Xxx Men Series

By Phoenix

Published on Apr 11, 2006


XXX Men 22

Important Notice: Okay, it's me again. With the permission of a certain someone (revealed in the footnote) I have undertaken a little crossover attempt. It's not a direct crossover as you will see. And I have altered the person involved. You'll see what I'm talking about when you read it. Also, I reveal the character I used in the footnote to avoid possible spoiler threats. 

Text enclosed by [ ] indicated some form of communication via electronic means. e.g. Rado, Television, Com-Links etc.

Text italicised indicate telepathic conversation

Events may be shown by text enclosed by ( ) - Use your common sense and it will all be made clear.

I had this typed out great, and then I went and had a slip of the hand and overwrote it and had to use a backup...I hope it's as good as the original. Well, read and enjoy.

X-men Story
Chapter Twenty-two
"Flower Power"

Bobby Reflects

(Bobby: "I always knew he was a low-down bastard!"

"Just don't bring it up anymore, please?"

Bobby: "No worries. You're better off without him in your life."

"Yeah, maybe you're right.")

Bobby felt a little guilty. Would he be a bad person if he happened to rejoice at hearing the truth about Jacob? Perhaps "rejoice" was too strong a word. Relieved would be more fitting. At least now he could rest a little easier. Yes, Rick seemed on the verge of crying when he revealed Jake's infidelity, but at least now he could see for himself what a jerk he was. Maybe Bobby should be thanking him, Rick finding about his encounter with Amara could have cemented their union and made it even stronger. And maybe Jake would be less of a threat to their continuing relationship too. When Bobby confronted him, demanding to know what he had done to aggravate Rick, the bastard was so sure of himself - Bobby wondered how he'd react if he knew that it wasn't such a secret anymore. Pity, Rick made him promise not to bring it up. It would have been sweet if he could have gloated...

Time To Set My House In Order

It was Emma's first official day at the Mansion. And right away, she was making waves. Professor Xavier was delighted that she was serving her purpose after all. Before she was instated as the official guidance councillor, everyone just suppressed their issues, or discussed it amongst friends. Rather than go to those gossipy peer councillors. But now, well...almost everyone seemed to suddenly have developed deep-rooted emotional issues that required prompt attention. Most of the girls would use a visit to Emma's office as a means to escape classes. And probably to pick up some fashion advice too. And a lot the boys would use the visits as a means to stoke their fires. From what I heard, Emma was in the habit of giving, distressed and psychologically overwhelmed boys, affectionate hugs. As the lone, out gay guy...everyone laughed up my extreme unwillingness to see Emma. Which shouldn't have been at all, as a lot of the straight guys didn't go see her either. (You can bet your life if ALL the single, straight dudes went to see her, I would have made Bobby go too. Just to make sure that no suspicion fell on him. No matter how averse to Emma touching him I might have been). Jubilee and Amara were forever gossiping and attempting to hatch plots to get rid of her. Among the female members of staff, Anti-Emma sentiment ran high. But by and large, school life was mostly unchanged. You got up on time, went to whatever classes you were signed up for and relaxed whenever time allowed. Yeah, pretty "normal" as life at the Xavier Institute got. Until Professor Xavier made the announcement...

Professor Xavier: "After discussion with our newly instated guidance councillor, I have made the division to introduce a House system here at the school."

Apparently, Emma felt that the student body was far too large for the individual to feel a sense of belonging without getting lost in the crowd. As such, by dividing the school's population into smaller, more manageable groups, a sense of belonging could be achieved. Okay, I have to admit, it was a logical idea. But since it originated from the mind of Emma, I'd never admit that. It could theoretically create divisiveness. But anyhow, as the population was so large, we weren't currently united anyway. The entire school roster of students would be randomly assigned to one of four groups. Everyone was talking about it. Some, well - most were in favor. But quite a few (who I strongly suspected were anti-Emma sympathizers) disliked the idea.

Jubilee: "She's here one day, and already she's trying to change the structure of the school."

Amara: "That's maybe her private school upbringing. All I know is I've had enough of the private school scene. House system? I swear, this place is getting more and more like bloody Hog wart's."

Jamie: "Hey, I like Hogwart's. I wish we had a sorting hat...that was cool."

I wondered if we would have an Evil Slytherin. Hmm...perhaps lead by one Kurt Wagner. Mwahahaha!

Jubilee: "I mean, what's next? School uniforms?"

"Well, as long as she doesn't become a house mistress...I guess it's okay."

Thank heavens she wasn't chosen. Professor Xavier had chosen House-Masters and mistresses himself, and Emma was not included. Not surprisingly, the four house leaders were among the most outspoken and headstrong of the X-men : Jean, Scott, Logan and Ororo. Hmmm, looks like Xavier made it some kind of couple's affair. I hoped if inter-house competition ever broke out no lovers' quarrels would be the result of it. I was completely satisfied with the leadership. No matter which house I got put in...the leader and I would be on good terms. Props to you, Professor Xavier! He informed us all that our names were being processed and we'd all know which house we belonged to by the end of the day.

John: "Damn...I still think Emma should have been given her own House."

Roberto: "She was the one who suggested the idea. It's only fitting."

It was well known amongst my friends by then exactly how I felt about Emma. Jubilee and Amara also made little effort to hide their dislike. The odds were against all of us being placed in one house. I hoped we wouldn't become divided as a result of it. We were in the lounge resting. It was a little after two and we had a triple period of X-training afterwards. Jacob was flicking through the channels as the rest of us talked. It was dull and boring and every damned channel seemed to have nothing but news. Presently, Jacob gave it up and turned the television off.

Ray: "Wait, turn it back on."

Jacob complied and we decided to take a look at what had interested Ray. The picture changed to...some sort of schoolhouse looking building. I say "some sort of" as the entire building was covered with an assortment of vines and other plant-like structures. But the general design definitely looked like a schoolhouse.

[Trish Tilby: "This is Trish Tilby for channel nine news, transferring you now to our field reporter who is present, Live at Bayville High."]

The scene shifted to a rioting crowd in front of the overgrown building. We waited a full five minutes and still no field reporter showed up on screen. Instead we heard an assortment of voices. Something about makeup, a run in someone's stockings and a desperate plea for clear nail polish to remedy the situation. Just as we were about to give it up, a flamboyant, heavily rouged and mascara coated character, popped into the visual and introduced herself (And I use the term "Herself" very loosely indeed!).

"What the fuck?!"

Bobby: "Yeah, the entire school's covered in vines!"

"No, I mean...that reporter! God have mercy..."

Jamie: "What's wrong with her? She's hot!"

John: "Gosh, she should quit investigative reporting and take up a career in the bustling porn industry. She's got the bust for it alright!"

Dear God! Anyhow, they couldn't even tell Emma's breasts were falsies...

[Lola: "Yowl, pussycats! This is your favorite investigative field reporter, Lola *Livewire* Lovelace. I'm here, I'm hot and I'm everywhere you're not! I'm here right now at the front of Bayville High, where a violent mob has formed and tempers are flaring! Personally, I haven't seen a crowd this big, form so fast since - "]

[Trish Tilby: "Lola, what seems to be the problem at the school?"]

[Lola: "I'm not entirely sure darling, but I think it has something to do with the fact that every one of the school's buildings is covered in freakish flora. And I thought my Auntie Rosie's greenhouse was bad..."]

I couldn't believe they didn't see it! I'd just have to spoon-feed it to them.

"That reporter, Lola - she's a man!"

They scoffed, even Jubilee and Amara. And they should have known better too. I tried to make them see the light but,

John: "Come off it, Rick! I know a hot woman when I see one."

Ray: "Would you all just shut up? I'm trying to listen to the news."

An awkward pause...

[Trish Tilby: "Um, Lola, shouldn't you be interviewing some people, so that our viewers can gain some idea as to what is going on?"]

Absolute shock and anger registered upon Lola's face.

[Lola: "Excuse you?! What part of *violent mob* don't you understand? I can defend myself in a fair fight, but what if they were to all turn on me? You know how some people think that we media personnel just thrive on other people's pain and anguish. Now if Channel Nine's master network had granted me my own, personal bodyguard like I asked...then I'd chance it. I mean, what is it with these directors? They send us girls out to investigate these vicious occurrences without adequate protection. I'll wait until they calm down some, thank you very much!"]

Lola popped back out of the scene and the cameraman focussed instead on footage of the plant-wrapped school and the rioting crowd outside of it. Presently the police arrived and began dispersing the crowd.

Ray: "Okay, this is just too damned weird. I'm going to find Scott and have him take a look at this. It could be mutant related."

With that, he left and the rest of us returned out gaze to the television. The crowd had been controlled to some extent by the arrival of the police and Lola risked a few interviews.

[Lola: "Yes sir, what seems to be the problem?"]

[Man: "My kids are trapped in that building! The plants just grew up all over it in a matter of minutes...from what I hear, some mutant bitch is responsible!]

[Lola: "Oh, there's a policeman! I'll attempt to interview him, yoo hoo!"]

She ran off fluttering her manicured and jewelled hands for attention.

Jubilee: "Mutant bitch?! Ray could be so right. Oh my God. I wonder what the police will do when they - "

[Lola: "Back again, darlings! Now, I am with this nice police officer here and he hasn't been very forthcoming with information. Maybe I can sweeten him up for our benefit. Personally, I don't understand how us media representatives reached here before the police...but they've calmed these hooligans down...eventually...and that's what counts. Now Officer - ?"]

The scene shifted to the police officer. When I saw who it was, my eyes all but popped out.

[Officer Hansen: "Hansen."]

"Oh my God! It's him...that's the police officer whose family I spent the night with! Jimmy Hansen!"

Amara: "Really? What are the odds?"

Another realisation hit me. Practically a week had passed and with all the drama in between...I did not even call them like I said I would. Damn...

[Lola: "Now, there are allegations - and I'm quoting someone I've interviewed, so no reprimands about language! - there are allegations that some *mutant bitch* is responsible for this uncontrolled growth of plant life that has engulfed the school. What is your response to that statement, can you confirm it?"]

Jimmy got all irate at one question from Lola. Which was odd as he never struck me as such a person. Getting angry with someone for no apparent reason. I wonder if he saw through her disguise and had a thing against drag queens. I mean, yeah he had a gay son...but drag is like - extreme. The only thing greater in extremity would be an all out sex change! Snip snip!

[Officer Hansen: "No comment! Now why don't you damned media people take a step back and let us do our jobs?!"]

This suggestion of Jimmy's infuriated Lola, she began to huff.

[Lola: "Let YOU do your jobs? I'm not exactly here, running around with a cameraman in these heels, interviewing people for kicks you know. Why won't you stop being so tight-lipped and answer a few questions so that I can do mine?! You know what? Never mind, I'll just go ask a few of those students out there. The ones who managed to escape."]

Professor Xavier and several X-men had arrived at the scene at this time.

Professor Xavier: "I have just been mentally scanning the Bayville area and I can confirm that this incident is indeed mutant related."

[Lola: "Don't dare touch that remote, dears! Wait till you get an earful of this! Come on hon, tell the nice folks at home what you just told me.."]

[Boy: "You wanna know why that officer wasn't too helpful? I'll tell ya why! His daughter is the one responsible for this shit! She sprouted thorns and cut some guy up...and the next thing we knew the ground started shaking...and these things started sprouting up everywhere."]

"Daughter, oh my God...Jenny."

I took a minute to explain it to the seniors. Hank was extremely worried about the situation. Lola explained why.

[Lola: "Now, according to the data I've received...the authorities and mob have tried burning these plants away, chopping them, freezing them with liquid nitrogen, weed-killer - it's all failed. And what's more, they're growing. If they keep this up, eventually their weight will crush the school...(*she grimaced*)...with all those poor unfortunate kiddies inside. I bet they all wish they went and cut school today..."]

"That's it, we have to go do something!"

Professor Xavier: "I concur. But the media is at the scene. I think it best that we send along as small a team as possible. Scott?"

Scott: "I'll go with - Logan, they said they tried cutting those things. I bet they didn't use adamantium blades. Hmm...Remmy, maybe his kinetic abilities might be able to inhibit their growth."


Professor Xavier: "Remmy possesses the ability to charge objects with kinetic energy by touching them. It causes their molecules to vibrate uncontrollably and explode. If he maintains contact with the plant growth and kinetically charges it...the rate of destruction might exceed the rate at which it grows. Slowing or reversing the overall growth rate of the plants. It could buy some time to get the students out of the building before it collapses."

Scott: "We'll need telepaths to locate the people trapped within the building in a timely fashion. So I'll take Jean and Jacob."

"I'm going."

Scott: "I don't know if -"

"Well, if you don't know, I'll simplify it for you. These people took me in that night and I'm bloody well going."

Scott: "Well, I hope you still feel that way when I say that Kurt will be coming along too. We'll need him to transport people out of the school."

"Fine by me. I'm still going."

Professor Xavier: "I think you should. If this accelerated plant growth is being caused by this...Jenny, and you've met her, it could be beneficial. If this is the first time her mutant power has manifested, she'll be scared...I doubt she'll be trusting of complete strangers."

"So, Kurt will be able to teleport us in, right?"

Scott: "No. He needs to be able to see where he's teleporting to."

I begged to differ.

"When we fought, he teleported me from inside Professor Xavier's office to a common room just fine. So unless he can see through walls.."

Scott: "Let me clarify. He has to have either a visual or mental image of his destination. He knows this Mansion front to back. He doesn't know that school."


Professor Xavier: "You have your mission, be on your way. Time is of the essence."

