Wrestling Tournament Locker Room Adventures

By Vostock 1

Published on Jun 8, 2004


Greetings to all,

After 8 months, chapter 5 of Wrestling Tournament Lockerroom Adventures is here. I apologize for the delay between chapters, but it has been a very busy and stressful time for me. I hope you will forgive me, and I hope you will enjoy this chapter. I look forward to hearing your comments, feedback is my fuel, e-mail me at vostock2@hotmail.com Flames will be ignored.

DISCLAIMER: The following story contains graphic sexual scenes between young males and older males. If material of this nature offends you then you should not read this story. Additionally, if you are under 18 years of age in most states you are not allowed to read this story by law.

This story is purely a work of fiction. Any resemblance to person's living or dead, or to events that may have occurred, is purely coincidental. Additionally, the actions of the characters in this story is no way intended to show approval of, or give sanction to, their actions.

The author claims all copyrights to this story and no duplication or publication of this story is allowed, except by the web sites to which it has been posted, without the consent of the author.

Wrestling Tournament Locker room Adventures Part 5

After our first tryst at the motel, things were never the same between me and Kevin, they just kept getting better. I wondered if I would hear from him again, many straight guys will have one fling with you, but once they have experienced gay sex they just file the experience away in the Book of Life and go back to their girlfriends. But Kevin Waldron definitely wasn't like most guys. About a week after our first meeting, he called me on a Friday morning and asked if I was coming up to Greenville anytime soon. My reply was "when do you want me there"?

I drove out to Greenville after work and registered at the motel, and around 6 PM Kevin gave me a call to find out what room I was in. Fifteen minutes later, there was a knock on the door, Kevin had arrived. I was a bit surprised, he was wearing dress pants and a nice shirt, had he dressed up for me? Kevin locked the door and began the careful striptease, hanging each article of clothing on a hanger, putting his shoes side by side, and finally peeling off his boxers and socks. I lay back on the bed and drank in the sight of this fantastic looking jock unveiling his magnificent body for me. Whether by accident or design, I got a good look at his beautiful brown ass pucker, sparsely ringed with brownish hair, as he bent over to remove his socks. He turned around and faced me, his huge cock was mostly limp, but he gave it a few tugs and it began to swell and grow.

"Umm, are you ready for me" he asked a bit sheepishly.

"What do you want to do tonight?" I asked?

"Listen, I should explain something" he began uncertainly. "I can't stay too long, I'm going to a dance at school, and to a party afterwards, but I need to get off first."

"What!" I said, a little bit pissed that he was just going to cum and run.

"Relax, I'll make it up to you" he said, as he stroked his dick to its full, massive, proportions. "I'll come back later, or tomorrow and we'll be able to spend more time together"

"Okay" I replied, somewhat mollified.

"Now lie down" Kevin instructed, as he climbed onto the bed and knelt by my feet.

Once I was in place, Kevin straddled my chest, the head of his long thick cock resting on my chin, I opened my mouth and Kevin shoved his cock forward. I panicked at first, he was so big and so thick, he could easily injure me with it. I pushed on his thighs and spit it out.

"Take it easy, don't ram it in" I yelled

"Come on Steve" he pleaded. "I'll be gentle, but I need some relief" and then he eased that massive cock into my open mouth.

He was true to his word, he was gentle, sliding about 4 inches of cock in and out of my mouth. I tightened my mouth on his cock and began to suck, eliciting some groans of pleasure from Kevin. I glanced up, his massive body loomed over me, he was leaning forward, grasping the headboard. I was once again dazzled by the chiseled muscular body of this young jock, the tight six-pack, the bulging pecs topped with the pert brown nipples that were now stiffening and pointing out. I let my fingers trace a path over his torso, Kevin made no objection and began to thrust harder, but not too deep. I sucked harder, and began a lot of heavy tongue action, which I knew he liked. In less than five minutes he started to hit the short rows and began shooting his load into my willing mouth. "Oh Yeah, Oh Yeah" he chanted. Gradually his thrusts weakened and he began to pull his softening cock from my mouth, while I desperately swallowed his salty load of cum.

