Wrestlers Story

By Ron Nelson

Published on Aug 26, 2015


Jason Cirello - Dungate Prison

Wrestlers Story #14: Jason Cirello - Dungate Prison

By Ron Nelson

Copyright 2015. All Rights Reserved.

"Jason Cirello Sentenced Two-Five - To Begin Term in Dungate Prison Immediately"

"Oh yeah," said one of the prisoners to the man sitting next to him, both already in Dungate, as he read the newspaper headline in the prison rec room during the mid-morning break. Prisoners who had already completed half their term, with no rule infractions, were given a twenty minute break each morning and afternoon from their prison duties to keep in touch with the outside world.

Dungate was a medium security prison up the Hudson River, near Kingston, about sixty miles north of Manhattan. It held about 850 prisoners, generally sentenced for violent, but not necessarily deadly, crimes.

"Man," continued the prisoner as he read the article, said further " I see that shit-head Jason Cirello, whose buddies call him `Jace' but who also sometimes uses his initials `JC,' but which sure don't stand for no "Jesus Christ," got off easy this time. Says here he's twenty-four years old, and in, for the third time, for assault with a deadly weapon and armed robbery of some dago shopkeeper in Queens.

"Says here" he continued, "he was a star athlete, football player and wrestler in high school." Real good-looking too. Curly black hair and a great build. Nice smile, even when he`s fucking you one way or another. Then got into drugs, got an erratic work record, needed money to support his habit, kicked his habit but then needed money for all the rest of his shit. I met him when we were both up in St. Quantas on separate charges.

"Cops caught him every time. He ain't too sharp on this assault and robbery shit. Courts went easy on him the first couple of times, but this time the Judge really decided to slam him.

"Article says he's coming here, and it'll be interesting to see what `pretty boy' thinks of this place, and what we think of `pretty boy.' "

"Yeah," said another prisoner, sitting next to him, listening to him while he was reading the Sports Section of the paper.

"Twenty-four, `former football player and wrestler,' and a `pretty boy.' Yeah, this could be real interesting."

Just at that moment, Jace, a/k/a JC, or "pretty boy," as the paper had it, was being checked in almost right outside their door, at Dungate Prison.

This being his third time in prison, although his first time at Dungate, Jace pretty much knew the routine. Still, he paid attention to what the warden and processing clerks told him.

"Keep your nose clean. Follow the rules. Don't cause any problems." That was pretty much it, the Deputy Warden Garrikas, who was in charge of the prisoners, told him. Garrikas also told him he'd be assigned to a cell with another prisoner for about the first three months. Then, afterwards, if his record was clean and he showed a sense of cooperation, he would be assigned a job in the prison, Maybe get paid up to thirty cents an hour, but his sentence would be reduced one day for each day he worked. His record would be reviewed after a year to see what happened next.

Jace had heard about Dungate Prison. Some of it was good, some of it not so good. The place was apparently pretty well run. Clean, and run by the book. Keep your nose clean and you'll get through it. Mess up and all kinds of shit could happen.

Every prison had its own inside rules and practices, however, depending on the prisoner makeup no matter what the authorities said. There were always some prisoners who controlled things. Assignment to the best jobs, had the most favors to hand out, and worked out appropriate punishment for prisoners who tried to mess with `the system.'

Jace wondered how it would go for him. On one hand, he got along pretty good with his fellow man. But, at the same time, he didn't like to take too much shit from anybody. And, with his football and wrestling record, and keeping in shape at the Spartacus Gym, where he worked out, he figured he probably could take care of himself okay. Whatever, he'd soon see.

The deputy guard, in charge of his cell block, Block F, led him down the long and narrow railed concrete walk along a line of maybe twenty cells.

"Number 11," he said, as they came up to it.

"Ok, Vito," said the guard to the prisoner already in the cell, "here's your new buddy. Be nice to him, and don't fuck him, or yourself, up. Tell him what he needs to know about the rules, and don't get too 'friendly' with him."

"Fuck you, man," was Vito's reply as the guard opened the electronically controlled door, lightly pushing Jace into the cell.

The next thing Jace knew he was in the cell, the door had closed silently behind him, and he heard the guard's receding booted footsteps on the concrete walkway as he returned to the end of the cell block.

Jace then turned around to meet his new cellmate, Vito.

Vito stood back for a couple of seconds, leaning against the double-decker bunks, with their steel frame and thin mattresses. A small grin on his face, silently taking in Jace. He then moved toward Jace, the grin turned to a frown, but he put his beefy hand out to shake Jace's, who extended his own hand. The shake went pretty good. Both were strong men and wanted to show they were as tough as they needed to be.