Who The Hell Are You People?

Now, I thought that we'd be going in a couple cars or something. Wearing civilian apparel so as not to attract attention. But to my surprise, Professor Xavier recommended the Blackbird and our regular spandex uniforms. He quickly explained his intention to us. He wanted to use the heavy media presence to introduce the X-men to the mass public. The X-men were a covert group and he felt that a positive first impression should be struck. What if the X-men's secret were exposed to the world someday? People would wonder why a so called covert band of mutant heroes never stepped forth into the light. They'd think that we had something to hide. So he intended to "come out" before such a situation could arise. I wonder where he got that idea from... Anyhow he wanted to introduce the X-men to the general public by saving a school full of students and staff, and allowing the media to parade it through the airwaves and cyberspace. Don't you just love the media? For once, their out of proportioned sensationalism would be serving the Greater Good. When the others heard that, they demanded to come along. But Scott didn't allow it. He maintained,

Scott: "There will be other times. This is merely an a small group will be wise. We don't want them to feel threatened at the sight of a full battalion of mutant *Heroes* do we?"

They weren't pleased but had to comply with fearless leader. I was aware that having joined the X-team, my public records would have been wiped. Which was all well and good. But what if someone back home who knew me personally were to be watching? They wouldn't need records to recognize me. Thankfully, Scott - uh - Cyclops had that covered. He had Hank distribute some pieces of tech to us all. They looked like exotic headpieces. They allowed for audio communication as well as visual. You see, they had a fairly prominent eyepiece that served as an infra-red scanner, motion detector, wireless internet browser - and it also served to obscure our facial features via advanced holography. Only wearers of a headset would be able to distinguish the facial features of someone who was so hidden. And Kurt would wear his image inducer to hide his tail so as not to shock anyone unnecessarily. So we had nothing in the *secret identity* department to worry about. We said quick goodbyes to our friends and team-mates, were wished success and safety in return, and we were off to Bayville High.

It was only a mere five minutes flight with the Blackbird. When we circled the school, I saw that the crowd had grown and I could sense the anger, fear and worry emanating from them all. I glanced quickly at Jean and Jacob. From the expressions on their face I knew they were feeling it too. That wasn't all I felt. I could sense their attention shift upwards to our Blackbird. The warning of the police boomed over a loudspeaker, warning us. Cyclops responded over the jet's loudspeakers.

[Cyclops: "We're here to help."]

[Officer: "Who the hell are you people? Army?"]

[Cyclops: "It will be revealed all in good time."]

[Officer: "Don't give me that crap, I asked you a question!"]

[Cyclops: "For now, we have a school full of people in danger. We're about to land. We kindly ask that you don't start firing upon us when we step out."]

At that, he lowered the jet. Wolverine and Colossus stood at the hatch whilst Cyclops entered the command to open it. People began flocking to the jet. They didn't care about the anger of the police. They just heard a voice from the jet saying that we were there to help and they came running. I got the feeling that most of them were parents who were worried sick. They probably thought we were some sort of help sent by the higher authorities, and the police didn't want to hand over jurisdiction. It always happened that way in the movies. When we stepped out, there were some pretty sceptical expressions on a few people's faces however. I knew it! It was the spandex, had to be! God, I felt like hiding in a hole, even though my face was hidden from sight. A lot of people seemed a bit afraid of us as our facial features were obscured. We ignored them as we walked towards the school's gates. The officials there refused to let us pass peacefully. Cyclops got into verbal argument with a few of them. The plants were growing he said, and they were completely ineffective at getting inside the barrier. He pointed to the building...already it was buckling from the strain. Several cracks in the concrete were visible. Just then,

Lola: "This is *Livewire* once again! Here, we have an all new development to this piece of drama. A group of disguised, spandex-clad individuals has arrived on the scene, offering their assistance to the authorities - who, I might add, have been completely useless in alleviating the situation so far. But they have been denied authorisation to intervene!"]

"She" turned to Cyclops.

Lola: "You seem to be the leader of this group, sir. Oooh, dear me - what's with the blurry face? Do you have something to hide?"

Cyclops visibly tensed. What was with her asking ridiculously damaging questions like that? Of course we had something to hide (Our identities, duh! Why else would we be masking our faces with blurry holograms) and we didn't need her drawing even more attention to it.

"What's with all that makeup, do YOU have something to hide?"

She gasped a little nervously and her eyes started shifting around. The others stared at me and I lowered my gaze.

I am telling you guys. That ain't no woman!

Nightcrawler / Kurt snorted, mildly annoyed.

Jean: Rick, apologise to her, this instant!

"I'm sorry...(*sigh*)'am."

She nodded at me somewhat stiffly.

Lola: "Yes well, as I was saying. What makes you feel so confident that you'll be able to help when the authorities are as clueless as they always are?"

Okay Fearless Leader, here's your close up.

Cyclops: "This is mutant phenomena and it's our area of expertise...seeing as we're mutants ourselves."

That revelation set everyone on edge. Like duh! The police started getting a little jittery and I saw a few of them reach for their guns. The crowd all seemed to go irate. It was obvious that they were no mutant sympathizers. They probably hated mutant kind more than ever as this whole situation was mutant caused. The situation quickly started spiralling into chaos. Until...

Lola: "Will everyone just calm down? Sheesh! I'm supposed to be the token drama queen. Okay, so they're mutants...big deal. I think if they were here to raise hell they wouldn't be asking the local chief of police permission to enter the school grounds! They'd be busting in there themselves."

Well, this Lola certainly did have a talent for calming folks. The chief of police relented a little and so did the crowd. I looked around a bit and located officer Hansen. I walked away from the group towards him. Several officers drew their guns. I put my hands up in the air. He shook his head and they dropped their aim on me. When I was close enough so that my voice wouldn't carry,

"Is it your daughter who's responsible for this?"

Officer Hansen: "I don't know what you're talking about."

Jimmy, listen you have to trust us. I'm -

Officer Hansen: "How d'you know my first name? Wait, you ain't one of them mind reading mutants are you?"

He looked distrustful and pissed. Probably experiencing his first telepathic message too.

As a matter of fact, yes. But that's not how I know you. About a week ago you took in a teenaged runaway from -

Realisation dawned upon him.

Officer Hansen: "Rick?! Kid, what are - "

"Yeah, it's me. We're here to help. Just trust us."

Officer Hansen: "I don't understand. Who the heck are you people?"

"I'll explain after we deal with this situation. Now, is Jenny responsible?"

Officer Hansen: "What if I say yes? What will you people do to her?"

"We're here to help her as well as everyone else inside. We wouldn't harm her. We're mutants too."

Officer Hansen: "It's her. I didn't know anything about her being a mutant until this happened today. She called me from her cell phone. She said some bastard cornered her in the bathroom and tried to have his way with her. She tried to fight him off, and before she knew what was what - she grew thorns that cut him. He ran off somewhere screaming. I haven't heard from her since. She won't answer her cell phone either. I didn't tell her mother. She'd be devastated and that wouldn't have helped. Kat thinks that she and Tyler are trapped inside. I haven't told anyone else cuz I'm not letting anyone take her to one of those centers, designed to *help* people like her."

"Someone saw...I saw him on television saying what happened. You better act as if you don't know a thing."

He nodded in agreement.

"Is Tyler in there too?"

Officer Hansen: "Yeah, they both attend Bayville High. Some of the kids in there have been calling their parents. So far everyone's okay but - "

"Don't worry, we can help. No one's taking her to any of those centers. When we get Jenny out of there, we'll take her either to your house or to the - uh - somewhere safe. Depending on whether people actually believe that loudmouthed idiot."

Officer Hansen: "I - don't know what to say..."

"How 'bout you have a talk with your chief. See if you can convince him to give us a chance."

He nodded and struck up a conversation with the chief of police. Between him, the worried crowd and several other officers - not to mention Lola's constant arguments, we were granted permission to enter the school grounds. I nodded thanks to Jimmy and remarked.

"Now aren't you guys happy you let me tag along."

Colossus: "Yes comrade. Your company was most beneficial indeed."

I flashed a superior grin to them all, lingering a little longer on Kurt. When we were within six feet of where the front door should have been, we realised that we were not alone. The tapping of someone's stiletto bitch boots alerted us to their presence. Turning around we saw Lola running up to us with a cameraman trailing in her wake. (She does balance on those heels quite well, doesn't she?). Cyclops turned to her and insisted that she not join us. Poking him in the chest with her index finger nail (I swear I saw him grimace in mild discomfort, those nails of her's looked sharp!), she counter-argued.

Lola: "Listen you! I didn't speak up for you spandex-wearing, superhero wanna bes out of the goodness of my heart. I am a reporter and I'm here for a story. Carrying the Live broadcast of a mutant team on its debut rescue mission is going to put me on the map!"

Jean: "We can't accept any responsibility should anything happen to you."

Lola: "Honey, I've been through a lot in my time...a plant wrapped school is a cakewalk. This could be my ticket out of Channel Nine - and into CNN! Do you know how many times I've applied to the big time channels and got turned down? They all say I have little experience in the field. So that's why I took this field reporter gig with Channel Nine. You gotta let me come along."

She pouted and batted her eyelids seductively.

Cyclops: "We can't protect you in there. Look at these plants...they're all mutated. And they seem to have a mind of their own."

That was true, almost as if they were a plant / animal hybrid. God alone knew what could be waiting inside. Lola, however, was not one to give up so easily. With a,

Lola: "Hiiyaa aiaya!"

With a graceful and swift motion Lola executed a perfect aerial roundhouse kick. Her stilettos sliced several waving plant tendrils straight off. On television when we saw them cut down, they always regenerated. They didn't when Lola kicked them however. Most confusing indeed.

Jean: "What the hell are those stilettos made of?"

Logan snorted.

Logan/Wolverine: "Adamantium, I'll bet anythin'."

Remmy/Gambit: "Now, where did a pretty little thing like you get such a deadly weapon, chere?"

Lola started blushing furiously.

Lola: "Not at Payless, I'll say that much. These boots didn't come cheap."

Jake/Psycho: "And where did you learn to execute an aerial roundhouse kick like that?"

Lola: "Well, I had to learn SOME means by which to keep stray men at bay in my old line of work."

"You were a ho?"

Jean: Rick, boy...she's a reporter! What if she starts portraying us negatively to the public cuz of your remarks?

Lola: "No! I was an EXOTIC dancer!"

She probably got fired when her clients got unpleasantly surprised. Hence her new job as an investigative field reporter.

Lola: "Look, every reporter gets a shot at a once in a lifetime story and this is mine."

Cyclops: "Sorry, but I can't allow that."

Wolverine sliced a path for us, Cyclops blasted the front door down and we entered. Before Lola and her cameraman could follow us in, Jean sealed the doorway entirely with the rubble and Cyclops melted it shut. We wouldn't need to exit in the traditional manner. Kurt aka Nightcrawler would teleport us out once he familiarised himself with the place. On the other side, we could hear Lola scream.

Lola: "You can't do this to ME! I am Lola *Livewire* Lovelace...I will come out on top! I will prevail, do you hear me?!"

If she kept dressing and acting in such a would be quite some time before she came out on "top". Good luck with that, babe. We ignored her as we followed Jean and Jacob who were scouting ahead, scanning telepathically.

The Plantimal

Inside the school was pitch black. The unchecked plant growth had covered all windows and completely blocked out all natural light. And these plants must have grown into the electrical system as well. There were no working electric lights either. Gambit withdrew one of his playing cards and continuously channelled kinetic energy into it. It served as a source of illumination. I learnt that he carried lots and lots of cards on him. He used them as weapons by charging them with his kinetic energy and hurling them at opponents. No wonder he was impressed at Lola's deadly, stiletto bitch boots. He was a fan of unconventional weaponry too. He also carried along a retractable staff that he used as a secondary weapon.

I morphed into my Fire form and since I was glowing, it threw hard light into the corridor. Jean and Jacob had determined that all of the people were located in one place. Somewhere up on the third (and last) floor. They kept scanning for the presence of a lone female but couldn't detect anyone specific. She had to be alive as her powers were actively warping the plan life. When I first entered, I couldn't help but notice how cold the place was. All that transpiration going on by those plants must have been cooling the temperature. Every now and then we'd hear strange, scraping noises. Coupled with the darkness, the chilly atmosphere and the freakish was very unnerving.

Cyclops: "Gambit, try charging the plant-life. But little by little. If we try blowing too much at one time the entire building could collapse."

He complied and went over to a large stem. He grabbed hold of it and we could see the glow emanating as his skin made contact with it. However, instead of exploding, the stem actually started writhing. Well, I knew kinetic energy was moving energy...but this was taking it to a whole new level.

Gambit: "Ah think I'm gonna have to really lay it down."

He grabbed hold of the struggling stem once more and upped the juice. The stem tossed him back and away. What was worse, it started sprouting some new leaves and grotesque looking flowers. Jean pulled him back as we all realised that he had just made the situation worse.

Wolverine: "Uh oh, that ain't good."

Well, duh... Why don't we all just state the obvious?

Psycho: "It's almost as if it fed off his energy. Kinetic energy speeds up the motions of molecules. In Gambit's case it ordinarily causes objects to explode. But it looks as if this plant's growth rate itself has been given a boost."

"Um guys, what are those pod like thingies?"

