Yes Sir Professor

By Bryan Thompson

Published on Jan 6, 2004


Chapter Three

By the flickering light from the fireplace, I could immediately detect three things. One: I was buck naked. Two: my arms and legs were somehow tied down to something so that my exposed body was on display for Three: Professor Hutchinson was sitting across the room with his chin resting on his fingertips with a bemused smile on his face. Should I scream? What the hell was happening? I wasn't sure whether to give him the satisfaction of looking scared.

"Well, well, well Mr. Thompson, what have you gotten yourself into?" He asked as he slowly stood up and walked across the room. "You know, I graciously gave you the chance to do this consensually this afternoon, but you rebuffed me, you wouldn't even give me the chance to touch this." and with that he lightly placed his hand on my exposed dick.

"That really isn't fair Mr. Thompson, when I've been doing my best to keep my hands off of it the whole semester. Many times when we've had the lights out watching movies, I've longed to come over and caress you, but in the interest of academic decorum, I have resisted. But now, today, when you come at me with your bulging crotch and ask what you can do to improve your grade..well, well, well, that was just too much for me!" he said as he laughed to himself.

"I can assure you, Mr. Thompson, that there is plenty that you can do to improve your grade and you won't have to read a single book or write a single paper." I think we can work out something that will be far more mutually satisfying. As he spoke, he began to softly stroke my dick and cup my balls in his hand. That was too much for me.

"GET THE HELL OFF OF ME YOU FUCKING FAGGOT!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I guess I was hoping to attract help from some unknown source. But if I'd expected the pervert professor to be taken off guard, I was mistaken.

"No one is going to hear you, Mr. Thompson, you'll be working on this extra credit assignment alone!" And with that, he picked up my jockey shorts from the floor and stuffed them into my mouth.

As I gagged on my own underwear, Prof. Hutchinson began to explore my body with his fingers. He squeezed my nipples, caressed my face, chest, shoulders. He traced the outline of my body with his hands and then pushed his hands underneath my buttocks and squeezed them and then began looking for my butthole with his fingers. Very calmly and slowly he brought his hands forward around my hips and back to my exposed cock and balls. He cupped my balls in his hands again as I twisted and strained to get away from him. He took one nut in each hand and squeezed, gently at first, and then with increasingly painful force.

"You'd do well, to just lie back and enjoy this Mr. Thompson. Your ass is mine until I decide to let you go, and it is going to be a long, long time before I get tired of this nice piece of ass. Next I want to see how big your erect cock is, Mr. Thompson, it will help me to decide how high your grade could go. How should we give you an erection?"

One thing I was sure of, I was too repulsed by this pervert and frightened at the circumstances I found myself in to possibly get a hard-on, and even if I felt like it, I wouldn't give him the satisfaction.

How the hell had this happened? It seemed like one minute I was walking out of class and the next minute I found myself tied up in the psychofreak's place. He must have drugged me! It slowly started dawning on me that the entire thing had been a trap! The beers, the coffee, the spilled coffee. Shit! This guy was not only a faggot-pervert, but he was probably dangerously deranged as well.

It felt like he was reading my mind because right then he said "You don't have anything to worry about Mr. Thompson. I'm not going to hurt you or harm you in anyway. I'm enjoying your body too much to make a mark on it. No, no, I'm going to have my fun with you and I'm going to continue to for a long time to come. Only the next time, you'll come here because you want to, not because you were lured here!"

Now he was really out of his mind! The minute I got out of this place I was going straight to the University and getting his ass fired for this!

He spoke again and it was freaky! Was he really able to read my mind or what? "Don't waste your time thinking about how to take revenge on me Mr. Thompson. Do you really think that I would play this dangerous of a game without holding all of the cards? I've got your dick in one hand Mr. Thompson, and your balls in my other. Do you really want to fuck with me? There are two ways for you to take this - one is to lie back and enjoy it and bring your miserable grade up from an F to a C, or a B - or if you REALLY work at it, an A! The other is for you to fight this and to force me to fight you back." And he gripped my balls harder.

As he squeezed my balls harder and harder, he again got that glint in his eye, chuckled to himself and said "Maybe you'd like to see what we've already been up to tonight, Mr. Thompson. Unfortunately, you slept through most of it, and so didn't get to enjoy it, but I graciously arranged for some photographs to share the more delicious moments with you." And with that he reached down and pulled a pile of pictures from the coffee table. At first glance, I realized that indeed he did hold all of the cards, and that I was indeed, screwed..

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 3

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