When Jace looked at Vito, he saw a man, maybe about forty or forty-five, about his own height but maybe a little shorter than his own five-ten, but heavier, particularly around the middle - maybe two-ten or something. Looked like underneath the fat and bulk, however, there might be a lot of muscle too. He had a shaved skull.

He was in the prison's summer prison uniform, sleeveless shirt and cut-offs, flip-flops for shoes. Looked sort of swarthy or something like he might be Mediterranean or Slavic or something. Yeah, actually he didn't look too bad. Might be interesting to get to know him better.

Instinctively, as Jace did with most men he came in contact with, he instinctively sized them up to see what, if he was maybe going to have to fight him, the result might be If he figured he could put them down, he figured them as targets some time. If they were about even, he'd have to be a little more careful. If they were bigger, he'd be wary of them.

With Vito, he figured he'd be wary.

For a start, Vito seemed to be sort of friendly. Vito knew, however, Jace could also be a plant. Vito's record showed he was a member of a crime syndicate into all sorts of criminal activities. Vito had been caught red-handed in the act, with a bloody tire iron in his hand, taking out one of the syndicate's enemies. Could have received twenty-to-life, but the attorney was good and the judge gave him only two-to-five, with possible time off for good behavior.

Vito asked Jace what he was in for, and how long. And then, on Jace's asking him about the prison and how life was there, he responded cautiously but easily enough.

`Man,' thought Jace, 'this Vito seems like an okay guy, and I could have gotten worse. Maybe we'll be ok anyway.'

Had he known it, Vito was thinking much the same thing about Jace. Particularly as he liked what he was seeing in him - young, in his early twenties, smaller and lighter, and yet, from what he'd read just that morning in the paper, into football and wrestling in high school, and looking to be in great shape.

`Ummm yeah, I like this,' thought Vito. 'Particularly this "football and wrestling" shit. We'll see if he's still into that!' Lots of time for that. Meanwhile, chow in about half an hour, so maybe a small nap beforehand.'

Neither said anything more as Vito shifted his bulk in a very easy and practiced manner into the bottom bunk.

"You're on top, man. Don't piss or shit on me if you need to go, but anything else is probably okay."

Jace grinned. What did Vito mean by `anything else'?

A couple of days went by but they didn't say much. Nevertheless, they kept an eye on each other.

As they slept nude, and sometimes were close to nude during the day except that prison rules made them wear at least their shorts except when they went to bed. Jace noticed two tattoos on Vito in particular.

One tattoo was on his chest and circled the big and prominent tit on his big left pec. For words, it said "Suck this, man!" with an arrow pointed right at his nipple. The other tattoo was a big one, on his back, and showed what appeared to be a full bodied and muscular nude wrestler about to leap on his opponent, with the words reading "Jump Me Man!" What was particularly interesting about the nude wrestler tat was his huge stiff cock sticking prominently out in front of him as he was about to leap on his opponent's back.

Jace wondered if Vito really meant it? It might be interesting to find out.

Jace also noticed that Vito, when he was nude, was really hung. Also, when he turned over, if Jace happened to look down when his bunk shook a little whenever Vito moved, he saw Vito frequently had a big hard-on. `Man,' he thought, `his big rod must be at least nine inches long and a couple inches thick. Feel that rammed up your ass, and you'd really feel something good.'

`And his big hairy balls. Almost as big as baseballs. They'd sure be a mouthful if it ever came to that.'

Jace had no problem with getting fucked or fucking another guy. He liked it just as much either being the fucker and fucking another other guy underneath him, or being underneath another guy and getting fucked. Particularly if the other guy was a big mother-fucker and could give or take a big pounding along with the fucking. Maybe some big guy like Vito, either way, for instance.

It must have been about midnight, or soon after, on Jace`s third night at Dungate. Lights went out at ten, and the night guard, who came through twice during the night, at midnight and three a.m., had a habit of lightly hitting the bars of the cells with his short hard rubber club as he walked along the cell block. It was a way of reminding the prisoners he was watching them, but also signaled, when they heard him pass by, that was the last they'd see of him until his next round.

Jace was dimly aware that he'd heard the guard not long before as he woke up in the darkness of his top bunk.

As he lay there, sleeping lightly on his stomach, he felt a hand first touch, and then lightly squeeze, his left butt cheek. At first he wasn't sure what he felt, but then it returned and then ran up his spine with its finger.