We all glanced up at the ceiling and sure enough, there were a number of pods. What was more, they were throbbing in a rather threatening manner. Before we could get any closer to inspect them, five of the structures burst open, sending torrents of slime falling towards us. I instantly formed a shield whilst Jean manipulated the slime away from us. That wasn't the worst of our problems. Several plant like bodies fell to the floor, shrieking. They seemed to be modified to serve as defenders of the main plant life form. Their roots were enhanced to serve as feet and they had something resembling an open flower for a head. Eyelike projections extended from the flowery appendage. For arms, vine whips studded with razor like elongations extended from their sides. This was the freakiest thing I had ever come across. That didn't stop me from launching a fireball at one that was getting too close for comfort though. Its head was seared off and it fell onto the ground shrieking. Several more dropped down from above and we backed away slowly.

Sensing that we were about to make an escape three of them lunged at Colossus. He instantly morphed into his steel form. They collided with his hulking mass and fell onto the floor. He crushed one underfoot and smashed the other two with his fists. Two others approached Wolverine. One tried to restrain him by extending its razor studded whip arms. He growled in rage as the flesh was torn from his left arm. With a sequence of violent slashes, he dismembered the offending "thing" and cut the other to pieces. His arm was bleeding rather badly and to all of our surprises, his wound was healing very slowly indeed.

Wolverine: "What the fuck?!"

Psycho: "I'll handle it!"

With an influx of healing energy, his wound quickly closed. There must have been something in those razor-like thorns that inhibited his healing factor. Perhaps some sort of poison. If it had that effect on him...the rest of us better look out. Jean shaped a telekinetic force bubble into a sharp spike and sent it streaking towards one of the creatures that had been eyeing Nightcrawler. The "dagger" she formed pierced the head and some slime spilled out onto the concrete. The ground that the slime fell on started smoking and cracking.

Nightcrawler: "My God! It is like acid!"

Several of Cyclops' optic blasts succeeded in pushing back the majority of them. I sent fireballs burning the remainder to cinders, silently grateful that they weren't fire-resistant like the main plant body. We all rushed across the corridor, turned a corner and Cyclops fired a beam at the ceiling. It caused a massive tumbling down of rubble that effectively blocked the passageway. If those things were created by Jenny and were that fierce...she had to be terribly scared indeed. And powerful too. Influencing plant life to such an extent and for such a length of time to boot.

"Jean, is there anybody on the floor directly above us?"

She scanned,

Jean: "No."

At that, I switched out of Fire form and resumed my normal mode. Focussing on Earth, I disintegrated the concrete above us and opened a rift. I levitated myself up together with Cyclops and Wolverine. Jean did the same for herself, Psycho and Gambit. Nightcrawler teleported himself and Colossus up. As everyone was located on the third floor and we were on the first, I repeated the action and we entered the second and third floor with ease. The staircases were choked with bush-like plants and without electricity the elevator was out of the question.

Psycho: "I sense them, down this hall. To the left."

Jean: "They're scared witless!"

Hearing that, we wasted no more time and rushed down the passageway. As we got closer we could hear screams emanating from further down. Colossus led the way as he was impervious in his metallic form. He crossed the corner, stopped suddenly and so we all collided into each other. We all fell down cursing - or swearing a mild oath in Nightcrawler's case. Getting up we all saw what had made Colossus stop so suddenly. It was big... It could best be compared to a vastly mutated Venus Flytrap. The body structure was similar to the smaller ones we had encountered shortly before. But in addition to the vine whips, it sported multiple pincer like claws, studded with sharp needles. The entire body was encased in what appeared to be some sort of cuticle. It probably served as some sort of armor. Several floral "heads" sprouted at the top of its body form, each equipped with multiple eye-like projections on stalks. It was knocking on the closed double doors that led to some other room. Each and every time it knocked, the people behind the door would scream and inundate the telepathic band with sheer terror. The creature now turned it attentions to us...

A Little Too Easy?

Professor Xavier: "Well, it seems as if they are willing to give us a shot after all."

Ororo: "Yes, as a matter of fact...I almost think this has been a little too easy."

Hank: "That plant mass is still growing rapidly though."

The members who remained at the Mansion studied the broadcast with rapt attention. Hank was right, the rate of plant growth had not slowed. As a matter of fact, it seemed to have accelerated. The vines and leafy growths practically reached the rooftops by then. Whatever could be keeping their team?

The Warrior Princess

Three spikes flew forth from the creatures left pincers, heading straight for Psycho. Colossus dove in the way and they rebounded off his metallic body. Building his strength, he focussed a stone crushing punch and landed it straight on one of the plantimal's (that's what I called it at least) three heads. All three screamed in pain. Extending several vine whips, Colossus was snatched and hurled straight at Gambit , who only avoided damage due to being teleported away by Nightcrawler. I focussed fire into a wicked heat beam and discharged it in synch with one of Cyclops's optic blasts. It seared the creature's back and it turned away from the others and came at us. Whilst its badly burned back was turned, Wolverine leapt onto its aft end and slashed savagely away, ripping its exoskeleton apart. Soft plant tissue was revealed. Seizing his chance, Gambit charged his cards and loosed a volley towards the point of weakness. Reeling in both pain and rage, it lashed out at them by turning one of its heads and spitting streams of its acidic slime. Jean was ready with a telekinetic shield, thus sparing them from instant dissolution.

Psycho: "Stop! Guys, I'm sensing a person inside that thing!"

Cyclops: "Everyone, pull back."

Jean: "I don't think this could be...Jennifer?"

It hit me. Could it be Jenny in some sort of altered form, with a serious control issue? What if her powers didn't only allow her to control plant life, but transform to a plant / animal hybrid as well. Perhaps that was why neither Jake nor Jean sensed her...she wasn't exactly herself. And we could have been hurting her!

"Jenny, is that you?"

If it was Jenny, she was behaving very bitchy indeed! I barely had time to form a force shield to stave off a pincer attack. God, please don't let her be all PMS-ish on us.

Jean: "Yes, I sense that whoever is responsible for this phenomenon is definitely sealed within that creature."

Wolverine: "So what do we do?"

Jean: "The person appears to be within the structure. Like a pilot within an aircraft. So we must only destroy the external plant, gently so that the person within is not harmed. It appears that its purpose is to serve as a guardian."

Psycho: "Yes, their bodies and minds seem to be separate. I think whoever's in there is barely in control. Floating in and out of it...unable to stop this thing...or the plant based mutations that are occurring."

The creature backed away slightly. Its back was severely damaged by both heat and adamantium slashes. It saw us as a major threat and studied us warily. I thought about my control issues. Whenever I was overwhelmed with fear, anger or in need of extra energy...I had to struggle to maintain personal control. If Jenny was truly encased by that creature, using it as a means to protect herself...then as long as she was afraid, we'd be powerless to help her. There was one thing to do. We had to decrease her fear. According to Jimmy, some boy had tried to force her into doing something she didn't want to. But she had called him on her cell phone and told him what had happened. Then again, both Jimmy and the loudmouth boy on the news said that she had sprouted thorns. Perhaps she only had time to make a phone call before she was completely encased. And the rioting, loud crowd outside would have done nothing to calm her. When I lot my control in the danger room and became near this beast seemed to be, it took someone I cared about to reach the real me so that I could reassert control. With a slight pang I glanced at Jacob. I telepathically alerted the others of my idea.

Her brother Tyler was in the building. And all the people were inside that double-doored room. If we could get him out into the corridor, perhaps he might be able to reach the real her. But people would definitely find that weird. Why him out of everyone else? And once they heard the rumor - if they didn't know it already - that Jenny was responsible, Jenny would be in trouble. And Jimmy and family would probably be victimised too by the bigoted bitches once it all came out. There was one possibility...get him out to calm her. Then mind wipe everyone who saw. It wouldn't be pleasant, but it had to be done. Then we'd find that boy who was blabbing his mouth off and mentally control him so that he'd relent. Maybe get him to say that he heard it from some gossipy girls or something - and make those girls out to be personal enemies of Jenny's. That way everyone would think that they made it all up to spite was pretty lame and I hoped someone would come up with a better plot. I explained it all to them via telepathy.

Cyclops: "Rick, get inside there. Find this Tyler and get him out here - we'll keep this thing at bay."

I nodded and quickly went over to the door. Using telekinesis to "feel around" the locking mechanism, I picked the door's locks. Then I went in and close it after me. It was some sort of auditorium with a very beautiful, glass skylight. I looked to my left - the room was very dark indeed - saw no one, turned to my right and saw a baseball bat heading straight for my skull! Instantly I reacted and sheathed myself in a force bubble. The bat collided and shattered. The glow of the bubble's energy lit the room and immediately I saw everyone cowering. Upon seeing the manifestation of my mutant abilities, they all started screaming, even the guys. The sound of a battle right outside the double doors must have also contributed to it.

"Okay, everyone calm your asses down! We're here to help."

They stopped screaming rather abruptly and warily studied me.

Boy: "What's the problem with your face, dude?"

"Well, we're new to this publicised superhero business, but we know enough to hide our identities."

Girl: "What's been pounding on the door outside?"

They didn't know. I quickly questioned them and found out what had happened. There were some adults in there and I took them to be teachers. Basically, they got trapped in the building, and before the school's PA system went out, they broadcasted a message, ordering all students to proceed to the auditorium. Given the circumstances, everyone obeyed. The people who were on the lower floors managed to did everyone in the other, single storey buildings. But these people were three storeys up, and before they could work up the energy to escape...trapped. They entered the auditorium and locked the door so that the growing plant life wouldn't break through. Then they started hearing loud, violent bangings on the door. None of them new what it was. At that moment, a piercing scream was heard and the next thing I knew, plantimal came crashing through the doorway, ripping the concrete to crumbs! Diving out of the way, I blocked the civilians with a force shield and they ran in horror to the furthest reaches of the room. Everyone else came running into the room.

Cyclops: "Dammit, we just can't keep pulling our punches!"

Several portions of the creature's back started to swell. Large, disgusting boil-like structures grew right out of it and burst, releasing a multitude of miniature, two-foot long versions itself.

Psycho: "Aww fuck, it's reproducing!"

Three of them jumped me. I dove out of the way and they collided with the shield I put up to protect the students. Hissing like vipers, they leapt at Jean and Remmy instead. One was impaled by Jean's telekinetic "blade", whilst Remmy speared one with his staff, channelling kinetic energy into it, causing it to explode. A swift teleportation kick of Nightcrawler settled another. Cyclops, Wolverine and Colossus were keeping the big one at bay, but barely. They had to pull their punches or the person inside could have been hurt...if they used just a little too much force... The creature didn't have any qualms about stomping them though. It launched three more young ones at them and whilst they were dealing with the new arrivals, it drew close, ready to rip Wolverine's head off...I very much doubted his healing abilities would restore a severed head. But before it got a chance to get any closer to Wolverine, we were all alerted to an alien sound,

"Aiyaiyaiyai yaaaah!"

At the new and unexpected sound the creature paused in confusion, trying to locate its source. As did the X-men...

Jean: "What the hell was that?!"

Psycho: "It sounded like - Xena : Warrior Princess!"

There was a terrific crash from above, glittering glass fell in torrents from the skylight. The room was flooded in the glorious light of day and a sudden wind swept through. There was a strange sound too... Glancing up I saw an "Eye In The Sky" helicopter and Lola "Livewire" Lovelace swinging down from it, heading straight for the creature, aiming a kick with her adamantium stilettos. She connected and with the momentum, the plantimal was sent sliding backwards. Her cameraman was zooming in on the action. I took a couple seconds to scrutinize her. Her outfit had changed radically - and damn! It was some skanky shit. She now wore extremely long, metallic fingernails along with her bitch boots. You remember the pointy, metallic bra-thingies Madonna used to wear back in the day - she had on a pair of those too. And they looked like they could puncture rib cages like a hot knife through butter. An ornate, sadistic looking leather mask adorned her face. Black - and metal studded - leather seemed to be her thing and in one hand she sported some sort of whip. And what girl would be complete without her jewellery : dangling skull earrings, spiked bracelets, and neck collar added just the right touch, along with an elaborate black feather boa draped around her shoulders.

Lola: "Mario, are you getting this footage?!"

Mario: "Crystal clear, Lola baby!"

Colossus took the opportunity to push the creature backwards whilst it was temporarily stunned, allowing us room to manoeuvre, so we could deal with the young more effectively. Sending three flying into a wall, Jean reprimanded Lola,

Jean: "Lovelace, we said you were not to follow!"

Lola: "Why should you have all the fun? I wanna get my piece of the action! I knew carrying these along would pay off one day, I always did want to be a super-heroine! The name's *Livewire*. Allow me to demonstrate why."

She swung her whip, caught hold of a plantimal miniature and swung it around. I heard a "click" as some sort of switch was turned on. The whip started crackling and electrical currents flowed along its length, frying the critter at its end.

"Oh, Hell - I guess we could use the help."

I left them to deal with the threats while I opened a body sized hole in the shield I had put up. Stepping through I began to look around for Tyler.

"Tyler, Tyler Hansen?!"

There was some shifting around and he stepped timidly into view.

Tyler: "Um, yeah..."

"I need your help."

He glanced around nervously.

Tyler: "Me? Uh - I'm not sure - "

Before I could explain,

Boy: "Hey never mind him. He's a fag and he ain't got no balls for battle. I've got your muscle right here!"

Some jock like guy, with an attitude problem, was flexing his muscles. He probably wanted to play hero for the girls.

"Listen fool, I asked for Tyler. Oh, and it's not a problem with me if he's a *fag* - as I happen to be one too."

Hearing that they all gasped. Tyler smirked a little as he followed me towards the shield's boundary.

Tyler: "Uh - who exactly are you people?"

