Wrestling Drew

By ten.xoc@hcaocswerd

Published on Oct 3, 2005


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Wrestling Drew - Part 5

Sam is the first to speak: "Alright, Mr. Star-fucking-Wrestler! You tried to embarrass me, did you? Well guess what? You're gonna pay for that, buddy! So you'd better do exactly as I say, or that punch in your nuts was just the start of an evening of hell!"

Then Mike joins in: "Yeah, you thought you were such a stud defeating us in pushups, did you? Well, the tables are turned now, buddy!"

Sam again: "Why don't we let Mr. Muscle here show us how many pushups he can do?" With that, he slams his fist into your already destroyed abs (although Sam and the others don't know that) and grins when you double up in pain. Then he kicks you off the bench, onto the floor.

Jake speaks up: "Gee, Mr. Muscle Stud isn't so tough anymore all of a sudden, is he? Come over here and start your workout, our style, fuckface!" As you try to get up, Sam suddenly kicks you from behind, right between the shoulder blades. "Crawl, asshole!".

You crawl over to the space where Jake is standing, behind the weight rack of the bench. You get ready to do your pushups, determined to show off your strength, despite the fact that you just completed a grueling workout with Coach. Just then, Sean asks: "What the fuck are these?" and Sam answers: "Damn, dude, those are tit clamps. Let's see if we can use them." He looks around for a minute. "Yeah! Move muscle dick over here!" He points to a spot on the floor where a piece of gym equipment has been removed, leaving just two eyebolts in the floor. You crawl over there, Mike and Jake kicking you in the ribs as you're going along.

Sam positions you with your chest above the eyebolts. He snaps the tit clamps on your already-abused nipples. You groan in pain. Then Sam runs the chains that are connected to the clamps through the eyebolts and hands one of them to Mike, who is standing on your right side, and the other to Jake, who's standing on your left. Then he walks around your buff bod, that's on display for all of them to see and he steps between your huge thighs. He kneels, takes his shoelaces out of his shoes and ties them together into a long string. Then he reaches out with his hand, grabs your balls, pulls them hard between your legs, and ties one end of the string TIGHT around them. You yelp, as he tightens the noose around your stones. Then he gets back up. "Alright guys, are you ready? This works as follows: Mike and Jake, you guys can yank on the chains that are attached to his nips, to bring Drew down until he's almost flat on the floor. Then I can rip on the shoelaces around his nuts to bring him back into the starting position. Now THAT'S how I'd like to see this asshole do his pushups! Meanwhile Sean gets to kick Drew wherever he feels like. The ribs, abs, delts, arms, everything!"

And with that, Mike and Jake yank on the chains, nearly ripping your already throbbing nips off your chest. You drop down until the clamps scrape the floor. Then Mike and Jake relax their chains a little and Sam yanks the shoelaces around your aching balls up, HARD! You howl, and push yourself back up into the starting position. Meanwhile, Sean starts to kick your left thigh as hard as he can. Then Mike and Jake rip at the chains again, pulling you down by your nipples. And so it goes, on and on. Your nips are on fire, your balls scream with every pull, your already exhausted pecs, delts and triceps feel like they are burning up, and meanwhile Sean works his way around your body, kicking as he goes. He moves from your left thigh to your abused abs, your left pec and ribcage, Then he walks around Jake, and continues by kicking your left arm, your delt, your left trap, then your right trap and all the way around. By now, every part of your body hurts, but to your own surprise, you've got a raging hard-on! You LOVE doing these pushups, totally nude, showing off your pumped muscles which writhe all over your arms, chest and back with every rep, despite the fact that these four guys are trying to destroy that awesome bod.

Finally, the pushups and the kicking on top of the incredible workout you already did with Coach are starting to take their toll. Your bulging arms and pecs start to shake, and you can barely force yourself up and down, your cock throbbing against your abs and drooling pre-cum. The four torturers can't see your hard dick, but you hear Sam saying: "OK. Let's finish this asshole off." With that, just as Mike and Jake yank on your tit clamps again, he SLAMS his shoe into your balls. You drop to the floor like a brick. Sam yells at Mike and Sean: "Keep on pulling!" As Sam slams his foot into your balls AGAIN and AGAIN, Mike and Sean pull harder and harder, until your nips stretch to their maximum size. You hurt like crazy, your body doesn't know what to do with the pain, so as the clamps finally, cruelly, slide along your nips and your balls are bashed, your dick EXPLODES as the clamps finally are ripped from your tits. Your body shudders and you SCREAM! At last, the clamps are gone and Sam stops kicking. Your body still trembles, and Sam and the others think they have finally destroyed you, until you roll over, still shuddering as orgasm after orgasm wracks your body, shooting cum all over your body and the floor. That causes Sam to lose it: "That little shit! Let's drag him over to the boxing ring!"

