Xxx Men Series

By Phoenix

Published on May 26, 2005


Xmen Story

Okay, Phoenix here. I wrote this for those of you who asked. If yu'd like to join my group feel free to.

Group's at:

Xmen are Marvel's. Im borrowing them. I don't know anything about their sexualities, but I do have suspicions, lol. Okay the the legal stuff's done.

For Rick, Carlos, Mike and Jake. And all the others who've read my stuff at Nifty. Well you people have been asking goes!

Xmen Story

Segment 1

I woke up as the car screeched to a grinding halt. After hours of driving and battling the nauseous feelings, it was a relief to finally be still. I looked up at the sprawling mansion before me and stared in awe. Damn...this thing could rival the White House!

Mom: " Rick, wake up honey, we're here."


"I'm up mom. I just need a minute to get my head straightened out", I said.

Dad: "Well we better hurry, we don't want to keep everyone waiting."

That said we used the intercom at the gate and announced our arrival to

"The Xavier Institute of Higher Learning".

Hmm...wonder what it meant by that. I thought this place was for people like me...people who were different. People who were mutants. I didn't really want to come here. It meant leaving my home, parents and friends. After what happened. After what I did. I doubt that people knew I was the one responsible, but if they knew, home wouldn't be such a great place after all. I was honestly very nervous. I'd never been this far away from home before and the vastness of this place was really getting to me. With a few deep breaths I tried to calm myself down..

"I better get it together", I thought. It wouldn't be too good for me to begin freaking out. I didn't only have to deal with the fear of Public Humiliation, that all teens live with, but my powers go into an all uncontrollable overdrive when I'm scared or nervous. I was broken out of my thoughts by my parents' conversation.

Dad: "It's been a while since we've been here. Huh July?"

Mom: "Yeah...remember that grove by the pool..."

They both started to was pretty obvious what they were snickering about. Obviously some sort of adolescent encounter. Mom and dad were mutants too and apparently they had spent a lot of time at this place. I thought about how lucky I was to have parents like them. I mean they were GREAT parents and all but, I mean I was glad that they were mutants like me. I didn't know how I would have been able to relate to them if they weren't. I don't care what everyone else thinks, people say that parents love you no matter what, but I just don't believe that. It was for this reason that I kept my most closely guarded secret locked away. I knew for quite a while I was...different. I knew I It was a difficult secret to keep. And it was indirectly the cause of what had happened back at home. I was actually surprised it was still a secret from mom...and she's a Psionic mutant. Telekinesis, telepathy and all. But then again since I inherited both Mom and Dad's powers I supposed maybe my telepathy was strong enough to keep mom off the trail. She never pried into my mind that was a blessing. Although I think remember when I was real little she'd mind link to me and she could tell what I wanted whenever I threw tantrums.

We were at the door now. Dad rang the bell and we waited. Dad turned to me and spoke, breaking me out of the Mantra I was chanting. It helps calm my mind when I'm nervous. Bad things happen when I lose emotional control. I not only had Mom's telepathy and telekinesis to worry about, but Dad's elemental issues to deal with too. See, his powers deal with the elemental energies. Fire, Earth, Wind, Water, and Electricity.

Dad: "Now Rick, there's going to be a lot of shocking things going on in there, ok. I just want you to know that everyone in there is a friend. A lot of them are young mutants like you who are struggling to control their powers. Just like your Mom and I were when we were here. So don't be scared and if you feel you're losing control, if anything shocks you too much...just run outside...I don't think it'll go down too good to wreck the building on your first day...okay kiddo."

Mom started giggling, I wonder why, she answered my question telepathically,

He did that on his first day. I think he doesn't want anyone to think he started a family tradition! Hehe!

Dad was staring at us and I think he realized we were conversing telepathically and he was going to say something but just then the door opened. A beautiful woman, with long flowing white hair opened the door and looked down at us. I had the strange feeling of familiarity about her.

Mom: "Ororo! God you look great. It's good to see you again."

Mom and this, Ororo hugged and then she and dad hugged, it was honestly a little too mushy. They obviously knew each other..maybe that was why I felt familiar towards her. I must be telepathically absorbing impressions. She looked at me and her gaze made me a little uncomfortable. She held out her arms and I just stared.

Ororo: "Well, aren't you going to give me a hug? Or do you want to be left out?"

I hugged her. A little stiffly, but hey it counted as a hug.

Ororo: "By the Goddess! How you've grown since I last saw you."

Huh! She knew me? How?

Mom once again responded telepathically. I must have broadcast the thought unconsciously,

When we had you we lived here for a while longer then we moved out. You were about two when we left. Ororo helped me out a lot taking care of you, I was so young..

Oh. Ororo led us inside and we were greeted by the a woman with long red hair, a hot guy who wore shades(shades inside and at night, how odd). A cute teenaged boy with brown hair who was battling some girl on Tekken...and

Oh MY GOD! This THING looked like a monster straight out of the nightmares I had as a kid. IT was Giant, covered in blue fur and had protruding fangs out of its gaping mouth. Definitely no Cookie Monster! Oh no! It's coming over, its arms are outstretched. Without thought my self-preservation instincts are activated and I can feel the surge of power flow through me, without reservation I telekinetically lift him off the ground and throw him across the room, slamming him into the wall, the wall that crumbles from the assault and he falls down unconscious in the next room.

Mom: " Rick No! Calm down...he's a friend. He's not bad."

Dad ran over to the THING and everyone was staring at me. It only made me more nervous. Just great, Mom and dad ran to check on...whatever I'd just attacked and left me with a room full of staring people when they knew I didn't do good in crowds. I couldn't take it anymore..not the stares they were throwing at me. I ran out of the room outside to the mansion fields. I was about to go outside the gate when I found I could not move. I felt a chill at my feet, looking down I saw they were melded to the ground in a chunk of ice. Who...I looked back to the mansion and saw the brown haired guy. He must have done this! They were attacking me! Concentrating I tried tapping into the power of Fire. I could feel the energy of Warmth and in an instant the ice locking my feet melted into a puddle of water. Oh Frick! The sunglasses guy and red haired woman ran out. Three against one. Where were Mom and Dad? Were they...God, three against one...I stood no chance, unless, unless I allowed what had happened home to happen here. I could gain more power, terrifying power, but at the expense of control. I wouldn't be able to control it for long, I choice!

Sunglasses Guy: "Wait right there!"

Red Girl: "Don't try to run away."

Ice Dude: "Hold it !"

They must be angry. Oh well here goes. I feel the power coursing through me again...but this time I don't resist it. I allow it to take over. I can feel my body getting lighter, levitating...the ground starts to shake, good I can maybe shake them up with Earth. It toppled Ice Guy and brought Shades down to his knees, but to my shock Red Girl started levitating too...I'd have to try something else. Before I get the chance to I can feel her telepathic presence trying to make contact with my she's Psionic too and is probably trying to Psychic Stun me...well we'll see. I focus once more and hold off on the Earth power(Better use one element at a time, I wanted to remain in control as long as possible). If I can't bring her down with Earth then Fire will have to do. I better not use Mental powers (She's Psionic, she probably knew how to resist Psychic Attacks). Once again I'm in control of Fire and I send a stream of flame towards her, whilst shutting her out from my mind. She opens her mouth to say something, but screams as the fire swirls around her. I didn't actually burn her...I didn't want anyone to get seriously hurt...I just wanted them to stay away from me. Just then I heard a shout of rage and was hit with some kind of heat ray, it stung but glanced off. I looked down, it was Shades. Thank God I was currently in the Fire element, if not the heat ray might have really injured me. Oh, Oh another one, heading this way. Better end this, time for some Psionic Attacks. I invade his mind, Hmm..ohh so Red Girl's is his Girlfriend. That's why he's so mad! With a Psychic stun wave he's out. Two down...where's the other gu...OWW!! A cold blast of pain struck me and I come crashing down, with a lack of focus. Damn I forgot about him, if I was in the Water element I wouldn't be in any danger from him, but I was in Fire, he damaged me real bad. God...I was on the floor and blacking out. I could see faces over me, who I couldn't tell. But it was what one of them said that truly scared me,

Male Voice: "Get him inside, quickly!"

Inside?! No, I lost...

I woke up in a weird room. My vision was blurred and I think I was drugged, sedated or something. I got off of the bed and tried walking to the door when I felt a stab of pain. I was hooked up to a series of wires and tubes. I ripped them off. Damn, big mistake, more pain. I tried opening the door, locked. Oh well, I telekinetically try to open the lock, I succeed, but the effort thoroughly weakens me. Man, just what did they drug me with...and where were my parents?

They are upstairs.

Huh? It was a telepathic message, but who?

I try to answer back, but the strain is too much and once again I'm out cold. When I next wake up I can see my Mom and Dad over the bed, with worried looks on their faces.

Dad: "Don't try to talk, normally or telepathically until we give you a shot to let you recover from the sedation."

So that was it.

Mom: Its okay. We had to sedate you to protect both you and everyone else. We'll talk right after Jean gives you the shot.

Jean who's Jean? I look to the left where I see Red Girl walking up to me with a needle in her hand. I panic. Oh no I'm helpless and she's got a big scary needle. Mom sensed my apprehension(thank God for telepathy) and she took the needle and told Jean to get Ororo to do it. I don't know exactly why but having Ororo do the shot made me feel better, maybe as she helped take care of me when I was small...and maybe because she didn't stare at me like the rest of them did when I threw blue guy across the room, and maybe because she didn't attack a few other people I could name(Well maybe not NAME them, except for Jean, but you get the picture). Ororo gave me the un-sedation shot, I guess that it was something like that, `cause a few minutes after I felt a lot better. Just then the door opened and a man in a wheel chair(Like none I've ever seen before) came in. With my telepathy back online I could sense that he was telepathic too, and boy did I get a feeling of Power about him. I sensed that his was the telepathic presence I felt earlier. I waited uncomfortably for them to explain what just happened cause I was still clueless.

Mom: " Rick, this is Professor Charles Xavier. He owns and runs this institute."

Dad: "He's the one we wanted you to see. Only...well he was occupied when we came in or all this wouldn't have happened."

They left me alone with the Professor.

Xavier: "I am indeed terribly sorry for what happened to you earlier. You mistook one of our teachers here as a threat to your personal safety and instinctively attacked. For that there is no blame on your part. Mr. Mcoy is his name and I assure you he laughed about it afterwards.

Something about you being the one to give Pick me Ups now.

You may not remember but your parents used to live here and so did you until you were two. Then you moved out to make a life for yourselves."

I let all of this sink in before I answered,

"Thank you sir for the apology, and I'm real sorry about everything but I just got scared..and...bad things happen when I'm scared. And then Dad told me to run outside if I got scared so I wouldn't wreck the place, and I did. That and the way everyone was staring at me, made me do it. Then these three people, uh..Jean, and two guys came out and they seemed real mad about what I did. I'd just unfrozen my feet from one of their ice bolts and I thought they were out to get me. And Mom and Dad weren't coming and I thought they were hurt or something..and I tried to defend myself. I didn't want to hurt anyone so I flamed Jean, but didn't burn her. And then one of the guys REALLY started to attack me. And that freaked me out. I knocked him out..but then I was hit with something, an ice bolt, as I was in the Fire element, it did a LOT of pain and then I ended up here...confused. "

Xavier: "I had better explain. Your parents didn't come out because they and Ororo were busy taking Mr. Mcoy to the Medical facility. And I went with them after telling Scott(He shot me a mental Image of Shades), and Bobby(Another Image of Ice Guy, well now I knew who they were), and Jean, who you already know, to make sure you didn't run away. They were just supposed to keep you from running away to somewhere you could get hurt. And when you "Flamed" Jean, Scott went into a rage and actually attacked you. I will have to deal with him for that. I understand that you were in control of Fire at the time so Scott's heat blasts didn't hurt you and why Bobby's Ice Blast did so much damage. I assure you Bobby had no intention of harming you, he's right outside with everyone else worried. He came across you lying on the floor unconscious right after I contacted you telepathically. He thought he'd been the one responsible for killing you, he thought he'd killed you. He's very shaken up now. So don't take it too hard on him."

I better apologize for the trouble I caused the others,

"I didn't mean to hurt anyone, I mean I just surrounded...Jean with flame and when...Scott attacked me I only knocked him out telepathically."

Xavier: "Which is actually very interesting. He and Jean are mind melded...I'm surprised you could have knocked him out. Jean is quite a powerful telepath, her link with Scott makes him resistant to telepathic invasion, once again due to his Psychic link with Jean. Their minds can basically function as one when they have to, like today in combat with you. You must have been quite powerful to be able to knock them both out."

I was now shocked, "But sir, I didn't knock Jean out, only Scott."

Xavier: "When you knocked Scott out, because of their link you somehow knocked Jean out too. Think of it like this. It's like two people linked by a copper wire. Electrify one of them with a current and the wire conducts the electricity to the other whilst they are linked. What suprises me is that it knocked Jean out. She's quite resistant to telepathic...and all Psychic Attacks actually. You have great Power Rick. But you lack control, which makes you dangerous to both yourself and others. We can help you at the school, like we helped your parents, specifically your father."

He chuckled.

Xavier: "He wreaked havoc on his first day too. It's a family tradition I guess. Still, I am offering you what I offered your parents, a chance to stay here and learn, to control your powers, about who you are, about your place in the world. A chance to start over after what happened at your home town. I would really like to talk to you about that. I only got a broken story from your parents. I believe you know something you didn't tell them."

I honestly didn't know how to tell him. I still try to forget it. I hadn't told my parents the whole story, because it would mean telling them my deepest, darkest secret. That I was gay. Now HE wanted to know.

"Sir, I don't really want to talk about it, at least not right now."

Xavier: "Perhaps, but eventually you will have to. I have the impression that it may indeed help you come to terms with your current lack of control. Now as to my original you accept?"

I thought about it. It would mean staying here, amongst total strangers. Mom and Dad would be leaving to head back home. But then again, I couldn't live this way without any control forever. I could hurt myself or others. And it wasn't as if some people back home wouldn't treat me worse than a stranger anyway. And well...

"Yes, sir I'll stay. At least for learn to control myself. I don't want anyone getting hurt...but that includes me. As long as I don't have to deal with outbursts like the one Scott gave me. He willingly attacked me. I can forgive...Bobby, he didn't mean to hurt me, THAT was an accident. So..if you can guarantee you people won't attack me, unless I REALLY lose control, then yeah I'll stay."

Xavier: "Your condition is fair. And I can guarantee that will not happen again. I will explain your predicament to everyone here at the mansion."

"And Professor, thanks for not freaking out or anything. And I'll try to keep control...just tell everyone not to scare me, play pranks or just rush in on me. Sometimes I have a LOT on my mind and well, things can get scary."

Xavier: "That I will do. You're very responsible to think of all that. Then again, so was your father. He had a control problem too. Well I shall leave you to your parents and rest."

With that he was gone. And after talking with my parents, I decided to turn in. I was so beat.

The next morning was...interesting to say the least. I woke up and did the usual routine, getting ready for breakfast. But I didn't dare go down until my parents came with me. We came rather late last night so only a few people were awake. But now was morning. Specifically, breakfast time. I'd have to deal with a lot of people, being the new kid and all. And word probably got around by now...To make it worse, their thought patterns would make it rough...I am telepathic after all. Most people broadcast their thoughts unconsciously. It's hard when you know someone hates you. Other non-telepathic people can pretend that they don't. But when you're telepathic there is no way not to know. A lot of the times you can hear them thinking it. I decided to talk to Dad while Mom got ready.

"So dad, Prof. Xavier tells me that you wreaked havoc on your first day here too."

He looked really embarrassed by that. Probably reliving it.

Dad: "Yeah, actually, it happened when I met Mr.Mcoy for the first time too. Hehe. He gets it a lot. He's a great guy not to get angry when it happens too. Nearly every student freaks at least a little when they see him. Still I want you to apologize to him. He did give you a lot of Piggy Back rides when you were little so you owe him big time." that was what the Professor meant about Mr.Mcoy saying I was the one giving the Pick Me Ups now. Hmm..I'd better apologise. Right after breakfast. When Mom FINALLY was ready we went downstairs to eat.

The place was huge. Multiple Long tables spanning the length of the room. And talk about activity. People weren't just walking in, some were popping out of midair, some flew in(Big Deal I could do that!), some whizzing by at breakneck speed. There were quite a few telekinetics here too. It explained the dishes moving around the air. I saw professor Xavier at another table with a whole lot of other people. He motioned us over and we went along. Scott and Jean were there. And while Jean smiled at me, Scott gave me the creeps. I mean I couldn't SEE his eyes but I'm sure they'd be glinting with anger. I couldn't sense what he was feeling `cause I was tuning out all thoughts but my own. There were just too many people here to put up with. Mom and Dad took their seats and I had Mom on my left and...Bobby on my right.(*Sigh*). I'd better watch it. Wouldn't want to out myself to anyone here. Or to anyone for that matter. Bobby smiled(Gosh he has a killer smile!) and spoke to me while the adults were talking ,

Bobby: "I'm real sorry for the Ice Bolt thing. I mean I didn't think it'd hurt you so much. I used it against others before and they weren't half as strong as you, and they weren't hurt."

"Oh well, I was in posession of Fire, and when I'm like that, no heat can harm me(I saw Scott frown at that), but I'm really weak against cold stuff and wet stuff. Each element has strengths and weaknesses. If I was in Water now that'd be a different story, I'd have given you a fight."

Bobby: "Hehe. Yeah I'll bet. We could try it out sometime. See who'd win."

"Fight?, but what about.."

Bobby: "Oh well we call it training. In the Danger Room. Well we call it the danger room. It's this huge simulation room..that can simulate combat simulations from hundreds of miles below the the dark side of the moon. It's waaaay COOl! And trust me I should know!"

Yeah, well if Ice guy said it was cool who was I to doubt him.

We finished up breakfast and my parents made final arrangements with Professor Xavier. Whilst they were doing that, Bobby got permission to show me around. We went outside and I saw just how HUGE the mansion's grounds were. Hmm. Xavier must be loaded! They had a huge lawn, some tennis courts, basketball courts, football fields and swimming pools...(Hmm Bobby in only a Speedo). I shut the thought out as I saw he was staring at me. I had better be careful Bobby was acting all friendly and if he saw me pop a boner...

"What's wrong?"

Bobby: "Nothin's wrong, with me. But you were just staring into midair.."

"Oh well it's a telepathic thing, sometimes, we have to filter out our thoughts cuz we pick up other people's thoughts and we have to separate them from our own."

That was actually true, but that wasn't the reason. Lol.

Bobby: "Say just what can you do anyway? I mean you saw my powers. And I kinda saw yours. But you seem so different from yesterday..I mean when you used your powers you kinda scared me. And I've been through the whole Jean Grey/Phoenix complex!"

"Huh, what's the Jean Grey- Phoenix complex?"

He got a little apprehensive.

Bobby: "Uh you better talk to her about that. I really shouldn't have let that slip. But dude don't change the subject."

"Oh well I got my Mom's Powers and my Dad's. I'm Psionic, which means I'm telpathic and telekinetic."

Bobby: " Jean. But you did a lot more than that yesterday."

"Yeah well that's from mom. I got elemental powers from dad."

Bobby: "I can relate to that. I control water, well Ice."

"Well, I can do that too, but it takes a while longer for me to get the water to freeze. I can control, Earth, Fire, Wind, Water and Electricity."

Bobby: "Oh..damn. that's some power. So you're like Ororo. She can control the Elements too, like on a weather scale."

"Well yes and no. I can combine two or more elements, but there's NO way I can control the weather."

Bobby: "Wow..that's so cool. But what I don't get You seem like a real great guy(Whoo hoo! He thinks I'm great) but yesterday, you seemed...different."

I really didn't want to scare him, but if we were going to be friends, I had to tell him the truth.

"Well, when I feel scared or threatened I sometimes go into this split personality that's ruthless. It fights against anything I'm terrified of...and it can get real bad. It happened home..when.."

Damn! Why'd I let that slip?

Bobby: "When what?"

"Bobby, I really don't want to talk about that incident. But yesterday when I saw the three of you coming after me and you froze my feet in place and everything else that happened...well it was taking over."

I didn't like the way this conversation was going. Bobby had this strained look on his face I couldn't read.

Bobby: "You were terrified of me?" Well at least he didn't sound mad, but he did sound sad.

"Well not just you, but Scott too. See I just surrounded Jean with Fire to keep her from coming to get me. But Scott attacked me with some kind of heat beam. If I wasn't posessed with Fire, I'm sure I would have been seriously injured."

Bobby: "Scott's an asshole. He's always over-reacting. I could tell Jean wasn't in any immediate danger. I think she'd scream continously if she were burning to death, I know I would. Still I don't want you to be afraid of me...I thought I killed you when I shot that Ice Bolt. You weren't moving and then last night I saw you passed out on the floor of the Med Bay and well...I'm really really sorry and.."

I wasn't prying into his mind but I could tell he was really upset.

"Hey, hey. It's all right. I'm fine and I'm actually glad you did it. You probably stopped me from going completely out of control."

Bobby: "You mean it could have gotten worse?" He stared in disbelief.

"Believe me, it could have gotten MUCH worse. Back home I.."

Strike Two! Frick. Why do I keep letting this slip with Bobby. But I guess it was because it's just so easy to talk to him...more than it is with my parents or the Professor.

Bobby: "What exactly happened?"

I decided to let him know part of the truth. The part I told my parents.

"Well, it happened after school, while I was on my way home. The streets were secluded and I got in this fight see. Guys from my class. Real dumbass Jock Bullies. Like 10 of them, they knew about me being(Oops!), a mutant, yeah they saw me do something or other I guess. Anyway they were real mutant bashers(They were actually Gay bashers, they didn't know right then that I was a mutant, but they found out real fast). Well they attacked me. You saw what I did to Mr. Mcoy and he didn't touch me. Well these guys did more than touch me. I went into defensive mode. Not one of them escaped the Intensive Care Unit. All had some pretty bad burns too. I basically unleashed all the Elements. They were pretty much Pummeled with Earth, burned with Fire, half drowned with Water, whipped around with Air and Telekinesis, shocked with Electricity and my Telepathy put them all in a coma."

I saw the utter look of shock on Bobby's face. Just great, now he probably hated me for it. Mom told me that here they learned not to use Powers for such reasons here.

"Bobby please don't hate me...I had to or they would have killed me."

Bobby: "What? I don't hate you. It's just...damn. So much power. You don't seem like the kind of person who'd do that. How did you escape the Police?"

"Well, I was raging beyond control. Thank God the area was secluded, so not too many witnesses. Mom sensed the Psionic energy and Dad sensed the Elemental Imbalance and they came. I regained control with Mom's help. And Dad stopped the Elements. Mom wiped the few witnesses' memories with her telepathy and we called an ambulance and left before they came. But the thing is people still don't like me again. Mom could wipe their memories, but not their emotions. It's like hating someone but not remembering exactly why. The emotions are too deeply rooted. I think I almost killed them. If my parents hadn't made it there I probably would have...I still hear them screaming gives me nightmares. I can't sleep at all sometimes."

I took a deep breath and calmed down.

Bobby: "Well dude you won't have that to worry about here. Almost everyone here is a mutant, and we ALL have issues. And dude if you ever need somebody to talk to my door's always open."

It felt a lot better to hear that but,

"It wouldn't help Bobby."

He looked hurt,

Bobby: "Why not?"

"Well I don't know where your door is."

He laughed,

Bobby: "Oh a wise guy huh? Yeah you and me are gonna get along just fine. Well you going back in?"

"Huh, why?"

Bobby: "Well I gotta make sure you know where my door is don't I?"

Huh...I mean what he said was run of the mill. But there was a certain edge to the way he said it. Was he just coming on to m-Hmpf! My horny hormones again.

Bobby: "Well are coming, I'm going to show you all the secrets this old mansion has to offer."

I nodded yes and we made our way back inside. I hadn't re-entered more than 5 minutes when I heard a voice behind me.

Jean: "Hello Rick."

It was Jean. She was nice to me this morning at the breakfast table so I guess she forgave me. I apologised again however. Then she said she wanted to have a talk with me. Well I guess exploring the mansion with Bobby was going to have to wait(*Sigh*). I told Bobby I couldn't come yet and I definitely sensed some disappointment. And I made my way over to Jean. She led me down the hall to what looked like a library with a lot of desks and lounge chairs for reading at leisure and we took a seat near a secluded section.

Jean: "It's been quite a while, you probably don't remember me."

I assured her that I didn't, or I wouldn't have Flamed her. She was real nice about it and kept telling me to stop bringing it up. Hmm I think I could begin to like her.

Jean: "Well y'know I was practically your Mom's sister here at he school. We were-are real close. We have the exact same powers and all and we bonded. So that makes me your virtual Aunt.

"Really, I was wondering what your powers were. I mean I knew you were Psionic, I sensed that when you tried to invade my mind."

Jean: "Oh no..I wasn't trying to invade your mind. See I was trying to explain to you why we were trying to stop you with my thoughts so you could tell I wasn't lying."

Man, did I feel like a complete ditz. So that was what she was doing.

Jean: "I sensed a surge of Power from you while you surrounded me with Flame...I will really like to talk to you about that. And then the next thing I know I'm being knocked out and the thing is it's not even directly but through Scott. Hmm."

"Well the Professor said when I telepathically knocked Scott out, while you and him were linked, it knocked you out too. And the power surge you felt it was me. I was trying to channel more energy into my Powers to face off against you guys. It was three against one you know."

Jean: "Well, Rick it wasn't exactly three against one. We weren't AGAINST you kiddo."

Huh? I explained how Scott fired some really powerful heat beams against me, and how if I hadn't been in the Fire element I'd probably be in serious condition. Judging by the look of shock on her face(followed by anger), I could tell that Scott had conveniently forgotten to tell her this. She apologised and said she didn't know at the scene because she was in too much shock from seeing such a jet of Fire come at her. It would explain why she didn't pick it up from the Mental Link. She was simply too busy dealing with the flames to sense it.

Jean: "Honestly, if I'd known he was attaking you like that I'd have knocked him out myself. I'll have to have a serious talk to him about that Anger of his...and he has the nerve to talk about Logan."

"Who's Logan?"

Jean: "Oh you'll meet him again soon. He's out right now."

Meet him again? Oh he must have been here when I was little.

Jean: "Now back to you and your powers, I assume you have both your Mom's and Dad's."

I told her yes. She looked a bit worried.

Jean: " Rick...your father had a real problem with learning self- control. You see, he'd freak out from the slightest things sometimes. And I won't lie to you, if we don't do this may have a harder time. You see when your dad and Logan had a fight once, he got mad at something Logan SAID and he nearly incinerated Logan and me as well when I tried to stop him. Thank God I could put up a telekinetic shield while the professor knocked him out. Now it was what Logan said that got him that way. He didn't sense it. But you because of your Psychic abilities, you can sense something even when people don't say it. So you have more risk at losing emotional control. That's why I'm talking to you. At the same time you may have it easier than he did."

Now I was confused. I let her know it too.

Jean: "Well now the Professor and me, if you'll let me help, we can read you better. When the Professor tried to help your dad a lot of the times the Power was too focussed on Him and the Professor couldn't establish a telepathic link. But you, you're telepathic too so we won't have that problem. We'll be able to relate better."

I had to ask her, "Jean I heard from Bobby, and please don't get mad at him, he let it slip. He said I scared him. And he mentioned you and some..Phoenix thing. What's that about?"

After seeing the look of pain that she tried to hide from me, I honestly wished I hadn't brought it up. But she did talk about it.

Jean: "It's what happened when I lost my control. I became the Phoenix. It's an entity of vast destructive power. Don't be upset, it's what I called you in here for. I sensed that you also have something, some other persona locked away in you. And that's why I wanted to talk to you. We can relate. Over time I want to help you so you won't have to go through what I did."

"Jean, are there other mutants who have these alter egos to worry about?"

Jean: "Well there are a few, there's the Professor, thank goodness you never saw his darkside, there's your dad. Then there's Ororo, her weather control can get out of hand. Maybe a few others too."

We talked some more and I was beginning to enjoy myself when...HE walked in. Scott. He saw us at the table and came rushng up to us. He didn't say a word to me, but he said something to Jean, who I noticed was fuming. She told me she'd see me later and left with Scott. Outside I could hear them quarelling. Probably over him atttacking me. Good, it serves him right. I decided to go see my parents and spend some time with them...they'd be leaving tomorrow.

I made my way up to our room and talked to the `rents. They asked me how I liked it here and all. I told them it was fine, I'd already made one friend and everyone was real nice and all so far, and then I told them about Scott. I so did not like him. Mom chuckled, dad looked furious. Mom warned him about his control and he calmed down some.

Mom: "If it's any consolation, your dad and Scott were always on bad terms with each other. But I don't want you to be young man. Scott's still team leader."

Oh Frick! But I thought Professor Xavier was...

He is but Scott is in charge of training and all the other stuff. Xavier can overirde him though. Don't worry I'll talk to Ororo, she basically has as much influence as Scott.

