X Factor

By Jayson Spears

Published on Mar 22, 2001


Legal Disclaimer: Marvel owns the X-men, and the movie. I imply nothing about the actors and actresses from the movie. This chapter copies a little part of the movie. So deal with it.

Side note: Walt Disney isn't cryogenically frozen, he is very alive and living in Florida. Yes... Mrs. Bush is sorry for drinking when she was pregnant. Spam isn't ham and Spork isn't pork. I have the flu and the codine is making me drowsy.

Thanks to everyone who writes me! Trey, Mikey, Matt, Leo, Paul and the numerous other people I forgot. Not one flame yet... I wrote the last chapter, and this one, under the influence of Cough Syrup and Caffeine and am not legally responsible for anything. If you sue me you will have to get in the back of a very large line of people who want my money. END.

Codex: - = Action or noise or something to that nature.

(-) = Thought or Telepathic Message

~ = Change of time, place, or point of view.

~ Chapter 1B: Questions Unanswered.

I had never seen a building this huge. I got to the doorstep and went to knock - suddenly the door opened by its self. I stepped back unsure of whether or not I should enter. Oh what the hell did I have to lose? I walked in to the building. It was magnificent, the ceiling looked hundreds of feet up. I heard the voices of children laughing. I've never really been around many children. The only friend I had growing up was Darryl.

I was unsure of where to go, and too shy to ask. I heard a voice in the back of my head say (Down the hall.)I jumped, and looked around, but saw no one. So I did what the voice said and started to walk down the hall. The door beside me opened, so I slowly walked over and peeked in. The door swung open and I hit the floor. I scrambled to my feet, there was a man behind a desk, and he looked to be about 50. He was completely bald and had a gentle fatherly smile about him. There was also a group of what I presume where students, all staring at me. I turned the brightest shade of red from embarrassment.

"That's it for today, class is over. I want your reports on Genetic Anomalies on my desk tomorrow." The kids nodded and cleaned up their things and headed for the door. Stopping to look at me as they went by. I looked away as they all walked by. The last one to leave closed the door. I opened my mouth to speak, but the door re opened so I shut up. The girl came back in and grabbed a bag.

"Have a good day Professor." She said, "You too Kitty." He replied, she ran off, and when she reached the door she went through it. I stood there, unsure if I saw what I thought I saw.

"Physics... Quite exciting, don't you think?" He said. I looked at him, "I-I umm... yeah..." The door opened again and a woman, with light brown skin and long white hair came in, accompanied by a young man with bright red glasses on.

"Allow me to introduce myself, I am Professor Charles Xavier, the woman beside you is Ororo Munroe and this is Scott Summers." I just sort of looked around nervously. Not wanting to speak with the other two here. The professor sensed my nervousness and told them he would talk to them later. I cleared my throat. "I-I-I heard my mother talk about this school once... she said she knew someone here - She... she went missing about 5 years ago, and I was wondering if you might know of her - or something - I figured this was a place to start." He looked at me and smiled.

"I remember Madeline well, when she came here she was freezing everything she touched." I looked at him shocked. "How do you know her name?"

(Your mother wasn't the only one with gifts.) I looked around, then at him. He was smiling. I scratched my head. "Did you just?" He nodded at me. I folded my arms, I felt very uncomfortable. "How was Madeline taken?"

I looked at him and quickly said "I am not sure... I wasn't home when it happened she sent me to a friends, and then when I got home police were everywhere and she was gone and they said they found blood in the apartment and no one could find her and there was this lady who tried to take me and she was really strong and pushy and beat up..."

"Slow down Zachery. Calm down and breathe in and out. Do you know who this woman who tried to take you was? Did she give a name or can you describe her? Who did she beat up and how strong was she?" He said calmly. I looked at him and took a bunch of deep breaths. "The woman beat up a cop who tried to stop her from taking me, and then she stopped the car I was in from driving off." Xavier gave me a puzzled look and said, "Driving off?" I nodded and explained I had no idea how it turned on. He smiled and asked me to continue.

