Wozeck and Max

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Apr 24, 2021


When they woke up the next morning, wozzeck saw that Max's third forehead line, while still there, had disappeared to a great degree. He had a first hand look because Max rolled on top of him, face to face , kissing him, and stroking his hair. "Repeat the line after me wozee: 'we are one'. You'll have to say it at the end of the coupling ceremony." "I know Sir. We were taught the whole ritual in the complex." Max smiled. "Then say it." wozzeck smiled back. "I think you'll have to make me do that, Sir?" "Ho ho. That can be arranged my little pierogi." He kissed the tip of wozzeck's nose and, while he had him distracted, reached down and grabbed his balls. "HEY. THAT'S NO FAIR SIR." "NOTHING'S FAIR IN LOVE OR WAR, SWEET PEA?" "Can I quote you on that Sir?" wozzeck teased, and Max twisted his balls to the right. "OUCH! OK OK. 'we are one.' " "Now say it with me. Practice for the ceremony. "We are one" they said together. Max's lips fell on wozzeck's, and he kissed him for a long time. wozzeck felt Max's cock growing, and he didn't wait to be told, or ordered. He spread his legs, and his lover entered him. Max began pressing his chin into the soft spot on wozzeck's neck and he whispered "I'm gonna fill my little pierogi with cream. " "OH. SIR. Your pierogi wants it. He wants to be filled. Cream and sausage. Cream and sausage Sir. AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH." He felt Max's cock expanding in him, and he squirmed around as much as he could to get the feeling throughout his hole. He LOVED when Max fucked him in the morning. It meant that there was a possibility there was a second one later that night. And now, that Max seemed more relaxed, his lovemaking was more complete, and longer. Max didn't have him restrained, so wozzeck locked his arms around the small of Max's back, trying to push him in further. It worked, to the point where wozzeck's limits were being pushed, and he was sore. Max looked at him for a minute. "Looks like I'm hurting you." "Just a little Sir. " "Szkoda" (too bad), Max said in Polish and wozzeck laughed, before the laugh was pushed out of him by Max's deep, strong thrusts. "MASTER. MASTER MAX. SPLIT ME IN HALF. PLEASE."

He felt Max shoot into him and after he was done, Max smiled. "Split you in half? Pierogi, I can barely handle ONE of you, how could I handle TWO?"

Two days later the paperwork for the coupling came back, approved. They set a date a week later . It would be simple. Just the two of them, Masha and Serge, and the official who would couple them. Masha and Serge were driving from their home. They'd be staying with Max and wozzeck for a week. Wozzeck was delighted. He hadn't seen the couple since his first claiming. Masha came up the door with her large purse, smiling. "WOZZEEEE. WOZZEEEE. OH... OH LOOK HOW YOU'VE GROWN MY BABY" . She hugged him and wouldn't let go. Wozzeck did something he didn't recall doing since he was a young boy. He began to cry. "Masha. Masha. OH I MISSED YOU. WE HAVE SO MUCH TO TALK ABOUT." She smiled at him. "Well, we will have much time to talk, my little one." "Masha, I don't think a week will be enough time." Masha was about to say something, but then she stopped. Serge walked out of the room where he had been talking to Max. Unlike Masha, he looked significantly older. He looked at wozzeck, who instinctively put his hands behind his back . "Master Serge. I hope you find me pleasing." Serge began to cry. "How could I not? My boy, my favorite boy... you look happy. Are you happy wozzee?" "SO happy Sir. SO happy. I am so glad you and Masha prepared me to be a good partner for Max." Serge looked at him and he, too, seemed to be ready to say something, but didn't. "After tomorrow, you will be together forever." "So I hope Sir. So I hope." "So do we all."

For the ceremony, they gathered in the sun room of Max and wozzeck's house. Max surprised wozzeck, by dressing in a Western suit: gray with a dark blue shirt, and a cream colored tie. Wozzeck had dressed traditionally: the embroidered white blouse shirt, the red hat, the soft black boots. "You look like such a young boy wozzee. But you're not. You're my young man." "I hope I will be your old man one day Sir." Now Max was crying. "Me too."

