Xaviers Adventures in University

Published on Oct 27, 2019


Xavier's Adventures in University -- Chapter 4

Xavier's Adventures in University


This story is entirely fictional, any similarities to people in real life are entirely coincidental. This page may contain sexually explicit content, particularly men who have sex with men (MSM) content. If you are underage and/or are not permitted to read such content please leave immediately.

Chapter 4 -- Tiny Steps Forward

"Bzzt bzzt." It was the first thing I heard on Saturday morning. I opened my eyes, the first thing I saw, of course, was the ceiling. I turned to the night table where my phone was. I quickly discovered the time, 6:34 am. I squinted at the screen as I pulled the notification shade down on the lock screen. It was not a registered contact that was messaging me.

I read the first couple of words. "Hi, It's Wolfgang, is this Xavier's number?" Was what the first buzz was about. "I'm gonna head to the gym, you want to meet up later today?" Was the second message.

I placed my phone on the bed and looked up at the ceiling. `I never gave him my number, did I?' I asked myself. I jumped as I heard Michael's blankets crunch as he turned in his bed. I picked up my phone and unlocked it. "Yeah, later today sounds fine." I replied. I wanted to go back to sleep since I haven't clocked in enough hours yet. "I'm still tired, maybe in the afternoon?" I sent another text.

Wolfgang replied. "Sure, what time?"

I sighed. I didn't want to think about what time we should hangout. "I don't really care, just something after 12 pm." I replied.

"Well, I'll be free at noon..." He replied.

"That's fine." I messaged back.

"Cool." Wolfgang texted. I put the phone down and laid down on my back. I wanted to go back to sleep, but my morning wood wasn't letting me. I looked under the blanket, I could see my cock bulging in my boxer briefs. I slipped them down, causing my cock to fly out. I tickled my head around its meatus and worked my way down. I worked past the corona and started playing with what little innerforeskin I had. Precum started glinting from my meatus, there was only a little bit of light coming from the window, but it was enough to remind me how shiny precum was. I started salivating, I knew I needed at least a handjob before I could return to my slumber. At this point, I've only made my morning wood worse. I didn't want to get out of bed, so I used my trusty saliva to lube up my cock. I stroked it starting from the tip of the head all the way down to the mid-shaft. I stroked it a couple times until I jumped again.

"Morning wood, huh?" Michael asked from across the room.

I almost had a heart attack. I looked over to see him grinning at me with his head still on his pillow. "Yeah." I responded.

There was a brief period of silence. "Yeah, mines not any better."

I was confused at first, but I realized he meant that he had morning wood as well. "Yeah?" I asked, still too tired to respond properly. I returned my attention to my cock.

"You want help?" Michael asked. I stopped masturbating again.

"Huh?" I replied. "Are you trying to make me cheat on Wolfgang?" If he was going to shit on Wolfgang for `cheating on his girlfriend' then I'm going to make sure Michael doesn't put me in a `gotcha' moment.

"Uh..." Was all that he could articulate. I started stroking myself again. A couple minutes went by, Michael ripped the blankets off his bed and stood up. He walked over to me. I ignored him. He was just standing there. His legs were touching my bed. It was almost like he was trying to intimidate me. He was just watching me jerk off. He suddenly put his hand on my arm.

I snapped. "Dude, what do you want? You wanted us to be over... you said you were fine with me screwing around with Wolfgang, right?"

Michael backed off, he took two steps back. I could tell from his face he was disappointed. Michael is a very negative person, and I can only think of his realization of how much he had fucked up this week. He sighed. "Sorry." He said in a depressive tone. He turned around and got back into his bed. I was harsh, but I was also tired and cranky. I pulled the blankets back since I was about to cum. The mood that was set didn't make me excited for it. Ropes of my white cum started gushing out in pulses onto my torso. It was the first one today, so it was a lot of fluid. After it all came out, I grabbed a tissue from the tissue box that was sitting on my nightstand. I cleaned up the cum off my torso. I pulled my boxers back up, covering my cock again. I then pulled the blankets back over me. I closed my eyes... I slowly returned to sleep.

