X Men Tales

By NPhillyDogg/Scedmark

Published on May 2, 2012


Disclaimer: X-Men Tales: is loosely based on the X-Men- Evolution t.v. cartoon series, as well as the comicbook produced by Marvel Comics. ____________________________________________________________________

The X-Men are mutants, unfortunate people born with an X-gene that gives them extraordinary powers and abilities which makes them outcasts to those considered "normal" in the world. _____________________________________________________________________________

X-Men cast: (Teachers) Professor-X, Angel, Banshee, Beast, Bishop, Forge, Polaris, Storm, and Wolverine, Dr Mora MacTaggert,

(Students) Cannonball-17, Cyclops-17, Colossus-18, Gambit-17, Iceman-16, Multiple boy-13, Nightcrawler-16, Northstar-17, Spike-15, Sunspot-16, Thunderbird-18, Havok-16 / Amanda-16, Jubilee-13, Karma-16, Magma-15, Premonition (Jean Grey)-17, Rogue-16, Shadowcat-14, Spirit-17, Syran-16, Wolvesbane-15, WeaponX-16

The MORLOCKS: calisto, sunder, plague, masque, leech, mother mayhem, smoke, fish, ladybug, wool, caliban, construct,

X-Men Tales: -pt45




It was a peaceful evening at The Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters, when motion detectors notice movement on school grounds where there shouldn't have been none.

Lights and alarms sounded as defense systems went into operation mode. Once again, students were instructed to head for area `safe zones' until told by an adult to come out. Bishop, Forge, and Beast were among the first to respond as they headed to the Security Room to see what was wrong?

"What the hell...?" yelled Forge, running out from his study [pulling his pants up over his just fucked ass]... "Twice in one week...?! What IS IT now...??!" he asked, annoyed.

Beast [the most agile and quickest to respond] punched in the key-codes, showing a 3D diagram of the entire compound...

"Looks like Security picked up unauthorized movement on school grounds..." he said, looking at the monitors. "...but I don't SEE anything...!"

"Could it be one of US...?" asked Bishop, arriving late [and half-dressed] with his new girlfriend DAZZLER. "...one of the students, maybe...?"

"Doubtful..." said Beast, leaping for the front door [as Forge and Bishop reached for weapons], "...Security would identify any registered students as a non-hostile...! The fact that the `defense systems' have kicked in, marks the intruder an enemy...!"

"But..." said Bishop, running up beside Beast as they stood ground at the front door, staring out onto the estate... "...I don't SEE anything...!" he added, holding a laser cannon in his hands.

"That's cause you're not seeing life through infra-red vision...!" said Forge, joining them with a cannon of his own, as well as an internal spectrum helmet, allowing him to see through different degrees of light.

He stared out onto the lawn, and saw a thin cloud moving slowly across the grass. "THERE!" he pointed, firing his `stun' cannon.

Shells exploded on impact as soon as they hit the dirt. Bishop joined Forge as they fired their weapons, aiming at something they couldn't see with the naked eye. Beast merely watched, unsure they were hitting anything at all? Moments later, just as the firing stopped, the thin cloud thickened before swooping in to cut off the breaths of the 3 men standing guard. They all began to choke as the lack of oxygen forced them to collapse, gasping for air while the mysterious cloud moved into the mansion...

"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE...!!!" screamed Banshee, sending ripping tides of sonic sound through the air and into the cloud mass [unsure his screams would even help]. The mass quickly solidified, then fell to the floor in a heap of pain and agony...

"URRRHHH...!! Stop! Stop! I surrender!" screamed the man [who suddenly materialized out of thin air] before hitting the floor...

"WHO is it...?!" asked Polaris, standing at the top of the staircase with Angel and Dazzler.

"It's SMOKE..." said Beast, having recovered. "...he's a MORLOCK!"

"A Morlock...?" called Storm, landing on wind currents just outside the front doors in her sheer white negligee [Bishop couldn't help staring...]. "What would a Morlock be doing HERE, of all places...?!" she asked, not bothering to cover up.

"I...I come in peace..." choked Smoke, his ears still ringing from Banshee's screams. "...on orders of our leader...!"

"Peace...?" asked Storm, bursting into the large foyer before reaching down to grab the boy by the collar, yanking him to his feet. "You BREAK into our school, assault our faculty..., then have the audacity to say you come in peace...?!!" she asked, her voice full of rage. "At last count, boy..., I ruled the Morlocks by rite of battle...[chap-13 "DEATH DUEL"]...so WHO, pray tell, told you to break into our house risk your life on this foolishness...?!"

