X Men Tales

By NPhillyDogg/Scedmark

Published on Mar 13, 2015


Disclaimer: X-Men Tales: is loosely based on the X-Men- Evolution t.v. cartoon series, as well as the comic book produced by Marvel Comics. ___________________________________________________________________

The X-Men are mutants, unfortunate people born with an X-gene that gives them extraordinary powers and abilities which makes them outcasts to those considered "normal" in the world. ___________________________________________________________________

X-Men cast: (Teachers) Angel, Forge, Darwin, Caliban, Healer, Mother Mayhem,

(Students) Iceman-17, Magik-16, Multipleboy-14, Nightcrawler-17, Sunspot-17, / Amanda-17, Jubilee-14, Karma-17, Magma-16, Rogue-17, Shadowcat-15, Syran-17, Wolvesbane-16,

(Morlocks) Fish-15, Mole-15, Neanderthal-17, Smoke-16, Tether-17,

X-Men: Professor Xavier/Mountjoy, Banshee, Beast, Bishop, Cyclops, Polaris, Storm, Wolverine,

SENTINELS: government sponsored robots created to capture dangerous mutants, but turned again mankind when `it' determined homo sapiens and mutants to be equally dangerous worldwide

The XSE: [Xavier's Security Enforcers] are a band of mutant survivors in the future holocaust where The Sentinels have declared WAR on all homo-sapiens [human AND mutant]! Survivors are: Archlight, Berserker, Blink, Cable, Caliban, Calisto, Cannonball, Darwin, Domino, Firestar, Forge (Hunter), Ghost, Iceman, Juggernaut, Magma, Mercury, Mystique, Penance, Quicksilver, Rogue, the Scarlet Witch, Sebastian Shaw, Shadowcat, Smoke, Sunder, Sunfire, Sunspot, Sway, Syran, Tether,

X-Men Tales: -pt70



Outer Space

A wormhole opened within The Milky Way Galaxy, as a sleek smooth Shi'ar spacecraft sped through on auto-pilot, its cargo: The X-Men [Professor Xavier (in Mountjoy's body), Cyclops, Wolverine, Storm, Bishop, Polaris, Banshee, Beast, and Colossus] all asleep in suspended animation within specialized hyper-sleep chambers, were flown back to their home planet [Mother Earth] where the ship broke through Earth's atmosphere and landed quietly within the property of Professor Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters...!

The ship docked itself as its onboard computers shut off the sleep chambers and allowed The X-Men to awaken with mild injections to restart their vital organs! The X-Men slowly came out of their sleepy-states [realizing they were home], and exited the ship together expecting to see their beloved school...only to find it in complete ruins...!

"Ohmygod..." gasped Polaris, the first off the Shi'ar ship [about the size of a two large buses wedged side by side]...! "...the school..." she said dazed, "...it's GONE...!"

The X-Men came off the ship one by one, each hit with the same shocked feeling of disbelief and dread as they looked up the hill at the demolished remains...!

"What about Moria and THE STUDENTS...?" asked Banshee, thinking about his daughter [Syran]...!

The X-Men all ran forth, sifting through the rubble for survivors...! But...

"There's NO bodies...!" said Colossus, after removing tons of fallen debris...!

"The damage looks old..." said Wolverine, sniffing through the remains of the house...!

"Perhaps they're in the underground bunkers...?" suggested Xavier! "We've always told the students to go there and lock themselves IN if there was ever ANY trouble...!"

"Yes...of course, the bunkers...!" agreed Banshee, taking to the air as he used his sonic screams to blast away collapsed debris, trying to make a path through to the bunkers underneath the school...!

Once a path was finally cleared, Professor Xavier [in Mountjoy's athletic body] and Beast both jumped down into the cleared path and punched in the codes that unlocked the hatch and gain entrance into the bunkers...!

"It's DARK down there..." said Beast, expecting artificial lighting...! "...the generators should have had enough juice to keep the electricity and oxygen flowing for a number of YEARS...!" he explained...! "Forge and I built them ourselves...! If the electricity's off..., that means the air conditioning units are off too...which means..."

"I...I don't `sense' any thoughts patterns inside..." informed Xavier [glumly], after probing the depths of the bunker telepathically...!

All the X-Men stood stunned, knowing what implied...!

"What happened here...?!" asked Cyclops, overwhelmed by the destruction...! "Do you think they got away...?" he inquired, just as Banshee came back from scouting the grounds...

"The Blackbird and The Blackhawk are missing...!" informed Banshee, returning from a quick survey of what was left of The X-Men's hanger...!

"The birds have honing devices so we can TRACK their whereabouts..." reminded Beast, "...but without our computers...there's no way to find them...!"

"What about the computers on The Shi'ar ship...?" asked Cyclops, "Can't we...configure THEM to find the Blackbird...?"

"It's worth a shot...!" said Beast, looking at Xavier...!

The X-Men all climbed back aboard The Shi'ar spaceship, which quickly took off towards the city as Beast started to re-program the computers...!

"Beast..." called Storm, stopping him from before he could finish...!

"What...?" he asked, looking out the front windows to see the rest of Salem Center County in ruin...!

"...its not just the mansion...!" continued Storm, looking out at all the burnt out, damaged, and demolished homes and businesses along the route...!

The ride over Salem was discouraging, with no bodies and no signs of human life...! Wolverine and Scott noticed their old neighborhood, the street where their apartment [the apt they barely got to use] once stood...!

