rooms just in case, and I quietly snuck into Chris' room and left the moose laying on a pile of his clothes that he was sure to notice, then I returned to my room to await the arrival of the pizza.

Chris walked through the bathroom door looking absolutely stunning. His hair was freshly washed and spiked, and he was wearing a long sleeved navy shirt, and flannel lounge pants. I let out a low whistle and Chris blushed bright red.

"You look very dashing elfkin." I said in a husky voice. Chris just blushed redder and smiled.

"I should go have my shower now too..." I said with a smile as I grabbed my clothes and shower kit. "the pizza should be arriving soon." I told Chris as I headed into the bathroom.

I stepped under the hot spray and I thought it felt so good to have the hot water caressing my skin. I soaped myself up and scrubbed my hair. I tried to think of the group, and the concert that we had to do tomorrow... but my mind drifted back to the plane ride and Chris sucking on my finger. I was immediately aroused and I blushed to myself. I knew I couldn't take care of this.. Chris was just outside the door... and he would know if I was in the washroom for longer then I usually am. I thought of Britney Spears new video and shuddered violently. That made any thoughts of the flight disappear, and my erection withered and died as well.

I finished up my shower and got out and dried myself off. I put on some navy blue lounge pants and a over sized gray sweat shirt and just left my hair to do whatever it wanted.

I rejoined Chris to see him putting a box of pizza on the bed. He looked at me. "So does this mean we're on our first date?" Chris asked me softly.

I was surprised, I didn't know what to say. I wanted this to be a date. I wanted it badly. I didn't however, want to push Chris. I swallowed "If you want it to be Chris," I said softly smiling at him.

"I want it to be..." Chris said with a smile.

I didn't know what else to say on the topic so I just sat down on the bed and opened the box of pizza. "Is there any glasses?" I asked Chris looking around the room.

Chris got up and headed over to what looked like a liquor cabinet and pulled out two wine goblets. "Will these do?" He asked with a silly grin.


"Sure why not." I said returning the grin. "Come on elfkin, lets eat our pizza." I said patting the bed and Chris took a seat beside me.

We ate our pizza in silence for the longest time. I smiled Chris had tomato sauce smeared all over the corner of his mouth. He has be the messiest eaters I know. "Elfkin, you have tomato sauce on the corner of your mouth." I told him in a mock disgusted voice.

"Well why don't you clean it off?" Chris said with a mischievous grin.

I reached over with a napkin and Chris pushed my hand away. "Not with the napkin silly." He said in a chastising tone.

I looked at him confused. "What do you suggest then?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Aww come on snookiewookums, I know you can be creative, I've seen the way you dress." Chris teased me.

I just sat there looking at him... What did he want me to use? Could he possibly mean to kiss away the sauce? My heart started racing at the thought of my lips being on Chris' face.

I reached over hesitantly looking into Chris' eyes, receiving an encouraging look. I slid my fingers up Chris' hair and pulled him closer to me. The air between us seemed to crackle with electricity. I gently pulled Chris' head closer to mine and ran the tip of my tongue along the corner of his mouth, cleaning away the sauce. I then placed soft feathery kisses across his slightly parted lips and licked away the sauce on the other corner of his mouth.

I pulled away and let my hand fall with a sigh. I looked at Chris and saw his eyes were still closed and his lips slightly parted. He opened his eyes and gave me a lazy smile.

"Um... Lance.... I think I have more sauce.. on my lips... that need to be cleaned off." Chris said softly and blushed.

I took that as a indication that Chris wouldn't be upset if I kissed him right then. I reached over again and pulled Chris closer to me again I let my lips touch his lightly and I gently ran my tongue over his bottom lip. I pulled him closer to me and deepened the kiss. I felt his lips part and I let my tongue drift into his mouth. His tongue shyly touched mine, and I think our tongues did a little dance. I know I had a very happy tongue at that moment. Chris slid his hands through my wet hair and I purred a little out of happiness. I gently ran my hand through his thick brown hair, and caressed how lower back with my other hand. After a few minutes we both came up for air and I smiled at Chris.

"Wow..." Chris breathed out.

I thought that was a good wow...I hoped it was a good wow. I just smiled at Chris and tried to catch my breath. That was an amazing kiss that's for sure. My whole body was tingling from the sensation. "I do believe your mouth is clean of any sauce." I told Chris huskily

Chris just grinned at me and returned to eating pizza. I finished the rest of my pizza, even though the only thing I felt like tasting at that moment was the

inside of Chris' mouth.

The rest of the night Chris and I spent talking, and slightly cuddling. And at the end of the night Chris asked if he could stay. Like I could say no. We snuggled into each others arms and slept the night away.

Duh Duh DUUUUUUUHHHHHHHH There we go! All done!!

And that is the last chapter till Jan 8th because I have exams and then a 3 week break without the use of my trusty puter

Have a happy and SAFE holidays

Thank you to EVERYONE who has e-mailed me and given me support, without you I would have ended this story right off. I know there has been no sex stuff, but I honestly think that Chris and Lance need some time to get to know one another before jumping in the sack. Do you think I should go into more detail? I've been told I go into over detail and I didn't want to do that for this story. But if you feel there needs more description and dialogue feel free to e-mail me and tell me!!


Susie Q


Next: Chapter 7

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