Worshipping my Master's cock

By Mike Casey

Published on Sep 7, 2015



Worshipping my Master's cock

By Golad

This is a true story - just my recollections of a recent hot sub/dom throatfuck / cock worship session. Steve and I live in different continents and we'd hooked up half a dozen times or so before we met up while I was in Sydney for Mardi Gras in 2015. We met in the apartment of a friend of his, located on an upper floor of one of the fanciest buildings in Sydney with some of the best views of Sydney's beautiful harbour. It was properly swanky. If you like these recollections, let me know. It's my first time on Nifty. Email me at goladgo@gmail.com

I'd been out to my first mardi gras party for years and had a fun time. By the time I got home at about 6, I was horny as hell and fixated on my desire to submit to a hot man's sexual demands. I was feeling very very submissive. So I texted Steve, telling him I couldn't think of anything nicer than getting between his legs and just as I got out of the shower he replied, inviting me around. I got increasingly excited on the 10 minute walk to his apartment, thinking about how much fun I was going to have. I was not to be disappointed.

It was early morning on a beautiful Sydney summer's day. Already warm but not too hot. Steve explained a little how his friend lets him stay in his apartment when he's in Sydney and I looked at the beautiful view of the harbour, opera house and bridge.

But the view wasn't what I was there for. Within a couple of minutes, Steve had his cock out and nodded downwards, motioning me to it. I scooted over and knelt towards it. I told Steve how glad I was that he was awake so early and then leaned foward and kissed his cock. It wasn't yet erect but it was definitely a bit engorged, just arching up slightly. Getting meaty. Beautiful.

I kissed it reverently, as it deserves. I love that Steve has got such a magnificent cock. It's big, insistent, well proportioned and heavy. It's the perfect size - I feel I can just about deep throat it to the root. But when I do - and it then swells and gets even bigger and harder - it's too big for me ever to be completely comfortable - and that's perfect : I like a cock that I can't take for granted, that can master me, demand hard work of me and which is worthy of being the focus of all my efforts.

I love how Steve loves having his cock worshipped. He's a pretty chilled guy but, like his online profile says he likes playing with "greedy mouthed men who get off on being at crotch level",service pigs who have a need for having their throat stuffed". Me described to a tee.

I get off on sucking cock and, especially, on doing that just how my top likes it. I've sucked Steve's cock enough to know a fair bit about what he likes. He likes my mouth to be busy non-stop - if I'm not sucking his cock, I should (and will) be sucking his balls or, just occasionally, licking his arse. He likes me to hold his balls and pull on them a bit. Sometimes it's good to play with one of his nipples with my other hand. He likes me to suck his cock to the very root. Of course, he likes me sometimes to concentrate on the head, and sometimes to suck it up and down the entire length - but mostly and above all he likes me to embed it deep down my throat and use every possible means of making it feel good - using my lips and cheeks and tongue, and particularly swallowing repeatedly while it's buried to the balls.

So, I took hold of Steve's balls and started to make love to his cock with my mouth. I felt it respond, getting bigger and harder. After some loving attention to the head of his cock, I sucked all the way to the root, closed my throat around it and swallowed. His cock was fully encased in my mouth and rapidly getting harder. "That's right, you know how I like it", said Steve and my head started spinning with lust and submissiveness. "You're going to be my good cock slave, aren't you", he demanded and I mumbled as clear a "yes" as I could without taking my mouth off his cock. "Good boy" he replied and put a hand on the back of my head. I moaned, remembering the feel of his hand from previous encounters, holding me in place and directing my head up and down on his cock. Mostly always down.

His cock was pretty well fully erect by now. I worshipped it. I sucked his cock for most of the next couple of hours. We were in no hurry, so we alternated between me sucking his cock and short periods of chilling out. He was going to a party with another sub boy later so there was no expectation he would want to cum playing with me. And, of course, there was no suggestion I might get to cum - there never is when I play with Steve. It is well established between us that I do not play with my cock at all when I'm with him. All my attention is required to be focused on his gorgeous cock. He's told me more than once - and got me to agree - that our sex is only about his pleasure. My cock is available for him to get rough with but it's out of bounds for me. So horny.