"C...C...CALISTO..." yelled the 19 year old black kid. "...he...he has a message for `the fallen one'..."

"Fallen one...?" questioned Storm, unsure WHO that was?

"That would be ME, Ororo...!" said Angel, drifting to a soft landing with his enormous wingspan, after jumping over the balcony. "What's the message, Morlock...?" he asked, impatiently.

Smoke turned his head in Angel's direction...

"He's ready to meet you for your DATE...!" smiled the boy, knowing Angel would be dreading it. "He wants you to meet him tomorrow night in Manhattan..., atop the place where you first met!"

"NO WAY!" said Banshee, stepping in protectively.

"So..." snared Smoke, still held in Storm's grasp. "...you'd go against your WORD after we helped save 2 of your dearest friends...?? How ignoble...!" he tsked.

"You have NO RIGHT to judge anyone, Morlock!" yelled Storm, tightening her chokehold.

"No..." sounded Angel, assuredly. "...I'll MEET him...!"

"No, Warren..." intervened Banshee, ready to fight in his honor. "...you don't need to DO this...!"

"I agreed...!" reminded Angel, taking one for the team. "If I don't honor my promise..., what good is my word to the students...?" he asked.

"Calisto will meet you at 8 o'clock...!" said Smoke, before disappearing into SMOKE. "Don't be late!" he said, sailing out the front door to fade away into the wind.

The X-Men all looked at Angel sorrowfully, knowing what Calisto plans likely were for the handsomely rich X-Man. One by one they slowly returned to the sanctuary of their rooms, leaving Angel and Banshee behind in support of their friendship.

Long time lovers, Banshee walked over to a sullen Angel, then wrapped his arms around him in support. Angel leaned on Banshee for comfort, nervous about his soon encounter with his onetime tormentor.


MANHATTAN, NY 8PM the next night...

Warren Worthington The 3rd [aka the high flying ANGEL] flew in high over Manhattan with his majestic wings spread wide. He'd been nervous all day, wondering what his `date' had planned for him?

Angel still had recurring nightmares of the first time he and Calisto met, where he attacked him atop the very same building they promised to meet at tonight, kidnapping him and leaving a dead body [which the Morlock Masque personally designed himself] in his place so that the X-Men would believe he was dead. Then Calisto [and the Morlocks] took him underground to their lair, where Calisto sodomized him night and day until the X-Men came to rescue him [all in chaps-10, 11 & 14].

Angel spotted the roof where he and Calisto met [just across the street from The Inner Circle's Hell Fire Club], then swooped down to see if anyone was about? Using his `bird's eye', he scanned the roof for any signs of his nemesis before landing, not wanting to be caught off guard again. "Calisto...?" he called, looking around.

Apparently his `date' was late, which made Angle very worried indeed.

He walked over to the edge of the skyscraper, then looked down at the bright lights below, listening to the sounds of beeping car horns as traffic traveled along it merry way.

"MY Angel..." said a soft whisper [right by Angel's ear], causing him to startle.

"OH SHIT!" yelled Warren, his feathers easily ruffling as he got the bird-poo scared out of him.

"Sorry..." apologized Calisto, stepping out of the shadows. "...I didn't mean to scare you...!"

"MUST you always sneak up on people like that...?!!?" asked Warren, clutching his fast beating chest.

"Ole habits...!" smiled Calisto, hunching his shoulders. "Here..., these'r for YOU...!" he added, passing off flowers.

"Thank you, Calisto..." said Angel, truly touched. "...you didn't have to..."

"Call me Cal." offered the Morlock. "I just wanted this evening to be just perfect...!" he admitted [just as nervous as Angel], after handing over the flowers. "Shall we GO on our date now...?" he asked, holding out his hand.

"DATE...?" questioned Angel, still unsure about the whole thing. "Are we actually going somewhere...?!"

"Definitely..." said Calisto, taking Angel's hand before leaping off the side of the building...


"ARE YOU CRAZY...??!!!" yelled Angel, as the 2 men pummeled towards the street below.

Angel spread his wings, catching onto wind currents and slowing his descent before losing his grip with Calisto... "NO...!!" he yelled, as Calisto fell to certain death.

