X Men into the Light

By Charlie Jiu

Published on Jan 2, 2015



This series of storied is fictitious and based on the X-Men franchise in comic books (graphic novels), television series, and movie franchise. The plot of this series runs parallel to the movie "X-Men: Days of Futures Past". I do not own the characters, nor do I have the "mutations" of these characters. Please be advised that there will be sexual content, it is in appropriate for readers under the age of 18.

Asclepius – Part 2

Year 2006 – Xavier's School for the Gifted in Winchester County, New York

Jean Grey: This will be your room.

She gestured to her left. I took a look into and saw that there were two beds, one of which looked freshly slept on. Once through the door there was a bit of a walk way before the room opens up into a larger space. In the walk way, on either side there is a closet (some people might call it a walk-in closet, but you'd only take a few steps). Immediately after the room opens the beds are on both sides of the room packed against the wall. The room had a desk that stretched across the back wall, where the window was.

The room was a bit chilly, so I shivered.

Jean Grey: Your roommate's name is Bobby, he has a cryokinetic mutation.

Me: He's icy...

She laughed, but not really. It was something more of a lady-like chuckle.

Jean Grey: Yes. He's in class right now. Maybe you want to settle down and take a shower. The bathroom is communal, and it's just at the end of the hall.

Me: Okay.

Jean Grey: Can I ask you something? Why is it that I can't sense your brain waves?

I smiled. At the age of 13 I already mastered my protected skin. Even a mutant as powerful as Jean Grey couldn't get through. I simply winked and said nothing. I dropped my bags and dug out some clothes to hang in the closet. There wasn't much left of my belongings after Sabretooth killed my mom and dad and ransacked our home. I grew up knowing about my powers and my mom and dad tried their best in teaching me how to control them. It's difficult since we all have difference powers with different triggers. Fear was a common one my father and I shared. We used our powers for self defense, even though my father's had an offensive ability he was quit the pacifist.

After putting my things away, I went to the bathroom for a good shower before all the boys were done classes. I stepped into the room and immediate became invisible, literally. There was someone there and I wasn't ready to meet anyone on my first day. He was an adult, about 30 years old. He was leaning over the sinks facing the mirror, naked. The bottom half of his face was covered in shaving cream, and he was working on it with a razor in his right hand. He was a hairy man, about 5'10", muscular, but with a soft tone to it. There was fine thin hair sprinkled all over his back, I could tell they were soft and wouldn't be stubbly if I ran my fingers over it. His legs were covered in a forest of dark hair, by far the hairiest legs I've ever seen. He stopped shaving suddenly, and I could tell he knew I was there. He turns around and faces my general direction. Now I have a full view of his cock and full balls... full of hair. The forests he called legs continued up his legs to surround his pubic area. The hair around his cock was shorter as if he trims it occasionally. The hair continues in a trail to his belly button, and then stops. There was also chest hair, but it didn't seem to connect to the other bodies of hair on this burly man. His cock was plump, and hung downward in a curve. He was uncircumcised, but the foreskin wasn't long so I could see the light purple head of his endowment peeking through.

Logan (Wolverine): Is someone there?

I didn't say anything – like I said, I didn't want to meet anyone. The sinks were past the showers in a separate section of the bathroom. He formed a fist and darted his eyes to scan the room. BANG! Three metal claws fully extend out of his fist within a matter if milliseconds. Fear of getting in trouble I quickly blocked him into the sink area of the bathroom with my force field ability. I kept him there while I turned on the water for my shower. The man watched as water ran down my body. Though I was still invisible, the water hitting me outlined my stature. Every inch of my body was wet, and he could see everything... including the outline of my adolescent hard-on. My cock stuck 6 inches in front of my body. I turned around so he could see my cock or my face anymore.

I dropped my invisibility since he could no longer see my face. All he had a view of was my smooth ass. I finished washing up, and still with a hard-on swaying around, I grabbed my towel and re-established my invisible form. I stepped out of the bathroom to dry off while still keeping the force field up. I opened the door to my room, and my guard dropped.

My roommate had finished his class a little early and he was naked, part way through changing. I was naked, and no long invisible. We sort of had a stare off, both dumbfound to what to do in this situation. He opened his mouth to say something, and I snapped out of it. I turned invisible again and ran into the closet to quickly put something on.

I came out of the closet... ironic. Bobby was still in the nude. He was sitting on the bed now. He didn't look embarrassed at all. Bobby was slender, something that was common with boys our age. He had abs, but they weren't from hitting the gym every day. They were the kind from being skinny. He turned his head to look at me and we made eye contact. His eyes were piercing blue, cerulean with specks of lilac that made my heart skip a beat. He smiled and my shoulders relaxed to find comfort in my new home. I stepped out of the closet wearing nothing but a pair of underwear. It was obvious that my cock was still hard from when I was in the shower. He blushed when he noticed.