9:52 A.M. -- The wall slowly became visible, I realized I had awakened. I used all my energy to open my eyes, getting a clear view of the wall. I realized that I was laying on my right side, facing the left wall that my bed was pressed against. I broke my sleep paralysis and turned around. Michael's bed was empty. His sheets were left wild. His overnight underwear tossed on the floor between our beds. I pushed my blankets back exposing my body to the lukewarm room air. I got on my ass and then got up onto my feet. I walked around his underwear, walking towards our closet. It, of course, was neatly divided in half. The left side for me, the right side for Michael. I proceeded to pick what I was going to wear for the day. I realized I hadn't checked my phone, so I went back to my phone to check the weather. I returned to the closet. I picked out a dark-grey hoodie and some typical denim based jeans. I tossed them onto my bed. I pulled my boxer briefs down and stepped out of them. It was refreshing to feel the fresh cooler air react to my cock's bare head. I looked down once again to look at the poor flaccid little thing. It was only about two inches big when flaccid, but it would grow up to 6". I glanced over to the counter, Wolfgang's sheath was still there, placed exactly how I had left it last night. I walked over to it, still nude, and picked it up. I looked at my hardening cock, I ran the tip of the sheath on the top of my corona. It started growing faster. I was curious, I looked inside it last night to taste some of Wolfgang's sensational precum. However, I haven't tried it myself. I decided to slip the sheath onto my cock. It definitely added girth, but I wasn't convinced. It isn't a product that I would see myself using. I'd be much happier using my own cock, bare. I pulled the sheath off my cock. "I probably should put this in my bag or something." I said out loud. "Wouldn't want Wolfgang asking what happened to it." I walked over to a book bag that I had stashed in my side of the closet. `This will do.' I thought to myself. I was only going to meet up with Wolfgang later today, I wasn't going to do anything that required me to lug things around.

After I had brushed my teeth, showered, dressed, that kind of basic stuff, I went out of my dormitory building onto the sidewalk. The cool autumn breeze reassured my choice of attire. The sky was grey and gloomy. As I started walking towards the University Centre, I witnessed a raindrop. It started with one, then another, and eventually I could hear the pitter-patter. I started running, the concrete became spotted as it got wet. The wetter it became, the darker it got. I decided to take a detour, Jefferson building had a sheltered bridge to the University Centre, and it was closer to me. I entered the building through the front door. I brushed my shoulders and pulled my hoodie back so that it wasn't covering my head. I noted how dead the place was. It was a building full of lecture halls and nothing else, so I wasn't exactly surprised to see that there was no one here. The bridge between Jefferson and the University Centre was on the third floor, so I had to take the stairs that were on the main lobby. The lobby stairs only went to the second floor, which meant that I would have to take one of the four staircases in each corner of the building. The building was definitely a nice looking structure, but it wasn't exactly designed for functionality. Heading to one of the corners, I decided to take a pit stop at a washroom that was on the way. I walked in, I noted the four-metre long hallway in the washroom leading to the sinks. I walked over to the urinal, which had no privacy dividers. I unbuckled my belt and whipped out my cock to take a piss at the urinal. As my cock started drizzling urine into the urinal, I heard something.

`Tap, tap, tap... Tap, tap, tap...' It was a repeating pattern of someone tapping their shoe. I realized that I didn't even bother to look at the only stall in the small washroom. The long hallway leading to the core of the restroom made the small washroom an ideal cruising location. Especially on weekends, when no one would go to a building full of lecture halls. It was almost genius. `Tap, tap, tap... Tap, tap, tap...' The pattern continued. I shook my cock to expel the last droplet of urine stuck on my meatus. I tucked it back into my boxer briefs. I zipped up my jeans and buckled my belt. I was curious.

`Who would be cruising?' I thought. `What would they do if I walked in?' I didn't want to speculate. I walked towards the stall. The door was mostly closed, but there was a small crack leaving it open. I pushed the stall door wide open. There he was, wearing a light hoodie (with no zipper). The hood was draped over his head. A dark-coloured neck gaiter covered the bottom half of his face. He had khaki coloured dress pants. He was sitting there on the toilet, waiting for company. But I could tell, that there was surprise in his face. He knew me, his pupils contracted, and tension grew in his face.

"Do you know me?" I asked.

He nodded.

"Do you talk?" I asked.

He looked at me blankly.

"When you cruise." I added.

He shook his head.

"Alright." I said. I walked in and closed the door behind me. "What do you do?" I asked.

He raised his shoulders as if he was trying to brush me away with informing me he doesn't even know what he does.