"You'll see..."

I quickly explained the situation to him.

Tyler: "You mean that's Jenny?!"

Poor Jenny, since Tyler was of the impression that she was lost somewhere else in the school, she probably only got a chance to call her father before she was encased.

"No, she isn't the creature itself. She's inside it and it's aggressive because of her panic and fear. We need you to talk to her."

Tyler: "I don't know...I mean - uh"

"It's the only way to calm her down that I can think of. You're her brother - you might be able to reach her."

Tyler: "How do you know my name, how do you know Jenny's my sister? I'm not doing anything until you answer my questions."

Sighing, I temporarily shut off the holographic masking so he could catch a glimpse of my face, then I turned it back on before anyone else chanced to do so. He gasped and the next thing I knew I was being hugged tightly by an excited Tyler.

Tyler: "Oh my God! Rick, what are you doing here?! Are you some sort of undercover - okay, I'll do it!"

"Okay, we'll have your back. Just follow me and talk to her."

With that, we stepped out of the shield and headed into the thick of the battle.

I Just Looove Cover Ups!

Jean: "Livewire, can that cameraman pick up our voices? Is this a live broadcast?"

Lola whipped several plantimal offspring into submission as she replied,

Lola: "No honey! I haven't got a microphone strapped on either. It's a pity ain't it? I was planning on having a commentary afterwards."

Jean: "Lola, we'll let you keep some of the footage, but we'll have to edit some out."

Lola: "Huh? Why?"

Jean: "There's someone here whose identity we have to protect and if we let you keep all the footage, she and her family could suffer if you were to air it. Tell your cameraman to stop filming."

Hearing that, Lola agreed and yelled for Mario to stop shooting and leave us be for the time being. I walked out with Tyler and stood behind him so that the creature could see him. If it tried anything aggressive in nature I'd be right there to shield him. The rest of the team, with Lola's assistance, had by then finished the last of the miniatures off. Tyler began addressing the beast.

Tyler: "Uh, Jenny?"

Upon hearing his voice, the beast slowly turned in his direction and regarded him somewhat curiously.

Guys, I think it's working. Tyler, keep talking.

Tyler: "Jenny, it's me, your brother...Ty. You gotta calm down girl, or these plants are gonna crush the school with everyone - not to mention us - inside."

It walked slowly up to Tyler and I backed off. It seemed to trust him, but not me. So I put some distance between us, mentally assuring Tyler that I would still be able to protect him. It got within a foot of him and I could sense his fear. One of its floral heads bent down and seemed to smell him, as if ascertaining that it wasn't some sort of trick. Wolverine, Cyclops, Lola and Colossus were stealthily approaching its back as all the floral eyes were upon the cold-sweating Tyler. Then, whilst it was stationary and distracted, Jean and I held it down with telekinesis and Colossus held on for dear life with his organic steel muscles. Cyclops seared the cuticle covered back to loosen it a bit. Then Lola (She had revealed that the false fingernails were another of her adamantium accessories) and Wolverine sliced the creature straight down the back. Its screams died away only to be replaced by sobs from the now exposed Jennifer.

We all ran up to her and Psycho checked to see if she was in need of healing. She looked completely normal as I didn't see any thorns about her. There was a rumbling sound then and when we glanced at the window, we saw that the plants were disintegrating before our very eyes. Sunlight now poured into the open building. We could hear the shouts of everyone outside. They'd be rushing on inside in mere minutes. And there was so much to do. There were so many minds to brainwash and so little time...could Jean and Psycho manage it alone? Whatever were we to do?

Nightcrawler: "May God help us!"

Remmy: "Shit, I can't think of anything."

Nightcrawler's prayers were answered as,

Lola: "Allow me, darlings! I'm a reporter. Deception, misinformation, propaganda and misdirection are in my job description. Practically our unofficial watchwords when it suits our purposes. Gosh, I just looove cover ups!"

Remmy: "Now ain't you just a doll?"

She blushed red as she quickly explained her plan to us...

The X-men Save The Day!

Chief: "So, could you explain it to me again? Just one more time?"

Lola had hatched a truly magnificent plot, if I do say so myself! Maybe her dramatic appearance was for the best after all. Here's the gist of it. We hadn't seen any boys with cuts, and it was safe to say that he wouldn't be coming out to point the fingers at anyone as it would mean admitting to attempted rape. The boy who had seen Jenny sprout thorns had witnessed something and misinterpreted it. It wasn't Jenny at all, but a very warped and mutated individual. In addition to its plant warping abilities, it could shape shift whatever plant forms it wished. We made it out to be an androgynous, plant based mutant, neither male nor female. Anyhow, it encased Jenny, copied her form...and made a plant based clone of her (for reasons completely unknown to any of us, *convenient* eh?). When the unknown boy threatened to rape the clone of Jennifer, it reverted back into its true form, thorns and all and cut him. That was what the boy witness had seen. The resulting fear of the clone caused the entity to over-react and affect all the plants in the surrounding area. And as proof, we had the battered plantimal body to prove it too!

Chief: "But how did you know about her brother?"

Jean: "We sensed the girl inside telepathically and she revealed all that had happened. You see, when this thing merges with someone, it picks up some of their character traits. It couldn't help but feel a little trusting towards the people she knew and so she capitalised on it. She and her brother are the real heroes of the hour."

Lola: "Eh hem!"

Cyclops: "Oh, and Miss Lovelace here of course. Her timely arrival spared one of our team-mates from certain death."

And take it away Lola! (Now back in her *regular* garb.)

Lola: "And there you have it folks! It's a pity I couldn't live up to my namesake and carry the action *Live*, but some things cannot be avoided. There will be a delayed broadcast at five this evening. Keep an eye out for yours truly. Anyhow... Thanks to the valiant actions of the X-men, hundreds of lives have been spared certain doom. You see, mutants can use their abilities for the good of all! Now to all the kiddies out there, the next time your parents tell you to eat your vegetables, obey and think of it as revenge. Once again, this is Lola *Livewire* Lovelace signing out! *Smooch Smooch*, ta ta, darlings!"

Mario spent the rest of their airtime giving Jenny, Jimmy, Tyler and Kat (Who had driven downtown in the meantime) close ups. As well as the cheering school and us X-men. Yup, Lola's plan sure as hell beat mind wiping everyone. Now, we could all rest a little easier as the X-men's debut had gone off without a hitch. Lola promised to give us nothing but positive hype. I think Remmy's flirts had a lot to do with it. Anyhow, after telepathically instructing Jimmy and family to pay an urgent visit to the Xavier Institute, we took to the skies. Several rival news reporters, jealous of Lola's success had their helicopters follow us. But they didn't last long as, with the flick of a button, our jet was masked with holograms, just as out faces were. The jet was so much quicker too, we merely masked it so that they couldn't see the direction we were flying in. We headed home buzzing with a sense of pride and accomplishment.

The Xavier Institute's Newest Pupil

Jimmy and family had arrived at the Mansion for a meeting with Professor Xavier as well as some of the X-men later that afternoon. As they had already met me, Professor Xavier felt that it was a good idea for me to be present. Scott, Jean, Logan, Betsy, Warren and Ororo were also present in addition to the Professor. Everyone in the family was in utter shock as none of them even suspected that Jenny could have been a mutant.

Tyler: "Of course, I always knew she was weird...but sheesh!"

Kat: "Tyler, show some sensitivity for your sister."

What was more, Jenny herself revealed that she had an inkling that she was different. As a matter of fact, she had suspicions for over five months. That got everyone's attention, especially her parents. They wanted to know why she'd hide something like that from them. She was afraid of how they would have reacted at first. After all, no one thought that Jimmy would ever throw Tyler out of the house. But he did when he found out Tyler was gay - even if it was for a little while. And so she kept it a secret. She didn't think of it as any big deal anyway. The signs weren't exactly very drastic in nature. But when that boy tried to hold her down in the empty girl's room, thorns sprouted and she knew it was time to reveal it to her parents. So she called her father know the rest.

Jean: "How did you develop suspicions? What tipped you off?"

She blushed.

Jenny: "I - it's a bit personal."

We all assured her that we could handle it.

Jenny: "Well, first it was my sweat. It started smelling like rose oil or perfume or something. And then, my - well whenever I had my periods. It was the same thing, and instead of blood and mucus- "

Each and every male present twisted his face, even Professor Xavier. Thankfully, Jenny was cut short by Tyler.

Tyler: "Okay, Jenny! That's quite enough. We get the idea about your bodily secretions. Lord, no wonder the bathroom always smelled like a new flavor of Clairol : Herbal Essence whenever you left it. I always thought you were hiding the bottle from me."

Jenny: "A bottle never lasts more than two days with you around! Anyhow, it saved a bundle on perfume."

After some more mutual discussion.

Professor Xavier: "Mr. And Mrs. Hansen, in the light of all that has occurred, I would like to extend an invitation to your daughter to stay at our school. Here she will be given instruction on how best to control her gifts, as well as a sound academic program. To the outside world, we are a school for the gifted, and a great number of prestigious colleges welcome our students with open arms. It's clear that Jennifer has control issues and we believe we can help."

Jimmy glanced towards me.

Jimmy: "So, you lied to us? That night when I found you? Were you really running away because you had mutant control issues?"

"No, everything I told you was true."

Kat: "And how did it turn out?"

"I had my parents sign over custody to the school. I had to trick them into doing it. I don't think they were sincere in their acceptance."

Kat: "I'm sorry to hear that."

Jimmy looked around at the luxurious surroundings then asked the obvious.

Jimmy: "Uh - if we say yes - how much is this all gonna cost? I'm on a cop's salary."

We couldn't help but smile.

Professor Xavier: "We have extensive funding. All her living expenses will be catered for, accommodation, meals, books and school supplies as well. You'll have to supply her allowance however as she's not an orphan."

He explained it more fully to them and they complied. One thing was certain. They were granting her permission to stay - but they would in no way condone her becoming part of a vigilante mutant group. Professor Xavier agreed as did Jennifer herself. She was a mature girl and realised that she had a responsibility to learn self-control.

Tyler: "You mean - you wanna stay?"

Jenny: "Yeah, I gotta learn to cope with this and they can help me. What, you'll miss me? I thought you'd like having me out of the house."

Poor Tyler's eyes teared up a little but he quickly wiped them away.

Tyler: "I wouldn't miss you! It's just that -"

His eyes lingered longingly upon Scott, Logan and Warren. (Causing Jean, Ororo and Betsy to raise their eyebrows in an amused manner.)

Tyler: "It's not fair! Why couldn't I be a mutant!"

She hugged him comfortingly.

Jenny: "Aww, but you're enough of a freak just as you are, sweetie!"

Everyone present had a good laugh at that. He grumbled whilst Jimmy and Kat finalised the agreements with Professor Xavier.

Your Friends Are Our Friends

Jenny moved into the Mansion the very next day, which was Friday. She arrived at nine in the morning and was escorted by her parents. Ororo and Jean lead her up to her room and there was no shortage of boys around to help her carry her stuff up to her quarters. Jimmy, remembering her near rape at the hands of a hormonal teen, frowned upon this. Kat didn't seem too pleased either. (Jean later informed me.) Before they left they requested a brief word with me.

Jimmy: "So, Rick? Is it too much to ask that you keep an eye out for Jenny?"

"Um, no. It's cool with me."

Kat: "You have our number right?"

"Yeah, sorry I didn't call. I had a rough week and it slipped my mind."

Jimmy: "It's alright. With you being gay, you're the only boy I can trust around her. If anything happens or this newfound freedom goes to her head - give us a call, wontcha? Promise?"

"Okay I promise, and don't worry. I'm sure she'll fall in line."

And with that they left. Jenny was in her room having a talk with Jean and Ororo. As Jubilee and Amara's rooms were not very far away, they took the time to introduce themselves to their new neighbor. I let the girls have some time for themselves and started walking downstairs, heading for the lounge, where I was sure I would find everyone else. I'd talk with Jenny when Jubilee and Amara were done. They seemed in a girl talking mood and I might have been gay, but I was most definitely a guy. I was wrong in my assumption that everyone would be in the lounge. As soon as I turned the corner I ran into John, Roberto, David and Jamie. They didn't waste any time in making their intentions known.

John: "Why, Rick! Fancy bumping into you here."

They chuckled innocently.

Roberto: "Hmm, saying hello to your friend huh?"

Jamie: "Jennifer is it?"

David: "You know, your friends are our friends too, right? So why dontcha introduce us?"

"Jubilee and Amara are in her room talking with her right now."

John: "Yeah, and introducing us with them present is such a problem because - of what exactly?"

Well, let's see. They were four, horny teenaged boys and they were obviously going to try and win her affections eventually. Roberto and John, I knew were out to play the game for the fun of it. Jamie would fall of anything with breasts and a pussy. I was a bit surprised to see David in with them (he was always wrapped up in some intellectual pursuit or another)...but he was a straight boy and Jenny was smokin' hot. So who could blame him? Anyhow, she had recently had quite an experience, she had almost been raped - and dealing with four desperate boys right then and there didn't seem like the best idea. She needed time to settle down and build some feminine support.

"I dunno. Why don't you guys wait till later?"

They frowned but agreed, albeit very unwillingly. Yup, I had my work cut out for me alright.

The Ally


"What in the?! Jenny, what the hell was that for?!"

After our Biology class, I went upstairs to Jenny's room to have a talk with her. Conveniently, I managed to slip away before John and company could ensnare me into bringing them along. Being her first day, Jenny was allowed to relax until the following Monday. I rang the doorbell and when she asked who it was, I told her. The door opened quicker than I expected and instead of a nice greeting, I was treated to a stinging bitch slap! My cheek smarted and I tentatively rubbed it whilst staring her down, demanding an explanation.

