X Boy

By Charlie Boi

Published on Jul 17, 2006



All usual standard disclaimers apply. X-Men and all other related elements are properties of Marvel. This work is purely fanFICTION, and may also contain sexual situations of the homosexual nature, not suitable for minors. Any storyline not true to the Marvel original is only made up by the author's non-comic book aficionado imagination. This includes sexual orientations. Any remote resemblance to real life, or any other fanfiction, is entirely coincidental. No pretenses, insinuations, infringement, or any other legal issues intended nor desired. Consider yourself warned.

Writer's Note:

For those who always feel compelled to provide feedback, whether positive or negative, you may e-mail me at: charlie.likes@yahoo.com.

This is my first story... ever. Be nice, dudes!

*** Legend:

" " -- spoken conversation { } -- telepathic conversation ***

Chapter Three: Rendering

Beau felt himself floating around in complete nothingness. His body felt so weightless. Where was he? Is he dreaming? He opened his eyes, and found that he could only stretch his lids halfway. He tried to look around. His body didn't respond. From what he can see, though, there was nothing. He was floating around in an endless black void. He slowly brought his hand to his face. Weird. For some unknown reason, he can see himself despite the darkness of his surroundings. He tried to process his thoughts. This might be a mutant attack, after all. He has to defend himself... But he can't. His mind just felt weak and drained. He closed his half-opened eyes. Even the small act of blinking was making his body ache. God, what was happening to him?

He felt his body floating forward. He was moving? Since when was he moving? He started to feel a light wind gently caressing his cheeks. It felt wonderful. So he was moving. But where was he headed? He reached out a hand, and all of a sudden, he saw it. A small dot of light. He blinked a few times. Yes, there was definitely a dot of light. And he was reaching out for it. Oh God! Is he dead?! People always said that when you die, you go through a tunnel headed towards a light. He abruptly pulled his hand back. The light was inching its way toward him. It was growing. No! He can't die yet, he was too young! There was so much he hasn't done yet, why must he die now? The light grew and grew. He tried to swim away from it, but felt his body was frozen in place. His eyes opened wide as the light finally engulfed his body. Oh, God... no...

With a sharp intake of breath, Beau sat bolt upright. He looked up and found white fluorescent lights glaring above him. He was on a bed. He looked around. He was in a room, and it was dark except for the light above him. He looked down and found himself wearing a hospital gown. He lifted his arm and it was rigged to some sort of hospital machine. So he's in a hospital? Does that mean he's alive? Why was he in a hospital?

Suddenly, bits of yesterday's events started coming back to his memory. Was it even yesterday? He didn't even know what day or time it was. He placed his head in his hands. Everything was still a blur. He was being assessed. He fought with the staff and junior team. He was in so much pain then, because of Dugray's power. And he remembered how he felt like he was dying, and just wanted to let all that pain out. And then... nothing. That's probably when he blacked out.

A small beeping sound made Beau turn his head to his right. Oh, so he wasn't alone after all. He looked closely at the person lying on the bed. Oh God, Dugray!

He stood up, ripping the tubes that rigged him to a life support machine in the process. Pain coursed through his nerves, but he didn't care. He had to see if Dugray was okay, and dashed towards Dugray's bed. He seems to be in a coma. Shit! Was this his fault?

Beau: "I'm so, so sorry..." It was a barely audible whisper. He took Dugray's hand in his. "Please wake up, please..."

There was no response. He looked at Dugray's handsome face. It seemed so peaceful. He couldn't see his hair, and he realized that his head was heavily bandaged. He had some bruises and burns on his face and arms as well. Oh, God, what had he done?

He took Dugray's left hand in his. He gave it a squeeze, hoping he would squeeze back. He still didn't get a response. He looked around for his tarot cards, and found them on the bedside table. He summoned them mentally, and the deck floated towards him. The top card lifted itself, and handed itself in Beau's open palm. Sure enough, it was the `Healing Light' card, almost as if the deck knew what Beau needed. By now, Beau was used to his deck almost having a mind of its own by now. All that mattered was to heal Dugray. He tightly clutched Dugray's hand in his palm that held the healing card, and just... prayed.

