X Men Rejection

By Jesse Crewe

Published on Apr 6, 2010


Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story. They belong to Marvel. And also, if you are too young to read this, leave... please. Or if this type of thing is illegal where you live then also leave... please. This is a story involving homosexual, or rather gay, sex and love. So if this offends or freaks you out, leave... please. This is purely fiction, it doesn't imply anything about the character's mentioned sexuality.


Author's Note: I know this one took months to post up... but I have a good reason for that... however that isn't relevant... I promised that the story would get better and that's what I intend on writing... something better... I hope you guys like it.

Eight months. That's how long it would take. Eight months of mental and physical training. That's how long it WOULD take. However, because of the advancement and strength of my abilities, mental training wasn't something I needed. After a day's test of my physical abilities, it was concluded that physical training could be decreased. Therefore, after all was said and done, the professor decided that the only training necessary for me to become a scout was self-defense training. That was the training I'd have with the rest of the team. Man I was gonna get beaten to a pulp by these guys.

Because I was to be a scout, an invisible spy, I was not supposed to be seen by the enemy. Therefore, my training was a little bit different than what the X-Men go through. Since they fight with their full force, they are trained to use their brute strength and mental abilities to take out an enemy. They always go in groups. I, on the other hand am unaccompanied on my assignments and therefore have to learn how to take out an enemy with one hit. Quickly, quietly. This would be fun.

Training began tonight, after dinner, down in the basement where the Danger Room was. After dinner. I was too anxious to eat, but Bobby insisted on it. I ate as much as I could and waited on everyone else to finish. However, I didn't want to sound to anxious, I'd let them tell me when to go. It was Scott who brought it up. He got up from his table and walked over to where I was. "You ready?" he asked. I looked at him, almost thanking him out loud, "Are you?" I replied. He smiled. Finally.

"Alright Jesse, just how I taught you. You know what to do," came the professors voice. I couldn't see him, but he could see me. I looked around, second time in this room. I was in the center of a circle formed of Logan, Rogue, Bobby, Jean, Ororo, Hank, Piotr, and Bishop. As the computer counted down to the commencement, I thought it over in my head on who to copy first. I'd released all previously absorbed powers and was ready to absorb new ones. Ten. My best bet is flight. Rogue was my first target. Nine. Take out the strongest first. Logan. Eight. Hank. Seven. Piotr. Six. Ororo. Five. Take out the projectile launchers. Bishop and Bobby. Four. Take out the brain. Jean. Three. Are you ready? Two. Hell yes. One. Go.

The lights went out and all was dark, the simulator was commencing an environment. That gave me exactly three seconds to take out my first target. I lunged to where Rogue was standing and caught her. My hand touched her neck and, though it hurt because of her own powers, I absorbed her flight and strength and pressed my pointed fingers into the left side of her throat, just like I'd been taught. Her light breath and a thud of her hitting the ground. I shot up without a second thought and as I reached a good height the lights came on. I forgot about the environment and instead focused on my second target. Logan. He had spotted me. I launched towards him and felt some sort of projectile miss me. Bobby. I finished my launch and stuck out my fingers. I aimed for his throat and didn't miss. He tried to grab me but I shot back up before he could. I looked back for a split second and saw him on the ground.

Two down, six to go. Next target, Hank. I spotted him and he was already on his way up to me. He had jumped off from the ground and his hands were pointed at me. I shot up and missed him and instantly shot down, pushing him with the full force of Rogue's strength into the ground. Sorry Hank. Next, Piotr. He'd be tough. How do you take out metal. You freeze him. I set my eyes on Bobby and while he and Bishop shot at me, I lunged towards Bobby, getting hit by Ororo's lightning. That one stung. Mind over pain. I pressed my fingers into his throat and absorbed. He was down. Okay, Out of plan for a second. Now back to it. Piotr. I turned and found that they were making a formation. Bishop and Piotr on the ground, Ororo and Jean in the air.

That made things complicated. Piotr would go first. I shot a beam of freeze at him and he froze partially. I hit him harder and it worked. A tickle in my brain signaled a mental attack from Jean. I did my best to block that out. Ororo was next. I shot a beam at her and while she dodged it, I launched at her and hit her with full force, poking her throat and taking her out. Two left. I faced them and as soon as I did an energy beam shot me out of the air. Bishop was next. I hit the ground with a thud and focused on my assignment instead of the pain. Mind over pain. I pressed my palms to the ground and released Bobby's cold energy. Instantly I felt Bishop hit the ground. I shot back up into the air and shot at him, aiming for his neck. It worked. I shot at Jean and she was thrown into the ground.