What a reilef! I sure hoped Ororo could cut me some slack. After some more talk and mushy stuff we went to sleep. Tommorow I'd be on my own...well there would be Bobby. Hmmm. With that thought(Which I tried my Absolute best to shield) I popped off.

The next day after an emotional goodbye to my parents, my tenure at the mansion officially began. Turns out the Professor gave me the tour, but hey Bobby was there too, so was Scott. I didn't appreciate the looks he was giving me. It was obvious to me that he was angry at me, probably thought that I put Jean up to "Talk" to him. Then again the Professor said he would "Deal" with him. Turns out that there was a lot going on at the Mansion. Hmmm...if National Security ever found out. If I thought that the Mansion was vast above ground, it was even more so underground. The Professor led us to an elevator and I was aware that we were descending.

Bobby: " Rick, wait'll you get a look at this. You better brace yourself, don't want you to be too shocked when we come out."

I took his advice and calmed myself down. When we finally stopped the Professor led the way out. I couldn't believe the sight of it. The hall alone was constructed of some silver metal and lots of lights, looked like it'd work horrors on the electricity bills. It all looked fresh out of a Sci-Fi flick. Hmm...good thing Bobby warned me, I wasn't scared or anything but damn, surprised yeah.

Professor: "Welcome to the Subbasement. It's where we conduct the most important of the institute's business. We have another Med Bay here, as well as a hanger(Did he just say..Hangar as in Planes!?!), a conference room, a Brig(This was getting weirder and weirder by the minute) as well as some other rooms that we'll get to. I want to take you to one of those rooms right now actually. The simulation room."

"Oh you mean the danger room?"

Professor: "Oh I see you know about it. Well let's go."

"Bobby told me about it. I don't exactly know how it works exactly though."

We made our way to this computer room. The sight of so many buttons took me by surprise. Hmmm I wonder what this one...


I jumped and the ground started to shake. I got myself under control. And the Professor looked at Scott hard. I aplogised and Bobby came over and told me not to worry about it.

Bobby: "Don't sweat it they were nervous when I got us locked down in here too.Hehe."

I wondered what this place was.

Professor: "This is the danger room computer. That-(He clicked a button) is the danger room."

A screen blinked on..into...a completely empty room. I couldn't help it I started laughing...Bobby too. THAT was the big bad danger room. Oh yeah! I'm quaking all right. I glanced at the Professor and Scott. Well at least Scott was smiling, maybe he didn't hate me as much as I thought he did. The Professor shook his head,

Professor: "The room may appear empty now, but with advanced holography, any adversary or environment can be created from complete nothingness. If you three would enter the Danger Room using that door, you will see what I mean Rick."

Scott led the way and Bobby and I followed. We entered the Silver Room. There was a side room and both he and Bobby entered it. I followed. It was a changing room. Damn! Now I was in a fix. Could I honestly control myself if I saw Bobby shirtless. Frick Scott was a piece of work himself. Hmpf! It's starting already. I figured I could try a little Bio telepathy. I could try and will my body to function how I wanted it. Thankfully it worked. These skin tight outfits weren't helping. In two ways, first it made any erections painfully apparent and two, it made me even more horny from seeing they way the fabric hugged Scott and Bobby's tight, muscular bodies. When we finished changing we made our way back out. Just before we made our way back out, Scott said he wanted to have a word with me. When Bobby didn't take the hint he added the word ALONE. Was he going to rail at me again?

Scott: "Listen Rick, I'm real sorry for the way I've been treating you. See when I saw you uh...surround Jean with Fire I just lost it. I mean we were real close at one time and all, and I still feel protective about her..and well..when I thought you hurt her I- well I just hope you can forgive me."

"Well okay but just don't do it again..and I'm sorry for knocking you out telepathically. But it was in self-defence."

We made our way outside and Bobby looked upset,

Bobby: "What took you so long?"

I'm not sure I liked his tone. Apparently neither did Scott.

Scott: "We were talking, I was apologising."

"Yeah, so was I." Bobby calmed down some and our simulation commenced.

Professor: "Now this is an introductory program to help you cut your teeth Rick. Scott and Bobby are there to help you if it becomes too overwhelming..other wise they won't move a muscle..and the enemies will only notice you. One last thing you are not to consciously use your Extreme Power. Just you, not your other Persona. Now begin."

Scott and Bobby moved off in a corner, leaving me in the center. Well here goes. I signalled I was ready. Suddenly in front of me flickered with Blue Light and two...robotic things shimmered into existence. I tried to sense them...nothing, so they weren't alive. Which meant I'd have to see them with my eyes. I wouldn't be able to sense them with my mind. Which means I better watch my- aah!

I was struck from behind. Two more. Okay they don't seem to be able to attack from a distance...but I could. They seemed to only be able to attack with punches too. Well, time for some Earth Elemental Power. Some Super Strength and Defense would sure do. I focused the Power and I grabbed one of the Humanoid robots and tore it to shreds. I could hear Bobby cheering, only to be silenced by Scott. But I saw Scott wave far so good. Two more came at me and simultaneously struck. My rock hard skin shattered their fists. Good now their main means of attaked was disabled. I telekinetically lifted those two and smashed them into each other. Good now only one more. I looked towards my right and saw it advancing. But wait it seemed different. Its fists were glowing, next it shot out a beam. I was sent sprawling. Okay time for an Elemental shift, Earth might be perfect against Physical attack, but against an energy attack, there's nothing like Fire. With a yell I burst into Flame and Shot the most powerful fireball I could at its hands. They melted. I could hear some oohs behind me. Yes! I was doing ok. Before the robot could recover I engulfed it in Red Flame and melted its circuits. Victory!

Professor: "Excellent work Rick but we are just getting started. Are you ready?"

I assured him and once again, we commenced.

Hmm. More original. Well I could handle it. I threw Flame at them but it was no good. The metal they were made of seemed heatproof. Well maybe I could shock them to...deat- oh right. They weren't alive- pieces.

I called off the Fire and Focused on Electricity. I sent out an intense spark of Power in a radius around me. No good. Were they insulated some how? These four were advancing fast...hmm quicker too. I had to think this out. To buy myself sometime I pushed them back telekinetically. Wait! If they didn't conduct elctricity, doesn't water,

Water, and I condensed the water vapour from the air and gave them all a good soaking. I decided to make it look good for Bobby and froze their feet in place(heard him shout out). Now that they were all little lightning rods and immobile, I Elemental switched again into Electricity and zapped them all to kingdom come. Once again cheers from Scott and Bobby. I waved out! Hmm this wasn't as hard as I thought.

Professor: "Most excellent indeed now let's see how you deal with large numbers of enemies."

I was so overconfident by now, hell bring `em all on!

Which unfortuantely the Professor did. There had to be over 50. I was surrounded. I focused and lifted myself into the air. Didn't help because these things could FLY! I flew up as far and fast as I could trying to escape them, but Jeez they were fast. One grabbed on to my feet and I shocked it off, well at least they weren't insulated. I focused and sent out a radial wave of electrical current that sent more down in pieces. I looked down...well at least Bobby and Scott were enjoying the light show...hey I aim to please. Two more tried to grab my arms while two others grabbed my legs. I focused on Wind and sent them hurling away in a wind vortex that tore their robotic bodies into shreds. There were so many of them and doing all of this was really draining me. I lowered myself back to the ground to ease the strain. The robots followed. I was pretty much almost out of power by now. I never had to use my powers like this before and didn't have much practice. And now I was being surrounded. I was sent flying with a punch. I cried out, it actually hurt.

Bobby and Scott were coming towards me, to help but the Professor stopped them telepathically freezing them, I could sense him doing it...why? I heard Bobby yelling for the Professor to let him go and Scott was visibly struggling to break free. Why was he doing this?

Professor: "No! He must fight this battle on his own. This is his test. You know the rules, you both had to go through it, now let it be."

Was this guy serious?!? The droids were advancing. I was pushing them back with Telekinesis now, my Energy levels were too drained to focus Elemental Energy. And these droids were heavier, damn, they're closer now. If they get any closer I'd lose control...I had to warn the others I cried out telepathically,

Professor release Scott and Bobby! Let them get out now! I don't know if I'll lose control, I just might soon!

The Professor released them and they ran out and into the overhead monitoring room that Xavier was in. The effort at teleplathic conversation with Xavier further weakened me..the droids were within touching distance now. There was no choice, I had to either release control temporarily to my other Persona or die. As I felt my control slipping, I could only hope no one would get hurt. I didn't know how strong these Danger Room walls were. Could they contain Elemental Forces. I could feel the ground Quaking, right before I started to float upon the wind, the Air cried tears of liquid Water and Fire and Electricity erupted from the ether. I could see robotic bodies shattering into burning bits of scrap metal, melting into slag. The hurtling winds sent others into the air where the Electricity smashed them into pieces. Soon not one of them remained standing. But it didn't stop. I could see it but couldn't stop it. I could sense Fear from the Monitoring Room. With the strongest will I could conjur I tried to force it away...They were NOT threats...the threats have all been eliminated, only friends remain, I/you-WE MUST STOP!!! And ended. I lowered myself back to the ground. I was weak, but conscious. Scott, Bobby, the Professor and Ororo came in. Ororo?? When did she get here? I felt like a total loser. Can't I do anything right?

"I'm sorry Professor...I didn't mean to. It-I couldn't stop it from happening ."

Professor: "Why are you apologising?"

"I failed, you said not to use the other Persona and I-"

Professor: "You passed."

"I passed! But how?"

Professor: "The test was not to stop you from morphing to your other Persona. The test was to evaluate your limits of self-control and responsibility. When you sensed your limit was approaching-you warned us. Which means you can sense when you're losing control. Which is a good thing. You were able to delay the shift inot the other persona until you absolutely couldn't any longer. This means, that you weren't tempted to resort to using such power. Excellent self-control for a beginner. You young man definitely have passed."

I was definitely shocked! And Proud! But still-

"Umm Ororo? What are you doing here, you weren't here before?"

Ororo: "I sensed a massive burst of Elemental Energy and I grew worried...I came down here to see what was wrong and I stopped the-"

Everyone else grew quiet, I saw Bobby and Scott shaking their heads from side to side, as if to say No,no,no.

She stopped herself but the damage was done. Realization dawned on me. She was the one who stopped my Elemental Powers from raging. I didn't do it. I failed. Whatever Pride I felt vapourised. I wasn't mad at Ororo or anything...since I obviously couldn't stop it I was glad Ororo was here to put it to an end. wonder I was still conscious afterwards. I didn't stop it so it didn't drain me too much. Xavier said a lot of good stuff but he didn't give me credit for stopping the Elements.

Professor: "As I said before the test was not to stop you from releasing your power or anything of the sort. It was a test of how long you could delay the inevitable."

Bobby: "Yeah dude. Don't sweat it. You'll control it eventually. And you really kicked some robotic ass- uh (He glanced at the Professor and Ororo)-butt."

It was actually kinda cute how he blushed when he said it. Still I did have mixed feelings about it all. I mean I had thought I learned some measure of self-control in stopping the Powers.

Scott: "If it's any consolation, you handled yourself real good in here. A lot of other students get knocked out after round two."

Well I suppose after only one training session it would be a near miracle if I were to suddenly gain absolute control. Ah well I better suck it up.

"Well I'll try harder the next time, and maybe with practice I won't have to resort to those Powers."

Professor: "Well I don't know about that. You cannot deny a part of's part of you. To ignore it would be catastrophic. It may decide to force you to notice it's presence."

Well, after a little more talk on what happened Professor Xavier and Ororo left Scott, Bobby and me to go take a shower and change. I dreaded this even more than the danger room. Before I only had to change with them, but a shower?!?. It brought back horrible memories. It was how my secret got found out back home. After a particularly gruelling gym period. Still there was no choice. There were a lot of shower heads so at least I wouldn't have to be right next to them. While Bobby and Scott were at one end of the showers I went all the way down to the other, praying that they wouldn't glance at me. I was hardening already. To ward off suspiscion I focused on Fire and used the warmth to create Steam from the water coming from the shower head. It would give me some cover.

Bobby: "Hey Rick, just what are you doing over there?"

Thinking quickly...

"Uh, I'm having a steam bath, it helps relax my muscles." I was frantically finishing up now. Almost done. I didn't count on what happened next.

Scott: "Hey that's so cool. I could sure use one of those."

Bobby: "Me too."

Oh no! They were coming over. What did they want a steam bath for? They didn't do anything in the danger room.

"Uh guys I really, um I'm done actually."

I dried myself quickly while the steam lasted and put on my clothes. With a last minute attempt I force myself to come under control and thought about anything other than the two sweaty, hot, muscular...crap! I'm doing it again.

Scott: "Well couldn't you just turn back on the heat for a while, we'll finish soon."

Bobby: "Yeah, couldn't you just-"

My next few words came out harsher than I intended,

"No. I'm done."

And with that I left and headed to my room. I hope they didn't think anything of it. I just had to get away from there. While I was exiting I bumped into someone in my haste.

"Sorry bub", the guy said.

When I looked up again to see who it was happening AGAIN. Hmpf! Stupid hormones.

"I'm sorry sir, my bad.", I said. I hadn't seen him before but I had the weirdest feeling of Déjà vu about him. He was looking at me all strange.

" that you?", he asked.

"You know me?", I asked.

"I'm Logan", he said.

Logan: "Ororo told me that Joshua and July's kid was back."

Oh oh! This was the same Logan that Jean said my dad almost facial expression changed abruptly.

Logan: "What's the matter kid? Something wrong."

"Uh nothing Sir. It's nothing."

Hi expression changed and he spoke up,

Logan: "Listen kid, just because your father and I had our ups and downs, doesn't mean that we have to have them. So no awkward feelings okay?"

"Uh okay sir."

Logan: "Enough with the Sir, it makes me feel old.(He laughed at something, I didn't know what), just call me Logan, everyone else does."

We talked some more and then I went to my room. I wasn't really tired so I decided to call home. Hmm..long distance, well after everything I saw here today, I'm sure they wouldn't mind. Besides I was way out of Telepathic range.

Mom: "Oh, hi Rick. How was the first day?"

"Well it was exciting I'll give you that. I went in the danger room today, and the Professor said I did good."(I decided to leave out some bits, like losing Elemental Control, hey I gotta make Mom proud. Which she sounded!) Rick, just hold on I'm going to get your father.

Dad: "Hiya! How're you doing?"

"Great Dad. I kicked as- uh Butt in the danger room today! Professor X thinks I have Potential. Oh and everyone's real nice. Especially Bobby and Scott."

Dad: "Hmpf! Scott?"

"Yeah, before I went into the Danger Room, Scott apologised and all. Said he was sorry." Dad was silent for a while. "Uh Dad are you there?"

Dad: "Yeah, I'm here. Rick, just-ah-just stay away from Scott. He's a –real jerk at times. And well.."

"But Dad Scott seems like a great guy and all. He even said I did real good in the danger room for a first timer."

Dad: "Well I'm sure you did, but-"

"Oh and I met a uh- Logan today."

Dad: "Logan? HIM!"

"Uh yeah, he seems cool. I mean I heard from him and Jean that you two didn't really get along and all, but he said we didn't have to argue. Say why'd you two fall out anyway?"

Dad: "It's complicated, see you know your mom and I had you when we were like 15 right? *Sigh*."

This I knew, it was a teenage pregnancy. I was 16 years old now so the `rents were still pretty young, about 31.

"Yeah well..."

Dad: "Well, your mother see, well-Logan always thought of her like his daughter and-"

"What!?, How? He's like her age, you sure it wasn't more like a sister?"

Dad explained to me what Logan's Mutant power was, his healing factor, it allows him to heal extra fast and it greatly slowed down the ageing process, which explains why he laughed after he said "Sir" made him feel "Old".

Dad: "Yeah well, me and your mom got, well we had this little thing-"

"So you had sex, then what?"

Dad: "Well since you put it like that...Yeah we did. We didn't think she'd get pregnant."

"So I was an...accident?" Why had I opened up this can of worms, so I'm a freak of Nature, big deal, but this?

Dad: "No you were NOT an accident. You were a...uh...blessing in disguise. It forced me to get some responsibility in my life. Anyways, when Logan found out July(Mom) was pregnant, and found out I was the father, he went into a rage. July was always like his little girl and we were so young...and he quarrelled with me and I lost control, and well, I'm sure you know what happened."

"Yeah, Jean told me."

Dad: "Well we haven't seen eye to eye ever since. He never forgave your mother. Never talked to her after he found out. Everytime she'd call, she'd try to get Ororo to put him on but he wouldn't. It started the day you were born. He wouldn't even look at us, at you, without going all mad."

"Dad that was 16 years ago. Maybe he's changed, he seems nice enough now."

Dad: "I honestly can't tell. Still I'm glad you're getting along so well. It sure beats the hell outta my first official day. I damn near wrecked the Danger Room!"


Dad: " Rick, are you there?"

"Uh yeah, I'm here, and I gotta go I uh got-some stuff to do."

Dad: "Well see you kiddo."

I told goodbye and got him to put mom back on the phone and we said our goodbyes. Hmm...after that talk with dad, everything seemed so complicated. Everything about my life seemed complicated after that stupid gym class shower that I got "outted" in. Well that's life. After a brief rest and another shower(I had to rush it after the danger room practice with Bobby and Scott) I headed outside to explore the mansion. Since it was my first day I got spared the classes, but they would begin tommorow. This was a school after all. *Sigh* Just no escaping it! Lol.

I made my way down the mansion staircase and headed outside. A walk on the lawn would do good for me. Hmm..maybe if it was secluded enough where I felt comfortable I could fly a little. I learned to fly before I could walk. Hehe. Mom had to Telepathically block out that power until I was older. I saw some kids playing a game of basketball, and it did look real fun, I did wish that maybe I could join them, but I don't get along to well with a lot of people at the same time. It made for a lonely existence sometimes, but I couldn't help it. What if I got found out and IT got around, I'd be an outcast. I made my way over to a grove of trees, that was secluded and sat down. It was relaxing here that was true. And I suppose I could think of it as a return home...I did live here at one time, heck I was even born in their med wing! I was wrapped up in my thoughts and it was only then that my Telepathy alerted me that I was not alone...someone was behind me.

Instictively I turned around and blasted a gust of wind at, at – Logan!?!

I ran over to help him up, and I was going to if it weren't for what he said-

Logan: "Just like your father."

I had my hand stretched out to him, but I pulled it back. Just what the hell did he mean by that?! The look on my face gave me away.

Logan: "What's the problem kid?"

"You have no fricken right to talk about my father!"

Logan: "Kid calm down. I didn't mean it like that. I just mean you're jumpy with the Powers and all."

He chuckled and I-well felt stupid. I offered him my hand and pulled him up. Damn, he's heavy.

"Uh sorry about, I uh-"

Logan: "I see your father already told you about our history. Don't be sorry kid. It was partly my fault for what happened. I should have realised that teenegers experiment. Although with nothing like that when I was a kid."

I had to ask,

"Uh, just HOW old are you?"

Logan: "Hehe..well I could tell you...but then I'll have to kill you."

Enough said. He obviously didn't want to talk about it.

Logan: "Look, I was hoping that maybe you and I could talk a little."

"You don't hate me? Dad said when I was born you cut them off clean and cold."

Logan: "So I see he's already poisoned you-"

I frowned at that and he relented.

Logan: "No I don't hate any of you. At one time I thought I did, but I know now that I don't. I really miss them, I saw them grow up together, Scott, Jean, July, Josh. Huh, it was in happier times, I was their uncle Logan. Ororo and me were practically their parents, along with Mcoy and the Professor, when the school was just started."

Wait HE SAW THEM ALL GROW UP!?! Just how OLD was this dude? He must have read the look of shock on my face.

Logan: "I'm old enough to be your grandfather three or four times over."

Well...there's a surprise. Wait, didn't dad say he considered mom his...daughter. I think he realised just what he said, from the look on his face. I couldn't speak. Both my parents were orphans. It was how Xavier found them I guess. I'd never had the luxury of Grandparents. I never thought about it much before, but now that he brought it up...

Logan: "Uh well if you don't want to talk, I'll understand."

To be honest I did have mixed feelings. He cut my parents out on his own. They, well, mom tried to contact him a lot according to dad. He hated the day when I was born. He forgot about us for 16 years and NOW he wants to talk. Still he does seem repentant, and...sad about it. And he seems like a good enough guy. He was almost at the door of the mansion when I caught up to him.

"Uh...I really would like"

He brightened and we went into the library where it was quiet. We had a lot to catch up up on. He asked a lot about Mom and Dad. I told him everything I could about them, everything that I knew.

Logan: "Hmm..they've changed, a lot, from the Josh and July I knew."

The stuff he told me about my parents...made for excellent blackmail material! Which he quickly squelched. I was sworn to secrecy. Soon the attention switched to me. I was nervous about this. Conversations always seem to come to...

Logan: "So any girl you're interested in? Good lookin' guy like you gotta be a chick magnet."

Oh oh. What was I gonna say? I'm cornered. What would he,

"Uh well actually I'm more of a shy, well see I never got out much because of the powers and all. I was too afraid of further emotional control issues. And then if anyone found out about my mutation."

Logan: "Oh, that explains it. Well you ain't gonna have that problem here. Everyone here's a mutant. You gotta pick up, if you need help I'd be happy to set you up."

I assured him I didn't. And the less emotional requirement I had to face the better. Still...

"Hey did you set my dad up?"

Logan went red,

Logan: "Uh yeah, that's why I felt so betrayed after, well I expected more of him...but I don't regret it now. You turned out great."

"Great?! I've got issues."

Logan: "So we ALL got our issues. And we're all learning to deal with them."

"You got issues?"

He didn't answer for a while. I always know JUST what to say.

Logan: "Yeah kiddo I do. S'matter of fact my life's been like a freakishly bad soap opera, but I'm coping."

We chatted some more and thank God the Girl topic didn't come up again. And when he left, I got the feeling that I could really like Logan. I'd have to try and get Mom to call one last time. Hey he was the closest thing I'd have for a grandad. And if dad was wrong about him, maybe he could be wrong about Scott. I wonder why dad hates him so much?

It was about 12:30 by now. Lunch time. I better make my way down to the cafeteria. The place would be swarming with the other students. I better put up a telepathic block. I made my way down and I almost bumped into Bobby. I know he was a good guy and all, but I figured I better keep my distance. I didn't want to get too made losing friends so much more painful. Not to mention that I just couldn't seem to calm myself down whenever he was around. I dodged him in the corridor and prayed he didn't see me. I'd have to learn some Telepathic Memory Erasal sooner or later. I made my way into the cafeteria and grabbed a bite to eat. I looked around for an empty table but didn't see one. Great! Just then,

Bobby: "Hey Rick, over here."

I looked to my right and saw Bobby. But he wasn't alone. He was at a table with a bunch of other kids. I probably would have felt more comfortable if it was just a tad bit smaller of a group but,

Bobby: "Hey I saved you a seat."

I went over. At least I'd be sitting next to him and not some total stranger. But they did all seem nice...enough. There was Jubilee, and Ray, Roberto, Amara, Jamie and John. They had some really cool powers too.

Well we all knew Bobby could do anything with Ice. Jubilee could blast out explosive globes of energy, she calls them Fireworks. Ray had this Electrical power thing going on. Amara was like a Fire and Earth kinda girl. Roberto could absorb solar energy and get super strong. Jamie could split himself into multiple clones and John could manipulate fire.

Ray: "So Rick what's your mutant power?"

Bobby: "You mean PowerS. This guy can do Electricity like you, Fire and Earth like Amara, Ice and Water like me, Wind like Ororo. And that's not all!"

They stared at me in awe. It was, honestly flattering. Back home I'd be considered a freak, here it was all good.

John: "Hmm..what do you mean that's not all there's...more?"

"Uh yeah, I'm Psionic, with Telepathy and Telekinesis."

John: "Wow! Hmpf! And all I can do is manipulate fire, and I can't even generate it myself which is why I always carry this."

He tossed a lighter.

John: "It helps out in more ways than one! Hehe..."

Okay I take it he smokes.

Amara: "I'm like soo jealous. I mean normally Elementals get like one Power. I mean John got fire. Bobby got Ice/Water. I thought I was lucky when I got both Earth and Fire. Hmmm..I guess you and Ororo are in a class of your own."

"Well, it does have it's advantages and...disadvantages", I reflected sadly.

Jubilee: "Like what? I mean you have like a MAJOR dose of Destruction at your fingertips...what's not to like?"

"Well, it can get very difficult to control. This morning the Professor took me into the Danger Room...and I almost wrecked it."

Oops! Wrong thing to say??

Bobby: "Well he handled himself real good and he'll get it eventually. Just need more Practice. That's all."

We chatted some more and it wasn't long before they were talking about something that I had no clue about.

Roberto: "You guys hear what Magneto's been up to lately."

John: "No, not really, things have been real quiet around here."

Jubilee: "Too quiet if you ask me. Since when does a week pass and we don't see some action. Maybe Bucket Brain's getting' too old or somethin'"

I was lost. Who, What was Bucket Brain Magneto?

"Uh Guys, what are you talking about?", I asked, confusion evident in my tone.

Jubilee: "He's this really powerful Psycho mutant-"

"You mean Psychic?", I tried to clarify.

John: "Nuh uh. More like Psychotic. He can do anything with Magnetism and he's REAL strong. He runs this bad mutant group called the Brotherhood. They say they fight for Mutant rights, but they really fight to make Magneto all powerful."

"Why'd you call him bucket head?"

Roberto: "He wears this stupid helmet that shields him from Psychic Attacks and all. Looks like a bucket."


Jamie: "They don't dare disobey either, he's super ruthless."

"And no one tries to stop this guy?!", I asked shocked.

Bobby: "Actually, yeah, we do."


Jubilee: "Well we don't fight Magneto per se but we do take on some of his lesser goons. The X-men take on the Big Badass Magneto."

"Who are the X-men?", incredulously. This all sounded seriously fictitious.

Bobby: "Well see the teachers, well they are. And we can be too if we pass the training and we want to be. The Xmen aim to promote better understanding between humans and mutants. Bad guys like Magneto tend to ruin all that."

"Why on Earth did my parents not tell me this?", I asked.

Jamie: "Well it's supposed to be a secret until Xavier himself tells you."

"So why did you tell me?", I asked while glancing around my back.

Ray: "Well we are all friends here, right?"

"I guess."

Jubilee: "Say Rick, you think you might wanna try out for the X team."

"Well as soon as I get the extra Practice, sure you betch'a. Sounds exciting."

Bobby: "Well, once you get the whole Power thing straightened out, Magneto better watch his back."

We laughed at that. Like any of us would try something as stupid as taking on someone like Magneto.

We talked some more then Lunch wore out and they went back to their classes. I walked around the mansion exploring around. It was then that I bumped into Jean in the hall.

Jean: "Oh hi Rick. How's everything?"

"Uh everythings fine. I was just exploring."

Jean: "Well I heard about this morning congrats."

We sat down in an empty classroom.

"Congrats? I beat the robots and all but I still lost control. If it wasn't for Ororo.."

Jean: "Nonsense. Scott said you did great. And believe me it takes a lot to impress him."

"Ohh... So you and Scott are an item huh?", I asked remembering my impression.

Jean: "Well at one time, we were. But then...well. Scott's changed. He's not a bad guy and all. But we're more like Brother/Sister now."

"Oh. Well I'm sorry."

Jean: "Don't be. I should have seen it sooner. And I was telepathic, *Sigh*. So tommorrow you'll have your classes, huh?"

"Yeah. And I thought I'd escape it here."

Jean: "Well your education is important. We're still human and we still have a role to play in society. We have a place in the world and we have to live in the world the way it is. No matter what anyone else says."

"Jean, can I ask you something...uh Bobby let it slip."

Jean: "Hmmm..Bobby seems to be letting a lot of things slip lately. Sure go ahead."

"Who's Magneto and what are the Xmen?"

She looked shocked.

"I'm sorry but I really would like to know. And don't be mad with Bobby, he uh, we were talking and it sorta came up."

Jean: "*Sigh*. Rick I'm sure you know we don't live in a perfect world. There is great tension between human and mutants. Humans hate mutants because they fear and despise what they do not understand. And believe me, they do not understand mutants. Well, things are very volatile, and Magneto is an individual who does not believe that humans and mutants can live in peace. He is out to create a new world order, to enslave humans and all who oppose him. That includes mutants like us. He resorts to any means necessary. Even...murder. Well you know that we teachers are trained. Well... Professor Xavier is well connected. The majority of the world does not even know of the existence of Magneto and his..Brotherhood. But some very powerful people do. Good people who want to change what's happening. But they can't change the everyday attitudes that people harbour. Magneto thrives on these misconceptions. These people fund this Instistute. And in return we deal with situations and people like Magneto, as and when they occur. We don't force students to join. That's Magneto's style. But we do offer to students who show adequate Potential...students like...say you for example. Bobby and some other young ones are already on the lists."

"Me..but. Wait..were my parents?"

Jean: "Well your Mom wasn't on account of her being pregnant with you, but your father was for a while,but well he quit after he and Scott had a lot of run ins. And I believe that you do indeed have the potential. So does the Professor, and Scott and Ororo, and they're the Team Leaders. But act like you're still in the dark until Professor X tells you himself. Which I'm sure he will soon."