Sometimes he let me set the pace. But most of the time his hands were holding my head tightly, dictating exactly where my head was and whether it was moving or stationary. He was rough and demanding and would ram his cock in and out. Then would hold my head still for long periods of time with his cock balls-deep down my throat while skull-fucking me. Numerous times he told me off for not having his cock's full length down my throat and demanded better service. Never mind that I could barely breathe in any air around his cock or get the opportunity to take a proper breath. Even as I gagged and choked he ordered me to take it all and pushed my head roughly down. And once it was all the way down, even while he was skull fucking me, if I didn't swallow around his cock often enough to maximise his pleasure, he ordered me to suck him better. He never lets me get away with giving him anything but my very best.

I was in heaven, between the legs of a hot man, worshipping his perfect cock, dedicating myself to his pleasure, subject to his control, his obedient, devoted slave. We'd exchanged lots of messages in the lead up to meeting. He knows I love it when he is demanding and directive and he takes full advantage. Obedience and submission make him hard and I love getting my master hard. Obedience and submission get me hard too.

At times he stood and I knelt between his legs. Sometimes he sprawled on the couch and I lay between his legs, my head in his crotch. At one stage we even took a chair out on the balcony and I sat on the floor, while he kicked back on the chair, al fresco on a beautiful warm Sydney summer's morning, the harbour spread out before him and a devoted cocksucker at his feet making love to his rock hard cock.

He was extremely demanding and aggressive. I choked and spluttered and gagged but, as he knew, I craved his shaft controlling me through my throat and I concentrated and worked hard and managed to control myself just enough to enable me to stay in place.

Several times, he fed me his cock and his balls at the same time. When he does that I literally cannot breathe. He'd told me in a message beforehand that he was going to control my every breath and only let me up for air occasionally. I love it when I struggle to breathe. It's a very intimate and powerful form of sexual submission - he is controlling a function that is normally completely under my own control. To my mind, controlling someone's breathing is real domination. Using his cock to do it takes it to another level still. As I get high on the shortage of oxygen, my head starts to reel and there is no room left in my brain for anything other than the feel of his cock down my throat, the force of his his hand on my head, my submission and my need to take a breath. Once I pulled back off his cock and balls before he was ready to let me, panicking slightly at the lack of air. He was disappointed and told me off. Later, I apologised. He is in charge and entitled to expect his demands to be met. I am required to obey and I failed. He was right to expect better.

Occasionally he would take his cock from my mouth. I was required to instantly start pleasuring his balls the second his cock was not in my mouth. He likes me to suck his balls into my mouth, to pull on them, to chew them a little. He expects my mouth and throat to be just as active and adoring as when I'm sucking his cock. I love the pleasure I can give his balls with my mouth. I get so hard when he insists on hard work and loving attention - he points out any failure or lack of attention on my part. He likes me to look up at him while I suck his balls. It's so horny, looking up past his huge erection, gazing gratefully into his face, thanking him with my eyes for the privilege of being between his legs, pleasuring his balls, maybe reaching up to play with one of his nipples. He sometimes asked me questions while I looked up at him. I could only gurgle and grunt in return but was able to convey my assent to various propositions : - that I love worshipping his cock ; - that I had thought of sucking his cock all night during the party ; - that I would do whatever he asked ; - that I am his cock slave. Then his cock would be back down my throat for the next round of skullfucking.

He wrapped my cock up in tight rubber, sqeezing it hard. I couldn't really see what he was doing because my face was buried so deep in his crotch. I hadn't cum in days and my cock was rock hard as he wrapped it up well tight. He started slaping it around and it exploded time after time in a sensational mixture of intense pleasure and intense pain, jolting me into redoubling my efforts on his cock. Pain done right is an integral part of my sexual gratification process and Steve always gets it right.

He'd promised to tie me up and I was so excited at the prospect I could barely wait. I had to keep myself from asking him to restrain me - but I let him call the shots because I knew that's how it should be. I'd made it clear to him, though, how much I was anticipating being restrained and then face fucked - I didn't want him to have any doubts about that. He knows what I say in my profile - that "I especially like aggressive deepthroat facefucking, particularly if the bottom guy is restrained". I'd also sent him a message which said : "Been thinking about you tying me up and then using me - I really hope you do. I'm always (including now) hard when I think of how between my bondage, your cock and your ability to hold me in place, you can, if you wish, ensure that I literally cannot move my head enough to get your cock out of my mouth or, indeed, my throat. You can have complete say over how long, how hard and how deep you fuck my throat. It's a little frightening and a whole lot exciting :)".

Steve had some rope in one of the bedrooms and we went to get it. He didn't just have rope - he had a pretty big bag full of restraints and devices. He didn't give me an opportunity to really look through them - we just grabbed the rope and went back into the main room. Steve had never tied me up before and I'd presumed it wasn't really something he enjoyed. Clearly I was wrong. Given what I'd now seen of his bondage gear collection, I wasn't surprised to find that he quickly had me very effectively tied in place.