Me: I'm Charlie Romanoff

Bobby: Bobby Drake, do you have a code name yet? You know a mutant name?

Me: Not really...

There was a bell for lunch. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of the room. I protested and yanked him back into the room. He came back falling and I fell on top of him. I closed the door with my foot.

Bobby: It's just lunch time.

Me: You're naked...

Bobby: Oh shit! Haha

I watched as he pulled a pair of low rise jeans up his legs until it covered his semi hard circumcised cock. He didn't bother with underwear, the jeans revealed just a peek of his ass – his round smooth ass. He pulled a white t-shirt over his strawberry blond hair, and just as he did so, he caught me staring.

Bobby: Aren't you gonna get dressed? Or are you gonna turn invisible again?

Me: It's my first day. I don't know what to wear.

I went to the closet and pulled on a pair of black skinny jeans, and pulled a flower print shirt over my dark hair. I looked in mirror and appreciated my first-day-of-school outfit. I rustled my hair a bit to make it look a little messy. I was 5'6" then, my skin was paler than Bobby's. My mother was Japanese, and my father, Russian. I had fair Asian skin, with big light brown eyes, they were still slanted. My chin was pointed, my cheek bone high, my hair was black, but in the light you can see brown. This was me, I'm Charlie.

Bobby: Ready?

We strolled down the halls, and down the stairs, through the common rooms, and past the classrooms, until we reached the dining hall. The hall was huge, the ceilings were high, and it was like we were at Hogwarts. It had to be big to accommodate a little more than a thousand mutants. There was food already on the tables. Platter with various sandwiches, pitchers of juice and water, bowls of salad... I've never seen so much food.

Bobby: Hey, remember you can't use your powers unless you're in the training simulator.

I nodded and took a bite of my quinoa salad. Logan (Wolverine) walked by just as this happened. He bent over and whispered in my ear.

Logan: Yeah, no powers unless you're in the training room.

My face turned red. Logan stepped away towards the other X-Men. He was talking to Jean Grey and Storm. They all looked at me, and I knew I was the subject of their conversation. Logan was the last to turn his head, there was a look on his face. The look was a stern effort to hide devastation. As if he heard something sad, something life changing. Then I remembered who I was, where I came from, and that what I used to call home was gone.

Rogue and Kitty came over to sit with Bobby and me when I came to this realization, the reality of my family's gruesome death. My eyes watered and I knew I was going to cry. I never liked people see me when I cried. For one, I looked hideous when I cried, two, it was like showing weakness. I interrupted their conversation. They were talking about something that happened in chemistry class, and my eyes were begging to explode, to cry.

Me: I gotta go.

I whispered in Bobby's ear.

Me: Are they looking?

Bobby peered over my shoulder and replied me.

Bobby: No.

Immediately I turned invisible and left the hall.

As I was walking out of the dining hall, tears streamed down my face. I was glad no one could see me. I B-Lined to my bedroom and tossed my body onto the bed. I continued to cry – not gonna lie, there was screaming involved. Cyclops peeked into my room to see what was going on, he left when he didn't see me. With my head buried into my pillow I let all my tears drain from my eyes.

There was a pressure on the corner of my bed. I lifted my head up and saw Logan. Without saying anything he lifted my head and put it on his lap. He was so warm. Since I was still invisible I felt comfortable to continue crying – leaving out the screams. He brushed my hair with his fingers with one hand, and the other was rubbing my back. I didn't know why he was being so caring; he didn't seem to be the type.

Logan: He was my brother... the man who killed your parents was my brother. I promise I'll protect you from now on.

I skipped dinner that night. I was about 2am when I woke up. I opened my eyes and realized I was still invisible. I became seen, and heard Bobby tossing in his bed. He turned to his side and opened his eyes. He gave me a smile, and all of sudden the room became colder. I know it was his powers at work.

Bobby: Come into my bed. It's cold tonight.

I don't think he knew that I knew what his ability was. I didn't ask questions. I crawled out of my bed and into his. It was dark, so I didn't know until I was under the covers that Bobby was naked. He positioned me so that I would be the little spoon, and he held me close. For a person with ice powers his body was quite warm. I was only in my boxer briefs. The fabric was soft and flexible. My hard-on was tucked safely in the waist band. I slowly backed my ass onto his hard cock, and he thrust his hips a bit to meet my push. His cock rubbed up against my underwear, and he let out a deep breath. He continued to thrust while holding me tight. His cock still rubbing against my underwear was now between my cheeks. He moaned and breathed heavily. His grip grew tight and his thrusts deepened. He was about to cum. One last thrust, he held me tight and let out one final moan. The warmth and wetness on my back told me that he has shot his load. There were streaks of hot white cum on my back and a glob of it soaked into my briefs.

Bobby: I didn't mean to cum between us. Haha.

Next: Chapter 3

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