Yaoguai the Body Modifier

By Thanh Tran

Published on Feb 24, 2022


Yaoguai The Body Modifier By Thanh Tran

This story is a work of horror and contains extreme sexual content involving body horror, body modification, and non-human creatures. All explicit scenes are between men and other humanoid entities with male genitalia. Content warnings include depictions of violence, murder, rape, trauma, and dark themes discussed throughout. Do not read this story if you are under 18 years of age or find such content upsetting. Do not attempt the extreme sexual practices featured in this story, as they are impossible to perform safely in real life and will result in serious injury or death.

Feel free to email me with any feedback or concerns.

Chapter 1


Every inch of my flesh took in the scent of smoke and decay rising above the decimated town before me. I should have savored the scene with a photograph, a landscape of loss to carry with me as a reminder of what we could accomplish together. Many evacuated when they saw us coming. Unfortunate. But the ones that stayed gave my lover some fun with their resistance and satisfied him in more ways than one, which in turn satisfied me. Their lives strengthened his spirit, and in death, their dust strengthened me. Now they felt no pain or sorrow. Nor did their loved ones. To them, it was like they'd never existed.

My partner had gotten carried away with arson, burning down a large section of the town. When the fires had died down, the living had attempted to hide there in a large warehouse. I could sense them in there cowering and berating each other for making noise. They had used their last remaining strength to try to lock us out of their temporary living quarters by bolting crude iron plates over the door frame that led inside. I crawled to that door on the second floor of the building, careful to avoid the broken glass and pieces of charred bone on the stairs, and I tore their iron door from the wall with a single slash of my claws.

Satorei had already found his way in through a window and gleefully looked toward the scene through his fursuit stained with blood. Dashingly gorgeous, he looked like a six-foot-tall mascot for a race of hellish owls. It was covered in different colors of fabric from head to toe to make a beautiful rainbow, with bright green wings, a blue body stained with blood, a yellow beak carved into a smile, large orange eyes, and a black plume. Inside the open beak was a piece of thin black netting with holes worn into it, through which I could see his silly smile as he looked upon his captives tied to chairs with ropes and gagged with dirty towels.

If Satorei's antics did not have them startled already, my own appearance gave them such a fright that the three that were still awake started uselessly struggling against their bonds. Typical for my first appearance of the day. One was a man and two were women. The man was in his early 20s with short brown hair and acne, wearing a large gray Harvard sweatshirt and track pants. He seemed the most relaxed of the bunch and was fixated on Satorei with the wide, gleaming eyes of admiration. One of the women was plump and elderly with a long mane of white curls and wearing a white parka covered in dirt and blood stains. The other was young and Korean with a tan ponytail and bent glasses missing a lens. She was late term with a child, the ropes digging into her protruding belly. Her eyes were shut tight and sobbing to herself.

"Well gosh!" said Satorei in a high, squeaky voice gesturing toward me. "Is that an alien? What planet d'ya think he's from?" He walked around my form that resembled a large praying mantis with dark red eyes, checking me out to be a tease. "I come in peace, friend!" He held out a green owl wing for me to shake, which I did not.

I morphed from my insectoid form into a nine-foot-tall naked human man with pallid skin, large concave black eyes, and no nose, mouth, or hair anywhere on my body. I towered above the room in silence standing next to my handsome lover. Satorei looked me up and down let his gaze linger on my well-developed biceps, pecs, rippling abs, and especially my uncut cock that was thicker and longer flaccid than his forearm in the fur suit. This was a new form. I knew he liked what he saw and would be all over me when he was done, which made my own shaft twitch in anticipation.

"This is how we say hello!" He grabbed my penis in both wing-covered hands and shook it up and down several times. He fidgeted and adjusted himself in the owl suit so his tent would not be visible. "Ahem..." He turned to his audience. "And now that he's here, it's time we got started."

He paced around, moving within inches of them and causing them to flinch. "Your little town was delightful. They put up a crazy good fight. But they're dead now. It was fun, wasn't it? And whatever you believe, you're not going to see them again. Their souls, if you believe in those, were already snorted up like a good pixie stick."

"The bad guys will feast well tonight. Their eggs will hatch, and their young will grow into fine young pups of Hell. Their dreams will be full of screams, and they will return twice as mighty for the next helping. I came up with that poem. Did you like it?" He patted the male captive on the shoulder who seemed to shudder and somehow enjoy it.