As they sat, Max took wozzeck's hand. He was a big hand holder, but wozzeck couldn't remember Max holding him this tight before. He saw that the crease was back too. It had been there since his discussion with Serge the day before. SOMETHING was up, and no one was telling him. The officiant got to the point where they both had to swear their fidelity to each other. Then he said "Now, please repeat the words of coupling to me." "We are one." they said together. and then Max reached over and took the button wozzeck was wearing, showing him to be single but claimed, to a solid colored blue button, the sign of a coupled man. Then he replaced the button on his own suit. He and wozzeck locked eyes, and didn't say anything "Ahem," the officiant cleared his throat, and Max turned. "Oh, yes.. Of course. I was somewhere else... " He reached into his suit pocket. "Wozzeck... the custom is for the Sir in the couple, to provide the Prole with a sign of his devotion. Please give me your hand Wozzeck. Wozzeck had read about this: yes, the Master gave the prole a gift, but the gift could vary. Max produced a heavy, silver ring, with a large stone in it. It was the color of Max's eyes. "My grandfather had this made for my father when I was born. When my father gave up this existence, it passed to me. Now Wozzeck, it passes to you. By my choice. A token of my love. " "I treasure it Sir." wozzeck got out after struggling to hold his emotions. "We are complete. You are coupled. CONGRATULATIONS" said the Minister and he stood. It would be inappropriate for him to remain, because now , it was time for the couple to celebrate their union. wozzeck saw Serge hand him an envelope, and heard the Russian for thank you. He and Masha had signed the certificate of coupling after Max and wozzeck had. and now he turned to them. "This makes me very happy. So happy Max, wozzeck. We will drink after you celebrate together. " "I have all the ingredients for your favorite foods, boys. Masha will get to the kitchen. Do not let me disturb you." "You will not Masha. wozzee." Max took wozzeck's hand. "Yes sir?" "This way." He led wozzeck to the bedroom, and closed the door. "You are MINE wozzeck. MINE forever." "Yes sir. I am. Willingly and completely." "Undress me wozzee. Be slow about it. And then I will undress you." wozzeck was excited, and his hands shook. Max never let him undress him. As he got to work, he looked. Again, the crease was gone. "I am making you happy Sir?" "Right now, wozzee, you are making me very excited. Your touch..." "Like this Sir?" wozzeck pressed his cold hand against Max's exposed chest. "OH, You are so much more than my sweet pierogi. Be quick about it. I would not have these pants spoiled." "yes sir. Please step out of your shoes." Max did so, and wozzeck undid his pants. He had to step back, Max's erection was so straight and so hard. "Yes. Your mouth, prole wozzeck." Max put his hand on wozzeck's head. "And I will never call you prole again. You are not. Here, you are my coupled. At home, you are my husband. " "At home?" wozzeck thought, but then felt Max's very hard, very hot cock at his mouth. He took it, and used everything he had learned to make his husband happy. And Max did smile. He smiled through it all. He locked his long fingers in wozzeck's hair, and pushed him forward. "MMMMM. Now I don't have to worry about anyone else ever having those lips. They're mine." wozzeck felt Max's hands massaging his neck, his ears, sliding down the back of his shirt. Those hands drove him wild with desire. He wanted this man. His life was complete now. Max held wozzeck's head securely, while he shot into wozzeck's mouth. wozzeck could not believe the size of the orgasm. It was big even for Max. "Stand up wozzee. Stand for your husband." "Yes sir." Max embraced him and was silent for a few minutes. Then he looked at him intently. "You've been through so much in your life wozzee. I promise. I will make sure you never have to undergo that again." "If it meant you were the reward Sir, I would do it." "You won't have to. Now... let me do MY job." He began undressing wozzeck. He took off the hat, slipped the blouse top off of him and then pulled down his pants. "Another gift to you, my sweet pierogi." Max got on his knees and... "My Master is sucking me!" wozzeck thought, as he felt Max's lips around his penis. "OH MY. That boy at compound had done this, once or twice, but not since being claimed had... "OH SIR. OH MY. I... I didn't expect this." He hoped that his blowjobs on Max gave Max as much pleasure as this one was giving him. He could not control himself. "SIR. SIR. I am going to shoot in your mouth. Max looked up at him, smiled, and shook his head yes..." "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH" In the kitchen, Masha smiled. "He has done well, that Max. It will be so good to be with them."