Beau: {Please, wake up. Please wake up...} He tried to concentrate, but found himself still weak, almost incapable of using his powers. Yet, he held on tight. His eyes remained closed, and he didn't see the sparkling golden globules of light emanate from their clasped hands, miraculously erasing Dugray's bruises. But the simple act was quickly draining Beau of what little energy he had left, and didn't even realize he had started falling fast asleep.

Bright fluorescent lights filtered through Dugray's eyelashes, as he slowly fluttered his eyes open. He immediately realized he had a splitting headache. He tried to lift his hand to caress his pounding head, but realized that it was immobile. He lifted himself on his right elbow, and found, to his most pleasant surprise, a sleeping Beau clutching his right hand in a tight grip. Christ, even in his sleep, he's stunning. He reached over, and brushed his shaggy jet black hair away from his face.

Dugray: "Why won't you love me, Beau?" He whispered softly to his sleeping friend, as he tried to force their painful history to the back of his head. He noticed the tarot card between their clasped hands, and pried it off. The label said `Healing Light'. So Beau must have healed him, he concluded. He smiled, and started stroking Beau's soft, shiny hair, and just sat there in silence. Beau needed a haircut, he realized. Then again, Beau always liked his hair a little longish. God, he missed Beau so much. After a few minutes, Beau stirred.

Beau: "...unh... Hey, you're finally awake." His voice was a hoarse whisper. "I'm glad to see you're all better."

Dugray: "I think I have you to thank for that." He pointed out the card in Beau's hand.

Beau: "Naw, it was my fault anyway..." He suddenly looked concerned. "I'm sorry, by the way."

Dugray: "Hey, don't be." He stroked Beau's right cheek delicately. "It was as much my fault as it was yours. I shouldn't have pushed too hard. I was the one who messed up, not you. It was stupid of me, and I'm sorry." Beau looked at him relieved.

Beau: "Okay, then let's just say we're even, and forget about it. Deal?"

Dugray: "Deal." His smile was infectious, and Beau smiled too.

Beau: "So, uh, do you have any idea what time it is?"

Dugray: "Not a clue, but I'm feeling dead hungry."

Beau: "Me too. Wanna grab something from the kitchens?"

Dugray: "Yeah."

Beau: "Let's go, then." And with that, Beau summoned his `Transference' card and teleported their still hospital-gowned selves to the kitchens.

After their late meal, they each retired to their individual bedrooms. They had found out that it had been three days since the assessment, and that it was now only a little after midnight and after realizing that, their over-satiated selves both decided a good nap might be just what they need next.

Beau changed into his favorite sleeping attire of black silk boxer shorts, then lay down on his bed. He wasn't really sure he'd be able to fall to sleep at all, coming from a three-day coma, but he knew Dugray should get some more rest, which is why he suggestively insisted they go to sleep instead of hang out. Beau just closed his eyes and tried. He tossed and turned in his bed a great deal, simply because his mind knew he was wide awake. He kept trying, though, and pretty soon found himself in a deep slumber.

In his sleep, he had started to dream. This dream felt different than his normal dreams. It felt like it was real. Of course, as with all dreams, one normally doesn't realize he's dreaming until he's woken up. But, as already mentioned, this was no ordinary dream. Beau really felt like it was happening. In the dream he was in a furious rage with someone, and they were in an intense combat. He felt this undeniable wrath coursing through his whole body, as if he had been unjustly accused by the person he was fighting with, who also seemed very, very familiar. Unfortunately, the shadows in his mind obscured his combatant's face from view. He couldn't explain it, though, but Beau felt that this person was close to him, and that there was a certain level of guilt he was feeling, telling him that he shouldn't be fighting with this person. Somehow, it just felt wrong. As he pondered more about it, he felt himself losing. And with the climax of their heated battle, Beau found himself falling helplessly to a never-ending abyss.

As his senses were in a heightened state, Beau had subconsciously activated his powers, and with the aid of his `Molecular Phasing' card, he went right through his bed, then the floor, and the ceiling beneath, all the way down to the room below, as he endlessly fell in his dreaming mind. A loud thump broke his fall shortly thereafter, finally waking Beau out of his dream, as his free-falling body finally collided with a solid body lying on the plush bed directly beneath his own one floor above. They both startled each other upon impact.

Body on Bed: "Are you okay, chere? What are you doin' here?"