"No, seriously." I said. "You're here for a reason, aren't you?" I asked in return. It was only around 10:30 A.M. I had lots of time to play around with this fella, even if he didn't want to cooperate. He got up from the toilet and stood in front of me. "Why are you so scared to reveal yourself?" I still honestly didn't know who it was. I could tell he had dark hair, blueish eyes, tanned skin. But there were many guys with those features. Height was more telltale though. He was shorter than me, by about two or three inches. I had some guesses on who this was. I realized that he was just staring at me. `This isn't how guys cruising works' I thought. I undid his belt; he didn't resist. I then unzipped him, then unbuttoned his pants. He voluntarily pulled his pants down for me. He was wearing classic white briefs. I pulled them down to reveal his cock. I was actually surprised; it was hard, but it was cut so high. Only about half an inch was actual shaft skin, the rest of the 6.5" affair was light-pink remnant innerforeskin. I was in awe. As someone who's been cut low you can get really jealous of those with higher cuts, but this is higher then I've ever seen. The scar was faint, but I still couldn't believe the tricolouration, the tanned shaftskin, the light-pink innerforeskin, and the magenta mushroom head. 6.5" isn't the biggest cock in town, far from it, but it was still larger than mine. I got on my knees and started sucking it. I knew he wasn't Michael, it was obvious, but this beauty needed a reward. I didn't care that I was in some washroom stall in public, he was going to get something that he deserved. I licked around his faint scar several times. Both on the upside and downside of his cock. I licked the remnant innerforeskin several times, running my tongue across it. I then ran my tongue down his cock and over his spiky corona, then over his helmet. I then opened my mouth and devoured his cock. I looked at his face. He was watching me as I swirled my tongue against his helmet inside my mouth. His pupils began to dilate, whomever he was, he liked it. I kept going, my moist lips barely touched his nearly non-existent circumcision scar. He let out a faint moan. It was the first sound that he made. He pulled his hoodie up to reveal his stomach. He had a lightly traced six-pack on his torso, with a notable linear light-pink scar near the middle of his torso, north of his belly-button. Still sucking his gorgeous cock, I ran my hand over the light pink scar between his packs. He moaned again. I pulled his cock out of my mouth. I let the saliva covered cock flop down. I started licking his circumcision scar, it was so close to the base that it was impossible for my tongue to effectively reach it while sucking. As I kept licking his scar, his right hand swooped down to play with his bare glands. His sticky precum mixed with my saliva to create an effective lubricating solution. He used his thumb as well as his index and middle figures to tickle his mushroom, while I was busy appreciating his parent's correct decision. I ran my tongue down the copious amount of innerforeskin he had and swallowed his cock once again. He was hard, really hard now. Every swirl released more and more precum. His moans started getting more common, with each swirl of my tongue on his mushroom helmet. Then, they got louder and deeper. I went faster, I pressed my tongue harder, I ran it closer to his corona brushing the light pink innerforeskin that was in my mouth. Then he moaned really loudly, he became squirmy. He was trying his hardest to hold back his orgasm. However, I wanted to taste it. I kept going. I wouldn't stop until he blew his ropes of cum in my mouth. He began losing his breath, he was breathing like an amateur pushing himself too hard in a difficult workout. Finally, his organ started pulsating. Ropes of his uniquely flavoured cum were blasted into my mouth. I kept swirling my tongue on his helmet, making sure his cock expelled all the cum it could. I also savoured the flavour of his cum. It was different from mine or Michael's. It was more bitter than mine, it wasn't sweet, nor was it spicy. It wasn't anything to write home about, but it was still another unique flavour that I've discovered. I let his cock slide out of my mouth, his 6.5" beauty had already begun to shrink rapidly. As it shrank, his scar moved closer to the base of his penis. He quickly deflated to under 4"; he was a grower. At this size, only a couple MILLIMETRES, like 2 or 3 was actual shaftskin. The rest was all light-pink innerforeskin.

"Damn, it must be easy for fabrics to stimulate you." I stated. This was the first time I actually saw him soft, so I was surprised that his copious amounts of innerforeskin would become more prominent when he became soft.

"Mmm-hmm." He mumbled. I backed off and got up. He bent over to pull up his briefs and pants.

"D'you do this often?" I asked.

"Mmm-hmm." He mumbled again. He was still trying to avoid talking to me. An attempt to remain anonymous. He was nearly fully dressed at this point, he zipped up his pants and redid his belt. I rubbed my hand on his pants over where his cock was. It was true, his cock started growing again. The poor kid had the vast majority of his shaft covered with sensitive skin. I could imagine, going up the stairs with loose briefs, the copious innerforeskin would make him much harder, faster, than just my bare mushroom helmet and my teeny tiny amount of innerforeskin that remained. I patted him on the back.