Jenny: "So I've been talking with Jubilee and Amara. And apparently you've been back here a week! A whole week and you didn't bother to call us?"

"I'm sorry - I -"

Jenny: "Now, of course we knew you came back. Dad told us your Missing Person's Report was scrapped the very next day. So you were most definitely not *missing* anymore."

I got it then. They knew that I had returned and felt hurt when I didn't call. They probably thought I didn't want to talk to them or something.

Jenny: "So what's your excuse?"

"Well, you've no doubt learned some of what goes on here. I had a lot to deal with. I'm sorry."

I took the time to explain as best I could what we had to deal with in the meantime.

Jenny: "Hmm...well, you're forgiven. In the light of all that drama."

"Good, now don't dare slap me again! In case you haven't noticed, I'm not your little brother."

She sighed heavily.

Jenny: "I'm going to miss them. They can come visit I know. And I can go see them too. But I'll miss having my family around. Even that runt of a brother."

"Well, we can be your new family. If you'd like I can introduce you to the rest of my friends. They're cool, you've already met Jubilee and Princess Amara."

She was excited at that. She was especially thrilled at meeting a real-life Princess.

Jenny: "So I take it you're not such an outcast as you thought you'd be, huh?"

"No, I have my friends, most of them. There's a little trouble with a certain bigoted, Catholic teacher. But other than that, everything's okay."

Jenny: "Bigoted, Catholic teacher?"

"Yeah, but don't worry. I'm sure you'll fit in just fine."

She frowned, but nodded.

Jenny: "Yeah okay. I think I like Miss Munroe. She asked me to try and talk her orchids into blooming."

Ororo and her orchids.

Jenny: "So, what exactly are your mutant abilities? I seem to recall something dealing with fire? It's all a little blurry."

I explained it to her as best I could to someone with no prior mutant experience. To my surprise she grasped the concepts right away. Apparently she was deep into the paranormal scene. What was more surprising was her revelation that -

Jenny: "I'm a Wiccan."

"A what?"

Jenny: "Oh, it's a form of spirituality based on ancient, matriarchal, Pagan religions."

She explained it to me briefly. I took it she was somewhat similar to Ororo. She was forever swearing upon some "Goddess" or another.

"You better keep that a little on the down low. I don't know if Mr. Wagner, he's the bigoted Catholic, I don't know if he'd like it that you're a Pagan."

Jenny: "Is he really that bad?"

"Well, not to poison you against him or anything, but -"

I explained my experiences with Kurt to her. Including our fight the very day I returned to the Mansion. She grew most upset indeed. No one, especially not a religious and homophobic, bigoted MAN was going to repress her freedom of worship. I felt all warm and fuzzy inside. After all, I had found in Jennifer Hansen, an ally against Kurt Wagner.

Jenny: "Hmpf! Anyhow, on a more positive note, I think I'd like to meet these friends of yours. Say, sometime this afternoon? I'll let you know when."

"Yup, that's cool."

The House Of Trouble

Jamie: "Have you guys taken a look at the House rosters yet?"

Since we didn't , we took Jamie's advice and checked them via the school's network. As probability dictated, we were all split up rather evenly amongst the four groups. I so didn't like the line up at all. Here are the groupings, you decide if I'm justified in hating them.

Scott Summers                    Jean Grey                    Logan (?)                    Ororo Munroe
==========                    =======                    =======                  ===========

Bobby Drake                      Jubilation Lee              Jacob Spencer             Jamie Rayne

St. John Allerdyce               Roberto DaCosta        Rick Grey                    Amara (Royalty don't usually have last names)                                                            
Leech                                  David Owens              Raymond (last name unknown - born a Morlock)

(Amara didn't have a last name as Royalty usually don't. Ray's last name was unknown even to himself.)

Bobby was in Scott's House and so was John. Dammit, my boyfriend and fag-stag snatched away from me all in one go! I didn't even have Jubilee with me as she was in Jean's House. And I had to have the lousy luck to be placed in a House with Jacob AND Ray. My ex boyfriend - and a repressed homophobe too. As if that weren't bad enough, Logan takes things to the extreme. He's pushes everyone to their limits and I don't do well under pressure. Now, there weren't any details fully explaining the newly instated house system just then. But I doubt that they'd just go through the trouble to divide us all up without specific aims. In ordinary schools, they usually have competitive events and such. Would we be pitted against each other? I re-affirmed my hope that no lover's quarrels would break out because of it. Especially as my own boyfriend was in a rival house!

I sucked my teeth in aggravation and glanced at Bobby. His face was crestfallen as well. John took a look at us and tried to hide a wicked smirk. When I peeked at Jubilee she was smiling too.

Dammit! I hate this House grouping!

Jubilee: I think it's a great way for you and Ray to bond.

Hmm, she must believe her boyfriend was really trying his all.

But I -

Jubilee: Besides, it's not like you won't have any support along the process. Jacob is with you, and you two are good friends.

I could only nod half-heartedly. At least I could be sure that Bobby hadn't run his mouth to his confidant. I chanced to see Jacob throwing me a weak smile. Needless to say - I didn't return it in the least. Just great, not only would I have to deal with both of them...but also whatever Logan threw at us, with NO real support. Since Jenny was new, she'd have to wait until the day after for her House grouping to be processed. I could only hope and pray that God/Goddess/Gods sent her to my aid.

Raymond: "I was hoping Leech got grouped with either me, Jubilee or Jamie. But I guess it's all cool. Maybe being with Bobby and John will get him to open up to new people."

Amara: "According to what I heard churning in the rumor mill, we might be having some sort of sporting event. To boost school spirit."

I knew it! We would be matched against each other after all.

Jubilee: "And according to what I heard people quoting Frost - we may be a school for mutants, but we're a school none the less, and a little school spirit never hurt anybody."

"You know, if the school did without this dubious enhancement for so long, I don't see why we need it now."

John: "Well, I think it's a great idea! Hell, we might even enjoy it when we whoop all your asses! Ain't that right, Bobby?"

Don't dare say anything to that, Bobby.

Bobby: I wasn't going to! Honest.

Ray: "Yeah, like Summers' Sissies stand a chance against a team trained and led by Logan! Ain't that right, boys?"

Jacob: "You said it, Ray!"

They both looked at me expecting a response.


Roberto: "What crack have y'all been smokin'?"

Jamie: "Yeah, I'd like to see you take me on. My clones and I should count as one. After all, it's technically still one me, just spread around a little more."

Ray: "Oh, so Jean's Jokes and Munroe's Morons have something to say? Well, we should pity you. It's not your fault you got put into loser houses."

"Ray, no one has even participated in a single event yet. We don't have anything to base a statement like that on. For all we know, WE could be the loser house."

Jamie: "Logan's Losers...I like the sound of that."

Everyone grew quiet and started tossing guarded glances at each other. And this was how a House system was supposed to promote school unity? See, it's starting already and no official events had even been announced yet. Amara was right earlier. This school was getting more and more like bloody Hogwart's. Now, I have no problem with the Harry Potter series, and I enjoyed reading those books. But any similarities between those books and my life...that's where I draw the line. He had Snape...I have Kurt. When he had that Chamber of Secrets thing where they thought he was pure evil and the heir of Slytherin...made him an outcast. I was a virtual outcast too. They had House woes and rivalry to deal with...we so didn't need that here.

It was a damned pity that I went and checked my House status along with everyone else. They all knew at that point in time and if I were to humbly request a *transfer* and got it, I'd be considered a teacher's pet. I was sulking and almost didn't notice it as Jenny walked by (hinting to me with her eyes that it was the perfect time to introduce her to my friends).

"Hey, Jenny!"

I got up and waved her over. John, Jamie, Roberto and David instantly perked up and smirked at each other. It was pretty much obvious by then that an all out war for Jenny's affections would be waged and the best man would come out on top. Realising that Bobby and Jacob were not making a move (it could be considered suspicious as they were both supposedly straight) I decided to act. I wasn't going to give Jacob any advice, but Bobby was in my jurisdiction.

Bobby, get up and offer her your seat, now.

Bobby: What?! Hell no, this is my favorite seat and if I didn't give it up to you, I ain't giving it up to her. I'm sitting right here.

Bobby, please...this is not the time or place.

Sensing my worry, he grudgingly got up, fixed his face and cheerfully offered her his seat. John scowled at Bobby and his crew did the same.

Jenny: "Um, hi."

"This is Jenny, guys. Her family was nice enough to take me in that night when I ran away."

And so, there were introductions going all around. Except for Amara and Jubilee of course, as they had already met her earlier during the day. They merely waved and looked on amused as the boys introduced themselves. (They were all blushing to at least some extent.)

John: "Hey, I'm St. John Allerdyce and - "

Bobby: "Oh please - we all know that the *ST* in your name doesn't stand for *Saint*. It stands for Slut."

John glanced warningly at Bobby and grew exasperated. Jenny did her best to suppress a scandalous laugh, but didn't quite manage to pull it off. She had to turn it into a fit of coughing to spare John's feelings from the full blow.

John: "Bobby, I have half a mind to - "

Roberto: "Anyhow, never you mind them. I'm Roberto DaCosta, and welcome to the Xavier Institute."

Jenny: "Um, thanks. It's a really nice place."

Jamie: "Uh huh, uh huh. And the people are even nicer...if you take the time to get to know them..."

Good Lord have mercy! She was almost eighteen. Jamie was just fifteen. Add in the fact that girls are usually more mature than guys in the teenage years...she was just too old for him. At least for now anyway ;) She humored him,

Jenny: "Aw, ain't you just the cutest."

Poor Jamie. His face was a weird mix of emotions. On one hand, he looked thrilled that she said he was cute. On the other hand...there was the sting of rejection. She was hinting gently to him that he was not her type. She said it in the manner one would use when talking to a baby. Definitely not what a teenaged boy needed to hear. It sure as hell would do nothing to boost self-confidence in the dating arena.

*You goddamned sexy, hunk of a man you!*

That would have been something. But which guy wants to be considered merely a baby? John, Roberto and David smiled conspiratorially as they realised that Jamie was out of the race.

Ray: "So, uh - tell us a little about yourself."

Jenny: "Well, I grew up in the suburbs of Bayville..."

David: "So, um - you ever had any boyfriends?"

Jubilee: "David?! I'm surprised at you!"

He blushed, but only very slightly. He seemed more defiant that abashed. I was surprised too. David was a straight boy...but he was the most gentlemanly and traditionalist off all my friends. And now he's asking a girl such a personal question at a first meeting? And not looking very ashamed when reprimanded about it.

Jenny: "It's okay...yeah, I had boyfriends. But I've been single for a few weeks."

John and crew smirked once more between themselves and the conversation continued. Jenny tossed me a few looks now and again, as several more personal questions were asked. I could only hope and pray that I didn't end up regretting my decision to introduce her to my friends. What the bloody Hell was going on with my boys?

That's A Damned Drag Queen!
Location: Unknown

Mystique: "Look at them, gallivanting on national television - acting like a bunch of bloody superheroes..."

Several Brotherhood members snorted in amusement at her statement. Lance in particular, he so enjoyed getting a rise out of her.

Lance: "Uh, Mystique - that's because they ARE superheroes."

All present, save a bitter Mystique, enjoyed a rare laugh.

Mystique: "I know that, YOU know that - but now the entire country, and the world too will know it! This can't possibly make our job any easier."

Several hours earlier, she had been enjoying a rare moment of peace. And there was so much catching up to do with her soap operas too. But then, an urgent news broadcast, came across the airwaves interrupting her. She frowned until she saw who was reporting. Why, it was Lola *Livewire* Lovelace! The newest, hottest young blood to hit the field reporting scene!

"Ooh", she thought, "This is better than the Young and the Restless any day!"

The woman was smokin' hot and had a sense of fashion that was out of this world. At times she wished that Irene was the one with the shape shifting power. Maybe then she could have had her way with the lovely Lola. She smiled in appreciation. It didn't last... Of course she was thrilled when she saw the plant wrapped school. After all, anything that could possibly pit humans and mutants against each other was good for their business. Not only that, but it would accelerate the development of the coming war as well. It was all rather enjoyable...but then, THEY had to show up! They could mask their faces with holograms, but she recognized their uniforms, not to mention their jet. And how could she ever forget the irritating voice of Scott Summers. That was the day before. Now she was viewing the delayed broadcast of Lola's for the third time. It sparked interest (as it no doubt would) and it was being aired since the day before on each and every major channel. It set her teeth on edge. The only thing that made it remotely bearable was the sight of Lola, flexing in her skanky attire. The woman had her respect. She'd do anything for a story...pull out all the stops. Mystique could relate to her ruthless professionalism. Lola would do anything for her audience, Mystique would do anything to secure the fate of mutant kind. Perhaps when they had planetary dominion, she could - with Irene's permission of course. There was no hiding anything from her prophetic powers for long.

Lance: "Dudes, I don't know what y'all find that's so hot about her! You guys should be gay. That's a damned drag queen!"

Mystique treated him to a stinging bitch slap that he'd surely never forget. He had to hide his look of pure hatred.

"Soon", he thought, "Real soon..."

Mystique: "Lance, the next time you slander lovely Lola's name in my presence - I'll have to exercise more drastic disciplinary action."

