Working for Darren

By Josh Armstrong

Published on Mar 9, 2007


NOTES>> This is the first chapter in the Working For Darren series. Safe sex won't appear in this story all that often, but I trust it appears a lot in your own lives. Sex will appear quite often though, sometimes quite graphically, and invariably of the gay and BDSM nature, so only read on if the law of your chosen land allows. The copyright is all mine, subject to Nifty's rules on the matter.

I am half way through writing another gay authoritarian story called `Contracted For Justin' which you can also read on Nifty. But I have a terrible concentration span, so thought I'd start a new one and write the two concurrently. Feedback is really appreciated, positive or critical. So let me know what you think -

CHAPTER ONE: Getting caught

"OK Josh, I'm going to come straight out and say this. It's as hard for me to have to bring this stuff up like this as it is for you to hear it -- harder probably. But it has come to my attention that there is a considerable amount of homosexual pornography on your work computer".

My heart sank, my pulse quickened and my face blushed riotously. This was the single most embarrassing thing to ever happen to me. Or at least it was at that point, little did I know at that moment, this was going to be the first of many many embarrassing moments.

"I've not looked at the images myself, but Mike in IT says some of them are pretty graphic. And you should know that we know that you've been downloading the images during office hours, and burning them to CD. I don't need to tell you that this is very serious in deed".

I'd been working for this company, let's call it National Insurance Corp, for just four months when my boss challenged me about the porn on my work computer. It was so stupid. I'd had such a good run so far. An occasional friend from college, a guy called Sam, had hooked me up with the job. My boss, Darren, was an old school friend of his and he was the son of one of the most senior board directors at the company. Which was why, despite him being a year younger than me, he was so high up the company hierarchy, and why he was able to appoint me in a relatively senior position on the recommendation of a mutual friend, despite my complete lack of experience for the job.

I couldn't believe my luck when I'd been given the job after one drinking session with Sam and Darren. It came with a good salary, which enabled me to move into the city and take a nice flat on my own. All my friends and family back home were thrilled that I had got such a good job. And once there, the rest of my team were great, and I'd started socialising with my work mates more or less as soon as I had joined the company. And my fears that I'd struggle given my lack of experience proved unfounded -- in fact I found the job easy and frequently did everything I needed to do in any working day before lunch. Which in many ways is where the porn thing came from.

I invariably had at least a couple of spare hours in the afternoon and I, like any office worker these days, spent that time surfing the net. I'd quickly discovered a load of links to gay porn sites in the favourites menu on the web browser on my PC. More out of curiosity than anything else I started to check them out. My desk was in a secluded part of the office, and my screen faced away from everyone else, so there wasn't any risk anyone would notice. But I only ever intended to have a quick look at the home pages. Except that when I got there I discovered this PC had an active subscription to half these sites. That is to say when I got to the home page a user name and password was already typed in (presumably the browser was set to store them), and when I clicked enter I found I had access to everything. And there was a lot.

Despite suspecting I was gay in my late teens I'd only really fully come to terms with my sexuality after college, which meant that, despite being 25, I'd not come out nor ever really checked out any gay porn over and above some saucy male celeb shots. Perhaps because I was making up for lost time I became fascinated by all this pornography, and quickly found myself spending at least an hour a day surfing around it. Obviously I couldn't jerk off at my work desk, so I'd download pictures and video clips to my PC, burn them to CD, and use them for masturbation purposes via my laptop at home. Within a few weeks I'd got quite a collection -- and had quickly developed a taste for the especially filthy fetish type content. Most nights I couldn't wait to get home to jerk off to my latest downloads.

But with hindsight I'd been a fool. I tried to remember to delete any files I'd downloaded, but I knew enough about computers to know it's hard to keep that kind of stuff secret from any computer geek who knows his way around an operating system. I should have known I'd get caught. And that I'd get into trouble. I should never have even considered putting myself in this position.

"So", Darren said, raising his voice slightly, "what have you got to say for yourself".

"I'm really sorry Darren ... I'm really really sorry ... I didn't mean to it's just that..."

I wasn't handling this very well. I'd not had a great deal to do with Darren once I'd got the job -- he tended to leave most of his team to their own devices -- but whenever I had been called to his office previously it had normally been so he could tell me how well I was doing. I'd expected another glowing report when I'd been called in there that Friday morning. I certainly hadn't expected this. Which is why my response came out so disjointed. So disjointed it was easy for Darren to cut in.

"It's just what?" he was really shouting now. "It's just that you thought because I was a friend of Sam's you could take this job and jerk off on our time, use our internet connection to download your filth, spend your afternoons fiddling with yourself under your desk, and then take a handsome pay cheque home at the end of the month for your trouble. You must think we're really really stupid".

"Please Darren ... that's not what it's like ... it's just that..."

I couldn't think what to say. So I paused. Which allowed him to speak again.

"I think it might be appropriate if you stripped to your underwear, don't you?"