Wolverine saw the sign of a old bar he used to frequent when he was single! He recalled riding up outside the watering-hole on his motorcycle, whenever he needed to get away from the school and/or its students! How many times had he thrown back drinks, then headed into the men's room for a hot blow job from one of the town's cocksuckers...? There was a glory hole in one of the bathroom stalls where he could stick his dick through and get blown by the so-called stranger on the other side...! Funny thing was Wolverine always knew who was blowing him, simply by their scents! A few times he's been blown by the big rough-tough burly bartender pouring his drinks! Merle was a former biker who'd done time in jail for selling drugs, he settled down when his ole man died and left him a bar to run! The glory hole in back was put there by his father to attack more customers, little did he know that his big hairy tattooed son would be one of the cocksuckers kneeling at the hole sucking loads out of drunk straight men dreading going home to their nagging wives...! Wolverine noticed Merle's heartbeat skip every time he saw him enter the bar, anticipating sucking his dick at the hole...! Sometimes Wolvie would make him wait all night, throwing back beer after beer without heading to the restroom once! When he'd finally decide to go, Merle would excuse himself to the other bartender, then slip into the stall next to Wolvie's and wait on his knees until after he finished pissing before putting his hairy red mustache/bearded colored mouth up to the hole and beg to suck the uncut cock! Wolvie chuckled to himself when he thought of how many times he fed Merle his juice, the bartender never knowing he was drinking a mutie milkshake! He'd go back to the bar acting as tough as ever [telling people off and threatening to bash in skulls] with Wolvie's cum on his breath!

Wolverine took note of Merle's bar [or what was left of it], burnt to the ground along with all the other homes and businesses in the area, and couldn't help wondering if he were still alive...?

"How FAR does this devastation go...?" asked Beast, heading towards New York!

The X-Men saw nothing but destruction and disaster from Salem Center all the way into Manhattan, as the once majestic skyline or NY's massive skyscrapers in the distance now looked broken and toppled, its famed bridges blown to pieces, leading nowhere as the bright lights of NY darkened in disarray and despair...!

"My god..." said Polaris, all the X-Men watching as they circled the city, searching for ANY signs of life...! "...what happened here...? Is it worldwide...? Was it terrorists...?"

"I'm mind-scanning the area now, as we speak..." said Xavier, closing his eyes to concentrate as he expanded his telepathy to search the island for any stray thought patterns [human and/or mutant]...? "...but I sense no one...!" he said, opening his teary eyes...! "It's as if the entire city of New York has just...vanished...!"

"What do you think, Logan...? A bomb...? A nuclear attack...?" asked Beast, looking at the CHARD dilapidated building tops...!

"Hard to say..." said Wolverine, studying the blast signatures on the streets and the large holes in the sides of some of the buildings at eye level...! "...something came through here...something BIG...but it wasn't nuclear...!"

"Land the ship...!" ordered Bishop suddenly [dramatically]...! "Land it NOW...!"

Beast found a clearing on a nearby boulevard, then bought the small Shi'ar craft in for a smooth landing...! Bishop slammed his hand on the exit button, then quickly exited into the street...!

"What is it, Bishop...?" asked Storm, following behind him as he walked out and looked around, catching the familiar scent of death in the air...! "Do you know what happened here...?"

"WAR...!" answered Bishop, as The X-Men came off the ship and gathered around him...!

"Look around...does any of this look familiar to any of you...?" he asked, as everyone started casing the area, wondering what they were supposed to see...? "Look at the buildings...look at the abandoned streets...the burnt vehicles...don't any of you recognize it...?" he asked, as they all shook their heads `no'...! "This was a WAR against humans and mutants..." he said, sounding as if he knew exactly what he was talking about...! "...a WAR created by the human government when they unleashed The Sentinel Program...! This is the Future...! This is MY world...! Welcome to my HELL...!"

"The Future...?" asked Storm, recalling seeing some of Bishop's world in the school's Danger Room programs...! "YOUR future, Bishop...?...where The Sentinels dominate...? How can that be...?"

"We must have traveled ahead in time during our last trip through a wormhole...!" surmised Beast, "We're IN the future...!"

"Not just the future..." said Xavier, having a foreboding feeling of dread...! "...a future where The X-Men are dead...! Am I right, Bishop...?"

"Millions died in the wars, Professor..." said Bishop, speaking of the time HE grew up in as a child...! " ...The Sentinels would come through, demolishing everything in their paths..., killing anyone in sight; man, woman, and child...human or mutant...they didn't care, they didn't discriminate...! They have no emotions!"

"But YOU were sent to the past...to OUR past...to prevent this future from happening..." argued Banshee...! "...so HOW did this happen...?"

Bishop thought...

"Well...since I was abducted along with the rest of you by ALIENS...obviously THAT never happen...!" he surmised!"

"While we was helpin' Chuck's GURLFRIEND save the galaxy...earth was fallin' to The Sentinels...!" snarled Wolverine!

"This isn't Lilandra's fault, Logan..." defended Xavier, "...one could argue that THIS destruction was fated...so no matter whether WE were here or not, it would have happened regardless...!"

"THAT seems to be the hypothesis...!" agreed Beast...!

Just then, Wolverine rushed in and physically tackled Xavier to the ground...! Everyone thought he had unexpectedly gone crazy, when they suddenly saw bullet holes being formed into the side of some of the burnt out and abandoned cars around them...!

"SNIPPERS...!" warned Bishop, as The X-Men quickly went into defense mode...!

Bishop pulled his weapon, as Cyclops started firing optic-beams in the general direction where the bullets came from...the impact causing a terrible explosion against an already crumbling wall, causing the whole store-face to easily cave in on itself...!

