X Men Tales

By NPhillyDogg/Scedmark

Published on May 7, 2009


Disclaimer: X-Men Tales: is loosely based on the X-Men- Evolution t.v. cartoon series, as well as the comicbook produced by Marvel Comics. ____________________________________________________________________

The X-Men are mutants, unfortunate people born with an X-gene that gives them extraordinary powers and abilities which makes them outcasts to those considered "normal" in the world. _____________________________________________________________________________

X-Men cast: (Teachers) Professor-X, Angel, Banshee, Beast, Bishop, Forge, Polaris, Storm, and Wolverine, Dr Mora MacTaggert,

(Students) Cannonball-17, Cyclops-17, Colossus-18, Gambit-17, Iceman-16, Multiple boy-13, Nightcrawler-16, Northstar-17, Spike-15, Sunspot-16, Thunderbird-18 / Amanda-16, Jubilee-13, Karma-16, Magma-15, Premonition (Jean Grey)-17, Rogue-16, Shadowcat-14, Spirit-17, Syran-16, Wolvesbane-15 _____________________________________________________________________________

MORLOCKS: a race of displaced mutant runaways who live in the underground sewers of Manhattan, hiding from the very people whom they feel wants to see them harmed; humans.

Members are: Callisto, Sunder, Arclight, Calaban, Leech, Plague, Masque, _____________________________________________________________________________

X-Men Tales: -pt11

Title: Murder is spelled M-O-R-L-O-C-K-S

Manhattan, Ny

It was late in Manhattan at New York's Memorial Hospital when a strange fog suddenly appeared out of nowhere, keeping everyone from seeing the black helicopter landing quietly on the rooftop. A door leading to the top floor suddenly unlocked and slid open, just as the elevator arrived promptly to the top floor with a a DING!

Moments later in the hospital's basement, the metal door to the morgue unlocked and opened on its own accord as the overhead lights suddenly eliminated the entire room brightly. Passersby in the nearby hallway see nothing of these occurrences, only seeing a closed door as they walked by on their way to the laboratories.

"Good work, Lorna." said Professor Xavier, rolling into the morgue in his electric wheelchair.

"No problem, Professor!" said Polaris (Lorna Dane).

"Which one is Warren...?" asked Storm, looking around at all the freezers lining the wall that held many of the city's most recently deceased.

"The coroner's report says he's in #57!" said Beast, grabbing the morgue's placement chart off the wall.

"Got it!" said Polaris, waving her hand as the freezer door unlocked and popped open, the body of Warren Worthington the 3rd (Angle) sliding out on a metal gurney.

Beast, Storm, Professor X, Polaris, and Wolverine all walked over to the body as Beast too a deep breath, then pulled back the thin sheet covering Warren's face and torso. The X-Men all gasped sadly, recognizing their fallen companion immediately.

"It's LOOKS like him!" said Beast, uncertain. "The coroner's report mentions an odd growth coming out of the victim's back..., he surmise it to be some sort of odd bone growth!"

"Roll him over!" instructed Professor X.

Beast grabbed a hold of Warren's shoulders, then gently rolled him over onto his side, revealing his back.

"Someone's cut off his wings...!" gasped Storm, seeing nothing but bone fragments where Angle's beautiful wings were supposed to be.

"That explains why he fell to his death...!" concluded Xavier.

"Its murder!" stated Polaris. "Someone stripped him of his wings, then pushed him off the roof!"

"But who...?" asked Storm. "Warren was no novice..., and Banshee was right there with him when they were attacked!"

"But Banshee didn't see who attacked them! He was knocked unconscious before Warren was..., before he was...killed...!"

"But WHO would want to see Angle killed in such a horrid manner...?" asked Storm, "I mean..., stripping him of his wings and throwing him to his death...! It was deliberate! Diabolical! Who is targeting us...??"

"Someone maybe targeting us, Ro'..." said Wolverine, lingering in the background. "...but that ain't Warren lyin' there on that table!"

The X-Men all turned around in shock...

"Are you sure, Logan...?" asked Storm, breaking the silence.

"How do you know for sure...??" asked Beast, curiously.