"Jean, some of the others said that they deal with some of Magneto's Lesser Goons. Uh what did they mean?"

Jean: "Well, Magneto's using more and more young mutants lately. It's easy for him to twist them because you teens tend to be so hot headed. And we have little incidents here. Incidents that Xmen in training can deal with. We don't ever send Students after his arch henchmen. They are REAL bad news."

"Oh I see. And just who are these Lesser Goons?"

Jean: "Oh they're like street rabble and gangsters on the prowl. They usually aren't so bold to dare and come here. But that's why we wanted you to not leave the mansion grounds the night you came. They lurk. Although...I'm guessing if you took us out you probably would have been able to deal with whatever they could throw at you."

I blushed. What a compliment!

Jean: "Say you're real cute when you blush. I bet the girls are just chasing a guy like you. So got a girlfriend?"

Oh man not again. Twice in one day. Hmm.. it was just too much. She seemed real nice and all. Maybe I could tell her.

"Jean, I uh don't have a girlfriend. I've never actually."

Jean: "What? I find that very hard to believe."

"Well it's true. See I'm...not...interested in...girls. I uh, I'm sorta. Jean I'm gay."

There I'm out. Now to see how it plays out.

Jean: "Heheh. I KNEW it! Damn...I'm good."

"Huh? You knew and you're not...mad?"

Jean: "Well, if a teenaged boy meets ME, Jean Grey and I don't sense lust from him, he doesn't check me out, and I don't notice a bump in the crotch of his pants...then he has to be gay. Hehe. And no of course I'm not mad. Here we preach respect for people despite their differences, and this is no different, it's a difference. Wait...let me get that right."

I got what she tried to say and I was both relieved and happy.

"Thanks Jean, it means a lot. But please don't tell anyone else, cuz I'm kinda in the closet, even from my parents."

Jean: "Gotcha. Sooo...let me rephrase that. Any...GUY you're interested in?"

"Oh well...(Damn! I'm blushing again.) I don't know. I mean I'm probably the only gay guy here anyways."

Jean: "Nuh uh. Not by a longshot. But I'm not telling, if the said persons want you to know then they'll have to be the ones who tell you."

"You're mean. Well I could just telepathically..."

Jean: "No! don't ever invade someone's mind especially if you think they like you. It's an invasion of trust. I did that to Sco-. Well just don't do it okay. Love is based on trust."

"Say you really liked Scott didn't you?"

Jean: "I once thought he was the ONE. But then I realised he wasn't. He's a great guy and all. But I found out he was in love with somone else. Someone he loved more than me."

"Really, that must have been tough on you."

Jean: "Yeah it was, but it was worse on him."

"How, I thought he was in love with someone else?"

Jean: "Well yeah he was, but uh. That...person didn't love him. As a matter of fact they really never got along."

"Sounds like she was a real piece of work."

Jean looked at me all weird and then said,

Jean: "Uh- yeah...she...was really something all right."


"So Jean what do you teach?". I asked, to change the subject. It was obviously very distressing for her.

Jean: "Well, I teach Chemistry..but I take it that's not what you mean. I'll be teaching you how to control your Psionic Abilities to their fullest extent. Oh and I'm not going to cut you any slack so be warned."

"Okay, okay. I could use some teaching there. I mean I don't even know how to shield myself Telekinetically."

Jean: "Well there's a lot more to it than that, which you'll find out soon enough. Well it's time for me to go. It's been nice talking to you and don't worry, your secret's safe with me."

After a few more exchanges, she left to go to her Chemistry class. Talk about drama! Poor Jean. Scott had to be more of a jerk than I thought to do that to her. Running after some hoochie that didn't want him..leaving behind someone who did. Ah well, hope Jean's recovered.

I made my way out of the classroom when I saw some students coming in. I decided to call it a day and head to my room. I was heading down the corridor when I bumped into-blue guy. I jumped before I remembered.

Hank: "Uh whoa, take it easy young man."

"Mr. Mcoy, uh I'm really, really, sorry."

Hank: "Please no formalities, Hank will do. How you've grown. It's been 14 years."

"Yeah I guess. Well I suppose it's like a return home."

Hank: "Yes. You should think of it like that. I am glad you think of this place at home. We endevour to provide the best supportive environment we can here at the school. I heard about your training this morning, Professor Xavier and Cyclops seem quite pleased."

"Who's Cyclops?"

He checked himself and said,

Hank: "Uh Scott, we call him Cyclops on account of the shades."

"Oh. Well I'm sorry if I caused any damage. I heard you are the one who designed and fixes anything about the danger room."

Hank: "Well yes. And don't be sorry. It gives me an excuse to realign the Holographic Projectors and order some new circuitry. Hehe."

I just nodded and smiled.

Hank: "Well I'll see you later. I have a class to teach. Say at dinner?"

"Yes Mr-uh Hank."

With that he left. Well he seems like a swell guy. Maybe I could fit in here after all. I mean I heard at the lunch table that some drama usually goes down here but hey I can handle it. I am pretty tough after all. It was just then that something happened that changed my outlook on everything. I mean I was walking down the hall, minding my own business and all. But it just goes to show. This WAS a school after all and what school is complete without its share of BULLIES. I just turned the corner and bumped into some guy. It sent his books and stuff tumbling to the floor. Before I could even apologise, he was all up in my face about it.

Guy1: "What's up with that punk?! Why don't you watch where you're going?"

Guy2: "Say, isn't he the new kid? Didn't they say he took out Mr. Summers and Ms. Grey a couple nights ago?"

Guy3: "I heard he wrecked the Danger Room this morning."

Guy1: "So we have a Tough guy here huh?"

"What?, I didn't mean to bump into you. And I was gonna apologise."

Guy1: "Did I ask for your apology? Huh? Let's see just how tough you are?"

With that he punched me in the stomach, I fell down winded. I mustn't fight back. If I lost control here...damn a kick now! Pretty soon all of his buddies were joining in. Oh no I could feel it coming...Then I heard,

Bobby: "Jacob, what the fuck are you doing?!? Back away."

Oh damn! Too late, if only Bobby got here two minutes earlier. I felt IT take over, and I found myself floating above them. I saw the looks on their faces, absolute fear. Good...because I was going to give then something to be afraid of. With a yell I conjure the winds and blow them into the wall. One of them morphs into a Bird and tries to fly away from me. So Shape shifting is his power. The other tries to fling a statue at me, so I'm guessing super strength. And the main son of a bitch tries to hit me with some sort of Mind Blast. How ironic. HE'S Telepathic, but don't you have to have a Mind for that to work? I evade their attacks. I hear Bobby yelling for me to stop. I push him out of the way, wouldn't want him to get hurt, 'cause boy am I about to dish out the Pain. I lift the shapeshifter and begin squeezing the air out of him with Telekinesis. The birdbrain morphed into his human form, unconscious. Two more. The Super Strong one tries to run...doesn't make it very far. I telekinetically hold him, while I lift the same statue he threw at me. It's marble. With the Power of Earth I meld it around him sealing him(with his head sticking out so he could breathe) in solid stone. Say where is this Jaco-


Jacob: "That's right asshole, feel the pain!"

I scanned his mind to find out what he just hit me with. Hmm, a psionic pain bolt. It tricks the nervous system..makes you think you're in pain. Well his pain may be fake , but mine isn't, I focus on Electricity and deliver the most powerful bolt I can in my Pained Condition. He screams and I recover my strength. Man.. I've got to learn how to shield telekinetically. I use telekinesis and pick up his books and repeatedly slam them into his face. It was about this time that I felt a presence in my mind, paralyzing me. The Professor.

Professor Xavier: " Rick, stop. You are taking this too far."

Professor, they started it. They attacked me-US. They wouldn't listen to us. We didn't mean any harm to them.

Professor Xavier: "I understand. They are not injured, just dazed, so please stop now as you are no longer in any danger."

We will try.

I felt the energy subside and was back on the floor, drained. Bobby and Jean came up to me, asking if I was all right. I saw Scott there too. He looked real angry at me. Why? He was real nice this morning. What was it with him?

Scott: "You're asking HIM if he's alright? Huh? What about them?" He motioned to the three I just knocked out.

Scott: "Now where have I seen this happen before(sarcastically), oh right." He walked off.

I hated him for that. I know he was talking about dad. Hmpf! Maybe dad was right after all.

Jean: "Don't bother about Scott, they are not hurt."

Bobby: "The Professor warned everyone about you. They had it comin'."

Professor Xavier: "I do not condone what you have done Rick, but I must say I respect the fact that you were able to control just how much Pain you inflicted. You did not harm them...seriously. And I would like to speak with you, right now actually. You too Miss Grey. You know more than anyone else what Rick is going through. Mr. Drake...don't you have a class about now."

Bobby: "Aww. Come on."

When he saw they were serious, he went to his Physics class with Hank. He said we'd talk later.

I went with Jean and the Professor to his office. Ororo and Scott were there. Ororo ran up to me and hugged me asking me if I was all right. She saw the bumps and Bruises from the punches and kicks.

"Oh..those well they're nothing compared to the ones I got back home whe-"

Phew! Stopped myself just in time. They looked at me all strange like.

Ororo: "Are you all right? You're sure?" I heard Scott snort in disgust.

Scott: "Of course he's all right! He's not the one unconscious on the floor, sealed in a Marble statue or knocked out with a dozen hits from an Algebra text! He's just like his father."

I couldn't look in any of their eyes. Maybe Scott was right maybe...I. But I can't help it if I lose control when people attack me.

Jean: "Cool it Scott. You have just got no right to talk about his father in front of him."

"It's...maybe I am at fault."

Scott: "Damn right...just what are we going to tell those boys' parents?"

Professor Xavier: "The truth. They picked a fight with someone we warned them about. If I have to Psychically force them to confess to their parents I will do it."

Scott: "Oh so he gets special priveleges now huh? Well big surprise there, he is Josh's son after all. He's the one to blame. Couldn't he have just pushed them away and not go all-"

Just then I heard thunder outside and the place grew darker, colder. I saw Xavier shift in his seat and Jean jump. But the killer was Ororo, her eyes were clouded over and white, as white as her hair. Hair that was streaming behind her, as if blowing in an unfelt wind.

Scott: "Oh just great, so now the Weather Witch has something to say-"

When Ororo spoke I barely recognized the voice as her's, there was just so much power in her vocal emission.

Silence! You have no idea what it is like to have an Elemental force inside, battling it's way out. To have even one Element within is trying. The temptation to use the power is there at all times. Rick could have done much worse, but he showed restraint. No one was injured, they are merely unconscious. They were warned, what happened to them was of their own making.

Scott: "You're all the same. Come off the melodrama Ororo, it doesn't suit you, so stop bitching- aha aha put me down!"

I wonder what would happen if I removed that Visor you hide behind.

She used the wind to snatch the Shades Scott wore.

Scott: "Don't fuck with me Ororo, give them back."

Why was he freaking out so much? They were just a set of old crappy sunglasses.

Hmm..Maybe you can SEE the situation with more clarity now. I wonder how much self-control you have.

Professor: "Ororo, calm down."

Huh? There was an obvious tinge of Fear in Xavier's voice.

Ororo was spinning Scott in a whirlwind in the air. It was obvious she was in lack of control. I focused and brought the winds to a halt. Scott came down and Jean steadied him. Ororo seemed to have calmed.

Ororo: "Thank you Rick, I don't know what came over me."

"It's okay, I kinda owe you one for this morning, in the danger room."

Scott knocked Jean away, when she gave him back his glasses and went out, looking at me in disgust.

Professor: " Rick, when I spoke to you earlier after your, encounter, you referred to yoursef as "WE". Do you remember that?"

"Huh, no Professor, I didn't."

Professor: "Yes you did. I believe that your alternate persona is beginning to merge with your regular self."

I grew terrified.

Jean: "That's a good thing. Before your other side was wild and unrelenting. But now if you two merge, then your self-control can mix with its Power."

Ororo: "Oh Goddess willing, let us hope so."

Professor: "Indeed. I believe that is why you did not harm them, even though they actually attacked you. Mr Mcoy didn't attack you and you put him in worse condition. You have made great progress. Which is why I want to speak to you, on a matter of great import."

"Huh? What do you want to talk to me about Professor?"

Professor Xavier: "I know you know about the Xmen and Magneto." Did he? Can nothing be kept secret from him?

Professor: "Calm down. I did not sneak into your mind. You were broadcasting it in your excitement. I am aware that Ms. Grey and Mr. Drake have informed you of our current crisis of sorts. Mutant-human relations are becoming increasingly volatile. We can use all the help we can get. That is why I am offering you a chance to join our Xmen recruits in training. I believe you can be of great help to us. It has been a while since I have seen someone of your caliber enter these walls. (He glanced at Ororo.) It would be a shame to let such Potential go to waste."

"Uh Professor I gather this is dangerous stuff right."

Proffessor: "Indeed. These are trying times for mutant kind. The danger is great, for humans and mutants. But if we do not face our fears, we will perish. Can you find the strength to face your fears?"

"I will try. I really will. If there is anything I can do to help stop this stuff from happening I will."

Ororo: "So you accept?"

"I, accept."

Professor: "Most excellent indeed."

"But Professor, isn't Mr.Summers the team leader. And I mean-he hates me Sir."

Ororo: "I am as much team leader as Scott. If he gets difficult I will deal with it."

Jean: "Scott does not hate you Rick, it's just that, well. You don't know the whole story, that's all. He'll calm down, trust me."

"Say, just how many Xmen in training are there anyway?"

Professor: "Quite a few. You've met some of them. Bobby, Jubilee, Ray and there are others."

"Well, this has been real good and all, but um I was on my way to my room before all this Drama happened, so can I go now?"

Professor: "Yes you may. We shall speak of this at a later date."

And with that I was gone. Heck, I never really liked the Principal's office. As I made my way down the corridor I saw some people trying to get the Strong Dude out of the Marble Statue. Oh well it was over now, I might as well help them. I saw these people look at me accusingly. I just focused on Earth and the Statue warped off of his body. I continued on to my room and was at my door when I sensed I wasn't alone. I looked around and saw Scott following me. Just great. I opened the door and was about to go in.

Scott: " Rick, wait, hold up."

"What is it Mr. Summers?" I couldn't bear to call him Scott. He obviously was not a friend.

Scott: "I told you that you could call me Scott this morning."

"Isn't that a special privelege. All the other students refer to their teachers by their last names. What makes me so special?"

Scott: "Listen, I just want to talk to you a little-please don't make this harder."

"You said pretty much everything that you thought of me in Professor Xavier's office. What, you came to twist the knife?"

Scott: "No...I came-I came to take it out."

"Why should I listen to you, huh? From the minute I set foot in this place you made it clear you didn't want me here. When I threw Mr. Mcoy away from me you stared at me the hardest of all. When I only surrounded Jean with Fire, didn't even scorch her, you shot at me to kill, to KILL!" I all but screamed at him.

He just stood there staring at me like the dumbass he was.

Scott: "I told you I was sorry for that this morning, or have you forgotten?"

"Oh I didn't forget Mr. Summers. But I think you did. I was attacked this evening, those idiots came out of it with less bumps and bruises than I got, and when I defended myself, you-you blame me for it. Then you rail at my father, when he's not even here to defend himself to boot. I know about you and him okay, I know what happened between you two."

He looked shocked.

Scott: "What!?! He told you..that."

"Yes he told me! He said you and him always fought, I don't know why, and to not trust you."

Scotts's expression changed, maybe I made a dent.

Scott: "It's true. We never got along. But that doesn't mean we can't."

"Maybe it does. Because I'm not sure, but I swear you hate me because I'm his son. I can't think of anything else. I don't think I did anything else to make you hate me-"

Scott: "I don't hate you-at least I don't think I do."

Was this fool for real?

"What do you mean you don't think you hate me? It's a yes/no question."

Scott: "It's...complicated. You're so much like him, you look just like he did when he was just brings back bad memories...that's all."

"Oh...great. So you treat me like crap because of some feud you and my father have going on for 16 years. REAL mature."

Scott: "Look, I came to apologise."

"I don't want to hear it."

Scott: "You won't hear me out?.."

"Why bother, the last apology didn't last a day. You'll forget this one by breakfast tommorow."

Scott: " Rick just hear me ou-"

I went inside and telekinetically slammed the door in his face. Childish, I know. But I just didn't want to hear it. The Idiot wouldn't quit.

Scott: "Open the door."

"Go to hell!"

Scott: "I'm still in charge here...either you open this door or I'm coming in."

I thought about it but didn't answer. I was on my way to the door though. I was going to open it. Open it and give him a piece of my mind. The Telekinetic part, that is when...he blasted the door down with his beam. It sliced through the door and sent me flying across the room. I was knocked into the wall, I didn't even have time to scream. I was blacking out and could feel something warm on my forehead.

Scott: "Oh God! Rick..are you all right? Just hold on I'll get you to Med Bay!"

"Scott you fucking jerk.." I blacked out then.

I woke up in the all too familiar Med Bay. I vaguely remembered Scott blasting down the door and hitting me in the process. When I see him I'm going to give him a dose of his own medicine. Didn't have to wait long. When I turned my head I saw him, sitting in a chair next to the bed...sleeping. What was he doing here? I thought about levitating the canister of water in the machine next to the bed and soaking him awake then throwing him into the wall, like he'd done to me. But looking at him there, sleeping...what was I thinking? People look so innocent when they're sleep. *Sigh*. Why does he treat me like he does? One minute he's like my best friend, despite the fact that I'm 16 and he's like 30, and the next, he's acting like a total asshole to me. What did he and my dad fight about so bad that could have lasted so long?

I saw him shifting, awakening. He looked groggy, and his hair was all mussed up. He glanced at me with a worried look on his face. Didn't take away from his looks though. I didn't know what to say, or how he'd react, he's just too frickin' unpredictable. I just turned away. I'm tired, I'm sleepy and I'm injured, not to mention I so don't want to fight right now. He speaks up.

Scott: "Hey, are you all right Rick?"

Huh? He's all soft spoken and gentle now. Oh great, so now he's nice again. I wonder how long THIS phase will last. I still don't turn.

Scott: " Rick, please look at me...I didn't mean it. I-"

"Didn't mean what Mr. Summers? Didn't mean all the things you said about me, my dad, or Blasting me to Kingdom come, there's just so many things you could be talking about...I just want to make sure I know what you mean."

Scott: "All of it! You don't know the whole story. You wouldn't understand. But I want you to know, about what you asked me're right, it is a yes/no question. And the answer's no. I don't hate you. I never did. And your father and I didn't always fight like we do. But things happen. And I was wrong to take it out on you, so wrong. And for what it's worth, I'm apologising again. This time I'll make sure and remember. Just give me a chance."

What did he mean by I wouldn't understand? And dad and him didn't always fight? That was hard to believe! I just don't get Scott. What if I accept his apology, we're all buddy-buddy again, and then he goes on to act like a dick to me again? I'd never tell him this, but I felt stupid for counting him as a friend here after he suddenly turned and stabbed me in the back, after my incident. If it's one thing I hate is feeling stupid.

"Try me Mr. Summers, I'm a smart enough guy."

Scott: "You CAN call me Scott-and well-everyone has...issues they would rather not talk about. I would really rather not talk about understand..right?"

I thought about my own issues, about the incident back home. I'd said the same thing to Professor Xavier when he tried to question me. So I guess it was fair, I'll let the topic fall. But I did want to ask him about some other things, maybe while this good mood of his lasted.

"Why'd you say I was getting special priveleges because I was *Josh's Son*? I don't get special in the danger room. You and Bobby tried to help me, but the Professor wouldn't let you, if I were getting special priveleges, don't you think I would have gotten cut some slack?"

Scott: "Listen, I didn't mean it. I was just angry at- well, when your dad was here, he got special priveleges. He was like Xavier's little Golden Boy, and it was hard to put up with sometimes, okay. When Xavier said if he had to Psionically force those boys to confess to their parents, he'd do it-I just. I just got one hell of a big mouth."

"You sure do."

He laughed at that. The mood was changing...the tension was relaxing. I suppose it's a good thing. Hmm.. I suppose if you gave Scott a chance, he was easy enough to talk to. I did have another question for him though.

"Mr Sum- er Scott, uh what exactly is your mutant power? I mean I know you have a heat beam that shoots out of your eyes and all. But well in the Professor's office when Ororo took your Shades you really started to freak out, why? She mentioned something about you being able to SEE th situation better and all. What did she mean?"

Scott: "Well my body can absorb Solar Radiation."

"Oh like Roberto.."

Scott: "Yup, exactly like that, but I don't get super strong. Instead I get the ability to fire Optic Heat Blasts from my eyes, by using my eye-lenses to focus the beam. I have to wear those shades beacause of an-(He Hesitated here)-because of an accident I was in. It damaged sectors of my brain that deal with my eyes and control of my Power. So my Power is stuck on Permanent ON mode. To block out the beam I wear those special Ruby quartz lenses."

"So when Ororo, took them away, you had to keep your eyes closed or you'd blow up everything in sight...Good thing you did, those things really hurt."

Scott: "I never meant for you to get hurt. I only wanted to get in. Still what Ororo did I'll have to thank her for it. I should know what it's like to have a Power that just can't be controlled sometimes. She made me see how lucky I am to have a Visor I can hide behind. I can at least use that to keep it in check. But you don't have that luxury...I was a fool to not see that."

"Scott, I can-forgive you for the door incident. But I don't know if I can anymore for-for what you did when I first came here outside. You shot me with so much force, I think I might have died, if it weren't for the Fire power."

Scott: "About that, well from dealing with your dad, everyone here on the staff knows about his powers, and yours too I guess. I knew I couldn't hurt you with my power...but I was trying to phase you, I thought you were going to incinerate Jean and all."

"No I wasn't ever going to do that, I just wanted to make sure she couldn't come get me. Say weren't you and Jean a couple...I sorta got that when I invaded your mind, which I'm very sorry for. I understand why you attacked me so vigourously now."

Scott: "At one time we were very close, but I realised I just couldn't lie to myself anymore. I loved...uh...someone else too much, and whenever I was with Jean, I'd only think of h-her. I called it off with Jean. She deserves better. Still I do feel very protective about her and all. Well I'm glad we got that sorted out."

"Me too. Did you know Professor Xavier told me about the Xmen. Damn! I'd never have guessed all of this stuff went on here. I just thought it was a school for mutants. Hmm. He asked me if I would want to join the Xmen cadets in training and I accepted. Which means you'll probably be training us and all, and I really don't want any awkwrd feelings or anything. I mean I didn't know whether to accept or not, cuz you would be in charge and all."

Scott: " Rick seriously, I won't give any more trouble. And I actually want you to join, you're very powerful, just need some training and I'm sure you'd make the X team in no time at all. But wait if you didn't know whether to accept, why'd you accept."

"Oh well...uh...Ororo said that she was uh, basically as much Team Leader as you are and if you got rough, she'd TALK, to you."

Scott: "Huh! Well she can get pretty scary, and around here we ALL know what she means when she's going to TALK to us. Heheh.(I couldn't help it his laughter was infectious, I laughed too.)

I stopped though when I saw him staring at me, all weird. I was picking up some unreadable Telepathic Impression from him as well. Did I do something wrong?

Scott: "Well it's 10:30 pm now. I'll go get the others, uh I got to go, I have to teach some classes tommorow. Uh..goodnight."

Before I could even respond, he was gone. Hmpf! He was leader, and with such COURTESY. Still, I did get a feeling of a strong Pride from him. It couldn't have been easy for him to apologise, to a mere student afterall. Teachers don't usually admit to students when they are wrong and he was more than a teacher. He was one of the Leaders of the Xmen. Still I'm glad he did it. The door opened again and the Professor, Ororo, Jean and Bobby came in.

"Hi guys. How's it hanging?"

Bobby: "Hey, Rick, you okay? Anything we can do, anything at all?"

"No. I'm fine I think. I don't know how, yet."

Professor: "You can thank our resident healer for that."


My question was answered. Jean went over to the door, opened it and motioned someone over. A guy walked in...I looked up to see the face and instantly tensed. JACOB!

"What is HE doing here?!"

I didn't lose control exactly, but the room grew a tad bit hotter from my anger. I glanced at Bobby, he was staring at this Jacob with a death glare. I felt the same way. I hated Jacob. He was the reason, directly, why all the crap had happened this evening.

Ororo: " Rick, calm down and just hear Jacob out."

Jean: "Just give him a chance.."

I decided to try and contain my anger and the air grew cool again.

"So talk."

Jacob: "I uh, came to apologise for what happened, in the hall this afternoon."

"Oh, so a pathetic *I'm Sorry* is the best you can do?"

Professor: "He did do more actually. He healed you. When Scott was taking you to the Med Bay, he passed Jacob in the hall. Jacob's Psionic Powers deal with Pain type attacks. But while he can dispense Pain, it works also in reverse, he can Heal. A very unique power actually. It's the equivalent of Psychic Healing. It's why all you are feeling right now is mere fatigue, and not a broken Skull."

I took this all in before I answered,

"Thanks. So why'd you do it? You seemed to only want to dish out pain this evening."

Jacob: "Look, I saw you help out one of my friends in the hall, uh the one you sealed in a statue and after what we did, it was real nice and all. And when I saw Scott carrying you bleeding down the hall, I knew I could help. So I did. I was having a real bad day and all. And-I'm sorry for what happened-"

Bobby: "Yeah, how convenient. Probably trying to dodge punishment. You're sorry all right, a sorry, pathetic-"

Professor Xavier: "Robert!"

Bobby: "Sorry, Professor."

"Uh everyone, I'm real tired and I have classes tommorow and all and I would really like to get some sleep, so can you all just-"

Professor: "Indeed."

The Professor, Ororo, Jacob and Jean left. Bobby stayed.

Bobby: "Hmpf! Scott really worked a number on you from what I hear. How'd it happen?"

I told him everything that went on in Professor Xavier's Office, including Ororo's theatrics. And how he was here when I woke up, and apologised and all.

Bobby: "He was here? When you woke up? Why didn't you call m- uh us when you woke up, like telepathically?"

"I was talking to him. I wanted some answers."

Bobby: "Talking to him? After what he did? Hmpf! He's a.."

"He seems sorry and all. And he seems like a great guy."

Bobby: "Yeah, well, he isn't. Why didn't you call us. You know he's gonna forget his little apologies like he always does, right."

"I don't think so. I think we understand each other better now."

Bobby: "There's NO understanding people like him. Trust me Rick I should know I've known him longer than you."

What was going on here? Bobby was talking to me in that same irritating tone that he used when I entered the Danger Room this morning.

"Bobby, what is up with you? I told you he said he was sorry. And he explained why he said those things, sorta."

Bobby: "Well, did he explain why he shot you across the room? You could have died! He knows he isn't supposed to force entry into a student's room unless it's a matter of life and death. Just why was he so set on getting into your room huh?"

"I don't know. He said he wanted to apologise, I guess."

Bobby muttered something to himself.

"Bobby, hey you know what? I almost forgot to tell you. Professor Xavier told me about the Xmen and he offered me a chance to try out for the X team."

Bobby brightened.

Bobby: "Really. Tell me you said yes! You said yes, right?"

"Yeah I did, I mean after what happended, with Scott and all I didn't know if I should join, but Ororo said she'd deal with Scott if he tried to make things rough for me."

Bobby: "Well that's good. I can just picture Ororo hurling him around in midair."

"Well I guess she won't have to, `cause everything's sorted out now."

Bobby: "Yeah, well...Say you gotta be tired. I'll let you get some rest. Big day tommorow and all. We all go the same classes here, so I'll save you a seat. Just look in the back row."


He left and I settled in to a good night's rest. Jubilee wasn't wrong. A lot of drama really goes down here. Hmmm...and I've only been here two days and a night.

After he left Rick in the Med Bay, Scott Summers made his way to his room. The quiet solitude would be a welcome change from the rest of the Mansion. It could get a little hectic at times. The last three days were no exception. He didn't expect the news that day. Ororo was the one who told him.

Joshua and July Mckenzie were coming back to the Institute. And they would not be alone. With their arrival would return the pains of the past. Scott had tired so hard to forget, forget about them. But they were too rooted emotionally within his mind. He'd even tried to get Jean to do a Memory Erasal thing, but she refused, it was too "Dangerous".

The night they came, it started, or rather restarted. Joshua and July came into the Mansion with their son, Rick. Joshua didn't even look at him. Scott took one look at the boy and gasped. It was as if a 16 year old Joshua Mckenzie had walked out of the past and was standing before them now. The last time Scott had seen him, he was still in diapers, and now here he was, almost all grown up. He was broken out of his trance when Rick threw Hank across the room, and then ran outside. The Professor came and sent him, Jean and Bobby to look for him and make to sure he didn't leave the Mansion Grounds.

A fight ensued. Scott didn't know what powers Rick's X Gene conferred. But if he was Joshua's and July's kid, this might not be as easy as he thought it would be. When Rick surrounded Jean with Fire, Scott did not know that he had no intention of harming her and Blasted Rick, trying to make him relinquish the Flames. The next thing he knew he was being Telepathically attacked. His mind was an open book. He tried his hardest and thought only of Jean...he had to protect the most vulnerable part of his mind, wherein his Secret Lay. From Rick, more so than from anyone else.