Angel tucked his wings, then dive bombed in quick descent after him, hoping to catch him before he hit the ground. However Calisto had other ideas as he hit the side of the building with the heel of his combat boots, then pushed himself off with all of his might until he was summersaulted across the street like a trapeze artist. Grabbing onto a flagpole, he swung giant loops around the pole [his tattered trench coat blowing in the breeze behind him] before letting go. Falling UPWARD, he grabbed onto the edge of another building, then quickly started climbing [like a monkey in the jungle].

Angel hovered nearby, his beautiful white wings slowly flapping to keep him aloft.

"You're CRAZY, you know that, right...?" asked Angel, with his hands [sternly] folded over his chest.

"Well..." said Calisto, quickly scaling the side of the building as if he were crawling along the ground. "...I've learned it's a lot less distractin' IF I stay above ground and AWAY from people!"

"So why don't you simply TELL ME where we're going, and I'LL Fly us there first class...?" asked Angel, just as Calisto made it to the top.

Calisto turned around in surprise, never once believing Angel would want him touching him, let along holding onto him in flight...

"Oh, okay..." he said, leaping into Angel's arms. "...THAT way, please...!" he pointed, as Angel adjusted his wings to compensate for the heavier load.

He maneuvered Calisto onto his back [Calisto's arms holding on around his neck from behind] as they soared through the air, much higher than Calisto could ever go on his own...

"This is WONDERFUL...!" he yelled into Angel's ear, looking at the beautiful view of Manhattan from high above the nearest building tops. "It must be the best thing to have wings...!"

"It has its moments..." said Angel, thinking of all the times his wings had hindered him in public. "...unless you're hoping to be normal...!"

"Hey...we ALL have that issue...!" said Calisto, thinking of his own years wishing to be normal. "We're all dealt with what life gives us...! For some, we have scales and reptilian skin and live underground in the sewers to keep people from hunting us down, believing us monsters..., while others get to use their powers to HELP people...! You're one of the lucky ones...!"

"Sometimes I forget that..." admitted Angel, knowing he had no right to feel sorry for himself. "...thanks...!"

"No problem..." smiled Calisto, his chin resting just behind Angel's ear. "You smell so good!" he complimented.

"So do you...!" countered Angel, impressed.

"I showered!" joked Calisto, causing Angel to laugh out loud for the first time since they met.

Angel could feel Calisto's long hardon pressing against his ass...

"THERE!" pointed Calisto, pointing at a building. THAT's where we're going...!"

"We're can't go THERE..." shouted Angel, "...but that's Lincoln Center...!"

"I know..." said Calisto, "...land on the roof!" he insisted, as Angel began their descent.

Angel landed perfectly, as Calisto led him to a door atop New York's Lincoln Center. Inside they could hear the music of New York's Opera, playing a benefit for a packed house.

"Will we get CAUGHT up here...?" asked Angel, following his date inside.

"Never been, yet...!" said Calisto, indicating he'd been there before.

Finding a seat along the rafters, they had a non-obstructed view of the orchestra, as the sound of music floated up towards them...

"Wow..." said Warren, having attended the opera many times [having to hide his wings as best he could]. "...this is great!"

"Best seats in the house...!" said Calisto, sitting beside Warren. "And they're FREE!"

The 2 men listened to music all night long, talking only during the intermission or to express their love for a particular piece. As the Center started to let out for the evening, they took their leave with Calisto [once again] riding on Angel's back.

"Where to now...?" asked Warren curiously, wondering if Calisto had anymore tricks up his sleeve?

"THERE!" pointed the Morlock, pointing at a building top surrounded by pretty white lights.

"There...?" questioned Angel, seeing people on the roof. "You sure...? Looks like the roof's already occupied...!"

"Trust me!" said Calisto, confidently.

Angel descended, only to find a table for two [the "people" he saw earlier were Morlocks: Mother Mayhem and Ladybug, acting as servants].

"Welcome...!" smiled Ladybug, a tiny little girl with bug wings and black eyes. She sat the two men down, then lit the candles by accurately spitting fire [impressively] at the wicks.

"YOU did all this...?!" asked Angel, looking across the table at his date.

"My FRIENDS did..." said Calisto, noting towards the shadows as Wool, Smoke, and Caliban came into view, bringing platters of food which they quickly sat down on the table before disappearing back into the shadows.

Warren stared down at the array of choices before them: salmon platter, steak platter, lamb and duck...

"Wow, what a choice...!" he responded, loving the sight and scents hitting his perfectly shaped nose. "Did your friends cook all of this...?"

