Wrestling Drew

By ten.xoc@hcaocswerd

Published on Sep 4, 2005


The following story contains graphic descriptions of male to male sex. If you are not into that or it is illegal for you to read it, then leave now.

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Wrestling Drew - Part 2

Monday morning, following our wrestling/fucking weekend. You're hurting all over. You decide to wear jeans and (unusual for a show-off like you) a long-sleeve T-shirt, to hide the bruises.

The other guys in class notice a mood change in you. You're more quiet than usual, and seem to daydream more. They think that it is because of Coach giving you a verbal working-over the Friday before. They don't know that you and Coach were going at it all weekend and that THAT's what you're dreaming about - plus that every time you move, the muscle ache gives you a hard-on! And that you're jacking off every night, shooting all over your chest while thinking about Coach.

As the week goes on however, the bruises and muscle aches disappear, the jeans get tighter and become cut-offs and you're wearing muscle shirts again, showing off your arms and delts. There's this guy Mike on the wrestling team (he's also in your gym class) that you were never able to get along with. He's just as full of himself as you are, but he doesn't have the muscle to back it up. Well, he figures after Coach put you down in front of all your classmates, that this is the week for him to make a move and try to become Big Man on Campus! He keeps bringing up how Coach beat you at wrestling last Friday. At first, the other guys in class laugh along with him, because they secretly enjoyed you being taken down a notch. But as the week goes on, they get bored with Mike. Besides, all they have to do is look at you and they know you can beat Mike. But Mike's posse (Jake and Sean) can't get enough of taunting you. To make matters worse: in wrestling practice Monday, you were hoping that Coach would give you a bit of a break, but he seemed to work you harder then ever. He had all you guys doing a strength workout with pushups, pull-ups, crunches, everything, to failure! Your still-bruised muscles were screaming! And at the end of practice, he made you and Mike (who didnt do anywhere near as many pushups & pull-ups) wrestle. Since you took practice seriously and really went to failure on all exercises, your muscles felt like Jell-O. And that's why, just as you were about to pin Mike, your arm suddenly slipped and he ended up pinning you instead. That was the first time you were ever beaten by one of the other guys, even if it was a fluke! And the rest of the week, Mike and his friends' wouldn't let you forget about it! Sure enough, during the lunch break on Thursday, the three of them come over to the table where you're eating and start making fun of you again.

"Look, it's that wimp Drew. Remember him screaming 'I give!' last Friday? That was funny.", Mike says.

"Yeah, and Coach wasn't even trying hard. I bet you could have made Drew squeal even louder if Coach hadn`t stopped you at practice Monday, Mike!".

"Yeah, he's got all these muscles, but underneath he's just a little weakling" adds Sean.

"Oh yeah? I don't remember any of you ever beating me at wrestling at any other time. I slipped!" you reply.

"Bull! I've been working out so hard, that I'm stronger than you now!" says Mike, and he gives you a shove.

"Oh please! My upper arms are bigger than your thighs!" you respond, and push back. Sean and Jake start to get involved as well, so you take your shirt off and get ready to take the three of them on!

Suddenly Coach appears, and I separate you. "Let's settle this at wrestling practice today, guys!".

Wrestling practice is after school Thursday. As you change into your singlet in the locker room, Mike, Jake and Sean are showboating. You ignore them, knowing that your time will come. Once in the gym, you do your warm-ups and stretching. Then you see me walk in. Seeing your Coach, also in a tight singlet, gives you an instant hard-on. Fortunately, you're wearing a jock under your singlet!

Coach yells: "Alright, guys, gather round. It seems we have an issue here. Mike, Jake and Sean say that since Mike beat Drew at wrestling, and since Mike is stronger and more muscular than Drew, that Mike should be our new wresting team captain". A chorus of disapproval is the result.

"Drew is way more muscular than Mike!"

"Yeah, Drew is a much better wrestler. He was only beaten once!"

"Drew is cocky, but he's far stronger than Mike, coach!"

But Mike, Jake and Sean try to convince everybody of the opposite.

So I speak again: "Well, since you guys can't agree, I guess we'll have to have Drew and Mike show us. Alright you two, line up here." You stand side-by-side.

"Okay, now the rest of you, form a circle around them. Look at them up close. Who is more muscular?".

After a stern look from Mike, Jake and Sean yell "Mike is the most muscular", but everyone else votes for you.

