Work Holiday

By Stu Y

Published on Jan 22, 2018


Still trapped, immobile under the sand, I watched as CJ grabbed a rag from out of his bag and poured some kind of liquid onto it. He came up behind me and dropped to his knees.

"Sorry to do this to you bitch boy, but it's the easiest way".

The next thing I knew the cloth was over my face and everything faded to black.

When I awoke it was to a bumpy rattling ride. I still felt as unable to move as when I was beneath the sand, but I was clearly in an army van now. It stank of mud, musk and men, and as my eyes adapted to the lighting, I saw several sets of legs in front of me. It took me a few seconds to realise I was under a bench, with at least three of the guys sitting on the bench above me and two more on the opposite bench.

I couldn't move to see further down my body but I seemed well bound together and my mouth was completely gagged. I tried to make a noise to alert them to my being awake now, but nothing came out at all.

"Hey, I think the bitch has awoken" one of the guys said, obviously noticing my attempts to move.

"Doesn't matter, we're gonna need to cover him up if we're getting him in" another replied.

I felt a few of the guys reach down and adjust the material around me, then a zip came all the way up, leaving only a small gap to allow me to breathe. Everything was completely black again. I figured from the noises around me they were getting back into the compound. It looked dark outside. It took a few minutes for the van to get round the compound to the final resting point, then everyone got out and it all went quiet. I wondered if they were just going to leave me there all night. What had I got myself into?

A couple of minutes later though I heard the voices again.

One of them came up into the van, close to my head. When he spoke to me through the fabric I could tell it was CJ.

"Just keep still, make your body rigid if you can – it'll make it easier for us to get you in. You'll be out of this thing in no time".

I couldn't move or speak, so I had no choice but to comply.

I was lifted by two straps, close to my head and feet and moved inside, then dumped on the floor. I heard one guy leave and the other remain, with the second guy locking the door behind him.

Finally the zip of the bag came down and I saw CJs grinning face.

"You did so good homo, so now its reward time". As he spoke he came round and unfastened the tightly bound harnesses that had kept me locked in place for the last hour, or however long it had been. Gradually I could feel the blood returning to my arms and legs.

"CJ, what the fuck?" I said, as soon as he pulled the gag out of my mouth.

He quickly pushed it back in. "Hey, shhh, we've got to be discreet ok?" He climbed on top of me, his ass on my chest pinning me down. Then he pulled my gagged face up and pulled it into his crotch. I could feel he was already semi, and the thought of sucking him again made everything else go out of my mind.

He pushed my face back down and pulled out the gag again, and this time I didn't say a word.

"Good little homo". He lifted himself off me. "Now, get up on your knees and strip to your pants. Do it now".

Without thinking I obeyed, and he stood and smiled down at me.

That was the first point I saw the rest of the room. It was an unusual room, not something you'd expect to see on an army base. There was a massive TV screen on one wall, a couple of sofas, a couple of big cabinets with locks on, and a strange kind of table, with legs like an A shape, so that the legs stuck out further than the table top.

He pulled his top off to reveal the same muscular abdomen I'd enjoyed looking at on the beach. He walked across to me and stood with his crotch just inches from my face. Instinctively I started moving my face gradually towards it. As I got to within the last inch he grabbed the top of my skull with one hand and held me back.

"Not so easily homo. C'mon, let's see your tongue out like the salivating bitch you are, craving my dick."

I felt embarrassed but I was beyond caring, my mouth opened wide, my tongue hung out and I panted for him.

He laughed down at me. "Good fucking dog".

He stepped back again.

"Ok, get down on the floor, I wanna see you grovel at my feet in desperation to take my dick". I watched on as he grabbed at it through the army trousers. Shit, I wanted it so bad.

I dropped to the floor at his feet.

"Please Sir, please allow this bitch to wrap its faggot lips around your superior dick, I want you to pound and destroy my throat, do anything to me Sir, I'm your total bitch". The words just flowed out of me.

I felt his boot pin my head to the cold floor.

"Wow, you're learning fast homo. You are my total bitch, and you are gonna do anything I want. And the first thing I want is to power fuck your throat til you can barely talk any more. You want that bitch?"

"Yes Sir, so much" I managed from beneath the pressure of his boot.

He released his foot. "Good boy. Ok, get over here." He moved across to the strange table. I realised as I got closer there were metal loops attached near the bottom of each leg.

"My favourite way to fuck throat is with a bitch bent over the table. It puts your throat at the perfect height and angle".