"Smell!" said Wolverine, simply. "Someone went through a lot of trouble finding someone his height, weight, and extreme likeness..., but they couldn't mimic his smell! The nose knows!" joked Wolverine, tapping his nose and his heightened sense of smell.

"Likeness...?" asked Storm, skeptically. "The man on this table has more than Warren's likeness! He has his mole, his dental work, even his wings...!"

"Yup..., like I said, someone went through a lot of trouble!" agreed Wolverine. "But that ain't him!"

"You're certain, Logan...?" asked Professor X.

"As certain as the hair on my face!" assured Wolverine.

"Great..., so now we have another missing person...!" said Polaris.

"Worse than that..." said Beast, "...a missing person someone obviously doesn't ever want be found...!"


Salem Center, West Chester Ny, Xavier's Institute for Higher Learning. Underneath the school are sub-levels and hidden tunnels known only to the X-Men and their students.

"Ye'll be fine, bucko..." said the school's resident doctor, Mora MacTaggert, taking care of her fiancé Banshee as he lay in one of med-lab's automated D.O.C units.. "...it's just a wee bump on the head, m'love..., you need rest. The D.O.C. will take good care of you and monitor you through the night! I'll check back on ye in the morning!"

"Thank ye, darlin'..." said Banshee, kissing Mora on the lips before lying down on his back to allow the automated machines to take over monitoring.

Mora dimmed down the overhead lights and left Banshee in med-lab room #1, and walked over to med-lab #2 where Forge stood watching over Roberto DeCosta (Sunspot).

"What's wrong with him, Doc?" asked Forge, watching Roberto shake and shiver in bed with what looked like chills.

"I'm not sure, Forge..." said Mora, walking over to Roberto's monitoring system. "...but from the readings coming through on the D.O.C., I'd say he was experiencing withdraw symptoms!"

"Withdraw...?" asked Forge, surprised. "You think Roberto's on drugs...?"

"No..." answered Mora, tapping codes into the computer console. "...but I was told that Roberto was subjected to an unusually traumatic occurrence when he was..., absorbed into Mountjoy...! Being ripped away from such an odd connection after being dependant for so long a time could have left him with symptoms resembling that of say..., a heroine addict suddenly cut off from his habit! I would wager to guess if given a chance, Roberto would go back to Mountjoy to continue feeding off that connection!"

"That's crazy!" doubted Forge, astonished. "Mountjoy would have killed him!"

"Aye..., but many drug addicts are aware that their drug of choice may kill them..., yet they still use! This is no different!" reasoned MacTaggert.

"Well..., I guess it's just our luck that Mountjoy won't be bothering us again any time soon!" said Forge, gratefully.

"Yes..., I heard how the White Queen used her telepathy to reduce Mountjoy's brain to infancy! I can't say that I approve of her methods...!" said MacTaggert, leaving Roberto to recuperate.

"You sound like Ororo...!" said Forge.

"And ye should too, Forge!" argued MacTaggert. "No one should be allowed to be judge, jury, and executioner...! If we let that happen, people would be taking justice into their own hands all the time! The world would be in anarchy! Isn't that what the X-Men fight against...?"

"I suppose..." said Forge, "It's just hard to have sympathy for someone as cruel and callus as Mountjoy! For someone who has such little regard for human life!"

"That Forge..., is what our judicial system is for!" smiled dr Mora,


Manhattan... The crime scene

Late night befalls Manhattan as busy pedestrians pass by the crime scene tape marking off the spot where a body (Warren Worthington the 3rd) was found. A mini memorial of stuffed animals and cards don the sport where his body was supposedly found by police. An ongoing investigation was still pending, but the X-Men has taken it upon themselves to find out exactly what has happened to their long time friend and colleague.

"Do you sense anything, Logan...?" asked Storm impatiently, as Wolverine sniff around the caulked outline where the body was found.

"Nothing here..." said Wolverine, picking up no unusual scents. "...let's try the roof!"

Polaris used her power over magnesium to left Wolverine by the buckle of his belt, as they flew up to the roof of the skyscraper. Storm used her powers of the elements to create a wind gust strong enough to lift herself and Beast.

"I'm definitely picking up something here...!" said Wolverine, sniffing around the ground like an animal. "Angle was here..., Banshee was there..., and there were 5 others...!"

