Wrestling Drew

By ten.xoc@hcaocswerd

Published on Sep 17, 2005


The following story contains graphic descriptions of male to male sex. If you are not into that or it is illegal for you to read it, then leave now.

This story is entirely fictional. This story has been released to nifty.org by special permission. Please do not copy this story without the author's prior written permission. The author can be reached at drewscoach@cox.net Please refer to this story in the subject line, or your mail may be mistaken for spam

Wrestling Drew - Part 4

Mike, Sean and Jake are discussing their recent humiliations. First, they lost the posing & pushup contest against you. Then their revenge during the water polo game ended with you getting turned on by their efforts to hurt your awesome bod and shooting your cum all over Mike, rather than screaming in pain as they had hoped. As they are talking about this, and trying to figure out a way to finally beat you, Sam, the high school's star quarterback, walks by and overhears them. He's still mad at you for making him look gay in front of his girlfriend, who has since almost dumped him. Only by trying real hard has he managed to have her give him a second chance. He decides to join forces with Mike, Sean and Jake, and speaks up:

"Guys, if you want to beat up that conceited prick Drew, I have a plan^Å."

That Thursday, you and I meet in the gym after school for another of your regular private workouts & toughness training sessions. I have you strip down to just a pair of super-tight yellow hot shorts. Your upper body and legs are on full display, and your bulging dick and big balls create an impressive mound. Meanwhile, the shorts ride deeply into your ass crack, showing off those mounds of muscle. I slip off my own sweat pants and shirt, and pull on a pair of loose cotton shorts. Then I walk over to you.

"Damn, boy, these workouts are really starting to have an effect on your body!" I place my hands on your traps and massage them a bit, then I slide my hands over to your delts and squeeze them.

"These delts are a lot bigger than they used to be. They've really made your shoulders much broader." You see my dick starting to tent out my shorts as I slide my hands over to your biceps and start massaging them.

"Big guns, stud!" Then I lean over, kiss you and we start to tongue-wrestle as I slide my arms around your back and massage your butt. Meanwhile, your hands are sliding all over my hard body, admiring your Coach's six pack abs. I squeeze your lats and feel up the ridges of your serratus before I step back and say:

"Alright, Drew, let's put this on hold for a while, or we'll never get to the workout. Today we'll be working chest, arms and abs. Let's start off with bench presses."

You lie down on the bench, as I slide the plates onto the barbell. You grab the bar, ready to start, but I stop you.

"Hold on, Drew, we're not quite ready yet." I reach over, grab your nipples, and twist them hard. You moan as your sensitive nipples perk up. Then I reach into my gym bag, and pull out two chrome tit clamps, two small chains and two weights. I remove the protective covers from the nipple clamps, exposing their teeth, and snap them onto your nipples. You suck in your breath and almost hyperventilate, trying to deal with the pain. But the swelling dick in your trunks tells me you're enjoying it too. Then I attach each chain to a clamp at one end, and hang the other end over the barbell. Finally, I attach a weight to the free end of each of the chains. The weights pull your nips straight up, almost yanking them off your chest, and cause the teeth of the tit clamps to really ravage your tits. You moan uncontrollably and your abs spasm as you try desperately to fight the urge to unclip the nipple clamps, but your dick has inflated as big as it has ever been and throbs in need, tenting out your shorts.

After giving you a few minutes to get used to the torture, I help you remove the barbell from the rack and you start the bench presses. As you lower the bar to your chest, the chain slides over the bar. Each link catches a bit as it slides over the bar, jerking the weights and the clamps, turning your nips into mincemeat! The same happens when you press the bar back up. With each jerk, your cock spasms and a big wet spot starts to form in your shorts. Meanwhile, your shirtless Coach stands above your head, looking to see if you need a spot. But even though the clamps are tenderizing your nipples, you pump the bar up and down as though it's just a regular workout. My position allows you to look up the leg of my shorts, giving you a clear view of my rock hard dick and churning balls. Seeing that you don't need the spot, I decide to up the ante a bit. I lean over and punch your right pec, just above the nipple clamp. You grunt in response, but keep going with your bench presses. You know what's coming, and sure enough, I punch your left pec, harder. Then your right, then your left, etcetera. By the end of your first set, I'm punching your pecs so hard the impacts ripple through your muscled body. And of course, the clamps and their weights still make your poor nipples dance!