The four of them, ignoring the cum still dribbling out of your cock, pick you up and throw you into the ring. There, Sam said: "Well, all you guys are wrestlers, as is muscle dick here. But in your regular wrestling matches, there's always all sorts of rules. Why don't we do away with those rules, and turn you guys loose in a no-holds-barred wrestling match against Drew, until his muscle body is destroyed? We'll do it like the Pro wrestlers, only for real! Let's start off with those big pecs, they make a great target! Jake and Mike, each of you grab an arm and pull it out straight. Meanwhile Sean, grab his legs and sit on them." After the pushups to failure and the earlier workout, your magnificent chest is unable to resist, especially since you're still trying to catch your breath after the ball-bashing. So you end up stretched out in crucifix fashion, your vulnerable body on full display, and your magnificent chest gulping in air. Just then, the quarterback jumps up, yells and crashes down knee first onto your left pec. The air whooshes out of your lungs, your chest muscles scream in pain, and you realize you're in deep trouble as Sam trades places with Mike. Mike yells, jumps up and pulverizes your right pec. Your head flops from side to side in agony as Mike reaches down, grabs your nips and twists the reddened, raw nubs as hard as he can. Then he gets up and is replaced by Jake, who smashes his knee into your left pec and twists your tits, and then Sean who demolishes your right pec and works your nipples over as well. By now, your massive pecs are absolutely powerless and bright red, and they and your abs pump up and down to try and suck in air. But Sam, Mike, Jake and Sean bash your heaving chest with another two knee drops EACH! All the muscle you worked so hard is being systematically destroyed, bruised beyond belief. And you know that in fact your awesome body is the REASON these guys are beating you up.

Finally, the four decide your chest has been destroyed, so Sam starts to knee drop your big biceps instead! Your baseball sized muscle feels like it is about to be torn in half as he does ten knee drops on the arm held by Mike, then another ten on the arm held by Jake. Again, he is followed by first Mike, then Jake, then Sean before Sam goes over it AGAIN! After three rounds of this abuse, your stunning arm muscles are totally useless. Then Sam directs Jake and Mike to pull you up into a standing position, and they pull you along as they run toward the corner of the ring. Suddenly they stop, but you go flying, your left shoulder slamming into the ring post. You nearly black out from the pain radiating through your massive, throbbing delt. But Sam and Sean grab you, turn you around and start running toward the opposite ring post, again dragging you along. Again you fly into the post, this time your bulging right delt is the target. You barely have time to catch your breath before Jake and Mike race you across the ring, left delt first into the ring post, followed by Sam and Sean destroying your right delt again. Then they let you fall to the ground. As you lay on the ground, your muscles spasming, Sean and Sam kneel by your head, each extending one knee. Then Mike and Jake stand by your side, grab you by the arms and legs, lift you vertically (head down) as high as they can, then drop you down in a double shoulder breaker, your shoulders being driven into your body as they hit Sean's and Sam's knees. Your entire upper body hurts, with your chest, arms and shoulders paralyzed by pain. You realize that you're lucky that you have so much muscle protecting your bones from the impacts, but the muscle is now so bruised you can't even lift your arms, let alone defend yourself.

The four grab you and bring you to a standing position. As you're trying to look for a way out, your powerless arms hanging by your side, Jake and Mike catapult you into the ropes as hard as they can, back first. As you rebound at high speed, Sam slams his knee into your abs as hard as he can. You double up in pain, but you're pulled upright and thrown into the ropes again so Mike, Jake and Sean can each repeat the maneuver. Then, Jake and Mike drag you over to the side of the ring and tie up your arms in the ropes. Sam walks up, twist your swollen, puckered up nipples HARD and then hauls off with his fists, slamming them into your pecs and abs, again and again. Your defenseless body shudders with each impact, as he turns your muscles into his personal punching bag! Then Sam adds in punches to your nuts as well, causing pain to flash throughout your body. You bite your lip to keep from screaming in agony. After what seems like an eternity, Sam gets tired and steps aside and immediately Mike takes over! And when Mike finally tires, Jake and then Sean take over the pummeling. Meanwhile, Sam has jumped out of the ring and disappeared into the locker room. As Sean finishes up his abuse of your hot bod, Sam reappears, he's carrying football shoulder pads. "Hey guys! You taught me how to punish Drew using wrestling moves, now I'll teach you how to do it using football moves!" With that, he straps on his shoulder pads and helps the other guys into the pads he brought for them. Then he pulls himself into the ring, where you're still tied up in the ropes. The quarterback crouches down, yells "Hut, hut, hike!" and runs toward you, slamming into you at full speed, his shoulder pads slamming into your abs! You feel like you've been hit by a freight train! The other three hoot and holler "Nice tackle!" and jump into the ring as well, where they're taking turns slamming into you as hard as they can.