"The Inner Circle...?" asked Storm, suspiciously.

"No...! These are distinctive smells..., like old clothes and dirty sewers...!" said Wolverine, sniffing harder. "They had the dead guy with them..., and threw him over the edge before taking Warren with them!" said Wolverine, confidently. "They went THAT way!" he added, pointing towards the fire exit.

"Do you think you can follow their scent...?" asked Hank McCoy.

"Is a big hairy beast Blue...?" asked Wolverine, running off in the direction of the assailants.

"Wait..., what about the Professor...?" asked Polaris.

{{{"Go on X-Men, don't worry about me..., I will take the Blackhawk black to the Mansion while you continue on your quest"}}} said Xavier, telepathically. {{{"I will keep in touch...!"}}}.

{"Okay, Professor..., we will keep in mental contact when we have found something!"} said Storm, following the others.

Wolverine followed the scents down 30 floors through the fire exit of the building, to a back exit leading to an alley. The X-Men followed him down the alley to a sewage drain. "They went down there...?" asked storm, looking down into the darkness of an open manhole at the end of the alley. "This has got to be a joke..., someone is pulling your leg, Logan!"

"I distinctly smelled sewage on the roof, Ororo..." said Logan, confidently. "We all know about your claustrophobia..., if you wanna turn back right now and let the 3 of us go on, we'll understand!"

"No..., no, I'll be alright..." said Storm, sucking it up. "Lead the way, Logan!" she insisted.

"Cheers!" said the X-Man, jumping down the hole without even looking.

"Sewers...!" barked Beast, looking at his fur. "...I just came from roaming through sewers...!" (chap-7) "...I'll never get that wrenched smell out of my fur!" he complained, following Wolverine through the hole.

"Are you sure you want to do this, Ororo...?" asked Polaris, concerned. "We could keep you informed of our progress through the Professor..."

"Thank you, Lorna..., but I WANT to be there when he find Warren!" insisted Storm, trying to build her courage.

"Okay..." said Polaris, using her powers to float up off the ground before slowly descending through the manhole.

"Goddess help me..." prayed Storm, climbing down the latter to meet her friends at the bottom. "Which way, Logan...?" she asked, eager to get this night over with.

"This way...!" said the X-Man, leading his companions deeper into the system.

For nearly an hour they wandered through the sewer systems, guided by the keenest of Wolverine's nose. They took many turns leading them deeper and deeper into the underground maze. Vermin such as rats, snakes, and even alligators were known to live in New York's sewers, so the X-Men took great care to keep an eye out for each other as they passed through waist high sewage.

"How much further do we have to go, Logan...??!" asked Storm, reaching her breaking point as she began to feel the walls close in on her.

"Shh..., I smell something..." said Wolverine, holding up his fist to tell his team to halt.

"I smell something too...?" said Polaris, ready to burn her costume.

"No..., it's something else..." said Wolverine, eyeing the darkness. "We're being watched!"

"Watched...? By whom...?" asked Storm, looking around, paranoid.

Seeing nothing in the darkness, Storm lifted her hand and brought light to the underground by eliminating the way with electricity from her hand.

"There...!!" yelled Wolverine, just as people started to emerge from the now lighted shadows.

"MORLOCKS..., ATTACK...!!!" yelled one of them, as the X-Men were descended upon by an angry horde.

"We don't want to hurt you, people...!" warned Beast, jumping out of the way to avoid making any unnecessary contact.

"YOU are the only one's getting hurt...!" said a deep menacing voice, as a big hulking looking man came out of the shadows and punched Beast in the back of the head, sending him careening into a brick wall, rendering him unconscious.

"They have powers...!" yelled Polaris, using her powers to rupture a stream pipe to combat several of the attackers coming after her.

Wolverine kept his claws sheathed as he fought the assailants with his fists, knocking many of them out cold with one punch of his steel like fists.

Storm used her powers over the elements to create a wind sheer in the tunnel, blowing several of her opponents away with gail force winds.

"My, aren't you a pretty one...?" said the voice of an old woman, catching Storm by surprise as she jumped down from the overhead pipes and leaped onto Storm's back.

