Wrestler on the Ropes


Published on Feb 25, 2022


Wrestler On The Ropes


Frank got up from his position lying on his back and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand in some vain effort to take the taste of my ass out of his mouth. The towel I had left on his belly had fallen to the floor in an untidy heap.

"Wanker." he repeated, as he realised that the hand was not removing the taste one bit. He spat onto the floor.

I smirked at him as he glared angrily at me. He picked up the towel from the floor, grunting at the effort as he did so, and wiped his face and head with it, then rubbed it over his chest to clean off my cum.

"Tell you what, Boy, how about you have a nice shower, brush your teeth, that sort of thing... you can use the shower in the cell and I'll get you a toothbrush, toothpaste and some mouthwash..."

He huffed and puffed.

"...because you fucking stink now." I laughed. I didn't actually mind the odour of sweat and sex coming off him. "I'll get you another towel, and something to wear, so you can eat at the table with me upstairs like a civilised human being."

He shrugged his shoulders at me but remained silent.

"Or you can eat it off the sole of my boot, Frank, I don't care which..."

"I'll eat it upstairs... Sir..." he looked down at the floor, thinking about what I had forced him to do earlier. Then, as an afterthought, he added: "Please."

"That's my Boy!" I exclaimed.

I unlocked the padlocks on the wrist and ankle cuffs and pulled them off him, placing them on the table at the back of the dungeon. There were red marks on both wrists and ankles where they had rubbed against him -- not that I had made them too tight, it was more from his struggles to get free as I had plundered his ass. He rubbed at his wrists to relieve some of the discomfort. I then removed the dog collar from around his neck, as I didn't want it being damaged by the water from the shower.

"Um, Sir?" he asked as I locked the cell door behind him, locking him inside whilst I was free to go upstairs and get the items I had mentioned.

"What is it Boy?" I replied.

"Can I... I mean, can I take the plug out? It's really hurting my ass..."

I looked at him up and down. "Yes Boy, you can. And give yourself a good clean out whilst you are in there, make yourself feel nice and fresh and clean. I want you smelling nice before I let you upstairs."

With that, I left him to it. I heard him peel off the jockstrap which by now had stuck itself to his crotch after he had leaked precum into it...

"Can you take the cock cage off me, Sir?" I heard him say as I left the room.

"... No..." I replied with an evil grin.

I returned about ten minutes later, having selected something for him to wear as well as the toiletries. The clothing came from a stash I had been given by another sub of a similar build who had stayed with me in the past but had never collected.

I went back downstairs to find Frank just stepping out from the shower, dripping wet. He had the towel that he had used earlier in his hand, but I think he didn't want to wipe himself clean with it considering it had my drying cum on it...

I opened a metal flap positioned halfway down the door and passed through the large fluffy towel, which Frank grabbed out of my hands, dropping the other one onto the floor. he rubbed the water off his bald head and his face, drying himself from the top down as I watched him.

He stopped and looked at me.

"What?" he asked.

"Admiring the view, Boy. Hurry up, because I have some clothes for you." I picked up the bundle of clothes from the table just outside the cell door and held them through the open gap in the cell door.

Frank finished drying himself and threw that towel on the floor next to the other one he had just discarded. I made a mental note to punish him later for being untidy...

He took the clothes from me and placed them on the bed next to him. He picked up the first item which was a large dark blue rugby top, holding it up as if he was seeing how big it was.

"It should fit you, Frank, the guy who left it here was not far off your size... maybe a bit less hefty but still a big guy."

He put the top back onto the bed and picked up the next item, which was a pair of white rugby shorts.

"Uhhh... Sir?" he said as he turned towards me and held them up to show me.

"I think they'll look very good on you Boy... nice and tight to show off your ass and your sexy thighs."

I picked up a pair of plastic sandals and dropped them through the flap onto the cell floor. Frank was still staring at the shorts and obviously wondering if they would fit. I supposed I was as well, but if they did... damn he would look sexy...