Out of nowhere came a speeding blur, knocking Cyclops, Beast, and Bishop off their feet within seconds...!

"A speed-demon..." said Xavier [still lying on the ground underneath Logan], trying to LOCK onto his brain...! "...he's too fast..." said Charles, unable to lock on...! "...wait...I GOT him...!" he added a moment later, causing the bandit to stop running and stand still!

But before Xavier could read his mind, a damaged car was suddenly hurled his way, as he and Wolverine both leaped out of the way [in different directions] just before the car slammed into the ground, directly in the spot they occupied...!

"He's NOT alone...!" assured Xavier [landing on his feet a few yards away], sensing several minds being telepathically `shielded' from him...! "One's a telepath...!"

Just then multiple gunfire started shooting, as Polaris, Storm, and Banshee took the sky [Polaris deflecting many of the metal bullets easily] while the other X-Men went into fighting mode...!

"THERE...!" pointed Wolverine, as 2 people came out of hiding and started to rush IN on them, rifles poised in combat position as they continued firing nonstop!

Polaris used her powers to shove abandoned vehicles in the gunmen's paths, only to have them jump or somersault over them while continuing their stride forward...! Storm opened up the skies with electricity, shooting multiple bolts of lightning at their opponents, only to have them both dodge them expertly as they kept running...!

A hand to hand battle became eminent when Wolverine and Xavier came face to face with their attackers [Domino and Cable]! Domino performed a running fly-kick, which Wolverine was easily able to avoid by ducking and rolling forward on the ground! He quickly extended his claws [SHINK] as a warning and a deterrent, but Domino was not fazed by Wolverine's display as he quickly opened fire, catching The X-Man with several shots as blood splattered where the bullets hit...!

Domino was shocked however when Wolverine didn't go DOWN, but instead kept charging as he backed away to avoid the mutant's razor-sharp adamantium claws!

Xavier was assaulted by Cable, who attacked the professor with an array of bullets [all of which Xavier was miraculously able to dodge by using Mountjoy's formidable reflexes and aerobat abilities]...! However Xavier found his telepathic abilities useless against another telepath, and had to rely solely on Mountjoy's abilities to stay one step ahead of his attacker! When Cable ran out of bullets in his gun, he started shooting repulsive blasts from his metallic fists [Cable had cybernetic arms and legs, as well as a cybernetic eye]! Xavier barely dodged the blasts, and decided it was time to MERGE with his opponent to end the fight...!

Leaping forward, he tried to merge with Cable by jumping into his body [Mountjoy mutant powers possessed the ability to merge into another person's body (human or otherwise) and gain control over their limbs and special abilities], but Cable seemed to be prepared for Xavier's move, as he quickly raised his metal arms to BLOCK Xavier's ability to merge with him [Mountjoy couldn't merge through metals]...!

"Not so fast, Mountjoy...!" said Cable, using his cybernetic legs to hoist Xavier up off him, causing the professor to soar through the air [several yards] before twisting and turning through the air and landing on his feet like a cat...!

"You KNOW me...?" asked Xavier, turning around to face Cable...! "You know Mountjoy...?" he questioned...!

"Of course WE know you, murderer...!" said the voice of Mercury, rising up out of a puddle of liquid [into human form], before KICKING Xavier in the back, causing him to fall forward onto the ground...!

Banshee came soaring in, hitting Mercury head-on with his sonic-scream, causing his human form to splatter into liquid...! Cable quickly seized Banshee's mind, causing him to crash into the ground, injuring himself...!

Banshee was suddenly hit from behind [in midair], as Rogue physically slammed him to the ground, then lifted a nearby car overhead to slam against him in a fit of rage...! But Colossus intervened, snatching the car out of Rogue's hands before she tackled him into the side of a nearby truck...!

Cable turned his reloaded weapon back onto Mountjoy... "This execution was a LONG TIME coming..." he said, cocking his gun to shoot...!

"NO Cable...WAIT...!" yelled Bishop [coming to his senses] as he rose up to his feet...! "That's NOT Mountjoy...!"

"What the HELL are you getting at, Bishop...?" asked Mercury, reforming himself as he stood between the two...! "We're LOOKING right at him...!" he pointed, believing Bishop must have bumped his head on something...!

"We don't have time for TRICKS, Bishop..." said Cable, re-aiming his gun...! "...I know this guy's showing some new psychic abilities...which could only mean he's absorbed some poor telepath along the way before loading YOUR brain up with a bunch of bullshit and poppycock...! But HE can't get into MY head so easily...! I know WHO he is...!"

"NO...please...don't...whoever you are..." pleaded Storm, ascending from the dark skies...! "...he's NOT who you think he is...! Bishop's told me A LOT about your timeline...but in OUR timeline, --the one YOU sent Bishop back into to stop Mountjoy..., he was defeated and his body was taken possession by Professor Charles Xavier...! Mountjoy no longer resides in that body...!"

Cable hesitated, staring down at Mountjoy as if considering Storm's story...!

"It's a TRICK, Cable..." insisted Domino [he and Wolverine ceasing their fight after noticing the standoff]...! "...he's controlling all of their minds...!"

"I don't THINK so, D'..." said Cable, skeptically...! "...I can SEE in the others' thoughts..., and their MINDS are untainted by Mountjoy's influence...I don't `sense' him anywhere in their heads...!"

"So what does that mean...?" asked Mercury, sounding confused...!

Cable tucked his weapon behind his back...!

"That means they're friends...NOT enemies...!" he greeted, holding out his metallic hand to help Mountjoy up off the ground...!