Beau: "...Unh... where am I?" He was still pretty shaken up, and unsteadily propped himself on his elbows and arms. As he lifted his face, finally regaining his senses, he came face to face with the surprised look of one of his seniors. His face mirrored the man's expression, as he racked his brain to remember who this guy was.

Body on Bed: "Well... you're in my room, chere." As if sensing Beau's discomfort, he slightly raised his hand and formally introduced himself. "Remy LeBeau. Glad to be of service." He snickered, obviously indicating his breaking Beau's fall. Beau awkwardly took Remy's hand with his own.

Beau: "Uh, Beau Murdock. Sorry for barging in on you like this, Mr. LeBeau."

Remy: "Remy's okay, chere."

Beau: "Um, okay, Remy." Geez, why does he keep calling Beau that? "I, uh, I was dreaming of falling, and, I guess, I literally fell through the ceiling..." He trailed off, not knowing what to say anymore. He felt heat immediately color his cheeks. God, this was so embarrassing!

Remy: "Damn, and here I thought you were a gift from the heavens. Hehe..." Okay, so it was a cheesy pick-up line, but Beau still blushed more furiously at it. Probably due to that sexy and husky French slur Remy coats his speech with, making him even more rugged and just adding to his sexy, bad boy vibe. "Are you alright, though? You're lookin' a little flushed."

Beau: "Aside from extremely embarrassed, I'm fine. I just have a little pain in my stomach area, like something hard is poking... Oh!" Beau exclaimed as he glanced down, and saw the `little pain' he was feeling was caused by Remy's hard, well-lubricated, eleven-inch cock wedged between their stomachs. Beau quickly jumped off of Remy, apologizing profusely as he did so. Remy must have been relieving junior when Beau landed squarely on it.

Remy: laugh "Yeah, you did kinda catch me at a wrong time," he winked at Beau, "pretty boy."

Beau was just wondering what Remy's wink had meant when realization dawned on him. It was Remy. The guy who Beau telepathically heard call him pretty right before the assessment. The shock must have reflected in Beau's widened eyes quite obviously, as Remy laughed. Man, his laugh sure was sexy as hell. It was all low and manly. God, everything about this guy just screams `rugged'. From his devilishly good looks, to his equally devilish personality, he was all raw male sex appeal. And the idea that he was hinting that he might possibly like Beau back, just made Beau crush on him even more. He took in his senior's physique. He had long reddish-brown hair. His body was ripped and contoured with pure, sinewy muscle. His handsome features were always topped off with a sly, naughty grin. Definitely a bad boy, Beau thought. Shit! He was checking out his senior. At these thoughts, he felt himself harden uncontrollably to full mast. He remembered that he only had on flimsy boxer shorts, and its thin material would provide very little coverage. He quickly tried to hide his rapidly growing erection with his hands, willing it down the best he could. Unfortunately, Remy had already taken notice of his visitor's growing member, poking its glossy mushroom head out its master's boxers' leg. And as Beau quickly put a hand over the exposed flesh, he was unable to stop it from throbbing, and it pulsed; its now full nine-inch length bobbing itself up, then down, as if it was alive and inviting its audience, even for just a quick touch. Remy's grin broadened.

Remy: "You sure you were only dreaming of falling, mon ami? `Cause your cock there seems unnaturally boned for someone who was having a bad dream." Beau was now completely red all over from blushing so hard. "You look so cute when you blush, chere, did you know?" He laughed, and a smirk now seems plastered on his face. God! Beau so wanted to swipe that off his face. And that irritating laugh! How could his senior be enjoying his embarrassing predicament like that?

Beau decided he was going to give Remy a scowl. He knew picking a fight with a senior would be sanctioned with disciplinary measures, so a scowl should at least be enough to tell him that what he's doing to Beau is not appreciated. He tilted his head to Remy's, and was shocked as he suddenly felt strong hands clasp his head on both sides, immobilizing it. He was now looking directly at Remy's face, the smirk, gone, only to be replaced by this serious and determined expression. They were so close that Beau could already see his shocked expression reflected on Remy's eyes. His eyes, Beau didn't notice before but they weren't regular ones. They were black and red. He wanted to know why, but right now, all he could think of was how these intense eyes were piercing their way in, all the way down to his very core. He didn't know what was going on, but somehow couldn't bring himself to object to this sexy, sexy man, as he forced himself in on Beaus personal space.