`Umm yeah,' thought Jace. `Now we'll see where this leads to. Must be Vito, of course. Wonder what he's got in mind?' He didn't move or react, waiting to see what Vito might do next.

Jace had no problem being touched. In fact, lots of times, the harder he was touched, and even hit, the better he liked it. From when he wrestled in school, and then later, and more often in the Spartacus Gym, he was not only accustomed to being touched, but frequently grabbed and squeezed and crushed on all parts of his body. He always liked the feel of that.

And when that happened when he was wrestling around with another guy, particularly if the other man was interested in the same thing and end results as Jace, he liked even more to both give and get a good pounding on every part of his body.

Every part of his body. With some guys who liked to wrestle around and let it get all sensual and erotic and eventually go the whole way. That's the way he liked it. He always liked to get into a rough cock fight too, and whatever else the guy liked too.

He knew he also liked to eventually stab his big cock rod, which was almost as big as Vito's here, deep down into the other man's throat and shoot his full cum load into it when it got there. Or, if the other guy was beating up on him, have the other guy give it the same to him. He was good with it either way.

Same thing fucking or getting fucked. The first time he got fucked, it sort of hurt. But he always liked it after that, and eventually even after the first time too. That first time was with the wrestling coach at the Spartacus Gym one night, after hours. After they'd been wrestling around for a while, and getting real turned on with it as well, the coach had asked Jace if he'd like to get fucked? He was a nice guy, and Jace figured why not?

So, after they'd been wrestling around for a half hour, and getting more and more worked up and aroused, the coach got him down on his hands and knees and mounted him just like some fucking stud stallion on a mare.

The coach was good and knew it was Jace's first time. Slowly, he got himself into position, and made sure Jace was comfortable with it too. Then, positioning his hard and fully aroused cock directly in line with Jace's waiting, sort of tense but sort of relaxed butt too, the coach inserted his rod into Jace's butt hole.

At first Jace wasn't sure how he felt with the coach on top of him. Both of them were now naked and wet with sweat, and he wondered what to expect. But then he relaxed some, and in less than a moment or two the coach had started to make his way in. Jace knew he liked the feel of the coach's hard rod penetrating his body.

At first, the coach went in only an inch past Jace's outer defenses. Then, once in, he went further in another inch. And then another and another, slowly and gently, but not pausing either until he was all the way in as far as he could go. Jace figured it must have been at least six inches or more, and he could feel the coach's big and hard balls pressing and banging against his butt. But he had to admit it sure felt real good to him.

Jace recalled then wham, wham, wham as the coach worked himself up, which would eventually lead to a climaxed ending. But, meanwhile, he was enjoying the physical beating the coach was giving him as he stabbed him in his butt repeatedly with his big

hard sex sword.

At the same time as the coach was fucking him, he also wrapped his powerfully biceped arms around Jace's own muscular body and chest, and started to crush Jace's big and muscular pecs in his fists. That added to the sensual feelings Jace was getting from the coach's big piston ramming into him at the other end.

Jace always like to have his pecs worked over and crushed, and the coach knew just exactly how to turn him on with that, just as he did anyway when they wrestled each other in the Spartacus Gym, and Jace worked him and his pecs over the same way.

Wham, wham, wham. Jace almost dropped to the mat a couple of times with the blows the coach was giving him in his butt. But then he quickly got used to the coach's rhythm and joined him in it.

More wham, wham, wham. Jace could sense, after maybe a few more minutes and by the grunts of the coach, he soon wasn't far from coming, while Jace's own intense feelings and groans matched the coach's with the pleasure of what the coach was doing to him.

Then the final wham, wham Wham and WHAM! Suddenly Jace felt the coach stiffen and go almost motionless as his full load of hot white cum exploded out of his big red heart-shaped cock end, deep inside his body, and pulsed and poured out all of the sweet hot liquid cream deep into him.

`Oh Yeah!' thought Jace as he felt the coach`s big load of hot seed burst out inside him, `I like that!' The coach continued to shoot his full load of hot cum deep into Jace's body until he was finally totally drained and exhausted.

Then, a couple of minutes later and only after the coach was completely finished, did he slide off Jace's back to the mat beneath them. Both were now all hot and wet with sweat, with Jace covered not only with his own sweat but with the coach's as well.

Slowly, both recovered and in another couple of minutes, they headed together to the showers.

"You okay and enjoyed that, Jace?" asked the coach, obviously a little concerned, considering it was Jace's first time.