Storm tried to fight back, but became immediately ill as she felt sick to her stomach and started tp throw up.

"Ororo...!" yelled Wolverine, seeing Storm fall.

Wolverine responded to the fall of his two companions by releasing his claws. The sound of the extending metal made a (shink) sound that could be heard echoing through the tunnels as he roared like an animal ready to kill.

"Stop where you are, X-Man...!" ordered the aging voice of the old woman. "One touch from Plague renders anyone sick as a dog..., two touches from Plague is lethal enough to kill! Surrender now or I will touch the pretty girl again...!" threatened the bag lady, hovering over Storm.

Wolverine stopped fighting as he sheathed his claws. When Plague started to relax her stance, Polaris (watching from afar) used her magnetic powers to slam a metal pipe into the old woman, knocking her as far from her colleague as possible.

"Good work, Lorna...!" shouted Wolverine, springing back into action as he leaped forward to protect Storm. Polaris ruptured the pipeline under the sewer, causing the entire underground to shake. But before she could finish her quest, she was quickly subdued to unconsciousness by a fast moving opponent.

Wolverine turned to see Polaris lying on the ground, a wild looking man standing over him.

"I take it yur this circus's leader...?" asked the X-Man.

"Circus...?" asked the man, only his eyes visible in the shadows. "...looks like my CLOWNS've beat your X-Men...!"

"Only cuz we're at a disadvantage...!" countered Wolverine, "You KNOW us..., we don't know you!"

"We know you cuz we watch...!" said the man, staying in the shadows as he swiftly moved closer towards the last standing X-Man. "...we see how you and your X-Men flaunt your powers to the topside world landers...,making it all the harder for people like US to go out into the public!"

"People like you...?" questioned Wolverine, "...you mean Mutants...?"

"Yes..., Mutants!" answered the man, sinisterly.

"Well bub..., I don't kno whut yur deal is..., but you picked tha wrong bunch to fuck with...!" (SHINK) sounded the extension of Wolverine's claws.

"You're seriously outnumbered down here, X-Man..., but I will allow you and your companions a safe exit if you take them and turn around now...!" offered the man.

"And what of Angel...?" asked Wolverine, refusing to leave without him.

"He stays with me!"

"Whut's yur deal with Warren...? You gotta hardon for him or something...?" asked Logan, catching a faint change in the man's body chemistry. "Ooooh..., did I hit a nerve...?" asked the X-Man, sensing a change in heart rhythm.

"You don't know who you're fucking with...!" threatened the man.

"Why don't you tell me, bub...!"

"I'm..., CALLISTO..., leader of the Morlocks...!!" yelled the man suddenly, charging forward.

Wolverine readied himself for a fight, when he was suddenly touched by the old ragged bag lady. Wolverine suddenly felt himself getting gravely ill as he fell to his knees weakened...

Callisto took advantage of Wolverine's weakness, pummeling him with his hands and feet until he beat Wolverine senseless. Wolverine fell to the ground, quickly losing consciousness.

"eh..., what do we do with them now...?" asked Sunder, still holding Wolverine by the head like a toy.

"They came here to see Angle..., I say we take them to him...!" ordered Callisto, leading the way to their lair...

To be continued...


As the Blackhawk neared Xavier Mansion in West Chester New York, Bobby (the Iceman) Blake suddenly awakened from a sound sleep. He quietly got out of bed, throwing the covers back as he walked across the room to the door.

"Bobby...?" called his roommate, Scott (Cyclops) Summers, lifting his head off the pillow half asleep (his eyes encased behind a pair of ruby quartz swimming goggles he usually wore to sleep and swim in). "..that you...?" he asked, before falling back to sleep.

Bobby silently walked down the hall of the student dorms, down the grand staircase and to the elevators leading down into the sub-levels beneath the Mansion. He walked the length of the corridor to the hanger where the Blackhawk lay resting after arriving home that night.

The side door to the helicopter opened as the boy climbed up into the cockpit where Professor Xavier still sat behind the controls.

"I'm sorry for this Bobby..., but I really need you right now..." apologized the Professor, having seized Iceman's mind without his knowledge.