While she hit the ground. I shot up as far as I could and blocked her out. I would surprise her. She got back up and rose up into the air, looking around for me. While she faced away, I lowered myself behind her. "Boo!" I hissed and poked her throat. All eight down. I win.

The lights brightened and the irrelevant environment disappeared. The Danger Room was back and all the victims were still on the ground. I released some of the very little psychic energy I had and woke them up. "Very impressive Jesse," came the professor's voice. I smiled. "Time?" I asked. There was a pause while the others arose. "One minute, forty six seconds." I laughed and looked at the rest of them. They seemed surprised. Good. I walked towards the exit to where the professor would be. I needed to know when I could start. Finding Nightcrawler was my only priority at the moment. As I walked, I began feeling the wounds and bruises I'd received. Lightning burns on my abdomen and energy beam bruise on my chest. Not bad for a first timer.

I walked into the room where the professor and Scott where. The others followed. They looked exhausted. I wanted to laugh, but that wouldn't be polite.

"That was very impressive Jesse" the professor repeated. I smiled lightly. The group dispersed and I was left alone with the professor. Right before Scott, who'd been the last to leave, left, I managed to mumble: "Missed ya out there." I heard him give a light laugh. The door closed behind me and I looked down, hoping that the professor got right to the point. He did. "You begin as soon as you want. I know that you wish to locate Nightcrawler first. If that's what you want then so be it. I'll brief you once you are ready." I smiled but didn't raise my head. I thought first and then raised my head to look at him.

"Tomorrow Morning."

There's nothing like a warm shower after good news. It washes away the excitement and leaves a soft aroma of content feelings. The water ran past my hair, my face, and body when I felt it again. That little tingle in my throat. I coughed three or four times and then gave one loud painful one. I'd covered my mouth but was too scared to pull it away. I could feel it there though, the blood. "Hey, you okay in there?" came Logan's voice. I panicked and left my palm under the shower. "Blood?" I heard him say. Shit! He smelled it. I put my mouth under the shower and rinsed my mouth. "What?" I finally said. "I smell blood, are you okay?" he asked. "Yeah, I'm fine..." I hesitated, what could I say? "My nose just started bleeding for some reason" I lied. He grunted. He didn't believe me. Shit. Screw it.

I turned off the shower and reached out for the towel. I wrapped it around myself and walked past him. "You know, I start tomorrow," I said loudly. I had to change the subject. "Really? So soon?" he asked. The tone in his voice told me he still wasn't over the smell of blood thing. "It didn't have to be, but I'd prefer it that way," I continued.

I had to get rid of him, there might be another cough fit throughout the night. I couldn't risk it. He'd have to wait. I need to start locking my room door. I turned to him, he was still standing on the threshold. Resting his body against the doorway. He was looking at me. I knew what he wanted. "I have a long day tomorrow. I need all my sleep," I answered to his thoughts. He looked back at me, confused. He finally responded, "I'll be quick then," and stepped forward.

Perfect. Get it over with and have him go. Wait, what? Get it over with? Was I getting bored of Logan? Not possible. Look at him. He's a man carved of stone! A man who's chosen you, how could you be bored of that?!

He'd taken his shirt off and was working on his jeans. I lay there waiting. Thinking.

He stood there, naked and lay on top of me. I could feel his tongue and breath on my neck while his hands undid my towel. He opened up my towel and rubbed my body over. I returned the favor, taking time to rub my hands over his waist, over his perfect abdomen, muscled and haired. His chest, so tight and strong. His neck and head. All man. How could I be bored of this?

He made his hands down to my legs and pushed one over to make room for him. I felt him grab his dick and press it in. Once it was in, he resumed licking my neck, my cheek. I wasn't feeling it though. Oh crap. He grunted and heaved, making the sounds that had turned me on so much before. Where had it gone? He tensed up and I felt him cum inside me.

He left shortly after that and I was left to my thoughts. I'd grown bored of him. That made me selfish, bitchy, stupid. What would I do now? If I kept it going, I wouldn't be happy. If I ended it, he would be unhappy... wouldn't he? Crap. Complications.

I pushed those thoughts out and went to sleep. I had a long day tomorrow.

Well what do you guys think? I know it took about five months for this sucker to be posted up. My bad. Well in my defence, I got no feedback! Please send me anything you think to jayjaybby@rocketmail.com plz!!! PLZ!!! C'mon please!? It wont take long! Send me feedback!!!

Next: Chapter 8: Fast

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