As each and every man present seemed only too willing to help her do it, Lance held his tongue. Why the hell couldn't they see it? To him, it was as plain as daylight. No matter how high pitched the voice was, no matter how pricey the jewellery that adorned "her" body, no matter how much make-up masked the facial features - Lola *Livewire* Lovelace was most definitely a man. He grumbled whilst they watched the delayed broadcast with eager eyes.

Twice In Two Days

Jenny stood outside the door to her room, trying to remember the code key combination for the electronic lock. Her mind was a bit taken up, and so the six digit code did not come to her immediately. She couldn't believe that those chauvinistic, male Pigs were the people Rick kept as his friends. Asking her about her past relationships like they were old friends. For goodness sake, they barely knew her. Okay, so she had thought that they were really hot when she first saw them. But when the cockiest of them asked her if she was still "cherry",

(with a wicked gleam in his eye, referring to the plant based nature of her powers, as well as her virginity)

she just up and left. Jubilee, Rick and Amara were quick to come after her, but she brushed them off and headed for the library. Hopefully she could regain composure there. If the Xavier Institute was anything like her old school...the library would be basically empty. When she left, they went back to discipline the men-folk. At least all of them weren't that low down. But those four (John, Jamie, Roberto and David) were pretty damned coarse! Maybe it was to be expected from the fifteen year old...but the other guys...she thought that they were more mature than that. Oh well, men... At the sound of (most unwelcome) voice, she tried frantically to remember the combination to the lock, whilst turning to deal with the intruder. It was the outrageously cute, but cocky boy she was so beginning to loathe.

Jenny: "What the Hell do you want?!"

John: "Take it easy beautiful, I'm here to apologise."

She regarded him very sceptically indeed.

Jenny: "Oh.."

He nodded. And he was getting a little too close for her comfort too. His eyes were running over her body without any sense of restraint. She furiously started punching in the numbers (that were swiftly returning to memory) into the console. She recognized the predatory look in his eyes all too well. She had seen it flash in the cold eyes of her would be teenaged rapist the day before. The door slid open as an electronic *beep* sounded.

Jenny: "Look, this is just going to have to wait. I -"

She quickly entered the room, hoping to close the door on him. Unfortunately, he was quicker and stronger than she could hope to be. He pushed the door open with little difficulty, walked in grinning and locked it behind him. His visual probing became even more alarming in their intensity.

Jenny: "Look, just get the fuck out of my room!"

John: "Whoa, this rose has some thorns. When a guy says he wants to apologise to you - you hear him out, got that?"

She was almost shaking in fear and lowered her tone. She didn't know what he might do if he got angry. What the hell was Rick doing with these people? These were the best friends he could find?

Jenny: "Fine, I understand that. Now please leave."

John: "Hmm...I think I was real mean to you. I don't think a little *I'm sorry* is going to quite cut it. My apology, it has to be something special. So you know I really mean it."

He was steadily advancing and she couldn't help but notice the growing bulge in the crotch of his jeans.

Jenny: "I - I don't know what you mea - "

His expression switched to one of mild frustration.

John: "Don't play dumb with me, girl! You know what I'm talkin' about. If you're so upset at having the cherry - I'm just going to have to take it from you and remedy the situation."

At that, she screamed. It did little good however, as it was quickly stifled as he brought his hand up to her mouth. Tears started spilling out of her terrified eyes as he began pushing her towards the bed.

"This can't be happening", she thought, "Good Gaia, not again..."

Boys Will Be Boys

All over the Xavier Institute, in each and every was taking place. Ordinarily, teenaged boys are almost at the mercy of their hormones. But something else was at work. Boys everywhere were giving into their lusty natures, to a greater extent than was the norm. Some of the girls enjoyed it for a little while, and some didn't. Multiple fights starting breaking out between boys who wanted it and girls who didn't. As well as between boys fighting for the right to claim a girl as their own.

(Ray was currently nibbling on Jubilee's neck, trying to ease her tension and get her in a love-making mood. She was pissed at the uncharacteristically  immature way John and the others had acted towards Jennifer. As she was so worked up, it was proving rather difficult to get her as relaxed and lusty as he would have liked her to be.

Jubilee: "Cut it out Ray! We don't have the time."

Ray: "We'll make the time."

Jubilee: "No, we - "

When she kept trying to make him stop and he wouldn't, she came to the realisation that something was very wrong indeed. He had never acted that way, even under the influence of alcohol.)

(Amara was in an empty hallway, talking privately and very sternly to Jamie, Roberto and David. John had managed to escape her. But she would reprimand him later. For now, she'd deal with those three. They didn't seem to be paying much attention to her words though. They were paying attention to her alright...but it wasn't because of anything she had to say. When she saw them eyeing her bust in a manner most unbecoming of mere friends, she grew disgusted.

Amara: "Alright, knock it off, guys! You're creeping me out."

Roberto: "You got some nice tits there, chica. Mhmm hmm, maybe I was wrong in not giving you the time of day when you were after my cock!"

David and Jamie started nodding appreciatively and they all started approaching her, licking their lips.

Amara: "Guys...uh...oh fuck!"

They broke into a run and she sped down the hallway as fast as her heels could carry her. What in the world was going on?!)

(Emma Frost took a brief glimpse outside of her office door. There was some very persistent knocking a minute before. Ooh, but my, my, my! The line was rather long today wasn't it? Who would have thought that adolescent boys were so fragile emotionally. But apparently they were as close to fifty boys were in a crowd, waiting in the reception area. She let them know that she'd be with them soon. The phone was ringing off the hook too. She silenced it and returned to dealing with her current distressed teenaged boy. As there was a long line waiting, she figured she might as well quit playing around. He knew what he came for and she knew it. She thought it best to just hug him so she could work through the growing numbers.

Emma: "There, there, honey! It's going to be alright. You'll see!"

She paused for a few beats in her consolation speech.

Emma: "My! You're burning up. Almost like you've got a fever or virus or something, dear...maybe you should go to the Medical Wing."

Boy: "Well, you know - there are a few good ways to get rid of a virus."

Emma shifted uneasily as she sensed a strange mix of emotions within him.

Emma: "Why - what are they?"

Boy: "Lots and lots of fluids, like milk and juice. And if that fails, you could always sweat it out! Care to help me?"

At that she felt his hot, wet tongue piercing her cleavage, as his hands desperately played upon her back - searching for her bra-strap. Well, milk was the perfect food. Too bad she wasn't lactating. But she did have lots and lots of juice. And she'd probably be making some more if he kept up his ministrations. Wait, no no! This was just so wrong! She mustn't...right? But it felt so damned good! With a supreme effort,

Emma: "Okay, uh - honey - it's not often I say this. But I do think that you're a little too young for me."

(What? You honestly expected her to say that she was a little too OLD for him?)

Emma: "I mean, you're like what? Sixteen?"

Boy: "Thirteen, but don't worry. Age is just a concept. I'm mature enough for you in all the right places..."

No kidding! He was rather well developed for a thirteen year old.

Emma: "I'm sure you are, dear. But I think - "

She starting easing him off and got up to lead him outside.


Emma's eyebrows arched up in shock. She knew there were some kinky ones at the Mansion. But at thirteen? Okay, she was a little frisky at that age too. But she had a valid excuse. After all, girls mature so much faster than boys. But this couldn't be normal. Then again, hardly anything was at the Xavier Institute. Still, she had been sensing some abnormal emotions from him. Something had to be seriously amiss!)

You Better Wait Your Turn!

Bobby and Rick were enjoying some privacy out on the patio. They both needed some peace and quiet after the cuss out Jubilee treated their ears to. Although they weren't the offending parties involved, it still was damned near unbearable. And to top it all off, they had just had their own little squabble too. Bobby was almost fed up dealing with Rick's insecurities. The thought of just coming out to everybody then and there was seeming more and more appealing all the time. He might have to deal with rejection and bigotry...but having to hide his true self from everyone was getting old and frustrating. It didn't last however as Rick started pouting at the tone he used and they quickly made up and promised never to quarrel again. They smiled at each other, but couldn't enjoy it for long as Amara came streaking out onto the patio and out onto lawn, screaming as if all Hell was chasing after her. Turns out, it was just Roberto, Jamie and David. What kind of game were they playing? Bobby and Rick merely looked on.

Amara: "Bobby, Rick - help! Get them away from me...something's wrong with them. They're trying to -"

She didn't get to finish however as her foot caught upon a stone and she tripped. Neither Bobby nor Rick understood what she was trying to say until they say Roberto jump on her, weighing her down, trying to get his hands up her skirt. Jamie and David moved in trying to steady her. That got them into action mode.

Roberto: "Stay still! I don't want to have to hurt you!"

Amara: "I'm not the one I'm worried about."

They laughed obscenely at that statement.

David: "Oh, so you like it rough?"

Jamie: "There ain't nothin' like a true blue slut."

At that Bobby and Rick ran up to them, demanding to know what was going on.

Roberto: "You better wait your turn Bobby! We had the bitch first."

Rick: "Alright, that's enough of this bullshit!"

They were sent hurtling away from Amara with telekinetic force. She quickly got to her feet and stepped behind Bobby. None of them looked pleased at that. David shifted form to his newest favorite, that of a ferocious, draconic beast. Roberto morphed into his super strong Fire form. Jamie multiplied into ten clones and each assumed battle stance. Realising that some unknown force was at work and they would have to defend themselves, Amara shifted into Magma form, Bobby into Ice Armor, whilst Rick readied his telekinetic energies. Roberto lunged at Bobby in a blind, mad rush, fist extended. He was sent sliding and into tree as the ground beneath his feet was frozen solid. Amara quickly formed a wall of earth to block the sex-crazed assault of Jamie's clones whilst Rick expanded a force shield to push back the draconic David.

Bobby: "We're going to have to keep them at bay and pull our punches."

Rick: "Right!"

With that he leapt into the air and summoned up a fierce gale, blowing them away and preventing their advance. Bobby added his freezing energy to the mix and a virtual snowstorm was well on its way. Draconic David was absorbing the majority of the winds' fury and Jamie and Roberto took cover behind his huge form. Rick glanced towards the fountain and focussed its water into a torrent, sending it hurling towards them. It washed them clear across the lawn and they fell down, all returning to their regular forms. They didn't move at first.

Amara: "Oh my God! Were we too - "

Roberto stirred, as did Jamie and David.

Roberto: "Guys, uh - what the hell are we doing out here, and why are you beating up on us?!"

Bobby, Rick and Amara stared in shock.

Rick: "You didn't know what you were doing?!"

Jamie: "Huh? What were we doing?"

David: "Yeah? All I remember is - damn, how did we end up here. Weren't we in the lounge hanging out?"

Amara: "We weren't in the lounge for hours. You were all trying to have your way with me!"

They scoffed.

Rick: "But she's telling the truth. We both saw you - you told Bobby to wait his turn."

Bobby: "Guys, look!"

He pointed to their skin. Something fluid was running down their dripping skin and onto their clothes. The water must have washed it off. It looked a fine, yellowish and grainy material made fluid by the water. David took some between his fingers and examined it closely. It looked like,

David: "I think it's pollen spores."

Roberto: "What would this amount of pollen be doing on all of us? We weren't near any plants."

A thought came to David.

David: "Oh, my God!"

They weren't near any plants per se. But didn't Jenny's mutant power deal with plant manipulation? And why was it that they all had pollen spores on them? Could it have been causing their out of character behavior? soon as it was washed off their skin, they reverted back to normal. Jenny was a new mutant. Her powers were currently untested. And didn't they say that her plant growth boost from the day before was due to her emotional fear? What if her powers were linked to her emotions. Could this be linked to say...horniness? Pollen was a means of plant reproduction. What if it was driving people wild with lust?

Bobby: "What is it, David?"

He quickly shared his suspicions.

Hormonal Horror

Jean: "What in the world is going on here?!"

All around, the sights and sounds of fights could be witnessed. Boys were duelling it out in the most aggressive of manners for possession of prized girls. Teachers were dispatched to the various sectors to maintain some semblance of order. Thankfully, no one had yet made use of their mutant abilities. And there didn't seem to be any serious damage to either students or Mansion property. But if it were to continue, it would only be a matter of time. One way or another it would have to be stopped. It was a damned good thing she and the others had taken Rick and Emma's warnings seriously. There was a quick way to deal with this. Simply home in on the teenaged mind's frequency and incapacitate the entire school population. But what about the juniors? Rick had said that it had to be something within the Mansion as both he and Bobby were unaffected. They were outside and weren't coming back in for the time being. David, Jamie and Roberto had tried to force themselves on Amara though. But Rick said that they had managed to snap them back to normal. So if the other junior boys, John, Jacob and Ray were in the Mansion - they'd be under the influence too. They'd need to knock them out as well, whilst shielding the juniors outside. Her thoughts had carried in her panic.

Betsy: I'll search out their personal psychic signatures and shield them from the shockwave. I better tell them what's going on too, if by some stretch they don't already know about your knockout idea. You, Emma and the Professor render them all unconscious.

Xavier: Yes, Emma and I are linked to Cerebro headsets now.

Betsy searched out for the external junior members' telepathic frequencies and shielded them. Then Jean, Emma and Xavier merged their minds and released a powerful psychic shockwave that cloaked the entire school. Students everywhere, both male and female, fell down unconscious in the midst of their activity. They had not the time to shield all the girls, even though it seemed that only the boys were affected. Jean had never sensed such lust within them before. And the way they started fighting for ownership of the females reminded her of the documentaries on the Animal channel. Animals fought for the right to mate - and with who they mated with. Could they be dealing with someone or something of a telepathic or empathic nature? Perhaps degenerating the mental evolution of the students to animalistic levels? Or perhaps amplifying the regular teenaged horniness? Or perhaps even some sort of bio-telepath capable of influencing hormone production? Just then Rick made contact with her mind.