"Mother Mayhem did...!" informed Calisto, nodding towards the chef as she smiled in the background, making sure everything went well. "She takes good care of all of us in the sewers..., cookin', cleanin', makin' us al feel like a real family...!"

"That's special..." said Angel, seeing the Morlocks through different eyes. "...it's important to feel like you belong to something..." he added.

"Or SOMEONE..." added Calisto, causing Angel to blush.

The 2 men clinked champagne glasses with the view of The Brooklyn Bridge in the distance, then began eating their meals.

After eating, they went down to the waterfront where they strolled along the darkened peers together alone, uninterrupted by the curious eyes or frightened screams of humans who mistook them for a evil mutants or monsters.

Warren told Calisto his family history, including the journey HE took to become an X-Man many moons ago. Calisto was a little more guarded with his past, but did reveal he once had a life outside the underworld dwellings The Morlocks currently call home. It was during the moonlit walk near the sparkling Hudson that Angel got the urge to kiss Calisto. He stopped him in mid walk, turned towards him, then slowly planted a kiss on the black man's thick lips.

Calisto cautiously snaked his arms about Angel's slim waist, pulling him closer while slipping his fat tongue into his mouth.

"Is this the part where you take me back to your lair and fuck the living shit out of me...?" asked Angel, panting for breath after the kiss.

"No..." smiled Calisto. "...this's the part where I relieve you of your promise, and bid you a healthy goodnight...!" said the Morlock, pulling away.

Angel was shocked...

"Wha...what's wrong...?" he wondered aloud, as Calisto turned away. "I thought...!" he started, watching him walk away. "Was it something I said or did...?" he questioned, confused.

"No..." answered Calisto, "...I just changed my mind, is all..." he said, looking over his shoulder without breaking stride. "...I'm letting you off the hook...!"

"But why...?" asked Angel, following him. "I'm...I'm willing to stand by our agreement...!" he declared.

"But I'm not...!" said Calisto, heading towards a large pipeline...

"But WHY not...??" inquired Angel.

Calisto spun around [dramatically]...

"I'm doin' a GOOD thing here...!" he said, sounding a bit frustrated. "I'm letting you OUT of our agreement! You didn't want to sleep with me anyway..., why'r you actin' so concerned...?!"

Angel stood dumbfounded...

"I..." he started, at a loss for why he was feeling dejected. "...I...I like you..." he managed to say, "I saw another side of you tonight...! I got to KNOW you a little...!" he added, stepping in closer. "I WANT to go home with you..." he dared say. "...I WANT to finish our night together...!"

"And what about afterwards...?" asked Calisto, looking into Angel's blue eyes. "We go our separate ways and never see each other again until we meet under unfortunate circumstances...? When we're once again on opposite sides of the fence...?!"

Angel looked lost...

"We'll...cross that bridge when it comes..." he said, unsure what the future held.

Calisto walked up closely, touching his huge rough callused hand to Angel's smooth soft shaven face...

"I've loved you ever since I first saw you..." admitted the Morlock. "...ONE night together ain't nothin' but a cruel tease when I really want forever!"

Angel felt his heart strings being pulled as the realization how much Callisto really cared for him. He reached up and touched Calisto's pitch black skin, feeling the rough grit of his sandy surface.

Calisto noticed tenderness in Angel's touch, and leaned in to kiss some more...



Sean Cassidy [Banshee] stood watch on the balcony, staring up at the stars and waiting for his friend to return. "Still no sign of Angel...?" asked Professor Charles Xavier, stepping out onto the balcony as well.

"No..." said Sean, without turning around. "...and I'm really starting to worry, Charles..., what if Warren's in danger...? We never should have let him GO on this mock date with his rapist...!"

"It was HIS decision, Sean..." said Xavier, standing in the doorway [watching Sean from behind]. "...Angel knows how to handle himself if there's trouble...!"

"Really...?" asked Sean, looking back over his shoulder. "Then WHY did the X-Men have to rescue him the first time we met these Morlocks...?" he asked, sarcastically. "Angel may be good, but he can't fight against a whole horde of opponents without help! What if Calisto takes him back to his underground lair...? What if he rapes him again?"

"If we don't hear from Warren in 24 hours, we'll send in the calvary...!" said Xavier.

"24 hours...??" questioned Sean. "Do you KNOW how many times he could be gang raped in 24 hours...?! The entire Morlock clan could take turns butt fucking him while we're sitting up here twiddling our thumbs!"

