Words Hands Hearts


Published on Feb 4, 2013


Words, Hands, Hearts CH. 2

This story is pure fiction and is not intended to imply anything this story contains sexual Contact between to underage males if this is illegal to read where you live then please hit the back button now!! Everything in this Story is made up, the names and people are fake: they are not Real! Please do not copy or paste this anywhere else, but please feel free to email

---------------------------------------------------------------------- I hope you enjoy this chapter ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Colin Daniel Moore- 15 Marta Moore- Colin's Aunt- age: 28 Declan Connor Bailey-16 Charles Bailey-Declan's Uncle. Keith Heartly-Charles's Partner ----------------------------------------------------------------------

I wake up before my alarm goes off; I haven't slept in, in so long. I pick up my shirt and put it on, and I drop to the floor to do my morning sit ups. One....two...three...and so fourth.

I reach to 20 sit ups, and I get up, and unlock my door, and tip toe to the hallway into the kitchen and turn on the light. I open the fridge, and there is no milk for the cereal. I for got that Marta told me we didn't have any.

"If your are looking for milk there aint any." I hear a deep voice say.

I jump back and hit the counter with my hip, I see the older man sitting at the bar. "I didn't see you come in here." I mumble to him.

"I didn't know Marta had a son." He says eyeing me.

"I'm her nephew." I tell him avoiding his eyes, I know they are sizing me up and I know he is staring at my chest I should have just worn a plain white t-shirt, not my tank top. I didn't think he would have stayed the night.

I put a few pieces of bread in the toaster, I grab the butter from the fridge and he is still looking at me. I start to fidget with my shirt waiting on the toast to pop up; I lay out a napkin so I can lay the toast on.

"What happened to you?" He asks.

"Nothing." I tell him grabbing my toast and buttering it.

I move quickly back to my room and lock it, I don't understand why people always have to ask. I flip on my Ihome and Twenty One Pilots starts to play. I eat my toast and I grab a pair of jeans out of the close, and a shirt.

I wait till I know Marta should be up, and then I make my way back into the living room. She is at the counter making coffee and getting her stuff together. "Hey buddy, sleep well?"

"Who was he?" I ask sitting on the couch until she is ready to go.

"You met John?" She asks.

"Yeah, he scared me this morning when I was making toast." I tell her and I put my feet on the coffee table.

"He is no one that will be back around, and Colin get your feet off the coffee table!" She says scolding me.

I just smile, I do this every morning to her and she finally relents and smiles back, "Let's go trouble maker!"

Walking out to Marta's Nissan Rouge, I notice it is already heating up outside. My stomach drops as I get closer to the vehicle, I am a little scared to get into vehicles now, but I understand that I have to. I get into the passenger seat and put my backpack in-between my feet and buckle myself in.

Marta puts her purse and briefcase down. "You ready for the first day of actual class?"

"Not really." I tell her.

"It will be fine, you will make some friends. Who knows you MIGHT actually enjoy it!"

"Don't forget I have a checkup visit today." I tell her looking over.

"Shit! Okay I will just take my lunch then, what time is it at again?"

"At one, Marta please I need to make this visit I need more nitroglycerin, I have been out for like a week." I tell her.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" She asks.

"It's not that big of a deal, I just wasn't doing much."

"Colin, what if something went wrong? If you didn't get enough oxygen to your heart, or something that you couldn't have felt happen?"

I don't say anything I know I was stupid for not telling her, I just look at my hands and fiddle with my fingers. "Sorry."

"Just be ready at one." She tells me as she pulls over to the curb of the school.

I open the car door, and look back at her. "Okay."

"Colin, try to have a good day okay? Make some friends you never know you could be really happy with some."

"I'll try Marta." I tell her and she smiles. I will try it's just I can get so awkward that I don't even know how to make friends especially with guys.

(Declan's POV)

I always meet my best friends in the parking lot in the morning, getting out of my truck I see Cole, and Skylar waiting for me. Cole was around 5'8 brown hair and hazel eyes he had a light dusting of freckles around his nose he was skinny, but always ate.

