X Mens Newest Michael

By Vincent Babler

Published on Nov 10, 2009



I do not own the rights to any of the characters in this story, and make no claims to the artistic visions of the marvel universe. I know nothing of the sexuality of any of the creators, actors, or characters involved in the Marvel universe. Similarly, this story contains graphic descriptions of gay male sex. If you don't like that, they you should probably avert your eyes.

Once again I am anxious to hear ANY comments or suggestions you might have. If I don't get any feedback soon I'm not going to write anymore of these stories. Contact me at vbabler@gmail.com


"And don't wear anything stingy, Dress up a little. Wear something hot." Josh called from the bathroom.

"What do you mean. Where are we going anyway?" When he replied I could almost hear the smile in his voice. "Don't you get it? We're going clubbing!"

After Josh and I had finished getting dressed and ready, we headed out to meet Josh's new friends. Being the ever social guy that I am, I stayed calm and confident as we neared the room.

"So who are these guys anyway? How old are they? How long have they been here? What do you really know about them?" Josh just gave me one of his 'oh come ON' looks.

"Oh you know, the usual. A bunch of 40 year old weirdos who just escaped from a life-term prison sentence after they tortured and killed countless innocent teenagers. You know, real nice guys." He gave me a sarcastic smile and mimed choking an invisible victim. I blushed and smiled guiltily.

"Alright, alright. I guess I'm just a little nervous. I'm just not usually very good with meeting new people. I'm always afraid I'm gonna say something stupid or end up looking like an idiot." Josh put his arm around my shoulder and smiled kindly, causing my heart to beat a little faster in my chest.

"Dude, don't worry about it. Relax! These guys are gonna love you! Just keep breathin and don't freak out." He gave my shoulder a friendly squeeze before letting go as we came to stop in front of a closed door which I assumed to be our destination.

"Besides" he said with a grin. "These guys have met me and still want to hang out with me and my friends! You'd have to try pretty hard to seem weird to people that messed up!" I smiled to show him I appreciated his support. I was actually feeling a bit more confident than I was earlier. Suddenly a new thought occurred to me.

"Wait how do I look? Is my hair alright?" Josh gave me another one of his adorable smiles that made my knees want to buckle. He took a step back, crossed his arms, and looked me up and down with one eyebrow raised and lips pursed in mock consideration. I was wearing a tight, long sleeve, black button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows leaving my forearms free. Form fitting blue jeans hugged my ass perfectly and gave a good view of the respectable bulge in front as well. I had even gelled my hair so that the normally wild brown locks were at least somewhat controlled. All in all, I guess I looked pretty hot! Josh made a few tweaks, he straightened my shirt a little, ruffled my hair, and opened the top two buttons of my shirt showing off a peek of my hairless chest. He stepped back again and motioned for me to spin around. I did and he smiled, content with his handiwork.

"There. You'll have to beat the boys off with a stick looking like that." I blushed at the compliment and smiled sheepishly. "I'd ask you if I looked good but the way you've been staring at me since we left the room tells me I don't have to worry about that." He said with a cocky grin. He was right though, he did look hot! A light blue sleeveless shirt revealed his toned arms and hinted at his fine chest while faded blue jeans highlighted his gorgeous ass. Once again I had to stop myself from reaching out and touching it even though every fiber of me wanted to. Is it any wonder that I couldn't keep my eyes off him?

Josh gave me a quick look to make sure I was ready then he reached up and knocked on the door. We only had to wait a few seconds before the door was swung open and we were physically pulled into the room.

"There you guys are! What took you so long? Never mind, it doesn't matter. Let's get this game started!" I looked around the room and saw a round poker table sitting in the middle of the room set up for six. Three of the six places were filled and the occupants all smiled and waved at us as we made our way over. As we took our seats I scanned the other faces at the table and realized that every one of them was a good looking guy! I looked at Josh for confirmation that this wasn't some wonderful dream and Josh smiled again.

"Well let me introduce everyone so we can hurry up and get started. This here is Cypher, Link, Warp, and the guy who answered the door is Iceman aka Bobby. Guys this is my good buddy Michael. Be nice!" As Josh said each guy's name they smiled and nodded their head. Bobby even reached across the table to shake my hand. His grip was firm but strangely cold and I realized they must not call him Iceman for nothing.