"Your loved ones have already forgotten about you. It's like you never existed. All because you were in the right place at the right time. Isn't that sad?" He kicked a rock with his bird foot and it smashed into pieces in the dark corner of the room. "But even with all these dark and scary topics, we can still have some fun tonight, can't we?"

Beautiful Satorei walked to the corpse of a middle-aged man lying in a pool of blood with a knife in its neck, likely a personal victim of his who'd seen him struggle to heft himself up through the window in his bird suit. He pulled out the knife, twirling it around as he walked back to me. In his cheery voice, he asked his audience, "How many kills d'ya think Satorei got today?"

He walked to the pregnant gagged woman and looked her in the eye, then to the young man, who melted under his gaze, then to the older woman who shut her eyes tight. "Anyone?"

"Wanna know the answer? I bet no one got it right!" He made a long dramatic pause and then leaned into the captives as though telling them a secret. "It's whatever you were thinking, plus three! Get it?!" He kicked the man's chair, knocking him onto his back. He bent down and picked up the man by his shirt. "You wanna suck some cock before you die? I'm getting kind of horny down in my cloaca if you catch my drift." The man tried to vocalize something into the gag on his face. He almost seemed to be volunteering to do just that, but my lover had already moved on. "How about you ladies?" he asked. "Is that a boy baby you got in here?" He rubbed the young woman's belly, and she recoiled her face away from him.

I loved this part. Seeing him get off to his victims was my favorite thing about letting him run wild. This was what I was waiting for. I pictured Satorei's smooth pecs dripping in sweat and rock hard cock fighting to be free from the costume as he got off to his perverted, sadistic fun. My own naked pole started to fill with blood and expand as my pulse quickened. I absentmindedly brought a hand down to rub it in front of them. What a tease, making it so long and drawn out. I wanted him to rip the man's pants off and fuck him. The way he was looking at my lover almost made me jealous. It was pure desire. His deepest fantasy was being fucked by his killer. What a naughty jock. I tried to peek to see if he was getting hard in his track pants, but my partner's large costume was in the way. I stroked myself, pulling back the foreskin on this new form for the first time as I continued to expand. A drip of pre-cum came out of my exposed head. I could use some of my power to strip them both right now.

Suddenly, there was a loud crash beyond the door I had crawled in. Two sets of footsteps approached up the stairs. I instinctively camouflaged myself and hid in the corner. Before I could react, several popping sounds and the smell of gunpowder filled the air. Gunshots. Satorei was hit once, twice, three times, gasped, and fell to the floor bleeding out of his fursuit. The old woman slumped back in her chair with a bullet hole covering where her left eye used to be.

The two fully-armored men who had done this had made a fatal mistake. I communed with the matter around the taller of the two and commanded him to melt into a waxy pool on the ground: flesh, blood, clothes, and all. Slowly so that he would realize what his fate was and be unable to stop it. He screamed and grabbed his legs, trying to pull them back out of the puddle of wax before slipping into it, torso, arms, head, and all, ending with one last gurgle. His bare skull and handgun floated to the top of the blood-red pool of wax, which hardened beneath them.

The other man let out a howl of terror and started firing shots all around the room at random looking for whatever had done that to his comrade. I sent the pool guy's gun slowly flying toward the other living man, who caught it his open hand and looked at it in confusion. In an instant, all his clothes and armor from head to toe dissolved into dust which fell to the floor. The man was now fully naked, standing there with tan skin and brown crew cut. He shrieked and fell down on his ass in terror holding the two guns, an image I wish I could have photographed. I figured he liked guns, so I made them part of his body. They slowly fused with his skin and bone. Every inch of his body turned into goo and spawned strands of flesh that moved toward the metal pieces and attempted to become part of them. He screamed until his heart and lungs were also part-gun and then fell to the ground as a motionless, steaming mass of flesh with a human skull on top. A black mist came out of their corpses and made its way through the air to me, which I siphoned up through a hole in my hand.

I had to move fast, for as easily as I could kill, reviving the dead was another story. I picked up Satorei with telekineses, removing my camouflage in the process. I felt the matter around the bullet holes and concentrated on fixing them. Two wounds were causing him pain, but were not life-threatening. I concentrated hard. The bullets came out, and the wounds healed easily enough. The third had pierced his left lung and gone through his spinal cord. He was losing blood fast. If he lived, he would still be paralyzed. I did not know if I had enough power to fix it, or how much would be left in my reserves after I did.