"You know it, coach! Any time you want to do it again, just let me know. I'm all yours any time and however you like!"

"Good deal, man," was the coach's reply.

"But maybe next time, I can give it back to you too?" added Jace.

"No problem there, man. I like it both ways!" was the coach's easy reply.

There were a lot of `next times' for both wrestlers as they continued to work out and wrestle around with each other at the Spartacus Gym, particularly after hours when the gym was officially closed, over the next months.

Jace soon knew he liked fucking and getting fucked, both ways. And as frequently as possible too!

As Vito ran his hand over Jace's back, and then up over his head, and then lightly twisted his ears, Jace turned to his side on the top bunk, with his face now not more than eight inches from Vito's face.

A grin covered Jace's face, and was quickly met by another grin by Vito in return. Neither said anything, but both knew what they were thinking.

Jace, like Vito, had stripped to nude for the night, and Vito could see, by the dim light of the prison corridor lights, that Jace had quickly become as turned on as he was.

Vito then said softly, already confident that Jace was of the same mind he was, but just wanting to be sure so that neither he nor Jace, of whom he was pretty sure, but not totally yet, "It's been sort of quiet around here lately, man. You're a good looking guy. You want to give me a load of what you got down there between your legs?"

"Oh yeah, Vito, I think I'd just sort of like to do that!"

The prison block was quiet, with only the occasional sound of one or another prisoner snoring in his sleep, or maybe groaning or whatever in some dream he was having. At the same time, Vito knew there was always somebody who was awake and listening. They'd have to be quiet about what they were going to do.

Jace knew that too.

As Vito bent down to lie, face down, on his lower bunk bed, which was as firm as every other prison mattress ever was, Jace slipped down off his upper bunk, and, when Vito had settled himself and positioned himself on his hands and knees, Jace slipped in on top of him.

The bunks were built so that a prisoner could sit up fully in his bed, so Jace had no trouble getting enough head room to mount Vito.

`Mmmm yeah,' murmured Jace as he wrapped his muscular legs around Vito's lower body to position his now and already long and hard cock directly over the deep canyon of Vito's big butt. Next he leaned over and pressed his chest and pecs down hard against Vito's big back. And then from there he wrapped his arms around Vito's chest to seize Vito's enormous and heavy pecs in his fists and began to crush them as hard as he could.

He sensed, correctly, that Vito was tough and liked to take a lot of punishment. As Jace increased the pressure of his holds on Vito's big and naked body in the darkened cell, Vito murmured, "Oh yeah, man. Give it to me as hard as you can. Make it hurt. Oh yeah!"

Jace was glad to oblige Vito. It was the way he liked to fuck and get fucked too.

Tightening his holds on Vito, which were a couple of his favorite wrestling holds and rides too, he figured he'd first work Vito over to get him in the proper mood and give him a little of the rough time he was asking for.

Jace tightened his grip on Vito's big pecs until he could feel the flesh of Vito's muscular, with its covering of fat and hair, pecs almost ooze through between his fingers. Then he dropped his head down over Vito's shaved skull, and knocked his good-looking chin down against Vito's head a few times to bump him up there. Then he moved his head down next to Vito's to where he could run his tongue around the inside very sensitive part of his ear, and then lightly bite the outside of Vito's ear.

It was only then Jace noticed that both of Vito's ears were slightly cauliflowered.

Maybe he was a wrestler too? Maybe that's why he liked his sex rough? Jace was glad to oblige him if that's what he wanted.

At the same time, with his lean but powerfully muscled legs wrapped around Vito's lower body, with his thighs pressing against Vito's lower ribs and waist, Jace proceeded to cross his ankles to tighten his hold on Vito.

And then Jace smashed, and smashed again, and again, his heels back into Vito's huge and heavily hanging down fire hose-like cock and already swollen balls. Jace could feel his heels smash into Vito's full load of male equipment, smashing it each time back into his body, and then letting it heavily swing forward again, ready to receive the next blow.

Jace knew he was turning Vito on more and more with each blow, and was himself

getting turned on no less by the punishment he was giving the big man.

Then it was time to move on. There was lots of time, of course. In fact, two-to-five for each of them, locked together in their dark and quiet prison cell. Still, both were getting more and more aroused, locked together, naked and sweating, Jace punishing Vito as hard as he could, and Vito always asking for more, while all their big sex equipment was getting more and more fully aroused.