"Well, since you guys still disagree with each other, we'll go to the next level. Drew and Mike, strip off your singlets. We'll be able to judge your bodies better if you're just wearing your jocks." Mike seems a little uncomfortable with this, but you confidently strip off your singlet and hand it to me, so Mike has to follow suit and hands his to Jake. I stick your singlet in my gym bag, and return to the circle of wrestlers.

"Okay Drew and Mike, have you guys ever seen a bodybuilding contest? Give me a front double biceps pose." You and Mike get into the pose. I adjust Mike's pose a bit, then slide my hands all over your rock hard upper arms, pretending to do the same for you.

"As for the rest of you, come on over and take a close up look, and cop a feel of those arms to compare". The reality is that there is no contest, your arms are way bigger than Mike's, but none of the guys want to lose out on the opportunity to feel your arms (they`ve been dreaming about having arms that big), so they all start feeling you up, pretending to compare them to Mike's arms. You flex your bi's a couple of times, to make them as big and hard as possible. Having all these guys rub their hands over your arms while you're flexing for them is turning you on big-time!

"Alright guys, give them some space. Time for the next pose: Front lat spread". Again, I adjust Mike's pose a bit to show him off as best as possible, then slide my hands all over your lats, although you already know how to show them off. This also gives me the opportunity to stand real close to you, and rub my quads against the wet spot that's developing in your jock. You almost moan as a result, but you just manage to keep quiet.

"Okay boys, time to get close for another comparison". Again, the other wrestlers feel you up, this time from your armpits down to the waistband of your jockstrap. Apart from Jake and Sean, they all remark that the cobra-like V-taper of your lats blows away Mike's body.

"Okay. Make room for the abs-and-thighs pose." Another clear winner for you, but I still adjust Mike's pose to show off the little bit of definition that he has, and then step in front of you. I slide my hands all over your granite-like six pack, then move my hands to your knees and slide them up your thighs, closer and closer to your jock. I knead the inside of your thighs and (with the view for the other wrestlers blocked by my back) I slide the tips of my fingers under the edge of your jock. I slide them along your balls and the length of your steel rod-like dick, and am instantly rewarded with a shiver throughout your body and a shot of pre-cum, which coats the inside of your jock. You moan out loud, but I cover it up by saying "That's good Drew, keep the intensity up!" Then I move back a bit and watch while the other wrestlers feel up your abs and quads, while you desperately try to stop from cumming! By now, some of the other wrestlers are showing boners in their singlets as well, but they're all pretending like nothing is out of the ordinary.

"Alright boys, time for a most-muscular!" The wrestlers move back, so I can adjust Mike's pose a bit, and then I move in front of you. I start by sliding my hands all over your traps and delts, then move to your magnificent chest and give it a working over. You look down and moan and lick your lips when you see my throbbing dick tenting out my singlet while I pinch and twist your nipples. Then I step back so the other wrestlers can feel you up and rub their hands all over your delts, traps, arms, abs, legs and pecs. Several of them don't even bother to feel Mike up, the difference is so clear.

"Okay. Time for the moon-pose". The wrestlers move back and side-by-side, Mike and you turn around, bend over and grab your ankles. There are some gasps from some of the wrestlers, as you contract your rock-hard glutes, clearly on display in your jock. This time, I just walk straight up behind you and rub my steel hard dick against your ass while pretending to adjust your pose. Then I slip my thumb between my body and yours, and slip it into your ass, unseen by the other wrestlers. You moan out loud and shiver and shake, so I bring my other hand down so it seems as though I'm steadying you. In reality I slip my hand into your jock and grab your dick. You grunt, and come like never before, in front of all your fellow wrestlers (who have no idea), all over your jock. I slide my thumb out of your ass and my hand out of your jock (wiping your cum off my hand, so as not to give it away).

With you and Mike still bent over and you catching your breath, I ask the other guys to vote again. Jake votes for Mike again, and after a threatening look from Jake, so does Sean, but everybody else howls in disbelief and votes for you. They're getting ready to attack Jake and Sean because they are so obviously biased, but I break them up. "Well, since we still don't have a unanimous vote for who will be wrestling team captain, we'll have it decided by strength. Mike and Drew, get ready for some pushups". You happily do this, since you can change from your bent-over moon-pose to a pushup position without anybody noticing your now completely soaked jockstrap.

"Okay guys, start your pushups. The guy who can do the most wins." Mike and you start doing your pushups, with the other wrestlers keeping count. As your arms and pecs are pumping your bodies up and down, it becomes clear after a while that Mike can't keep up with you. Sure enough, after about fifty pushups, he can't get move anymore and crumples to the floor, while you're still pumping away. The wrestlers start cheering, but Jake immediately protests.