Meanwhile, Rogue and Colossus was inside the cargo hold of the 18 wheeler [with Rogue's fist cocked for a fight], when she suddenly recognized Colossus metallic face up close...!

"Peter...?" she called [pausing in mid-punch]...!

"Rogue...?" asked Colossus [unsure], looking into the OLDER woman's face...!

Rogue backed off him [helping him to his feet]...!

"What HAPPENED to yall...?" she asked, "We waited YEARS for yall to come back...!"

The 2 old friends left the back of the truck just as Cable was helping Mountjoy up off the ground...! Bishop introduced everyone...

"X-Men...these are some of The XSE members I started out with as a kid...!" he introduced; "Cable, Domino, Mercury, Rogue, and you all know Quicksilver...!"

The X-Men and The XSE all greeted each other [with grains of salt], having just fought one another, with The X-Men all giving Rogue a huge hug...!

"Yur STRONG now..." said Wolverine, having seen her toss Banshee and Colossus around...! "...I saw your flying...! How'd that happen...?" he inquired...!

"WE had to fight The Avengers over the TWINS..." explained Rogue, "...when I touched Ms. Marvel too long and ended up stealing her powers and memories permanently...!"

"And now she's stuck with TWO different and distinct personalities...!" said Domino [regarding Rogue's mental struggle against Carol Danvers' persona] (as seen in the original Uncanny X-Men comic book series)...! "Cable's been working with her to try to isolate the 2...but it's an ongoing process for her...!" he added, sympathetically!

"You'll have to debrief us on what happened to you all when we get back to base..." informed Cable, just as a large 15x15 inch round red object flew into the area...!

"INCOMING...!" yelled Mercury, just before the object `spotted' them and started shooting laser rays in their direction...! The X-Men stood stunned as The XSE quickly went into action with Cable and Domino both shooting at it with reloaded weapons [their bullets bouncing and ricocheting off the protective metal surface] while Quicksilver and Rogue rushed to protect The X-Men...!

It took several rounds of bullets before they finally cracked the metal crust and caused the sphere to explode midair...!

"Quickly...we've got to get out of here...!" warned Bishop, ushering the X-Men down the street...!

"Why...? What WAS that...?" asked Banshee, trying to get a good LOOK at it once it hit the ground on fire...!

"It's an EYEBALL..." warned Quicksilver...! "...a `spy in the sky'...designed by The Sentinels to scout ahead and check nooks and crannies where the bigger robots can't venture...!"

"Now that its SEEN us...a small squadron of Sentinels will inevitably come looking for us...!" she informed, just as a handful of 40ft Sentinels flew around the corner of building tops, all already armed for fighting...!

"Alright..." said Cable, leading the dash behind Quicksilver as The XSE ran towards and into one of the dilapidated buildings nearby [The X-Men following quickly behind]...!

"...NOW Blink...open the window...!" yelled Cable [into an ear-com], just as a bright pink light came out of nowhere, and a doorway suddenly opened up in their paths...! The X-men watched Cable and his crew jump through and disappeared...!

"What do you THINK, Professor...? Do we follow...?" asked Storm, as The Sentinels started to physically rip apart the storefront, coming in after them...!

"Trust me, Professor...you don't want to be captured by the robots...!" warned Bishop, as Xavier gave the okay and followed The XSE through the energized window which teleported them to someplace else...!

The Sentinels crashed through the building, no longer tracking any life forces as the mutants all seemed to have disappeared into thin air...!



The XSE base of operations was big, the equivalent of an entire city block underground! The cellar walls of several buildings were knocked out for space, with over 200 people [about 3 dozen of them mutant survivors], all learning to live together for survival's sake! "Where are we...?" asked Storm, looking around at the deplorable conditions [no electricity, no running water, no heat, etc.], as mutants and human clung together for support in the aftermath of extinction...!

"We've had to learn to live underground..." said Cable [their base looking more like a third-world refugee camp than an actual base of operations]...! "...where the Sentinel's tracking devices can't reach or locate us...! On the surface we're too vulnerable..., the slightest indication of a life-force and The Sentinels come in packs...annihilating everything in sight...!"

"We salvage what we can topside..., -food, water, clothing...then have BLINK teleport us back here to safety...!" informed Domino, introducing The X-Men to Blink [the female mutant (and former Hellion) that brought them there]...!

"Thank you..." said Xavier, knowing the outcome would have been different had they had to fight their way through a squad of Sentinels [Xavier's body died while in battle with the Sentinel's creator: TRASK (See: X-Men Tales chap-17 `Legacy' for details)]!

"Cable..." called Magneto, ascending from a hole in the basement's ceiling above...! "...I see Bishop's returned...his mission was unsuccessful then...?" surmised the master of magnetism!

"Magneto...!" snarled Wolverine, extending his claws {SHINK] for fighting...!

The XSE jumped into fighting mode...!

"NO Wolverine..." interrupted Rogue, getting in-between them...! "...we're NOT enemies here..." she assured! "...we're all in the same boat...ONE team...mutants, humans, AND former villains...!"

"Can this be...?" asked Magneto, recognizing The X-Men from decades ago...! "Wolverine...Cyclops...Storm...? How'r you all still alive...? And so young...?" he asked, having aged 2 decades!

"BISHOP...!" yelled a girl's voice, one Bishop easily recognized as he turned around to see his younger sister SHARD running up to him, colliding directly into him as they instantly wrapped each other up in a huge hug...!

"I never thought I'd SEE you again, big brother...!" cried Shard, burying her face in her brother's muscular chest...!

"We weren't supposed to, lil' sister...but I always HOPED we would...!" cried Bishop, burying his nose in his sister's bleach blonde hair [Shard was African American]...!