After about fifteen minutes of this, you're so battered that you go totally limp, your arms are dislodged from the ropes and you slide to the canvas. The four take off their pads, but they aren't done yet. Sam ducks under the ropes, standing on the apron. Then he tells Mike and Jake to lift you up and lay you down horizontally with your nipples on the top rope, and with your head sticking out of the ring. Sam grabs your arms (eliciting a wince from you, as your bruised muscles are forced to move). Then Sam, Mike and Jake drag you across the rope, from one ring post to the next, until you've gone all the way around the ring. The rough rope abrades your nipples, hurting like crazy, but at the same time turning you on. You can't believe it! As Sam, Jake and Mike bring you to a stop, still hanging in the air, Sean steps between your legs and SLAMS his fist into your balls! Sam, Jake and Mike let you drop to the ground, where you curl up into a ball, your nips glowing causing your dick to spasm, but your screaming balls are drained dry, so nothing spurts out. Sam and Mike straighten out your arms and place their knees on your bulging biceps, which radiate pain as they push their bodyweight onto them and start to roll their knees around on the muscle. Meanwhile Jake and Sean pull your legs out straight and sit on your lower legs. Then the barrage starts as Sam and Mike twist your swollen nips and punch your bruised pecs and abs while rolling your arm muscles below their knees, while Jake and Sean smash their fists into your quads and hurting balls. Again this goes on for about fifteen minutes!

Then Sam says: "Let's work his back now. I've always wanted to do that thing where the Pro wrestlers jump from the top rope!" So they turn you over and Sam climbs into the ring post to the top rope, then jumps down and slams his knee into your lower back. You scream in agony, your head flopping from side to side. The others immediately follow Sam's example, some slamming down on your narrow lower back, others on your massive upper back. Little by little your back gets worn down and destroyed.

Finally you're almost unconscious from the pain, so Sam stops the assault. "We don't want our little muscle slave to pass out before we finish off the humiliation!" With that, he strips off his trunks, crouches down between your legs and RAMS HIS DICK UP YOUR ASS! The other three are stunned for a moment, but then Mike lets out a whoop, rips off his trunks, walks over, pulls up your head and SLAMS HIS DICK INTO YOUR MOUTH! They go to work, slamming their two dicks into your defeated body harder and harder. Finally, Sam yells and shoots his hot cum up your ass. Immediately, Mike pulls out of your mouth, screams "His ass is mine next", runs around, and slams his dick up your ass. Sean is just a little faster than Jake and slams his rod into your mouth. Meanwhile, Sam has retrieved the nipple clamps. "Guys, pull out so we can roll muscle dick over and clamp these back on!" Sean complies, but Mike refuses to pull out and simply rolls over until he's lying on his back with your beaten body on top of him. Sean slams his dick back into your throat as Sam lets the clamps bite deep into your swollen tit stalks. You groan in pain, especially as Sam starts to pull on the chains as hard as he can. With Mike and Sean still pounding their dicks into you, you feel the clamps start to slide along your nipples, stretching the swollen nubs out farther than you ever thought possible, until they finally rip free. You scream, but Sam re-attaches the clamps right away and starts all over again! Then you can't believe your ears as Mike says: "Hey Jake! Come on over here and force your dick up Drew's ass." Jake replies: "Okay! Pull out and I'll let him feel MY dick." But Mike responds: "No, I mean slam your dick up his ass WHILE MINE IS STILL IN THERE!" Jake's eyes open wide in disbelief: "You think that's gonna work? We'll split him in half!" Mike, with a lust-crazed undertone in his voice, responds: "Who the fuck cares? When do you think you'll ever have the chance again to double-dick a guy? Come on over here and show Drew who the REAL stud is, you or him!" With that, Jake gets into position , waits for Mike to pull halfway out and then Jake starts to force his dick in alongside Mike's. Your ass ring tries to resist, but is powerless to stop the two wrestlers and finally gives way, allowing Jake to slide in. Searing pain shoots through your ass, which is stretched to the limit as Mike suddenly SLAMS his rod in to the hilt as well! But with Sam tormenting your sensitive nipples (which has always turned you on), Sean slamming his dick into your mouth, the feeling of TWO dicks rubbing along each other in your stretched ass and worst of all BOTH of them slamming into your prostate, you surprise yourself by getting a rock-hard boner! Just then, you feel mike reaching around and gently squeezing your balls. He starts to squeeze harder and harder as he suddenly moans: "Oh Drew!" and you feel his dick spasm and SHOOT deep up your ass. That causes Jake to pull out and SHOOT ALL OVER YOUR ABS AND CHEST! Sean sees that and slams harder into your mouth, his balls bouncing off your nose and BLOWS HIS LOAD DOWN YOUR THROAT! Meanwhile, Mike, still spasming in the throes of orgasm, uses his free hand and JAMS THREE FINGERS UP YOUR ASS, ALONGSIDE HIS STILL SHOOTING DICK! At the same time, Sam rips the clamps off your abused nips AGAIN! This causes your dick to SPEW the last little bit of sperm that was left in your balls UP AND ONTO YOUR SHOULDER! As Sam roars in anger that you can still come after all this, you `re surprised when you see Mike scoop up some of your cum from your boulder-like shoulder and (unseen by the others) LICKS IT OFF HIS FINGERS AND SLURPS IT DOWN! Then the other three drag your abused body off Mike, pulling his fingers and drooling dick from your ass. Sam is red with anger and KNEE DROPS YOUR BALLS, AGAIN AND AGAIN!

You welcome the darkness as you finally black out from the pain....

Next: Chapter 6

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