Xtreme X Men

By moc.loa@seirotsnemX

Published on Oct 14, 2023


Well this is part 5, I hope ya like it, let me know xmenstories@aol.com please give me some feedback so I know where to take this, even if its to say you hate just let me know.

Disclaimer: The X Men are owned by 20th Century Fox and Marvel Comics, and this story is not intended to affect their business in any way. Also I have never met Delta Goodrem and I don't know her.

It was a Tuesday morning everyone was going about doing their jobs Jean was teaching English, Ororo was on math, Logan on Martial Arts, Scott and Aaron were on P.E while bobby, rogue, delta and Michael were in lessons with the other students. Xavier was in the middle of interviewing a new student when he sensed another sentinel attack in New York <all x men report to the blackbird immediately, there are about 150 sentinels attacking>. Scott and Aaron were out in the field with the kids doing a 800 metre run, Scott called to them "guys you can finish now and go inside, we've got another mission" Aaron looked at Scott "race ya to the jet" he said, they started running then Aaron orbed to the end of the field "come on red eyes" he yelled "hey that aint fair" Scott replied as he got closer "and anyway you cant call me that anymore weirdo" Aaron smiled then orbed the both of them to the hanger, they were the first ones there and quickly got changed into their uniforms then storm came running in the room "hey you guys were out on the field how come you're the first ones here and already changed" "freak boy here orbed us" Scott replied, Aaron was about 5 metres away from Scott and mentally hit him round the back of the head.  The others made their way to the jet and within 10 minutes they'd left, it didn't take them long to get there "bobby, this looks like its gonna be hard" Michael said, "don't worry if super freak can take out ten thousand on his own I'm sure we'll be able to handle this lot", jean smiled at the two of them "chromos, when we're on missions we call each other by our code names and iceman its psyche not super freak", they left the jet and Scott shot an optic blast to make their presence known, immediately the sentinels turned and attacked them, "this is too easy" Aaron said to rogue as he used his powers to sit in mid air "speak for yourself sugah", she looked over to storm and saw a sentinel coming at her from behind "psyche..." Aaron cut her off "one step ahead of ya rogue" he said as he made it explode, rogue smiled at him "you're way too cocky" she said "yeah but that's why ya love me", he raised himself into the air, two sentinels came either side of him and fired, at the last minute Aaron orbed out of the way and the sentinels destroyed themselves "hey psyche do you wanna leave some for the rest of us" jean said over the intercom "ok phoenix, I'll just go to the jet and put the kettle on do you want tea or coffee?" he replied "remind me to give you a slap when we get home". Storm was frying a sentinel when yet another one came up behind but no one realised, it hit her out of the sky towards rogue, as she came down her arm touched rogue's face and she was instantly knocked out, rogue was flying around in the air the sky was completely dark and it was snowing hard "hey storm get rid of the snow" Aaron said but got no reply and the snow still came down, he turned around "storm what are you..." he then realised that it wasn't storm <guys we've got a tiny problem> they all turned and saw rogue "psyche get in her mind and help her control it" Scott yelled, <just to warn ya I'm taking the shades off I cant see a bloody thing>, he concentrated and tried to get inside rogue's mind. After a few minutes the snow stopped and the sky went back to normal, Logan turned to Aaron "nice work psy..." he just stopped and looked at Aaron "what up?" Aaron asked, by this time the whole team, including rogue and storm were looking at him like he had two heads "will you lot snap outta it and tell me what's wrong" after a few seconds storm spoke "Aaron you're eye's" she said "yes they're red so what?" rogue spoke this time "no sugah they're white like storm's when she controls the weather" Aaron didn't believe them "Mirror" he said then a small mirror landed in his hand, he looked at himself "Aaron are you thinking about the weather?" storm asked "all I'm thinking is I hope rogue doesn't start the snow again" "well don't just let your mind think of something else" he did as she said and his eye's turned back to normal, they weren't even red anymore "Aaron" storm said "try some lightning, if you lose control I'll stop it", he concentrated and his eyes turned white then some lightning bolts came down "well I didn't realise my powers stretched to that" he said "don't worry I'll teach you to control it when we get back" "thanks Ororo" he replied and they walked back to the jet.

It didn't take them long to get back to the mansion, prof x was waiting for them "well done team you done a good job, I was looking over the fight with cerebro and may I suggest storm that you take psyche to the danger room and help him with his powers", they walked off to the danger room and storm couldn't help but notice Aaron was very quiet "what's wrong?" she asked "storm it aint fair when are my powers gonna stop expanding?" she took him into a hug "Aaron some things cant be explained they are just meant to be, you are very powerful" he looked at her "that's the problem what if I hurt somebody I love" "I don't just mean you're mutation I mean you're heart and soul too, we all know you would never hurt us, you're strong and in control", they walked inside the danger room "cerebro, start program weather control 19" storm said, the room went quiet then cerebro spoke back "storm you've completed all weather programs" "I know cerebro but it's for psyche not me" the room turned into a large open grass area and it was raining then cerebro spoke "good luck psyche" "um thanks, I guess" storm laughed at him "cerebro is a very powerful computer, don't take any notice of her" with that a large bolt of lightning came down at storm, Aaron waved his hand and froze time he looked at storm "I think you upset her" storm smiled "Aaron I'll be honest with you it took me years to control my powers any strong emotion can cause the weather to change drastically I spent most nights forcing myself not to cry, I don't want you to go thru that so I want you to read my mind and get all my knowledge" Aaron gave her a big hug "thank you" with that he held his hands over storm's head and began to get the information he needed, once he was finished he told cerebro to end the program and they went back to join the rest of the group.