Shifting only slightly, Jace, knowing his big cock was already as long and as hard as it could get, almost steel-like in its straight hardness, with its big red heart-shaped end waiting to be plunged into the interior depths of Vito's big body, he readied himself to bore it in as deep as it could, starting with Vito's big wet butt hole and then stabbing it as far as it would go into Vito's wet and waiting body.

Vito, knowing and expecting Jace to do exactly what he was planning to do, waited to take all the pleasure he knew was coming as he felt Jace's big hard rod position itself to enter his body.

Jace had aimed it just right, and slowly, but with no hesitation either, began to shove it deeper and deeper into the depths of Vito's bowels.

At first, it was in only an inch as it began to clear Vito's outer flesh and get set to go in the next inch.

No need to rush it. Now that they were here, both wanted to enjoy their whole fuck job to the fullest, each in his own way.

Then another inch as Jace's steel-like rod penetrated more deeply. Jace could now feel that he'd got it angled just right as it went in, and Vito felt it go more and more deeply into the very depths of his body.

Then another inch, and another one. About four inches now, as Jace felt Vito's muscled flesh and pipeline close around his big cock as it penetrated his body more and more deeply, with Vito alternating between relaxing his muscles to let Jace penetrate him even further, and tightening them for the good feeling it gave him.

Then another inch and another. Jace knew he now had maybe only a couple more inches left to give Vito, as his own big hanging balls were already beginning to slap against the heavy wet and naked flesh of Vito's big butt.

Then another inch, and he was in as far as he could go. Vito was more than satisfied with that and it felt as good to him as it did to Jace.

Nevertheless Jace tried to stab it in even further if he could. But he couldn't. But that didn't stop him from trying again. Nor again and again. It was as if he were angry at something and wanted to pound it in again and again until he'd be all worn out. But that was what both wanted, and it was turning both him and Vito on to the eventual point of the climax and the final explosion that went with it.

And he sure wasn't stabbing Vito in anger! Instead, he knew, with each total slam of his whole body weight on Vito's back and against his butt, and with his big rod stabbed deeply down into Vito's big, wet and naked body, it's what both he and Vito most wanted and liked.

Wham, wham and wham again as Jace repeatedly stabbed his big and naked cock deep into Vito's body, his own heavily swollen balls slapping against Vito's big butt cheeks even harder each time he did, which gave both even greater pleasure.

Silently, with only small groans from each as both experienced the supreme pleasure of what they were doing, they continued for maybe ten or fifteen minutes. Every few minutes they slowed down and relaxed just a little to enjoy their fucking pleasure, but then resumed their action at an even faster and more intense pace.

Wham, wham, wham! But now, with Jace going faster and faster, he was also getting more and more aroused and he soon felt all of his full load of hot white and creamy man juice begin to race through his body. Then down it raced, like a flood bursting out of a bombed dam, and shot through its various tubes on its way to the heart-shaped end of his totally engorged cock, and was then ready to explode and burst out of his own body into the waiting and equally expectant Vito's big and brawny body.

Suddenly, Jace felt himself unable to control himself any longer. At the final second he stiffened his body and was unable to move any more. Then in the next instant he felt all of the hot white cum, which had been so long accumulating in his body, burst out of his cock and flood deep into Vito's waiting body.

For Jace, it was just like when he had wrestled the coach so often before at the Spartacus Gym. And, since then, the coach wasn't the only man Jace had wrestled to the same end, nor the equal number of times he'd been on the receiving end and liking to get fucked just as much.

On and on it Jace's full load of hot white cum pulsed and flowed out of his body deep into Vito`s waiting body, with neither man moving until Jace had fully emptied himself into the big man`s most inner depths.

Finally, however, Jace found himself totally drained and exhausted. And Vito knew that he was totally fulfilled as well. Their fuck session had been real good, for sure.

Slowly, in the silence of the prison cell and block, they separated, First Jace, and then Vito, washed themselves off silently in the stainless steel sink with which every cell was equipped.

Neither said anything, nor was there any need to.

While both of them were wiping themselves dry as best they could with the two small towels which were provided each cell, Vito turned, hot, naked and still damp, and tightly embraced Jace. Jace returned the hug just as tightly.

Quietly, both of them now exhausted, Vito reached his big hand between Jace's legs,

Giving him a lift to his upper bunk, and each settled in to sack out for the rest of the night.

But not before they heard one of the prisoners in the adjoining cell as he released his own load and quietly murmur, "Oh yeah, man, that was real hot, for sure!"

The End.

Reader's comments invited at email: nelson99@comporium.net

Next: Chapter 17

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