"Calm down, Sean..." suggested Xavier, sensing his anxiety.

"I'll calm down when Warren is safely back home!" argued Banshee, taking action. "I'm going after him...!"

((("No Sean, you're not...!"))) said Xavier mentally, telepathically seizing Banshee's mind and deleting the idea of chasing after his friend from memory.

Banshee forgot about his mission to save Angel, then began shedding his clothes. Professor Xavier [in Mountjoy's body] began getting stiff as he watched Banshee strip naked, then climb up onto the balcony's stone railing's edge and spread his legs invitingly...

"Fuck me!" he demanded emotionless, wetting his fingers with his mouth and tongue before stuffing them up his own ass...

Xavier [the world's strongest telepath] knew Banshee and Angel had been secret lovers for years. He unzipped his pants and pulled out his 8" erection, then crossed the balcony [his stiff dick swaying as he walked] until he was standing directly in front of him. Xavier removed Banshee's fingers, then replaced them with his stiff cock. Turning on Mountjoy's absorption abilities [Mountjoy was a mutant with the ability to physically absorb his victims into his body and feed off their thoughts, memories, and powers], then shoved his cock forward, causing it to thrust deeply into Banshee's ass without needing lubricant.

"URRHHH...!" groaned Banshee, throwing back his head as Xavier grabbed his spread thighs and started thrusting back and forth.

Xavier looked down to watch his stiff pale cock sliding in and out of Cassidy's hairy ass [the cock barreling through more than just Banshee's asshole as it punched through skin and flesh to bury into the ass whole]...



The walk back to The Morlock's Lair was a long one, but time seemed to stand still as the 2 men braved the underground corridors alone, stopping briefly every few minutes to kiss and reignite the fire smoldering between them.

Angel found the closer they got to The Morlock's inner lair, the nicer the area became. What was at first slimy, dingy, rat infested stone corridors, soon tuned into the same type of walls you'd find in any suburban American living room, with windows, pictures, and furnishings galore. Whenever he walked by someone's apartment, he could look in and see them watching television, playing video games, and living life normally like the students back at the school...

"How did you build all this construction...?" asked Angel, at a loss for words.

"Most of the stuff is things people throw out into the trash..." said Calisto, leading Angel through what resembled an underground apartment complex, with connecting walls and hallways.

Angel saw a big screen TV in one person's room...

"Someone threw out a perfectly good flat screen TV...?" he asked, skeptically.

"You think we STOLE it...?" asked Calisto, sensing doubt in Angel's voice.

"No..." lied Angel, not wanting to offend his new friend. "...but a lot of this stuff looks brand new!" he testified.

Calisto stopped...

"Sounds like we have a problem with trust here..." he said, beginning to feel uneasy.

"Well..." said Angel. "...I'm not doubting you..." he ventured, treading lightly. "...but..."

"If you MUST know..." said Calisto, feeling mistrusted. "...we have a guy here named Construct, who has the power to transform inanimate object into whatever he thinks of...! He created the walls and ceilings for the apartment! He also has the ability to fix electronics by simply rebuilding it with his mind, that's how we're able to get big screens and electronic items out of the trash to recycle! AND we have a girl named Wool who can spin fabric out of thin air..., we use HER powers to refurbish many of the furnishings we find in the gutter...!" explained Calisto. "She even makes most of our clothing! She made this outfit I was trying to impress you with tonight!"

"Cal..., I'm sorry..." said Angel, feeling like a heel for doubting him. When Calisto tried to walk away without accepting his apology, Angel stopped him with a hand to his chest... "I'm serious!" he assured. Calisto smiled [unable to stay mad at him for long].

Taking Angel by the hand, he guided him to his room at the far end of the complex, away from the children...


Once alone in the room, Calisto dimmed the lights down low. Taking Angel back into his arms, they kissed again as Angel slipped Calisto's trench coat off his broad shoulders and began to pull his black tank off over his head. Being in a dimly lit room, Calisto was barely visible to the naked eye, fortunately Angel had eagle eyes, enabling him to see exceptionally well.

Although Calisto was nearly pitch black in color and skin tone, Angel was able to distinguish his muscles, his thick chest and erect nipples. He ran his hands over the rough skin curiously, which felt like rubbing against tough leather.

