
By Mark James

Published on Sep 24, 2012


Workman 5-UPS delivery by Mark James

The UPS man delivers every afternoon to my company. We take delivery in the stockroom in the warehouse. This UPS stud has been delivering for a while and I can't take my eyes off of him when he is here.

I don't know if he is gay or not. I would rather he is straight. I love blowing straights. But he just does business and leaves so I thought I will never know.

Today he shows up as usual, but today he asks if he can use the restroom. He walks over and goes in the john.

I can just picture him pulling out his cock, taking a piss and then just stroking his cock and wishing I was.

Ten or fifteen minutes go by and he doesn't come back. I decide to check on him. I go in the head and there he is sitting on the table in the john with his pants open and his cock out.

He looks at me and says "You took your time; you've been wanting to do me as long as I've been delivering here."

I don't say a word; I just walked over and started sucking his cock. This is one delivery I love to take. I am afraid somebody will come in so I suck him as and as fast as I can.

Soon he says "I'm gonna cum, you want to take it"

I just suck harder and faster. He pushes my mouth down on his cock and says "here it comes, priority delivery" and his cum gushes into my mouth.Awesome!!

He washes off his cock, puts it back in his pants and says, "Don't be so shy. Next time I am here you can lick my ass too if you are a good cocksucker."

I can't wait till tomorrow and the next day and the next, etc.

Next: Chapter 6: Workman 6

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