"Well she said she was a social worker assigned to take care of me, then she said she was taking me to Alan. Alan was a man that used to bother my mom. He asked her to marry her. One day he just didn't come around anymore and my mom told me to never go near him or talk to him. Oh. The woman said he name was Bella something... Bella Te`anara."

Xavier almost choked when I said the name. "Is something wrong? Do you know her? Who is she?" he looked down for just a second and then replied "I know her, though I cannot say we are friends, though - She does work for a old friend of mine. I am going to ask you don't leave the complex until we find out what she wants with you."

I looked at him funny, he was holding something back. He obviously knew something he wasn't saying. "Tell me more about this Alan fellow. Does he have a last name?" I looked at him. "Oh! Yeah - its Greenspan. Alan Greenspan." For the second time in our conversation Xavier almost choked. "What is it? Do you know him too!?" Xavier looked up at me and asked "Alan Greenspan? THE Alan Greenspan, District Attorney of New York?" I rubbed my foot on the floor, looking down.

"Yeah... that's the guy. He used to come by a lot. He proposed to my mom." I said. Xavier looked lost in thought. "What about your father?" He replied. I pushed my shoulder length blonde hair behind my ears and told him how my father was in prison for murder and how I heard my mother saying how Alan had been instrumental in his conviction. He told me he was now even more sure that I should stay here, at least till they figured out what was going on. I agreed. It wasn't like I had anywhere to go. Ororo entered the room again.

"Ororo will show you too your room Zachery." I nodded and she led me out, Scott was just going in to his office when I was leaving. He smiled at me. He was very good looking, it made me blush but I concealed it and kept moving. Ororo led me down the hall, through a giant dining hall, up a giant staircase onto the 3rd story. We walked down the hall, in silence. She stopped and opened one of the doors. She told me to wait here. I'm not sure what she said to them, but I bet it was a 'Zachery is new, be nice' type speech I walked in to the room, two of the students from when I arrived were in here. The girl who went through the door, and a blonde haired boy who had been wearing a red shirt.

I felt awkward in the room, all eyes were on me. I wasn't used to attention like this. Ororo pointed out my bed and said I should get some sleep. She left, closing the door behind her.

I walked over to my bed and flopped down. I was starting to get almost angry with them for all staring at me, but I held it in and closed my eyes. Trying to sleep. I felt someone tap my shoulder and I jumped - startled. It was the girl who ran through the door. I looked up at her.

"Hello, my names Kitty. I saw you earlier today. I don't know if you remember seeing me." I nodded, then outstretched my hand and shook hers. "My name is Zachery" she smiled. "So - Zachery - what's your power?" I looked at her, confused. Then it clicked in. "Oh! I don't think I have one..." Now she was the one who looked confused. "Then why are you here?" I gave a light smile. "I'll explain in the morning if you want to hear, I've had a long day." She nodded and went back to her bed.

I awoke in the middle of the night feeling funny. I felt very light, I looked around and I was floating! I must be dreaming I thought. Then I heard someone say "Look! The new kid is floating!" I shook, startled, and my movement caused the floatation to break, and I hit the floor hard. I grabbed my head. I moaned a little, I was still tired. I looked up, the kids had all huddled around me. Scott came in, apparently one of the students had got him. So did a red headed woman I didn't recognize. They came over to me and asked if I was okay. I nodded. Then they helped me sit up.

"Does this happen often?" asked the red head. I shook my head no and explained this was the first time. I rubbed my head - it was still sore. "Well, if we put you back to bed are you going to fly off on us again? Were not that terrible are we?" Scott said, laughing. He pulled me up and I brushed myself off, then went over to my bed. They said they had some things to talk to me about in the morning. I nodded and then closed my eyes. I woke up to the sound of a girl screaming...


Well that's it for this chapter, I have been under the weather, but that should be over. Tell me what you think. For those of you unsure - this will follow the basic story line of the movie, plus some of my own (Madeline, Bella, Alan, Toby and Darius, Ect) my email in Abercromnie@hotmail.com - so send me a message because I thrive on email. I'll starting filling in the missing people next chapter, and adding to the relationships of the existing people.

Next: Chapter 4

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