X Sync

By JT Poole

Published on Nov 3, 2004


Warnings and Disclaimers:

I don't know any of the members of NSYNC, BSB or any celebrity mentioned. I don't know anything about their sexual orientation or the orientation of any other celebrities in this story (even though I wish some of them were gay). This story is fiction and you shouldn't take it for anything else but that. This is only for entertainment value only folks. Hope you enjoy the show oh I mean reading.

====================================== X-Sync

The Power Within

Chapter -- 2 by JT Poole

// A Secret Government Building //

"No! I don't want to hunt! Don't make me do it!" The young girl screams thrashing around, trying to escape her captor.

"Quiet child. For years your mother and father caused problems for The Right. Now we are going to use you to put an end to your kind." The person states, picking up a device and placing it around the girl's neck. "You are now and forever will be a hound."

"Yes master." The young girl states, bowing down to the person.

"Go child, go among the world and bring us your kind." The person states, pressing a button as two men come into the room and escorts the girl out.

// Somewhere in Orlando, FL //

"Eclipse look out!" TimberWolf shouts, jumping into the air to catch his partner.

"They are not letting up Justy. What can we do to stop these things?" Eclipse asks, blasting the people around him with his light powers.

"Come on Nicky poor out the light faster!" TimberWolf shouts, running around behind the people, grabbing them, and then punching them out. "Baby I'm getting tired."

"I am too. We need some help to stop these things. What kind of people are these? They are acting like fucking dogs!" Eclipse screams as there was a flash of light above them in the sky.

"What was that?" TimberWolf asks, stopping as he and the other beings around him all looked up into the sky.

"Oh great it's the freak and his friend." Eclipse says as Firefox and Chance appears within the light.

"This is where I sensed the disturbances." Firefox says, heading towards Eclipse on his fiery steed. "You attacked us!"

"Oh uh, run Wolf!" Eclipse screams, ducking past Firefox's fist that almost clobbered him.

"You cannot escape me. I can move between here and there in the blink of an eye." Firefox says appearing in front of Eclipse grabbing him and zapping him with energy. "For your future references its not nice to attack someone trying to help you."

"Let him go!" TimberWolf shouts, ramming Firefox, causing him to drop Eclipse and his fiery steed to disappear.

"We don't have time for this. We can't fight these two along with those things too. Something's got to give." Eclipse says as Chance appears in front of the two men.

"We are not here to fight you. We are here to stop the hounds." Chance says, turning around in time to project a beam of magical energy at the hound that was about to attack him.

"What the hell are these things?" Eclipse asks.

"They are mutants brainwashed to hunt down other mutants to be killed." Firefox says, floating above the three men as another hound attacks.

"Who are they working for?" Eclipse asks, blasting one of the hounds with a bolt of light.

"Someone within the government is controlling them." Chance says, ducking and then punching one of the hounds, noticing the young man. "Dreamer!"

"Dreamer? Where is he?" Firefox asks, floating down to the ground looking for the person that Chance had seen.

"He was just here or it could have been his astral projection baby." Chance says, looking very sad.

"What is Dreamer?" TimberWolf asks, kicking one of the hounds while tossing another one through the air.

"Can you get us out of here?" Eclipse asks. "We hardly run from a fight, but this one is one I don't think we are going to win."

"Come." Firefox says, as Chance, Eclipse and TimberWolf got close to him. "We are outta here."

// Someplace Underground //


"Where are we?" TimberWolf asks as they all appear in a dark room.

"Where did you port us to JT?" Chance asks as Firefox looks at him strangely. "Sorry, I meant Firefox."

"Too late now. You have called me by my name." Firefox says as his body starts to glow, lighting up the place.

"What is this place?" Eclipse asks.

"Right now it's our sanctuary." Firefox says. "We are under the city."

"Under the city? Why are we down here?" TimberWolf asks.

"Because the Sentinels, Nimrod and those Hounds can't find us down here." Firefox says as they enter a wide open space with other people hanging around.

"Look at all these people. Why are they here?" Eclipse asks.