Rick: Do you have time to listen to me now, Jean?

Jean: Yes, for the moment. What was it you were saying?

Rick: David thinks he knows what's going on. I can't bring him into our conversation. You'll have to make contact with his mind yourself.

She complied and listened to what David had to say. She was more than sceptical until she levitated a vase and poured the water it contained onto a slumbering boy. She grew convinced when she saw the golden, liquid streaks flowing off his arm. Pollen... In the Mansion? Jennifer? She was the newest arrival to the school. And it surely was no coincidence given the synchronisation of these strange happenings and her arrival - not to mention her plant based powers. Jean quickly made contact with and the Professor as well as the other seniors.

Jean: Professor Xavier, I don't think this is telepathic or empathic in nature. David came up with an idea and it makes sense.

She quickly explained it to them. Several teachers repeated her actions and reported seeing the same pollen wash off the boys who were drenched. So if it was in the Mansion air, they needed to void the air by maxing out the ventilation system. They got working on that whilst she flew up to Jennifer's room. She'd be unconscious due to the telepathic shockwave. But Jean wished to ascertain whether she was alright. She arrived and punched in the master code into the electronic lock's console and the door slid open. She gasped. The entire room was overrun by overgrown plants. But that was not the worst part. She lay unconscious on the floor, clothes torn almost to shreds. Across the floor next to her was a wooden cocoon. There was an arm partially exposed. She immediately shattered it with a telekinetic bolt. An unconscious, shirtless John fell out of it and onto the floor.

She examined them and determined that they were both unharmed, aside from the obvious. John must have been under the influence of the pollen and tried to force himself on her. She probably wasn't even aware of it being due to her mutant powers and resisted. She probably panicked and the plants in her room responded by defending her and wrapping John in a wood envelope. Sighing deeply, she hoped that they wouldn't have to deal with any unexpected teenaged pregnancies because of that lust inducing pollen...


We all were assembled in the War-Room listening to Hank's explanation of what had occurred. Jennifer was currently in the Med-Bay, her powers being suppressed with the assistance of Leech. She had been horribly scared when she first saw him, but had since grown used to his presence and was having a nice conversation with him. She was the first person they explained it all to. The internal air of the Mansion had been expelled and new filters had been installed. The students were up and about. They had all been instructed to have a bath immediately to wash off any residual pollen. The boys barely remembered what had happened. When they were informed they merely shook their heads in disbelief. Thankfully, no one had the chance to have actual sex. They were less affected by the pollen than John, Roberto, Jamie, Ray and David where. Probably due to their close proximity to Jenny.

David: "I don't get it. Why weren't Bobby and Rick affected?"

Yeah, you guessed it. Jacob lied and said that he was affected too. When asked if he actually remembered it, he said no. He said that some girl told him he was trying to push up on her.

Jean: "Well, they were outside for quite some time. And we've seen that fresh air can negate the effect of the pollen. That and it appears to take a little while to affect people. You all were in the Mansion for a lot longer than Bobby and Rick."

Thanks for the save, Jean.

Jean: No problem.

I was working on the theory that gay guys were unaffected. After all, we were in Jenny's presence too. It didn't make us see her as an object of sexual desire and it sure as Hell didn't make us hornier than usual. It was apparent to me that the weird behavior of the rest of the guys must have been due to her pollen and close proximity. It had no effect on us whatsoever. Neither on Jacob, or so he claimed. If it had no effect on him - did it mean that he was gay after all?

Hank: "Her powers definitely seem to be tied to her emotional state of mind. When she was scared, she warped the plant life surrounding her school into mutated, animate and aggressive versions. And she confessed to Jean that she was "aroused" shortly after meeting with you all. It must have triggered her powers. Probably explained why the pollen only affected teenaged boys and not adult males. She must have been aroused due to a boy and so the pollen targeted adolescent males.  I've examined her. Apparently her skin sheds the pollen spores and it can have various effects, based on her emotional state."

I thought a little more. If she was horny over straight teenaged boys, then maybe her pollen had an effect on straight teenaged boys only. And then, everyone's different. Maybe the effects differed amongst different people as well.

John: "I can't remember what went on exactly. Jean, are you sure that she's not mad at me?"

Jean: "She was scared, John. And she was mad as Hell at first. But then I explained what went on and that the whole school was affected. Unfortunately, now she's blaming herself."

Professor Xavier: "I wonder...perhaps it was responsible for that boy's near sexual assault yesterday."

Jean: "She thought of that too."

Hank: "Anyhow, I have come up with a solution. A way to inhibit these spores of hers."

He held up a canister. It was some sort of skin-cream that would suppress any spore production until she learnt to control that aspect of her powers. Who would have thought that Hank was into dermatology? We all breathed a sigh of relief as we left the War-Room to recommence our lives. I'd have to have a little talk with her. Self-blame was not something that she should have been feeling. So, she made practically everyone in the school horny... at least no one was hurt in any lasting way.

I know What You Mean

About a half-hour later, I entered the Med-Bay and saw that Jenny and Leech were still talking. She saw me and her eyes fell. I asked Leech to give us a couple of minutes and he left. I think he might have been developing a slight crush on her. She had applied the lotion that Hank had developed and so it was safe for her to leave without Leech's power suppression ability.

"So, you wanna go outside? Just for a little walk?"

Jenny: "Yeah, I've been in here for three hours."

So I took her outside on the front lawn. It was a little after dark by then and so the place was deserted. I took care not to lead her too close to "The Grove". Just in case any sex sounds were to escape its confines. That would be the last thing she needed to hear. Although, after all the sexual energy the majority of the school's male population had expended during the day, I very much doubted that they'd have any left to spend for the next few hours. We took a seat at the fountain and she started sulking.

"What happened today was not your fault. You had no idea what was going on You didn't even know it was because of your abilities. Heck, you can't even control them for the time being. Your powers were to blame. And you are not your powers."

Jenny: "It's easy for you to say. You guys have it all down. I saw how you all fought on tv earlier. It was on every channel."

"That is just not true. Some of us have control problems just like you. Like, you know Scott?"

Jenny: "Mr. Summers?"

"Yeah. You ever wondered why he wears those shades even when he's inside and out of the sun, or any bright light for that matter?"

Jenny: "Well, last night when we were in Professor Xavier's office...I did wonder why he wore them at night. I mean, we were in a serious meeting. It wasn't like he was going out to make a fashion statement."

I grinned at the thought. Scott trying to make a fashion statement? Like he'd ever engage in anything as frivolous as that.

"Well, he has problems. He can't control his power. You had to have seen his optic beams on tv. They're on ALL the time. Those shades block them so he can see."

Jenny: "Oh. But I caused a lot of trouble and - "

"Oh please. What you did was a drop in the bucket compared to what I did."

Jenny: "What did you do?"

Well, I reasoned, she'd surely find out about my issues at some point in time. Certain people (*hint: Ray*) seemed to bring it up quite frequently. So it was probably best that she learn about it from me rather from a third party.

Jenny: "Rick?"

"Well, I have this little problem with controlling my powers to. I'm two people in one body. I have this alter ego that my mind made up as a kid. And he's taken a life of his own."

Jenny: "Like...Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde?"


Jenny: "Is he - a bad person? Like Mr. Hyde was?"

"No, not really. At least none of us really thinks so. He's just very protective and when I feel threatened or see people I care about in danger - he takes over. He's a lot stronger than I am, and he's done some things with my abilities that I'd never be able to bring myself to do. He can super boost my power levels."

Jenny: "Yeah? Well you said it yourself. He's not a bad person. So, you have a control issue. But I bet you never put people's lives in danger like I did."

"Don't be so sure..."

So I told her, everything. About back home and about Bobby and our training exercise.

"See, and they've forgiven me / us for that. Well, my friends here anyway have. The people back home can't remember it happening. Anyway, this won't be a big deal."

Jenny: "You think so?"

"I know so."

There was a long pause in the conversation that lasted several minutes.

Jenny: "And that boy that tried to - come on to me...he's not mad? At what I did to him?"

John was more worried that she'd never be able to forgive him than anything. I personally thought that he was falling for her hard. We were all used to the way he spoke about hot girls. Sometimes in the most obscene of manners. But it was different with Jenny. He did act weird when we were in the lounge. But that was because of the pollen. He, Jamie, Roberto and David might have been slightly under the influence when I ran into them in the hall too. But he saw her the evening before when she came with her family to meet Professor Xavier. And earlier in the morning too. And John was not known to see a fine specimen of feminine beauty and not draw our attention to it. Jubilee always said that he whistled girls down for sport too.

"Actually he's glad you did it. He said he rather be trapped in a wooden shell than be responsible for hurting you. He is one of the best guys you'll ever meet in this place."

She perked up.

Jenny: "Really? Is that right?"

"Yeah. John may be a major flirt. And pompous as Hell. But he's true blue. When I came back to the Mansion after my little excursion, he was the first of my friends to come check on me." (*Bobby was so much more than a friend.*)

Jenny: "So - uh - is he single?"

"Yeah, at least I think so. But we all know for a fact that he was always into unconditional sex."

Jenny: "Well, I'll confess (*grinning shyly*) - he was the one who got me horny in the lounge."


Jenny: "Uh huh. I mean, the others were cute. But there's just something...special about him. (*sigh*)"

"I know what you mean."

She started eyeing me in a questioning fashion.

Jenny: "Rick, uh - you don't have the hots for him or anything, right? I mean, if you do - it's okay - I'll hold my peace."

"What?! Why the heck would you think that?"

She explained.

Jenny: "Well, you said that he was the first of your friends to come check on you. And you rated him up so much. You said he was one of the best guys I'd find in this place. And then when I said that there was something special about him - you said that you knew what I meant."

"Okay, you are over analysing. He's just a good friend. Like a brother I guess. Most importantly, John is straight. I just meant that I knew what it's like to look at someone and know that they're something special."

Jenny: "Oh, okay. Cuz, I think I might be fallin' - do you think there's such a thing as love at first sight?"

"I think that a lot of times it's lust at first sight."

(She frowned at that statement.)

"But yeah, sometimes I think it is possible. Besides, who's to say that lust can't develop into love...given enough time and opportunity to develop."

(Hearing that, she started smiling again.)

Jenny: "Well, if he's not mad and still wants to have anything to do with me...I'll take a chance."

*Sigh* Looks like David and Roberto are out of the race after all. Ah well, they'll get theirs in due time.

Is All Of This Really Necessary?

"Okay, my mother's full name is...."

David: "Julia Anderson McKenzie."

"And my father's..."

David: "Joshua McKenzie. Rick, is all of this really necessary?"

It was around eight-thirty on Saturday morning. I had gotten up early to coach David, ensuring that he was armed with enough background information. "My" appointment with Emma was at nine. I was planning on having him just refuse to talk to Emma. But then thought better of it. She might report to Professor Xavier that I was being a stubborn pain. And knowing their relationship, he'd side with her and then my "therapy" would not end anytime soon. And if Kurt behaved himself, he'd get off and I'd be the one trapped. I made sure to properly explain the circumstances surrounding the fight Kurt and I had. It would likely be the main topic of discussion. And since my sexuality was so pivotal to the whole affair - we might as well cover that too.

David: "So - uh - how do I act?"


David: "You're - I'm supposed to be gay."

"David, there is no real gay stereotype. You didn't guess that I was gay did you? Just go in there and act cool. If she asks a question and you know the answer, answer her question. If you don't, then act a little emotional and let her think it's too scarring for you to think about. Okay?"

David: "Gotcha. You know, this is turning out to be a lot of work. Maybe I should accept money after all."

"Too late. A deal's a deal. Go see Jean now. She's up and waiting."

The Intruder

David had been to see Jean. She had succeeded in placing a powerful mental barrier to protect him from Emma Frost's telepathy. Hopefully, he'd be able to pull the stunt off if he looked and acted like Rick. Jean seemed most confident of her abilities. According to her, nothing short of a full on telepathic assault would shatter the barrier...and Emma would have no reason to perform such an action. It was about eight forty-five and he was due to meet her at nine. So he made his way up the staircase and started walking towards her office. He had not much practice at assuming human appearances. But he was confident that his skills were sufficient to get the job done. After all, he had assumed the forms of far more complex beings...some of which, like dragons, weren't even real. Still, it was a strain to remember all the details Rick had been spoon feeding him with. With a deep sigh he hoped those DVDs Rick promised him were worth it. Unbeknownst to him however...someone was most observant of his actions.

Jake was up early as usual, heading outside for his morning meditation. He was walking down the hall when he chanced to see Rick doing the same. There were several things odd about him though. At first sight, he risked a small wave to Rick. He half-expected Rick to be raging mad at him. But surprisingly...he waved back with a broad smile playing across his face. So he wasn't mad anymore..? He warily walked up to him.

Jake: "So, uh - is everything cool between us?"

Oddly, he seemed confused.

Rick: "What? Were we...was everything not cool between us?" (David then had a slight flashback of Rick yelling at Jake on Saturday.)

Jake: "I don't...don't play that sarcastic game with me."