Max and wozzeck took a short nap, wrapped in each other's arms, and then when they woke, they prepared for dinner. They could smell Masha's cooking. "She has made coulibiac, Sir Max?" "She has. And burned pierogi, the way you like them. And greens. The way I like them. Lingonberries are out of season, but she preserved them when I told Masha what I was planning to do. She has made you a cake. With cream. And berries. " He made a big grin. "And I will feed it to you." The four of them ate that night, with many bottles of vodka, different flavors, opened up. At one point, wozzeck wondered why Masha had cooked and they had not gone out, but that thought went out of his head. Masha tried to chase him out of the kitchen after dinner, but wozzeck was not having it. "Masha, you made me what I am today, and you taught me to work hard and to help. I am not leaving." He put his arms around her middle, and held her. She laughed. "You woke me when you screamed in there my boy. I'm glad your husband pleases you. " "Masha, you have used the word husband. Why?" Masha realized she had slipped again. "In time, my boy. In time. Now hand me those glasses. I need to make sure they are spotless." As he did, wozzeck saw in a reflection of one of them, that Max and Serge were at the table with what seemed like mountains of paper in front of them. And Max had the third crease back again.

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"CONGRATULATIONS WOZZECK!" the banner read above his desk . Wozzeck had gone back to work, and Madame Irina had gotten him a small gift. It was a photo of the entire staff, in a gold frame, with congratulations from everyone. "I... I am moved, Madame. You have all been so nice to me." "And you have worked hard for us. We will miss you." "Miss me?" wozzeck asked, and he saw the look of embarrassment on Madame Irina's face. "Well, I just assumed that, now that you are coupled to such a powerful man, he will want you to stay home and serve him." "I see. We haven't discussed that Madame. I will discuss it with him tonight." "So be it. Now, we all have much work to do. Let us begin. Several hours later, he heard the angry sounds of a voice he had not heard in a long time. It was Uri. And he was standing in front of wozzeck's desk. "HOW STUPID COULD YOU BE WOZZECK? HOW BLOODY STUPID?" wozzeck, stunned, looked up. "Uri! What is wrong. Why are you yelling at me?" Uri pointed to the blue button. "YOU COUPLED WITH.. WITH THAT AMERICAN PIG! WHEN YOU COULD HAVE HAD ME." "Uri... you released me. " "THAT IS THE MOST RIDICULOUS EXPLANATION I HAVE EVER HEARD. HAD YOU CALLED ME, HAD YOU CONTACTED ME, I WOULD HAVE MOVED MOUNTAINS TO HAVE YOU BACK." Now, wozzeck was angry. "TO BE YOUR.... YOUR CONCUBINE ? TO SERVICE YOU WHEN YOUR PROLE WOULD NOT?" "THERE ARE WORSE THINGS THAN BEING SECOND TO ME WOZZECK. AS YOU WILL LEARN." "Madame Irina.. Is it possible to have someone remove him?" She was calm. "Sir Uri. Please. This is not the place. Nor the time. Please leave the boy. Give him his happiness while he has it." "While he has it?" wozzeck was very distressed. What was going on?" Uri wiped spittle from his mouth. "I NEVER TOOK YOU TO BE A USER WOZZECK. YOU WILL REGRET THIS. TRUST ME." Wozzeck saw Uri storm out. He was totally confused. "Madame Irina, everything seems very strange. What is happening?" She looed at him. "Then you do not know?" "Know WHAT Madame? All I know is that I am a married man now." She smiled. "Come to my office wozzeck. It is not my place to do what I am about to do, but someone owes you the truth."