Skylar was your typical blonde haired blue eyed American Eagle that had the perfect smile, he is 5'6 and skinny but super fast when he runs. "About time you got here jeez!" he calls walking over to the truck.

"Bite me, I overslept and Uncle Keith had to wake me up." I tell them shaking their hands.

They where the first two that I came out too, they were both cool with it. Actually they said well, that just means more girls for us since you aren't any competition with to us. They still stayed over, but screw them I made them sleep on the floor.

"Dude what the hell when are you gonna invite us over so Keith can make us some of that BBQ that he cooks?" Cole asks.

"Dude you have a little drool right here." I say pointing to the corner of his mouth.

"Shut up ass."

"You are always hungry man!" I tell him.

"It's cause I'm so sexually active!" He says smiling.

"Yeah OKAY!" Skylar says.

"Shut up you act like you are any better." Cole shoots back.

"Can you too shut up, and let's get to home room. I am not having detention because you two want to argue about being virgins." I tell them.

They are forever arguing about something, but I love both of them like brothers. "But honestly when are you gonna have us over again?" Skylar asks.

"Soon okay, Keith's been busy at the office, and Charley has been selling a lot of houses. Maybe this weekend?" I tell them to get them off my back.

I just haven't been in the best mood, that's why I haven't asked them to come over. I am usually the happiest person, but I am just lonely like I was telling Uncle Charley yesterday I wanted a boyfriend. I didn't know how to explain this to them though.

The halls where already getting crowded, we weaved in and out to get to home room. Ms. Jefferson was really cool we had her for History as well as our home room teacher, but she did not like people being late to her class.

Walking into her class she is leaning on the desk talking to another student, I don't pay any mind to the student. She is always talking to a student weather it's about something school related or current event related. She is that cool teacher that everyone wants.

We sit in our normal seats me in the middle and Skylar and Cole on either side of me. We automatically start talking about sports, "So I don't think I am going to do football this year." I tell both of them.

"Why not?" Cole asks.

"Dude, not like I care I'm not playing this year either." Skylar says.

"What!" Cole says.

"Yeah man, I am doing cross country I just don't have time for football."

"I just don't want to do it, I might join cross country." I tell them both.

"Dude we live in Texas you have to play football it's like a law or something!" Cole says.

"Cole don't be dumb, we will come and support your sorry ass, but we just don't want to play the game." Skylar tells him.

"Mr. Thinn (Skylar) could you please move a seat back, and let Mr. Moore have your seat. He is a new student, and I think if you and your friends would be so kind to make him feel welcome it would be really great." Ms. Jefferson asks.

"Anything for you Ms. Jefferson." Skylar says smiling at her.

"Not in your lifetime Mr. Thinn." She says smiling back.

Me and Cole laugh at this, the new student doesn't turn around until Skylar is seated again, and then he turns around. My mouth drops it's the boy from the internet the one I scared last night!

His green eyes avoid me like he is scared that I will say something, because Skylar had to move a seat back. Honestly it was probably a good thing he did I can never pay attention when Skylar is next to me, but now I damn sure wont pay attention at all.

He takes his seat next to me; he still hasn't made eye contact with me. I look up and I feel Ms. Jefferson is making eye contact with me nodding at me.

I lean over towards him and extend my hand, "Hey I'm Declan."

He looks at me for a moment, and takes my hand. "Colin." He lets my hand go as soon as he finishes his name.

"So you are new here huh?" I ask.

"Yeah, happened this summer." He says not looking at me.

I look him over while he isn't watching he is adorable, he is shorter than me and has an innocent look about him those green eyes, and brown hair I just want to hold him. Protect him, I know crazy but he isn't even pay attention to me he looks like he is going to freak out.

"Dude you okay?" I ask.

"Yeah, just getting used to everything." He says.

"Dude I'm Skylar!" Skylar tells him leaning over his own desk talking to him.