He started shifting his eyes about nervously. And it was then that he sensed it. Well, it wasn't so much what he was what he didn't sense. He was so taken up wondering how Rick would deal with his friendly wave...he didn't even notice that he was sensing nothing whatsoever from him. Which was suspicious as Hell. Even if Rick was pissed at him, and was trying to suppress any and all thoughts from reaching him through their weakened link...Rick was just not skilled enough. And this person was radiating nothing. He even seemed confused as to what Jake was talking about. This guy either had some sort of telepathic barrier protecting his mind...or was probably a robot or something! It couldn't be Rick! And with the Mansion under a spy alert... With Mystique back in action... He had to play it smart. He had to act as if he wasn't suspicious and get help. He had to do it the old fashioned way too. What if the possible spy was telepathic...they might be able to sense his distress call.

Jake: "You know what? If you want to be that way, be that way!"

Rick(?): "Um - okay."

At that Jake turned the corner and was about to call someone for assistance. He didn't have far to go as he bumped into Logan.

Logan: "Whoa! Where the heck are ya goin' so fast?"

Jake: "We have an intruder! He looks like Rick, but he ain't. Right down the hall!"

Hearing that, Logan followed his lead and they saw Rick(?) about to enter the second floor elevator.

Jake: "Hold it right there!"

He primed up a pain bolt and launched it at the imposter, who leapt out of the way.

Rick(?): "Jake, what the fuck are you - !"

Logan: "I don't smell Rick. Some sort of...colonge? Oh to Hell with it! Take him down, we'll sort it out afterwards!"

They both lunged at David and he barely avoided their assault. Seeing that they meant business he quickly morphed back into his regular form. Yes, Logan was a member of staff...but he was not going to put himself up for hurting if it could be avoided. They both stopped suddenly in mid-motion when they witnessed the transformation.

Logan: "What the -"

Jake: "David?! What are you doing?! Why are you going around the Mansion disguised like that?"

David: "I'm - doing it to help, Rick."

Logan: "What? How could this possibly help Rick? And why are you wearing all that cologne."

David: "Well, Jean said that I would be off the telepathic radar. And I was worried that someone with heightened senses might see "Rick" and smell me instead and - oh Hell, lemme explain it all."

He quickly explained it all to them. Thankfully, Logan promised to keep his mouth shut and not go blabbing to the authorities. But then again, Logan was not known to be a sell-out. Realising that it was nothing but a false alarm, Logan went about his business. Jake blushed, slightly embarrassed at the end result of his suspicions.

Jake: "Look, I'm sorry. I saw Rick and didn't sense anything from you - and -"

David: "With the possibility of lurkers around, it's not your fault."

David once again activated his mutant power and assumed the form of one Rick Grey.

Jake: " really do look exactly like him. Your voice even sounds like him. If it wasn't for my telepathy - I wouldn't have been able to tell you two apart."

David: "Yeah, I know - it's a gift. Anyhow, I gotta go see Emma. See you around."

Jake: "Yeah, I -I'll see you later."

You're Not Getting Away From This Therapy Session!

Even though David had been kind enough to bail me out of that ridiculous idea of Professor Xavier's, the situation was still complicated by the fact that I had to keep hidden. I couldn't risk any of the teachers seeing me. Yes, it was pretty much safe to say that Professor Xavier wouldn't be spreading around he fact that I was due for therapy with Emma. But Kurt might. If I, a student, found the idea disagreeable...he as a teacher would find it much more so. And to add insult to injury - he was getting the same treatment as a student. He went about spreading exaggerated stories about our fight...he'd probably find people to bitch to about the therapy sessions. People amongst the staffmembers. Couldn't risk them finding out. Hence, I was holed up in my room. I hadn't told any of my friends, except David of course, about my sessions. Bobby was aware of my therapy requirements...but not my plan for avoiding it. You see, the more people who knew about it - the greater the chance that Emma would be able to pick up on it via a stray thought or background telepathy. If they didn't have a secret to keep - nothing could get out that could get David, Jean and I in trouble. So I pretended to Bobby that I was heading out for therapy and then went straight back into my room.

I spent most of the time watching the Saturday morning line up of cartoons. I hadn't done that for over two years. I didn't really enjoy it as much as I used to. Now that I could be considered something of a superhero myself - it lost its glamorous appeal. On tv, a casual observer would think it was all fun. I however knew better. I was flicking through the channels nonchalantly when I heard a knock at the door. I instantly tensed and turned off the television - just in case it was playing a little too loudly. I carefully got out of bed and walked slowly up to the door. A voice message emanated from the intercom.

Jacob: "Rick, would you open up? I know you're in there."

Just great! What the Hell was he doing here? He didn't know anything about my therapy sessions. So he probably wanted to pester me some more. Since I wasn't anywhere outside or in the public portions of the Mansion - my room was the only other possible locale to check.

Jacob: "I can sense you in the room. Either you open this door or I'll just keep on knocking louder and louder. What do you know? A doorbell..."

And he meant it too. The knocking got progressively louder and he started alternating a knock with a doorbell *ring* until the combination grew maddening. I decided to just open the damned door, if only to shut him up. I didn't need him drawing attention to my presence. Swinging the door open I caught his hand in mid-motion. He checked himself and put on the most sickening smirk I'd ever seen him pull. And to think that if things were a little bit different I'd actually think it was cute...yech!

"What do you want?"

Jacob: "I want to talk to you. Just for a little while."

"I told you I wasn't ready to talk to you yet so just -"

He continued unphased. It was like whatever I said went in one ear and out the next.

Jacob: "Well, I came here to talk to you and I'm not going anywhere until I do. So can I come inside?"

"No, you are not setting foot in this room."

"Oh, really? You might be changing your mind about that."

He grinned a little. I didn't understand his sure - of - himself attitude. But I hated it all the same.

"I don't think so."

Jacob: "So, do you really want everyone to see you talking to me right now? What if one of the teachers were to be passing by?"

"Why would that be a problem?"

Jacob: "Well, what if someone were to see you here now...when you're supposed to be somewhere else...and then they got told by the person you were supposed to be seeing that you were with them...when you were here all along?"

"What? I don't - (it hit me) - you son of a bitch! Stay the Hell out of my head!"

Jacob: "I wasn't spying on your thoughts!"

"Then how do you know about - (*I glanced around the hall and saw a few doors opening, so I forcefully pulled him into my room and shut the door*) - how do you know about - "

Jacob: "David, I saw him in the hall. I thought he was you at first...then when I didn't sense you, I thought he was a spy or something. Logan and I tackled him. He broke down and told us."

Oh good God! David hadn't set foot into Emma's office and already my plan had begun to unravel.

"What, so now Logan knows?!"

Jacob: "Relax, he's not going to tell anybody."

"You - you had to go and stick your nose in other people's business! Why can't you just -"

His expression morphed into one of anger.

Jacob: "Well excuuuse me! We're livin' in dangerous times. I didn't sense anything from him. How was I to know that it wasn't some spy that hurt you and put you out of the way. And then took your form to infiltrate the Mansion? What if it was a spy and he'd done something to you, huh?"

Looking back on it...he had a very valid point. But I was angry and hurt. And those emotions, especially when they're mixed into a volatile cocktail, tend to blur your judgement. You think and say things that are illogical, just so that you can hurt the person who hurt you in the first place. I was pretty much drunk on that concoction. I wanted to see him hurt - I wanted him to be a broken shell of a man. I know it sounds corny and lame, not to mention overly melodramatic. But you would be feeling just the same if you were in my shoes. If only for a little while.

"So what if it was? What the Hell do you care?"

Jacob: "Take that back, Rick."

"Why? It's the truth isn't it?"

I said it the most spiteful tone that I could muster. I must have been bitching at him for a little too long. It probably was the last straw. He lunged at me in one swift motion and pinned me against the door of my closet. It all happened so quick I wasn't prepared. I was about to push him back with a telekinetic burst of energy but hesitated. In my current emotional state - I could end up using too much power and hurt him. Sure, he was a healer. But it wasn't an automatic power in his case. He needed to be conscious to use it. If we tussled and I ended up hurting him and knocking him unconscious - he wouldn't be able to heal himself. Then I'd have to alert the seniors. And then my illegal activities would come to light. And I'd probably be in for double punishment. Not only for deceiving Emma, but for hurting him too. I couldn't let David and Jean get into trouble because I lost control of my emotions. I decided to hold off on the mutant abilities for the time being.

"Let the fuck go of me!"

Jacob: "I meant what I said. We are going to talk, whether you want to or not!"

"Why, cuz that's what you want? I always gave in a little too easily to what you wanted. Look where that landed us - me. Now get your hands off of me!"

Jacob: "You got away from Emma's therapy session...but you aren't getting away from this one. If you don't hear me out and talk this through with me...I'll go straight to Xavier with this little plot of yours."

With the most malevolent death glare I could pull,

"You dumb fuck! You wouldn' don't have the balls to."

Jacob: "Try me."

"If you dare do that and get David and Jean in any trouble - I will tell Professor Xavier what you did to me on the Astral Plane. I'll tell him about how you forced yourself into my mind outside on the lawn...and what you did to Bobby after he got in the last punch in your little fracas."

I expected him to show a little more concern at that threat. But he was virtually indifferent to it all.

Jacob: "You told me yourself. A part of you enjoyed what happened between us. Yeah, you can tell him. But he'll figure that if it was soo traumatic - you'd have told him the very hour it happened. But you didn't. And not only that, we got together afterwards. It's not much of a threat, believe me. Oh and about Bobby. Don't you think he'll ask about the circumstances surrounding the fight? Don't you think Bobby's gayness would come to light? Hell, he'll probably send all three us to Emma for therapy. And with her gossipy tongue - who knows where this juicy morsel of news might end up. So go ahead - keep pushing me, see what I'm capable of."

I took a moment to digest what he was saying and I realised that he was right. It would all spiral down to Hell. And with Emma serving as the guidance councillor, Professor Xavier might very well sentence us to therapy sessions. He might even give her some background information. Information that could cause irreparable damage if it fell into the wrong hands.

"You'll get into trouble too!"

Jacob: "So will you. So what if I go down, you'll go down with me. And so will David and Jean."

"You're off your damned rocker! Are you going insane?!"

Jacob: "Yes, I am! You're the one who's doing this to me! You don't talk much - to or about me anymore. You won't even look me straight in the eye anymore..."

"Why should I? I don't really care about you - like you didn't / don't really care about me."

Jacob: "I am warning you, Rick. Stop saying that shit! Don't tell me what I do or don't care about."

There was a slightly disturbing light in his eyes. And I must say that I found it a little intimidating. His grip had become excruciatingly tight and I suppressed my wincing relfex as best as I could. He realised how hard he was squeezing me and loosened his grasp but didn't let go. I made certain that my expression was one of utmost defiance.

Jacob: "You just have to believe me when I say that I didn't plan what happened with Amara. It just happened in a really bad time. I'm human - I have moments of weakness like everyone else."

It was a pity that he couldn't resist those moments of weakness like a lot of us do.

"It was barely a couldn't hold out that long?"

Jacob: "Maybe if you didn't pull away from me physically *and* emotionally, I wouldn't have been so weak. I might have been able to resist -"

"Don't try and blame me for what you did!"

Jacob: "I'm not blaming you. It's just - I haven't had anyone to care about in a long time, okay?"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Jacob: "I was a real...bitter person before I met you."

I didn't find that very difficult to believe. After all, he did try to beat me up at our very first meeting. And it was all because I accidentally bumped into him and knocked his books onto the floor. I was turning a corner, I couldn't very well see through walls and I didn't sense or hear anyone on the other side either. I didn't see where he was going with his little speech. Nevertheless, he continued.

Jacob: "When my parents rejected me, my entire world just crumbled. I mean, if it's one thing you should be able to count on is your parents' love. And when I lost that, I just -"

"Became a total dick to everyone?"

Jacob: "That's one way of putting it. Even after I moved here, it was just so frustrating. I've always known that I was different. Not just a mutant, but gay. I might not have known what the correct term was for what I was feeling...but I knew what I wanted and what I didn't."

"I don't really see what this little biography of yours has to do with anything."

Jacob: "Maybe you should just shut up and hear me out."


Jacob: "I never had anybody special before. When I came here, it was clear to me that being gay just was not an option. I mean, the things I'd hear people saying, sometimes thinking. And even when I never hung out with Ray, I was still on the junior team. And I learnt real quick where he stood on the subject. And then - you came along."

"Aw, I feel oh, sooo special."

Jacob: "You were, still are. I never even thought that you could have been gay. It was only after I established a linkup to your mind to heal that blow to the head that Scott gave you...that I learnt."


Jacob: "Just give me a chance to talk without making a comment."

I was about to treat him to another irritating outburst...but I decided to listen. Partly because I wanted him to give me more ammunition to attack him with. And partially because I was curious to learn about his past. He never talked about it much before. And it was as good a time as any to learn about it. That and I wanted to see how creative he could get with his excuses. So I listened...

Whew! Okay that's chapter twenty-two! Be sure to tell me what you think!

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And if you'd like (if you're reading this elsewhere), you can join my group at:

The character Lola was taken from a story by Demetris Mitsaso called Slutty "X-men" that is also on my group as well as on Nifty. It was his idea for a crossover...since last year and I've only just gotten the time

Thanks to everyone who emailed and messaged. I'm typing this footnote now in a rush. But thank you all the same!

And about the a plant based chapter...duh!

SYLM announcement - I know a lot of you also read Say You Love Me. That series is still underway, regardless of the looong wait. I keep changing my mind as to where I want to take it. I have taken the time to plan out this fanfic to a "T" and so it will never be late again (God willing). As soon as I do that with SYLM...all will be well.

Adrian "Phoenix Anderson

Next: Chapter 23: Xxx Men 23

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