X School Boys


Published on Jun 15, 2003


This is Chapter 6. I have nothing to do with X-men, or marvel because this story is just fake. Hope you like it, if you are not over 18 than or do not like gay sex don't Read this

~ This means someone is thinking < This means someone is talking telepathically = This mean means inside someone's mind or dream In addition, for those of you that do not know who some of the new mutants are go to this site. http://x-men.animationinsider.net/cast.html

Last Time...

Magneto was watching them from mystique video taping them. "Exhalent, more mutants for my army they will do nicely." Rouge and the others were being held captive in chases, held in by a metal that didn't allow them to use their powers. "Mystique, get to those kids as fast as you can" Magneto demanded. "I already got two new recruits

Chapter 6 (Good Time Turned Bad)

It had been 2 weeks now. Bobby was out of the hospital and the new mutants were enjoying there new home. Bobby was standing on the balcony overlooking the lake. He was thinking to himself about his missing friends. ~ I hope your ok Rogue, I will find you no matter what it takes. John I still love you so much. ~ He was so preoccupied with his thoughts that he didn't hear Magma and Berzerker walk in. They walked over to where he was standing and Magma put her hand on Bobby's shoulder. Bobby not knowing whom it was turned around and shot his ice beams sending the two flying back and freezing to the wall. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I didn't know who it was." he said as he ran to the frozen kids. Magma closed her eyes and turned into her fire form and melting the ice from them. "Its ok Bobby, you have a lot on your mind now." Magma said as she sat on Bobby's bed. Ray sat next to her and they made the come here motion. Bobby walked over to them and sat in front of them. Magma whispered to him. "Ok, were all sneaking out tonight to have a little fun, you look like you could use some fun. You in?" Bobby had to think for a minute before he answered. "I'm not sure, let me think". "Ok well if you want to go were leaving at 12:00," Berzerker said as him and Magma walked out.

Bobby walked to the garage where the car at and he herd voices. "Be quiet someone's here," he heard someone say. "Its me Bobby" he whispered out into the echoing room. "Bobby!" He heard Magma say. "Come over here, by the baby blue eclipse. Bobby walked over to were the car was and saw Magma, Berzerker, Cannonball, Wolfsbane, and Sunspot. "So are you coming with us or not?" Magma asked as she crossed her arms and tilted her hips in the other direction. "Yea, but where are we going?" Bobby asked. "Just for a drive" Berzerker said as he jumped into the drivers set. "Lets go" he said starting it up. Magma jumped into the front seat next to Berzerker while Cannonball, Sunspot, and Iceman jumped into the back seat while Wolfsbane turn into her wolf form and sat on Bobby's lap. "How are we going to get out without anyone hearing" Bobby asking the not so prepaid teens. "Like this" Magma said as she shot her fire powers into the metal door, melting it. Berzerker put the car in drive and screeched out.


"Magneto, the children have left the safety of the mansion. What should we do?" Mastermind asked his master. "Is the boy ready to go?" Magneto asked in a deep evil voice. "Yes, the brainwashing is complete." "Good, send him, the new 2 out, and Wanda to get us some new recruits." "Yes sir." Mastermind walked off into the darkness to release the prisoner.


The kids sped down the express way into the city. The speedometer reached 110 mph and climbing fast. The windows were open and the wind blew through Bobby's hair. They drove through time square were mobs of people crowed outside waiting for the next TRL show to start. They drove till they found an ally way to park down. They locked the doors and started to walk there way around town till they found a club that was open. They walked around back and Magma melted a whole into the club. Sunspot and Magma got on the dance floor while Cannonball went to the bathroom. Wolfsbane went to find her a hot guy. Berzerker stood out to the side till Bobby noticed that he was getting lonely. Bobby walked quietly over to Ray, stood behind him, and taped him on the shoulder. Ray turned around in shock and stood face to face with Bobby. He could feel Bobby's cold breath on his face as Bobby rappelled breathed. Bobby stuttered as he asked Ray a simple question. "Hey I...I was umm wondering if you wanted to umm dance with me?" Bobby asked nervously. "Sure" Ray said taking Bobby's hand and pulling him out to the dance floor. Ray dance and Bobby danced behind him. Bobby put his arm around Ray's abdomen. They danced for what seamed like hours till something happened. They earth beneath them started to shake. People went screaming out of the club till it was only them 6 left. The wall fell and there stood 4 teen in front of them. "You 6 are coming with us" one said in a deep voice "Or else". "Who are you, I demand you tell me," Magma said in a princess way. One stepped forward he had brown hair down to his shoulders very well defined arms and cheats witch you could see through his tight black shirt. "I'm Lance but you can just call me Avalanche because I can do this." with that he raised his hand, rolled his eyes in the back of his head and the earth started to shake. The largest one took a step forward. He was huge. "I'm Fred but you can just call me the blob". There was a girl there. I'm Wanda, but you can call me scarlet witch." She had short black hair and dressed in all red. The last person walked out of the darkness and reviled himself. "Hello Bobby, its been a long time." He talked in a deep voice. Bobby got a look of fear on his face and he could barley speak. "John" Bobby said trying to hold back his tears. "Come with Bobby, its so much better on our side." John said extending his hand. "Never" he said hitting Johns hand away. "Have it your way, get them" John said. Wanda lifted her hands and the stools form the bar, the glasses of water and everything else lifted in the air and flew at the kids. Magma and Bobby shot their powers trying to fight the flying objects. Cannonball ran up the stairs to the second floor and he jumped off. He hit the ground and made a huge hole but bounced off and flew into Blob knocking him backwards. Berzerker shot his electric power at Wanda, making her lose her concentration and all the flying objects fall. Avalanche put his hand out and the building shook violently. Wolfsbane turned into her wolf form and bit Avalanches hand making him stop the earthquake. Pyro lit his lighter and made a fireball. He shot it right at the kids. "I'll stop him," Bobby said as he shot his ice. The powers collided and stop as is forces were holding them back. The ice was melting but the fire was getting extinguished. "I don't think I can hold it much longer, someone try and get help!" Bobby shouted. "Maybe if we can hear the professor, the professor can hear us," Sunspot said. He put his hand on his head and tried to call the professor.