First he had me on my back on a bench. It's like a couch but without a back - very comfortable to lie on and a perfect height. My wrists and ankles were secure down the sides of the bench and my head was right at the end.

But he hadn't just tied me down. A dental gag was tied securely in place and my mouth was retracted open. I could barely move my head and closing my mouth was not an option. The gag kept my mouth forced open wide enough for his cock. I was literally helpless. As soon as his cock went in my mouth, I no longer had any control. He completed my restraint by impaling my face on his cock. I could not move and I could not bite down. His cock was going to be just where he wanted it to be - I had no way of influencing that decision.

I couldn't say anything intelligible, of course.

I was in heaven. Steve understands what goes on in my head. He gets that I am really enjoying the way that every time we play he increases the dom/sub element. I want to be dominated and owned and controlled by his cock. That's what make my heart thud. No choice is hot. He knows that I want him to take my autonomy and that I want him to dominate both my body and my mind. It's my fantasy come true that he does that while granting me the privilege of being properly force-fed with his magnificent cock.

I had to concentrate hard on breathing. At that angle, my master's cock slides perfectly all the way down my throat as though they were made for each other. As it goes deeper it controls my air supply. I am dependent on my master's favour as to whether I will be able to breathe. I used my throat as best I can to give his beautiful cock the maximum pleasure possible. I was utterly subject to my master, feeling servile, submissive and desperate to please and totally devoted to meeting his sexual desires. His sexual desires mirror mine so wonderfully. My entire universe consisted of worshipping this sexy horny man.

He was rough with me. His cock went in and out down my throat. Occasionally it would go out just far enough that I could grab some air around the sides of his cock. Then he would ram it back in. He loves it when I gag on it. I could feel it get harder as I choked and spluttered on it. Would he do this for 5 minutes, 20 minutes or more? That I had no say in this was making my cock massively huge and hard, still bound up in tight rubber, painful and horny as hell.

He untied me, turned me over and retied me. He got the desk chair which can be easily manouevred to wherever he wants it. He sat in front of me. I couldn't move, I couldn't close my mouth. He rolled the chair slightly closer and sat back in it. As he did so, his cock entered my mouth. Once again, I had no say in what happened next. My role was not to make decisions - it was to concentrate on working hard to please my master. He rolled the chair even closer. His cock was down my throat now. I swallow repeatedly. He slowly moved it in and out slightly, savouring the pleasure. Then he held my head firmly in place and started skullfucking me. What could be hotter ? Nothing could get my cock harder than this, I love being my master's cock slave.

Much later he released me. After a break, I licked his feet. This is the first time I've been allowed to lick his feet. I love having my feet licked and know what ecstasy it can bring. I test how he likes it. I try long slow licks across his soles, I try quicker, lighter licks. I suck his toes, one by one and then together. I use my teeth, ever so lightly. He has beautiful feet. I love grovelling at his feet, looking up at him, seeing how it turns him on.

I sucked his cock for a final time. He was sitting sideways on the couch, his legs spread. I was lying between his legs, playing with his balls, working his cock with my mouth. When we took our next break, we agreed it was time to stop. I'd had hours of pleasure and clearly so had he. A perfect fuck.

He invited me to stay a bit and had a swim. So lovely. There was an older fellow in the pool too who was friendly and chatty. It was slightly surreal but amazingly delightful - my head still buzzing, the guy who'd just fucked my throat for hours swimming next to me, in slightly cool water and a morning just promising to warm up, luxuriating in an outdoor pool on a lovely summer's day.

After I sent Steve my story, he returned the favour with the following. It's great to get the perspective from his side as well :)

Tom arrived at the door in jeans, boots and tee shirt. His expectant grin and horny disposition instantly told me this was going to be another fun encounter with the sexy man I met online some years before. I placed my hand on his shoulder and guided him into the lounge and offered him a drink. It didn't take long for me to motion him down on his knees, his face level with my cock. The getting him to unbutton my jeans and pull out my soft meaty cock then having him kiss it, lick it and slowly suck it as it swelled and got hard in his mouth.

With my cock thickening in his mouth I slowly move deeper towards the base of his tongue, leaving his windpipe open for him to breathe. I tell him to look at me so I can see the desire in his eyes, then I glide my cock down his throat knowing how much he needs it there. I start to push it a bit deeper, telling him to push down on my cock.