Then it became too late. Soft, luscious lips mashed hard against Beau's in a passionate, unrelenting kiss. His warm experienced hands, expertly roamed Beau's backside. Beau desperately opened his lips to protest, but Remy's strong tongue just took it as an opportunity to meet and battle with his. Beau's head was swimming as his senior's kiss seduced all his inhibitions away. His last attempt at an objection only came out in a low moan, which Remy gladly took as invitation to deepen his kiss more. Remy's tongue rolled against Beau's and explored the inner recesses of his mouth. He was so good, Beau just allowed the kiss to take over his mind, and allowed himself to return the never-ending kiss. Remy slowly laid Beau back onto the bed, and started nibbling at his neck, loving and caressing, gently suckling and nipping at Beau's baby soft, smooth, and hairless skin.

Remy: "You have the most beautiful skin, mah cherie. And your angelic face... Hell, you're even prettier than all the girlfriends I had growing up..." He continued suction, and Beau quietly prayed it doesn't leave a mark.

Beau: "Yeah, right. I bet you say that to a lot of people." Beau whispered back, but actually found his hands grasping his shoulders in an affectionate squeeze. Emotions were running high inside Beau, as Remy did overwhelmingly good things to his longing body. Remy's lips found their way to Beau's nipples, while his hands found their way to Beau's boxers. As his mouth caressed Beau's already pert nipples alternately, his hands seductively removed Beau's silk boxers. Remy continued to caress Beau's sensitive thighs, and as he felt Beau shudder with pleasure underneath, he worked his hungry mouth down Beau's abs, traveling along all the ridges, until they found Beau's neatly trimmed pubic bush. Beau closed his eyes, awaiting the descent of Remy's expert mouth on his aching dick... but it didn't come. Instead, Remy's mouth returned to his nipples, pleasuring them the same way he did before. He was teasing Beau.

Beau pushed Remy down, desperately longing to experience the feeling of Remy's wonderful mouth on his painfully throbbing cock. His lips stopped on Beau's abs again, and Beau impatiently squirmed under his ministrations. Remy looked up and gave Beau his irritating smirk before plunging his tongue in Beau's navel. As Beau gasped, Remy took both his hands and grabbed Beau's pulsating tool in a firm squeeze. The sensations Beau felt took him by surprise, and pre-cum flowed from Beau's eager piss slit and quickly lubricated his cock and Remy`s hands. Remy went back up and kissed Beau again with wanton need, and very slowly stroked Beau's oozing love-pole. Beau was moaning now, as he felt Remy's wonderful slippery hand stroke and smother his entirety with his own slippery juices. Remy's mouth left his as they traveled down his body, straight to his inner thighs, his wet sloppy kisses eliciting small gasps and moans from Beau. His right hand continued to stroke Beau's pulsating cock with ridiculous slowness, driving Beau wild with anticipation. His left hand found Beau's low-hanging balls and fondled them over and over, causing Beau's dick to spasm out more steady-flowing pre-cum. Beau was now squirming on the bed from the pleasure he was already receiving, even when he knew Remy had only just started. He wished Remy would just get it over with. He then felt his mouth engulf his balls, and as an audible girly gasp escaped his lips, Remy's smirking lips left again to wander off some other erogenous place on his body Beau didn't even know existed. God, he was driving Beau crazy!

Beau: "Oh, for God's sake! Just suck it already!" Remy stopped and looked up at the exasperated Beau. The deep, hungry look in his gray eyes caused Remy's mouth to automatically curve up to that irritating grin of his. "Please..." And with that, Remy dove in and engulfed all of Beau's nine inches.

Beau: "Oh, fuck!"

Remy's expert mouth worked its way up and down the throbbing member, and then sucked it all the way to the top. His right hand squeezed the base of his Beau's cock, as his left played roughly with his balls. A single drop of clear pre-cum escaped from the piss slit, which Remy tenderly kissed. He then used the added lubrication to guide his unrelenting mouth down the entire length of Beau's shaft again, his tongue making sure to savagely massage the underside of Beau's cock. His lips clamped hard, pulling the shaft's skin taut, as his head bobbed up and down, squeezing all the blood into the pulsing veins, as his tongue traced over each and every one, his saliva completely drenching the hot, engorged rod. This was just too much. Remy was just too good, and after several more repetitions, Beau found himself on the brink of orgasm.