I focused intently, pouring all my being into the image of his innards in perfect health and with the warm blood he had lost back in his body. My ears rang, and my vision blurred. I had a splitting headache. But, it worked. Satorei gasped for air and rose to his feet, staggering around and catching his bearings. He cackled and clapped his owl wings together. I lowered myself to the floor and sat with my back to the wall to rest. I would need to find and train a successor before my life force ran out. Even after a feast of nine the same afternoon, I was finding it difficult to maintain what would have been a trivial task many centuries ago when I'd first crawled through the dust. Unknown to Satorei, his fate still hung in the balance and could for weeks. It was one thing to kill someone with a temporary change like a simple decapitation or evaporation. But it was another entirely to continue to assert a change I made to a body that went against the laws of the universe. His flesh and bone now had to regrow on their own and replace the false matter I was using to fill in the dead and missing gaps. Any lengthy break in concentration could lead to his body falling back apart.

Hysterical laughing filled the room as Satorei celebrated his revival. He danced around in a circle, hugging each of the captives who had similar reactions than before, minus the now dead elderly woman. My lover pulled off his owl head with a gasp and exposed his tousled brown hair and smooth forehead drenched in sweat. He showed us all his boyish Disney eyes, pronounced cheeks, and dimples that made him popular with the girls (and boys) (and me) all over his home country of Japan. His sweet charm had got him on the cover of magazines up until his sudden disappearance.

The gorgeous man before us had been the lead vocalist of the boy band Shining Death Finger, which released hit after hit, and he was a contender for the sexiest idol in Japan, receiving floods of gifts and love confessions from his mostly teen fans. He was his parents' dream made manifest. From the age of four, they'd started teaching him English, Korean, and Mandarin; and he'd begun his routine of practicing in front of the electronic keyboard for thirteen hour days while his father, brother, mother, nanny, and tutor would all take shifts to supervise him. He was known for his looks, his musical ability, his charisma, and most of all, his compassion for those less fortunate. He would casually throw big bills to the homeless, and he always spoke out in favor of social programs to protect the sick and destitute in Japan.

Satorei had traveled to LA at age 16 to tour in America, and that was where we eloped. He disappeared from his hotel room late one night after a show with a 28 year old male fan he'd been seen with earlier that night was found there mutilated into 13 pieces with his genitalia found skewered in a cocktail glass. But my lover couldn't have been that naughty, as there'd been no traces of him left at the scene. The media went abuzz with rumors that Satorei himself had been murdered and that his remains were being preserved for demonic rituals and necrophilia. But he never turned up again even after a joint investigation by the FBI and Japan's Intelligence Agency. He'd been a bit busy. And after three years, interest in him had died down to a murmur as his beauty was assumed to have faded. But I knew that was not the case. If anything, he had only gotten sexier with maturity. And he was all mine.

He stood before me, panting and chugging a soda bottle, covered in sweat and blood, and wearing nothing but a pair of white briefs that were drenched with dark stains crusted on them. His pecs were well-defined with quarter-sized nipples that were hardening from the draft blowing onto his sweaty body. He strength trained every other morning, focusing on his biceps, which gave him gorilla arms that looked comical next to his smooth torso but made him more intimidating in the loose muscle shirts he loved to wear.

My cock hardened back to half mast watching the sweat run down the crease in his pecs and into his navel. Any weakness I felt quickly left me. I stood to my feet, towering over him with my two foot shaft sticking out, with its cherry-red head poking out from my foreskin. I'd tuned out Satorei's taunting and showmanship since I'd sat down, but my erection paid full attention to the depravity laced in his voice. He caught sight of it, and his voice caught in his throat. His gaze lingered. He smiled up at me, moving his hand down to adjust his own growing tent.

"Here's the problem," he said with ferocity in a deep voice, his whole childish act completely dropped. "I'm so fucking horny right now I could rip my dick off." He grabbed his empty plastic bottle in both hands, smashed it flat, and then threw it, hitting the guy in the Harvard sweatshirt. "You're going to suck me, and you're going to like it!"

Satorei undid his gag and hastily untied the ropes as the man gasped. My lover kept bumping into the pregnant woman who was unconscious in her chair, coming close to knocking her over. Once free, the guy struggled to stand, looking his captor deep in the eyes with unmistakable desire, panting softly to himself, his track pants tented. Satorei put an arm around his neck, holding him tight in his large bicep. "Say your name."

He spoke with a weak voice, "D-do you love me?"

"I said say your name!" yelled Satorei, tightening his grip around the man and causing him to turn beet red.

"Austin Bishop," he croaked.