"Alright let's play!" There were several cheers of agreement and the cards were dealt. Normally I hate poker (I have absolutely no poker face and can never win) but tonight I found it to be one of the greatest games ever. Even though I couldn't play for crap, I was able to openly stare at any of the hunks at the table with the excuse of trying to figure out if they had a tell. I found that I had absolutely no idea whether anyone was lying no matter how long I looked at them but that didn't mean I wouldn't keep trying!

After we'd played a few hands, the guys decided it was about time to find out a bit more about me. As the cards were being dealt out they started asking me the basic stuff 'Where was I from? How old am I? What are my powers?' Things like that. I was a little worried about showing off my powers though. Most people kinda freaked when they saw what I could do. In the end though, I figured 'What the hell!' and just went for it.

"Well I'm 18 and I was born and raised in New York. As for my powers I'm not really sure how to explain it. It's easier to show than to say. Do you mind?" I asked turning to Link who sat directly across from me. Link nodded and I reached out my hands toward him with my palms up and waited for him to take them. An inquisitive look crossed his face but he reached forward and rested his hands on mine. While he may not have been the most attractive guy in the room, the 6'2'' hunk was without question, HOT. As he reached forward I could see that his arms were huge, the biceps nearly the size of grapefruits attached to strong, broad shoulders. It was obvious that he had a defined chest and abs since the blue tee shirt he wore was barely able to contain the rippling muscles. He also had a perfect tan and all of his visible skin was the rich bronze color that can only get with years of working outdoors in the hot sun. His strong jaw was covered with a dusting of blond stubble and a plain baseball cap cast shadows across his face. Link was so much the stereotype of a country farmer's son that I couldn't help but chuckle to myself.

I could feel that his hands were slightly rough and had a few callouses, a sure sign of someone who comes from a life of hard work. I noticed something else too. When our hands touched the hairs on my arms stood up as if the air had become electrified and a shiver ran down my spine from the sensation. Josh, noticing that I was distracted, gave my shoulder a quick squeeze to bring me back to reality. I gave him a quick apologetic smile and then took a deep breath and closed my eyes. A moment later Link closed his eyes as well. Physical contact was not required for my powers to work but it made the connection easier and I didn't want to risk messing up in front of everyone. I took a moment to clear my head, pushing away all my doubts and insecurities before reaching out with my mind. I sent what could only be described as a tendril of my consciousness through my hands and into Link's. I pushed the tendril through his body, expanding it until it filled him entirely including his mind. Once the connection was established both Link's and my eyes flashed open. Where once they were an almost golden brown, Link's eyes were now the same silver gray as mine. I let go of his hands and we both sat quietly waiting for the questions we knew were coming. Everyone else at the table (except for Josh who had already seen this) looked from me to Link and back again wondering what had just happened. Bobby was the first to break the silence.

"So is that it? You can make other people look like more like you?" Everyone stared at me waiting for my answer. When I did however everyone was astounded to see that I did so without moving my lips.

"Actually that's just a side effect." Every head turned to look at Link, suddenly realizing that he was the one speaking instead of me. "I can now control Link's body as if it were my own..."

"...While still controlling my own body at the same time." Every body's heads turned again as Michael finished Link's sentence. I illustrated this further by having both of us stand up at the same time switch places and sit down in each other's seats. "In this state I can see through Link's eyes..."

"...Hear through Michael's ears..." Link continued

"...Taste with Link's tongue..."

"...Feel what Michael feels..."

"...And vice-versa." Michael finished. "Basically the person I connect with becomes an extension of me or I can choose to become an extension of them." I closed my eyes again and this time when I opened them they were Link's golden brown and when I spoke it was with Link's voice. "Dude this is awesome! I can see myself across the table!" Bobby icy-blue eyes went wide.

"Link? Is that you man?" Michael's body turned to look at Bobby. Michael/Link made a motion as if tipping his hat before he realized that he was no longer wearing one.

"Yeah man! It's me! My real name's James Prilus, I'm from Vermont where I spent most of my life helping my dad take care of the farm until I came here two years ago!" Michael/Link's face lit up with an elated smile and everyone at the table gaped in surprise. Michael's eyes closed again and this time so did Link's and when they opened they were both back to their normal colors.

"If I want to, I can also draw on any of that person's experiences, knowledge, and even powers, as if they were my own. A benefit which I'll admit has gotten me through more than a few pop-quizzes." I chuckled nervously.