Beau: "I'm going to cum..."

Instead of pulling back upon hearing Beau's warning, Remy deep-throated Beau's now well-lubed cock, his throat muscles instantly squeezing on the bulbous head and shaft. It was all Beau could take. With a hushed scream, his dick grew to bursting, and he came in huge spurts of white seed down Remy's throat. When Beau didn't seem to be stopping at the fourth ejaculation, he worked his mouth to the head and sucked the life out of Beau's spasming cock, savoring his fresh, hot cum in his mouth, sloshing it around the still erupting head with his tongue. Beau had stopped cumming, but Remy still worked the suction on Beau's softening dick. When it became too sensitive, Remy let go with an audible pop, and gave Beau a long, hard kiss, giving Beau a taste of his own cum.

Completely spent and satisfied, Beau just laid there with his eyes closed. He suddenly realized that what they did was wrong. Remy was his senior, and if this ever got out, especially with telepaths everywhere, the repercussions would be too horrendous to fathom. Beau knew that he didn't want this to go any further. But as he made up his mind, he suddenly felt his legs get pulled up on Remy's shoulders and realized that Remy had already moved on to the next event. He opened his eyes with a start to find Remy's face brought down to meet his, as his fingers prodded and lubed Beau's tight hole. Remy's loving smile started to fade as he saw the fear in Beau's eyes.

Remy: "Relax, Beau..."

And before Beau could respond, he felt Remy's engorged mushroom head force its way inside his puckered hole. Oh my God! His senior really was going to fuck him with his monster dick. No, he didn't want this, this was wrong! And he started squirming underneath Remy's weight.

Remy: "Beau, shh, shh... just relax, don't be scared. I promise the pain will subside soon."

It actually wasn't Beau's first time, but Remy probably assumed it was. The fear Beau was feeling wasn't because of the pain from taking his massive rod, but from his past. He just wasn't sure he was ready for this again, at least not yet. He realized he needed to get out of there.

Beau: "Please, Mr. LeBeau, please, don't do this. I-I don't want this... Please, stop!"

Remy: "What? Why?" He slid his cock in steadily, even as he said it, inch after steady inch, as if wanting to make sure Beau couldn't make a quick getaway. "But I thought we were having fun?"

Beau: "Please, sir, I don't want this... I'm not ready."

Remy: "God, that's kinky, chere. Call me `Sir' again." He grimaced as he forced another inch, making Beau gasp involuntarily. Remy dick was now buried to the hilt and the fullness in Beau's ass was overwhelming, but it brought with it painful memories of a past love gone wrong too, and Beau just couldn't handle it. "God, Beau, you're so fuckin' tight. Cherry ass is the best!" Remy had started a slow but steady pounding motion along Beau's stretched ass. "C'mon, mon ami. Tell me you want it hard! Say it!" Beau let out a whimper.

Beau: "Dammit Remy, I said stop!" To his surprise, Remy did stop. "Now, get your monster out of there! I don't want this."

Remy: "Are you freakin' kiddin' me with this bullshit? No!" And he started to pound Beau with merciless strokes. "What, you didn't think you could leave me behind high and dry, did ya?"

Beau: "No, please! I'll blow you another time, just let me go for now." He was now determined to use his powers on Remy if he didn't let him leave.

Remy: "I said, NO!!!" His breath was suddenly caught jagged from the effort of his hard fucking, and pleasured moans emanated from his grunting lips, as Beau's tightness continued to engulf his manhood. The pleasure just overrode his senses, and clouded his judgment, as all he could focus on was the sexual pleasure he was receiving from Beau's ass, regardless of his protests.

Beau was adamant with his decision to use his powers now. He didn't want to use them against his comrades, but it was going to be self-defense. All of a sudden, Remy started fucking him the right way and his massive head and shaft ran along his prostate, enveloping Beau in waves and waves of pleasure, and he couldn't help but let himself moan. His dick started to get aroused, and Remy definitely noticed the change.

Remy: "Huh, so you like that, eh? Hehe..." And with the sudden inspiration, he quickened up his pace, grunting and moaning with the added pleasure.