"That is Cole on the other side of Declan, stick with us three and you will be just fine!" Skylar proclaims.

"Skylar, give him some room dude." Cole says laughing.

He just laughs; I can't help but love his smile, "Yall are crazy."

"Only the best kind of crazy!" I tell him.

He makes eye contact still smiling, and holy shit I just want to crush my lips against his and just kiss him so hard.

"What grade are yall in?" he asks.

"We are juniors except for Cole, he is a sophomore." I tell him.

I see his face and the smile fall a little, "Oh, I'm just a freshman."

"That's cool, at least you have us we can help you through classes. What lunch do you have?" I ask him silently hoping he says he has lunch B.

"Yeah I actually do have B lunch." He says looking a lot more hopeful than before.

"Awesome well you will have to sit with us then." I tell him smiling.

Skylar shoots me a devilish grin, and I just shake my head, I know what he is thinking that I have a crush on the new boy, but if he saw what I did yesterday he would totally understand.

Ms. Jefferson cleared her throat, "Okay so it's the first day, and most of the time I will assume you all will be rushing to finish homework. That is fine it is homeroom. Now you can all talk quietly, Declan can I see you in the hall for a moment?"

A little back story on Ms. Jefferson she is my godmother, my uncle and her go way back. So it's cool that she is in the same school as me sometimes but other times it's rather annoying that she is.

She shuts the door behind me as I leave the class room. "Laura?" I say smiling

"Declan you know I am Ms. Jefferson here!" she scolds me.

"I know but I wanted to get a rise out of you.

"I am glad that you are befriending Colin he really needs the friends, he has had a rough year, and if anyone can relate it could be you." She says giving me a serious look.

"It's no problem he seems like he is a really cool dude."

"Just don't push him for anything please. I don't want to explain to the principle why he doesn't want to be in school anymore."

"Okay, I won't push; I am not like that anyway. I know how it is to be pushed to talk about things it sucks."

She hugs me and pushes me back into the class. I see Skylar and Cole talking his head off he seems to be a little tense so I drop in my seat, "Well first day and I already got pulled out into the hall just my luck." I say smiling trying to divert the attention from Colin.

"Shit, are you in trouble dude?" Cole asks.

"No she just wanted to see how my uncle was doing."

"Is he okay?" Colin asks with a look of concern

"Oh yeah man, my uncle and Ms. Jefferson are friends from high school. He has just been really busy lately."

The bell rings, and I can see the tension rise in him again, "Dude do you want me to show you to your next class?"

"No that's okay I can find it."

(Colin's POV)

The next few classes weren't that strenuous to me, honestly I just kind of tuned everyone out. I got a few odd looks but nothing much a few people said hi, or asked if I was new, but nothing that was "Hey lets be friends!" not like how Declan, Skylar, and Cole was.

Of course I hope they were genuine, cause I know Ms. Jefferson made them talk to me. Dang it who knew and I wasn't about to obsesses over this right now; I am supposed to go meet up with them for lunch. The bell rings, and everyone is jetting out of the classroom. I just take my time gathering my books and head out to the hallway.

A hand lands on my shoulder and I jump a little, "Hey, man I didn't mean to scare you." Skylar says.

"It's fine, I just didn't expect anyone to meet up with me this quick." I tell him.

"Oh yeah I have class in the room right next to yours so I saw you come out. So you ready for lunch?"

"Yeah I am." I tell him smiling.

We weaved in and out of the packed hallway, following him to the cafeteria. Declan and Cole were standing by the wall to the entrance, "Hey you made it!" Declan says pushing off the wall.

"Yeah wasn't too bad." I say giving a shy smile to him.

I followed them into the cafeteria, and got in line with them. Getting our food we made our way over to a vacant table, I wished I would have seen it coming. I should have expected something like this; nothing ever stays so good for long for me anymore.

I didn't even see the kid trip into me, I just felt my tray of spaghetti, and milk hit me all over and the boy making me fall with him. "Dude what the hell Mitch!" I hear Declan say.