I looked around, gauging the different reactions around me and waiting for them to speak. Josh had his seat leaning on its back two legs, his hands linked behind his head and a very amused smile on his face. Warp sat next to Josh with his arms crossed and his eyes wide. I didn't really know how to react to this awesome specimen. His shoulder length, shiny black hair, oval face and slightly slanted eyes suggested that he was of Asian or middle eastern descent, though his chocolate skin showed that one of his parents must have been African. I could tell that he was a health nut just by looking at his practically perfect body. Almost every inch of him from his neck down was perfectly muscled, not so big as to be bulky but still rock solid and his waist was surprisingly slim which gave the impression that he was also agile and flexible. Everything about him whispered grace and power at the same time. Seriously, if the greatest Olympic gymnast in the world saw Warp, the gymnast would weep with shame and jealousy. I got the feeling that this guy could get hit by a bus and not think too much of it.

"So you're a telepath?" Warp asked. Before I could say anything Link answered for me.

"I don't think so. My dad's a telepath and the times he was in my head never felt anything like that! That was incredible!" Link smiled at me and gave me a thumbs up. I smiled back.

"Are you sure? Maybe your father just wasn't strong enough to even try something like this. I bet the Professor could do that if he wanted to. Or even Dr. Grey if she tried." Bobby said. His admiration and respect for the man who had saved him from a life on the streets was inspiring. Bobby took it to be his duty to defend the school and the Professor. I guess he felt it was his way of paying Xavier back for all he'd done for him.

"I think Link's right." Cypher said thoughtfully. I realized that this was the first time I had heard him speak since we got here. He had a strange, almost echoing voice that seemed to reverberate for a split-second after every word and was surprisingly deep for his size. "This is different. I've seen Jean and the Professor take over other people's bodies before but I've never even heard of someone else taking over theirs. I actually believed it to be impossible until now, especially for a non-telepath." He gave a me cute smile before his eyebrows furrowed thoughtfully again. I could tell just by looking at him that Cypher was a thinker and not a fighter. His small, thin frame, short curly black hair, dark green eyes, and pale skin gave him an almost ethereal look. This makes him sound unattractive but in a weird way it was actually really cute.

"Besides," He continued. "Even the Professor can't copy someone else's powers. Even if he is controlling them." Bobby realized that he couldn't fight that logic so he let the point drop.

"Well whatever it is, it's pretty impressive and could have a million different uses. What kind of name does a power like that get you?" He asked with a smile. Despite his cold touch Bobby had a very warm smile that showed off a row of perfect white teeth. The kind of smile that made everyone who saw it want to smile with him. He was kind of like Josh with his boyish looks, bright eyes (though his were icy blue instead of green), and 5'11'' frame with toned muscles. But Bobby's features were a little more defined and where Josh was impulsive and immature, Bobby was controlled and understanding. The other guys at the table may have been hot but this guy was... God he was beautiful! Looking at him I realized that I wanted to do anything I could to keep him smiling but I came up short at this last question.

"Well to be honest I don't have a codename." I answered shyly. "I guess I just never got around to it. Do I really need one?" The others looked surprised by this answer but they kept silent as Bobby responded.

"Well no I suppose not but it is a tradition, almost every mutant here has one. Plus if you plan on joining the X-men you will need one for safety purposes."

"Okay then what should mine be?" No one answered for a little while as they considered the possibilities. Suddenly Josh's face lit up in discovery.

"What about Klutzinator? You're always dropping things or tipping things over." I gave him an 'are you serious?' look and he just chuckled.

"Well when you connect with someone no part of them is left unseen so how about Kira? It's a Japanese name that means light or illuminate." Warp suggested. I thought about it for a second but decided it didn't sound quite right. Apparently Link felt the same way because he answered for me.

"I like the concept but the name sounds a little to girly. Maybe Psisis?" I shook my head.

"Thanks but I'd prefer something that didn't sound like some horrible skin condition." Link scowled comically.

"Omnimind would cover every aspect of your power. Though it seems rather dull compared to the other's suggestions." Cypher said flatly. I couldn't tell if he had low self-esteem or if he was just bluntly honest. Everyone sat quietly for a few moments longer and I was beginning to think that my name would have to wait for another day until Bobby finally spoke up.

"What about Mindwave?" I took a moment to let the idea sink in. The more I thought about it the more perfect it felt and a big smile lit up my face.