Without a thank you or any reciprocation, Kevin dismounted me and strolled into the bathroom, leaving me with a fine view of his tight bubble butt. A few seconds later I heard the water running. Figuring that this erotic interlude was over, I strolled over to get an explanation of his behavior. Kevin was washing his now flaccid cock with a washcloth.

"So why'd you come to see me, if you couldn't stay"? I asked

"Well I've got to go to this dance at school, I'm on the student council, so they expect us to be there. I'm always getting hardons when I dance with someone, I don't know why, and it seems to make some of the girls nervous" He said it with such puzzlement in his voice that I had to laugh. I could just imagine some little high school girl dancing with this big jock, and feeling that huge cock against her body, most girls would freak. Kevin wasn't amused with my laughter.

"What's so funny, you're making it like I'm some perverted rapist" he said indignantly. "I wouldn't hurt anyone, why would the girls get so upset?"

"Kevin", I said gently "You're built like a truck, they see you slam guys on the mat all the time, and when you press that mega-cock of yours against them; it's going to make them fear the worst." "You could split a lot of girls in two with your rod" I explained.

He frowned as he thought about it, but he seemed to understand. "I just figure if you got me off before the dance, The Python should behave itself for awhile" We then went back out and began to dress. After ensuring he was properly attired, and pausing to view himself in the mirror he took his leave.

"Well, thanks, I'll see you later" He said as he headed out the door.

"Yeah, good luck at the dance" I said somewhat uncertainly

"I don't need luck, I rely on my skills" he said with a wink, and then he was gone.

I stood there somewhat bewildered, had that interlude really just happened? >From start to finish, Kevin hadn't been in the room for more than 15 minutes. But I had got to see him again, I had got to wrap my lips around that magnificent cock, I had drained his balls of their succulent nectar, it had been real. Kevin's attitude and behavior were a mystery to me, I wondered how far he would be willing to go?

It was several hours later, I had had a few drinks from the mini-bar and read a book for awhile, and now I was sprawled on the motel bed, watching Conan O'Brien on TV, and I had just about figured Kevin was going to be a no show, when there was a thump at the door. I peeked out and there was Kevin, he looked flushed and out of breath, as he brushed snow off himself.

I let him in, it looked like he had been outside for a while.

"Well, here I am" he announced loudly, allowing me to get a whiff of booze from his breath.

"What do you want, a kiss" I said sarcastically

"Come on now, no queer stuff" he said with a giggle, as he gave me a playful punch on the arm that sent me staggering backwards.

I was feeling frisky so I decided I'd try to put this jock in his place. I grabbed his arm and tried to pull him towards the bed, that was a mistake. Grasping Kevin's arm was like grasping an oak tree, and he couldn't be budged.

"You think you can take me, guess again" he laughed, as he gave me a shove that sent me stumbling back onto the bed. I stood up and advanced on him, I wasn't going to let some high school kid push me around. Kevin just grinned and took a quick step forward, and grabbed me by the shoulders and tossed me onto the bed again. I started to get up, but with Kevin's long reach and massive hands, he quickly grabbed my wrists and dragged me to the floor. I found myself on the floor between the beds, Kevin was crouching over me, with one knee partially on my chest, if he shifted his weight he could crush my ribcage. He looked down at me with a drunken grin on his face. "Still think you're a tough guy"

" I guess not" I said with a slightly bruised pride, as Kevin rose and extended his hand to me, jerking me to my feet. He turned to take of his coat, and against all common sense I made a quick grab for him. He saw me coming a mile away and kicked my feet out from under me, but I managed to knock him off balance pulling him down onto the bed with me. He landed on top of me, knocking the wind out of both of us. He rolled over and faced me, chest to chest, his forehead touching mine. We were both half drunk and he started giggling.

"You're a very silly boy, Steven, thinking you can take me." He said, breathing booze fumes into my face. "I'm gonna be State Champ, I'm gonna go to college on a wrestling scholarship, and you really thought you could take me? He had a grin on his face, and I knew he wasn't mad, just amused.