I crawled across to the table on my hands and knees and when there he grabbed my arms and lifted me over it, placing me so that my legs aligned with the back legs of the table. I held the top of the front legs of the table to hold my head up. Once he got my legs correctly aligned though he came round to the front and lifted my arms moving them to the bottom of the front legs, so I was completely stretched over the table, head hanging down.

"Good boy. Now stay like that, don't move, just let me use you"

I nodded silently.

He grabbed my hair and pulled me up so I was right in line with his crotch again. I struggled to keep my balance, and so instincts kicked in and my arms lifted to grab the upper part of the table legs to hold me up.

I quickly felt a stinging slap across my face. "What did I just tell you?" CJ asked.

"Sorry Sir, I'm sorry" I whimpered. It felt like I was losing control of what was happening.

He knelt down in front of me, pulling my arms back down. "Hey, homo, its ok, I know you're trying. I know what'll help".

He opened one of the cabinets and came out with some leather restrainers. He attached them to my wrists and ankles, then fixed them onto the metal hoops on each leg.

"There you go, now you don't have to worry about your instincts, you can learn just to obey and take whatever I choose to do to you"

This was what I wanted. I didn't want the stress of displeasing him, I just wanted to make him happy, and this would help for sure.

"Thankyou Sir"

He lifted me by the hair with one hand and this time, although my instinct was to move my arms, I felt the locks kick in and I couldn't move. Instead I just felt the hard dick of the alpha male in the room rubbing into my face and it felt incredible.

"Ok, bitch is in position, you can head over" I heard CJ say. I saw him place his mobile phone down on the side. He let go of my hair and went across and sat down on one of the sofas.

I was confused, my mind had just reached a point where I was ready to give in completely to him, let him use my body any way he wanted, and suddenly it had stopped.

"What's happening Sir. Please can I suck your cock Sir?"

He laughed. "Don't worry fag, you've got plenty of sucking ahead of you tonight". He pulled his socks off, came across to me and rammed them hard into my mouth so they filled out both of my cheeks

A strange knock came at the door and CJ seemed to listen carefully to the sound of it. Presumably some kind of code. He went across to open it and Jason came in with a large rucksack, closing and locking the door behind him.

My heart was beating fast now. I wanted to ask what was going on, but the balled up socks in my mouth wouldn't let me get a word out.

"Nice work CJ. You checked the bitch over?"

"No, I didn't have any gloves or lube did I?"

"Sure" Jason replied. He opened his bag, pulled out a rubber glove and stuck it on his hand. "You relax him, I'll check the hole."

They were talking about me like I was their pet.

CJ returned in front of me and lifted my head. He pulled the front of his trousers down and his softening dick flopped out. He proceeded to rub it across my face, putting me into a trance. I hardly noticed when the cold lube hit my ass and a gentle finger rubbed it round then slipped inside. The finger felt right round inside me, and I felt it being taken out and pushed back in several times, before it finally came out again.

"Good news on two fronts" I heard Jason say, as CJ pulled his cock back inside his pants.

"Clean as a whistle, and opens up like a whore"

CJ laughed. "We have struck gold then".

"I'm guessing you haven't told him why he's here yet?"

"Nah, I thought you always explain it better"

Jason came across and I felt another harness attached around my skull. He then grabbed a chair and put it near to my head. He took a rope and standing on the chair lifted it over me and out of my limited sightline. When I felt one end of it attached to the harness round my head, I realised the rope must have been passed through a metal loop on the ceiling. He stood in front of me now and pulled one of the ropes, which grabbed at the harness round my head and lifted my skull so I was held in place, staring across to where CJ was sitting. They now had full control of my head and body.

He pulled the socks out of my mouth.

"Ok whore, I'm going to explain what's going on. You can ask any questions you want, but if you try to scream or do anything that annoys us, the socks go back in to gag you and you'll probably get some kind of punishment. Ok bitch?"

"Yes Sir" I answered resignedly.

"Good boy"

He went and sat down next to CJ on the sofa. CJ grabbed a couple of beers from the side of the sofa and they took one each, opened them and took a swig.

"Ok" Jason continued. "As you know, this is a small island and there are lots of soldiers here, 98% are male. Lots of them have got wives or girlfriends back home, some of them boyfriends too. What I'm saying is, there's a lot of guys with a lot of different needs, and what they all have in common is that they can't get those needs filled here.