"Mindwave. It's perfect." I said happily. Bobby gave me another warm smile. He opened his mouth to speak but before he could get a word out Josh cut him off.

"Mindwave it is then! Now let's get back to the game so we can get out of here!" And so the card's were dealt for the last time. As we played I started asking the other guys about their powers. Turns out Cypher, who was born in Cleveland, was like a living computer; he instantly memorized any and all information he ever came in contact with and could repeat it perfectly on command, either verbally or by drawing nearly photographic pictures. Warp came from Egypt and could teleport as well as control and create gravitational fields, and Iceman who was born and raised here in San Francisco could create and manipulate ice (big surprise there). What really surprised me was Link's power. Apparently the farm boy could connect with and control any piece of technology, and he could absorb electrical energy in his skin cells and discharge it from any part of his body. They were all pretty cool.

Three hands later the game ended with Cypher holding all the chips. I wasn't sure whether to be impressed or annoyed. Josh chose annoyed.

"This is so unfair! He had to have been counting cards!" Cypher gave him a dark look and frowned.

"I don't count the cards. I just...remember them." Everyone including Josh laughed at Cypher's unflappable honesty.

"Alright! Now that that's over, let's get out of here and have some real fun!" Link nearly shouted he was so excited. Bobby nodded. He turned to Warp with a huge smile on his face.

"Warp, if you would be so kind! Let's blow this joint!" Warp gave a broad and somewhat naughty smile.

"I'd be more than happy to. Would you all hold hands please?" Everyone linked hands and Warp closed his eyes. I turned to Link and whispered:

"Can he really teleport all six of us? Is that safe?" Link just smiled knowingly and a second later my stomach lurched as Warp teleported us. The next thing I knew, we were all standing in an alley and I could hear loud dance music playing somewhere nearby. Link turned to me with a smirk.

"Well that answers that question!" I said. We all laughed again and Bobby led us out of the alley towards the source of the music which turned out to be a bar with a big neon sign that flashed THE SPOT. I raised an eyebrow at this. Warp noticed and seemed to read my mind.

"Okay so it's not the most creative name ever. Forget about it. It's really a lot cooler than it sounds."

"I'll guess I'll take your word on that." I replied hesitantly. "What kind of place is this anyway?" Everyone, including Cypher smiled evilly. That smile told me all I needed to know. My eyes widened in surprise and excitement. "No Way! Are you guys serious!?"

"Oh yeah!" And with that, we went inside.

Back when I was still living at home there had been a gay bar in our neighborhood. As much as I would have loved to have gone, I couldn't risk being seen going into such a place. My family still believed I was straight at the time. It's ironic really. They could accept that I was a mutant but not my interest in men. Well that's Christianity for you: Understanding and compassion for everyone... unless you're a filthy faggot.

I couldn't believe my eyes as I looked around the dark room from our corner booth. The strobe lights hurt my eyes, the music was loud enough to shake the floor, and the whole place was filled with sweaty sexy men. This place was awesome! I couldn't stop smiling! Josh patted me on the back and grinned wildly.

"I told you these guys were cool didn't I?" He said passing me a beer. Bobby being the only guy here of legal age (the rest of us being only 18) was nice enough to buy drinks for all of us. I made a mental note to pay him back later. I took a sip of the dark liquor and sighed contentedly. I turned to Josh, firmly gripped his shoulder, and stared him right in the eyes with a face splitting smile on my face.

"Dude!" I had to shout over the music. "I can't tell you how happy I am that you forced me out here tonight! This is exactly what I needed!" Josh gripped my shoulder right back.

"Likewise compadre! But you ain't seen nothing yet!" He quickly stood up, drained what was left of his beer and held his hand out to me. He gave me a strange smile I'd never seen before. It was naughty, eager and something else that I couldn't define. "Come on man! Dance with me!" I winced at the idea. I've never been very comfortable dancing in public. I'm not bad I'm just a little overly self-conscious.

"Can't we just stay here... sitting down... in this dark corner? That'd be just as fun right?" I smiled nervously, knowing how pathetic I sounded but unable to stop myself.