Finally, I handed him a plastic bag containing the toothpaste, toothbrush and mouthwash as I had promised him earlier.

"I'm going to clean myself up Boy upstairs, so get yourself ready and I will be back in 10 minutes to pick you up... for our date!" I sniggered.

"Very fucking funny." he replied, as I turned and left him alone.

After cleaning myself up -- and thinking about the possibility of sharing a shower at some point with Frank, soaping up his big well-built body -- I selected some smart jeans and a sweatshirt, and after putting on my trainers, went downstairs to find Frank fully clothed and waiting for me.

Thankfully, he had managed to squeeze himself into the shorts.

And yes -- he did look so fucking sexy wearing them.

I unlocked the door of the cell, opening it and gesturing for him to come out.

"Hungry, Frankie Boy?" I asked.

"I'm fucking starving, Sir!" he replied, rubbing his belly, which grumbled as if to emphasise the point. He chuckled, which was not exactly the response I was expecting after what I had done to him so far.

"Upstairs then, Boy, to the kitchen. Hands behind your back until I tell you otherwise."

"Yes Sir." he said, as he walked past me and placed his hands behind his back. He turned to face me, keeping his arms behind him.

"Go on!" I ordered. He turned and walked towards the main door of the dungeon, with me close behind. I normally would have made him follow me to show his subservience, but I wanted to see what his ass looked liked in those tight rugby shorts.

And I wasn't disappointed.

The material stretched almost impossibly tight over his two large beefy buttocks, with his two massive tree-trunk-like thighs coming out of the leg holes at the bottom.

I wanted to fuck him again right there and then at the sight, more brutally than anything I had done with him before.

But... I was hungry...

He continued upstairs, my eyes glued to his ass to the point I nearly tripped up, until we entered the main hallway of my house. He walked into the kitchen and stood at the table.

"Good Boy, take a seat and I'll get you a beer." I walked over to the fridge and opened the door as he sat down on the dining chair.

"Your phone is on the table, if you want to check to see if you have any messages." I said as I pulled out two bottles of his -- and now my -- favourite beer.

"Thanks, Sir." he replied.

I stood upright and closed the fridge door behind me, then placed the bottles on the table top and retrieved the bottle opener I had brought up with me from the dungeon when I had left him to shower.

`Plop... fzzt..." As I opened up a bottle and placed it in front of him.

Frank thanked me for the beer and took a swig as he inspected his phone.

"Um Sir... my missus, she's left me a message...can I ring her?"

"Yep, knock yourself out, I'm going to prepare the food -- how do you want your steak?"

"Medium rare, please. Thank you Sir." I heard the subtle noise of him pressing buttons on the phone as he dialled his wife.

I walked back to the counter and started to prepare the food, peeling and chopping the potatoes as I kept a close eye on him sitting with his back to me. I wasn't really taking any notice of what he was saying as it was a private conversation, but I did hear him say that he was missing her and would be back sometime tomorrow.

I almost felt sorry for him. Almost. He was here for a reason... he had certainly paid back his debt already... but I had no plans to let him free just yet.

He finished on his phone call as I put the chips into the air fryer.

"Thanks, Sir, I really appreciate that."

"I'm not a complete bastard, Frank." I replied.


I chortled at him.

"Don't think you've finished serving me, Boy. You've certainly paid off your debt -- and made 123 grand into the bargain showing off your sexy asshole to those perverts -- but I don't plan on letting you go till tomorrow afternoon at the earliest... if you set foot outside the front door, or you refuse to please me, your debt goes back to square one and you have gone through all of this for nothing..."

Frank placed his bottle onto the table.

"Fuck! Sir!" he started to get up.

"Shut up, sit down and enjoy your beer. If you are a decent dinner date I might take that cock-cage off you. Cause a fuss and I'll throw the fucking key away and you can try explaining to your wife how you got it."

He sat back down hard then cleared his throat, then picked up the beer and drained the rest of the bottle.

"Fucking bastard."