He woke up later that night, Jean and the Professor brought him out of the Telepathically induced sleep he was in and they led him down to the Med Bay to see the kid. Scott would have gone in to apologise, but he took one look at Joshua and his hatred took over, he couldn't bring himself to be in the same room with him. He made up some excuse about being real dizzy from the telepathic stun and went back to his room. He could last a couple of days of Joshua being here...they'd leave in a day or two. He'd just have to bide his time. Which he did.

He couldn't help tossing hate filled glances at Joshua at the breakfast table. Why did he have to come here and make his life more complicated? Scott remembered the time he and Joshua were the best of friends. It was so long ago, and they hadn't spoken a word for so long, it seemed so unreal. But it was real, at one time. The pictures Scott cursed himself for keeping, proved it. Why after 16 years, could he just not let this go? Why does he allow Joshua this power over him?

He thought about what had happened today. In the Computer Room he had yelled at Rick, the Kid seemed so uptight around him. Scott couldn't believe the resemblance to Joshua. The same build, same dirty blonde hair, same emerald green eyes that drove him-. He cut the thought off. He hated himself for thinking it. He hated Joshua for what he did. And unconsciously he was transferring the emotions onto Rick. That was why he spoke so harshly to him. He was treating him as he would want to treat Joshua. But Scott could see that this was wrong, after today, he was certain. Rick was not his father, Rick was the innocent in all this.

Scott took a deep breath and remembered what happened 16 years ago. He was just 15, so was Joshua. They had been best friends ever since the first day they met. It seemed so Right. And right about that time Scott fell head over heels in love with Jean, and Joshua fell for Logan's little girl, July. They went out on a lot of double dates together. And on each of those dates, Jean and July would end up chatting about something or other, and Scott and Joshua would end up spending the majority of the date together. It was right about that time that Scott realised he was developing Feelings for Joshua. And those Feelings were far from friendly...Scott remebered the Dreams he would have. He would be someone in them. And that someone was Joshua. Things that he should only be doing with a girl. The Dreams tortured him and things with Jean grew increasingly strained. One day she could no longer stand it and delved into his Mind, and it was all revealed, his Secret that he tried to hide was revealed to Jean Grey's Telepathy. Much to Scott's relief and surprise, Jean did not hate him for it. She was devastated at first but eventually she recovered from it. It was she who put him up to do what he did. Scott regretted the decision to talk to Joshua everyday since. It destroyed their friendship. Whilst Joshua did not tell anyone else, he refused to speak to Scott...he made it perfectly clear how disgusted he was though. And when Scott and Joshua were put on the X team, Joshua quit. Things became real bad between them, but worse was to come. Joshua made July pregnant. And they did live here for two years, then after Scott tried one last time, they left. Left him to suffer.

It was a long road to recov- well partial recovery. But now...things just found a way to become more complicated. Scott found it incredibly difficult to compose himself whenever Rick was around. It started the moment Scott first saw him. And it grew worse afterwards. Sure Scott didn't go see him in the Med Bay after their "Battle" on the Mansion Grounds, because he hated Joshua. But it was partly because he couldn't stand to see Rick. It made him hurt to see a younger Joshua Mckenzie in front of him. Things intensified in the Changing Rooms. Scott had to try very hard to avoid glancing at him. It was no small task, and it tried his will power. He saw Rick changing and the mere sight of his exposed flesh got him hard. He had to shield himself from both Rick and Bobby. Why the hell did they have to make these uniforms all tight and clinging? Scott decided to talk and apologise to Rick. He did and he was glad when he accepted. Maybe things could be different between them. And he never saw someone with so much Potential. The way Rick's Powers went on a rampage reminded him so much of Joshua, then again everything about Rick did. Even...even his laughter.

Scott remembered the talk they'd had just now in the Med Bay. He realised just how much he'd hurt Rick, physically and mentally. He wished he didn't blow the door down. If Jacob hadn't been in the Hall way when he was...Scott let the thought go. He couldn't bear to think of the repercussions. He was relieved that Rick would be okay and resolved to stay at his bedside until he woke up. He had to...say he was sorry. He had a lot to be sorry for. He was way out of line, the way he had behaved after Rick's incident. It took some doing but it worked, he was forgiven. But Rick sure asked some probing questions. Scott remebered the time outside his room, he thought that Joshua told Rick about him, but that thought was quickly squelched, to Scott's infinite relief.

They talked for a while and Rick told him that Xavier had offered him a chance to try out to see if he could make the X team. Scott was confident that with training Rick could, with his kind of power..Scott was actually the one who made the recommendation to Xavier, after he saw the way he handled himself in the Danger Room. Then Rick admitted that he was not sure if wanted to join at first, he was not sure how Scott would take it. That honestly hurt, but Scott tried his best to reassure him. Then when they got to talking and Ororo's temper came up and they started laughing. IT started to happen again and Scott made a last minute excuse and ran out. Joshua laughed that way, it was too much. Now here he was pondering the would he deal with this? It was obvious, Scott was attracted to Rick, he only had to hear his voice. He lusted for him. Scott felt disgusted with himself for it a little. Not that anything would ever happen between them. Rick wasn't...and then the age difference, 16 years...Why did this have to happen? Scott would have to think about this. Rick was not Joshua. No matter how much Scott wished it. Joshua would not treat him like Rick, no they'd probably fight it out. He would have to find a way to deal with it...somehow.

The day after, my first REAL day at the Mansion began. And what a day! We don't have just regular classes, but we have our mutant training to take care of too. It's tough. Hmm...Jean was right, they do take education very seriously. Well hopefully if I made the X team I won't have to work so hard at he studies thing. Bobby was true to his word, he saved me a seat next to him. We stay in one classroom and the teachers move from class to class, in between periods. Well at least it would save us several trips up and down this big old mansion. I was in the back row with the rest of the gang from the lunch table. I noticed that they liked to play pranks on the rest of the students from the back seats. Hmmm...I'm not sure I liked alla that. I mean freezing someone's backside onto their seat was funny only so many times.

But the Mutant classes were great though. I had Elemental training with Bobby, Ray, Amara, and John. Ororo was the instructor and it was cool. We got put against each other in sparring matches. Since Amara and I had control of Multiple Elements we each had to choose one Element and stick with it. I chose Water. I was just itching to see if I could take on Bobby. He seemed excited too. This was quite a while in coming. He was Ice, but since Ice was a form of water I had some measure of control over it too, but I couldn't freeze it anywhere near as fast as he could. At least my defence against his attacks would be sufficient. Since it was an Elemental matchup I couldn't use Psionic Abilities, and since I chose Water, I couldn't fly with Wind. But Bobby, wow! He could freeze the water vapour in the Air so fast, he could jet around using these ultra cool Ice sleds. It made him a very difficult target. I was able to knock him off the sled a few times, but with just water there was only so much I could do. I tried to freeze the Water, but hey he was an Ice Dude, not very effective. And having to constantly generate Water was taxing, so I altered my form into its liquid state and went after him. That was quite a bit more effective, his punches and kicks could harm me then, and his attempts at freezing me only made my attacks stronger. With a final assault I took him down! Or so I thought. He changed into this alternate form too, sheathed in ice. It looked like we would end up in a stalemate. We were too closely matched.

Bobby: "I thought you said if you were in control of Water you'd put up more of a fight."

"Yeah, well I meant I would be immune from your attacks, and I'd have finished you off with a Psionic assault."

Bobby: "Oh, well I might as well admit it. I can't beat you this way. We're just too evenly matched. I can't hurt you and you can't hurt me. Hey, don't get me wrong, I ain't saying I lost, just a draw...okay."

"Okay, draw. I don't think I can win this way either. I wish I could freeze water that fast, but I'm more of liquid Water kinda guy."

Bobby: "Well, you can't have everything."

I guess he was right. Still those ice sleds were way cool. Told him so too. He looked proud. I know I would be. But he said he always wished he could fly. Since our matchup was over, I offered to lift us telekinetically. He enjoyed it. I mean flying(On your own) is like EVERY kid's dream.

Bobby: "Whoo hoo! Damn! I always was so jealous of the flying thing. This sure beats sledding."

He was acting like a little kid. Lol. I admitted it had its moments.

We finished up here and I had to head out to Jean's class on Psionic Abilities. Bobby showed me the way to the room. We ran into Jacob on the way. I was telepathic, I could sense the hate flowing from Bobby. I decided to telepathically question Bobby. I'd have to shield the message in case Jacob heard, he's a telepath too after all.

Bobby, it's Rick. Don't look at me. Just keep walking. Do you think Jacob is really sorry for what he did?

Bobby: Not by a longshot. The guy's a jerk. He's probably trying to act all nice so that the Professor won't tell his parents about him picking a fight at the school.

But Bobby he did heal me, when Scott-

Bobby: It was just the chance he was looking for. By the way did you really free one of the guys from the statue you put him in?

Yeah, why?

Bobby: It's nothing. Well we're here. Just watch your back in Ms. Grey's class, okay. And don't skip us out at lunch, same table, right?

Right, see ya!

With that I entered the room. Wow, turns out there were quite a few Psionic Mutants here at the Mansion too. I could hear all of the Telepathic chattering.

Hey, who's he?

He's that new kid

The one that...?


I heard he wrecked the Danger Room!

I heard he knocked out Mr. Summers and Ms.Grey

Yeah...well, that's nothing. I heard he got in this fight yesterday, and knocked out THREE other students...alone.

Oooh...a Bad Boy huh? Well he is real cute...maybe I'll...

I immediately put up the strongest telepathic Barrier I could. It was honestly annoying. Just where do they come off, backbiting me with Telepathy. I decided to have some fun, I gave the equivalent of a Telepathic Shout,


I think I must have channeled too much power `cause nearly everyone fell to their knees holding their heads. Oh no! What had I done? Ms. Grey came in then and I explained and she went all worried. Even now I could hear accusations being directed to me across the telepathic broadband. Quite a few menacing stares too. To my shock,

Jacob: Knock it off! You should know better than using telepathy to badmouth someone behind their back.

Then I sensed some relief. I guess Jacob was using the healing touch. I telepathically thanked him

Uh..thanks. I just didn't know how LOUD I sent the message.

Jacob:No prob. I had the same issue for a while, but Ms. Grey taught me how to control it. I guess you're in here for that too huh?

Yeah actually, that and I would really like to learn how to put up a telekinetic shield. Say are you telekinetic?

Jacob:Me? No, regrettably I didn't get that power. I if did our little battle yesterday mighta ended up a little differently eh?

We telepathically laughed. Weird, yesterday all I wanted to do was knock him around, but he's really a decent guy I guess, in his own way.

(I quickly found out he likes to use his Pain Power to play pranks, like Bobby. He telepathically implanted the pain of a pinch onto some girl's butt and she turned around and slapped a guy for it, Turns out she was telekinetic and then some desks and chairs started to fly. Ms. Grey had her hands full all right! Lol.).

I decided since I didn't know anyone else in this class I might as well hang with him. Turns out he has a real reputation around here. We were about halfway into the Telepathic session, so I had my telepathy turned up on full receptivity. That was when I noticed it. Jacob was...thinking about me. He was shielding it no doubt, but being so close to him, I got an image of what he was imagining. Oh God! Jacob! Was this what Jean meant when she said I wasn't the only Gay guy at the school? I shut off the thought immediately...for about 10 seconds...would someone like Jacob be interested in me like that...God the Image again. I felt my dick hardening, Jacob was practically directing his own little Porno flick over there. It was then that I realised I wasn't spying on him, he was a much further advanced telepath than me. If he wanted to hide what he was doing he could. He was SENDING the images to me! I telepathically contacted Jean, better call her Ms.Grey it is class after all,

Uh Ms. Grey, I uh REALLY need to go to the bathroom. I to put this...someTHING's UP.

I think she got the message. She nodded and I left. I headed to the bathroom and tried to get myself under control. I splashed some water on my face and tried to compose myself while trying to figure Jacob out. Why was he sending me those...things. Oh no! Did he know about me Big deal so he's gay too. But if he likes me, why did he try to beat me up yesterday? Why the sudden change? Just then I noticed that someone was trying to send me a telepathic message.

Jacob:Rick are you okay?

What do you mean if I'm okay?! Why were you sending me those...images?What is up with you?

_Jacob:I know you're gay Rick, so am I. I just wanted to see if you like all...(_There was a tinge of sadness here, I relented a little)

How did you find out. Did you sneak into my head?Did you spy on me using your telepathy?

Jacob:No, not exactly. You remember when I healed- no wait you were unconscious. Well, when I heal I have to link with the person I'm healing.

You healed those other students in there now and they don't seem bothered their secrets are out.

Jacob:That's because they are conscious. Their minds are their own. You were unconscious so when I merged with your mind and well, I learned.

Then why did you try and beat me up yesterday? I mean you didn't know I was gay then, but I don't get how you can go from that to...this overnight.

Jacob:I don't know either, but I swear I I never felt before. Will you at least give me a chance?

I don't know-I have to- then he did the unthinkable.

My surroundings began to alter and soon I was standing in a grassy plain, all wrapped up in Jacob's arms. We were fully clothed but it didn't last for long. I never experienced this type of telepathic power before. Jacob had created his own private little dimension, and here I was Powerless. I tried Elemental, nothing. My Psionics seem offline too.

Oh no, our clothes are fading, we're as naked as the day we were born. I won't lie Jacob is super hot, and I'm really turned on, but I know he's probably amplifying my horniness Telepathically.

Jacob stop! I don't want to. Give me time to think about it-

He silences me with a kiss. It's not a very gentle one. He's basically trying to force his tongue down my throat.

Jacob: I want you, I need you so bad. I know you want this, want ME. I can sense it. Don't fight you.

I struggle free from the kiss.

This isn't love Jacob. This is Lust. I want to leave here, let me out. Please, release the link.

Jacob:Stay a little while. You'll like it here, you'll see. Do you want a beach instead?

The environment instantly changes to a white sanded beach, crystal clear blue water. I'm on the edge of the waterline, the waves playing at my feet. I have to admit, I always like the ocean. Jacob is reading me too well. But then I feel Jacob's presence from behind me. He wraps his arms around me and starts to kiss the side of my neck. It feels so good I almost give in. I realise he's still trying to influence me telepathically.

Jacob stop! I have to get back to class. Ms. Grey will get mad.

Jacob:She's busy trying to teach some new telepaths how to mind link. We have a lot of time, we can stay here together for a while. Just you and me..

Now I was getting scared. Jacob was making me nervous.

What do you want Jacob? Why have you brought me here- where are we?

Jacob:This is the astral plane. Here I can create any world I want, just for us. And I want you, I want to make love to you.

I was scared again, if I could feel pleasure here, was Pain possible?

Jacob:It won't hurt, I promise, I can block anything out.

Jacob, how old are you?

Jacob: I'm 19, but it doesn't matter here, we can be as old or young as we want to be .

With that he started necking me even more vigourously, his hands traced lines of fire over my body. I've never been touched like this before. He knows exactly what to do to drive me crazy, sending me almost over the edge with the constant erotic assault. No doubt he's taking the information from my mind, how I'd like to be touched. His hands shift to my dick and he begins to mercilessly stroke it.

Jacob! This is wrong...stop it now or I'll-

Jacob: Or you'll what? I know what I sensed in you, you love me, want me. Don't lie to me, I know it's true.

Jacob my body might want it, but my mind doesn't, don't confuse sex with love...

Jacob:You, talk too much, don't worry babe, I'll take care of that.

With that he spun me around and pushed me unto the sand. Before I could say anything, he was kissing me again, I bit his tongue, and he pulled back. The next thing I knew I was powerless to move, he'd Psychically Stunned my astral form. It didn't hurt, and I was surprised.

Jacob:I'd never hurt you, I just need this so bad, please just this once.

I felt his cock drip a stream of precum on my abdomen. His fingers were probing my ass, stretching me. It didn't hurt, he was in control in this reality. I felt him enter me and it was the most intense feeling of pleasure I'd ever felt before. That made me feel even more disgusted. He was practically raping me on the Astral Level and my body was enjoying it. I wasn't. With each thrust he'd gasp, how much he loved me, for letting him do this. How much he needed this, needed me. We were both pretty close by now, he started to kiss me and jack off my dick, timing his strokes with the ryhthm of the fucking he was giving me. We came together...I was certain he twisted the virtual world he'd created to make that happen. The surroundings melted again, and I found myself back in the bathroom. I checked my watch. It had taken him 3 minutes to do all that. And I was powerless to stop him.

Jacob: Thank you, so much. I knew you'd like it.

Don't talk to me, ever again, do you hear me?!! I don't want to see you again!

Jacob:What? But I-you wanted it-I know you did-

Fuck You! I'm warning you, if you enter my mind unwelcome again, you'll regret it. I may be lenient, but I think you know what I can do if I'm in the mood. I'm warning you!

He tried to contact me again, but I was taking no chances. He entered my mind so easily because in class I opened up my mind's receptivity to its fullest, to participate in the class exercise. Not again. Ever. I'd listen to normal Telepathic messages, but I'll never open my mind up like that again, unless I can't avoid it.

I made my way back to class and told Ms.Grey I wasn't feeling too good and if I could just leave a little early, the period was almost over any way, lunch time was close. She said yes and I was about to go and pick up my stuff from next to Jacob, but I just grabbed it telekinetically and made my way out. I didn't even want to look at him.

Jean:Rick is something wron-

Get the fuck out!! I warned you before!

Before I realised it was Jean, I basically screamed Psychically so I knew it would hurt. Jean collapsed on the floor holding her head. Some students came running up to help her.

Oh God! Jean, are you all right, I'm so sorry, I thought you were someone else...I'd never, really..

I felt my emotional barriers failing, I better try and get it together, no one must know. Jean got up and responded,

Jean: I'm fine I just wasn't expecting that. You said you thought I was someone else. Who were you so mad at...and for what?

It's nothing Ms. Grey.

Jean: Rick, don't lie to me. I'm telepathic too remember.I haven't felt anything like that for a long time. Can I mind link to you, maybe I can-

NO! Stay out, I don't need your help!

I ran out of class. I hated Jacob more than ever. He was not a friend, why didn't I listen to Bobby. Bobby...oh no! Jacob was in my mind, did he know about how I thought of Bobby? I couldn't deal with all this right now. I'd deal with it later. It's almost lunch. I'd be first at our table, but I'd be able to use the time alone to calm myself down...hopefully. I was trying to get it together when I felt someones's hands on my shoulder, I turned around with the most angry expression I could muster,

"Don't touch me!. I told you to leave me the fuck alone!"

It was Bobby. I hadn't felt him, I was still not comfortable in opening up my telepathic receptivity so soon.

His voice was strained, I always ruin everything,

Bobby: "Dude, what's up?"

"Nothing, nothing's wrong. I uh, just thought you were someone else. That's all..."

He looked at me, staring me down.

"What is it Bobby?"

Bobby: "Something's wrong, something you're not telling me."

I regretted what I said next. Fuck Jacob, he's ruined my stay here since our fight yesterday.

"What so YOU're Telepathic now?"

Bobby: "No. I-uh-thought we were friends is all. Guess, were not as tight as I thought huh?"

I didn't say anything. Just then the rest of the guys came strolling in from whatever classes they were in. I didn't feel like talking so I just listened to them go on and on.

Ray: "Say Rick, I heard what happened, are you all right?"


Jubilee: "Uh about your injury, uh didn't Mr.Summers' beam hit you? I mean Bobby told us."

Amara: "Yeah, I heard you had a broken skull-"

Jamie: "Yeah and some guy-"

Bobby: "Jacob"

Jamie: "Healed you. Looks like you're okay to me."

Well looks like Bobby didn't tell them about my little fight with Jacob and his cronies.

Amara: "Oooh, he's such a hottie. He's real sweet to have healed you up like that."

I couldn't stand it. They didn't know about what he did to me, didn't know either of our secrets, but I wanted to let them know what I thought about him.

"He's a total asshole. The guys a stupid jerk and he has a serious attitude problem. I wished he didn't heal me, I'd rather have taken my chances."

I saw Bobby staring at me intently.

"Oh great, just what is up NOW Bobby?"

He looked away and didn't answer.

Jamie: "Aren't you being a little-"

"Who asked you?"

Jamie looked crushed. I was sorry for saying and saying it so rough. Jamie was real sensitive and all, he was the youngest of us. He was staring at the ground now.

Ray: "Hey, hey. Watch it! What's your problem? Huh? I'd never taken you for such a guy. Bobby said you were cool and all, but Rob, I gotta say, you're wrong this time."

Amara and Jubilee were silent. Silence followed for a while. None of us spoke for a good few minutes. I could feel the emotions though.

Jubilee: " Rick, what's up? I can tell something's wrong, why won't you tell us?"

"Nothing is wrong, I'm just tired-is all."

Ray: "Doesn't give you free license to Bitch at everyone."

This was too much. I got up to leave. I'd spend the rest of the Lunch Period on the grounds.

"Fuck you."

Ray got all mad and Electricity began to crackle around his fists.

"I'll like to see you try it."

I felt someone hold onto me. Bobby.

"Let me go Bobby."

Bobby: "Come on man, stay, we can talk about whatever it is."

"No we can't. I just want to be alone."

Ray: "Let the stuck up jerk go. Maybe he hit his head a little too hard yesterday and Jacob's power wasn't strong enough to heal him fully. Thinks he's got some Powers and suddenly he's better than anyone else.(He spoke to me directly now) Anytime you wanna tango, I'll be happy to dance, just name the place."

I shook Bobby off and left.

I was on my way to the Mansion grounds by now. I could hear Bobby quarelling with Ray when I left. To be honest I didn't blame Ray, he was just looking out for them. I'd brought this down on myself. I suppose I was officially an outcast now. Oh well, I was an outcast back home, so no big deal, I'll cope. The mansion grounds looked so peaceful and quiet. It was hard to believe these same grounds could house diabolical people like Jacob...Jacob what? I didn't even know his last name, and he took advantage of the momentary vulnerability my mind was in. Jean was right. To invade someone's mind was not something that could be forgiven or forgotten easily. I remembered when I invaded Scott's Mind. Granted I'd only hung around long enough to knock him out...but it was still telepathic invasion. No wonder he treated me like he did. He probably felt some of what I was feeling for Jacob right now, unadulterated Hate.

I made my way to the Greenhouse. It's Ororo's but she told me I could go in there whenever I wanted. It was usually empty, and I was Elemental afterall, Nature was in my Blood. I made my way in and noticed I was not alone. Panicking I scanned, oh it's just Ororo. I made my way over to say Hi. With Mom so far away, I think I sorta thought of Ororo as my Mom away from home.

"Hiya Ororo."

Ororo: "Hello Rick, how's the first day of classes."

"They've been...great, just great."

She looked at me oddly.

Ororo: "What's wrong?"

Unbelievable, do I have the words "Something is Wrong with Me" stamped on my forehead.

Ororo: "Is it Scott again. Because if it is, I'll have to talk to him."

I assured her it wasn't Scott. I was just tired, that was all.

Ororo: "You did great in my Elemental Class today. You're creative with Water, and you know when you can't win with a particular Element. At tleast you won't waste time and you'll try something else."

"Ororo, this school is pretty big,but I don't see too many teachers. I mean I saw you, Scott, Jean, Hank, the Professor and Logan once, but, um aren't there supposed to be more teachers in a school this big?"

Ororo: "Oh there are, but they're currently...occupied. If you get what I mean. But they'll be back sooner or later, you'll see. We can't just all rush out with no one to defend the school or its students you know, from outside forces and all."

I thought about Jacob. What about internal threats? It must have shown on my face.

Ororo: "Okay I may not be telepathic, but there is something you're not telling me. Spill the beans."

"Uh-no. I got a class now, I gotta go. Biology with Hank. See you later Ororo."

Ororo: "Take care."

I said goodbyes and headed back inside. So some stuff must be going on, Xmen stuff. New teachers? I wonder when I'll get to meet them and what they teach? I made my way back to class and sat down in front, away from where the others would sit. I didn't want to see them just yet. But Bobby just wouldn't quit. I guess it's one of the reasons I like him so much. He talked me into going back to the back row. I saw Ray looking at me a little angrily. I apologised to everyone and they accepted, even Ray. I was thankful for that. And glad that I didn't have any classes with Jacob other than the Mutant Classes. Mr.Mcoy entered and class commenced. Pretty basic stuff, cellular division, Mitosis and Meiosis-compared and contrasted. The class was slow so the students took ample opportunity to talk and stuff. I could hear a lot of stuff going on in the Telepathic Bandwith.

Bobby: "So you okay, you seem...tense."

"Yeah, I'm fine now, I think I might have absorbed someone else's anger telepathically. Or somehing like that."

Bobby: "Oh, because you didn't seem like yourself. Well glad everything's okay."

The class dragged on and when it was over, I took the first opprtunity to rush towards my room. It was atrying day, I needed time to recover my emotional balance and all. I'm thankful that what happened, happened on the Astral Plane and not the Physical. If Jacob could stun me like that on the Astral Plane I hope he couldn't do it on the Physical one. If he could disable my powers here I would be truly powerless. He's so much stronger physically, big surprise, he's 19 and I'm 16. Today was Friday and Biology was our last Period. We have less classes for now until the other teachers could come back I guess. The school was currently under-staffed. I entered my room and rushed into the bathroom, I just wanted to take a bath and sleep. I didn't really feel like eating Dinner tonight. I went back into the main room and started to get dressed. It was then that the door buzzer rang. I slowly made my way over to the door. I was taking no chances. I scanned telepathically.

Bobby? What was he doing here? I opened the door and said hi.

Bobby: "Hi Rick. I uh came to ask you, if you wanted to go out with me-uh and the guys. See it's Friday and all and we got permission to get out of the mansion grounds and all. We usually hang out a little on Fridays, and you look like you could use some cheering up. So you wanna come?"

I thought about it. I didn't really, but well, I did owe them and all. And I really had the hots for Bobby and in my currently wanton state, I think I was actually imagining this to be some sort of date. I laughed mentally, I got it bad. Why couldn't Bobby be the one interested in me and not Jacob? My face fell.

Bobby: "Oh so, I take it you don't wanna come" He sounded sad. He must have taken his answer from my expression.

"Oh, what? Of of course I'll come. Umm what time?"

Bobby: "It's uh 4 `o clock now. So is like six o clock okay?"

"Yeah 6 is fine."

Bobby: "Well guess it's a date, see later." And with that he was gone. I only caught what he said after he left, "It's a date". What did he mean by that?

I spent the entire two hours trying to decide on what to wear. I may not want Bobby to find out I was gay, but I wanted to look my best on our "Date". I finally settled on some casual threads and decided to head on downstairs. It was in the hallway that it happened. I was so excited I practically rushed outside and down the hall. I bumped into someone hard and almost fell flat on my ass, but they grabbed me before I fell. When I saw who it was I would have rather fallen. Jacob! I wrenched myself free from his grasp and tried to get past him.

Jacob: " Rick I just want to talk. Say how sorry I am for what I did."

I saw some other people coming down the hall so I switched into telepathy, taking care to shield myself properly.

I don't want to hear it Jacob. I'm not in the mood.

Jacob: Well I want you to know-

He stopped and began staring at me. I felt so vulnerable, so naked under his gaze. I shifted uncomfortably.

What is it now Jacob?

Jacob: It's just that you're so...beautiful.

I looked at him in disgust.

Leave me alone Jacob.

Jacob: I'm sorry okay. I didn't mean to hurt you, I swear...I just lost control! I love you.

Well I don't love you, I don't even know you or your last name for God's sake.

I forced my way past him and was almost down the hall when,

Jacob: What? So you love HIM?

What are you talking about?

Jacob: Drake

I froze. That proved it. When he linked to my mind he must have seen it, he knew how I felt about Bobby. He went on.

Jacob: So you think he loves you like I do? You think he can give you what I can?

Just what can you give me?

Jacob: Love...

I doubt it. If you loved me, you wouldn't have forced me to-

Jacob: Why are you throwing away what we have?

We don't have anything...just what do we have huh?

Jacob: A relationship.

We don't have a relationship, well maybe we do, but as far as I'm concerned, it's based on hate. So just leave me alone!

Before he could respond I shut off the link and shielded myself so he couldn't send me another message. I tried to change my facial expression and headed out into the Mansion's main hall. Everyone was waiting. Bobby, Jubilee, Ray, Amara, Jamie and John. Seems like Roberto and John(John got busted for smoking and Roberto for raiding the Girls' bathroom, I found out) couldn't make it. First thing's first.

"Jamie, I'm real sorry about lunch time today, I uh had a lot on my mind, but that was no excuse to rail at you. I promise I won't do it again. So you forgive me?"

Jamie: "Yeah it's okay I guess. Sometimes I have to deal with all of my different selves' anger, so I think I can relate."

Hmm.. I never thought about that before. Interesting. Secondly.

"Ray, you were right. I was bitching today and I'm sorry for uh, cussing you out and stuff. Uh and I wouldn't really have attacked you with Elemental Power, even if you did zap me. So am I forgiven?"