"My bad dude I didn't even see you there you okay?" He asks getting up.

I just looked at him, so many freaking emotions at once I try hard to keep them at bay, I want to cry or scream. Declan steps over and holds out a hand for me.

"Calm on man, I have a few extra clothes in my locker."

I take his hand and he pulls me up, there is already a janitor on the way, he guides me out of the cafeteria, I am still trying to control my emotions that are threatening to push past my barriers.

"Hey dude you okay? You are looking pale?" he asks.

I just nod my head, and follow him. We get to another part of the school I never been too, "Where are we going?"

"To my gym locker I have extra clean clothes."

I look down at my shirt I really didn't want his clothes but my shirt has food all over it, at least it didn't get on my jeans.

"Man sorry about Mitch he isn't a bad guy, just clumsy and doesn't pay attention to who or what is around him.

"It's alright. You know you don't have to be so nice to me." I tell him.

He looks at me, "I am nice to everyone man. You seem like a cool guy, and you are new here so I figured you would want a friend." He says with a little more edge to his voice.

"I didn't mean to offend you; just I wanted to make sure Ms. Jefferson isn't making you be nice to me..."

I followed him into the locker room, and he stops at a locker and does a combination and unlocks in. He pulls out a duffle bag, "Sorry I always keep a spare change of clothes. Never know what will happen or when spaghetti will land on you." He says smiling.

I laugh, "Yeah gotta watch out for that stuff it's dangerous."

He tosses a shirt to me, and I take it and look at him, I see that he isn't going to turn around and I really don't want him to see my chest. So I turn around and take off my shirt. I try really fast to put the new one on but I feel his hand on my back and I freeze.

"Holy shit dude that's a crazy scar, how did it happen?" Declan asks hand still on my back near my scar.

I pull away and put the shirt on, "I don't really feel like talking about it." I say a little more rudely than intended.

He puts his hands up in defense, "My bad man I didn't mean to pry."

"Sorry, it's just nothing that I want to talk about." I tell him.

"I get that man." He says.

I take my phone and look at it, "Shit sorry I have to get to the office, my aunt is picking me up I have an appointment, umm thanks for the shirt I will get it washed and bring it back!" I tell him.

"Dude it's no problem, hey can I get..."

I don't hear the rest of what he says I have already let the door shut, I walk faster to the office, I am already five minutes late and I am sure Marta will be annoyed.

Of course there she was already pacing the hall when I walk up, "About time, where is your other shirt?"

"Crap I forgot it in the lock room, I spilled my lunch all over me a friend let me use one of his, I think he has it."

"You will just have to get it later come on I have to go back to the office I left my purse there." She tells me rushing me out the school.

I follow her into the rouge, "So how was most of the day?"

"It's not actually bad I think I have a few friends maybe." I tell her.

"That's good." She says.

I can tell something is wrong so I just flat out take a guess, "He told you it was a one-time thing didn't he?"

"That obvious?" she asks.

"Yeah, it's the only time you really get snippy with me. I'm sorry" I tell her.

"No, it's not your fault I should have known a lot better."

We pull into the parking lot of the law firm, and she gets out, "SHIT!" I hear her yell.

I jump out an rush to the other side, "What is it?"

She doesn't reply I see the flat tire, "Shit, I don't need this today she says and start to cry."

I feel like it's my fault, "Aunt Marta I'm sorry..."

"It's not your fault, let's just go inside. I will have to reschedule your doctor's appointment."

"I really need to go to this one!" I stress to her.

"Look Colin I don't have a way there okay." She says firmly.

"Hey, Hey. Marta, what has got you so worked up?" An older voice say coming around the corner.

"Keith, sorry just a string of really bad luck today." Marta says trying to compose herself.

Marta starts to shuffle papers around looking for something, "damnit!"

"I didn't know you had a son Marta?" the older gentleman says nodding towards me.

"That's my nephew."

"I guess I will call the doctors and cancel my appointment." I tell her.