"It's not fair, Mike wasn't feeling well"

I ask him "So do you want to take his place?"

"Sure" he says, figuring that you're quite tired by now (you`re still continuing your pushups) so he'll easily defeat you. Jake starts his pushups, and does quite well early on. However, he can't get anymore than 45 pushups in (you're at 98 pushups by now, and still going), so I encourage Sean to continue. There's some murmuring from the other wrestlers that this is unfair, but I know you, so I know you can take on all three of them, one after the other! Sure enough, when Sean (who is skinnier than the other two) gives up after 25 pushups, you're still going.

At this point, I stop you to give your upper body some rest, and lead you over to one of the three squat racks. The sweat that's pouring off your pumped body by now, hides the cum that soaked your jock (although I see you have a hard-on again!) The other wrestlers are all copping a feel and running their hands all over your muscles! Then I let 2 take a go at trying to defeat you at squats, just to make a point. I can see that this show of strength is turning you on, so why not? The rest of us gather round, to see these two wrestlers in their singlets and you in just your jock cranking out squat after squat. Several of the guys end up standing behind you, quietly grabbing their dicks through their singlets, watching that granite ass of yours on full display while it is pumping your body up and down. Unbelievably, you end up beating both of the other guys at squats! So then I lead you to the ab-workout area, where you take on several of the remaining guys in crunches. Again, you end up defeating them! They are simply no match for your rock hard abs! And on it goes, to bench presses, leg presses, military presses etcetera! Every time, your incredible (by now sweat-soaked) body defeats the guys that go up against you, with this display of strength turning you (and me) on more and more, until finally you've defeated every other member of the team! The other guys slink off to the showers, after congratulating you with your victory and voting you to remain as the team captain. Exhausted, you sink back on the mat and close your eyes.

Just as you're about to drift off to sleep, you feel two hands starting to massage you. You open your eyes, and see that it's me, your Coach! I've ripped off my singlet and jock, and I slip off your jock, and roll you over onto your stomach. I sit down on your ass, my big dick slithering over your lower back. I start to massage your neck. The sweat all over your pumped body makes my hands slide easily, so I don't need to add any oil. From your neck, I slide my hands down to your traps. You flex them a couple of times to show off their strength, then you relax them so I can dig in and give you a deep-tissue massage. Once finished with your traps, I slide off your butt and sit down next to you, ready to massage your right arm. You flex it a couple of times, then I grab it and pull your arm out straight, with your hand in my crotch. You lazily play with my dick and balls while I start to massage your arm, from the delts all the way to your fingertips. Your arm still has that warm glowing feeling from your workout, and is so pumped it feels as though it is going to burst through your skin. My massage is hard enough that it hurts a little, almost bruising you, but at the same time it feels SO GOOD! It really relaxes the muscle deep down, and turns you on like you wouldn't believe! Meanwhile, your hand has excited my dick to the point where it is drooling precum all over the place.

Once done with your right arm, I move over to your left to work on your other arm. But on the way there, I move over to your face first. I slap your face with my rock-hard dick, and slide my dick and balls all over. You're too tired to do much about it, but finally you manage to capture the tip of my dick in your mouth, and start sucking on the head. By now I'm feeling that great tightening sensation in my nuts, the feeling you get just before you cum, so I pull out despite your protests (although you do manage to catch a good shot of precum).

Then I move on to your left arm, doing the same thing as with your right arm. You turn your head, so you can watch me and play with my dick and balls. That leads to a few more gushes of precum all over your hand. Once I'm done with your left arm, I sit down on your butt and start to work over your lats. Normally you're kind of ticklish here, but since you're so tired from your strength contest, it isn't a problem this time. I dig deep into the muscle, while you dream back to when you were doing pull-ups against five other guys, pumping your hot body up and down in just your jock, muscles contracting all over your body, with the five guys failing one after another, and the rest of the wrestling team just looking at you in awe!

Your lats are followed by your broad, muscular upper back. I dig in deep, using my weight to squash you into the mat. Then it's time for your lower back. My bodyweight crushes your big, hard dick between your granite abs and the mat. You groan and nearly come! The sweat on your abs and pecs causes your body to start sliding all over the mat, rubbing your hard-on across your six-pack! You're squirting precum all over the place and are about to blow big-time, when I suddenly slide off you and start to massage your legs, working up from your feet. You moan in frustration, but Coach doesn't want you to come yet!