Ray: "Sure, no problem dude. I was way outta line too. I just got a short fuse, which I'm sure you can relate to."

So that was a relief! We were officially a gang again. It was then I noticed the stares they were giving me. Jubilee was the first to recover from whatever was eating them. She made her way up to me, placing me under the intense scrutiny that only a girl is capable of. I felt as if I was being appraised. She spun me around a couple of times and then,

Jubilee: "Damn! Rick, you got it goin' on."

She and Amara started getting all touchy feely, and for a gay guy, it's a bit uncomfortable. Then they just pulled back all of a sudden. Huh? Had I done something wrong?

"What's wrong guys?"

Bobby, Ray and Jamie were laughing.

Amara and Jubilee were fanning themselves now.

Jubilee: "Dude you're so hot-"

Amara: `You're burning us up!"

"Ha ha, very funny. Well are we going or not? Speaking of which, uh how are we going exactly?"

Bobby: "Oh, Ray's driving."

With that we made our way to the mansion's garage. Turns out Scott wouldn't trust Ray with anything pricier than a Civic. Go figure.

"So where are we going?"

Ray: "Well we'll just hang at a McDonalds and get something to eat and then we could hit the clubs."

"But Ray, uh I'm 16 and Jamie's 15. You're 19 and Bobby's 17, Jubilee and Amara's 17 too. Uh aren't we too young."

Ray: "Relax little bro, I got us a hook up."

"Uh well. I mean, can't we get in trouble for this back at the mansion?"

Jubilee: "Who's gonna tell? We do this all the time. Nothin' bad ever came from some fun right?"

I suppose she was right. And they did seem to know what they were doing and all. And I didn't want them to think I was some kind of wuss. So I went along with it. I've never went to a club before and well- truth be told I never went anywhere much before. I was pretty much a stay at home guy. School and back. We got into the Civic and drove off. Ray's driving left much to be desired. Hmm no wonder we didn't get the Jaguar. The roads were wet and all, I can't count the times I had to stabilise the car Telekinetically.

We pulled up into town and headed into McDonalds. I never really was a fan...of McDonald's, Ronald McDonald always gave me the creeps...seriously...clowns. We had a bite or two to eat and I could sense some people staring at us. Did they know we were...mutants!? I sent a message telepathically,

Guys, we're being watched. Do any of these people...does anyone here know about us being mutants, I can sense a few people watching us.

To my surprise they began laughing! Do they seriously don't know when to act mature?

Guys! I'm not joking..

Ray: " Rick, just look behind you and you'll see who's staring at YOU, not US. Hehehe."

Ray had too much of of a joking streak. I looked behind me and saw,

Three teenage girls giving me the eye and waving. I waved back and turned back around.

"Sorry, I just get nervous when people stare at me..."

Jamie: "You're too uptight. Man you gotta learn to relax."

He was right. I am too tight. Still, the attention was getting to me.

Ray: "So you wanna go test your game?"


Jamie: "Dude go over there and say hello."

"I don't know. I never..."

Jubilee: "Go on out there and-"

I was panicking now. What was I gonna say. I'm gay..what?

"I really don't want to, I uh-can't I have to keep control. New people make me nervous. I just wanna relax with you guys this evening okay."

Ray: "What?, I'm going to call them over-"

Thank God Bobby spoke out.

Bobby: "Ray don't. If Rick says new people make him nervous, just don't. go over if you want but, don't bring `em here. You haven't seen it when he freaks out."

Ray: "Oh..okay. I'll stay here with you guys here then. I got my dose of beauty right here.(He hugged Jubilee and Amara). I just wanted to hook Rick up with some game."

"Well I don-"

Bobby: "Well he doesn't want it okay."

Huh? I definitely sensed a tinge of anger in his thought patterns. How odd...Bobby and Ray are real tight.

We continued our meal and pretty soon we were done and were about to head out. If my parents could see me now. ME, out clubbing...heheh. What a laugh! We finished up and headed to the car park. I felt it again.

Guys we are being followed. I don't care what you say this time, I detect hostility.

Ray: "For real?"

Bobby: "Everyone, keep your eyes open, Lance and his losers have been too quiet lately."

Who is...Lance?

Jubilee: "He's one of Magneto's Lesser Goons. He has a few run of the mill mutant thugs under his command too. We call him Avalanche."

Why do you call him that?

Jamie: "He's an Elemental, he controls Earth, like Earthquakes...ah ah!"

We felt it then. The ground started to rumble. I could sense Fear from the Diner. I focussed and with Amara's help we stabilised the Earth. People were running out of the Diner by now, scrambling away...good. No civilians to get hurt should anything else happened. I don't sense anything in their minds that give away that it was Mutant caused.

Amara: "Whoa! I've never felt one like that before. Lance has gotten stronger!"

Jubilee: " Rick can you sense them."

Yes..they are behind those cars, somewhere in that park. They are definitely out for us. This Lance...he used that Tremor to get our attention and to scare away the civilians.

Ray, being the oldest took over. He motioned us over and we headed over to the Park. I Telepathically scanned the area for Civilians, hmm Lance did a good job of scaring people away, I'll give him that. This would be my first official face off. It's obvious these guys did this stuff before. I hope I don't let everyone down. We were in the Park now. I scanned again...didn't get a chance to finish.

Ray: "Incoming, take cover!"

Someone was throwing garbage bins,lamposts and an assortment of other odd objects towards us. And then the ground started to shake again. My telepathy wasn't helping much. I could sense that these Mutant Gang Members were around here but the place was so dark and they seemed to be Psionically shielded now. So there's a Psychic Mutant here.

Bobby: "Hey Jubes can we have some light?!"

Jubilee: "Gotcha!"

I saw her focusing and then her hands began to glow with multi-colored light. She blasted a few globules onto the ground, in several places and started some controlled fires. It lighted up the Area nice. We saw them then. A huge, hulking guy, a green short guy, looked really deformed. There was this white haired guy that was running around like he was on a permanent sugar high. And behind them, there was this Badass looking guy with dark brown hair, that kept flashing me this stupid cocky grin. I could sense he was an Earth Elemental, so this was Lance.

Lance: "Well it sure took you X-ladies long enough. What brings you out this time at night? Don't you kids have a curfew or somethin?"

Jamie: "We don't have to answer to a loser like you!"

"Shut up pipsqueak!", the White Haired guy said. I communicated telepathically,

Are these the Lesser Goons?

Amara: "Yeah...the fat guy, we call him Blob, for obvious reasons. The White Hair guy, he's Pietro aka Quicksilver. The Green Ugly guy, he's Toad, watch out for his tongue. And the other guy, he's Lance."

Someone else is here. I sense it. A Psychic. Do they have any Psychics?

Bobby: "Wouldn't doubt it, they got a lot of people."

Blob: "You X-kids are stepping on our turf, so back off."

The guy ripped up a Tree with his bare hands and flung it at us. Amara morphed into her magma form and burnt it to ashes. Girl's got talent.

Jubilee: "Gotta try harder than that. Leave us alone and we'll take it easy on you boys."

Lance: "Oh we'll try harder all right. You ain't gonna be stepping like that on my ground, and dissing me at the same time. Toad, Pietro, Blob, Lets show these kids a good time. Time to Rock and Roll!"

And it commenced. Lance was very powerful, with a mere thought he could stir up Seismic waves so strong, it toppled all of us off of our feet. I flew up so I could focus without falling down. Bobby was doing okay. His Ice Sleds let him manouvre without falling down. Sad to say the others weren't much help. Poor Jamie, he fell down and split into 5 clones with the impact. He wasn't much help here. The rest of us would have to protect him.

Amara, focus and help me. Lance is too strong, we must negate his powers so the others can get on their feet and fight. Bobby keep him busy. And everyone shield Jamie, he's the one in greatest Danger!

They shouted their approval and we started on our game plan. Bobby started pelting Ice Bolts at Lance, it broke his concentration, and Amara and I used that time to stop the tremors.

Lance: "Hey what gives?!"

"You think you're the only one with an Elemental power."

I'd deal with Lance. Jubilee seemed to be facing off against Pietro, Bobby and Ray took on the Blob and Amara was guarding Jamie/Jamies. Say wasn't there some other-ah! I felt a long serpentine, whip grab my leg, pulling me down. I watched down, Toad and his slimy tongue. Guess I found out why he's called that.

Lance: "Bring him down to the ground where I can deal with him!"

Toad started on it. Didn't get to finish it, I morphed into Fire and burnt his tongue, forcing him to relinquish his hold.

"Nuh uh uh. I'm too hot to handle!" Toad went down screaming in pain. I didn't get a chance to do anything else just then because Lance used the opportunity to send a column of Earth from the ground to strike me, while I was distracted with Toad. I went down on the first hit.

Lance: "What's the matter hotstuff? Don't want a down to Earth kinda guy?"

DID HE JUST WINK AT ME!?! Oh NOW it's on! I Telepathically called out to Amara,

Amara! I need help, negate Lance's Earth Power, buy me some time.

Amara: I'll try my best!

Which she did, because Lance started swearing violently when he saw his power wasn't working. I used the opportunity to focus and throw him back telekinetically. Soon I was back in the the air. I saw that Bobby and Ray were doing pretty good against Blob guy. Bobby had succeded in freezing the guy's feet in place and Ray was working on shocking him. I'm surprised, the Blob guy can take THAT many bolts of Electricity, hmmm fat must be a pretty good insulator. Jubilee isn't doing so good though. The Pietro guy is fast and he's running circles around her. She's trying to blast him but she's missing. I decide to help, focusing telekinetically I slow him down, wasn't easy, the guy's hard to keep a grip on.

Can't hold him long Jubilee, do it now.

With a wicked grin(The girl is freaky!) she uses BOTH hands and blasts Pietro back 20 feet, into Toad who was just recovering. Ouch! I better not get on her bad side. They obviously were good, hell they were on the Xteam in Training. It was then that I noticed it again, the presence of another. And then I fell flat on to the ground, what the hell was going on with my powers?! I soon found out. A girl with short hair, dressed all Bitchy in Red Leather came out of the Darkness. She spoke not a word.

Guys, who's that?

Bobby: It's Wanda. Watch out SHE'S trouble. She can Hex you, cause Bad Luck and stuff and screw up our Powers!

That explained it. I guess I'll have to take her out first. I flew up again and was about to invade her mind when she just looked at me and waved her hands. What was she doing? I soon found out. Out of the ground burst out charged Power cables, electrical cables, they moved like serpents, almost like they were...alive!? They were making their way towards me. I shifted into my Electrical Form for protection. It stopped me from getting electrocuted, but it did bind, tying knots around me. This Wanda was making her way into the rest of the Battle. I saw her focus on Jubilee, and by Jubilee's motions I could tell she was trying to use her Powers, but they weren't working. Turns out Wanda has some Telekinetic in her too, because Jubilee went flying into a clump of trees. Oh no! She was making her way towards Amara. Amara was the only one suppressing Lance's Power, if she got knocked out Lance's strength would return. Say where is Lance anyway? I looked around and saw him grinning, walking up towards me. I began focusing, I had to get out of this metal cage...

Lance: "Well, well. You look real nice all tied up in a bow like that. I see Wanda left me a little present."

Was this guy for real? While he was oogling I burst free and flew over to Wanda(Who was raising her hands to do something to Amara). I focused as hard as I could and invaded her mind...looking back, it wasn't the smartest thing I could have done. Wanda has a LOT of Anger, Darkness and Negativity inside her, and the Mind Link drew it all into me. I could feel myself losing control. The Power was building. I figured I might as well use it while I could control it and take these BrotherHood Psychos out, I'd deal with the control afterwards. I sent Wanda spinning away in a coloumn of wind, knocking her out Psychically. I learned from our brief link that Pietro is her brother, he didn't look too pleased. He came up to me, running around me, creating a mini-vortex. Trying to force me to the ground. I Electrified the surroundings, and after hearing him scream in Pain, he fell down. I removed him from the scene, the same way I did to Wanda. Toad had recovered by this time and attacked Amara, breaking her hold on Lance. I felt Lance Shaking the ground again, it(The Seismic force) shattered Bobby's ice Prison on Blob and we were back to having three of them. I'd have to deal with Lance myself, Amara was literally tongue-tied, compliments Toad, how utterly nasty. Focusing I lowered the intensity of the Tremor, but I couldn't stop it, just how powerful is Lance? I soon found out. Spikes began erupting from the ground, aimed at Bobby and Ray...Bobby! Luckily he morphed into his ice armor. Those things could have impaled him! THAT sent me over the edge. With a yell I focussed Fire, surrounding Lance in a circle of Flame. A circle I was shrinking. Lance sensed his predicament and shifted his attacks to me.

Lance: "Hey, you just can't stay away from me can ya?"

I Telekinetically lifted Lance off the ground, spun him around several time and Electrified him...which had absolutely no effect.

Lance: "Dude, I'm an Earth guy, I'm Grounded."

"Not right now but you will be soon." I GROUNDED him all right. Knocked him down hard on the ground, rendering him unconscious. I was condensing Water around him, in a liquid bubble, intending to drown him...before I stopped...what was I doing? This is going too far. With the strongest attempt I could muster, I calmed down and- was hit with a dustbin courtesy of Blob. I fell down AGAIN on the ground, on top of Lance. It woke him up and,

Lance: "Nuh uh babe, I'm the top, you're the bottom."

I was beginning to seriously dislike Lance. Him and his corny come ons. I was hit with a seismic wave and sent hurtling backwards.

Jubilee had by now recovered and she was taking on Lance alone. I shifted my gaze and saw Toad hopping his ugly ass over to me. Hmpf! He was going to use that tongue again. I seized control of his tongue telekinetically, grimacing, and tied him up in a knot with it. He was trying to mutter something, an expletive no doubt, but I shocked him and sent him on his way, down into a pond to join his web footed friends. Good, now only Blob and Lance to deal with. I glanced over and saw Amara, sprawled on the floor, oh no, was she...I scanned telepathically, no she's just knocked out. Jamies(And like 6) of him were trying to take down Blob with Ray's help. Hmm...Bobby and Jubilee must be after Lance.

Jamie-uh-JamieS, Ray keep him away from me. I'll knock out his mind. He's got so little of it-it shouldn't take long!

Between Jamie's punches and kicks, Ray's shocking bolts and my mind blasts Blob was out. I couldn't lift his bulk in my current state, so I just rolled him, the guy's round, down away from us. Ray, Jamie, and I joined Bobby and Jubilee. Lance may have been powerful, but he was outnumbered. No way he could win, though I didn't doubt he could probably take some of us out.

Lance: "This isn't over X ladies...not by a longshot.(He glanced at me) See you around Hotstuff." And he was gone.

Ray: "Such a fag..."

Okay, that hurt. What would they do if they found out about me? I didn't meet any of their gazes, I just began making my way over to Amara..they followed.

Jubilee: "Oh God is she?"

I didn't trust me voice to speak so,

No she's fine, Toad just knocked her out. Let's just get her home back to the mansion.

Just then we heard some sirens in the distance. I sensed that they were firemen, thought the earthquake had ruptured some gas pipelines. And hence the smoke. I warned the others and we rushed to the car and headed home. On the way Amara woke up. She was covered in some kind of slime. Ugh! Toad I suppose.

Amara: "I just got this outfit too."

"Wanna have it dry cleaned?"

Amara: "Huh?"

I showed her. I focused and telekinetically removed every molecule of Toad's slime off of her and her clothes. Mom had taught me that one. It did come in useful and worked better than any real dry cleaning would.

Amara: "Hey, it's all gone thanks." She hugged me...when she didn't let go I realized just what kind of hug it was. I shifted away. Amara was blushing. Ray and Jamie were laughing and Bobby was staring. Jubilee was punching me on the shoulder.

Cut it out guys. I'm tired and I just wanna go home okay..

With Ray's driving it wasn't long before we pulled up at the mansion. Scott, Ororo and Jean were waiting for us. We hadn't stepped out for a minute before.

Scott: "Where the hell ave you been? The Professor's been searching all over for you! Do you know what time it is? What are your clothes doing in such a mess, have you all been drinking?"

Ray: "We can explain Mr. Summers."

Scott: "Oh yeah...can't wait to hear it."

I decided to spare them the trouble, I linked up with Scott's, Jean's and Ororo's mind and explained what had happened. It wasn't long before their attitude changed.

Jean: " Rick, couldn't you call telepathically for help, even if you guys's cellphones were in the car?"

"But Ms. Grey, there was this girl there, uh Wanda, she was messing with all of our powers and stuff. And aren't we supposed to be Xmen in training? We did what we were supoosed too right?"

They relented and we all went into the mansion. After a talk with the Professor we headed to our own rooms. We were beat. I made my way up the hall. I just wanted to take a bath and get some sleep, and these bruises weren't helping. I was opening my room door when I felt a tingling on me. I looked at myself on me and saw my bruises fading before my eyes, what? Wait, not what who...I turned around and saw Jacob.

"Jacob, I'm tired and I just want to sleep, leave me alone, okay..."

Jacob: "I was so worried about you. The Professor couldn't sense you guys and then we thought about how quiet the Brotherhood have been lately..."

"Well, I'm fine, no thanks to-"

Wait, he did just heal my bruises Psychically. I just didn't get Jacob, could he in some twisted way really care about me? I thought about what Ray said "Such a Fag..." Was that how they all felt? I know I don't stand a chance with Bobby... and well..Jacob..well it wasn't like he had done anything to me physically. He said he lost control...I could relate. And he did seem repentant. And he was very nice to me...even after I was rotten to him after what happened. Was I throwing away a chance at love with Jacob? And well...when we were together, I was VERY attracted to Jacob. My body, well Astral Body was very willing. Only my mind wasn't cuz I was thinking of Bobby...was I doing what Jean said Scott did? Was I running away from someone who loves me, to someone who doesn't love me like I do? Will I end up alone like Scott? Jean loved Scott. Scott ran away from Jean, the other girl didn't like him and he ended up alone. Was that what I wanted?

"Uh-Jacob-I uh am sorry for railing at you. And thanks for healing me just now, those bruises were a little painful to be honest."

Jacob: "Yeah well-uh(He was blushing)-blue and black doesn't look too good on you."

He started staring at me again, I could tell he was checking me out...and strangely, I didn't mind it anymore. He'd seen a lot more of me anyway. The halls were empty, hey it was past twelve...but I decided to talk telepathically, just in case.

Jacob, did you mean it, what you said this evening, that you think I'm-

Jacob: Beautiful? Well-uh- yeah...I do. Damn! You're cute when you blush..(I was blushing now.) So what exactly happened out there?

I filled him in on all that took place outside the diner. He seemed excited enough.

Jacob: You took out Toad, Wanda and Pietro alone. Damn!

Well, Pietro was really weak after Jubilee was finished with him and Toad got hit from her too. And well Wanda was distracted with Amara...

Jacob: What, you got some serious power! And you helped beat Lance?

Uh no, Lance was too strong, he only ran away cuz all of us ganged up on him.

We talked a bit more, and it was...nice. I mean he was the only other student who knew my secret and all. Damn...I couldn't help if I'm attracted to him. I am a hot blooded teenager after all. Pretty soon I could really not stay awake longer and Jacob said he was going to turn in.

"Uh thanks again and I'll see you tommorow."

Jacob: "Oh okay...tomorrow. We got X-training tomorrow. I'll see you there."

"We do? So you' training too?"

Jacob: "Yeah...maybe we could...uh train together sometime."

"Yeah, sure, okay."

He left me and I went into my room. I think I was in a haze. Haze? Was Jacob really getting to me? Maybe I will give him a chance. Just see how it plays out. I had nothing else to lose, and I just might gain something. I had a bath and turned in and that night I had a dream. One of those types of dreams. It was a flashback of my experiences in Jacob's Mind and this time, I...enjoyed it. I woke up soaked in sweat and semen...damn, and I'd just taken a bath too, oh well I could wait until morning, maybe some dry cleaning...I went back to sleep.

The next day was Saturday. This would be the first weekend at the Mansion I'd be spending. And to my surprise, while we had our regular classes cancelled on Saturday and Sunday, our regular Mutant Training went on as usual. Well I guess it's fitting...I mean, we would be mutants to the end, it would never end. So we might as well prpare for it. Professor Xavier wanted to talk to us first thing in the morning. By US I mean everyone who went out last night and gotten into that fight with the Brotherhood. Bobby, Ray, Amara, Jubilee, Jamie and me. We were to meet him first thing in his office.

I took adeep breath, and tried to clear my mind. I was still all worked up from last night's Dream. The last time I was in here, I unconsciously let out the thought that I knew about the true purpose of the school. I was excited now too, but about somehting else entirely, wouldn't want that out to the Professor. I was about to knock when,

Professor Xavier: Ah! Rick, you're here I see. Do come in.

Here goes... I steeled my mind and entered the room. The others were here already, but so was Scott, Ororo, Jean and Hank. Basically all of the teacher/Xmen remaining at the school. I walked over to the others and the Professor made us sit in the seats set out for us.

Professor: "I shall very much like to discuss last night's Incident with you right now. It seems like a typical Brotherhood attack, but there are some rather confusing elements about it."

Bobby: "Like what Professor?"

Professor: "Well...when Mr. Summers informed me that you were long overdue I scanned the town Telepathically for you. I felt nothing. I grew very worried, it could have meant that you were either unconcious or...worse. I decided to scan more probingly so I made my way down to Cerebro."

"Who's Cerebro?"

Hank: "Not who young man but what. Cerebro is a vast computer and Psionic boosting device. It allows telepaths to boost their powers to phenomenal levels."

It sounded way cool. I'll have to check that out sometime.

Professor: "Using Cerebro, isensed that you were alive and using your powers, but oddly I could not locate you. I believe now that may have been due to Wanda's hexing powers, shielding the area from psychic scans. But that wasn't the strange part, I sensed you using your powers, but no one else doing so."

Jamie: "But Professor we were being attacked from the brotherhood."

Professor: "Indeed but the scan did not show that. Whaich means that Magneto must have found a way to shield them as well as himself. I thought at first you were being irresponsible and playing around with your powers in public...but then I realised you would never do ANYTHING like that. I conceeded you may have been under attack.(He watched us closely here. Did he know about our Clubbing plans?). However that was not all."

Amara: "Huh, there's more...uh sir."

Professor: "Yes, I sensed you as a matter of fact go unconscious. I had by then pierced Wanda's Telepathic shield partially. And while I could not locate you, I could tell what wa going on, after a fashion. I knew you were merely unconscious. But then, Rick, that was a different matter."

"But Sir, I didn't get knocked out. I was conscious alla the time it was happening."

Jubilee: "Yeah Prof. He took out Pietro, Wanda, Toad all by himself. And he faced off against Lance. And he helped Jamie and Ray beat blob."

She was making me sound way better than I was. But I a way.

Bobby: "Dude kicked as- uh butt!"

Ray: "You said it...I think if we gave him a chance, he mighta taken out Lance."

"What, Lance was too strong. And Amara, if I didn't have her help to subdue him, we'd all have gotten beat."

I sensed Amara blushing and I saw the glance she tossed me. I heard Ray chuckle. I sensed Jean reassuring me mentally.

It was hard on me. Amara had caught me off guard with that hug last night. The Professor went on.

Professor: "I take it you pushed your powers into their Extreme Limits? To disable those three mutants?"

"Well I didn't lose control. Thank God. But I did get a surge of Power, after I tried to stun Wanda mentally. I think I absorbed some of the hate in her mind."

Professor: "Well I lost contact with you suddenly. And later on your presence became known to me again. Hmm...Wanda posesses the Ability to shield from Telepathic Scans. Perhaps your foray into her mind had something to do with it. Still I am gald no one was injured beyond a few bumps and bruises."

Jamie: "Say, Rick, where's your bumps and bruises? Didn't you have quite a few last night? Wait, you can heal too!?"

"Uh no-ah Jacob, he healed them last night."

Bobby: "Jacob, when?"

I didn't like how Bobby was asking me alla this. I knew he and Jacob don't get along.

"Last night, just before I went to my room."

Professor: "Jacob was rather worried last night. I see you found yourself a friend Rick. He seemed to sense something was wrong and we didn't tell any of the students. We didn't want to panic them. But he somehow, seemed to know something. He wanted to go out and search telepathically. He is quite a powerful telepath actually...great potential."

This was news. Jacob said he was worried, but he didn't mention this. And this was a point scorer all right. He didn't bring it up...hmm. I WILL give him a chance. I won't end up like Scott. I won't.

"Uh-yeah Professor, he's quite a telepath all right. And he's a great guy."

Professor: "I am glad you are mature enough to put your past problems aside. You will have to work with him after all. He is an Xman in training."

Jean: A great guy huh? Is there something you want to tell me?Hehe.

Knock it off Jean. The Professor's here.

Jean: He would NEVER pry into our minds without permission. So...


Jean: Oh for goodness sake don't play coy. Are you two?

Okay, okay. No, at least not yet. But he is gay. And he likes me. At least he said so. We got started on the wrong foot, but uh I'm gonna give him a chance. I think I like him...a lot.

Jean: little boy's growing up.

Haha...very funny Jean.

The Professor broke us out of our conversation. He said he would have to ponder the situation and we could all leave for breakfast. Which was a relief cuz I was starved. I didn't eat much last night,(Hate McDonald's) and the whole power usage thoroughly drained me. Heheh! The Dream was rather tiring too. We all made our way to the cafeteria. We decided to take our usual table and all. The teachers had their own long table and we, the students had our own. Our's was unoccupied and we got our food and sat down. John and Roberto came rushing up then.

John: "Hey tell us all about it, like NOW! Damn! I wish I was there."

Ray: "You'd have been there if you'd be more careful about where you smoke."

Roberto: "Hmpf, I'd would have shown them a thing or two!."

Jubilee: "It was at night. You probably would have been powerless or nearly so anyway."

I left them to their bickering and occupied myself. Thinking about you know who(Not Bobby, why spin my wheels and go nowhere? Still at least he was a great friend.)

John: " Rick, I heard you really dished out some damage last night."

"Uh yeah.." I was busy at this time searching telepathically for Jacob. He wasn't here and I found him at last on the Mansion Grounds.

"Uh, guys I have to go. I-uh-need to-uh clean up my room. I left stuff all over the place last night."

Corny, I know what teenager wants to clean up his room, with no `rents to make him.

Amara: "Really, I-uh- can come give you a hand." Amara again *Sigh*. I'll have to find a way to let her down easy, without hurting her and without letting out my secret.

"Uh, no really, I just- I can do it alone. Bye guys. I'll see you later at training." Before they could give any comment I rushed out. I made my way out to the Mansion Grounds. I better ask Jacob, didn't know what he was doing out here and invading someone's privacy was not a good way to start off. Hmmm..How Ironic. Hehe.

Jacob? Are you there-it's

Jacob: Rick! Hi.

Uh, I want to talk-to you,

Jacob: I'm over by the trees, next to the fountain.

I made my way over and I saw him leaning against a tree, relaxing I suppose.

"Hi, what are you doing out here?"

Jacob: "Oh it's nice and quiet. Perfect for a little morning meditation."

"Meditation? You do that?"

Jacob: "Yeah, it helps out a lot with my powers and all."

I switched into telepathic mode.

Jacob, I-uh-heard from the Professor about yesterday, and well, thanks. Were you really going to come look for us?

Jacob: No...not really.

Huh?? He clarified.

Jacob: I was coming to look for YOU.

I think I must have blushed a million shades of red at that.

How did you know something was wrong? I didn't send any messages and even the Professor couldn't tell for sure.

Jacob: I don't know exactly. It's just that, well I've never felt like this about anyone else, is all.

He was looking away from me when he said this.

Jacob, I thought about what you said and you're right. I'm wasting my time with Bobby. And I think I might want to give you a chance, cuz I think I-might like you-a litl-lot.

I could telepathically sense a burst of joy. Damn...he must really be serious.

But I want to talk to you about something. About what you did to me that day. I won't lie. Part of me enjoyed it, a lot.(I sensed a cocky sense of Pride) But another part hated how you made me powerless to stop it. I don't know if I'm ready for any of that yet. Either Astrally or Physically. And if you can't deal with that then tell me no-

Jacob: I can. I hated myself for doing that. But I just couldn't stop.It felt too good. I-you're just so hot.. I won't ever do it again. Ever!

Well, maybe that's too strong, we can sometime, but only when I'm ready, okay. I mean I never even made out before.


We talked some more and we promised that for the time being we'd keep it secret. We'd spend some time getting to know each other and all. I think I'm falling for him, hard. And I mean H.A.R.D. if you catch my drift. We promised to meet after training, secretly. I knew we could be together anytime we wanted thanks to his telepathy, but I was a little scared of it. He was totally understanding though. Hmm...I think I can really like this guy. I was about to go when he asked,

Jacob: Uh-Rick, can I –

Can you what Jacob?

Jacob: Can I..kiss you?

We were outside and no one else was there...and Jacob was really making me horny. And well...I was curious. He'd only kissed me in the Astral Plane. I decided to chance it...and boy good thing I did or I would have missed out! Damn...this kiss was different. My first(Not counting my time in the Astral Plane) and he was all gentle. Not like he was in the Mental Plane. I could actually breathe this time.