"You'd be a good top; but, I don't know how long you would last!" I joked. The more sensitive a guy was, the quicker he would orgasm. With all that remnant innerforeskin, I'd imagine that he wouldn't last as long as--you know--me. I glanced at my phone to check the time. "Damn, 11:26! We took our time here, didn't we? I better head off... Have a good one!" I opened the stall door and left. I was in the hall again. `Right, I need to go to the third floor.' I recalled. I continued walking towards the corner. I entered the stairwell and proceeded up the stairs into the deserted third floor. I walked my way towards the bridge to the University Centre. The glass bridge allowed me to see how it was now pouring outside.

Suddenly, "Bzzt, bzzt." It was my phone once again. I checked to see who it was. I wasn't surprised to see that it was Wolfgang texting me once again. It was now around 11:31, he asked if I was still ready for 12.

"I'm actually heading towards the cafe in Uni Centre." I texted back.

"Kk, I'll meet u there." Wolfgang responded. I kept walking and then went down another flight of stairs to go all the way down back to the first floor, where the cafe was. At least it was a light workout for me. As I entered the cafe, someone placed their hand on my shoulder and pulled me back.

"Hey!" It was Wolfgang. He was soaking wet.

"Aww, you went through the rain?" I asked. "You're all wet."

"Yeah, well, I also had a shower just before I got here."

"Oh?" I replied. "Nice and clean, huh?"

"Yeah." Wolfgang replied. "So what are you up to?" He asked.

"Nothing, what about you?" I asked.

"Well, I just came from the gym."

"You were there all day?!" I asked a bit shocked.

"I mean, you liked my chiselled abs, didn't you? You think it's easy to have such muscle detail?" Wolfgang asked.

"Mmm, I guess not?" I replied.

"It's fine." Wolfgang replied. "So what do you want to do?"

"I'm not sure." I replied. "I wouldn't mind some bed time together again."

Wolfgang laughed. "Really? I'm not surprised."

"You still wearing it?" I asked.

"It? Oh, um, yeah." Wolfgang replied.

"You have the key?" I asked.

"Huh, why you want the key?"

"Cuz," I replied, "want to see some things."

"Oh?" Wolfgang replied, wanting me to elaborate.

"You're the only guy here with--you know--skin. I want to inspect it again."

"Well," Wolfgang began. "Didn't I tell you, I have a keyholder..."

"Skyla?" I asked cutting him off. Wolfgang nodded. "Shouldn't I be the keyholder?" I asked.

Wolfgang became flustered. "Uhh, well, I mean, we've only known each other for a day..."

"Oh well." I replied disappointingly.

"You can always ask her for the key... But why would you uncage me?" Wolfgang asked. "Don't tell me you wish you weren't cut."

"No?" I replied slightly confused. "I said, I just wanted to play with something different."

"Mkay," Wolfgang said. "I'll ask her to meet me up in my room and bring the key."

"Also, Wolfgang, I've brought your toy..." I pointed to the book bag that I luckily took with me. "Can I tag along and give it to you in private?"

"Sure. I don't see why not." He replied. We started walking towards his dorm building. We proceeded through the rain which turned into a light mist. We finally entered the building, and we went up to his room. Skyla was waiting outside.

"You brought a friend?" Skyla asked. "You're not doing anything with him, are you?" She asked. Deducing that possibly he wanted to remove his chastity for a reason.

"Um, no. Not really, just a bud." Wolfgang replied.

"You know, it's fun to lock up such an alpha male to prevent his urges. Kind of disappointed you gave up this early." She replied. Wolfgang unlocked and opened the door. Skyla entered the room, along with me and Wolfgang. She pulled out her key ring and took off Wolfgang's chastity key. "This is it." She said as she handed it to Wolfgang. "You transferring keyholders?" She asked unamused.

"Possibly." I interjected. "I don't personally know." I said.

Skyla looked at me in a concerned and serious way. "Oh, I see." She said. "I'm not harsh enough on you?" She turned to Wolfgang.

"No." Wolfgang replied.

"Okay, so what's going on Wolfie?" She asked Wolfgang.

"Well, you know, I'm not straight right?" Wolfgang replied. I facepalmed.