Storm eased up behind them...! "uh...Shard..." said Bishop, noting his girlfriend's presence...! "...you remember STORM...don't you...?" he asked, breaking the hug...eager to have his 2 favorite girls reunited...!

Shard turned her head in Storm's direction, looked her up and down...

"Nope!" she said [plainly], uninterested...!

"Are you kidding...?" asked Bishop, "Remember...? I had the BIGGEST crush on her growing up...! She and Wolverine helped teach us how to fight...!"

"Sabretooth and Calisto taught us how to fight...!" corrected Shard, looking at her brother as if he were on drugs...!

"Wait..." said Beast, noticing a discrepancy...! "...Bishop's always contended what prominent roles we all had in his life as X-Men when he first transported through time..." recalled Hank McCoy..., "...but when we were abducted into space and fought in The Shi'ar wars..., WE were no longer available for this time continuum...so reality went ON without us...! Where WE remain prominent memories in Bishop's past because he was WITH us when we were abducted...the rest of his friends don't remember us because we were never a part of the war here...!"

"Yes..." said Shadowcat [Kitty Pyde (an OLDER woman at 35 now)], walking in with several others from the old mansion in Salem Center [Iceman, Sunspot, Magma, Syran, Cannonball, Forge, Darwin, Calisto, Smoke, and many others]...! "...the LAST we recall hearing from all of you were 20 years ago when you were all abducted by Aliens...!"

"We WERE...!" said Banshee, spotting his daughter [Syran], wearing a uniform similar to his as they rushed in and hugged each other...! "Theresa...!" he glee, happy to see she survived in Bishop's era without him...!

"This is ALL very touching..." said Mystique [stepping out of nowhere], "...but where the fuck've they been for the past 2 decades...?!"


Everyone sat around in a large group as The X-Men explained how they were abducted to fight in a war in another galaxy! They talked about meeting The Starjammers, and how their captain turned out to be Scott Summers' long lost father, explaining how he and his wife had been abducted 10 years earlier in the same manner and held prisoner! They explained how they were instrumental in stopping an intergalactic war between several different alien species [Shi'ar, Kree, Scrull, and more], and how Havok [Scott's brother] decided to stay behind with their dad and roam the galaxy as a Starjammer...!

The XSE described the end of the world here on Earth as we know it, beginning with the assassination of Senator Robert Kelly [at the hands of Mountjoy himself] on broadcast news, which in turn ignited a war on mutants and caused the Mutant Registration Act to be resurrected! The government allowed Trask's original Sentinel Program [a program originally created for specially designed robots to hunt down hostile mutants] was passed into law! Mutants were outlawed! At first superheroes such as The Avengers Spiderman, and The Fantastic Four started helping the country hunt down mutants, but then The Sentinels mainframe computer started to become `aware' of itself [becoming an artificial intelligence], and discerned everyone [mutants AND humans] were potential threat to the planet and decided by itself to eradicate everyone...!

Millions were slaughtered, with MANY superheroes dying in the process [mostly trying to save humans and the government officials that caused the war in the first place]! In order to survive, humans and mutants merged together to fight as one, with survivors from both species retreating underground to escape...! The XSE was created to synchronize attacks against The Sentinels in order to defeat them! One day they learned that Mountjoy [who was still considered public enemy #1 for killing Sen Kelly and starting the war] was planning to jump back in time by using a transporter device in one of The Sentinel's manufacturing plants [robots creating robots]! XSE followed him into the plant, but was too late to stop him from passing through! Bishop was selected to follow and kill him before he could assassinate Kelly, thus hoping to prevent this future from ever happening...?

"Wow..." said Cyclops, stunned beyond belief by the events...! "...all of that from ONE crazed mutant...?"

"But Mountjoy COULDN'T have been the person that assassinated Kelly..." argued Beast, "...as Professor Xavier has been residing in Mountjoy's body for quite some time now...and Mountjoy's body was with US in space when all of this happened...! How could Mountjoy be responsible for killing Kelly if we were light years away in another galaxy...?!"

The XSE looked confused...

"Fuck that..." said Cable, "...I've been hearing my WHOLE life about how Mountjoy was the one responsible for the holocaust...! My mother was THERE when it happened! She distinctly SAW Mountjoy kill Kelly live in front of everyone...! SHE and many of the other X-Men died believing that! And NOW we want to consider thinking it was all a lie...?!"

"I was there also, Nathan..." said Kitty [Cable's real name]...! "...standing directly beside your mother, Jean..., but if Mountjoy was in space fighting in a war with the original X-Men...then we HAVE to consider that perhaps all this time we believed in a HOAX...!"

"Waitaminute..." said Wolverine, having picked up on something...! "...did I just hear you say Jean was his mother...?" he asked, looking for clarification...! "OUR Jean...? Jean Grey...? Premonition...??"

"Yes." answered Kitty, flatly.

"Well I'll be damned...!" laughed Wolverine, seeing Cable in a different light...! "Well..., who's his daddy...?" he inquired soon after, curiously...!

The room got quiet...

"I was always led to believe Cyclops was my father..." said Cable, staring at Scott from across the room...! "...but if HE was in space alongside Mountjoy fighting for alien freedoms...then I supposed THAT was a lie too...!" he said, before walking out of the group...!

Scott and The X-Men were shocked...!

"How...how could I be HIS dad...?" asked Cyclops, bewildered by the idea...!

"Yeah...we know, sugah..." said Rogue [age-37], patting Scott gently on the back...! "...you weren't here..."