When they reached the kitchen bobby came running past them "come on guys the new jet is here" they looked at each other "shall we orb fair lady?" Aaron said in the worst posh accent ever "yes we shall kind sir" storm said while laughing, they'd just finished orbing as bobby came into the hanger "call yourself a mate, you could've took me too" he said to Aaron "you'd worry if I was to start being nice to ya" "good point freak", they had a look around the new jet, it was basically the same as the blackbird but was bigger and a few basic weapons, "what name have ya given it?" rogue asked Xavier "well keeping on the birds theme it's called Blackhawk and its got a cerebro powered auto pilot" he replied, as they were leaving Xavier called to them "there may be another mission coming up in the next day or two so all classes are cancelled for a fortnight" "what are we gonna do until we go" Scott asked <if he says work I'm gonna hit you so hard you'll have to shove a toothbrush up your arse> Xavier smiled "don't worry Aaron the whole school is on free time"  Aaron looked at him "how did you..." then he realised it was dumb question "never mind".

They spent the next few days laying around the gardens, Aaron was walking outside to meet bobby when he realised that he hadn't hit bobby for calling him a freak the other day, he was about to mentally smack him then had a better idea his eyes turned white and he created a localized shower of rain over bobby "should've guessed it would be you weirdo" bobby said soaking wet "now say sorry or I wont stop it" bobby was about to say sorry then the rain stopped "play nicely children" storm said as she walked up to them, bobby laughed "I didn't have to say sorry" "don't be too sure Aaron has powers that I cant stop" storm looked at Aaron and he knew he could get bobby again, he started orbing bobby around the school, he knew that after a while people that didn't have the gift of orbing would feel sick <gonna say sorry Iceboy?> , Aaron stopped orbing bobby around and noticed Scott, jean, rogue and delta walking over so he decided to orb them, storm looked at him "have you been smoking something cause if it gives you energy like that I want some" he laughed "no I'm just bored I wanna kick some enemy ass", by this time prof x had came to them "well Aaron you can now, magneto has threatened the president and I want you and delta to go protect him for the next couple of days" he got so excited "cool personal body guard to the president, delta get ready I'll orb us there" Xavier smiled had him "you have to be the most hyperactive person I've ever met, you don't need to orb tho now we've got 2 jets you can take the Blackhawk" "professor you never let me orb us" "it's nothing personal Aaron but I want the president to see we me business so if you take the jet it'll make the x men look good" Aaron sighed "ok I suppose the Blackhawk is a better jet then anything the air force have got".

It didn't take long to get to Washington where they were greeted by the president "nice jet" he said "thanks" delta replied, he smiled "that sounded exactly like the thanks you said in the Innocent Eyes video". They went inside to his office and he let them read the letter he got from magneto, then one of his other bodyguards walked in "Russell this is psyche and falcon, they're from the x men" the bodyguard gave them a weird look {what kind of names are they, freaks} both Aaron and delta heard him and this really pissed Aaron off "we use those names for our own protection and next time you decide to think so loud don't do it near two powerful telepaths" the rest of the day was uneventful, just boring press conferences at about 10pm the president dismissed them "thank you for being here, I don't mean to waste your time" "it's ok sir magneto could attack at anytime, if you need any help during the night just think and one of us will hear you" Aaron replied.

Back at the mansion, Michael was talking with rogue she told him how she cant kiss bobby for long because of the affect it had on him "hey I've got idea what if I slow down time on your powers you should be able to kiss for longer" rogue looked at him "it could work but I don't want to say anything to bobby in case it gets his hopes up and don't work" they sat in an uncomfortable silence then rogue spoke again "could we try it first to make sure it works?" "I don't mind but only if you're sure" he replied, "yes" with that they kissed Michael felt his energy being drawn but concentrated and managed to slow down rogue's powers, then bobby walked thru the door "hey rogue tomorrow do ya wanna..." they turned to face him, his eyes were filling up and he went running outta the room, "bobby wait" rogue called to him but he had left. Once he got to his room he just cried, he could've gone to jean or Scott but all he could thing about was needing his best mate "Aaron I need you" he said while crying.

<delta I have to go bobby needs me, will you be ok> <yeah I'll call you if I need you> <that's ok honey> with that Aaron orbed back to the mansion and into bobby's room "hey what's up mate?" bobby explained to him what had happened and Aaron totally flipped "bastard" he said walking outta the room "Aaron please don't, just take me away from here" "ok mate" he orbed the two of them back to his room in Washington "you can have the bed I'll sleep on the chair" "don't leave me" Aaron looked at him not sure what he meant "please could you hold me?" bobby asked "what ever you want mate" they got into bed and Aaron held bobby in his arms, bobby wasn't sure what he was feeling at this time but he did know he felt safe.

I hope you're liking this please could you let me know and if you've got some ideas let me know- xmenstories@aol.com

Next: Chapter 6

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