Iceman simply reached over and began to unzip Professor X's trousers, pulling his 6" erection free from the zipper. Licking his lips wantonly, he bent forward and took the hard cock into his mouth.

"ahh..., yes..., that's what I need..." sighed the Professor, feeling Bobby's mouth move smoothly up and down his hard shaft.

Unbeknown to the 16 year old, he had become quite the accomplished cock sucker, swallowing the Professor's cock down to the balls on more than one occasion. Professor Xavier clinched the edge of his wheelchair, feeling himself already about to come to an arousing climax as bobby buried his head and sucked even harder, hungry for the nectar any real cock sucker craves.

"Oh yes, Bobby..., oh yes..., that's it, son..., that's it..., I'm going to cum..., I'm going to..., aaahhhhhh...!!" he cried out loud, knowing no one would be able to hear them all the way out in the hanger bay.

Bobby felt the warm liquid of the Professor's sperm hit the back of his throat as he quickly swallowed, sucking the softening cock for more. Professor X sank back relaxingly in his chair, perspiration beading his brow as he closed his eyes in ecstasy while Bobby continued to nurse him for the last drops. A moment later, Xavier's eyes popped open in fear...

"Professor...?" called Scott Summers, having boarded the Blackhawk and seen Bobby blowing the Professor.

"Scott...!" called Xavier, surprised. He had been so wrapped up in his orgasm that he hadn't even sensed Cyclops sneaking up on him. "...I can explain...!" he said.

"I saw Bobby sneaking out of the room, and figured he was probably sleepwalking so I followed him..." explained Scott, his shocked facial expression showing the Professor the surprise his eyes (hidden behind the ruby quartz goggles) could not show. "So YOU'VE been the one behind Bobby's blackouts, sir...?"

"Scott, please..." said Xavier, feeling totally ashamed. His image, his reputation as a mentor to wayward child mutants was at stake. He couldn't allow his shameful secret to be broadcast. {{{"Bobby is an excellent cock sucker, Scott..., he loves to suck your hard cock every morning before class, and you love letting him suck you every morning before class!"}}} said the Professor, telepathically imprinting the image in Scott's mind. ((("Every morning you allow Bobby to suck your cock, and you enjoy it immensely! You will tell no one nothing about this event! You and Bobby will keep it as your very own secret! Do you understand?"}}}

"Yes, Professor." said Scott, obediently.

{{{"Would you like your cock sucked now, Scott...?"}}}

"Yes, Professor." answered Scott.

As if on cue, Bobby lifted his head from the Professor's lap and got up off of his knees and walked silently over to his roommate. Scott stood perfectly still as Bobby got down on his knees before him and fished his soft penis out from his PJ's.

Bobby took the soft phallus into his mouth without hesitation. His warm mouth surrounded the pale white cock, sucking gently as it slowly began to grow to its full 7 inches. Bobby kept his mouth fastened to Scott's hair speckled groin, licking the near hairless balls with his tongue as the cock lengthened down into his throat.

Professor X watched with pride as Bobby churned Scott's cock around in his throat for a full minute before pulling back. He bobbed his head back and forth, effectively sucking the hard cock as told. Scott couldn't help groaning, even in his zombie like state as he stood emotionlessly getting a blow job.

Xavier was proud of his students, knowing they would make fine additions to society and great husbands to some lucky women. He stroked his own cock as he watched the two teens. Bobby was corkscrewing his head back and forth, drilling Scott's cock into his throat with every downward motion. Scott's mouth dropped open as he gasped, then flooded Bobby's mouth with his teenage cum.

Bobby greedily ate the spurting liquid, drinking everything that came out of the dick. Professor X could feel another climax fast approaching, and mentally summoned Bobby back to his own woodie. Bobby abandoned Scott's pulsing erection (the last droplets of his seed dripping from his flaring piss slit) and buried his head back into the Professor's lap.

Xavier filled Bobby's mouth with more jizz, grabbing the chair handles for support as his balls wrenched out another load of hot cum. Bobby ate the load as if it gave him life. He sucked the Professor's shrinking cock until Xavier finally dismissed him, telling the two boys to return to their room.


Next: Chapter 12: Kidnapped at the Mall

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