He removed his arm, moving his hand to instead brush his right shoulder. "Satorei," he said.

"Ni-nihao...," said Austin Bishop.

"That's my name, you fucking idiot!" He put him back in a chokehold, and fiercely brushed his other fist against his skull to give him a noogie. Then he released him and said, "It's okay. We're best friends now."

"Yes, yes...Sa-tell-lay san..satelli-sama."

"Sa. To. Lrei." He emphasized the third syllable which combined L and R in a way the English language did not. "No need for the formality. We've been friends forever, Austin-kun." He smiled and explored under Austin's Harvard sweatshirt with one hand while holding his forearm with the other. Austin melted into his hands and began to blush and pant. Satorei continued his exploration. "We've seen each other naked in the bath since we were kids, remember. You've got a bit of a six-pack going on there."

"I love you!" Austin blurted out as Satorei rubbed his left nipple under the sweatshirt.

"I love you too," he kissed Austin on the cheek. "Seeing you for the first time tickled me in the naughty place. You're that special." They kissed on the lips. "Austin-kun, I'll let you live if you do a good job. You just have to impress my friend over there." I was rock hard from witnessing the growing chemistry between those two. My shaft was nearly three feet long, covered in bulging veins, and thicker than Satorei's biceps. The cherry-red hood was fully exposed and damp with clear precum.

"Use me as a toilet and kill me," Austin breathed. "I want it so bad. You're that special. Your friend just won't fit."

"He's just going to watch while you do me." Satorei moved his hand to feel the tent in his track pants. "Someone's already excited.

"I can't help it," said Austin, as Satorei started groping him inside his pants. He started breathing harder. "You're fucking disgusting, but you're so fucking hot."

"I think I'll let you live. I like you. If I let you live, will you call me back?" Satorei pulled Austin's pants all the way down and started stroking his cock more vigorously.

"I'll call the cops to gun you down, you sick perverted fuck." He moaned in pleasure.

"I can never die," Satorei growled. He rubbed his clothed tent against Austin's ass.

"Prison then." Satorei assaulted Austin's hole with his prick and sped up, causing him to tense up and pant. Austin's voice cracked and wavered in between pants. "A sexy guy like you gangfucked and cream pied all day."

"Eat my cock if you want to leave. Will you eat my cock?"

"Yeah," he moaned. "Yeah," his breath caught in his throat. "Mmmm..."

I was stroking my own pole vigorously in front of them, precum gushing out and making a sloshing sound in my hand.

"I love you, Austin!" yelled Satorei. "Now cum for me!"

"I love you! I love you!" Austin screamed, tensed up, and greedily humped his hole into Satorei's clothed hard cock as the sensations over took him. A long strand of cum shot from his cock several feet away, and he moaned and spasmed with the rest of his load running down his captor's hand. My lover pulled his hand away and licked it clean.

"Now," he growled. "The main event. Do whatever you have to and get rid of it. You don't leave here until my cock is in your stomach!" He pushed Harvard boy down to the floor, his bare knees scraping on the debris. He pulled up his track pants over his spent cock, and my partner didn't stop him.

Austin grabbed Satorei's white briefs looking up in his eyes with pure lust. He pulled them down, then off revealing his hard uncut cock jutting to the left out of a bush of long straight pubes. He worshiped the prick with his eyes wide, playing with his balls and licking his head.

"In your mouth, now!" He did as commanded and started deep throating my lover. This little cock slut knew what he was doing and wasted no time going at it hard, eliciting grunts from its owner. My own strokes were getting me close, especially knowing my lover's deepest fantasy was about to be fulfilled.

"Now use some fucking teeth!" Austin continued the oral job confused.

"More! Bite it, you fucking bitch!" Satorei punched his jaw and forced him to bite down. "Fuck yeah!" he yelled as blood started to pull out of Austin's mouth. He stopped blowing and coughed, looking in horror at the bloody cut on my partner's cock.

"Why the fuck did you stop?!" Satorei grabbed his head and forced it back on his cock. "You're eating it! Now bite! Harder!"

He bit. "Not hard enough!" he punched him again, and he bit down in recoil. I heard a crunch. "Fuuuuck yeah!" Satorei let out a long moan mixed with a growl that sent me over the edge and caused my first load in this body to release all over the concrete. Austin pulled his head back off and spat out the bloodied head of his captor's penis. The remaining stump spasmed up and down, dripping blood. "Don't stop!" he growled. He was trembling in pure ecstasy. He dropped to his knees and searched on the ground for his knife as Austin spat out more blood and tissue. He found the bloody knife he'd dropped earlier. He handed it to Austin.