I grinned. "Yep, not a complete bastard, but I am a fucking one."

"Yes Sir!" he loudly exclaimed sarcastically.

I finished cooking the steak and chips and served it to us both, taking my seat at the table and giving Frank another bottle of beer.

He wolfed down his food like he hadn't eaten for a month. It was probably going to give him indigestion later on, but he didn't care, he had that big solid belly to feed.

We chatted over dinner, I encouraged him to tell me rather proudly about his favourite wrestling wins as I sat there staring at him, this huge heavyweight wrestler who had taken my cock up his ass and down his throat, who had swallowed my piss and licked my ass.

We had just finished eating when I reached over and placed my hand on his meaty thigh, squeezing it and revelling in it's hardness.

I saw Frank's eyes roll upwards and he bit his lip.

"Ahhh... Sir... please..."

"That cock-cage giving you grief, eh Boy?" I asked.

"Yes Sir, when you... when you touch me... erm, is the Viagra still working, `cos my cock wants to get stiff... I mean, it's cos of the Viagra innit, not cos you are touching me?"

I shook my head.

"Nope, it's cos you are turned on serving me, Boy, that's why." I reached forward and rubbed the backs of my fingers over his exposed crotch. I heard a murmur of pleasure from him as he closed his thighs together, forcing my hand away.

"Please Sir. That's not it, you're teasing me... I'm not gay!"

"You fucking love it, Boy, now open those legs up and let me play with my fucktoy and get him all turned on... cos if you don't the cage will stay on." I threatened.

Frank gulped and took a swig of his beer, opening up his legs and allowing me access to the insides of his thighs and his crotch. I saw him look up at the ceiling, embarrassed.

"There's a Good Boy..." I teased.

I tickled his balls for some time, enjoying seeing Frank squirm as I stimulated him. Of course, the Viagra was probably still having an effect and I considered giving him a second tablet, but I had to be careful because of the effect it could have on his heart.

"Please Sir, please..."

I let his dinner go down, aided by another couple of beers, before I asked him to stand and bend over the kitchen worktop.

He stood up, somewhat reluctantly.

"Yes Sir..."

He walked over to the kitchen worktop and bent over as instructed. As he did, I almost thought his shorts would split as they tightened over his big juicy melons.

"Wider, Boy, spread `em." I demanded, moving up behind him and kicking at each ankle to make him spread his legs nice and wide.

I took a deep intake of breath as I stood and stared at his butt, transfixed by Frank's ass and wondering what I should do next. I wanted to take him up that ass again, to pound away without mercy at his tight asshole that I had claimed possession of.

But I came to my senses and stood to his left side, reaching down to rub my right hand over both buttocks ads I used my left to press down on the small of his back.

"So, Boy, I think you deserve a spanking for not being a good hubby to your wife..."

"Please Sir... no...." he replied, wiggling a bit to make himself comfortable in his current position.

"... yeah, and some more for being untidy downstairs..."

"Oh God, Sir..."

"... and then some for being disobedient earlier on."

"What? When?" he enquired, moving as if to stand upright.

"Shut up and take your punishment like a man, faggot." I said as I lightly slapped him on the ass with my right hand.

"Fucker..." I heard him mutter.

I smirked, enjoying my power and dominance over him, this big guy who could quite easily overpower me submitting to my every perverted whim.

I spanked his ass, but this time put more strength behind it, but there was no sound from Frank.

I rubbed my fingers up the asscrack of his shorts.

"Make sure you count the slaps, Boy, and don't miss any or you'll get the paddle again... starting from the beginning..."


I slapped his ass again.


"One Sir..."

"That's more like it Boy." I said as I stroked my fingers over the material of the shorts. I was rock hard and leaking.


"Two Sir..."


"Three Sir..."


"Four Sir..."


"Five Sir..."


"Six Sir..."

"Good Boy." I caressed his buttocks, enjoying the slight feeling of warmth coming from them. "If you take your punishment well I'll remove the cock cage."