Calisto wrapped his hands around Angel's trim waist, pulling his body in closer. Leaning forth, he titled his head slight and slowly eased his full soft lips against Warren's. The 2 men swapped spit for a moment, as Calisto reached down and into the ass if Angel's ass and groped the cheeks, rubbing his rough callused finger over the tender rosebud.

Warren groaned softly into Calisto's mouth, feeling his finger pressing against his tender spot.

"I want you naked on my bed, right NOW...!" insisted Calisto.

"Yes, sir!" said Warren, stripping off the rest of his clothes.

Calisto couldn't help staring at Warren perfectly muscularly toned physique. Angel loved the way Calisto's eyes washed all over his naked body, making him feel desirable. Calisto stripped naked as well, exposing his black [as tar] muscular physique and extra-long hanging 13" ]horse] erection. Angel couldn't help falling to his knees, taking the long hard leathery cock in his hands and lifting it towards his mouth...

"ah...yeeeeaaahhhh..." moaned Calisto, running his fingers through Angel's beautiful blonde hair.

Angel [an accomplished cocksucker] found Calisto's amazing cock a challenge to suck. He polished the huge head with his mouth [darting his pointed tongue into the wide piss slit for flavor], then took as much cock between his sucking lips as possible. 7 inches in, he started to gag. Twisting his head to align his throat angle, he slipped 2 to 3 more inches into his throat before retracting. Calisto was impressed, despite Angel's feeling of failure.

"You did good, my angel..." said the black man, pulling Warren up from his knees. "...there's isn't many who can take the whole thing...!"

"Has anyone EVER taken it whole...?" asked Angel, doubtful.

"There are a few..." smiled Calisto, guiding Angel to the bed where he placed him on his hands and knees. Angel spread his large white wings [spanning the space of the room], as Calisto grabbed and kneaded his gorgeous buttock from behind.

He massaged the cheeks before spreading them wide, staring down at the superb looking hairless asshole. Calisto's cock throbbed hard at the thought of penetrating such a gorgeous piece of ass. He leaned forward and licked the anus, running his wet tongue roughly over the puckered surface. Angel groaned happily as he looked back over his shoulder, witnessing Calisto's face pressed behind his ass.

Calisto washed his tongue over the asshole several hundred times, setting in for a long meal as he peeled the form cheeks apart and dined on the morsel nestled in-between. After a time the anus began to relax and dilate under the constant pressure. Calisto darted his long dark tongue in and out of his hole, causing Angel to squirm in absolute delight. Angel's 7" erection stayed stiff underneath him, totally ignored until Calisto pulled it backwards and sucked it into his mouth from the back, while stuffing his huge thumb up the white man's ass.

"Ooooohhh..." moaned Warren, feeling the hot mouth envelop his dick as the thumb penetrated his anal ring. Warren's wings fluttered a bit as his cock pre-cum tasty bursts of semen drops onto Calisto's tongue.

Calisto sucked his thick lips up and down the shaft of the upside down dick, slurping and slobbering back and forth while fucking his thumb in and out. Releasing the cock, Calisto removed his thumb, then licked his way back to towards the asshole. Dousing it with saliva, he shoved two more fingers inside, sliding them back and forth as Angel's manhole slowly dilated and flowered open.

Calisto milked his own long hard cock while he feasted on his meal. He stood up and gently placed the head of his leather hood against Angel's anus, then pushed in...

"URRRHHHHH...!!" grunted Angel, feeling the cockhead pry him open. Calisto paused before drooling more spit down onto the area, slickening the hole more before proceeding.

Angel felt the first 8 or 9 inches enter his body without much discomfort. Calisto reached forward and grabbed the sides of his face with his huge hands, then hoisted Angel's head backwards to arch his back, allowing another inch or 2 to slip in.

Warren grit his teeth in anguish as Calisto worked the last 2 inches, grinding his hairy pelvic bone against his smooth ass.

"AARRRRHHHH...!!!" grunted Angel, feeling more stuffed than he ever had in his life.

"I'm all the way in, baby..." whispered Calisto, loving the way Angel's convulsing rectum spasm around his deeply embedded dick. He shoved his fingers into the man's mouth, pulling back on his head with both hands as Angel's mouth stretched wide with his head titled upward and his back arched in a bow, exposing more of his ass.

Calisto started thrusting through him, sliding his big thick dark dick back and forth. Angel shuddered as the cock started moving through him, dragging his tightly stretched anus back and forth along the thick leathery shaft.