"These are what's left of the mutant race from above ground and other people that are suspected mutants. They all hide out here with the rest of us." Chance says, as a woman walks over to them.

"Any news of Dreamer?" Firefox asks as a strange energy surrounds his body and his costume changes to that of his plain clothes.

"None as of yet Fox, but I am sure he will turn up soon." The woman says, as Firefox holds his head down and starts to cry.

"Shhh baby we will find our son." Chance says, hugging Firefox to his chest. "I know he's out there somewhere. He will come back to us, I know he will baby."

"Oh my God that guy he saw earlier was their son." Eclipse whispers to TimberWolf, nuzzling his chin under his neck. "Remember when we got married, we wanted kids. That dream diminished when we became this."

"You say it like being us now is a curse." TimberWolf says rubbing Eclipse' s back.

"Justy it is a curse to be us now. Can you think of a day that we haven't had to run for our lives since getting these powers?" Eclipse asks, tears running down his face as he stares into TimberWolf's eyes.

"But think of all the good things we have done since getting these powers. Just think about that baby." TimberWolf says, pulling Eclipse into a hug. "I love you Nick Timberlake."

"I love you Justin Timberlake." Eclipse says turning around to see Firefox and Chance smiling at the two of them.

"Well that's so sweet. How long have you two been together?" Firefox asks, walking over to the two men.

"For a little over two years now I think." Eclipse says, kissing TimberWolf on the cheek. "Before the world went mad we got married. Those few months beforehand were the best, to think that our paradise went away so quickly."

"I could imagine." Chance says, smiling at the two of them. "We got married a few years ago too and have been down here ever since."

"Why have you been down here?" Eclipse asks.

"When we got married, a Sentinel crashed the wedding and we had to go into hiding." Chance says. "The Right started producing Sentinels and Nimrods like candy."

"The Right? What is the Right?" TimberWolf asks.

"The Right is a secret covert government faction that wants to rid the world of all mutants." Firefox says as someone runs over to where they are standing.

"Firefox, Chance there's a problem on the surface. Someone's in trouble." The person states, handing Firefox a picture. "This guy has been identified as a mutant. He needs help. I sent Braun to go get him, but Braun is still up there and Nimrod has been dispatched to the location. They need help and fast."

"Come on Chance let's go get them." Firefox says, raising his hands up and energizing himself, changing his clothes back to his costume. "Come on handsome."

"Take us with you." TimberWolf says. "We can help."

"I don't know TimberWolf, we need to get there and get back fast." Firefox says, turning around to look at the man.

"Call me Justin and I think me and Nick here can help you find those two and run interference if that Nimrod thing is there. Whatta ya say?" TimberWolf says, pulling Eclipse closer to him.

"He has a point baby. They can run interference while we find this new guys and AJ." Chance states, snapping his finger as his costume changes into a strange looking armor.

"I guess they could help us out. Alright Brian let Beast know that we are going now." Firefox says smiling at Eclipse and TimberWolf. "Am I doing the honors or are you?"

"You can travel faster than my transportation spell." Chance says as Firefox's eyes start to glow.

"Where is the horse you be flying on?" Eclipse asks, looking around.

"He's just a figment of my imagination." Firefox answers him as he raises his hands and the four of them disappear.

// On the Surface //


"Can you sense them Fox?" Chance asks as they appear in what looks like an abandoned building.

"Not sensing anything. I think I landed us in a trap." Firefox says, looking around the room. "I can't use my powers."

"I can't either." Eclipse says, turning away and trying to fly. "I can't fly."

"I still have my powers." TimberWolf says, jumping up and not going far. "Guess not."

"Maybe this place has power dampeners installed or something." Chance says, closing his eyes. "I know where Braun is."

"Where is he?" Firefox asks, looking around. "Are your magical powers working?"

"Not that I know of, but my inherent tracking skills are working just fine." Chance says, as he points out where Braun was being kept.

"How are we supposed to get him out of there if we have no powers Brian?" Firefox asks, surveying the scene.