Woah, where did that come from? From the minute he'd mentioned the porn I'd been anticipating yelling. I'd been anticipating being given my marching orders. And as Darren had got angrier I'd started to think he might hit me. But this I'd never expected.


"This is very serious Josh, I cannot tell you how serious. The board of this company are very religious. My dad is a lay preacher, did you know that? Now, get that suit off and we can decide what we're going to do about this".

If I'd been blushing before, I dread to think what shade of red my face was now.

"You mean here? I couldn't ... not here".

"Do you want to keep this job Josh?"

Shit. That kind of talk I had expected, as soon as he'd mentioned the word `porn', but now that he'd said it I was more scared than I'd expected. I really needed this job. I'd taken on a lot of financial commitments since being handed such a great salary. And I'd made such a big deal to my friends and family about how well I'd done to get into this firm.

"You know I do Darren, I love it here, it's just..."

"Listen Josh, I think it might be better if you call me Sir from now on. Now, if this job is really important to you I suggest you get out of that suit in the next fifteen seconds".

My heart was beating faster than ever. Sweat was starting to drip down my face I was blushing so much. I stood up, took off my jacket and hooked it over the chair I was sitting on. Darren leaned back in his chair and stared straight ahead at me. His facial expression stayed the same as I bent over and slipped off my shoes. I stood up again and unbuckled by belt and unzipped my trousers. I looked up, mainly because I genuinely expected Darren to stop me at this point. He didn't. His face remained static. So I dropped my trousers, slid them off, folded them and put them on the floor next to the chair. I was relieved I was wearing a relatively new pair of boxers, clean on this morning. Though they were the tight fitting kind and, for reasons I couldn't fathom at the time, I could feel my dick start to harden as I removed my clothes. You'd soon be able to see a semi-hard-on bulging in my boxers. But fortunately my shirt came a few inches below my waist and covered my cock bulge.

I stood before him, in my boxers and shirt, with my hands by my side. He paused for a few seconds, before saying: "And your shirt and tie".

Shit, now he would definitely see my bulge, which was growing even more.

I made one last attempt at protest. "Sir, I don't really see..."

He cut in. "I don't really see how I can tell my dad to keep on a perverted queer who jerks off on the company's time, so perhaps now isn't the time for the `don't really sees' hey Josh?"

That worked. I quickly undid my tie, dropped it on the floor and got about unbuttoning my shirt. Within seconds that was on the floor too. I was wearing a t-shirt under the shirt, but that was tight fitting and only came down to my waist. Which meant my dick, which was now nearly hard, was tenting my boxers, and was very easy to make out. This was really embarrassing. I positioned my hands over my groin in a bid to hide it. It was a futile thing to do, but I did it anyway.

Darren smiled for the first time since I'd come in the office. "There's not need to cover up Josh, I already know you're a filthy gay boy, it doesn't surprise me that you're getting hard by being in such close quarters with a guy like me".

Actually it wasn't really Darren who was making me hard -- it was the concept of being forced to strip in front of him that was turning me on. Though that's not to say it hadn't occurred to me before how good looking my boss was. He had short cut blonde hair, a firm build and a smile to die for. If I was being honest I'd had more than one sexual fantasies involving him since I'd started my job. But as I say, today it was the nature of my situation more than my company that was getting me horny. For reasons I was, at that time, still very unsure of. Though Darren mentioned my hard-on made me even harder. So much so that when he politely suggested I put my hands behind my back, properly revealing my now fully tented boxers, a little patch of pre-cum could be seen soaking into the fabric at the tip of my dick. I saw it, he saw it. I'd never felt as low as this.

Darren smiled again. But then returned to his serious voice.

"What you've been doing is a serious breach of company policy. There are disciplinary procedures I have to go through, and that involves consulting board members. Now, I like you Josh, and Sam is a good friend, but I'm not sure there's anything I can do to protect you once it gets to that level. I'd expect you to be fired within the day".

He paused again. This was horrible.

"But if I punished you myself, rather than using the company procedures, then it's possible we could keep this away from the board, and that way I might be able to save your job. Would you like that?"

"Yes sir" I replied quickly. It seemed odd talking to this guy, who was normally a really informal boss and who was, after all, a year younger than me, in such a formal way. Though, oddly, doing so made me hornier than ever.

"So you want me to punish you?"

"Yes sir".

"OK, stand two feet behind that chair, and lean forward and rest your hands on the back of the chair".

I did as he said, naively having no idea at this point where this was going. Until, that is, I saw Darren open his top drawer and retrieve a black plastic paddle. I'd never seen one before, yet I instinctively knew what it was, and what it was for. I nearly said something -- I'm not sure what, that I knew what he was going to do perhaps, that this was just stupid, that there was no way I was going to let him paddle me, that this job wasn't that important to me. I don't know, one of those things. Perhaps I was just going to beg for forgiveness. My mind was racing. But my dick was throbbing, which is possibly why, in the end, I said nothing.