Calisto pulled Angel's head back until his winged back was pressed against his chest. Calisto removed his fingers from Angel's mouth, then titled his head sideways to steal a kiss. Angel was still gasping from the penetration when he suddenly felt Calisto's tongue moving into his mouth.

"UHH..." he groaned around the tongue, as Calisto continued to fuck into him. "It...it's so...BIG..." he moaned, his wings withering as his body was fucked beyond belief.

Calisto had one hand wrapped around Angel's torso [pulling his body back into him] and the other hand on one of his hips, driving his pelvis into the handsome mutant's bare bottom. Angel groaned and moaned after each thrust, his body receiving and accepting every deep plunge as Calisto started to set a pace.

"Yur so fuckin' hot..." moaned Calisto, darting his tongue between Angel's lips as he fucked. "...I could go on fuckin' you forever!"

Angel panted speechlessly, unable to form complete sentences as the cock fucking him reached all the way up into his intestines. Angel felt completely paralyzed as Calisto had his way with him, butt fucking him into a stupor.

Eventually Calisto pushed Angel back down on all fours, fucking him doggy style. He held onto the X-Man's hips as he fucked into his ass, watching his jet back cock slide in and out of the stretched reddening hole. He loved watching his cock disappear up into Angel's body, his gorgeously hot ass spread eagle just for him and his pleasure. After nearly 10 to 15 minutes of nonstop fucking, he yanked his giant cock from the tantalizing asshole, leaving it gaping. Calisto watched the large hole slowly shrinking back to normal size. Unable to resist, he bent down and licked it, washing his drooling tongue over the well fucked orifice.

"Oh god..." groaned Angel, feeling fully exposed as Calisto dumped more spit into him.

Calisto stood up, then rammed his cock back in...

"UURRHHH...!!" grunted Angel, feeling impaled.

Calisto ground his pelvic bone home, then resumed fucking, beating his pubic bush against Angel's upturned ass. Angel felt the dick moving in and out of him, as Calisto gripped his shoulders and started riding his ass like a champion jockey.

Angel's dick swayed hard beneath him, drooling a steady drip of pre-cum as his prostate was brutally bashed under the anal assault. Growing mad with lust, Angel dug his knees into the edge of the bed, gripped 2 hefty handfuls of mattress, then started throwing his ass back on Calisto's dick.

"Oh YEAH..." excited Calisto, liking Angel's enthusiasm. "...ride that dick, baby! Gimme that ass!"

"Fuck me!" moaned Angel, growing lusty as his body became deeply aroused. Calisto could feel Angel's anus becoming wetter as they fucked, a firm indication that his body was turned on by the slaying.

"Yeah baby..., give it to me!" moaned Calisto, fucking harder as he drove his dick in deeper.

Angel could feel his loins becoming overloaded as his dick suddenly throbbed without being touched, then started hosing long streaks of cum across Calisto's bed sheets.

"URRRHHHH..." grunted Angel, feeling the cum fucked out of him as he came prematurely. "UHH...! UHH...! UHH...! UHH...!" he panted afterwards, painting his load against the sheets.

"You came...?" asked Calisto, feeling Angel's asshole spasm wildly about his thrusting dick.

"Yes..." moaned Angel, suddenly exhausted.

Calisto picked up the pace, fucking Angel even harder as his bloated balls slapped loudly against Warren's. Warren bent forward, placing his face against the mattress as his body was fucked. Calisto climbed onto the bed behind him, hammering his ass hard as he fucked Angel flat against the bed...

"I'm about to cum too, baby...!" he warned, feeling his loins boiling over. "Here it comes...!" he gasped, slamming his hips into Angel's spread ass. "Here it...AAARRRRHHHHHHHH...!!!" he yelled, ramming all the way in before unleashing.

"UURRHHH...!!" grunted Angel, fully impaled on the end of Calisto's dick as he started to orgasm inside him.

"OHHH FUCK...I'M COMIN', BABY...! I'M COMIN" INSIDE YOU...!" screamed Calisto, unloading wad after clotting wad of thick creamy ball sludge directly into Angel's sucking intestines.

"Oh god...!" groaned Angel, feeling the long snake throbbing inside him. His wings trembled and spasm as Calisto ground hard against his back, draining his cock off inside him.

He collapsed on top of Angel, pinning him to the bed as they both tried to recover from their intense orgasms. Angel lay completely still as Calisto breathed harshly on top of him, slowly regaining his strength. He kissed Angel softly about the face, neck and shoulders, he front plastered wetly against Angel's back, his long dreadlocks laying scattered about them like thick long ropes...