"I'm so sorry Kevin" I said as I stroked his muscular body through his clothes, " I had no right to try that, I hope you'll forgive me"

He pulled himself up and grinned "I think you need to make it up to me, before I can forgive you"

He pulled me to my feet and we stood for a moment facing each other, then he spoke. "You're going to have to work very hard tonight, to atone for your sins" he said with mock seriousness "It is going to be a long hard night, if ya know what I mean" he said with an evil grin and a squeeze of his well packed crotch for emphasis.

"How long and how hard?" I asked, as I traced my fingers along his chest, feeling each bulging pec.

"Very hard, and almost a foot long" he replied breathlessly, as my fingertips teased his nipples through his shirt.

"We'll have to see about that" I said and then I began to unbutton his shirt.

It would have been a bit more erotic to strip his clothes off and toss them to the floor, but Kevin insisted that I neatly hang or fold each article of clothing. I hoped he would undress me, but Kevin made it very clear we were here for his pleasure, and I undressed myself. When I had hung up my clothes, I turned to face him and he motioned me to get on my knees. His cock was limp, but a few licks to the cockhead seemed to awaken it from its slumber.

"Mmm" he moaned, as I started to tease his cock, and it began to grow to its massive proportions. Kevin stood there, like a statue, with his head thrown back, breathing deeply, occasionally emitting a gasp or moan. "Man, I really need this, I need some relief" he whispered breathlessly.

"Don't worry stud" I said after I'd pulled off his cock. "You're going to get all the relaxation you can handle it"

I took it slow, teasing the head, then bobbing up and down on the amazing pillar of flesh between his legs. Kevin stood there and let himself drift along with the feelings. The next time I came up for air, I steered him onto the bed, and then I crawled between his legs and got back to business.

I took a deep breath and forced my mouth open as far as it could go, and slowly Kevin's massive rod slid down my throat. I held him there as long as I could, and let him enjoy the sensations of a deepthroating.

"Oh fuck, that's good" he groaned, "Nobody's ever taken all of me" he said with a trace of awe in his voice. I wasn't surprised by this comment, he was by far the longest I'd ever sucked, and it was way thicker than most. I was starting to get breathless so I eased off him and inhaled deeply. "Do that again Steve, that was awesome" said Kevin in a pleading voice.

I was more than happy to oblige, and again I took him deep in my throat. I was getting good at interpreting Kevin's movements and utterances, and I knew when he was about to cum, so I kept holding it off. Again and again, I took him to the edge, but then I would back off and let him calm down a bit.

I would mix it up a bit, pulling off his cock and taking one of his golf ball size nuts into my mouth and giving it a tongue massage. Or I would wander over his sculpted torso, planting little kisses all over and tracing a lazy path with my tongue.

All this was sending Kevin into shudders of pleasure, and soon he was begging for relief. "Come on, let me cum" he whimpered, as, for the third time, I gripped his cock tight to stave off his eruption. He was starting to squirm about and he was panting like a dog, his lust was so great.

"Not yet Kevin, let it build" I counseled, as I teased his balls with my little finger. "You've got to let it build up and build up, and when I let you cum it will be the best you've ever had" Kevin was only capable of incoherent babbling at this point, so I continued with my work.

After 30 more minutes of worshipping Kevin's towering rod of flesh, I figured it was just plain cruel to let him continue writhing and groaning on the bed, besides, my jaw was getting awfully sore. I looked up in awe at Kevin, his every muscle stood out from his body as he gripped the sheets, and his skin was covered with a sheen of sweat, I just could not believe how lucky I had been to hook up with this young god. But enough musing, it was time to make Kevin cum.

I centered the action on the head of his cock, which I knew he enjoyed. I bobbed my head up and down on his cock, like a woodpecker on acid, slurping and gulping his massive supply of precum. He began to stiffen, and then he fired his cannon, again and again and again, he sent fountains of his sweet cum into my mouth. His body was shuddering like there was an earthquake, and his deep groans of pleasure echoed of the walls as he released his pent up lust. I kept having to swallow in order to keep his load from overflowing my mouth. Eventually, the tidal wave of sperm subsided and Kevin relaxed and we both lay on the bed, our gasping breaths the only audible thing. I rolled over and snuggled close to him, surprisingly he reached out and put his arm around me. I rested my head on his chest and looked at his handsome face, still flushed and sweaty from his recent orgasm. He gave me a smile and hugged me closer.