"I love you!" screamed Satorei. "Now cut it off!"

The knife trembled in Austin's hand.

"Cut it off, you fucking bitch!" he growled as his stump continued spasming up and down, spewing blood. He wrapped his hands around the Harvard boy's neck. "Now!"

Satorei leaned forward on his knees for easy access. Austin took the knife in both hands, and in one fell swoop, chopped off his dick stump. "Fuccccccck yesss! Fuckkkk yes! Yes! Yes!" He growled in his sexy masculine register that made me swell up again. His moans and breathing reached their peak as his whole body shook, tensed up, and released. Four large loads of cum spewed out his exposed piss stump onto Austin's face and sweatshirt along with more blood. "I fucking love you!" The two leaned together for a long, bloody kiss.

I surveyed the damage and repaired Satorei's penis, using as little of my power as possible. His stump healed into a functional half-inch shaft that would grow back to its full size over the course of a week. I would put a simple block on his libido to stop him from aggravating it before it was ready to be used again. My power was getting exhausting to use. Satorei was my love and my everything, but I knew I wouldn't be able to enjoy his entire lifespan with the way he was using it. I had to start training a successor and fast. It could be decades before they would be ready.

My sweet boyfriend had passed out from the excitement. I had given him more blood to replace what he lost. It was fatigue. His life was no longer in danger, unless... Austin sat there with the knife still in hand. He's said he loved the jock and wanted to let him live, but I wasn't about to comply if he tried to attack my love in his sleep. Austin put down the knife and bent down over him, brushing his hair. He took off his Harvard sweatshirt soaked in blood and covered it with the white undershirt he had on underneath to make a pillow, then gently put his head on top of it. He cleared the debris around his sleeping, naked body and laid down with him, putting his arm over him. Such an adorable sight.

They'd both seemed to drift off to sleep when there was another sound that I wasn't anticipating. The unconscious pregnant woman's water had broken and was dribbling to the floor under her. Austin turned around and saw it, then rose to his feet and went over to her.

"Ma'am?" he tried to wake her up by lightly slapping her cheek. "Hello?"

I reached out to the matter around her brain and saw that she would not be waking anytime soon. She'd had an injury to the brain, one that even I would have had trouble fixing at full power. As much as I loved to see death, the potential lost from dying parents and children was always unfortunate. Satorei's views of humanity did not apply to innocent kids and babies. If he were awake, he'd be heartbroken and beg me to save the child at the very least.

I was about to teleport the pregnant woman to a hospital when an idea came over me. Yes, I needed a successor. And this could be it. I could save the infant's life, and it wouldn't be much effort to find its father and extant family. And it would carry a fraction of my power that would grow and mature along with it while I watched from the shadows.

I broke my own pact to never speak to anyone but my lover and morphed into my original form, a giant head with bat wings covered in tentacles and horns, this one with a usable mouth. I spoke to Austin Bishop in a serene, ethereal voice that belied my form. "She is dying from severe brain damage."

"You can talk? So, uh, what are you? Was your friend being serious when he said we were forgotten?"

"To your first question, yes. To your second, you do not need to know. To your third, yes. But it can be reversed since Satorei has so kindly spared your life. It depends on whether you are willing to fulfill an easy task for me."

He looked over at Satorei, sleeping on his sweatshirt. "He...he kills people, and that weird shit with cutting off his cock..."

"Do you mean I have to be his lover then?" he asked.

"If you wish to do so, I will accommodate you as best I can. But that is not my request. You must decide to stay with him or to go back to your old life and be remembered."

"Can I contact him again...to catch up, I mean?" His eyes were wide fantasizing about the prospect. What a naughty jock to be wanting it after all that just happened.

"There are no easy ways to contact Satorei for obvious reasons. But he may contact you if he wishes. Time runs short. I will need your answer before he wakes."

"Then send me back. So... do you want me to take someone out for you?" I wanted to say yes just to see if he would. I was starting to see him as a long term match for my partner, one that might even make me jealous. But the thought of a successor was becoming more and more appealing as I realized that he fully intended to do whatever I asked.

"Quite the opposite. I intend to save this woman's child. Help me do so, and the curse causing you to be forgotten will be broken."

"Deal," he said.

"Good," I responded before going into a list of what needed to be done. This was almost too easy. And even my lover wouldn't need to learn a thing about what I was doing.

Next: Chapter 2

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