"Not surprised." Skyla replied.

"So, sometimes, there are urges..." Wolfgang replied, becoming very nervous.

"So why did you keep me around?" She asked. I knew at this point this conversation was going to lead into drama.

"Stop it, Skyla." I interrupted. "If you can't trust him, if you think he's cheating on you, you can just leave."

She sighed. "Wolfgang, you're gay aren't you?"

"Well, I'm not exactly sure, but it's fairly safe to say that I'm not straight."

Skyla took a deep breath. "I'm disappointed... But, I should've expected competition from both sides."

"We're over." Wolfgang said. "The key is mine."

"Huh?" Skyla look at Wolfgang confused.

"You heard me. You've only wanted me for one reason, my status as one of the top jocks around. You don't actually love me. I'm just your trophy."

I could recall Wolfgang telling me this about women and him. The fact that he's bringing this up in front of his girlfriend, who likely is only dating him as a trophy, was definitely a ballsy move from him. Wolfgang, despite what he says, in my opinion, deserves to be a real man. This is the first step in the right direction in turning him into a real, alpha top and not sandbagging himself as a sissy, beta male.

"Oh, that's so funny," Skyla began. "you don't understand. You're the one that should be in trouble. Cheating on me... what is this? Then you accuse me of objectifying you?"

"Isn't it true?" Wolfgang replied. "I already said it's over. I'm breaking up with you. Go to the school newspaper or magazine if you wish. Berate me all you want, I'm not going to be your trophy any longer. Disparaging me won't make me come running for you. I've got a new chapter to begin."

Wolfgang's bold words didn't resonate well with Skyla. She left in a huff, full of anger. "Give me the key." I asked Wolfgang. It was now just me and Wolfgang in his dorm room. Bailey wasn't around. Wolfgang handed the key to me without question. I pulled down his light track pants that were wet with water. I was surprised to see that he had no garments underneath. Just the small cage compressing his poor cock. I proceeded to unlock it.

"You said something important to me last night." I began as I uninstalled his chastity.

"What would that be?" Wolfgang asked.

"You said, that you don't deserve any pleasure." I replied. "Why is that again?"

"Look around campus." Wolfgang started. "You Americans have to go through a rite, it maybe when you're an infant, but it's still an experience, a sacrifice you have to go through."

"You're an American too? Aren't you?" I asked.

"My parents moved here from Germany when I was 2 years old. I may be an American today, most people wouldn't even think I'm an immigrant, but down there. It doesn't look American to me."

I was surprised, I had no idea that Wolfgang wasn't born here in the United States. "You know, you don't have to be circumcised to be American, right?"

"That doesn't stop me from wishing I was." He replied.

"So why don't you get circumcised?" I asked.

Wolfgang was surprised. "But wouldn't it be not the same?"

"From a man that's circumcised at birth, I'll tell you this. It's better now then never. If you think it's a rite that you need to pass, you need to go through it." I peeled back his foreskin to reveal his bright, shiny glands. "You're meant to be a top. Look at yourself." I pushed his shirt up revealing his beautiful, rare, 8-pack abs. "This is something I would think a top would have. More importantly, I want you to be my top. But, it has to be mutual. We need to have a balanced relationship. You broke up with Skyla, I assume for me. You need to be a true top. You have to use your cock. If you need to be snipped for that. You must do it."

There was a period of silence. "Really?" Is all Wolfgang said.

"Really... You want something deeper than a one-night stand with me. I can do it. I can be your boyfriend. But you need to be a real man. No chastity, no sheath, I want your real cock."

"Okay." Wolfgang said.

"You need to do what is right for yourself." I replied. "If it's joining the vast majority of us, that's cut, I guess it's what you have to do. You've told me how jealous you are, why won't you make it a reality? Jealous no longer."

"Alright." Wolfgang said. "You're right, Xavier. If I am to be a real man, one that can be a true top, I have to do what's right."

"Good, I'm glad you understand. It's a big university, it might be easier than you think."

Wolfgang laughed. "You think so?"

"Mhm. Trust me. It'll be the right decision." I smiled. Wolfgang gave me a hug. I'm sure it was much needed. Years and years, growing up in who knows where in this country, feeling like an outcast. Now how he had internalized the fact that being uncut is inferior, is still a mystery. But, if he thinks it's truly bogging him down as a person, a man, he must do what must be done. He has to make the right decision.

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