"Oh God, that was fantastic Steve" he gasped, "thank you so much, I really needed a few good cums"

"Totally my pleasure Kev" I replied as I rubbed his tight abs, causing him to purr contentedly

We talked for a while, Kevin related that they had a few big tournaments coming up, and recruiters from several colleges were attempting entice him into signing up for a scholarship. Although Kevin never spoke much about his parents, I got the impression they put a lot of pressure on him to succeed at both sports and academics, as well as keeping up appearances of being a "good boy". Kevin wasn't a dumb jock, and he was very articulate and aware of current events, unlike so many other teens. We talked for a while, and my hand drifted down to his cock and I began to stroke it.

"So, ready for the next match" he said quite cheerfully, giving me a big smile.

"You bet" I replied "Want to try something different?" I had been thinking about Kevin, totally butch and hung like a horse, and I had decided I had to let him fuck me. A young blond god like this wasn't going to come my way too often, so I would experience everything he could offer, even if it left me with a sore ass.

He looked at me very seriously "I'm not sucking you off, I'm not queer"

I laughed "Yes Kevin, you've made that very clear, what I was asking was, do you want to fuck me?"

His eyes just about popped out of his head. "You mean put my cock in your ass?" he asked incredulously

"Yes, Kevin" I replied patiently "Put your big jock rod in my ass, that's how men fuck"

"Holy Shit, I don't know about this" he replied, sitting up in the bed. "That's getting pretty queer"

I squeezed his dick and looked him in the eye. "It will be the best Kevin, the very best, tighter than any pussy you'll ever fuck. And it won't make you queer, you're just a very healthy young man getting his rocks off." The room was quiet, as Kevin thought about it for a minute, and I fondled his cock to get it in the mood.

"I've done it before", he said somewhat hesitantly, not looking me in the eye. "With a woman I see sometimes, she let me butt fuck her once, but I was too much for her and I had to stop". He gave me a sheepish grin, like a kid caught stealing cookies.

"Did you like it" I asked, knowing that the guy doing the fucking always enjoyed it. He grinned at me and said "Oh yeah, it was unbelievable, but she didn't like it, said I was too big and I was hurting her, so I stopped.

I figured Kevin had been fucking some high school chick, but when I asked him about it he was evasive, until finally admitting it was the mother of a one of his teammates. I was shocked, this wasn't your average high school jock, this guy was sowing his oats in every available field! Over time Kevin would reveal to me many of his heterosexual high jinks, which included a several rich suburban housewives, one of the female teachers at his school, college coeds, a stripper at a local topless bar, and many more. No wonder he was in such good shape, he was getting a lot of exercise. I could never understand why, with all the available women, Kevin kept coming back to me. I guess it was the excitement of it, the fact that he was doing something he knew society disapproved of, that's what made it fun.

I decided to take the bull by the horns, so to speak, so I tightened my grasp on Kevin's cock and began to stroke it to its full glory. "Listen Kevin, I can take it better than a chick, and I've had plenty of practice, so now's your chance" Kevin got that evil gleam in his eye and he pulled away from me. "Get on your hands and knees, and brace yourself" he warned.

I cautioned Kevin that he would have to be slow and gentle until I got used to him. Even with my vast experience, Kevin's 10 inch long and 3 inch wide monster cock was going to be quite a challenge. I reached for my shaving kit beside the bed, and pulled out a tube of lube. "Here" I explained "You'll have to get me ready"

"What do you mean" Kevin asked dumbly

"Lube my ass up, so you don't split me open" I explained. "Put some of the lube on your fingers and lube me up"

Kevin wrinkled his nose with distaste "No fucking way, I'm not putting my fingers in your ass, that's disgusting"

"You're going to be putting your cock up my ass" I snapped back at him "Don't be stupid"

But Kevin held his ground and completely refused to touch my ass, so I lubed my self up, while he knelt on the bed stroking his cock. I smeared a generous dollop of lube on to his cock and told him to lube every inch of his big rod.