CJ cut in. "So that's why we dreamt up the fantasy room"

"Exactly" Jason continued. "We figured, if the guys can't fuck the person they wanna fuck, we can at least give them a second best. So that's what this is. That screen is hooked up to the web and a laptop with mega amounts of porn. If a guy wants to fuck watching any kind of porn, he can do that. We've got this awesome POV software too so you can bring up a woman on screen and its filmed to feel like you're actually fucking her. Guys can even skype and talk dirty with someone back home while they fuck. There's also cabinets with every sex toy you can imagine. What they do is entirely up to them."

"And how much they're willing to pay of course" CJ added.

My head was spinning with all of this information. "I get the idea I guess. But who do the guys bring in to fuck if there's only guys around on the island? And how do they get someone to agree to coming here?"

CJ laughed and Jason rolled his eyes.

"Wow CJ, why are these bitches of yours always dumb as shit?"

"They're gonna fuck you homo" CJ explained.

My heart sank as I watched the grins all across both mens faces. My arms and legs instinctively tried to pull away but I realised how tightly bound I had let myself become. I was completely trapped there.

"Look homo," cJ continued, "at the end of the night, like I promised, I'm gonna let you suck my cock, but before that, I'm going to take you up on your promise that you'll let me do anything I want to you and you'll be my total bitch. So the first thing I'm gonna do is lend you to a few of my boys. Don't worry though, we've got a camera on the room so we'll see everything that happens. If anyone tried anything to harm you, I'm going to be right here. I won't let anything bad happen to my homo."

I tried to absorb it all. "Do I have a choice in this Sir?" I asked.

Jason laughed, but CJ came and knelt in front of me.

"Homo, you wouldn't believe how many guys like you have been through here. True, a lot of them were harder to break down than you. In fact you were probably the easiest slut I've come across so far, but anyway. Just think of this as a rite of passage. You'll get some rough use over the next 12 hours, but you're going to make a lot of alpha men, the kind of men you worship and obsess over, very happy."

"Why would straight guys wanna fuck me though Sir?"

Jason laughed again. "When a guy is horny enough, an ass that opens up like yours is plenty good enough. Your dick is pressed against the table out of sight so they don't have to worry about that, and some guys request to have you gagged with a cover over your head so that all they see is the hole to fuck. Some guys will want to see all of you, some guys will want to watch the pain in your face closely as they hammer you. To others you are purely a hole to fuck. Maybe two holes to fuck."

"They all use protection though homo, so you don't have to worry. All you need to think about is pleasing them, pleasing me, and enjoying having your body controlled and used by men you worship. Do you understand?"

CJ was still kneeling in front of me, one hand on the side of my face.

I couldn't help it. I wanted to please him so badly. I had no idea what I was letting myself in for, but it didn't seem to matter.

"Yes Sir" was all I could think to say.

He smiled so widely.

"Good boy". He went and opened one of the cabinets, returning with three butt plugs of different sizes.

"Ok, so we've got to just get you warmed up. Make sure every guy gets a smooth and easy ride".

He slipped on a pair of tight rubber gloves and went behind me. Again I felt the lube on my ass, and quickly felt the smallest plug slip inside. In fairness, that one would have slipped in even without any lube. CJ pushed it in quickly, pushed right round inside me then slowly pulled it out then pushed in again. He continued doing this untll there was almost no resistance. My ass just stayed open letting it in.

"Fuck homo, you're a pro. We might have to hire you long term for this".

I felt the middle-sized plug go in next. With persistent pushing, he got it fully inside in one go. It was harder coming out though and he lubed it up some more. Like before, he started pushing it in and pulling out with increasing frequency. Gradually my ass opened up so again there was little resistance to it going in and out, my ass just staying open to allow the plug full access.

"Man, I'm almost jealous at Gary getting the first shot at this."

Jason laughed. "Come on, leave that one in, let's get him ready. Gary'll be here in five. His ass doesn't need any more preparation for Gary."

CJ left the plug inside me and my ass wrapped back around the thick head of it.

Jason lifted my head a little more using the rope attached to my head harness and CJ positioned two mirrors in front of me.

"Ok, we're starting you slow homo. Gary is a gay guy too and more importantly he's a nice guy. He just wants a piece of ass and likes to see you enjoying it, hence the mirrors. I want you to show him how much you love his dick and how grateful you are. Make me proud boy".

And with that, he stroked my hair and the two of them left the room.

Thanks for reading this far. If you liked it, or if you have more ideas for what happens next, i'd love to hear. My email address is

Next: Chapter 5

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