"Are you really telling me that you don't want to come over here and watch me shake my ass around? What kind of gay guy are you?" He gave me one of his adorable smiles that turned me to putty and my fate was sealed. I gulped and grabbed his hand and he pulled me out to the dance floor. We worked our way through the throng of gorgeous bodies until we found a small pocket of space barely big enough for two people. Thinking that Josh, being straight, wouldn't want to have to dance so close together, I started to work my way back into the crowd to find a bigger area. I had almost gotten through when a hand grabbed my shoulder and pulled me back. For a second I thought it was some pervy creep from the crowd and I tensed, ready to lash out with my powers. The hand turned me around and I found myself facing Josh. His hips were swinging in time with the music and there was a goofy smile on his face.

"Where do you think you're going Mikey? I thought we were gonna dance." Being this close, I could feel the heat from his body and I had to will myself to breathe regularly. I suddenly noticed that he still hadn't removed his hand from my shoulder and I shivered with need. Apparently I was staring longer than I thought because Josh snapped his fingers in front of my face though his hips never stopped moving. "Hey there! You still with me man?"

"Yeah I, uh, just thought that, ah, that you might, mmm, want to find a bigger space. Hehe." Josh responded by placing his hands on my waist and pulling me even closer. Our faces were less than a foot apart now, his bright green eyes staring deep into my silver-grays.

"What's the matter Mikey-Boy? You don't wanna be close to me? Don't you like me anymore?" He stuck his out his bottom lip in a mock pouty look and I felt like I was going to explode my heart was beating so fast. The same strange smile from earlier crossed his face and this time I could see what was hidden behind it. It was lust.

"Oh God yeah." I whispered breathlessly before I could stop myself. "Um, I mean, no. Uhhh...." Any further pathetic mumbling was silenced as Josh leaned in and pressed his lips against mine. My eyes bulged in shock. I was so surprised that I just stood there with his lips against mine, unsure of what to do. When he pulled me into him however, one hand grabbing my ass the other on the back of my head, all my resistance crumbled. I closed my eyes and let my instincts take over. I deepened the kiss and our tongues ravaged each other's mouths. I allowed my hands to roam all over his beautiful body, rubbing his strong chest before moving my hands around to his back and then down to his amazing ass. The force of the kiss was so strong that I when we finally came up for air I tasted blood, but I didn't care. I saw the need in his beautiful green eyes and I smiled evilly. I grabbed his hand and almost dragged him back through the crowd towards our table. As we broke out of the sea of bodies, I saw Bobby and Warp sitting at the bar and walked over to them. They saw us coming and Bobby raised his beer in greeting.

"Hey guys! Having fun? You want a beer or somethin?" He asked a little too loudly for me to still consider him sober. I ignored him and walked up close enough to Warp that I could speak without being overheard.

"Warp. I need you to send us back to the mansion! Like right now if you can!" I said forcefully. In order to keep myself from sounding like a complete jackass I added a heartfelt "Please." Warp looked behind me at Josh who gave him a meaningful look and nodded. Warp's eyes widened momentarily before he got up and led us outside.

Two minutes later Josh and I were in our room our lips locked together and our hands groping each other wildly. This went on for about ten minutes before I couldn't take it anymore. We separated for a moment as I pulled his shirt over his head. He took this brief moment to speak.

"I'm really liking this darker side of you." He said seductively and smiled darkly. I responded with brief sentences interspersed with quick kisses

"Oh really!?" (kiss) "Well then let's see..." (kiss) "...Just how dark..." (french kiss) "...I can get." I then pulled off my own shirt, sat him on the bed and straddled his lap. He put his hands on my hips and kissed me even more passionately than he did at the club. His tongue attacked the inside of my mouth as if he were trying to brand himself onto me as our bare chests rubbed against each other and his hands slid into the back of my jeans, massaging my ass. I don't even know which one of us started it but soon our hips were grinding together and I let out a moan of pleasure as I felt his bulge rubbing against mine. After about five or ten minutes of this, I stood up and pushed him down so he was lying on the bed. He propped himself up on his elbows and watched as I opened the button on his pants and pulled down the zipper using only my teeth. He kicked off the troublesome jeans leaving him wearing only a pair of tight black briefs. I took a moment to admire the impressive bulge then started to lick and kiss it through the fabric. I heard him groan with anticipation and I decided not to keep him waiting any longer. I slid my fingers into the waistband and slowly pulled the briefs down and then threw across the room. I took a moment to admire the gorgeous naked form in front of me. The body which I had wanted more than anything since the day I met him. His toned chest and abs glistened with a light film of sweat, and his whole body almost quivered with excitement. I bent down and ran my hands up his smooth calves and thighs up to his beautiful, 9 inch cut member, the tip leaking precum. Using my hand I spread it all over his throbbing dick. I gave it a few slow jerks then leaned in to slowly kiss up the length of the shaft and I heard him moan as I playfully licked the mushroom head.