Jacob: " sure you never?"

"No I never..and you're the super telepath. You should know. You-my room after X training today."

Jacob: " mean it? You're sure?" The way he was acting you'd think I was running some kind of club in my room.

"Just what do think's gonna happen in there huh? We sensed definite disappointment.)"

"And maybe Make Out", I mumbled.

Joy again. I said goodbye and walked back to the mansion. Telepathically I could sense him checking out my ass, I was giggling when I entered the hall. I walked straight into Bobby. He was looking at me with an unreadable look. Honestly him and his mood swings.

Bobby: "What's so funny?"

"Oh, it's nothing. Nothing important."

Bobby: "I thought you had to go clean out your room."

"Well uh, I did."

Bobby: "So fast?"

"Well I am telekinetic...duh."

Bobby: "What were you doing outside?"

"I uh-wanted some fresh air. A walk did me good." What was I under, interrogation?

He was looking at me hard now. A cold stare. Well he is an Ice Elemental, go figure. This foolishness had to stop.

"Bobby, just what is wrong with you? You've been acting all crazy-ish since yesterday."

Bobby: "Ain't nothing wrong with me. But maybe you should get yourself checked out."

Okay, now he was getting to me. Hmph! Some friend.

"Just what the hell are you talking about?"

Bobby: "What's up with you and Jacob?"

Huh? Did he follow me? Did he see something-did he know? I don't care what Jean says, I probe his mind quickly so he doesn't feel it. Thank God! He didn't know anything.

"Nothing's up with me and Jacob." Well maybe not entirely. SomeTHING was definitely UP with me and Jacob after all. Lol. I think I started smiling again, mistake.

Bobby: "Just why are you grinning like that? Did I say something funny?"

I'm not sure I liked his tone. Since when does he talk this way to anybody. And I thought he was a friend.

Bobby: "Yesterday, Jacob was an asshole in your book, now he's what-your best friend? The guy's a jerk. You didn't think so yesterday. You found out, in your class with Ms. Grey. How I have no clue. But you did cuz you said so at lunch. But this morning in Xavier's office what, He's Suddenly a Great Guy?"

"Well I got to know him better."

Bobby: "What could you have gotten to know about him between now and yesterday?"

That's it! "Man, just leave me alone..i'm not in the mood for this right now."

He was going to say something but I just flew up into the air and rushed to my room. I had a Mutant Training Session with Scott soon. We all did...I'd see Jacob there(*Sigh*). Hmm we would be in teams, maybe I'd team up with him.

X-Mansion, Subbasement, the Danger Room. I remembered the last time I was here. With Scott and Bobby. Bobby...who I was NOT talking to right now. We were all in the Danger Room's overhead Monitoring Room. Scott was giving us our intructions. The Danger Room course would be a maze. We had to capture control of a flag in the center. We would be in two teams. Searching the maze for a way to the center. If any opposing team members found each other, combat was allowed, but not to seriously hurt another. The team in posession of the flag after 1 hour wins. Capturing the flag was one thing but holding onto it was another. As luck would have it the teams were,

Bobby, Jubilee, Jamie, John, Ray(TEAM A)

Jacob, Rick, Roberto, Amara, David(TEAM B)

(NOTE, David was the Shapeshifter friend of Jacob's. Turns out he's cool guy. We go down okay so far.)

Scott loaded the progrm and we (Boys and Girls) went to our respective changing rooms, knowing that when we came back out, it would be war. We changed hurriedly, didn't have to worry about getting hard. Bobby was soo unappealing to me now. I saw him and Jacob attacking each other with cold stares. We made our way back out to the Danger Room.

Amara: " Rick, we're on the same team huh?" She was giving me the look again.

Jacob: Something going on between you two? I could sense sadness.

No, at least not with me.

Scott started timing and we entered our respective ends of the maze. Jacob established a Mental Link between all of us so we'd all communicate better. And we'd all know exactly where the other was. A nifty trick...wish I could-

Jacob:I teach you sometime(Huh? He heard? Did the others her?)

Can the others hear us?

Jacob: Not unless WE want them too. We got our own Private line.

And you'd teach me how, really?

Jacob: Anything..and I do mean ANYthing you want.

Hm. Comeons already. Hehe. We commenced in searching for the flag.

Guys we'll have to hurry. Jamie's on their team. With him and his clones, they'll cover some ground.

Jacob: Nuh uh. He's out in Dreamland. I've stunned him. Telepathically. He was easy. But I'll give the others chance, wouldn't wan this too easy.

David: Guys I'll shift into Bird form and scout from the air.

I'm coming too.

I flew up to scout around. Scott made it clear that we could fly above and guid teamates but we had to walk to the centre, not swoop down. That would be too easy. I was overhead when it happened. I was blasted by some kind of beam. It sent me downwards. Luckily I hovered above ground before I made contact. Then I saw what did it.

Scott what was that? Robot Droids in here?

Scott: There are suprises on the field, you not only have to deal with each other but other enemies too. Oh and you may have to put aside your differences and work together as well.

While occupied with Scott I was blasted again. It stung but didn't hurt. I focused and sent it hurtling into a wall, pinning it motionless. Charging the air around it Electrically I caught it in an Electrical net, one that shocked its circuits and blew it into oblivion. I could sense that the others by this time were in the same situation. David was curently in wolf form tearing a Droid to pieces. I could feel the Fire energy, somewhere Amara was burning something to a crisp. Roberto was smashing them to pieces but only when they came too close.

Roberto: I got to save my strength. I charged up this morning but I don't know how long it'll last.

I was making my way over to Roberto, but then I sensed that Jacob was in trouble. He was one hell of a telepath, but he wasn't telekinetic. And these things weren't alive, they had No Minds to attack. He would be powerless, aside from some punches and kicks that wouldn't even dent them. And he was playing such a tough guy and wouldn't call for help. I had to sense it on my own. The droids seemd to sense that he was no threat to them and had backed him into a corner. There were three. I lifted Jacob from the corner telekinetically and set him down beside me.

Jacob: "Thanks. Didn't know how long I could keep them back."

"Why didn't you call?"

Jacob: "I didn't want you to think I couldn't handle it."

Focussing I condensed Water from the atmosphere and it seeped into the Droids. With a little spark of Electricity they were nothng but shrapnel and scrap metal. I decided to stick with Jacob, I had to protect my guy afterall. While I flew above him he was scanning the other team's minds.

Jacob: Guys, the're close. While I was occupied, Jamie woke up. Spilt into a lot of clones. He helped them find a path. David make a left. Amara, Roberto, turn right. Rick come with me!

I felt myself hardening..knock it off. He didn't mean it like that! Lol.

Jacob: Well I might, sometime right? We telepathically snickered.

We all made it to the center at the same time. So did Bobby's team. It was obvious a face off was in order. We had half an hour left. Whoever had the flag when time was called, their team would win. David morphed into an Eagle and dashed for the Flag. Only to be zapped by Ray...who was frantically making his way to it.

"Oh no you don't." I telekinetically lifted him and was zapped in return. I recovered quickly(I sensed Jacob and thanked him) and began charging up my Water Power. I waited till Ray was all electrified and soaked him good, shocking him with his own Electricity.

Ray: "Aww! What the-" With a telekinetic bolt I sent him flying into a wall, dazed. Roberto was running up to me now, and when I turned around back to the battle, I was met with the wicked grin of Jubilee, with a lightning movement she sent both me and Roberto flying into David. Ouch! I felt something tingling then and I realised Jacob was healing us. We jumped back up, ready to proceed.

Bobby: "Scott, they are cheating! Everytime we knock them down he heals them."

Scott: "It's his power. It's not cheating. You could always engage him in combat. Once you take him out they can't recover so fast." Oh no...Bobby would like nothing better.

Guys, keep them from the flag. I'll protect Jacob. I have a feeling they would want to take him out first. His healing power and all.

Jamie spilt into 10 and started fist fighting with a drained Roberto. Poor Berto, he was in a circle being pushed around from side to side, by a fiendish Jamie. Amara fixed that though. I telepathically found the real Jamie and told her which clones to fry...which she did, burning them to nothingness. I didn't know Jamie would feel it though. He wasn't burned or hurt seriously but he was knocked out.

Great Job Amara! Oh no she was blushing again. While she was `occupied' she took a hit from John(Where'd HE come from?) He basically drained her Flame and threw her backwards, into Berto, who'only just recovered. I could see Jacob paining Jubilee, forcing her back and I was about to go take on John when I was shot down by a shard of Ice. Bobby...the fact that it was him that hit me made it hurt more. But then I remembered our quarrel...and this was war. I focussed and sent him spiraling into John's flame(John had been using the fire he absorbed from Amara to surround Berto with it.) Fire and Ice do NOT mix! Ray had recovered by this time and was heading straight for David. Berto jumped him was electrified, knocked out. But Amara shook the ground and brought him to his knees. She was weakening, thanks to John. Jacob had disabled Jubilee by this time and headed back to battle. So now it was down to:

TEAM A : Bobby, John, Ray

TEAM B: Amara(Really weak), Rick, Jacob, David

Bobby: "Think you can win without healing everytime someone gets a boo boo Brain Boy?"

Jacob: "You're on."

Ray sent a charge against Amara, I jumped in between them, switching to Electricity, to absorb it. Amara looked at me with a gaze that just screamed-"My Hero!" Why does this keep happening? While I pondered John sent a stream of heat against us, I withstood it but in her weakened state Amara got knocked out. I heard a wolf yelp and saw David fall to the floor, courtesy Ray and his Electrical Bolts. No! Now it was just me and Jacob against John, Ray and Bobby. I took care of John. With Amara unconscious her flames, which John had been using, faded. I telekinetically lifted his lighter out of his hands and crushed it to pieces.

John: "Hey, you know I can't make fire!"


I sent him flying, up and into poor Jubliee who had just only gotten up, Goodnight.

That left me to take care of Ray and Jacob and Bobby pitted against each other.

Ray: "Ready to tango?"

"No. I'm ready to kick your ass across the dance floor."

With that I flew up as high as I could and began calling Water from the air, soaking the ground thoroughly. Ray knew and I knew why I did it. If he aimed wrong he could shock Bobby. Since we weren't using deadly force, and Jacob could block out pain(Which was different from Healing, in case Bobby tried to argue that point). So basically he had the risk, not us. It was basically the Pain that knocked us out in here. And Ray couldn't hurt me with Electricity.

Ray: "Real cheap." Come down here and fight like man.

I did. An incredibly strong man with fists as tough as stone. In the Earth Element I was still shielded from electricity(Grounded) and still super strong. But I looked just the same. Nice surprise for Ray too, tried his hardest punch and I think he snapped his hand. Oh well Med Bay would deal with it...and the headache he got from my Psychic Stun, which knocked him out. I looked around only Bobby and Jacob were still there battling it out. Jacob was having a hard time trying to hit Bobby with his beams. I knew for a fact that Bobby could move on those sleds. He couldn't try Psychic stun. That took longer and if he did Bobby might be able to sneak in an attack. I knew with Bobby occupied with Jacob I could easily take him out while he was distracted, but I didn't want to bruise Jacob's ego. I was making my way over to the flag when I felt it-a stab of pain like I never felt before. I felt it in my chest. I fell down by this time and I looked down at my chest, nothing. It was then I realised that pain wasn't mine. It was Jacob's. Jacob...I no longer sensed his presence...I dropped the stupid flag and rushed back to where I had just seen Jacob. He was on the floor with an ice shard portruding from his chest, bleeding. A pool of blood was already darkening. I lost it. In my rage I sent Bobby flying into the wall, crushing him.

Bobby: "A-Rick...I..didn't...mean to", he gasped.

I was condensing Water around Bobby, it was sluicing over him, retracting and freezing into an Ice spike. I was going to do the same thing to Bobby, the same thing he did to Jacob. I moved the spike towards him, Bobby sheathed himself in Ice Armor but I shattered it telekinetically.

Bobby: " Rick,'re..hurting me?"


With that I pierced him, but not deeply, I was blasted away, Scott. I was about to retaliate but then I felt someone telepathically suppressing me, the Professor. I fought against it, I must not fail, not before I made Bobby pay. Then I felt someone else, Jean. I began struggling to maintain consciousness. I had to release the hold I had on Bobby, to save Power. I'll make him pay, but I'll have to...

Jean: "Professor, I've never felt anything like this before!"

Professor Xavier: "Hold on Jean. I need your help. If either of us fall...heaven help us!"


Jean:Rick, calm down...we are trying to help.


Professor: Rick, Jacob is still alive. Hank is rushing him to Med Bay as we speak.


Professor: Very well. Who are you?


Jean: Not until you tell us who you are.


Professor: Jean. We must settle this on the Astral Plane! Force him into battle there...Now!

I had to avenge Jacob. I-we loved, LOVE him. Rick was too weak to do it. I had to take over. I loved Rick to pieces, I could never hate any part of our personality, but alone, he was too...gentle to get the job done sometimes. I usually guide him subtly, but now direct intervention is required. If I didn't do anything back home we would have been killed. I know he'd never hurt Bobby, a part of him-us-still cares for him. But he may still care...but I love Jacob more. Bobby killed Jacob, in literal cold blood. The Irony. But I'll see to it he suffers for what he did. Even if I have to take out these two...Psychic wanna bees. I could sense Xavier and Grey dragging me into the Astral Plane. They knew on the Physical one, there was not a damn thing they could do to stop me! So they wanted to battle it out on the Mind Realm. I'll see to it they never leave here alive. Rick will have to forgive me. They were stopping us from avenging Jacob. I saw the surroundings melt and change. It reminded me of when Jacob first brought us here. I enjoyed every minute of it, Rick was scared but I knew he liked it a little too. Jacob had sensed that I wanted it and so he'd done it. It was why I had not attacked Jacob, Rick thought his powers weren't working. That was what had confused him. Hmm..a wasteland, I'll make it their graveyard.

Professor: I do not know who you are..but Rick is the controlling personality. It is imperative that you relinquish control to him, immediately.

Jean: You will hurt him and yourself, if he is your host.


Professor: I will not allow you to harm any of my students regardless of what they have done.


Professor Xavier: Bobby did not mean what he did. Why are you acting this way? It was an accident.


I sent a blast of fire towards them. Grey blocked it, but I can feel her struggle. Bitch can't last long. Rick only surrounded her with fire, but I'll char her to the bone before I let her stop me. I feel chains form from the ground and ensnare me. Xavier and his foolish attempts at binding me. Won't help...metal is of the Earth and I can control it! I meld it off me and crush it into powder. By this time both Xavier and Grey are trying to push me off the edge of the high plateau we are on. Trying to push me into the void..

Professor: I do not know who you are or where you came from but I will not have you wreak destruction here or anywhere else. Jean, focus, help me...we must send him into the Void.


I focus and lift them off the ground, mentally strangling them. If I kill them here, their bodies will die. With another attempt, I force myself to meld and grow, taller, towering over these imbeciles. I see Xavier and Grey create Psycho Armor, sheathing themselves in a protective barrier.

Professor Xavier: Jean we must make contact with Rick's mind. It is obvious only he can stop this..he created this..thing!

Jean: Rick, you must listen to us..we love you. We want to help you. Help us stop this. It is draining your power to let it take over so could die!

SHUt up! Ugh...I don't want to live...not without Jacob. I don't want to..STAY OUT OF OUR MIND!!

Professor Xavier: What is he talking about Jean?

Knowing that she could no longer keep it secret Jean explained to Xavier. She knew he would not be angry, he taught them to live in peace with others despite their differences. But she didn't know how Rick would take it. Hope he would not be too mad...but then again she didn't know if she would have to worry about that...what if she didn't make it out of here alive? She'd never felt such Power. This must have been what the others felt when she was posessed by the Phoenix Force.

Professor Xavier: Jean, I sense Jacob. He is conscious and healed...

Jean: Rick, Jacob is okay. Hank suceeded in getting him conscious, and he healed himself afterwards. He-ugh!

I take them in my gargantuan hands and begin crushing the life out of them. No more of their poisoning words to confuse me. This was not the time for talk, this was a time for action. Besides action spoke louder than words. Just then

Jacob: Rick, babe, you gotta stop! I'm all right. They didn't hurt me.


Jacob: No..if you kill anyone we can't be together...cuz then I won't be able to love you.

YOU WON'T LOVE US, YOU won't love me?

Jacob: I won't be able to...not if you hurt them...come with me. Send him away, he scares me. I want YOU to come with me...not him. Okay?

You're sure you're okay?

Jacob: Yes, I'm fine. But you're hurting me.

How? I'm hurting you? I don't want to hurt you.

Jacob: Yes, because you're hurting them, let them go, please...

NO, NOT NOW!! I feel, the Power subside and I release Jean and the Professor...I can barely move. I fall...but Jacob catches me.

Do you still love me Jacob?

Jacob: I never stopped...I came back just for you..

I blacked out then, but I can feel myself slipping back into the physical plane. Jacob is over me...he's doing the healing thing. I'm fading but I know everything will be all right. Jacob's here, that's all that matters...

I woke up in my room. The Professor, Ororo, Scott, Jean, Hank and Jacob were here. As soon as I regained consciousness, I felt Jacob make a telepathic connection with my mind.

Jacob: Rick, are you okay? Is everything all right?

Yes Jacob, I-I think so. Are you your wound..?

Jacob: Yeah, when Mr.Mcoy managed to get me conscious, I healed myself. Good as new.

Just then Ororo, Jean, Hank and Scott came up, asking me if I was okay. I aplogised to everyone, especially Jean and the Professor, who I'd almost killed. I loved them all, even after what I'd done they could still stand to be in the same room with me. I then grew worried. Did they know about...I asked Jacob telepathically. It turns out that only Jean and the Professor knew about us. And he was okay with it and would not tell anyone until we were ready. Just then.

Professor Xavier: Rick, I would very much like to discuss this incident with you. Are you up to it?

Yes sir. I think so. But could you send everyone else away, except Jean. I know we can talk telepathically, but I still just want you, Jean and Jacob here. Only the people who were in my mind.

Thankfully the Professor allowed it. He sent the rest of them away saying he needed to evaluate my condition and that Jean and Jacob, with their advanced telepathy would be able to help him, and how he'd need maximum concentration.

Jean: Rick, can you tell us everything that happened, according to your point of view, in the Danger Room?

I didn't want to. But I knew it was for the best. I looked at Jacob and he took my hand and squeezed it, and it gave me strength to go on. I told them about the Maze Challenge, how we'd been split into two opposing teams, how we had to battle for control of the single flag in one hour. How we were allowed to attack opposing members, but not with Deadly Force...Deadly Force. The words chilled me to the bone. It took a few deep breaths and Jacob's mental reassurance to go on. I related to them that after a gruelling battle only me, Bobby and Jacob remained standing, and how Bobby dared Jacob not to use his healing power. I went off to get the flag, but fell down due to a severe pain in my chest. I thought I was injured...had someone woken up and attacked me? I scanned, found that it was not so. I checked my chest and found that I wasn't the one injured. I then realised that the pain had come from Jacob. It was then that I noticed that I couldn't sense him...probably unconscious. When I went back to him however...I saw him bleeding with a large spike of Ice sticking out of his chest. I thought Bobby had killed him.

Professor Xavier: So you thought Bobby had killed him? Hmm...go on.

I explained how I made up my mind to do the same thing to Bobby. I couldn't make the water freeze as fast as he could, so I held him telekinetically. And when he shielded himself in Ice Armor, I shattered the protective coat. I explained how I would have killed him if Scott, him and Jean hadn't shown up.

Professor Xavier:I do not believe you would have.

But I was almost...I wanted to Professor. I almost KILLED you and Ms. Grey!

Professor Xavier:That was not you Rick. That was another Entity.

No...It was me..I'm a monster.

Jacob: You're NOT a monster, I could never love a monster.

Jean: That was another Being entirely.

Professor Xavier: You mean you were not aware of another presence? You believe it was you?


Jean: Well, it wasn't, it got angry at me and the Professor when we called it Rick. It vehemently denied being you.

Professor Xavier: What was said you created it. You needed protection. Hmm...Rick you have yet to tell me about the incident that occurred at your home town. I have the strongest impression that this is linked with it. How, I do not know.

I looked up to the Professor and Jacob. Here goes...

Professor, you know I'm...

Professor Xavier: A very talented and intelligent young man..yes.

During our conversation, I got the feeling that maybe I could truly trust Professor Xavier with my secret. I told him and Ms. Grey and Jacob, everything that had happened telepathically. I almost broke down a couple of times, I tried my best to shut it all out. They had to reassure me during the whole ordeal. But in the end, I felt a lot better. Now I didn't have to keep it all in, didn't have to deal with it all alone.

Jacob: Hmpf! They're lucky that was ALL they got, if I was there...

Professor Xavier: You would have exercised the Proper Restraint I'm sure. Which is what I hope you will be ble to do in time Rick. The Being said that it thought we were helping you so it backed off. But it was obvious that when you thought Jacob was killed by Bobby, it was unleashed. Interesting...

Jean: So Professor, you think that his mind could have spawned this being, during the attack of those bullies?

Professor Xavier:Well Ms. Grey that would be one possibility, but I'm not sure, it could have been in existance, but dormant for some time.

Jacob: Hmm...I wonder.

What? Is something wrong?

Jacob: Well you are an only child right Rick?

Yes, but I don't see what...

Jacob: Were you all alone growing up? Did you have a lot of friends?

Well, no. Mom and Dad were too scared someone would find out about me being a mutant...

Jacob: too. I actually had to have a make believe friend. I called mine Andy.

Huh..well I had one too. I know it's childish, but I called mine Eric.Whenever I got picked on at school, I'd scare everyone, I told them I had a big brother called Eric, so they better back off.

As I said those words I noticed them staring at me. What was up with them?

Professor Xavier: I think I'm beginning to understand.

But I don't. What is the matter?

Jean: Professor, you don't think that this...thing is Eric, do you? I mean it was just his childhood imaginary friend. That was so long ago.

Professor Xavier: It is a most fitting Hypothesis. Excellent deductive reasoning Jacob. You remind me of myself when I was younger.

Jacob: I-uh-wow! Thanks means a LOT coming from you.

Professor Xavier: It would explain why Rick loses control when he's threatened or senses others are in danger, others he cares about. It's Eric taking over. To protect. It didn't want to tell us its name either. And since you are merging Personalities, you don't seem to know it when Eric is making decisions. What a Paradox! You are both the same but are not at the same time.

Huh? I So don't understand.

Jacob: Think of your mind like a coin. You and this other Persona, lets call it Eric, are the two faces. Distinctly different, but yet comprising the same coin. Wait a second...if that's true, then..-

Jean: Then we cannot split them apart. How can a coin be a coin without a Heads and a Tails. It means that it is imperative that control and order are learned. Dear God! If we had succeeded in pushing it away into the Abyss...

Professor Xavier: Then we would have effectively killed Rick.

I felt Jacob squeeze my hand tightly and a few tears came sliding down his cheek. He quickly wiped them away (He tries to act like such a tough guy). The next thing I knew both Jean and the Professor were asking me for MY forgiveness. Well, we all had to forgive each other. I would have rather let them destroy me, than hurt them in the Astral Plane anyway.

Jean: But one thing I don't get. How was Jacob able to get into the Astral Plane to help us? I mean WE had a hard enough time forcing-uh-Eric into the Realm. And he closed off Rick's mind afterwards so we couldn't escape.

Professor Xavier: We must not forget that Eric loves Jacob too, I doubt he'd close their mind to him. And Jacob is an extremely powerful and gifted telepath. I don't think I've had the opportunity to meet many of his breed. And he has one of the rarest mutant powers known. His healing gift is quite a blessing.And they are in love, they have a Psychic Link going too.

Jean: Scott and I had a Psychic Link. It didn't work like this though.

Professor Xavier:Well Scott was not telepathic.Both Rick and Jacob are, it makes for a stronger link.

Jacob began modest. We all realised then that if he hadn't shown up we would, have probably ended up destroying each other on the Astral Plane. We all thanked him for basically saving our lives, he's real cute when he blushes. Lol.

Professor Xavier: Jacob, have you had prior experience on the Astral Plane? You handled yourself very well in there. It's a feat only the most Advanced Psychics can manage.

We both started to fidget now, remembering our Astral Experience. Oh yeah, Jacob could handle himself VERY well on the Astral Planes all right. Professor Xavier was eyeing us...but Jean saved us the humiliation.

Jean: Well, we better let Rick get his rest. We have training tomorrow, and school as well as mutant classes during the week. And I'm sure everyone of his friends will want to see him tomorrow.

The Professor relented and he, Jacob and Jean made their way out. To avoid suspicion, I waited until they had all split up in separate directions and telepathically called Jacob back. He came running into the room, asking me if I needed anything.

"Well, I did say that after training we could spend some time together."

Jacob: " Rick, you've had a hard day, I don't know if-"

"What? Oh come on, I feel as good as new. You've got the magic touch and all."

Jacob: "Well, I didn't want to bring this up, uh, but all the healing I've had to do this evening-I real tired. I gotta get some sleep babe."

"Jacob, please don't go...uh why don't you sleep here?"

He seemed to mull it over for a while and then said okay, he would. To my surprise he then proceeded to walk towards the door again.

Jacob, uh where are you going?

Jacob: I'm going to get a sleeping bag.

Ridiculus...simply ridiculus. The bed was big enough for two. What? He really thought I was going to make him sleep on the floor? I know he was doing it, going slow for me and all. But it wasn't like we were going to end up screwing each least not for a little while longer. I told him so too. He made his way over and just stood over the bed, looking at me. For God's sake. I telekinetically pulled him down and made him lie down on the other side of the bed.

Jacob: Hey, I was gonna lie down myself you know.

Well, you were standing there, the light's on and I just wanna sleep. Sorry if I had to make up your mind for you.

I fell asleep then. But I did wake up sometime in the middle of the night. Someone was spooning me...Jacob. I felt his hand creep up shyly over my waist, across it and then over my abs. I shifted slightly at the touch, semi-awake. He moved his hand back. Without turning, I reached over and grabbed his...whoa! Okay that was definitely NOT his hand! Damn...the boy is packing some serious man-meat over there! Hey...wait he sleeps nude? I heard him grunt and I quickly found his hand and placed it over my abs again. He made to move it back, but I kept it in place telekinetically. I was drifting off to sleep, but I felt it when he kissed the back of my neck. I never felt so safe, needed and loved before...

"Hey dude! Open up!"

Huh? Who? The guys...they'd woken me up, pounding on the door fit to break it down.

I glanced over at Jacob, gosh he's so cute sleeping...nude. I don't want to wake him but...

Amara: " Rick, wake up! Come on open the door. We wanna see you!"

I shake Jacob awake. He had to leave now. If he didn't these guys would find us out. I shouted out to them,

"Uh-I'm up, but, uh...give me a few minutes okay."

Jacob: "Hey...babe...*Yawn*. What's up?" I explained our predicament. He jumps up out of bed and I'm priveleged enough to see him in all his glory, pecs, abs beyond reproach, all 9 inches, of morning wood. He sees me staring(No doubt with drool and all) and starts to get dressed, chuckling. Well, he's got the magic touch all right, and a big old magic wand to boot!

Jacob don't laugh so loud, they're right outside!

Jacob: How do I get out?

I led him to the window and telekinetically lower him to the ground. He waves goodbye and tells me he'll pretend he's coming to see me too. He says to act all weak and on the everyone will think that's why I took so long...hmm...he's got it all planned out. I made my way over to the bed, lie down. Telekinetically unlock the door and tell the guys to come in. They come in, Ray, Jubilee, Amara, Berto, Jamie, John and David. I was saddened because Bobby was not here, but then he probably hated me for trying to...kill him. Even though according to the others, it wasn't me. They come over, mussing up my head and asking me how I am. I tell them fine thanks to the Professor, Jean and Jacob. I ask them about Bobby. Jubilee says he'll be fine, that he's in Med Bay and all...healing.

"Huh...why? Didn't Jacob heal him?"

Berto: "Nah, I mean Jacob healed us all of our bumps and bruises after the simulation, but Bobby wouldn't let him."

"Guy's, why does Bobby hate Jacob like he does, why do they always fight, just how long have they been like this?"

John: "What, Bobby don't hate anybody. He's not that kind of guy. He and Jacob got along fine until recently."

"He probably hates after."

David: "Naw...the Professor explained it to all of us...your alter Ego and what not. He wanted to come see you but Mr. Mcoy said maybe later."

"You mean he's not mad and still wants to see me after what I did?"

Amara took my hand then, gosh I wish she didn't.

Amara: "After what you ALMOST did, but didn't. And yeah...we practically had to tie him down to the bed."

(I struggled to get that visual out of my mind. I was with Jacob. Bobby wasn't gay, I didn't have a chance. I have to move on.)

Jamie: "It took 10 meS to hold him down."