"Not just THAT..." said Scott, turning to face his audience...! "...Jean and I haven't been a couple since our junior year in school...! I'm GAY..." he blurted to everyone at once...! "...Logan and I MARRIED while we were stranded back on The Shi'ar homeworld [Chandlier]...! I COULDN'T be his father even if I wanted to...!"

"YOU...and LOGAN...MARRIED...?" asked Rogue, picking the 2 men up [joyously]!

"And what of my brother, Stefan...?" asked Colossus [in his (6'4", 225 muscled lbs) human form], sounding concerned...! "What happened to HIM while I was away...? Is he here, somewhere...? Did he survive the Sentinels...?"

Everyone got quiet, again...

"Young Stefan...Magik...didn't survive..." said Caliban [Magik's lover back at the school], "...he...sacrificed himself when Belasco turned him into a demon and tried to bring Hell On Earth...!"

Colossus started to sob, wishing he could have been there for his brother...! Caliban walked over and touched him gently on the shoulder, easing some of his pain and remorse through touch...! "He understood that you weren't available for him..." he said, trying to make Colossus feel better...! "...he would be happy to know you're here now...!"

"What happened to the twins...?" asked Banshee, getting back to something Rogue said...! "Moira was watching over them when we left...! Where's SHE...?"

"A lots happened while yall were gone..." answered Forge [who know sported the persona HUNTER, wearing a specially designed skeleton suit with all kinds of gadgets connected to it for him to design weapons as needed in a flash]...!

"Obviously...!" said Storm [still holding residual resentments to her former lover]...!

"I mean BESIDES the holocaust..." said Forge...! "...a lot of people died...but not ALL because of the Sentinel war...! The twins...Genesis and Nemesis...were killed when Apocalypse came back...and Moira..."

"What about Moira...?" asked Banshee...tears forming in his eyes, sensing something bad...!

"She...she DIED on Muir Island..." said Forge, feeling Banshee's pain as he started to weep...! "...she's GONE...! They're all...gone...!"

The X-Men had a lot of absorb, as they were all shown places they could reside for the night...!


"Well...? What do you think...?" asked Scott, as he and Wolverine settled into a private room together...! "It all seems so surreal...!"

"Not to me..." said Logan, peeling off his shirt as he settled back onto a dirty old floor mattress...! "...I could THRIVE in a place like this...! THIS was what I was born for...!"

"Don't tell me you LIKE it here...?" asked Scott, pulling off his own clothes before joining his hubby in bed...! "It's so...sad...and depressing...!"

"Not the circumstances..." defended Logan, placing his thick muscular arm gently around Scott as he settled in against his hairy chest...! "...but the HUNT...the survival skills...? Yes! Definitely gets my juices flowin'...!"

"I can get your juices flowing...!" challenged Scott, taking Logan's cock in his hand and stroking it to total stiffness...! "We haven't had a moment alone together since we left Chandlier..." reminded Scott, having spent all of their time aboard the Shi'ar ship in individual hibernation chambers...! "...I can't wait to feel THIS back inside me...!" he glee, kissing Logan on the lips before leaning down to take the cock in his mouth...! "I don't know what I would do without you...!"

Logan placed one hand behind his head as he looked down over the hairy mound of his chest to see his husband Scott sucking his cock...then dropped his other hand down towards Scott's ass, his thick fingers toying with the ass crack as his fingertips nudged against the honey-hole he fell in love with so many years ago...!



"So what do you think, Nathan...?" asked Domino, as he, Shard, and Bishop all stood in Cable's `ready' room [going over maps and strategic plans to fight Sentinels]...!

"I think sending Bishop back through time to kill Mountjoy was a total waste of time...!" said Cable, as he pinpointed areas on the map that they already scavenged for canned food...! Thinking of what he just said, he glanced back over his shoulder at Bishop and apologized... "uh...no offense..." he said, almost forgetting he was there...!

"No offense taken..." said Bishop. "...in fact, I'm inclined to agree with you...! But we DID make a significant discovery..." he added, "...Mountjoy was with us the whole time while we were in deep space...so someone else HAD to have killed Senator Kelly...!"

"How does THAT help us...?" asked Cable, confused more now than ever...! "We based our whole belief on if we could STOP Mountjoy in the past THAT would stop this future from happening...NOW we find out that's not the case...! If Mountjoy didn't kill Senator Kelly...then WHO did...?! We've been barking up the wrong tree for 20 years...!"

"That's the question of the century...!" said Shard, sitting in the background [just happy to have her brother back safe and sound]...!

Cable was frustrated [having just learned that Scott Summers was NOT his father], when he suddenly got a flash thought from Domino...! Glancing over at his right-hand man, Domino gave him dirty thoughts about what he wanted to DO with him in private to help get over some of his frustrations and anxieties...!

"Alright people...that's enough for one day...let's everybody get some rest...we gotta come up with a new game plan tomorrow...!" advised Cable, as Bishop and Shard prepared to leave...! "The new firepower [X-Men] ought to work in our benefit...!"

Cable turned towards Domino [who was already nursing a hard-on in his pants], and mentally told him to `chill out' real quick, just before professor Xavier knocked on his door and walked in...!

"Cable...? I was hoping we might find a moment to talk...?" asked Xavier, politely.

Cable smirked [damning Xavier for his timing]...!

"No problem..." he said, indicating for Domino to hit the door...!

"What is it professor...?" he asked, once they were alone...!

"Well...we both KNOW the other is a telepath..." reasoned Xavier...! "...I was hoping we could let down our guards and allow each other to probe each other's brains...so we both could get a real FEEL for what our groups' been going through...?"