"God Mikey don't tease me like that! Please!" I took great pleasure in knowing that he wanted me so badly and considered torturing him for a little while longer. In the end though my desire won out and I wrapped my lips around the rock hard cock. Josh gasped as I expertly took in the entire shaft until I felt his pubes brush my nose. As I started to bob up and down he moaned with pleasure. "Oh yeah that's it." He lay back again, moving his hands to the back of my head and running them through my hair. As I built up a good rhythm I started to swirl my tongue around the shaft tasting every inch of him and eliciting approving moans from Josh. I don't know how long I sucked him, it might have been a few minutes or a few days. I was lost in the moment. After a while I felt his body start to tighten as he neared his climax. I went up and down a few more times before pulling off.

"No! Mikey I'm so close, don't stop!" I smiled wickedly as I lay on top of him.

"I know.(kiss) But I have other plans for you tonight Joshy (kiss) and I can't have you climaxing before I put them into action." I pressed my lips against his again almost painfully hard.

"You're a cruel bastard you know that?" He laughed.

"Says the guy who walked around the room nearly naked everyday for the past two weeks just to tease me!" I shot back sarcastically.

"Are you complaining?"

"No." Then he rolled me over so he was on top of me and kissed me again, our tongues dancing in each other's mouths. He removed my jeans with our lips still locked together and I telekinetically ripped them off along with my boxers so that we wouldn't have to separate for even a moment. I could feel his warm cock rubbing against mine and my already hard member became even harder. Slowly Josh moved one of his hands down to my ass and I moaned into his mouth as his finger pushed into me. He slowly started to move the finger in and out a few times before adding a second finger and I kissed him even more forcefully. I lay there with Josh's tongue in my mouth and his fingers pushing into me, completely overwhelmed by my raging desire until I felt I would die if we waited any longer. I broke the kiss and said breathlessly:

"Oh God fuck me Josh! I can't take it anymore!" Josh smiled broadly and licked his lips. He quickly jumped off the bed and nearly ran to his dresser to grab his lube. As he took it out of the drawer however the bottle suddenly flew out of his hand, towards the bed and into mine.

"Did you really think I was going to let you put it on yourself?" I asked playfully. Josh grinned lustfully before jumping back into the bed. I put some on my hand and slowly spread it all over his visibly throbbing cock. He shivered as it touched his sensitive flesh. Once he was done he took the bottle and lay me down on the bed again. Putting some on his fingers he lubed up my waiting hole. He stood over me with a look of pure desire and joy and I knew that he wanted this just as much as me if not more. The knowledge brought a smile to my face. I looked him in the eyes and nodded that I was ready. He lined up his dick with my waiting hole and I gasped as the head entered. Josh pushed in slowly thinking to give me time to adjust but I couldn't wait. I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled him closer, forcing almost all of him into me with a single thrust and we both let out a passionate 'oohhhhhh'. Josh leaned forward and stared into my eyes as he started to thrust in and out, building up a steady rhythm. I was in heaven. The other guys I had slept with had always gotten me to climax, but they only managed to hit my g-spot a few times. Josh was able to hit it with almost every thrust causing me to moan and almost scream with pleasure. Whenever one of these wonderful waves of pleasure rolled through my body my ass muscles tightened around his cock and he began to moan with me, making me even hotter.

"OH YEAH! unh...unh! Oh my GOD you're amazing!"

" Unh...Yeah!..unh... give it to me baby! OH... OH yeah!" I put my hands on either side of his face pulling him into a forceful kiss. Josh sped up his pace going deeper and faster with every thrust. The feelings were so intense that I had trouble breathing and Josh bent his head back, his eyes actually rolling back in his head with pleasure. I felt my body tense as I shot my load, the force of it shooting it all over our chests and even causing some of it to land on my cheek. As I climaxed the tightening of my ass pushed Josh over the edge.