Just then Jacob made his entrace and saw Amara holding my hand. I saw the sadness on his face. I mean he knew there was nothing going on between us(I'm Gay, not Bi, and he is a Telepath and a real smart guy and all). But it was more like, it was seemingly right for a girl to hold my hand, and he couldn't or we'd be...OUT. And I already knew how Ray felt, from his comment about Lance. I mentally sent Jacob a message...I liked him holding my hand better than Amara anyway. He made his way over, gave me a friendly punch on the shoulder(I knew it was his way of countering Amara's handlock) and pretended to act like this was the first time he'd seen me since last night. We all chatted some more and they left me to get ready to go down for breakfast. I do and join them in the hall, and together we make our way down to the cafeteria, to the usual table. I glance up at the teachers section and I see that Logan's back. He motions me over and I go, telling the guys I'll be right back.

Logan: "Are ya okay kid? sure been seeing some action since you came here."

He stares behind me and I glance behind to take a look at what he's looking's...Amara! Amara! She's all staring at me-specifically my butt!

Logan: " you probably been getting some action too huh? Amara's quite a beauty."

"Huh? What- me? No! She's just a friend." He started laughing and I saw Ororo giggling behind the pancake she was about to eat.

Logan: " all your friends check out your ass when your back is turned?"

"Well, it would be rather hard to check it out any other way...wait, that didn't come out right, she wasn't!"

I shifted the conversation. I asked him where he was all of this time. He was hesitant, but Jean told him I was officially and Xman in training. Turns out he was somewhere seeking information on one of the Brotherhood's chief Agents. He wouldn't tell me more and so I dropped it. I was getting a telepathic impression of anger...hope I didn't make him mad. I was about to go back, but just then Scott called me over.

"Hi, what's up?"

Scott: "You and the others are officially Xmen in training, so I think it's about time you got yourself some code names. In the field we can't just give away our identities. So uh- tell the rest of the guys over where you are to think about it."

I assured him I would and made my way back to the table. I saw Amara quickly glance away...girl was doing it again. I sat down and relayed the news to them. After a while I heard some responses.

John: "Well since I can control fire, call me Pyro."

Ray: "Well, I got a temper, Berserker suits me just fine!"

Jamie: "I'm Multiple Man...since I can multiply myself."

Berto: "Well I use the sun so...Sunspot's okay I guess."

David: "Well since I'm a about Morph?"

Jubilee: "Well my name's Jubilation Lee, but ya'll already call me Jubilee, so I'll stick with that."

Damn! They were really getting into this. I still hadn't a clue. I'd need some time to think it through.

Amara: "Well I'm all like Earth and hmm..oh! Magma..that's good."

Jacob: "Well I'm all Psychic and all, and I know it's crazy, but I'll go with Psycho."

We all laughed at that. But than Ray had to say something stupid.

Ray: "What? Hehe! I think that's more suited to Rick. Hehe!"


Jacob: Rick, I'm sure he didn't mean it like that.

It still hurts know what? I think I'll go see Bobby now.

Jacob: Wait hold up, I'll come with you.'s okay. I want to say sorry one on one.

"Uh guys I'm going to see Bobby for a while. I'll see you later."

They wanted to hurry up and finish eating so we could all go together, but I told them no. I wanted to talk to him alone.

I was almost at the Hall entrance when I heard Amara quarelling with Ray and Jubilee joining in. The next thing I knew she was running up to me, saying she'd come with me.

"Uh-Amara, thanks and all, but I really would rather go alone."

Amara: "What, no! I'll come with you. I know you're just upset cuz of what Ray said."

This continued for a while until I couldn't take it anymore. I mean it was like Back and Forth, Yes, No, Yes, No. I exploded.

"Amara, stop it! I said I want to go buts. Speaking of which, I really don't like how you're always checking out my ass, the teachers are starting to notice. I don't like you like that."

The look on my face made me feel like an absolute asshole. She ran off crying somewhere and wouldn't stop when I called. *Sigh.* I'll find her later and have a talk with her. I'd have to be careful, she's a very soft girl. I guess I thought she was all tough like Jubilee. But then again Jubilee had to grow up tough to live on the streets and in the Hollywood Shopping Malls she grew up in. But Amara was blue blood, Royalty. She was a Princess back home in her country of Roma. Hmm...a princess. It made me feel worse, not because she was royalty...but because she probably wasn't used to anyone treating her like that. I mean, Ray HAS A TEMPER! But he treats her like a little sis. I heards him yell at Jubes just now, but even though Amara was screaming just as loud as Jubilee(Granted, without the Common Expletives) he didn't even raise his voice to her. Hmm...I'll have to find her later and fix what I'd caused. Right after I fixed the entire mess with Bobby. It seemed like I'm always doing damage control now. All because I can't use a little tact and control myself. *Sigh*, now for Bobby...I began walking down the hall. Heading towards the Elevators. I punched in the code Scott gave us, it would take me to the Subbasement, and thence to the underground Med Bay. I took deep breaths, mentally steeling myself. Here goes...

Bobby woke up in Med Bay. He wasn't too fond of this place, he'd wound up here before, and the memories weren't exactly happy. But the Med Bay did have one thing going for it. It was peaceful and quiet down here. Great place to be alone and think. Bobby had a LOT to think about. The past week alone had provided much food for thought. It all started with the arrival of Rick Mckenzie. He remembered when the Mckenzies had come into the Mansion that night. When Bobby saw Rick, it took his breath away, he had to strain to control his hormones, it just wouldn't do for him to be outted to the rest of the Institute. When Rick saw Mr. Mcoy and freaked, throwing him into the next room, injuring in the process and ran outside, Professor Xavier ordered him, Scott and Jean to stop him. When they rushed outside to keep him from escaping the mansion grounds(It was only for his own good, the outside world held all sorts of danger for a young mutant), he was taken aback by the fear he had seen in Rick's eyes. Bobby had freezed his feet to keep him from running, one thing led to another and soon the situation degraded into an all out brawl. What shocked him was how powerful this kid seemed to be, but if he was so powerful ,why did he run in absolute fear? Then he saw the kid surround Jean with fire and the next thing he knew Scott was trying to blow him into smithereens! What the hell was wrong with him?! He could hurt this kid! But it didn't last long...the next thing he knew Scott was knocked out, inexplicably unconscious. Huh, what gives?, Bobby thought. He looked at the kid, he seemed in a rage and was all aflame. Bobby threw a standard strenght ice bolt at him to get his attention. Nothing too strong, it couldn't really hurt him, and if he could withstand those beams Scott was attacking him with, what the hell. The next thing he knew, Rick was falling, screaming in pain and almost knocked out. How was that possible. The Professor came then, and told them all to get him inside, to Med Bay. Bobby sighed. He thought he had killed Rick, it tore him all up. But he had to hide it from everyone else.

During the next few days he tried to get to know Rick, constantly trying to get close to him. He couldn't explain it. Bobby knew since he was 13 that he was gay. But he never felt anything THIS, for anyone before. The mansion was loaded with hot guys, but he'd never popped a boner because of any of them yet. It did make his secret easier to keep though. He had to make up lame excuses to keep off the girls, even though earilier on he'd dated to keep suspicion off his trail. But now he'd come to realise...he was in love with Rick. That night he'd come across Rick on the floor, outside the Room in Med Bay, they'd assigned him to, and he feaked out, if he didn't kill Rick outside, did he just die here? It evntually ironed out though, and the Professor calmed everything down. The very next day at the breakfast table, Bobby apologised, trying to say how sorry he was. He found out some things about Rick from Jean the night before. Rick was born right here, in Med Bay! He was basically returning home, even thogh he didn't know it yet. They took a walk outside after breakfast, Bobby volunteered to show him around. They got to talking and he mentioned something about his home town a couple of times. He didn't want to go into it. It seemed like he was keeping it secret or something and it had slipped out. Bobby could relate, he was so into their conversation that when the issue of Rick's powers and his lack of control came up, he spilled the beans about Jean Greay and the Phoenix thing. Anyway Rick did elaborate and Bobby felt, flattered that he tell him, considering that a minute before he was all tongue tied and secretive about it. It meant he was opening up, maybe there was hope...

They made their way back, Bobby decided to be daring(A little). He said Rick could come talk to him, and had said he wanted to make SURE Rick knew where his room was. But then Jean came in and took him away to talk. Just great. Oh well...there was always tomorrow. And what a tomorrow it was! In the Danger Room Rick really kicked Ass. But it didn't look like it'd end up that way, he seemed to really be in danger for a while. He and Scott were supposed to be in there to help if things got too tough. But when they tried to, the Professor stopped them. Bobby tried to struggle free to go help but it was pointless. When he heard Rick cry out in pain when a droid hit him, he mentally cursed the Professor. He hope he hadn't heard him telepathically. But then Rick seemed to...change. He honestly scared Bobby, he basically wrecked everthing in sight. Good thing he and Scott were warned, and had time to get out of the room. If Ororo hadn't sensed the Elemental Energy and came when she did...

It happened again. Rick got into a fight with that asshole Jacob. He lost control, but he seemed to be getting better, he didn't hurt them...much. Then more X drama happened later on. Scott started acing like a dick again. And something went down in Xavier's office...Bobby didn't know what...Rick was being secretive again. Then later that night he found out that Scott had been trying to get into Rick's room, apparently to say how SORRY he was and blew the door of his room down when he wouldn't open up. The problem was, Rick got knocked across the room in the process. Scott had tried to get him to Med Bay...he stood every chance of dying. But Jacob used his powers to heal him. Bobby didn't know what to think about Jacob. Jacob had probably saved Rick's life, but why? Bobby figured it was so that Xavier would take it easy on him. The strangest thing about the whole affair was Rick himself. When he met Jacob again in Med Bay he was all ready to hate him. But the next day at classes, he wanted to forgive Jacob and let by gones be by gones. Bobby had tried to dissuade him, but Rick was simply too forgiving. Bobby left him with Jean for his Psionic Class and went on. At lunch however Rick was all jumpy and angry...and a little scared. When Bobby walked up to him and patted him on the back, he freaked out! Practially cussed him out! They were just fine a couple of hours ago. Something had happened in that Psionic Class, Bobby was sure. When the rest of the gang came, and talk went to Rick's accident with Scott and how Jacob had healed him...Rick just about badmouthed him for all of them to hear...good at least he realised the truth by then. But there was...more. One thing led to another and somehow, they all ended up fighting. Something was definitely wrong, and judging from Rick's sudden change of opinion of Jacob, Bobby's money was on him as the cause. What exactly happened in that class? Then Ray had to say something stupid and it sent Rick away...Bobby shut him after he left. But did onder.

They had Biology next and Bobby resolved to try and sort things out with Rick. He kept at it until Rick moved back from the front row to the Back row with them. He apologised and thankfully everyone accepted. It was the last class for the evening and when it was through Rick just rushed up to his room. The others usually hung out on Fridays and they got permission to leave the Mansion. Professor Xavier allowed them because they were Xmen in training(which Rick was now too.). Bobby went to ask Rick to come along. He all but asked Rick to go out with him, he had to check himself. He didn't think Rick would, but he did. Good things were back to normal. When Rick came down the stairs into the hall, it was...breathtaking. Bobby couldn't remember when he had been this turned on. He had to chill his dick with his powers to keep it from sticking out from his pants and giving him away! The rest of the evening was pure torture. Amara and Jubilee started to appraise him and that got Bobby a little sad. He wished he could do it. He laughed along with Ray and Jamie though. But things went on even further. At the diner, these teenage sluts kept eyeing Rick and he WAVED to them. Then Ray kept insisting that Rick test his game, which for some reason he didn't want to do. Bobby was silently thankful. Bobby knew that this would have happened at whatever club Ray took then to next, so Bobby knew he was just stalling the inevitable. But Ray woudn't quit, Bobby had to shut him up and hope that it didn't look too suspicious. As if that were not enough when they were on their way to the car, Rick sensed hostility and it turned out the Brotherhood was there just looking for trouble.

They made their way to the empty Park that Rick sensed them and there they saw Pietro, Toad, Blob and the jerk Lance. Everyone knew about Lance(He was openly gay, and Ray never bothered to hide his absolute digust, much to Bobby's disappointment). Bobby didn't like the looks that Lance was throwing Rick. They ended up battlying it out and with Rick's help (He managed to take out Bitchy Wanda, she had this stupid Power suppressing ability). Then they all cornered Lance. He put up a fight to the end in former times, even when surrounded, hell he was super Powerful, all Earth Elemental and all, but he didn't this time. Bobby had suspicions why. The parting comment Lance gave Rick proved him right. No one else seemed to notice. Ray stated his disgust as usual and then they all went back to an unconscious Amara. Rick ascertained she was not hurt and they started back to the car when sirens were heard. Amara woke up and started bitchin' about here ruined outfit(Well she was a Princess and partly spoiled.). Rick volunteered to clean it Telekinetically. Just then the final straw, Amara started to hug him. It wasn't a friendly hug, Bobby knew cuz that was the way he wanted to hug Rick. They made it home and had to bear through Scott's stupid speech but eventually, it ironed out and they went to bed, promising to meet the next morning and talk to Xavier. They were all, tired , bruised and frustrated. That was the way they looked the next morning in Professor Xavier's office too. Well...except Rick, he didn't have a scratch. It was all explained whe Xavier filled them in about Jacob. Rick confessed that Jacob had met him the night before and he had healed him. What was Jacob doing around his room past twelve in the night?

But that wasn't the killer. Rick confirned that Jacob was now a friend and he was a swell guy. Bobby wondered just what was going on. What- why was Rick changing his mind so much and so fast about Jacob? Then at breakfast everything was seemingly okay. Amara was checking out Rick again. She was doing it in Xavier's office too. But Rick ditched them saying he had to clean up his room. Bobby had never heard anything as lame as that. Rick left and after a while Bobby decide to leave and go check in on hin. As he approached the stairs he saw Rick coming in fom OUTSIDE. He had this grin(Real Cute) on his face. Bobby questioned him. It led to a quarrel and Bobby questioned him about Jacob. Bobby was beginning to hate him so bad. Rick stormed off and wouldn't speak with him, even when they went into the Dnager Room for his first practice session. He did well and Bobby was real disappointed when the stupid computer's random matchup placed Rick on Jacob's team. Jacob had tried to beat him up and now they were best buds?! What the hell was going on here? Maybe Ray wasn't too far off, maybe he had hit his head a little too hard for Jacob to heal. The team was down to just him and he was squaring off with Jacob. Rick was gone to get the flag. Jacob couldn't even hit Bobby with those stupid stun beams, but he did manage to probe Bobby's mind. That freaked him out. Bobby had to get him out of his head. What if Jacob found out? He freaked and sent an ice spike out, impaling Jacob. Just then Rick came and...after a series of Bobby was contemplating. He remembered the hate filled mask that was Rick's face. Bobby didn't know if Rick would want to have anything to do with him. He wanted to go see if he was okay this morning but Hank wouldn't let him. Just then he heard the door open and someone stepped in. Bobby looked up. It was...Rick.

The Subbasement never failed to amaze me. There was a hangar here, that area was classified and I didn't have the clearance...damn! But there were also computer rooms, emergency quarters, Med Bay, The Danger Room, a Brig, Hank's Lab, a War Room(A strategy room really) and a bunch of other rooms, like training rooms and the like. I headed straight to Med Bay. I took deep breaths once again, prepared for the worst and headed in. I saw Bobby on a bed with some kind of bandage across his...perfectly defined chest, washboard abs...knock it out! I'm with Jacob! I can't be horny now. I have to apologise. I walked up tentatively up to the bed. I saw Bobby looking at me, I couldn't read the look, and I didn't want to risk telepathy.

"Bobby, are you okay?", I asked carefully.

He didn't respond. I couldn't help but notice the irony. This was how I was behaving when Scott came down here to apologise to me. I was fricken angry at Scott. God, please don't let Bobby hate me like that. I wizened up, I hope Bobby does.

"Bobby, please say something."


"Bobby, I didn't mean it, you gotta believe me. You said you didn't mean to do what you did to Jacob, well I didn't mean what I did. I thought you killed him. I lost control...I'd never-"

Bobby: "It's okay, really. I know you'd never hurt me. The Professor explained to me. I lost control too. Jacob invaded my mind and well-I didn't take it too good. Besides, it's just a flesh wound, nothing I can't handle."

Well at least we were still talking.

"Uh, well I can go get Jacob to heal-"

Bobby: "Uh-no that's okay. So you and him are friends now huh?"

"Um yeah. He's a good guy if you get to know him." I saw him frown.

"Bobby, can we please not start this up again? I don't ever want to argue like we did yesterday."

Bobby: "He tried to beat you up-"

"He said he was sorry, and I believe him. I tried to kill you and you forgave me, or were you just saying that?"

Bobby: "Of course I forgive you, and it's not the same thing. That wan't you. You have a control problem, Jacob doesn't."

"Please, let's just le it drop."

Bobby: "*Sigh* . Fine consider it dropped for now."

We talked some more and pretty soon we were joking around again. Damn! I'm glad that this didn't turn out how I'd thought it would. Eventually I told him about the whole codename thing. As X cadets we had to have a codename.

"Well, you got any ideas?"

Bobby: "Hell yeah! I'm the Iceman. What about you?"

"I'm stumped. I haven't a clue? And they said I had to have one?"

Bobby: "Who says?"

"Logan and Scott."

Bobby: "Not true. There's Jean Grey. She an actual member of the Xteam and they just call her Jean. As long as we don't use last names on the field I guess it's okay."

"Well the codename thing's real cool so I'll go think. Or I'll ask my dad what name he used. I better call home today. It's been a while. They don't even have a clue about anything that happened here. Professor didn't want to worry `em. They can't just run back and forth. And with Jacob's ultra healing powers, there's no need to be worried so much I guess."

He frowned again but checked himself. He insisted on coming out with me to go upstairs. He's a tough guy. Didn't even flinch. But then again I suppose it was just a flesh wound. We made our way upstairs and bumped into Amara in the hall. She took one look at me, burst into tears and ran off.

Bobby: "Something up with you and Amara?"

"*Sigh*. Yeah, she's been checking me out and all, I think she likes me. But I don't like her like that. And then when Logan said he saw her checking out my ass-"

Bobby: "Well you do have a nice butt-uh-for a guy and all."

"Well, just now when I was coming to see you, I wanted to do it alone and, well she kept trying to come with me(I decided toleave out Ray's comment) and I sorta blurted out what I felt. I just can't picture myself liking her like that. But I'll go talk to her soon. If she'll listen to me, I don't know."

Bobby: "Well, I think you should go tell her. So the situation won't get any worse."

I told Bobby I was going to call my parents and all and I'd see him later. I made my way upstairs and picked up the phone. I dialed home and Dad picked up. I asked for mom, but she was out shopping, so we pretty much talked.

"Dad, you know Professor Xavier told me about the Xmen team? He offered me a position."

Dad: "On the Xteam so soon?"

"Uh-no on the recruit training, so what do you think?"

Dad: "Is it something you want?"

"Well, yeah, a lot. Professor Xavier said I had a lot of potential. And I think my powers can make a difference, especially with the Brotherhood out there."

Dad: "Well it's your decision. Just be careful. I was 15 when I joined up. So I guess you should be better prepared age wise for it. And you got your Mom's Powers so it's more protection. *Sigh* I guess your growing up."

"Dad can I ask you something?"

Dad: "Hey sure."

"When you joined up what was your codename?"

Dad: "Uh- Element, on account of the element thing."

"Is it okay if I use it? you there?"

Dad: `Yeah it's fine. a legacy I guess. Hmm maybe one day my grandkids might be using it huh?"

Another can of worms. Guess I won't be coming out to him soon, at least for now.

"Uh yeah."

We chatted for a while longer before I hung up. Grandkids...*Sigh*. I'm an only child too. There ain't gonna be no grandkids. Just then I sensed the Professor making contact with my mind.

Professor Xavier:I aplogise for the telepathic intrusion Rick, but we have an emergency. Come to the War Room in ten minutes. All will be explained. I will alert the others.

I knew from logic that this emergency had to be X-related. I wonder what. I hurriedly got out the uniform that we cadets wore, basic black, with dull bronze highlights. I made my way down to the Subbasement and thence headed on to the war room. I met Jacob on the way.

I wonder what's this about Jake?

Jacob: I think there's been Brotherhood activity. They've been too quiet until recently.

You think we'll have to help.

Jacob: Yeah, that's why the Professor's calling us. Rick, whatever we get set up with...I don't want you taking unnecassary risks okay babe. I already almost lost you twice.

We reassured each other and headed in. Everyone was there, except Amara. Apparently she'd told everyone that she was really sick. We took our seats, and the {rofessor went on.

Professor Xavier: I have just received word that the Brotherhood is on the move. There are three separate incidents. They are all synchronised, all simultaneously. Which mean we will have to divide our forces. As you know we are currently understaffed. The other memebers of the Xteam are busy dealing with Mutant Human relations in the East. I have diverted them to the most severe of our current crises. It concerns a nuclear facility in Siberia, Russia. The Boshnoi nuclear repository. I have received word from one of my sources that the Brotherhood is attempting to access weapons grade plutonium. No doubt for some nefarious scheme of Magneto's. Now at the same time here in Bayville, we have to deal with our own group of Brotherhood Representatives. They are attacking several Exclusive Jewellry stores and Fine Art complexes. On top of that we have the security of the school and its students to think about. It is obvious that the Brotherhood were biding time to strike at once so we would have to separate ourslves and therefore be weaker."

Logan: "So that's why I take it you called the Xkids out."

Jean: "Professor, their training is incomplete, they could get hurt."

We all began to chatter. Heck! We were gonna see some action.

Professor Xavier: I've thought about that. With nearly all of the trained Xmen out, this would be aperfect time to attack the Institute. We must not let that happen. Remember what happened las time."

I had to ask. Everyone else got quiet. "Uh, what happened Professor?"

Professor Xavier: "Several students were killed. Massive injuries and a few got kidnapped. Forced to work for the Brotherhood by means pf telepathic Mind Control. Now Jean, I am not sending any of the recruits to the Nuclear Plant. Neither will you go. But Cyclops, Beast, Wolverine and Storm(I was confused here at the names but Jacob clarified it for me.) will proceed there immediately. Jean you will remain here to protect the school, but you shall not be alone. Several members of the recruits will be here as backup. Just in case the school is attacked. Other's will attempt to stop the looting being done by run of the mill brotherhood mutants. The Russian Nuclear Crisis is the most important however. As you know Diplomatic ties with Russia have been rather strained lately. The Russian Government will not admit that their plant is under attack by the Brotherhood. Mainly because that (Boshnoi) facility is only supposed to be a power plant. Not a repository for nuclear weapons grade plutonium. If they ask fo help the international community will learn of their transgression. Which is why we are going to put a stop to it. They think they can stop the Brotherhood, they have no idea what they are up against. I believe the most powerful of the Brotherhood's Agents will be in for a mission like this."

"But Professor, uh why are the Brotherhood attacking-uh-well why are they all small time criminal like?"

Ororo: "We are funded in return for our services Rick-"

"Oh I've got a codename now. It's Element."

Scott: "Your...father's.."

"Yeah, so what were you saying O-uh-Storm."

Ororo: "Well we are funded, but Magneto is not. He relies on illegal activity to fund his campaigns. And it all adds up, whether it's Plutonium or Paintings. His arch henchmen will go for the Plutonium, and his lower followers will do the petty theft."

"So like Avalanche and the others."

Professor Xavier: "No. Avalanche and the others will be the ones who will attack the school if anything. Magneto will need their power and since they already know the terrain. Avalanche was once a member of this school."

"What happened?"

Jean: "He didn't believe that Mutants and humans can learn to live together and he found Magneto's Philosophy more practical."

We discussed the situation some more and we got split into teams.

Team A- Cyclops, Storm, Wolverine, Beast (Boshnoi Nuclear Reserve_Russia)

Team B- Sunspot, Morph, Pyro, Berseker, Multiple (Brotherhood Crime and Theft Spree_Downtown Bayville)

Team C- Jean, Psycho, Element, Iceman, Jubilee (Mansion Security_The Mansion)

*Since Amara was "Sick" she'd be here too, but only as a last resort. The Professor announced he'd be sending all the students, Amara included into the Emergency Dorms in the underground Subbasement. With that we all headed out. I FINALLY got to see what was in the Hangar. The Blackbird. This thing looked fresh outta Star Wars. It was that futuristic. Beserker and the others headed out to in the Blackbird equivalent of a car. It sure looked like it'd make Batman We, (Psycho, Jean, Iceman, Jubilee and I) made our way back upstairs with the Professor. This Emergency lockdown thing would last until the other Official Xmen returned from the Nuclear Plant and then we wouldn't have to be so careful. We had to split up and take different corners of the school. We each had built in communicators in our uniforms, cleverly disguised as X buttons. Well, I guessed it saved telepathic power. We were pretty much alone when we patrolled. Well at least we had no classes while this little bit of drama's going on. Sine only me and Jean could fly we took turns scouting around from the air every now and again. Things went well for three days. After that time we...kinda, okay so we did let down our guard. We shouldn't have. We were responsible for everyone here. Ray and the rest were staying at some hotel in Bayville, so we couldn't count on their assistance. Even Jean let loose a little. It was just the break they needed. Jacob was the one who noticed it. Professor Xavier was busy with everything down in the Mission Control subbasement and all.

Jacob: Guys, I'm sensing foreign thought patterns, not from anyone in the school, but I can't locate where exactly. It's as if they're being shielded somehow.

I sense it too.

Jean: So do I. Okay people this is it. It'll probably be Lance and his group, be prepared.

Iceman: Piece of cake...them losers won't know what hit `em.

Jubilee: "Still watch your back, we don't have the others here like last time."

Jean alerted the Professor and he locked down the Subbasement. She took over command.

Jean: "All right everyone, their telepathic imprints are being shielded. We can't tell exactly, who's here or where they are. We'll have to split up the mansion's too big for us to search together as a group. If anyone sees anything out of the ordinary, and cant deal with it, call for backup. Okay, lets go. Professor Xavier is depending on us."

With that we spilt up.

Jacob: Rick remember what I said...I love you. Be careful out there.

I love you too. And you better follow your own advice.

Since Jean and I could fly, we decided to take the outside. Jean the front lawn and I the back. Jubilee would take the West wing and Iceman, the East. Psycho settled on the ground floor. I was flying across the lawn scanning telepathically, but just gave up on it. It might be Wanda doing her crap again. Besides if Jacob couldn't tell where they were with HIS kind of telepathy, how the hell was I gonna do it? I needed my eyes. So far so good. I made my way down to the fountain and stood there, no one in sight. But there was someone there all right. I felt a serpentine whip like tongue grab hold of me and fling me against the stone fountain. It sorta dazed me. I think I was getting whatever Amara got from that tongue. It's goo knocked her out. Yup this was it, Toad all right. Good thing he didn't hold on long.

Toad: "I'm going to make you pay for what you did to me-with my OWN fricken tougue!" I felt a rush of wind blow past me. Only thing I realised, it wasn't wind at all. Pietro.

Pietro: And I'm gonna help him. I ain't too keen on what you did to me either, or my sis for that matter."

Here goes. With an effort I shake the cobwebs from my head and use the force of Water to move the fountain's water. I channeled it into a beam like projection and slammed it into him, sending him flying. It just pushed him back, hey, he's like a frog, they love water. It was a little hard to focus. That stunning goo from Toad's tongue was potent all right. I don't want to call the others, I can sense that they have their own problems to deal with. Pietro starts zipping around at blinding speed. He careens towards me, ow! What a punch. Oh yeah...Force=Mass x Accelaration all right. With another effort I summon Earth this time. I need it's defense. These two obviously rely on Physiacl Attack. I had to bide my time until this Poison wears off, hopefully this Armor will do. I sure hope the others are okay.

Meanwhile in the Front Lawn Jean was dealing with her own problems. She had succeded in putting up a mental barrier strong enough to stave off Wanda's Power Draining Ability, but still had her hexes and telekinesis to deal with. Wanda waved her hands. Jean really didn't like it when she did that. The next thing she knew, the tree weres...moving. Well they didn't exacly get up and run, but their branches twisted and were trying to cage her in. Jean concentrated and Telekinetically began shattering their bark covered appendages. She sure hoped Ororo wouldn't freak when she came back...they were HER trees after all.

Bobby was in the East wing when he heard a crash. Jubilee heard the same thing. They both reached the central sector of the school and saw Blob, with the meanest look on his ugly face. Bobby and Jubille primed themselves for a fight.

Blob: "I'm gonna eat you two little appetizers for Lunch, hmm."

Bobby wasn't too thrilled about that. He blasted out two beams of freezing energy and succeded in freezing Blob's feet onto the ground. Meanwhile Jubilee blasted her light based energy straight into his eyes, blinding least temporarily. Didn't stop him though. He pummeled the ground and sent shockwaves through the floor, effectively knocking both Jubilee and Bobby to their knees. Blob used this time to shatter the Ice locks on his feet. He made his way over to the two stunned would be Xmen. Oh yeah...they had their work cut out all right.

Psycho was on the ground floor, next to the staircase, when he felt that something was wrong with Rick. Since he was currently unoccupied he decided to leave and go out to the back lawn and help his boy out. Only problem was when he got out onto the lawn, Lance was there waiting. He raised his hands and sent a seismic blast towards Psycho. But he was ready and dodged.