Once I figured I was as ready as I'd ever be, I got on my back and raised my knees to my chest.

"Get on your hands and knees" Kevin ordered. I tried to explain that the missionary position was vastly superior to doggie style (not that doggie style isn't good) but he would not hear of it and demanded I assume his preferred position. Looking back I realized that doing it doggie style prevented us from being face to face, and allowed Kevin to forget that he was fucking a guy. I eventually relented and got on my hands and knees.

"Now Kevin, your big, bigger than any guy I've let fuck me, so you're going to have to take it very slowly at first, you don't just ram it in, do you understand?" Kevin promised to be gentle "at first" as he put it.

I was nervous, and mentally bracing myself for Kevin's onslaught, when I should actually have been trying to relax myself. The he gets into position and I feel him place his huge cockhead at the opening. Slowly he pushes in and the pain shot up my spine as I felt myself being ripped apart. "Breath deeply, relax, push out like your taking a shit" I told myself, just as I had told countless numbers of young men, when I had eased my cock up their tight love chute, now I was going to see how good my advice was!

He moved forward like a bulldozer, his wrist thick organ stretching me like I had never imagined. "Oh fuck" I hear myself yell. I was trying to relax but he kept pressing it deeper and deeper into me. Amidst the fog of pain I could hear Kevin moaning, as my tight ass clenched his fat cock.

It was getting to be too much, and I begged Kevin to stop. He started pulling out, but I told him to stay still, I needed some time to adjust to the vast pillar of flesh within me. Kevin froze in position, and I was mildly surprised as he gently massaged my shoulders, with our gasping breaths the only sound with in the room. Bit by bit I relaxed myself, and I told Kevin to proceed, slowly. He eased forward until gradually I felt his wiry pubes touching my ass.

"Oh my God" we both gasped simultaneously. "This is fucking amazing" said Kevin "Your ass is so tight, it's like nothing I've ever felt." Despite my discomfort, I couldn't resist showing off a bit, and I began to clench and unclenched my ass muscles. "Fuckkkk" screamed Kevin, as the intense feelings overtook him and he unleashed a wave of spunk within me. I could feel his whole body shuddering, his fingers clenched my hips and he let out a long, incoherent moan as he poured himself into me.

He toppled forward and fell across my back, his gasping breath blowing into my ear. I expected he would recover himself and we would be done, but Kevin had other ideas. He pulled back so he was kneeling, but his long cock, still quite hard was still partially lodged in my butt. Kevin reached down and hooked his hands under my arms, and effortlessly pulled me up onto my knees. He put one massive paw on each side of my ribs and lifted me up, and then he yanked me back down onto his cock. My eyes almost popped out of my head as Kevin's thick cock plunged deeper than any other I had experienced or even imagined. Up and down I went, completely powerless as Kevin took complete control of me. The room was filled with the sound of the squeaking bed, Kevin's gasps, my groans, and the squishy sounds of a well lubed cock pistoning in and out of a tight ass.

Kevin wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer, squeezing me in a bear hug. "You like that" he snarled in my ear "Like getting fucked by a man's cock"? "Oh Kevin" I gasped, "This is too much, you're the biggest and the best" He chuckled evilly and intensified his thrusts. Kevin's sweaty muscular torso rubbed against my back, and he reached down with one hand, grabbed my cock and began to stroke it. He clenched my dick in his hand and gave me a superior hand job. For a guy who insisted he wasn't queer, Kevin was doing a very good job of pleasuring me. I felt myself drifting into space, the painful pleasure of fucking taking me to another dimension. We grunted and groaned for a good fifteen minutes, as Kevin gave me a power fucking. His strength and stamina were amazing, he never faltered the whole time, and he lifted me up and down on his love pole with ease. Eventually, all good things must come to an end, and we came too! I let go first, unleashing a torrent of cum that hit the headboard, the best and hardest cum I'd had in years. The spasms of my orgasm milked Kevin's dick and he unleashed another copious load into my sodden ass. Slowly he pulled out of me, allowing cum to pour out of my well spread ass. We had exhausted our selves with this mammoth fuck and we slumped onto the bed, to recuperate.

