Yes Sir

By Thomas Wehner

Published on Jul 29, 2001


The following story contains m/m sex. If you are offended by it, don't read. Or if you are under the age of 18 don't read. This story contains sex between three actors on the t.v. show Star Trek: Voyager. I do not know the sexual preference of these men, this is a work of fiction and not reflecting the their true sexual preference. Star Trek is copyright of Paramount Studios. The Star Trek series was created by Gene Rodenberry. The characters in the story are trademarks of Paramount Studios. All Right Reserved. Enjoy.

Yes, Sir! Part 1

It was that time of the year when the members of Voyager had to report to the doctor for their annual physical. Since Lt. Paris was a part-time nurse in sick-bay, he got to do some of the physicals. He liked it when the doctor had to turn off to not burn out his memory circuts so he could do the guys physicals then. Even though he was married to B'lenna Torres, he had always an attraction to men. He got this taste when he was back in prison, one night his prison guard came to his cell and said it was time for his punishment He told him to strip and turn around for a spanking with his whip. But instead of a spanking, he got the prison guard's cock in his ass. He screamed loudly but everyone thought he was just getting his punishment. Ever since that he has liked getting to look and guys and see how big they are.

One time when the doctor was off-line, there was no physicals scheduled. Tom enjoyed just sitting in sick-bay on one of the bio-beds and order some food one the replicators. He liked this because the replicators were not on the energy rations in case the doctor needed to get something. Then he heard his combadge chirp.

"Chakotay, to Paris." "Paris here, commander." "Can I come in for my physical, if there is not to many people there?" "Sure commander, there isn't anyone here, no one is scheduled for another 4 hours." "I'll be there in a minute. Chakotay out."

Tom had always wanted to be alone with the commander so he could check out his size. Every year before the doctor was running when Chakotay came in for his physical. This time since the doctor was off-line, Tom was going to do a thorough physical. What Tom did not know was that Chakotay was attracted to men, not women. He had liked it when he was in the back in the alpha quadrant and back at his house. He had 3 other guys living with him to conserve on space. One of these guys was Tuvok. Even though he was Vulcan, Chakotay liked me of different species. He found out with Tuvok that Vulcan's small length hard was 15 inches. This amazed Chakotay. He had always looked at the other guys on Voyager but had a strong attraction to Tom Paris. Sure he had sex with Harry Kim, but he had always wanted to get in the sack with Tom, and this was going to be his chance. The doctor had always done his physical and played with his balls to make sure that he didn't have anything wrong with him, but he always wanted Tom to do it.

As Tom got the bio-bed ready for Chakotay, he got another call.

"Kim to Paris." "Paris here." "Are we still on for Captain Proton in an hour?" "I just got swamped with physicals, I will get back to you later on that. Ok?" "Just like always Tom, skipping out to go be with B'elenna." "Not this time Harry, I'm telling the truth. Paris out."

Soon he stopped talking to Harry, Chakotay came in. He was wearing shorts and his boxing shirt. He had been on the holodeck working out to his boxing program. His shirt was covered in sweat. His pit area and the middle of his chest was the most drenched with sweat. Tom was glad that he was still in his uniform for it prevented his growing hard-on from showing. Chakotay came in and hopped on the main bio-bed.

"You know you weren't due for your physical for another 3 days." "I know, I just wanted to have the time later to be in my quarters. It helps me relax." "Ok, I've been bored since there is no physicals scheduled for a couple of hours and I didn't have to do any growing of anything for the doctor." "I was just in the holodeck working with on my boxing skills." "I can tell from all of your sweat. Anyway lets get going. I'm going to need you to get in this gown for me."

As Chakotay was getting out of his cloths and into the gown, Tom went behind the work station and pretended to not look at him. He was looking at the top of his eyes to catch a glimpse of Chakotay's meat. Chakotay made sure that he took a long time when he was taking off his shorts. This was to see if Tom was interested in him. He couldn't tell if he was interested since he couldn't see his eyes. So he hurried up and put on the gown. Tom then came over and started to do the scans with his tricorder. Then Tom pretended to have a malfunction when he moved it to Chakotay's stomach. He put the tricorder down and said, "Looks like I'm going to have to do this the old fashioned way."

He started to move Chakotay's gown aside.

"Stop take tickles." "Sorry, I got to make sure you don't have a stomach bumps " "Ok, be gentle though." "I will."

With that, Tom started to feel his commander's stomach. It was rock hard! Tom could not believe that he was that well fit. He could also feel a little of naval hair on his naval.

"I will now need to fell you genitalia to see if you have a bumps down their. "You can just say my cock. I am a man, you can say that to." "Fine, commander. I need to feel your cock." "That's more like it."

Tom then started to feel Chakotay's man meat. God! He thought. It had to be at least 6 inch soft!

"Turn your head and cough,..., again." "Is that what you want."

As Tom was feeling Chakotay's balls, his cock started to get hard.

"Sorry about that, it is just when someone plays with my cock, it gets hard." "It looks a little excited too." "Thanks. I like when some man plays with it." "I'm going to have to have you remove you gown so I can check to see if everything is in proportion."

With that Chakotay removed his gown and was standing before his officer completely naked. This made him get even harder. Tom noticed that he also started to get hard. He knew his uniform couldn't hide everything. A little tent started to form in his in pants. One thing other that Tom had noticed was that Chakotay's meat was 12 inch hard!!! He was so aroused by seeing his commander naked that his meat started to leek pre-cum. As Chakotay was finishing taking off his gown he noticed the tent forming in Tom's pants.

"It looks like you like what you see." "Why do you think that?" "The tent in your pants tell me." "So what if I do? You going to report me?" "No, I would want to give you your physical. Is that ok?" "Fine with me."

As Tom got out off his cloths Chakotay went and got some lubricant.

"I will begin by giving you an anal exam. Turn around so I can check."

Chakotay was in heaven. He was about to enter the man he had always wanted to enter. And the best part was that no one could catch them. But he didn't realize that the doctor's cycle came to an end.

"Please state that nature of the medical emergency." "Tom, we got to get out of here before the doctor catches us." "How can we? We can go to the halls or someone will see us and we can't use the transporters or they will catch us on the sensors.? "Yes we can. I created a program to be able to use the transporters and not have the sensors dectect us. Computer activate program Chakotay S1. Two to beam."

With that he and Tom and their cloths transported to his quarters and were laying on the bed with music playing. It was an old earth tune by a group called "The Village People". It was the song "YMCA". As they started to make out, Chakotay's doors opened and a surprise came into the room....

Tell me what you think. Email me comments, questions, or what you might want to see in part 2. Email me at either

Next: Chapter 2

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