"Yes? Please Sir, you promise...? My cock is aching..."

"Wait a minute, Frankie Boy, I hadn't finished speaking. You take the spanking and then you suck me off to thank me for all the effort I'm putting in."

"Oh..." he replied meekly.

"You suck me off and the cage comes off... but you have to do a good job and swallow all my cum..."


"Shit... uh... seven Sir..."


"Eight Sir..."


"Nine Sir..."

He shifted his weight.

I reached between his legs and very gently stroked the tips of my fingers over his big heavy balls. He shuddered and gasped at their sensitivity.

"I think you want a good milking, Boy, don't you?" I teased.

"Um... yes Sir, please, I want the cage off so I can cum...!" I saw the cheeks of his face go pink as he blushed, begging me to release his cock from its prison.

"Slag..." I replied.


"Ten Sir..."


"Eleven Sir..."


"Twelve Sir..."

I moved up behind him, grinding my cock into his ass as I leant forward and rubbed my hands over his big shoulder muscles. I heard him murmur as my hardness fitted into the gap between his buttcheeks, and I could have sworn he was wiggling his ass against me...

"How's your arse, Boy?" I asked.

"Sore, Sir, I don't think I can take another fuck... please... Sir..." he begged, turning his head slightly to see me over his shoulder.

"If I want to fuck you, Boy, you're taking it whether it hurts or not... that's the fucking deal."

"Yes Sir, sorry Sir..." he replied. I saw his hands balls into fists, showing his anger at being a toy for my amusement and abuse.

I stood back from him and resumed my earlier position.

Frank went to stand up.

"Uh... what the fuck do you think you are doing, Boy?" I asked, raising my voice. "That dozen was for being a shitty husband... you've got another twelve yet...!"

"Fuck." came the reply.

I spanked him once more, Frank counting each hard slap on his ass as I added more heat to his sore backside. I could see his hands gripping the far edge of the worktop, his knuckles turning white with the effort as he fought to contain himself from standing up and assaulting me.

After the second set of 12 strokes, I stood back and admired the view once more.

"Stay right there, Boy, going to get something from downstairs. If you move, you get another twelve, this time with my belt across your arse." I threatened.

I turned and left him there, bent over and nursing a hot sore butt.

Walking downstairs top the dungeon, I found what I wanted in a drawer and returned back upstairs to find Frank stood up and rubbing his behind.

"Shit!" he said as he spotted me entering the room, quickly resuming the position bent over the worktop.

"I should give you another 12 for disobeying me, Boy... but I'll let you off this time. Stand up and take the rugby shirt off."

Frank stood up awkwardly, then turned to face me and pulled off his top from the neck. When he had finished he put the top onto the worktop where he had been bent over.

He looked at me. "What are you going to do now, Sir?" He scratched at his chest with his big strong right hand, a huge paw on a huge bear.

"Play with your tits, Boy, get those nipples hard for me... you're going to be wearing this so you need hard tits."

I pulled a short piece of thin chain out of my pocket; two tit-clamps were at each end.

"Play with your tits, Boy, get those nipples hard for me... you're going to be wearing this so you need hard tits."

"What? Sir, please..." I saw Frank step backward as he caught sight of the tit-clamps. They weren't big but he knew they wouldn't be comfortable. "I..."

"Play with your tits, Boy. That's an order!" I shouted the last three words for emphasis.

Frank looked at me, gulped, then reached up and started gently playing with his tits as I had ordered.

"That's a Good Boy. Get `em nice and stiff for your Master..." I taunted, pointing at his chest. "Put some effort into it Boy, you're not a wimp are you?"

The words had the desired effect. Frank frowned and pinched at his nipples hard, causing him to wince.

"I ain't no fucking wimp." He continued to pull and tweak at his nipples as I stood there watching him perform for my pleasure.

"Good Boy, get them stiff and then I can put these on... they'll come off once you have swallowed my sperm... kind of an incentive for you to do a good job."