After a lengthy silence, Kevin tentatively asked if I was okay. I rolled over and faced him, "I'm very okay Kevin, I've never had a more vigorous fuck" I said as I stroked his massive, sweaty, chest. "Doesn't it hurt" he asked hesitantly. I explained that it hurt some at first, especially with a cock of his size, but with practice it could be quite pleasurable. I offered to show him how good it could be, but he just laughed and gave me a playful slap. We were sticky with cum and sweat, and Kevin announced he was going to take a shower. I decided to join him and offered to wash his back.

We strolled naked into the bathroom, I strolled a bit gingerly after the mighty pounding my ass had taken, and fired up the shower. Kevin simply stood there with his arms folded, and the water cascading over his body, as I carefully washed his perfectly sculpted body. I soaped his tree trunk thick thighs and his big size 12 feet, carefully scrubbing between his toes, then I washed his rippled stomach and massive chest. He then turned around and I washed his back, then I strayed down to his magnificent butt, kneaded the firm mounds of flesh and spread them apart, revealing the brown pucker. Kevin had made no protest, in fact he had leaned forward and placed his hands on the wall, like he was under arrest. I wanted to rim him, but I wasn't sure if he could handle it. After a few seconds hesitation, I threw caution to the wind and dove in with my tongue. Kevin moaned and shuddered, as I rimmed his tight hole and poked my tongue in. "Oh God, what is that" he moaned.

I gave his ass a playful slap and told him to relax. "I'm not gonna hurt you Kevin, just enjoy it" With that I dove back in and jammed my tongue in a far as it could go. Kevin was groaning with pleasure, and I reached around and felt that his dick had one again swollen to its mammoth proportions. I slowly began to jack him off, while burrowing deeper and deeper into his chute with my tongue.

Suddenly Kevin bucked back and sent me sprawling. He turned around with fire in his eyes, and a very hard cock; had I gone to far and made him angry? "Get up" he growled. I slowly got up and stepped out of the tub, followed by Kevin. "get in the bed, I'm going to fuck you again" I went in and lay on my back, and pulled my knees up to my chest, this time Kevin did not protest my choice of position. He knelt on the bed between my legs and grabbed the tube of lube, quickly greasing up his cock. Without any preamble or foreplay, he pushed my knees back and shoved the entire 10 inches of his cock into me, causing us both to groan. Kevin began to fuck me with deep pounding strokes, with his eyes closed and a look of bliss on his handsome face. In and out he went, like a demented pile driver, he fucked me for a long time. I just lay back and took it, my hands wandering up to stroke his rippling sweaty muscles. With each thrust he touched my prostate, causing waves of pleasure to jolt through me. All the while he was fucking me, Kevin was murmuring incoherently, "tight fucking ass, tight fucking ass". After a protracted fucking, I watched in awe as Kevin's orgasm overtook him, his face turned crimson and his handsome features contorted, as he groaned out another load on my abused ass. As he came down from his sex high, he looked down on me as I jacked off all over my belly. There was a look of disbelief on his face, perhaps he was realizing he was actually having sex with another man, not a chick, and maybe he was having difficulty handling it. He pulled out of me, leaving me feeling very empty, and he lay on top of me, his head resting on my chest, his fingers trailing along my chest. "Thanks" he whispered. I stroked his blond head, and soon we drifted off to sleep.

When I awoke sunlight was streaming into the room, and Kevin was gone. I looked at the clock and saw it was 1030AM. I got up rather stiffly, my ass was very sore from the heavy plowing I had taken. I saw a piece of paper on the table and picked it up, it was a note from Kevin. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Steve:

Thanks for everything, I had a great time. I'll call you on Wed or Thurs, and maybe you can come work out with me? I want to see how strong you really are.


I tucked the note away and mused about our next encounter, I wonder what kind of fun we would have?

To be continued?

Let me know what you thought of it, your comments are most welcome. Vostock2@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 6

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