Day or night makes no difference when you're based underground. It's dark and gloomy all the time, no sunlight reaching the depths of the city's bowels.

The smell of frying beacon wafted through the halls of The Morlock's Lair, as Mother Mayhem prepared breakfast for the kids [orphaned mutants who were either runaways or kicked from their parents' homes] before being home-schooled. Mother prepared a serving tray with 2 plates of food and breakfast drink, donned with a single red rose from her underground garden...

"Smoke..., would you take this tray into Calisto and his guest...?" she asked politely, passing it off. "I'm sure they're both famished by now...!"

"No problem, Mother...!" agreed Smoke, scooping the tray up before heading to Calisto's room.

He walked up to the open archway entrance, then noticed Angel sitting up in bed [his back to him], his long white wings stretched out on either side of the bed as he slowly rode Calisto's morning erection. Smoke quietly placed the tray on the floor, then fished out his 9" erection as he beat off to the beautiful white angel riding Calisto's jet black dick.

"Wow...what a way to wake up..." smiled Calisto, looking up into Angel's angelic face.

Angel was too far gone to respond. He'd been riding Calisto's dick for 20 minutes, slowly fisting his own 7" hardon as he slow-fucked his own ass by lifting and lowering his buttock over the 13" sausage.

Calisto watched Angel fuck himself for a while, loving the way the man used his dick to beat off. He reached up and tweaked Warren's erect nipples, pinching them roughly as Angel tossed back his blonde flip and groaned lustfully aloud.

"Yeah baby, fuck yourself on my dick..." encouraged Calisto.

Angel started to ride faster, clenching his ass cheeks together on the downward plunge. Calisto reached behind Angel's neck, then pulled him down and forced his tongue into the X-Man's mouth. Angel's wings flopped up and down lazily he as accepted Calisto's tongue. He continued to stoke himself as Calisto reached behind him, cupped his ass cheeks in each hand, then started to help him lift and lower his ass onto his dick, picking up pace.

Smoke had the perfect view of Angel's beautiful ass sliding up and down Calisto's 13" black python. He jacked off until he was shooting cum all over the bedroom floor, imaging his own cock stuffed up the handsome X-Man's ass.

Calisto fucked Angel's ass rough and hard until Angel broke the kiss [ripping his tongue from his suckling mouth], sitting upright on his prong as he jacked himself off all over Calisto's bare black torso.

"UHHH...!" groaned Angel, losing his load as he painted white tracks across Calisto's black skin.

In a quick move, Calisto flipped Angel straight back [on his back], then got on top of him and started fucking. Angel was barely aware what was happening to his body [still experiencing his intense orgasm] when he suddenly found himself looking up into Calisto's pupilless eyes. Calisto put his full weight onto the backs of Angel's thighs, pressing Angel's knees down back his chest as he fucked his way through him. Angel's cock was still rock hard, still oozing the last of his load when he found himself on his back getting fucked.

Calisto drove all 13 inches of his massive manhood in and out of his lover's ass. Having fet Warren cum on his dick, sent him into a lustful rage as he wanted to flood the X-Man's ass with his morning juices. He pounded Angel rough and hard, driving his entire dick through his overstuffed ass as he fucked him nonstop.

Angel's wings now lay upside down on either side of the bed, still trembling slightly from the orgasm/fucking. Calisto hammered Angel's ass with deep brutal thrusts, plunging his dick into the rich, handsome white man's abyss as Angel's hard cock suddenly erupted again, shooting ribbons of white cum across his pink chest as he orgasm again without touching himself.

Calisto looked up and noticed Smoke standing in the room [with his dick in his hand] and smiled, before ramming all the way in and unloading his morning sludge...

"AAARRRRRRHHHHHHHH...!!!" he yelled as he came again, flooding Angel's innards with his second seed. Angel's eyes widened in disbelief as the flood of sponge entered him like a tide wave of semen. The hot cum poured into his body, filling him completely. In fact, there was so much cum collected from the two fucks, that much of it back out around Calisto's embedded erection, spurting out around the base of the dick and soaking into the bed sheets...

Smoke slowly backed back out of the room as the 2 men started kissing again, their date still far from over...


If you would like to read MORE X-Men Tales, hit me up @ NPhillydogg@aol.com with your comments and/or suggestions. OR you could join me on my Facebook page under the name name!

Next: Chapter 46: Graduation Day

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