Then the first set is done, and I help you re-rack the barbell. You move your hands to your chest to unclip the tit clamps, but I stop you.

"Leave those on, stud. We'll need them for the next exercise. So you massage your pecs instead, and twist your nipples a bit as you catch your breath , still lying on the bench. Meanwhile, I grab two dumbbells for you.

"OK, sexy. Flyes are next!" I hand you the weights, and you lower your arms, starting the first rep. Of course, this stretches the skin on your chest, almost popping the clamps off your nipples. Then you swing the weights back up, and I watch in admiration as your pecs bunch up bigger and bigger, forming striated hills on your chest. I add some more weight to the chains that are still punishing your nips, and I hear you groan. Then I walk around, sit on your abs and start to massage your pecs. I squeeze them as you're working them. I can feel the muscle fibers straining under the skin. Then I slide back a bit, until I feel your hard, leaking dick under my ass. I grab the nipple clamps, and twist them hard. You moan hard, and I feel some pre-cum squirt out of your cock. My hands roam over your pecs again, and you feel me giving you an extreme deep-tissue massage while you're working the muscle. It feels great, even though you know I'm digging in so deep you'll have bruises tomorrow. It's the kind of pleasure/pain that your hard body has grown to love. It has really toughened you up! At the same time, your Coach leans over and starts to lick your chest and abs! We do the entire set like this: you working your chest as hard as you can, your nipples being ravaged by clamps that are connected to chains and weights that hang off the barbell in the rack, and me sitting on you, muscle-worshipping and massaging your awesome abs and chest.

As soon as the set of flyes is done, I get off you, take the dumbbells from you, add some weight to the barbell and hand it to you for your next set of bench presses. You groan as you take the heavy barbell (which is right at your personal max) and start your set. I walk around, and (while you're straining, pumping the weight up and down), I lift your legs onto my shoulders and pull your shorts off. I pull my own shorts off too, grab some lube and slide a finger into your ass. I'm finger-fucking you in the gym, while you're working out! I add another finger, then a third. Finally, I pull my fingers out and slam my dick up your ass. You grunt, the barbell wobbles a bit, but then you resume your set. I slide my dick in and out of you, fucking you slowly. Meanwhile, I feel up your abs and chest. I pull on your tit clamps, massage your abs, stroke your dick until you whimper, then punch your pecs until the muscle quivers with the impact. Your dick drools all over your rock hard abs, filling the ridges to overflowing. Then, with my right hand still pounding your chest, I grab your balls with my left. I squeeze them a bit, causing you to groan. I feel your dick throb, you're very close to cumming, but I keep you right on the edge. I wrench one of your nipple clamps with my right hand, then slam your pecs again while at the same time my left hand twists your ball bag HARD! That does it, a groan rumbles through your chest as your dick explodes. The first shot shoots cum all over your chest, the second sprays your shoulder, and the third shot squirts into your face. You slam the barbell back into the rack as shot four sprays your chest, then you twist your nipple clamps to squeeze out shot five, which soaks your abs.

As you drift back to reality, you say: "Coach, didn't you cum yet?" and I reply: "No, buddy, I'm saving that for your next set of flyes." With that, I pull my hard dick out of your ass, get up and hand you the dumbbells. Then I add yet more weight to the chains that are ripping at your nipples. You whimper as the pain radiates throughout your chest. It feels as though your poor nipples will be pulled right off your hard pecs. But your dick never went soft, it just slides across your abs in a puddle of your cum, because with the pain comes an intensely pleasure glow. As you start your flyes, whimpering with each rep, I walk back, lift your legs onto my shoulders, and slam my hard cock all the way up your ass.