Darren got up and walked behind me.

He paused for another twenty seconds or so, then pulled my boxers down. This was the most embarrassing thing yet, though strangely liberating also. My throbbing dick was now free, and I could feel the draft of the air-con on it. With me bent over like this my t-shirt had slid up my back slightly, meaning my ass would be fully exposed to my boss. I knew what was coming, but it wasn't until Darren spoke again that the prospect of being paddled by this guy became real.

"Try not to scream too loud, we wouldn't want to disturb your colleagues would we?"

And then it happened. Before I could respond to that statement, before I could turn to see what was happening, before I could prepare myself properly, there was an audible swoosh as the paddle moved through the air, and then an immediate burning pain in my ass like I'd never ever felt before. I knew what Darren had said, but I couldn't help it, I screamed like a baby. I don't know how sound proofed these offices were, but it felt like they'd hear me in the mailing room in the basement I screamed so loud. I think I screamed solidly for about a minute, until my throat was finally too hoarse to continue, and instead I adopted a quieter whimper. I really hadn't ever felt anything that painful before.

"Thirty of those for now I think" he said.

This time I didn't stop myself from speaking. There was simply no way I could take thirty more swats from the paddle. I mean, I really needed this job. And my cock was still rock solid. But I just didn't see how I could survive thirty swats.

"No, please, I can't, I just can't, I'm sorry, I'll do anything, please no".

I stopped, suddenly. Darren had grabbed hold of my balls from behind. He squeezed. Not very hard, but hard enough for it to hurt.

"I can still call down my dad if you want. Punish you the official way. Is that what you want? But my dad is well connected you know. If you get fired from this company in these circumstances, don't expect to find new employment anytime soon. But I'll get him down here if you want. Is that want you want?"

"No sir".

"So, you going to take your thirty swats like a man? Or are you going to cry like a girly gay boy".

I paused. There had to be another way. Of course there were all sorts of other ways, but with my sore ass, my hard cock, and the stress of this whole insane scenario, my brain was in no state to think of them. There just didn't seem to be another option.

"I'll take the thirty swats, Sir".

"Good boy". He squeezed my balls more tightly, then resumed paddling position.

And then they came, one after another, in quick succession. If I'd thought the first swat was bad, it was nothing compared to the fifth, and the tenth, and the twentieth. Each swat came with the same force, but added to the growing deep pain it got really really bad. Darren really was putting all his energy into this paddling. But I gritted my teeth and focused on getting through it. And somehow I did. The fact my dick was harder than I ever remembered possibly helped. But that didn't stop be sobbing. A lot. By the time he'd finished I was actually crying.

"OK, gay boy, go and stand in the corner over there and think about what's happened here".

I looked up. Darren was pointing at the far corner of his office. I took my hands off this chair, and went to pull up my boxers. "No, boxers stay where they are".

I didn't think this could get any worse, but it did. The walk from the chair to the office corner was less than five yards, but with the boxers around my ankles restricting my walk, and my erect dick wobbling in front of me, and my red red ass behind me, and with Darren watching all this with a smug grin on his face, I'd never felt so embarrassed, so degraded, so small. When I got to the corner Darren added to the degradation -- "face the wall, hands behind your head". I obeyed. Doing so lifted my t-shirt again giving Darren a completely clear view of my sore ass once he sat back at his desk.

I don't know how long I stood there, probably about twenty minutes, but it felt like an age. Darren got about his work, tapped on his keyboard, even made a couple of phone calls, while I stood in the corner of his office, boxers round my ankles, fully erect dick out on show, paddled ass in my bosses direct line of vision.

Then I realised Darren was behind me again. I felt him squeeze my still red hot ass. Then he reached round and squeezed my balls again. Then he bent down and pulled up each of my feet so he could remove my boxers. He scrunched them up and put them in his jacket pocket.

"OK, get dressed and get back to work. And don't even think about looking at those filthy websites, I expect you to be working doubly hard for the rest of the day. Come back here at five, I'll give you back your boxers and then we can discuss what disciplinary action I'm going to take.

That scared me. I thought I'd just had my punishment. What did he mean disciplinary action? Was he going to shop me to the board anyway? Or was I going to get another paddling? I dreaded to think. Though as I rushed to put my clothes back on my thoughts centred more on how the hell I was going to manage to spend the rest of my day seated on my incredibly sore ass, and how I was going to conceal the full on hard on that was tenting out my suit trousers (there being no boxers to hold it in place).

I buttoned up my jacket, excused myself, and rushed back to my desk.

I worked extra hard that afternoon, completing all my tasks as normal, but then finding extra tasks for me to do as well. Throughout my heart and mind raced as I considered what would happen at five o'clock. The thought of what had happened in Darren's office, and what might happen later, really started to scare me. Though my dick never stopped being fully erect the whole day. It was still tenting my trousers as I made my way back to my boss' office at the end of the day.

Next: Chapter 2

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