"Like this." Chance says, as he touches Firefox. "Guardians above hear my call grant my mate the power to protect us all."

"Wow he's glowing. Does that mean your powers are working?" Eclipse asks, as they all look at Firefox in amazement.

"Baby its on you, go get Braun." Chance says as Firefox fades away. "Guardians please protect my husband."

"He looks like he can protect himself man." TimberWolf says, turning around just as there was an explosion of some kind.

"Oh no look!" Eclipse screams as Firefox's body comes hurdling out of the room where Braun was being held.

"This was a trap!" Chance screams, looking down as the room filled with Hounds and military men. "We have to get out of here."

"What about Firefox? Are you going to leave him here?" TimberWolf asks, moving out of the way as some Hounds approached them.

"We have no choice but to leave him. We must get out of here." Chance says, closing his eyes, a tear rolling down his cheek. "azur b'kiam cooo d' ret et."

"What are you doing Chance?" Eclipse asks.

"I'm getting us out of here." Chance says, punching someone so that he could finish his spell. "fmega kell lria mwera noon ror!"

"You can't leave Firefox, you can't!" Eclipse screams as Chance grabs him and TimberWolf and the three of them disappear.

// Back Underground //


"How could you leave your own husband back there like that?" Eclipse asks, pushing Chance up against the wall.

"I had no choice in the matter Eclipse. If I didn't get us out of there when I did...we all would have been captured." Chance explains as Eclipse punches him.

"That's no excuse to leave your husband behind like that. You don't even know if he was alright!" Eclipse screams as TimberWolf grabs him, trying to calm him down.

"Baby stop. I am quite sure that he feels bad as it is having to leave like that. Baby we are safe, we didn't get captured." TimberWolf says.

"Still..." Eclipse says, breaking down crying into TimberWolf arms. "Justin would you have left me like that?"

"Baby that's not fair. Brian made a decision to save us. We didn't have time to see if Firefox was okay. Those Hounds were on top of us already and if we stayed there any longer we would have been captured too." TimberWolf says, still hugging Eclipse to his chest.

"Fuck that Justin. He said a fucking spell to get us back here. He could have waited until we were all together and said it." Eclipse says, turning to look for Chance who was already gone.\

// Outside the Abandoned Building //

Baby where are you?' Chance thinks, projecting his thoughts in hopes that Firefox would hear him. Come on baby where are you?'

Where are you?' Firefox asks telepathically. Where did you guys go?'

`When we saw you thrown from that room and the Hounds appeared, I transported the guys back underground.' Chance thinks, turning around to be sure no one had spotted him.

Me being thrown from the room was one of my psychic illusions. I have Braun, but I haven't found the new mutant yet.' Firefox says telepathically. There are power dampeners all around this place. How long is this spell of yours going to last?'

`I don't know baby, but I think you and Braun need to get out of there and now.' Chance thinks as an alarm goes off.

`Damn we have been spotted. The fireworks are about to start baby, keep an eye out for us.' Firefox says telepathically as he was attacked by one of the hounds.

// Inside the Building //

"Get the fuck off of me!" Firefox screams, picking up the hound and throwing it across the room.

"Fox forget about them let's get out of this place." Braun says, grabbing Firefox by the hand. "Can you teleport us yet?"

"That still isn't working. I can fly us out of here though." Firefox says, closing his eyes as his fiery steed appeared. "Come on, let's get the hell out of here."

"Can Firefly out-fly those things behind us?" Braun asks, turning around to see a few hounds that were able to fly behind them.

"We will see." Firefox says, as he swoops down and the hounds behind him fly into the wall.

"Fox look out!" Braun screams as two hounds throw a net over them.

`Brian help me. We need to port out of here fast.' Firefox says telepathically as he and Braun disappear.


Contact Information

Mail: jtsplace@nctv.com mailto:jtsplace@nctv.com

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Yahoo: johntpoole AIM: gayboyjt2001 MSN: jtpoole99@msn.com mailto:jtpoole99@msn.com

Next: Chapter 71: The Power Within 3

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