From your calves, I work my way of to your hamstrings. I dig so deep it kinda hurts, but at the same time gives you that deep down glowing feeling. Then I change tactics and very lightly slide just the tips of my fingers along the insides of your thighs. One of the most sensitive parts of your body! You arch your back, hoping I'll grab your cock between your legs and jack you off, but all I do is run my fingers lightly along the bottom of your balls. Then I work my way up to your little 18 year old boy butt and start to massage it. It's sore from all those deadlifts you did in front of your fellow wrestlers. They sure enjoyed the show you put on in your little jock, your glutes contracting to rock-hard boulders as you straightened up, and your pink pucker opening up as you bent over again! Now I've got my hands on it, the biggest muscle in your body, and I'm working it hard. Meanwhile, my thumbs are sliding around your hole, teasing the little ring of muscle around it. It drives you crazy!

Suddenly I flip you over onto your back! You slam down onto the mat, with your dick waving in the air. I kneel down with my shins on your upper arms, and slap your face with my dick. Then I start rolling your biceps under my shins. "Time to get a little rougher, boy! Show me that you can take it!" You buck and try to throw me off, but I'm too heavy and strong especially after that exhausting workout. "Come on, Drew. Open that mouth and show me what a good cocksucker you are". You open your mouth, even though you're still kinda new to sucking dick. I thrust in and you almost gag, although you like the taste. It's been quite a turn-around: first you beat every other wrestler in a muscle & workout contest, now you're pinned flat on your back and sucking dick! But you love it! As Coach rams his cock in and out of your mouth, you slowly get used to it and stop gagging. Instead you start slurping more and more and turning me on! To stop from cumming, I slide my dick out of your mouth and slam my armpit into your face. "Suck on that, wrestling team captain!" You eagerly start slurping all over my sweaty pits. I grab the back of your head, and force it deeper into the moist pit. I slide around, keeping my pit over your mouth & nose, and grab your nipple between my teeth. I start to chew, while you slurp and chew on my armpit hair and bicep. Suddenly you groan "I'm cumming!" and your cum spews all over me and you. You remain rock-hard though, so I slide around to put my other armpit over your face, and start chewing your other nipple & pec. I love biting into the muscle & licking it all over. I start groaning and fire my cum all over your chest and face!

You start to relax, thinking it's over. But suddenly you hear your Coach saying: "Come on Drew, time to toughen you up! Let's start with some gut punching". With you still on your lying on your back, I sit down on your thighs, just below your still rock-hard dick. "You ready, Drew?" You nod, totally turned on. Here's your Coach, nude, sitting on your muscle-bod, getting ready to gut-punch you! You tense your abs, and I let fly. Punch after punch hits your six-pack. Each impact slams you into the mat, then causes you to bounce back up. You're proud of your toned & hard mid-section, but the punches are turning your abs bright red and the muscle is still tired from all the crunches you did! The punches cause a warm glow in your ab-muscles, that becomes pain that just gets stronger and stronger. You try to deflect my punches with your hands, but Coach says "Don't fight me Drew, I want to turn you into the toughest wrestler and hottest man ever! To get there, you'll have to learn to deal with the pain. So show me how tough you are and how much you can take!" You want to get tough, so you now use your hands to feel up Coach's upper body while he`s punching you. Each punch in your abs still hurts, but the pain just turns you on now, allowing you to show Coach how tough you are! With each punch, your dick waves around, drooling cum everywhere.

Finally you really can't take it anymore, your ab-muscles destroyed, your body jerking with every punch, so I move on to punching your pecs instead! You flex your chest as hard as you can, to give me a bigger target, while I punch them from above from below (hitting your lower pecs), from the sides, and every now and then I grab your nipples and really twist them, causing you to yell! I slide up and sit on your dick, trapping it between my bodyweight and your still hurting abs. I go back to punching your abs, and you slide your hands all over me, feeling the power of the arms and shoulders that are turning your hard, proud abs and pecs into defenseless mush! Just then, I slam my fists into your pecs as hard as I can, right on top of your nipples! You scream, and spray your load all over your chest and abs. Then your Coach sprays his load too, reaching from your abs all over your chest AND all over your face! Then Coach relaxes, grins at your body that's soaking in cum, and lays down on top of you for a good cuddle & kiss.

"That was great, Drew. I'm going to make you into the strongest, toughest muscle stud ever!"

Next: Chapter 3

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