"Give it to me baby!" And he did, He came for what seemed like hours before finally collapsing next to me on the bed. We lay there breathing hard, recovering from the tremendous effort. Once our breathing had finally almost returned to normal I rolled onto my side to look at Josh. A few seconds later he did the same, propping himself up on his elbow.

"That was...wow that was...wow!" I couldn't even find words to describe it. So I gave up and simply grinned contentedly.

"Incredible? Amazing? The best you've ever had? All of the above?" He said with a sarcastic smile.

"All of the above." I reached over and gently slid the back of my hand along his toned arm.

"You have no idea how long I've been waiting to do that." Josh breathed. I started to lean in to kiss him again, but then his words hit me. I smiled accusingly. I stopped caressing his arm and punched it playfully.

"Ow! What was that for?" He said with a smirk.

"If you wanted me so badly why did you make me believe you were straight? I would have been on you ten minutes after we met!"

"That's exactly why I did it. You seemed like a really special guy and I wanted to get to know you better before I jumped your bones!" I was taken aback at this response. It was unlike Josh to think about anything so deeply and I wondered if I had misjudged him. What he said next completely destroyed that thought. "Besides," He laughed "It was so much more fun watching you squirm!" I punched him in the arm again and he punched me back as we both laughed. When I finally recovered I saw Josh smiling his heart-melting smile and all my fake irritation with him vanished in an instant. He reached up and stroked my cheek softly, staring into my eyes. He leaned towards me and brushed his lips against mine. There was no lust behind it but it was a kiss filled with so much tenderness and passion I couldn't breathe. When we broke apart I looked into his beautiful green eyes and was once again surprised by what I saw. The normally cocky smile and playful eyes were replaced by a calm, content look that warmed my heart just looking at him.

"I've never felt this way about anyone before." He face twitched in a little half smile at the cheesy phrase. "Mikey... I think I love you." My eyes widened. For a minute I didn't say anything as I tried to sort out this new information and Josh's content face changed into one of heartbreaking sadness."I'm sorry I shouldn't have said anything. I knew I was too immature for you but I couldn't help myself. I'll just...I'll just go." He stood up and was about to walk out but I put a hand on his cheek and turned his head so he was facing me. Josh looked at me with a combination of guilt and restrained hope. I didn't say anything, I just leaned forward and returned the same kiss he gave me with just as much tenderness and passion. I pulled away and Josh stared at me hopefully.

"Don't you dare be sorry! You telling me you love me was the second best thing that ever happened to me." Josh raised an eyebrow in confusion. "The first being about two seconds later when I realized that I love you back." Josh smiled so wide I thought his face would split in half. He wrapped his arms around my waist, lifted me into the air, and spun around once before setting me down and kissing my face repeatedly.

"I love you!" He yelled. (kiss) "I love you!" (kiss) "I love you, love you, love you!" (kiss, kiss, kiss) I couldn't help but laugh at his seemingly endless enthusiasm.

"Alright-alright! You're gonna suffocate me!" I smiled at him joyfully and he rested his forehead against mine still smiling wildly, his arms still around my waist. He leaned in to kiss me again and I pinched his ass cheeks making him jump. Before he could get me back I dashed into the bathroom, turned on the shower and jumped in. Josh ran in after me and crossed his arms.

"What do you think you're doing?" He smirked playfully.

"Well I don't know about you but I'm going to wash off all this cum and sweat."

"Why? It looks good on you!" He said and I chuckled.

"Are you going to stand there telling jokes all night or are you going to come in here and help me?" He quickly hopped in next to me and we started to wash each other clean. There was nothing sexual about it. We were just two young, lovestruck boys washing each other clean. Okay so maybe more attention was paid to certain areas than others but that's beside the point. When we were both squeaky clean we toweled each other off and headed back into the bedroom. I changed the sheets on my bed and we pushed the two beds together forming a single large mattress which we both lay down on immediately. Josh wrapped his arms around me and hugged me close to his warm body. I lay there and realized that for the first time in a long time, I was truly happy. Tomorrow was Saturday which meant no class, I had made several cool new friends, and I had just had sex with the man of my dreams. Life was good. Josh nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck and whispered:

"I love you Michael Jameson." I rolled over to face him and he linked his hands around my back as I wrapped mine around his.

"I love you too Joshua Gildan. I am happier right now than I have ever been and it's all because of you." He kissed my forehead and pulled me up against his chest and we fell asleep in each other's arms.

Next: Chapter 3

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