"Oh FUCK! Yes, Coach, FUCK ME!" I slide your legs off my shoulders, so my arms are more free to move, and you slip your legs around my waist. You know what's coming, and sure enough, while still fucking you, I start pummeling your abs. Fist after fist slams into your six pack, causing your body to jerk and the cum on your abs to splat all over. Your hard cock flops around with each impact, adding more precum to the puddle on your abs. I put all my strength into the beating, in order to break through the resistance of your steel-hard midsection. You try to resist as long as possible, showing off your toughness and the result of all those crunches and leg lifts. I work my punches methodically, from just below your rib cage all the way down to the root of your dick and then back up. Meanwhile, your pecs strain to keep the flyes going. Little by little, your rock hard abs start to give in and the punches start to affect you. I can see your abs start to spasm, while I'm still ramming my steel hard dick up your ass. I'm turned on beyond belief by your toughness and rock hard body. Finally your abs are broken down completely, so to avoid interfering with your flyes, I start to pummel your pecs instead! You keep on lifting the weights, the burn in your chest (from the flyes) combining with the fire in your nipples (from the clamps), the dull ache from your punished abs and now the fists slamming into your striated pecs! Little by little, your awesome pecs start to give up under the onslaught as well. It gets harder and harder to complete the reps, but the distraction of my rock hard dick ravaging your ass keeps you going a little longer. Then, just as you're about to give up, I slam your abs one more time and unclip the tit clamps. As the blood pumps back into your nips and hits the nerve endings, I slam my fists into them, causing you to drop the weights and howl. Then I slam one fist into your defenseless balls, while the other hand twists your nips HARD! You crunch up, grab your dick with one hand, twist the other nipple with your other hand, and blow cumshot after cumshot all over your abs, chest and face as your nipples are on fire, your pecs are burning, your abs are hurting and your balls telegraph pain throughout your body. Meanwhile, your prostate gets battered by my dick, as I spew my load inside you. Bent over, still spewing load after load of cum, you grab one of my nipples between your teeth and chomp down, causing me to pull out of your ass and spurt another load and another all over you. This gets you so hot, you spray out yet another load! Your hot, muscular, totally abused body is now completely covered in spunk. You sag back on the bench, totally depleted, and I lie down on top of you. I kiss you, and slide my tongue into your mouth while my hands slide the cum all over your delts, abs and pecs and finally I gently rub your raw nipples, giving them a soothing coating of spunk.

After resting for a while, I get up, use my hands to scoop the cum off my body, and feed it to you. "Here's some more testosterone for you, stud!" You keep your eyes closed, still recovering from the workout, the toughness training and the multiple loads of cum, but you open your mouth and suck down the globs that I feed you. Then I bend down and start to lick your body all over, gathering all the cum and then feeding it to you, mouth to mouth. I start off with sucking the cum out of your hair, then lick all over your face, your throat and your traps. I work my way down, body worshipping your muscles as I go: your boulder-like delts, your massive upper arms, your hard fore arms, your strong hands, then your mountainous pecs that rise and fall with each breath, your raw nipples, your corrugated abs, your pubic hair, your dick and your balls (which causes you to moan, after all the abuse you and I put them through). And every time I gather a mouthful of cum, I lovingly let it slide into your mouth and down your throat!

Finally I've completely licked you clean. "That was a great workout, Drew! I never thought you'd be able to lift that much weight and withstand that much abuse! You've grown into one hot little stud!" Then I look at my watch and jump up. "Shit, I'm missing a school meeting! Sorry, Drew, I have to go. When you've recovered, just leave. Twist the latch, and the doors will lock behind you. Okay, sexy?"

"Okay Coach, thanks for the workout! It was great!" You decide to rest on the bench a little longer as I leave the gym and head for my meeting. Soon, being totally exhausted, you fall asleep.

About 15 minutes later, three shadowy figures walk through the darkness towards the gym, where they are soon joined by a fourth. It's Mike, Jake, Sean and Sam! The quarterback speaks up: "See? I told you guys that I've seen Drew head for the gym after school on a regular basis! I guess he likes to work out alone. And the lights are still on, so he's still in there. Let's go give him the beating he deserves!" The four slip through the unlocked door and head for the weight room. "Fuck! You guys see what I see? I guess he likes to work out in the buff! No wonder he waits until everyone else is gone. And what's even better, it looks as though he fell asleep! Mike, you grab his right arm. Jake, you grab the left. Sean, grab his left leg and I'll grab his right."

You wake up as blinding pain ricochets through your lower body. Your eyes fly open, and you see the quarterback laugh at you, as he just hit you square in the nuts! You try to get up and fight back, but Sam and Sean are holding your legs! Then you look up and you see Mike and Jake holding your arms. Normally you might be able to wrench free, but with your workout and toughness training just completed, your pecs and abs pulverized, you just can't. And every time you try, pain shoots through your abused muscles. You know you'll be in for a tough time, but you decide to go along with them for now. Partly because you'd have a tough time fighting all four of them off in your current state, and partly because you're kinda curious what they'll do. You figure whatever it is, you're tough enough to take it after all your sessions with Coach!

Continued in Wrestling Drew Part 5

Next: Chapter 5

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