Beau: "No, I don't!" He said, despite the huge cock lodged deeply in ass, constantly murdering his prostate. He was now leaking pre-cum like a bad faucet, as his body betrayed his mind. He tried to telekinetically flit him away from his body, but found himself unable to do so. He felt drained, every time he would try to activate his powers. He tried to summon his cards... nothing. He was left defenseless and weak against Remy's massive onslaught fucking. He tried again. Still nothing. His powers had stopped working just when he needed them the most. He was rendered to a helpless vegetable.

Remy: "Oh, God! You're so hot and tight chere... I fuckin' love your ass..." And he intensified his fucking still. This time he would pull out longer and thrust in deeper, long-dicking Beau. Beau writhed beneath the guy who was raping his unwilling ass. He felt disgusted that his body is succumbing to the hard fucking he was getting. And the truth was, it probably would have been a great fuck had it been done in different circumstances, and with mutual consent. He gasped out loud when Remy had suddenly quickened his pace, as the bulbous head inexorably caused non-stop friction over that one glorious spot, the one where it counted the most. Beau was squirming around now, as pleasure continued to ravage him wave after wave.

Beau: "Fuck, Remy, stop! Stop this now!" He tried to push him again, and like before, his arms felt weak. His eyes welled with tears. What was wrong with him? Remy smirked on top of him, his pace never wavering.

Remy: "You know for someone claiming he didn't want this, your dick sure tells me otherwise." Beau then tried to push him out using his ass muscles, but it only aroused Remy more. "Oh, baby, push out on me again, that felt wonderful! Just hang in there, I'm almost done, Baby!" He threw his head back and thrust himself deeper and deeper. He was definitely close.

Tears fell from Beau's eyes. Remy made him feel like a cheap whore, and he was disgusted. Remy shifted, and again, his massive cock murdered his prostate over and over. Beau's body was racked by uncontrollable waves of pleasure again and again, and still he tried to push Remy off. All of a sudden, he writhed and looked away in disgust as cum blasted from his cock, hitting Remy in the chin, and showering Beau's face and chest with the rest of his hot spunk. It was all Remy needed to explode himself. With one final thrust, he let himself go in gallons inside Beau's hot, raw ass. With his eleven-inch dong still lodged inside Beau, there was too much cum, and it started to leak out.

Remy: "That was freaking awesome, chere. I love your hot, tight ass..." He muttered, his breath hard and panting, and finally collapsed on top of Beau.

But Beau just looked away. He was angry at Remy for making him feel cheap. He was angry he didn't' respect his wishes and just continued to relieve himself at his expense. And mostly, he was angry at himself, for not being able to do anything, and allowing himself to get raped. Remy must have sensed his thoughts from the way beau quietly sobbed below his heaving form.

Remy: "Hey, What's the matter? It's not rape, Beau. We had sex, and it was fuckin' fun. You and I both know you loved it." Beau sobbed harder. "Fuck. You really are like a little girl, aren't you?"

This only angered Beau more, and pushed Remy's recovering body off of him. To his surprise, his strength had returned, and he was able to successfully throw Remy off the bed. He quickly got up and ran for the door, cum dripping out of his used ass. Remy was angry too. He knows he's a great fuck, and dammit, he really did feel for Beau. So what the hell went wrong? He called out after Beau's retreating back.

Remy: "You came too, Beau! Don't you dare deny it!"

The Phoenix smiled. Paralyzing Beau's powers, and weakening his body, took a lot out of her that she was almost completely drained. But it was worth it. She had never felt anything like that before, being new to this world and all. It was the most intense feeling ever. She knows she'll be addicted for life, as even right now she's already missing that wonderful sensation. She now has this burning passion and desire, an unstoppable craving for that unbelievable high, for that wonderful emotion called `orgasm'. It was now her drug. Thank God she suppressed Beau's powers to the end, or she would've missed out on the orgasmic climax. Now that she knows controlling Beau's body and powers is actually possible, granted, very tasking since she is after all just another extension of those powers, she now started to hatch a plan. But first, she needed to get her claws on more orgasms. Her liberation can definitely wait for the price of that emotion any day. After careful analysis of the recent sexual events, the Phoenix figured out how she could get more orgasms: the prostate. Oh yeah, it was definitely time to have some fun.

Next: Chapter 4

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