"What is going on Marta? You never told me you had a nephew that had a doctor's appointment; I would have given you the day off." Keith tells her.

"Keith I didn't want the day off, and it's my job. I try not to bring my personal problems, not that he is a problem just his health is at times, shit I am sounding like a bad aunt. Sorry just I have to find triple A's number my tire is flat."

"Hey just calm down, look I am not doing much I can take him to the doctor's appointment no young man should miss a visit."

"You don't have to do that Keith." She says.

"I know I don't, but I want too, besides you look like you are having one hell of a day."

"Colin!" she yells at me.

I walk into the small office, "My boss Keith said he would take you to the doctor's visit is that okay?"

I just nodded, "Come on buddy."

I look back at my aunt who nods and I follow him out, "Sir, you don't have to take me, I can miss the appointment."

He walks over to a white Chevy truck, "It's not a problem, besides I have nothing else to do today. Besides your aunt is such a nice person just has horrible luck."

I get into the passenger side, I am nervous I can feel my heart speed up, I have to take deep breathes to calm my nervous. Mr. Keith Gets in and starts up the truck. I start to breathe faster.

"Where is the appointment at?" he asks.

I clench my eyes trying to get control over my body, my chest is tight and it is starting to hurt, "heart hospital." I whisper out.

"Hey, Hey Colin look at me buddy."

I do as he asks.

"Hey breathe its okay, what's wrong?"

"Sorry I just haven't been in a car with anyone besides my aunt since the accident..." I tell him.

"Well I have never had a car wreck, now are we okay to go?"

I nod my head still catching my breath I feel so stupid, "sorry." I tell him.

"So I am guessing you have a heart condition?" he asks.

"Yes sir, it happened this summer I was in a car wreck with my parents I was pinned into the back seat..." I say.

"Oh, I am so sorry. I read about that accident in the paper. I had no idea you were Marta's nephew."

"It's okay. Marta doesn't like talking about it, I love her but she tells me all the time how she is just so young to have the responsibility of a teenager, but I know she really loves me..."

He gives me a sideways glance, "Well I know exactly how she feels, my partner took parental rights of his nephew since he was little."

"Partner?" I ask.

He just smiles, "Yup I have been with my partner for a long time. Is that okay that I am gay?"

"Yeah...sorry just I never met someone older that is gay that acts so normal." I say blushing.

"Buddy its okay, I figured you were gay from the moment I saw you checking me out. It's okay does your aunt know?"

I don't know what to say at this point I am so red in the face I want the seat to swallow me. "No sir she doesn't know, but I don't think she would care."

"She does care Colin. She is young and it's hard having to grow up faster than you wanted to, but I tell you she loves you a lot."

"I feel like I am a burden to her." I spew out.

"Don't feel like that, you didn't ask for this." He says.

"I never told anyone that." I saw.

He smiles, "I believe it, look Colin I am always here if you want to talk. I will take time out of my day to talk if you ever wanted too."

"Hell even if you wanted to you could come out to the farm meet my partner, I am sure you and my nephew would be great friends."

"Thanks, your partner wouldn't mind?"

"No, he is a really nice person, plus if you ever needed advice I am here."

"I can't understand why you are so nice to me you don't know me, nor do you even have to take me to my doctor's appointment. I am pretty much a stranger to you."

He smiles, "I believe there needs to be more kindness in this world, besides I make a point to be nice as I can after all I am a lawyer it's my job to argue."

We pull up to the heart hospital, "Did you want me to go in with you?"

I shake my head, "no sir. I can do it I don't even let Marta go in the office with me."

"Well I will be in the lobby waiting for you okay?" he says.

"Thank you Mr. Keith."

I am so sorry it has taken so long to put this out! My old computer crashed and I haven't had access to Microsoft word! I hope you have enjoyed this chapter please like the Facebook page to keep updated in case I run into more issues!

KD https://www.facebook.com/pages/KD-Stories/287283501292852

Next: Chapter 3

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