"Fucker." he snarled at me. I could see his nipples were now hard, jutting out from his hairy barrel chest.

"Hands behind your head, faggot." I demanded, walking towards him whilst opening up the clamps with my fingers.

"I ain't no FUCKING FAGGOT!" Frank responded angrily, his face turning red with shame and anger.

"You've cum when I fucked you in the ass, Frankie boy... every time... what does that make you?"

He raised his right arm and pointed at me.

"Just... I ain't gay. Got it?" He jabbed his finger at me irately.

"OK, Boy, you aren't gay. You're just a straight fella who loves being my faggot bitch for the weekend... aren't you?"

He jabbed his finger once again and then slapped at his forehead.

"Get those hands behind your head so I can put these clamps on."

"Yes. Sir..." he spat at me, as I closed in on him, a tit-clamp held wide open beneath the fingers of my right hand. He moved his hands behind his head, the new position showing off his huge muscles in his arms.

I used my left hand - which was holding the chain connecting each tit-clamp - to squeeze at his right nipple, enjoying the firmness of the teat, as I moved the open clamp into position.

I smiled at him, looking deep into his eyes.

And then I let go of the clamp.

"FUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCKKKKKK!" Frank screamed as the metal teeth of the clamp bit into the flesh of his right nipple. "FUUUCKKK! FUCKK! FUCK!"

"Easy, Boy, got another one to go yet."

"Sir, please, take it off, it hurts, oh fuck it hurts Sir..." he pleaded with me.

"Get used to it, Boy, it comes off once you have swallowed my load..."

"Shit... oh shit Sir, please..." I could see redness in his face and he was grimacing through the discomfort.

I reached down and grabbed the remaining tit-clamp in my right hand, then reached for his left tit with my left hand.

Frank moved back slightly, as if to avoid the inevitable.

"Clamps on the tits Boy or you'll get my belt on your balls... your choice."

Frank cleared his throat and stood still as I coaxed his left nipple, which had softened slightly, back to full stiffness.

I held up the tit-clamp in my right hand, showing it to my powerless wrestler and squeezed so the jaws opened up.

Frank closed his eyes and screwed up his face.

"Say thank you, Boy." I teased.


"Say thank you, Boy...! I won't ask again...!"

There was an almost inaudible "... thank you, Sir..."

I held the clamp over his left tit and let go with my fingers.

"FUUUUUUUUCCCCKKKKKK! FUUUUUCCCKKK, FUCCCK, FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!" he screamed as that tit too was held firmly and painfully between the teeth of the clamp.

"GOOD BOY!" I taunted. "Now, onto your hands and knees and follow me into the lounge."

Frank knelt down onto one knee, supporting himself with his right arm as he lowered himself down onto first his knees, and then onto all fours. As he did so, the chain fell from its resting position on the top of his round belly and gravity pulled it towards the floor.

"OH FUCK!" he cried.

"The sooner you make me cum, the sooner that the clamps come off, Boy."

"Oh God... yes Sir..."

I walked towards the armchair in the lounge, hearing Frank struggling to follow me, the chain swinging from side to side and making its presence felt.

"Oh fuck, fuck... ohh...." he muttered as the swinging chain pulled on the clamps cruelly compressing his nipples and pinching the tender flesh.

I sat down on an armchair in the centre of the room and picked up the TV remote. Frank moved to a position in front of me, on his hands and knees, panting -- not from exertion, but from the pain in his nipples.

I looked down at him and smirked as I undid the zipper of my jeans and pulled out my cock. A huge dribble of precum fell from the piss-slit and dripped down the side. That would make a good appetiser for Frank, I thought.

The TV was positioned behind Frank so he couldn't see what I had chosen to watch. The webcam built into the TV was showing his beefy ass packed tightly into those sexy shorts, so I could enjoy watching that view as he pleasured me with his mouth.

"Lick my dick, Boy, lick all the precum off..." I commanded. "No hands, just that sexy daddybear mouth."

