X Men Chronicles

By moc.oohay@yoboihsot

Published on Nov 29, 2003


Disclaimer: All X-Men characters, concepts and ideas are copyrights of Marvel Comics, and 20th Century Fox. The storied are of my own wild imagination, and are not in any way purposed to depict any of the character's actual sexual orientations or doings. That said, please don't sue me! Thanks~ and enjoy:

Toshio considered himself lucky. Well, he was a mutant, but considering all things, that wasn't such a bad thing in itself. For one, he could do cool things other normal kids couldn't even dream of doing. Plus, he was enrolled in one of the nicest, bestest school ever - Charles Xaviers' School for Gifted Youngsters.

There was just one problem --- he didn't really know what his mutant power was. He smiled nervously while thinking about this. It made him recall the incident in class, where he had destroyed his water bottle accidentally. And this made him think of Spike.

Toshio shook his head. He shouldn't be thinking of Spike! He should be seeking his power, honing it, training it. He wanted to be an X-man.

The poster had read: "Calling students: We are seeking new members to join our elite force of X-man. The X-men seek to protect all Man, both normal and mutants, by any and all means. This calls for grueling strength, resilience and power on part of our X- men. If you think you have what it takes, join us now! Students will have to undergo a training course and formal simulation before induction. --- Signed, Professor Charles Xavier.

If that didn't sound cool, Toshio didn't know what did. He could just imagine: He, Toshio, protecting other kids like himself, exulting in his powers. .

"Hey boy, I didn't catch your name the other time," Toshio started when he heard the rather deep voice. He turned, to meet the piercing eyes of Spike. Well, actually, he only reached Spike's shoulder, so he was actually meeting Spike's chest. Toshio stared at the well-defined muscles before him, mesmerized, before he wrenched his gaze away.

"Uh. hey, Spike. My name's. .Toshio," he stuttered. Gosh, why was he so nervous?

"Cool name," Spike replied, smirking, "so what's your talent, huh?"

Toshio squirmed. Should he tell Spike the truth, that he really didn't know? However, a streak of pride he didn't know he had prevented him. He looked up at Spike coolly and said "Well, didn't you see it in class just now?"

Spike's smile faded, replaced by an expression that Toshio didn't fully know. Spike seemed thoughtful, distant, for a moment. Then something happened. Toshio felt an intruding presence in his mind. The presence searched around a few moments, then was gone quickly. Toshio was left feeling exposed, and rather disgusted. "Ugh," he moaned.

But Spike was talking. "Man, you are a queer, aren't you!? You're thinking only of boys! Man, that is ... weird... ... . Gosh! seeya later, dude," Spike sped off, and Toshio stood rooted to the spot, horrified. So Spike's talent was telepathy, and . . oh no, he knew all about Toshio. Toshio was floored. What if Spike told the whole school?!?

"Argh, I hate you, Spike!" he half-shouted, only to hear a silvery laugh in his mind. "Aw hell, can't you leave me alone!?" he thought fiercely. But the presence was gone again.

He was left feeling disgruntled and confused the rest of the day, and couldn't concentrate fully on the lessons. Fortunately, Spike seemed to have absented himself from classes, or Toshio might have died of shame and trauma.

However, in Ms. Jean Gray's class, all hell broke loose. Throughout the class, Jean seemed to sense Toshio's unease, and she herself was getting rather peeved. So at the end of class, Jean called Toshio up to her desk, asking "What on earth happened to you, Tosh'? You were distracting me the whole time in class!"

"Sorry, Ms. Gray. It's... ... it's nothing" he finished lamely. Jean rolled her large eyeballs. "Come on, buddy, I know there's something. You mean you want me to probe inside?" she asked, half jokingly. But Toshio burst out. "What is it with you telepaths? Can't you leave us people with our own private thoughts?! Fuck!" He stormed out of class, but suddenly was immobilized. He couldn't move an inch.

"That is no way to speak to me, young man!" Jean cried, as she stalked after him. It was all too much for him. He tried to stop it, but couldn't. Hot tears of unhappiness and shame started spilling from his eyes. Jean didn't seem to notice, and man-handled the boy back into her office, closing the door, and whirring to face him. But her face softened as she saw his tears.

"Aw, don't do this, Tosh'. You shouldn't treat your teachers with such disrespect, and if you have a problem, you can always tell me. Pushing people away won't help, it only makes you feel more miserable,"

"I'm Gay, Alright?" he shouted.

I'm Gay.

Toshio was miserable the whole week. Word seemed to have spread round the whole school, and he felt awkward round former friends. They seemed nice, but were exceedingly cordial, and Toshio didn't want to know what they said about him behind his back. And this was his entire fault. If only he had guarded his thoughts, if only he had not burst out like that. If only... ...

He sighed, the hundredth time that day. Well, what was the point of thinking about it now? He was resigned to his fate. He would probably be ostracized again. An outcast of the outcasts. The irony stung.

"Hey, Tosh'!" A sprightly voice called out behind him. Turning woodenly, Toshio was slammed forward as Jubilee crashed into him. "hey buddy, what's cooking?" she asked cheerfully. Seeing his glum face, she started moping too "Tosh, don't be like this. I know you. You're not this grumpy, depressed old man, and I don't care if you're gay. Hmph, just because you're gay doesn't make you special, that's what I think. And here you are, moping your silly ass off,"

"You really think so, Ju?" Toshio asked softly. He thought he couldn't take another fake, another false pretender. "Aw hell, yesh! C'mon, we always were best friends! What are friends for?" she asked seriously.

"Hey, I got an idea! Let's go sign up for the X-men thingie. it'll be fun! " She cajoled. "Plus, I can't wait to try my sparks on someone. Heh heh heh."

Toshio couldn't help but smile.


Okay okay, lousy Chapter 2, I know. Not much happening here, just wanted to flesh out some characters a bit, like Jean, Jubilee, and Toshio. Oh, Spike too. Yeah, I think Chapter 3 might be a little bit more exciting =) simulation room!! Kewl. Yeah, any comments stuff, you can go my weblog at toshio-boy.diaryland.com. My emails' there. Or you may just post a note on my blog ( to tell me how much I suck, for example ) >=) all welcome! Thanks, hope ya enjoyed readin'!

Next: Chapter 3: Toshio 3

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