Words Hands Hearts


Published on Feb 25, 2013


Words, Hands, Hearts CH.3

This story is pure fiction and is not intended to imply anything.

This story contains sexual Contact between to underage males if this is illegal to read where you live then please hit the back button now!! Everything in this Story is made up, the names and people are fake: they are not Real! Please do not copy or paste this anywhere else, but please feel free to email

---------------------------------------------------------------------- I hope you enjoy this chapter ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Colin Daniel Moore- 15 Marta Moore- Colin's Aunt- age: 28 Declan Connor Bailey-16 Charles Bailey-Declan's Uncle. Keith Heartly-Charles's Partner ----------------------------------------------------------------------

I sit down with my lunch, and Skylar sits right in front of me, "Have you seen the new boy yet?"

"No I didn't see him yet, I guess he is just running late."

I spot Cole, and Colin coming into the lunch room. I can tell Cole is easing the tension with Colin because they are both laughing about something. I can't help but feel a little bit of jealousy. I wanted Colin to laugh with me like that.

"Earth to Declan!" Skylar says waving a hand in front of me.

"Sorry, just thinking about a lot."

"I say, I was asking why you missed home room this morning."

"I overslept; it hasn't been the best morning of my life." I say smiling to ease the suspicion.

"If you say so man, there is Cole." He says pointing to him.

They finally make their way over to us, "Hey guys." Cole says sitting down with Colin.

I nod my head, and Skylar says hello, "What's up?" Skylar asks.

"Nothing just trying to figure out what the hell is in the meatloaf." Cole says.

This causes Colin to laugh again, "Told you it's probably something you don't want to know!"

I try to get out of the funk but I am not having much success I just mess with my food, I watch as the three of them banter back and forth. Colin throws his head back and laughs like a little kid, I wished I could make him laugh like that, but he doesn't even seem interested in me.

"You okay Dec?" Cole asks.

"Yeah just not hungry." I tell him.

Colin narrows his green eyes at me, and I just look at him back and stand up, "I'm just not having the best day." I tell them leaving before I see Sky and Cole exchange knowing glances.

(Colin's POV)

"What was that all about?" I ask.

Cole just looks over at Skylar I could tell they knew something I didn't, of course they did they knew Declan a whole lot longer than I have.

"Just he is probably having parental issues; he gets like this every so often." Skylar says shrugging.

"Oh that sucks; guess that's one thing I don't have to worry about."

"What you mean?" Cole asks.

"My parents are dead, I live with my aunt. So do any of you smoke weed?" I ask trying to change the subject.

"I do every now and then, I don't around Declan he doesn't like it." Skylar says smiling.

"Nah never tried it, but I don't judge." Cole says.

"Cool, I do well my aunt doesn't mind that I do. I'm not surprised Declan doesn't like it he seems like a good ole country boy."

Cole chokes on his milk, and I see Skylar laugh, "Declan if far from a good ole country boy." Skylar tells me smiling.

I figure that aren't going to tell me much more, "So do you guys know where Declan went I want to give him back his shirt I had to borrow."

"He is probably in the gym, that's normally where he goes." Cole says.

I finish the last of my milk, cool so I will catch up with yall later?"

"Yeah most definitely." Skylar says

I throw my trash away and walk out of the loud cafeteria. I start making my way down to the gym where Declan took me the other day. I don't know why I even told them I smoked weed. It's not like I am a huge pot head, just I found out it calms my anxiety. It seems stupid but I get so worked up over things like I will have a flash back and I start to hyperventilate and I can't think straight or breathe it sucks.

I make my way into the locker room, and I round the corner and I see Declan taking off his shirt and I stop in my tracks watching his back, he has those muscles in his shoulders and back. I bite my lip a little, he turns around and spots me I grow red in the face.

"Hey." He says surprised a little.

"Umm...hey." I say coming closer.

"Everything okay?" he asks coming closer.

I wished he would just stay where he was, I try to keep my eyes on the ground, but I can't help looking at his defined abs. which doesn't help since I am starting to get hard, shit this is getting really embarrassing I feel the heat rise in my cheeks.

"Ye...yeah everything is okay I just...ummm. Wanted to give you your shirt back." I say slipping my back pack off and I sit on the bench so I can grab the shirt from the bag. That and hope that I can convince my rapidly growing boner to go away.

I didn't expect him to sit right next to me, my breath catches, "Dude you didn't have to bring it back it wasn't that big deal, I have yours at the house I haven't had time to wash it."

I hand him the shirt trying not to stare at his naked chest. "Umm....yeah no its not big deal honestly."

"You sure, cause I will probably get it done this weekend."

I just shake my head trying to focus on the lockers straight ahead of me, "are you okay?"

"Yeah, sorry I had a rough morning. How about you? You doing okay with the whole being new and all?"

I just laugh nervously," being new is nothing I am worried about."

I can feel his eyes on me so I look over at him, "What is it that you are worried about then?" he asks me.

I shoot up from the bench and stretch my arms, "Crap from my past, anyways what are you doing in here?"

He gets up to and I watch him as he repositions himself and it makes me more nervous as I tried to avoid locking eyes with him. "Well I like to run when I am stressed or go lift weights, I normally don't talk about me problems. I mean mine are shitty, but I am sure there is someone else that has bigger problems than I have that need the support." He says looking at me.

I start to shift uncomfortable, I don't know if he is implying that I have problems. I can't keep standing here watching him readjust himself cause if I do I will pop a boner. "Well I guess...maybe that is true, maybe your problems are just as bad as anyone's." I tell him.