When wozzeck got to her office, Madame signaled for him to close the door and sit down. She had a small samovar, and she poured tea. There was a bottle of sweet spirts in front of wozzeck's cup. "It is lingonberry. You may want some in your tea, but use it sparingly. It is very strong. " She took a breath. "Then you do not know of the failure and the break up of the alliance?" wozzeck's eyes grew. "The alliance is breaking up? That is not possible!" Madame made a bitter smile. "So thought many. But the fight for power was too great. Both the members of the alliance themselves, and.... wealthy individuals like Uri... the signs were there about six months ago, and now it is official. The Alliance is coming to an end." She paused. "And with it... the Americans will be expelled. "AMERICANS EXPELLED? INCLUDING... INCLUDING MAX? " Again, she winced. "His expulsion papers were sent to us for translation today. That is why I was shocked you were here. I needed to make sure.. they didn't cross your desk." "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He yelled. "I am coupled to Max! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" She poured a glass of the liqueur straight up. "Drink it wozzeck. It will help you calm down. " She took one herself. "Max is an American diplomat. He maintains that position. So while he will have to leave the Alliance proper, he may return home at full diplomatic rank. "And... and leave me here?" She shook her head no. "That is what you fail to understand wozzeck, and i am sorry it was not explained to you. Coupling under the alliance, has the same effect as a marriage in the United States. You are officially Max's husband under US law, and as the spouse of a diplomat...." "I... I can travel with him?" "You can, and you will. That is why I said we would miss you. I thought you knew." wozzeck put his face in his hands. "This is all I have ever known Madame. What shall I do?" "You will go with your husband, wozzeck. You will live in the United States. And you will make a happy life. " She rose. "I have a private restroom. You should now go and wipe the tears from your face, wozzeck. You are young, but you are not a boy. Your crying is not appropriate." "Yes Madame. Thank you." He went off to the bathroom and got himself as cleaned up as he could. When he came back, she wasn't in the office - but Max was . He wasn't dressed in his Alliance uniform, but in western clothing again: a blue suit, a white shirt opened at the throat. He smiled. "Wozze. I guess Irina told you." wozzeck threw himself at Max. "SHE DID AND YOU DIDN'T. WHY NOT? WHY NOT? " Max held wozzeck, stroking his hair. "There was always a hope that the Alliance could be saved. The powers against it, especially Uri, were too strong. It's broken. And honestly, wozzee. Honestly... Forgive me. I thought you'd leave me for Uri." Wozzeck backed up. "There was a time , Sir Max. There WAS a time, when I would have. But not now. You needn't have tricked me into a coupling. " "Do you think I tricked you? Because I wanted this wozzee. I wanted this from day one. And it took me a while to figure out it could be done. And it was." He paused. "You must thank Serge for using what connections he had left. Uri is powerful, but Serge has more cleverness. There is a reason, I guess, he was a chess champion before diplomacy snapped him up." wozzeck looked at him: "Masha? Serge?" Max put a finger to his lips. "Come with me. The car is waiting. Get your picture, get your personal things, whatever you can put in your bag, and let's go." When wozzeck came back into the office, it was empty. Everyone had left. He took the picture, the banner, and a few other things. Max put his arm around his shoulders. "Just like going home at the end of the day wozzee, but a little adventure awaits us." When they got to the car, he saw Masha and Serge in the back seat. Serge got out. "Sit in the back with Masha, woozeee. You will have plenty of time to sit next to Max." "Where are we going?" Serge smiled. "You've never been on an airplane have you?" "No. I've seen them, but..." "There is a first time for everything wozzeck. " From the front seat, Max cracked a joke. "Yeah, you may join the mile high club." "Mile high club?" wozzeck didn't know that expression. Serge whispered into his ear, and wozzeck blushed. "Yeah, kinda hot, huh wozze? Maybe even in the cockpit. " An hour later, they were at the airport. And three hours later, they were in business class seats, buckled in, wozzeck holding Max's hand. "I may need the bathroom Sir. When I'm nervous, I pee." "I'll come with you." They were gone for about twenty minutes.

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