Cable hesitated...not sure he wanted Mountjoy [Professor-X] or anyone else floating around in his brain...?

"Sure...why not...?" he said, knowing he had the skills to repel Xavier if he tried anything `funny'...!

The 2 men took seats [Indian-style] on the floor facing each other...! They cleared their minds, breaking down their own mental blocks designed to keep other telepaths and mind controllers out..., and allowed each other in...!

Cable saw the moment Mountjoy and Bishop jumped into The X-Men's lives, and he saw how a woman named Emma Frost [The Hellfire Club's White Queen] wiped Mountjoy's mind clean, reducing it to infancy where he could do no more harm to anyone...! Cable also saw the moment of Xavier's death, when his mind was transferred into Mountjoy's body, and unlocked a secret Xavier wanted buried where he locked Mountjoy's infant mind away in his subconscious, keeping him an infant there indefinitely so only ONE mind could inhabit the body at once! Cable knew Xavier struggled with keeping this from The X-Men, wondering if they would consider it unethical...? Cable also saw Xavier's devious side, catching glimpses of how he put a subliminal message in a young Bobby Drake's [Iceman's] mind to suck his dick when summoned, poor Bobby never knew he was such a skilled cocksucker! The subliminal message was still implanted, and Cable's dick hardened at the idea of triggering it to see exactly [first hand] how good Bobby really was...?

He also caught glimpses of Xavier fucking several members of his staff without their knowledge or permission [Forge, Storm, Polaris, Angel, and Cyclops]! Wolverine KNEW Xavier fucked Cyclops when he smelt Mountjoy's sperm excreting from Scott's ass during sex, but Scott sore he never fucked around with anyone [knowingly], leaving Wolverine to confront Xavier who simply erased the memory from his mind! Xavier had to do it several times, as Wolverine's healing factor kept righting the wrong done to it!

Xavier saw into Cable's mind as well, seeing how his mother never said WHO his real father was, but always hinted towards Scott Summers...! [Xavier knew it was likely that Cable's father was someone with at least latent psych abilities]! He also saw how Cable [and some of the other mutant kids] had their childhoods drastically cut when `the war' hit, making them learn at early ages how to defend themselves and others against Sentinel attacks! Xavier saw how Cable was severely injured in an attack, and lost use of both his arms and legs, and one of his eyes...! It was Forge that helped design Cable's cybernetics, implanting him with bionic arms, legs, and an inferred eye which allowed him to see in a different perspective! Cable was now stronger, faster, more endurable, could interface with software, could overload locks and security codes, as well as his mutant abilities of telekinesis and telepathy, making him one of the most formidable mutants in The XSE...!

Xavier also saw Cable's softer side, how he longed for his parents, how he struggled with his identity [before and after the accident]...! He saw how Cable shied away from women, not wanting to bring another life into this `fucked up' world, and how he gravitated towards the men in his unit, finding comfort in the arms of other men [Domino, Sunspot, Warpath, Sabretooth, and Smoke (just to name a few)]! Xavier also saw into the deepest darkest realms of Cables secrets to see that he was versatile, that he like giving AND receiving in bed, but he didn't like being dominated by assholes like Magneto, or Sabretooth, or Sebastian Shaw...!

Xavier used that as his guide to seduce Cable, first by implanting the desire to get fucked in his head, then by rolling the 20 year old mutant over on his stomach [psychically] as he implanted the image of him getting his ass ate in his mind...!

Cable found himself on his stomach, his pants down underneath his ass cheeks with Xavier's [Mountjoy's] face pressed between his cheeks, his long tongue washing over his steamy hole, making him WANT to get fucked!

Xavier pried Cable's muscles ass cheeks apart and dug his tongue in deep, merging half his face into Cable's buttock so his tongue could probe deeper...! Cable groaned aloud, feeling the tongue wiggling into his rectum, going deeper still when every plunge!

Xavier ate Cable's ass for a few minutes, then climbed up on top of him and slowly started to sink his 8" rock-hard cock into his ass, sliding straight in through his backdoor...! Implanting visions of ecstasy in his mind, Xavier felt Cable spread his legs and arch his back, allowing him inside, his tight hole gripping the shaft as it started sliding back and forth, fucking him deep!

Xavier loved how the tight ass felt on his dick, sucking him inside as Cable accepted him without a fight! He battered his pelvic bone into the XSE's upturned ass, banging his cock in deep as he leaned in over top him in pushup position!

Cable pushed Xavier back off of him, then turned around and grabbed the professor by the throat and physically forced him onto his back! While cutting into Charles's breathing, Cable used his free hand to wrestle Xavier's legs into the air and poised his hard 8.5" steely cock against the older man's ass and pushed in! "ARRHHHH...!!" yelled Xavier, as his anus was immediately penetrated bone deep! Cable ground hard into his ass, taking over possession of his body as he began fucking in and out of him!

"Fuck...!" cursed Xavier, feeling Cable's strong penetrating cock bury into his ass over and over again, still holding him down by the throat while twisting one of his legs about in the air to make his ass more vulnerable!

Cable was a different build than Mountjoy; younger, stronger [Mountjoy was 5'11", 150 lbs with a lean slim muscular (swimmer's) body for his mutant agility and swift speed; while Cable was 6', 180 lbs of solid muscle], and with his cybernetic limbs, he could easily pick Xavier up off the floor while still connected to him [cock & ass] and walk him over to the nearest wall where he threw Mountjoy's legs back against his body [doubling him in-half] and started to hammer into him hard!

"Geez...!" gasped Xavier, getting fucked like a bitch as the younger telepath rammed repeatedly, uncaring of Xavier's discomfort!