He stretches, and I can see his arm pits and his abs, fuck I have to get out of here and now. "Well I will catch you later I guess." I tell him turning to leave.

"Hey we should catch up later, so I can get your number so we can hang out after school." He says.

"Sure." I tell him not turning around.

I haven't jacked off if almost four days this is insane, I have never got a boner just by watching someone readjust themselves or being shirtless. I just hope he didn't notice and if he did at least he didn't say anything I probably would have just died with embarrassment.

The bell rings and I have to head to the consolers' office she wants to speak with me until the semester is over so she knows I am not mentally damaged from the wreck or that I won't commit suicide.

I knock on her door, and she opens it. She isn't bad she is maybe around her early thirties. "Good afternoon Colin." Mrs. Waite says.

"Hi." I saw awkwardly and walk into the small office.

"So how is the school week going?" she asks sitting behind her desk repositioning some of the papers on her desk.

I shrug, "It's going that's for sure." I tell her.

"Is that good or bad?" she asks.

"It's not bad, I mean I have a few possible friends I guess." I say looking out the window.

"What do you mean by possible friends? Do they want to be friends with you or is it you that might not want to be friends?"

"Meaning I talk to them, but I don't know where we all stand." I tell her more snippy than normal.

"Colin, you don't have to get aggravated with me, I am doing my job and making sure you are adjusting correctly to your new environment after the accident."

I fiddle with my fingers and look at the stupid inspiration picture, "Look I just miss home, and my old friends."

"What about your parents?" She asks.

I try not to tear up, I put my head down into my hands to try and stop the tears, but it doesn't help I start to sob. I feel a hand on my back and Mrs. Waite gives me a tissue. "Yes I miss them, it's not fair." I tell her.

I hold my breath to try and calm myself to stop the crying before it gets worse. "Colin this is why I have you come in here, to get all this frustration, anger, sadness out in the open. So you can learn to move on and be happy."

I just stare at her and nod my head, "I just don't really want to talk about them right now." I whisper out to her.

"That's more than understandable, but we will have to talk about them soon enough."

"That's fine; I just don't want to do it at this moment."

"Well what would you like to talk about then?" She asks sitting back in her desk.

"I don't really know. Honestly I don't know you so it's hard to talk about anything." I tell her.

She smiles, "Well maybe that is a problem so tell me about you who is Colin Daniel Moore?"

"I'm alive, I am scared and shy. My favorite color is green, favorite movie is Peter pan, and I am gay." I tell her not really understanding where the outing myself came from.

"Why are you scared?" she asks which totally takes me off guard.

"Well for one I told you I am gay which I have never told anyone, I am pretty sure my aunt doesn't care..."

"So finding out you are gay scares you?"

"No! I have known for a long time, I never got to tell my parents. I am scared that if anyone else finds out that I will get the crap beat out of me." I tell her.

"Well I wouldn't worry about that honestly, besides there are more gay students than you think. This is a very accepting school, and if anyone gives your problems if you decide to come out you can tell me and I will handle it."

"Thanks, but then I would be seen as a snitch."

"No, they would never know. Trust me Colin you will be okay."

I open my mouth to say something else but the bell rings, and she just smiles. I grab my bag and head out of her office, and back into the hall way. I see Declan and Skylar talking by the water fountain.

"What are you doing this weekend do you want to come over?" I overhear Declan asking Skylar.

I stand there listening, I don't think either one of them has noticed me just yet.

"I can't I finally got Laurel to go out with me, I got us VIP tickets to Grey Holden's concert." He says.

"Holy shit dude those are expensive how did you spring for those?"

"I have a cousin who is working the event. She likes me and I figure this will seal the deal."

"Damn lucky that is for sure." Declan says smiling.

Skylar just punches him in the arm and laughs, "Hey guys." I say making myself known.

"Hey man what's up?" Skylar asks giving Declan a look.

"Nothing, just bored and really happy it's the weekend, I need a break." I tell them.

"Rough day?" Declan asks.

"Ehh yeah kind of, I am just super exhausted." I tell him.

"Oh well do you think you might want to hang out this weekend?" He asks me.

"I would but I have a lot to do around the house, and homework." I tell him feeling slightly guilty that I am lying I just don't think I could trust myself around him, without doing something that would let him know I am gay.

"Oh...that's fine no big deal." I can see his shoulders slump a little bit.

"I'm sorry." I offer.

"Well guys I have to go I will catch you both later I have to solidify a date of mine!" Skylar says.

"Later." Declan calls after him.

I feel my phone vibrate and I know that's a text from Marta letting me know she is here, "I got to go, I guess I will see you Monday." I say.

"Colin, look dude I am trying to be friends with you. I understand you have your shit that you are going through, but I am trying to be a friend. I don't know if you want a friend or not, but I want to be your friend."

I start to get a little scared, "I do want one, just I do have to go I'm sorry." I tell him walking away.

I hear him let out a sigh, as I hit the doors I feel like such a jerk, but I just cant I will do something stupid if I hang out with him and he will hate me."

I pull the door open to the rouge and get in, "Hey how was school?"

"Long, I am tired." I tell Marta.

"Well remember my boss he invited us over for a BBQ tomorrow, so we are both going he really likes you swears up and down you are a good kid. I know he has a nephew around your age so you wont be bored."

"Great...sounds awesome." I fake the enthusiasm.

Sorry it took so long to get this chapter out I had computer problems and I am just crazy busy hope everyone enjoyed and sorry it is short they are going to get longer! I wonder if anyone caught something I put in the story?? It will come to play later!

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Next: Chapter 4

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