At the Mansion...

The professor was making his rounds to insure safety when he noticed that the 6 of them were not in their beds. He was thinking until he heard Sunspots cry for help. <Professor, Professor> <Yes Roberto, I can hear you, calm down and tell me what is the matter> <Ok we kinda snuck out but that's not the point, were being attacked at a club and we need help, FAST> <Of cores, I will send out a team right away>

Back at the club...

"Hey you guys, the professor is sending out a team to help us but until then let's get out of here." Roberto said signaling them to get out. Cannonball, Wolfsbane, Berzerker and Sunspot ran out but Bobby was still fighting Pyro's powers off. Magma shot Pyro with her Lava power knocking him back. Amara pulled Bobby out to the street where the other were. "Fallow them" They heard Wanda say. They ran as fast as they could but nothing was good enough to run from Wanda's hex powers (she can turn any object agent a person to her favor). She had a barricade of cars to stop them. They were cornered, trapped like rats. Pyro lit anther fireball in his hand. He though it on the ground and made a firewall. It was moving in very slowly. Wolfsbane (as her wolf form) tried to jump the wall but was shot back by a rogue flame made by Pyro. Just when it looked like they would have to give up, it started to rain. The flames died down and Storm, Jean, Cyclopes, Nightcrawler, Boom Boom, and Wolverine landed on the ground. Storm stopped the rain and made fog to cover them. "That wont help you, we have more people out here to," Avalanche said. The ground began to shank harder than it had before. The cars that had been stacked started to fall to the ground. Cyclopes shot his laser beam shooting away some of the cars. Jean made a force field around Ray, Sam (Cannonball), Bobby, Amara, Rhane, and Roberto. "I Cant hold this for long. Storm shot lightning, Boom Boom though her exploding marbles, while Wolverine and Nightcrawler stayed on the offence. The cars stopped falling but a tornado started. "Storm, what's with the wind show," Wolverine asked holding on to a lamppost. "It's not me, I can't stop it either." "What could it be?" Nightcrawler asked in a German accent. "Its Quicksilver" Bobby whispered to himself remembering his rage from when he caught Pyro and Quicksilver doing it. Bobby ran from the safety of the force field. "Bobby come back" he heard Jean yell. He ran to the side of the tornado and shot his ice-beam into the center hitting Pietro and freezing him. He stopped shooting when he felt something slimy rap around his neck and body. He felt this before and knew what it was, it's was Toads tongue. Bobby lowered his body temperature trying to get him off him but nothing would help. Toad walked up in front of him and released him tongue from Bobby's body and he grabbed him arm. "Remember me, you're the one that froze my tongue, but now its payback time." Toad said as he walked around behind Bobby and twisted him arm back rendering Bobby defenseless. Toad put his mouth up next to Bobby's ear and whispered into it. "I'm going to enjoy this." Toad said as he ran his fingers from his other hand down Bobby's abs and into his pants. "Nice and hard." Toad said quietly into Bobby's ear as he rubbed Bobby's rock hard cock. Toads breath was warm on Bobby's neck and making him even hornier. Toad took his hand out and forced Bobby to walk towards the others. " I got him now let's go."

Pyro melted Quicksilver from the ice. Avalanche nodded and put a bomb in the street and set it for 10 seconded. "We will see you later loser, try not to make a mess when you die." The group ran with Bobby trying to resist but he was forced to inhale something that knocked him out. The x-men tried to chase them but the bomb hit 0. Flames and a blast of air sent them flying back and hitting the asphalt. They were scattered all around, all Magma could say is "Bobby"

To Be Continued...

Hey Sorry it took so long I have had a lot on my mind. But anyway's I hope you liked the chapter there will be another.

Next: Chapter 7

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