Both men fucked each other in their preferred positions [Xavier with Cable face down, slamming his cock balls deep from behind; and Cable with Xavier plastered helplessly to the wall, beating his big cock straight through him face to face], both taking the TOP lead role mentally, while still facing each other in Indian [meditation] position, their rock-hard cocks spurting semen into their pants as they VIRTUALLY fucked each other in their minds...!



18 year old Scott Summers was sucking his drooling mouth up and down his husband's cock, as the uncut [beer can thick] prick slipping and sliding in and out of his mouth and throat! Wolverine rested his head back against the mattress, 2 of his beefy fingers stuffed deep in Scott's ass, stretching his anus, preparing it for his cock! Wolverine loved fucking Cyclops [had ever since the beginning], the boy's tender young hole now perfectly shaped to fit his fat wood!

He pulled Scott off his side and forced him to straddle his face, the backs of Scott's calves tucked underneath his armpits as he pulled the boy's buttock to his hairy mug!

"UMMPPHHH..." moaned Scott, feeling Wolverine's hairy face wedged between his smooth cheeks, his warm wet tongue washing over his anus...! Wolverine lifted his head up off the mattress and stuffed it into Scott's face, parting the cheeks as his face rested in-between!

Scott continued to and swallow Wolvie's prod, bobbing his head straight up and down over the thick spike as he cupped his hubby's big furry balls and thrust his own hard-on back and forth across his densely haired pecs!

Wolverine easily flipped them over so the HE was now on top [his face buried down into Scott's spread ass] and Scott was on the bottom [Logan's cock buried masterfully in his bulging throat]...!

Wolverine loaded Scott's anus with spit, then spun around and slowly eased his spit wet cock into Scott's relaxed rectal ring! Both muties watched as Logan's cock slowly sank in and disappeared up Scott's receptive ass! Scott groaned aloud as Logan's cock stretched him wide, but he knew from countless experience that he would be creaming himself with pleasure very soon!

Logan pushed all the way in, then settled down on top of Scott as he bought his lips in to kiss! The 2 men slobbered into each other's mouths, both drinking as much of the other's saliva as possible! Logan began thrusting, sliding his thick cock in and out of Scott's ass as Cyclops lifted his legs up and out of the way for Wolvie's pumping hip!

The 2 men fucked like newlyweds [which they were], trying to get pregnant on their first night alone! Scott twisted and turned his mouth on Logan's tongue, suckling the warm snail into his mouth as Wolverine extended his tongue for his lover to eat! He continued thrusting into him, fucking the gripping hole as it slowly became more relaxed and opened for his speeding cock!

"I love you so much, Logan..." whispered Scott, so glad that they were still together after everything they heard about Earth and the Sentinel war...! "...I don't know WHAT I'd do if I ever lost you...!"

"You ain't neva gonna lose me, kid..." assured Logan, picking up the pace as he started to fuck Scott harder...! "...we'z married now...you always gonna me mine...!"

Scott reached down between their bodies and started jacking his own 7" erection as Logan got up in pushup position over top him and started to hammer his furry hips into his ass...!

"UHG...! UHG...! UHG...! Cum for me, Logan...UHG...! UHG...! UHG!...I want you to KNOCK me up...!"

"Oh, don't you worry none, babee..." assured Logan, "...after that long ass ride from galaxy to galaxy...I've built up enuff sperm in hyper-sleep to give you quintuplets...!"

"Give it to me, baby...!" shouted Scott, just as his cock hardened [brick] in his stroking hand...! "ARRHHHHHHHHHH...!!" he yelled aloud as he came, shooting creamy white streaks across his hairless chest...!

Logan quickly leaned down and licked them up, hungrily eating his lover's cream-sauce before lifting back up and resuming his fuck! He hammered Scott hard, feeling the power building his loins as he rammed in one last time and unloaded like a beast...!

"ARRRRRRHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHGGGGG...!!!" he screamed as he flooded Scott full, bucking wildly into him as he buried his entire cock, the flood of cum gushing back out around his pulsating shaft, staining against the mattress as it overflowed Scott's gut!

Logan was just beginning to collapse [drained with exhaustion] when he suddenly smelt a familiar enemy from behind...

"Mind if I had sloppy seconds, runt...?" snarled Sabretooth, gripping Logan by the back of the neck before hurling him backwards across the room [causing him to crash into a stone wall]...!

Scott was still lying on his back, his legs still up in [fuck me] position when Sabretooth climbed in-between...his hard 11" uncut cock poised right at the moist entrance...! "I understand yur Logan's bitch an' all..." snarled Victor, pushing the head into Scott's hole, stretching it wider than Wolverine's cock...! "...but around here we SHARE the pussy...! Ain't like it's a hellovalot left...!"

"Not THIS pussy...!" said Scott, opening up the power of his red ruby quartz glasses, sending a powerful red beam of optical-energy from his pupils, a destructive blast powerful enough to send Sabretooth backwards across the room and straight THROUGH the same wall he tossed Wolverine into...!

The ruckus bought everyone out to see what happened [many believing The Sentinels were attacking]...! When they found Sabretooth lying in the midst of rubble, and a large HOLE in the room Wolverine and Cyclops occupied, AND the long semi-hard cock hanging out of Sabretooth's open pants...they all knew what happened, and simply went back to bed...!


If you would like to read MORE X-Men Tales, hit me up @ NPhillydogg@aol.com with your comments and/or suggestions. OR you could join me on my Facebook page under the name name!


Next: Chapter 84: Master Mode

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