Psycho: "What the hell do you want THIS time Lance?"

Lance: "Oh, you'll just have to wait and see. We got a nice little-well maybe not LITTLE- surprise for you Xladies."

Psycho sent a stun beam out and was forcing Lance back into the lawn. He had to get to Element. He saw Toad moving in and sent him a good dose of pain. Toad was out cold, at least for now. Psycho sensed Rick was poisoned and healed him. Whilst he was doing this however Lance reovered and sent him pelting backwards due to an Earth tremor beneth his feet.

I felt the Poison's effect wearing off an looked up, Jacob, flying? But I thought he wasn- of wait he's FALLING! I steadied him telekinetically and broght him to my side.

"You okay?"

Jacob: "Yeah, I think so. Let's give `em a fight if that's wgat they want!"

I decided to take on Lance. With my Elemental Powers I'd stand a better chance. Lance was just so strong...I'll need to really cut loose. I hope the others don't mind it if I wreck their lawn. I heard Pietro scream then and I realised that Jacob had charged his fists with Psionic Energy and was punching him into submission, Pain punches hmm. I made my way over to Lance. I saw him about to attack Psycho from behind his back. I focus and cancel his Earth Energy.

"Oh no you don't!"

Lance: "Hey hotstuff. You missed me?"

"Ar...Bite me."

Lance: "Heheh...where?"

That's it! I started pelting him with fireballs. He shielded it by calling up this stone cage around himself. I decided to try and shatter it telekinetically. It started to crack. With even more will I amp up the power and it really begins to shatter. But this was what Lance wanted me to do. While I was occupied with that, he had melded a tunnel underground and had snuck up to me from behind. I sensed him and turned around, he forced me back into the wall of the stone cage and melded the cage so that tentacles bound my feet and wrists. I was trying to break it telekinetically, but it wasn't easy, I couldn't see them after all, and those fireballs and telekinetic bolts I was attacking the cage with really took some out of me. He was walking up to me now. Oh no his fists...He walked up to me and started staring at me like the horny bastard he was. Damn...these things are tight! I could sense his Lust as he walked over. Damn...Jacob was busy with both Pietro AND Toad who'd just woken up.

Lance: "What's someone like you doing with a bunch of losers like this? You can do so much better babe."

"Don't call me babe!". I began struggling to get free. He couldn't maintain this stone cage forever...could he? My futile attempts at escape seemed to amuse him even more. Oh no! He was moving closer, his mouth was approaching my face, as his lips made contact with mine,

Jacob! Help me!

Jacob turned and saw Lance forcing himself on Rick...HIS Rick. He was going to go over there and kick his ass raw. Then heal him and do it again! Right after he dealt with these two. He had to clear a path to Lance. But first he summoned every ounce of Telepthic Potential Power and sent the Energy out in a radial wave, scrambling their Brains. He then turned to go to Lance.

Lance was all but trying to suck my tongue into his mouth by now. And I didn't like where his hands were heading. Just then I felt him pull back and yelp in pain. Yes! Jacob's here. Thank God. I was afraid of biting Lance because I didn't know what he'd do if he got really angry. And secondly I was using the time to continue my attempts at breaking free, just a little more...hopefully Jacob can distract him long enough.

I watched them fight it out. Jacob was doing pretty good in that he was holding his own. But Lance was just too tough. We'd have to take him out together...just as soon as I break free.

Jacob: "Back off dickhead! If you want that, go to your Brotherhood whores, don't be stepping on my turf!"

Jacob zapped Lance then with a pain bolt. Lance fliched, but it didn't do much damage. Hmm...the Armor Lance wore. I wonder, could it be Psioncally shielded? Hope not or Jacob's in trouble. Lance laughed. Laughed! He looked at me...all in deep mock pity,

Lance: "Oh man! You mean you two? Hehe. HIM? Hehe. Damn."

Lance then sent spikes out of the ground and caged Jacob in. His powers were Mental Energy. He couldn't move those spikes out, he was caged. Lance made his way back to me licking his lips...I was almost free...just a little more.

Jake, hold on Baby, I'm almost free, just a little more Telekinetic Energy. Bye me some time. Talk to him.

That plan didn't work. Jacob started cussing out Lance, but he just solidified the cage sealing Jacob in. It was now soundproof. He turned to me. I could see the hunger in his eyes. It reminded me of those sick freaks back home. A couple of them got off on hurting me.

Lance: "Now where were we?...oh yeah."

He started kissing me again, hands roaming across my body. I felt him press into me. He was being rough, too rough. Ah! There I'd done it. I was free. I bit his tongue and he yelled in surprise. I tasted blood and grew disgusted, I spat it out. He was rubbing his lips with his hands, he looked at me, he may have a handsome face, but now it was twisted evilly.

Lance: "You'll beg me to take you when I'm done with you, and your boyfriend."

"I doubt it."

Focussing I lifted him up and Smashed him into the ground, hard. It slowed him down and must have weakened his concentrationn cuz the two stone cages crumbled. Jacob ran out stepping in between me and Lance. We both were on him now. Jacob continually tried to assault his mind but it was no good. Lance's armor must be some sort of Psychic Shield. I communicated teleathically with Psycho. He'd Heal me if I got too weak. With my Elemental Force, I'd attack Lance. I started to summound Wind, trying to blow him away...I was succeeding in holding him at bay, but I needed more. I augmented the Wind with Telekinetics, great Lance was moving back more. I could sense him struggling. The Earth began to shake...uh oh! And I didn't have Amara here to help.

Lance: "Don't I just Rock your World baby?"

"Don't call me that!"

The anger fuelled my power and the Wind grew to Gale force in strength. I was rising, Eric...was not taking over, but he was increasing my power. Good, cuz I'm going to make him pay, no one was going to touch me like...THAT...except Jake! I was lifting him with the wind now and telekinetically pushed him almost to the back gate. I began trying to strip off the armor.

Lance: "See, I knew you wanted me, what're doing? Trying to get me all naked and what not. Hehe! Babe all you gotta do is ask...real nice!"

Arrgh! With an effort I tear the stupid helmet off and urge Jacob,

"Jake, attack him with a pain bolt now! While I can hold him.."

I sensed that he was only too eager to do it. Jacob built up his strength and blasted Lance with Psionic Pain Bolts. Lance Gasped and fell to the floor, conscious but powerless to move.

Lance: "...Fuck!"

Jacob took my hand and led me over to Lance. Huh, what was he doing? I soon found out. He was staking claim. Over me! While Lance was powerless to move. He scanned, made sure no one could see, and took me in his arms, looked directly at Lance,

Jacob: "THIS is how it's done."

and proceeded to kiss me, he was making it quite a show for Lance too. He snaked his tongue over my lips. I gave him easy access, he plundered the depths of my mouth, exploring, sucking gently on my tongue. Wow! I saw stars...literally. Jacob and his telepathic sense of humour again. We were so tongue tied, when we separated, it was with a wet slurp.

Jacob: "See...can any of your Brotherhood rent boys give you that? So just know the difference!"

He then stunned Lance unconscious.

"Why'd you do that Jake?"

"He has a thing for you. I'm going to cut it out right now! Besides I don't exactly need and excuse to kiss my boyfriend now do I?"

He called me his...boyfriend! I blushed. We kissed again, this time it was for us and not to "Educate" Lance. Just then we got a message on the communicator from Jean.

Jean: Guys! I've just knocked out Wanda. It wasn't easy. Anyone there?

Jacob: Uh Yeah. I've just helped Rick Knock out Pietro, Lance and Toad.

Jubilee: Me and Bobby just took out the Blob. But uh, I think he had a snack before he came after us. Uh we JUST might need to restock the kitchen.

We laughed at that and all met up at the front entrance. There was a hole in the wall. A big ROUND hole. Blob was sticking out of it, compliments Bobby and Jubilee no doubt.

Jean: " Rick give me a hand. Let's move him where the others are."

We telekinetically lifted the Blob(Was NOT easy!) and dumped him towards the others. We had assumed it was all over but, it wasn't. Not by a longshot. An unknown voice spoke out of the darkness. It was more of a growl, rough and coarse. It thoroughly creeped me out.

Male Voice: "So, he WAS right. Haha! the almighty Xmen are reduced to this. Hmm...and all my little runt of a half brother has protecting him right now is one puny Xman and some children. Christmas came early this year."

The...thing...stepped out of the shadows. He was huge and covered in Bronze armor. I'v never seen such a large person before. I jumped. Everyone else tensed. I sensed that they knew this...person. Jean immediately went out front in between us and the man.

Jean: "Get away from here Juggernaut! I'm warning you, there's still one Xman here to guard the Roost."

"Guys who's...Juggernaut?"

Jubilee: "BAD, BAD news. He's the Professor's half brother."

Bobby: "He hates him and he's tried to kill him every chance he gets."

Jacob: "And he's like Psychic proof. That armor shields him completely from telepathy."

Jean glanced at us. The next thing we knew she was telling us to get inside. And leave her to deal with this alone. I didn't think so! Bobby and Jubilee agreed. So did Jacob. But I wasn't gonna let him. He was a strict telepath. He couldn't help much. I wasn't going to let him...I set him down, way down the lawn and sealed him in a Stone Cage like Lance did.

Jacob: " Rick, what are you doing?! Let me out! I can help!" I sealed the Cage, the better to shield him from a blow and it'd be sound proof too. He tried telepathy,

Jacob: Babe, let me help. I don't wanna lose-

Well I don't wanna lose YOU. You can't help yet. If we get the armor off, then. But till then it's up to the rest of us!

I shut him out then. Jean finally realised we were serious.

Cain: "Ah...well. I'll pay my lil' Bro a visit, right after I deal with the welcoming party. Oh yeah! Cain's here to bring the pain!"

Jean and I flew up into the air. We'd attack and give cover fire from the air. Bobby and Jubilee would be a ground based assault. Cain sure was tough. He ripped up a tree and basically tried to use it like a fly swatter to attempt hitting me and Jean. Compared to him we might as well be flies. Because that was the effect we were having on him. We were angering him, but not doing any impact damage. Is saw Bobby trying to freeze his feet in place. It didn't work cuz Juggernaut(Cain Marco) sent a fist in his direction. I had no doubt that if Bobby hadn't shielded himself in Ice Armor, he'd be dead. Jubilee had some success.

Jubilee: "Over here Big Boy!. What's the matter, scared of a little girl power?!"

Jubes concentrated her Fireworks and sent a scorching blaze against Cain's eyes. He screamed, and started rubbing his eyes. I guess she had temporarily blinded him.

Cain: "I'll get you for that you mutant freak!"

"What are you talking about? You're a mutant!"

Okay, THAT seemed to drive him insane. What was he in, denial? He started screaming,

Cain: "I'm not a fucking Mutie! You're the freaks!"

Then he started swinging the tree blindly and almost hit Jean down in his rage. I was stumped, without a clue. Jean elaborated.

Jean: He's not a true mutant. His powers come from Mysticism, Meditation and a Sacred Stone called the Shard of Cytorrak.

Oh, so that's why he's freaking out on us.

It was high time we disarmed this guy. I came down to the ground and summoned the Power of Earth. Super strength, Invulnerable armor and Defence. I aimed a punch at him and sent him sliding back a few feet. By this time Jubilee's blinding had worn off. While I distracted him, Jean telekinetically lifted the tree away from him and Bobby slipped him up with Ice. He fell down, losing his footing on the slippery sheet of Ice Bobby had created. Jubilee charged up again and released a massive burst of energy, knocking him backwards. Once again Bobby froze the ground in his path, forcing him to slip and slide like a hockey puck. Then it was me and Jean's turn. We tried to hold him down with our powers. But the guy was just too strong. Our efforts were only fuelling his fury.

Jean: Everyone, we have to remove his helmet. There are seven latches holding it in place. Once it's removed we can knock him out telepathically.

Juggernaut was up again. He rushed Jubilee, but luckily her nimble and agile traits saved her from his brute force. Bobby sledded past him and shattered a latch with an Ice Bolt. The next minute though, Juggernaut sent him flying with an earth shattering punch. Good thing he was currently shielded in Ice Armor. I caught him telekinetically while Jean whacked Juggernaut with same tree he had formerly been using as a club. It dazed him. Jubilee jumped overhead and with a wicked yell, broke two latches with her blasts. Four more to go. I focused and sent a stream of stones against his head, I used all the force I could muster and broke a latch. Three more to go. Juggernaut sensed the predicament he was in and began shielding his helmet with his hands, while trying to squash us to death my attempting to jump on us. It took everything we had, but me and Jean managed to use our minds to pry his hands away and expose the helmet once again.

Bobby and Jubes seized the opportunity and broke two more latches with an Ice Bolt and Firecracker respectively. Just one more latch. I focused on the energy of Fire and started to heat things up. That suit may be Psionic Proof, but it WAS metal. Metal heats up real quick...I wonder how much heat this guy can stand? Juggernaut started to yell some swear words, I guess the heat was getting to him. Like a wild animal he charged me, but I narrowly escaped by soaring up into the air. I had to call off the flames though, they were draining me. Jean took the opportunity to try the same stone trick I did and Crack!, the final latch was broken. Before she could remove the helmet however, Juggernaught clapped his massive fists together and the Sonic blast knocked Jean out cold. Bobby took the chance while Juggernaught was occupied with Jean and froze his legs in place. Jubilee blasted his eyes and blinded him again. I removed the helmet telekinetically. I thought about releasing the Stone Cage I was keeping Jacob in for protection and having him come help, but I didn't have time. There was no telling how long Bobby's Ice Lock would hold. Even now, Juggernaught was struggling. If he got free...I took a deep breath and invaded his mind. It was a million times and then some, worse than Wanda's Mind. The Malice, Destruction, Hate, Jealousy... I felt the Energy consume me, I was spiralling out of control. The Dark joy of destruction filled my being...

Deep within the Stone Cage that Rick had sealed him in, Jacob could sense the shift in his lover's mind. Their Psychic Link told him what was going on. Just because Rick wasn't responding didn't mean Jacob was unaware. He had to get out, had to stop what was happening. Jacob decided to call Jubilee.

Jacob: Jubilee, come blast me out I can help.

Jubilee: Juggernaut's out like a light, but Rick's all..

Jacob: Let me out now! I know what's going on. I can stop it. The longer you wait, the more dangerous it'll get.

Jubilee made her way over to the cage and began blasting it open, after repeated tries, she succeeded in opening it enough for Jacob to get out. She asked him what was going on.

Jacob: " Rick's not an experienced telepath. When he invaded Juggernaut's mind, a Psychic backflow occurred. See, when you invade a mind, if you're not careful, you can absorb some of that person's character traits...and"

Jubilee: "That's what Rick's done, which means..."

Jacob: "Eventually he'll start thinking like Juggernaut, he'll go after the Professor. But I can stop him, you and Bobby need to keep him busy though."

With that they made their way back into the fray. Jacob noticed the formerly uncnscious Brotherhood members were all gone, but Juggernaught was sprawled on the ground unconscious. Bobby was sledding around trying to avoid getting hit with the Fire Bolts Rick was raining upon him. Rick had begun to wreak havoc on the Mansion Lawn.

Rick: "Stay still you little punk!(Bobby was bigger than Rick) You can't Protect Xavier forever. I'll take care of you, and when I do, we'll see who's the better man!"

Jubilee sent blast at Rick to try and slow him down. Big mistake! His attacks now shifted from Bobby to her. With a wave of his hands, she was sent flying into the hole Blob had made. A painful sounding crash was heard from the Mansion.

Rick: "That's for blinding my eyes Bitch!"

Jacob started focussing, trying to enter his lover's mind. Bobby started pelting Ice at Rick. He morphed into a Water form and simply absorbed it. Meanwhile Jean awakened.

Jean: "What on Earth is going on here?!"

Jacob explained. Jean started to assist Jacob. Together they were building the required Psychic Charge to dispel Juggernaut's evil influence. Bobby simply watched in awe as Rick started screaming, lowering to the ground.

Rick: "Get the fuck outta my head. No I won't let you...I'll kill you all."

Soon he was almost unconscious, but was mumbling irrationally, they were now hearing the true thoughts Juggernaut harboured.

Rick: "Mom never loved you, dad left because of you! Mom liked me know how much I got teased at school, being the brother of a mutie?! I'll make you pay!! I', no.."

Rick fell to the ground, senseless. Jacob started to work on healing him.

I woke up to find myself flat on my back, on the lawn, with Jake, Jean and Bobby staring at me.

Jacob: "Ba-uh Bro, you okay, ya'll right?"

"I'm fine but- where's Jubilee, go see if she okay!"

We rushed inside to find Jubilee unconscious on the floor. She crashed into a glass cabinet. I watched while Jake did the healing thing. When he was done I apologised to all of them. Jean was a little mad.

Jean: " Rick, what were you thinking? You could have gotten us killed. Why didn't you call Jacob?"

"Bobby and Jubilee was barely holding Juggernaught back, and by the time I would have took to release the Cage of Stone, he'd have broken out and killed all of us."

Jubilee: "Well, I for one rather get thrown into the Mansion and still live to talk about it than getting' squashed out there by Juggernaut."

Jean relented, thankfully ans went outside to make sure Juggernaut would be out cold for a while. She went to get the Professor. Then the rest of us went back outside to keep an eye on Cain(Juggernaut). We had already lost the Brotherhood losers while we were dealing with Cain. I almost wished I didn't seal Jacob in to protect him. Jacob must have sensed it.

Jacob: Well, to think of it. I'm not sorry you did it. I probably would've gotten hurt.

Then he did a strange thing. He walked over to Juggernaut and asked me to Telekinetically crack the armor.

Bobby: "Whoa, hey what're you doing?"

Jubilee: "You sure you want to go so close?"

I didn't know what was up, but I decided to do it. Jacob must know what he's doing. It was tough but I magaed to crack the torso. Jacob stcked his hand in...and pulled out a piece of Ruby looking Rock. What happened next was unbeleivable. The armor melted into nothingness, and Cain started...shrinking. Almost like he was evaporating. When it was over we had a nude, normal sized guy on the lawn. I ripped off one of the drapes and covered him with it. Just then Jean and Professor Xavier arrived. Jean gasped, the Professor looked at us hard.

Professor: "So it is true. Cain was here."

"Is Professor. He's on the lawn. Jacob took this rock from him and he shrunk down."

Jean: "You removed the Shard of Cytorrak?"

Jacob: "Yes. During our dive in Rick's/Cain's mind I sensed he had it with him. For extra power...we removed it. I got some of its secrets too. Turns out now that we've got this, we can have power over everyone who's ever wielded it's Force...and since Cain's killed everyone who even knows about it, it won't hurt anyone but him. We can end it here and now."

Professor: "Cain may be a misguided fool, but he is my brother. I will not wish him harm like that which you speak. Give me the stone. I will use it to wipe his memory. He will forget everything. As long as we have the stone all will be well."

Jacob handed him the Stone and Xavier woke Cain, wiped his mind and sent him away. He wouldn't be able to harm us unless he got into close enough contact with the Shard of Cytorrak. We made our way inside and I listened to them talk. From the way they were speaking,

"Uh guys, so mean Juggernaut's NOT a member of the Brotherhood?"

Jean: "No, but we have reason to believe that he came here today on orders from Magneto."

Bobby: "He said somethin' about, HE was right. He seemed to have been sent here alright."

Jubilee: "Yeah, I mean, he showed up right after we dealt with the Brotherhood goons."

Jacob: "Too suspicious."

Jean: "I'm more worried. It seemed that whoever sent him, made sure that the rest of the Xmen wouldn't be here as well. He seemed to know that we'd be undermanned and he was real glad that only I and the juniors were here. So I'm guessing Magneto."

Professor: "I never thought he'd resort to this. We've had our differences, but I never thought it would end up with him trying to have me asassinated. It seems that he believes that the time has come. Either that or he's desperate...afraid of something. It's almost as if if he's rushing things."

Jacob: "Yeah. Hitting a Nuclear Plant, a Crime Spree and trying to eliminate us, what's got him so perky all of a sudden?"

Professor Xavier: "I do not know, but we must be extremely vigilant. I've been in contact with the others, the Nuclear crisis and the Crime Wave have been averted. I've summoned them back. Also I've summoned the others too. We might have to go on the offensive. Counter-attack on Magneto before he has a chance to recover. There will be more, we may need to indulge in some espionage, to find out what he's in such a rush for."

It was about nightfall now and as our crisis was averted, and we were tired we decided to take a break. Jubilee went to the wreck room. Jean went to the greenhouse. The Professor went back to Cerebro and that left me, Bobby and Jacob.

Bobby: "So you- guys wanna go catch a burger or somethin'?"

"Me-uh no. I'm real tired. Getting Juggernaut in my head took a lot out of me."

Jacob: "Yeah me too, getting Juggernaut OUT was real tiring too."

"I'm going to bed."

Jake: "Me too. See you guys later."

Bobby: "Oh..okay. I guess I'll just kick back on my own."

Jake, come over to my room.

Jacob: "You got it. Just give me about fifteen minutes."

I made my way to my room and rushed in, doing some quick clearing up before Jacob came in. I was undressing when I heard knocking at the door. Without thinking I ran over, only in my boxer briefs and opened the door.

"Hey Jake...oh-Bobby! W-what are you doing here?"

Bobby: "Yeah...I thought you were gonna rest up. You expecting...Jacob?"

"Uh-yeah, well he uh, said he wanted to borrow, new Linkin Park CD."

He looked at me a little odd, I realised it was probably the near nudeness.

"Hey just give me a sec, just to throw on some clothes."

Bobby: "No-it's...okay. I only came to give you this."

He handed me a dish, with a,

Bobby: "It's a burger...I uh made it for you. I thought you might be a little hungry. I mean you barely ate today and after...well. I'll see you tomorrow."

I told him good bye. Since when did he notice my eating habits? Still, I was hungry, Jake came in to see me finishing up the burger.

Jacob: "Hey, you couldn't fix me one while you were at it?" He looked at me in mock hurt and disappointment.

"Oh this, well I didn't make it. Bobby just made it for me. I'd have thought of you if I made it myself."

His demeanour changed. He seemed upset. I didn't know what was wrong.

Jake: " Rick...just how long have you known Bobby?"

"Uh...well since the first night I came. He was my first friend here."

Jacob: "Well, it's just that, could you just...stay a little wa- uh put a little distance between you and him?"

"Huh? Why" He's my best friend. The first friend I had here. He's a great guy and all too. Why are you askin' me to-"

Jacob: "It's just, well if I didn't know any better..."

He didn't say it, but I picked up on it telepathically.

"What!? Jake, you lost your mind?"

Jacob: " Rick, how many guys our age, I don't wanna hear about family either. That's different. How many guys our age fix dinner for other guys and deliver it up to their rooms on the fly?"

I couldn't think of one. But still Bobby couldn't be...he'd have told me. He would have trusted me enough to tell me. What am I thinking, torturing myself for? I told Jake to stop talking about Bobby, I didn't call him up here for that. He got a little brighter. He made his way over to me, snaked his biceps over me and said in a deep, seductive drawl,

Jacob: " what did you call me up here for, at this time of night?"

I knew why I'd called him. I was horny and wanted to make out. And I knew he wanted to do it too. And he's been real nice and patient, and I think I can trust him, I KNOW I can trust him. Still I didn't know how to say it. I mean I never had to-to do this before. I tried.

"I-uh-well wanted to get to,(How to put this?)want to get to KNOW you better. See I-NEED to get to KNOW you...-um"

He got the message and started kissing me, the same way he did on the lawn, to Educate Lance. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him deeper into the kiss. Our tongues were seeking each other out and duelling it out for supremacy. He started to angle his head to get his tongue deeper in my mouth. We were exploring each others' mouths and Jake was pushing me gently towards the bed. He gently lowered me onto it and was over me. I expected to be suffocated, but he was real considerate, didn't rest his full weight on top of me. He broke the kiss now, and started necking me, I started grunting in ecstacy, I'd only felt this kind of thing on the Astral Plane before, but this was the first time I was fully enjoying it...he was driving me crazy. He stopped momentarily, looked me right in the eyes, my green to his beautiful Azure Blue. He lowered his face to mine and I thought he was gonna kiss me again, but instead he spoke to me,

Jacob: " Rick, I don't ever want you to be scared or ashamed to tell me what you want me to do. Cuz I'd do anything for you(He sensed my slight hesitation.) I won't ever force you to do anything unless you think you're ready."

"I want you to...just hold me, kiss me like before."

Jacob: "Yes sir!"

And we were at it again. Whilst he kissed me I removed his t-shirt. It wasn't fair, I'm in boxer briefs and he's fully dressed, nuh uh. I stripped him down to his...huh! He's not wearing any...(He senses my thoughts).

"Jake, were you expecting me to..."

He didn't answer. He just continued necking me. He stopped momentarily, to respond,

Jake: "Nah...I was...hoping you'd let me sleep over. I uh-sleep nude and all...and ah."

"Yeah! That'll be cool. If I could help it I'd have you here everynight."

I felt him harden, and I took a look.

"Damn..." He's like 9 inches. I'm only a 7 and a half inches. Then again, he is nineteen, I'm only sixteen. I want to touch it, but hesitate. He knows me too well, the Psychic Link thing. He takes my hand and rests it on the shaft. I feel him jerk and gasp.

"Uh-did I do somethin' wrong?"

Jake: "Naw, nothin' wrong." He closes his eyes. I shift into a sitting position and take a closer look at it. All of it a perfect example of mascline beauty. Hmm.. it's thick. It's honestly a little scary, I mean, I hope Jake didn't think I called him to fuck me or anything. Still I have to do something. He's all about pleasuring me, not even expecting anything. I decide to jerk him off. I run my fingers along its length. I felt Jake shiver.

Jake: "Oh yeah..."

Well, it seemed like a good sign. I cupped my hands around its thick girth. His cockhead was all slick and wet now. He was oozing precum like a facuet. The sight of it tickled me...I just had to. I stuck my finger out, touched it and tasted it. It was a bit salty-sweet, but I decided that I liked the taste. It was then that I took the nerve. I removed my hand and lovered my face to Jake's dick. My breath on it must have alerted him.

Jake: " Rick, you don't have to-"

I may not be a super telepath like him, but I know what was going on. His mouth was saying one thing, but his dick was saying another.

"I want to. You said not to be afraid to say what I want. I want to do this...for you. I just don't...I've never done this so bear with me."

He nodded. I went to it. I lapped at the dew on the tip, I was rewarded with a gasp from Jake. I carefully began to devour his monster cock. I'd have to go slow, it's long and thick. I was about two inches when,

Jake: "Ah! Whoa babe, teeth, teeth...just go slow, there's no rush..."

I realised my teeth were probably causing discomfort. I eased off. I had only his gargantuan mushroom cockhead in my mouth by now. I flicked my tongue across it, from the edge to Jake's piss slit. He shuddered, got all tense. I could tell he was fighting the urge to ram his cock full on into my mouth. Even now he's thinking of me. I'd do this, right. I began to go down a little deeper, swirling my tongue around the shaft, sending waves of pleasure to Jake. He took my head in his hands now. Stroking my face and urging me on,

Jake: "Yeah baby, just like that...nice and slow(*Gasp*)...take it easy so you can breathe...oh God!"

I was all into it by now, trying to force the rest in. I started to gag, I pulled back a little.

Jake: "Just stay calm and relax your it up, like you do when you breathe deep"

I did and suceeded in taking him almost to the hilt. I ran my tongue swiftly along the underside of his dick. It sent him bucking into me. That's better. He started to face fuck me gently. I started swallowing spit to act as lube. Jake sensed this and pushed in deeper. I decided to try something and began squeezing on my throat like I was swallowing something...

Jake: "Oh fuck! That's it baby, do it just like that!"

I sensed the desperation in his voice. He must be getting close. I was gonna make him cum. I felt...proud. I began squeezing my throat more vigourously. Forcing my mouth down on him, taking all 9 inches up my throat. Moving my head up and down, timing it with his strokes. Jake started fucking my face faster and more roughly now. Then I felt his thrusts getting jerky and irregular.

Jake: "Oh uh uh..I'm cuuuming! Oh God..."

His balls tightened and then he tried to pull my head off him. But I was gonna have none of that. I was going to take it all. With the first blast, I was caught unawares by Jake's hot, sticky man cream. It spilled out of my mouth. Staining my lips and cheek. I swallowed every drop of the next four blasts though. I started pulling off, licking him clean as I got my mouth off of his dick. He pushed me back on the bed. He started to kiss me, licking off his own cum from my face, and feeding it to me with his tongue. He got back to necking me again, then stopped to talk.

Jacob: "That! I can't believe you took it all, swallowed too."

"Yeah well you taste nice."

Then he looked at me. I was on my back. He was moving down my body now. Passing my chest, abs, until his mouth was mere inches away from my throbbing,restrained, seven and a half inches. It was then I got what he had it mind. He looked at me devilishly, then with the same sexy drawl,

Jake: "Hmm... I wonder if you taste as good as you look?"

It was obvious we were going to be busy for a while. Hmm...maybe I could help him with dinner after all. He did say he was hungry. And we all need protein right?

Next: Chapter 2: Xxx Men 2

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