Frank swallowed hard and then moved towards me. He opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue, closing his eyes as he tried to avoid eye contact and see what he was about to do.

"Open your eyes, Boy, I want to see you properly."

Frank opened his eyes and blinked, still with his mouth wide open and tongue hanging out.

"Lick it."

Frank shuffled forward and hit tongue made contact with my cock. The heat and the moistness of it felt wonderful, as he unwillingly licked all the precum dribbling down my thick shaft. Of course, the very sight of what he was doing forced more precum out of my cockhead for him to lick off, but hey, what can you do, eh?

"Fucking great, Boy, you get that all nice and wet and then you can suck on it."

I heard a response but couldn't make out what Frank was saying.

Once he had licked up and down my shaft a few times, he moved back a bit and licked his lips to moisten them.

"It won't suck itself, Boy, and those clamps only come off when you swallow my spunk..." I reminded him.

He coughed and got back into position, this time craning his head and opening his mouth. The sight of him submitting to my dick was incredible.

He opened wide and stuck out his tongue as my cockhead disappeared into his mouth.

"Holy fuck..." I mumbled as his lips closed around my cock. I reached down with my left hand and pushed Frank's head further down onto my dick, hearing him cough and splutter as my cock filled his mouth and pushed into his throat. I didn't care if he was coughing and spluttering, I was enjoying the sensations too much to care.

I let go and he pulled his head off my cock, a thick line of spittle trailing from my throbbing member to his lips. He coughed a few times as he caught his breath.

"Good Boy, now get back on there and suck me off!"

He took my cockhead into his mouth once again, and this time I felt his tongue flick against the underside of my cock before he started to take more of my fuckmeat inbetween his lips.

I moaned as I reached down and rubbed at his bald head, this time gently pressing his head forward to get more of my cock inside his faggot mouth.

Frank began to moan and grunt; the thought of what he was doing no doubt turning him on and causing him discomfort with his cock trying to get hard in the cock-cage.

I didn't care, this was too good to worry about him.

Frank's head was now bobbing up and down as he got himself into a rhythm. This blowjob was better than the first, so he was obviously a quick learner.

"That's a Boy, show me how much you love to suck my cock..." I taunted, then moaned as Frank swallowed my dick all the way down. he then went bright red and choked as he tried to make me cum, then pulled back but continued to keep my manhood in his mouth.

I was really beginning to appreciate the effort he was making, when he repeated the same action again. My balls started to tingle in anticipation.

By now, I was groaning and Frank was grunting as we both sought the same thing -- my cock shooting a big thick load into his mouth. I felt beads of sweat form on the top of Frank's head and his face and head were becoming redder and redder as he once more flicked his tongue underneath the head of my cock.

"Fucking Good Boy, you fucking cocksucker..."

I heard a grunt from him as he once more took my cock all the way down his throat. This was too good to be true, I wanted to shoot so badly but I also didn't want this to stop.

My right hand was firmly squeezing the arm of the armchair as Frank continued to use his mouth to pleasure my dick. I looked down and caught his eye as he looked up at me.

He looked so fucking sexy.

Then I looked down towards the TV and saw his ass wiggling in those tight white shorts, the huge muscular thighs poking out from the legs. That was all it took.

I suddenly couldn't hold back, I was so turned on that I felt my bollocks go into overload. I pushed hard on the back of his head, forcing my cock down his throat, as my balls then exploded and a thick load of hot sticky cum spewed from my cock down his throat.

Frank coughed and tried to lift his head away as the sticky jizz flowed from my cock down into his gullet, but I now had both hands on the back of his head and was holding him tightly in place, determined that my load would not be spilt or wasted.

"OH FUCK! FUCK YEAH! THAT'S MY GOOD BOY! FUCKING SWALLOW ALL THAT FUCKING SPUNK, FRANKIE BOY! I screamed as my balls emptied into the mouth and throat of my submissive daddybear fucktoy.


Next: Chapter 7

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