Tom's a great cocksucker, usually a top but only a hungry, obedient, submissive, and trusting cock slave for me.

Working my cock like a piston, I slowly pull back then purposefully thrust down into the hungry throat below, hearing murmurs of ecstasy as Tom struggles to contain himself. With my cock fully engorged I look down at Tom and smile as I push harder all the while telling him to swallow so I can feel his muscles massage and grasp my cock. I love feeling a throat engorged on my cock, and particularly when I get the throat muscles to massage my shaft, it's an intense intimate feeling of dominance.

After a time I tell Tom to take his clothes off. It's great watching this guy who's about to get a serious solid throat fuck. He has a tight lean physique, pierced nipple, a pert butt and a big thick meaty uncut cock that is always hard, particularly when his throat is full and used. Now naked with an intense hard on, he instinctively goes back to his knees letting me know he wants his throat worked. I sit on the chair and position him in front me, sitting legs crossed with his balls hanging on the floor, cock rock hard.

I tell Tom to open his mouth, he willingly complies as I tease it with my cock. Like a probe, my hard meat feels it way around Toms throat, gently nudging it the base, knowing he wants it all, the entire shaft, right down the balls. Placing both my hands on the back of his head I tell Tom to push down onto my cock, guiding him as he swallows my cock to the root as deep as he can go. Keeping his head in place I push slightly then harder on my cock, thrusting it deeper down Tom's throat as I cut his windpipe off. He knows I will keep it down there as long as I think he can handle it or perhaps a tad longer. As he starts to struggle I hold him there, knowing he craves submission to the power of my cock.

Withdrawing I immediately place my balls into his mouth getting him to suck and move them around with his tongue, having him try and swallow them. It's an awesome feeling when he has the entire sack there. I push Toms head back a bit taking out my balls instructing him to keep his mouth open. I insert two fingers and feel the base of his throat then I add a third and touch his uvula, all the while looking in his eyes, knowing he wants my cock again. I know Tom loves servicing my cock and that he wants me to take this play a step further.

We take a short break and I retrieve some gear I had brought, a couple of restraints, cuffs, rope, rubber tape and my new Whitall dental retractor.

It wasn't long till Tom obediently lay with his back to the bench, legs and arms spread eagle with anticipation at being restrained. I had placed him diagonally, his head in a corner allowing me to stand directly over his face. Tying him to the bench I noticed his rock solid cock was pulsing with desire. After finishing the last knot I stood over his head and rewarded him by pushing my balls into his mouth and told him to suck them. As he did this I took the rubber tape and proceeded to firmly wrap his balls and cock with it. He was doing an excellent job but I knew he really wanted to suck my cock, feel the its girth move down his throat, succumb to it entirely. I removed my balls and told him to open his mouth. Tom immediately obediently obeyed exposing his hungry throat. I told him to flex his cock and keep it flexed as I position myself over his head so that he can see the full length of my cock. I then slowly move it into his mouth feeling my way deeper till the head of cock is buried deep down his throat preventing him from breathing. I know Tom needs his throat fucked, so I start to work my cock up and down his throat, trying to get ever deeper with each thrust I make. Tom starts to gag so I clench his head with my thighs and continue to fuck him.

Finally I consider he needs some air so I withdraw and tell him to breathe. After he inhales I immediately return my cock down his throat, we continue this for a while and then I bring out the retractor, which I quickly put in place. It is so incredibly hot seeing Tom so totally vulnerable tied in front of me with his mouth retracted, unable to close. I like controlling Tom and using him this way, and get turned on knowing he wants this from me. Each time we play I take him a step further.

With Tom's mouth forced open I place my cock in it, slowly hitting the back of his throat. I probe and tease him finally pushing my cock as far down as I can, letting him feel my cock penetrating his hungry throat. Knowing how much he likes being under the power of my cock urges me to push my cock even deeper. I lean forward and squeeze his balls and cock and hitting them hard, though not as hard as he'd like. I continue to fuck his throat occasionally dangling my balls in his mouth, sometimes my fingers.

After a while I turn him over, and bring in an ergo chair positioning it level to Tom's head height. I then push my cock in deep and it acts like a plug blocking his breathing. Holding his head in place, I lift his head up and down pushing his throat the head on of my cock as it penetrates down. How much can Tom take I think as he struggles helpless and bound, but I smile remember Tom saying how much he loves worshipping my cock so I continue. The chair works a dream and I give Tom a good solid throat fuck.

We move to the lounge where Tom continues to greedily devour my cock and balls.

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