Yes Sir Professor

By Bryan Thompson

Published on Jan 9, 2004


"You aren't enjoying this by any chance are you?" Hutchinson said sneeringly at me. I immediately began to rationalize my arousal to myself, what normal guy doesn't respond to having his dick played with and sucked on?! I could just close my eyes and pretend it was a girl. I attempted to do so, but was unable to think about anything except the strange circumstances in which I found myself. The other problem I was experiencing was that by this time I was really needing to take a piss - all the beer from the night before was bursting to get out. But what the hell could I do about it? Ask for a bathroom break? I should probably just piss in his mouth - he deserves it. I actually considered it, but I had such a raging hard-on and cum also wanting to come out, my dick and balls felt like they were going to explode. I was pretty sure that if I had an orgasm, I'd also end up pissing on him too.

Damn he was good, I'd had just a couple of blowjobs from chicks, but nothing like this. How I detested him for making me enjoy it.

Once again, he seemed to read my mind, this was getting spooky. "What are you thinking by now Mr. Thompson? I'll tell you what I am thinking, your erect organ has exceeded my hopes and expectations." He held my dick in his hands and stroked it, I was about to shoot. "Are you ready for a bathroom break young man? I'll give you one if youpromise not toattempt an escape."

Yeah,like I was really going to promise him that. But nonetheless I nodded my head, anything for the hope of getting untied.

"Well, lets see what we can do for you, I think I'd enjoy watching you relieve yourself." Shit!Just when I thought he couldn't be any bigger of a pervert, he always surprised me."I'll need some more equipment from my bag of tricks in order to accomplish this."And with that, he reachedinto his leather bag and removed a pair of handcuffs. He placed one cuff on my right wrist and then untied my left wrist from the rope binding me down.Before I could even think about trying to land a punch on him, he deftly moved my arm and hooked theother cuff on. Then he was able to untie my other wrist without giving me a chance to overpower him. He then pulled me to a sitting position and painfully lowered my arms behind my back. I was about to piss all over him, I didn't think I could hold it in another second.

"If you are going for a walk, I'll need to put you on a leash." heexplained as he hooked a leather leash onto the leatherdevice he had around my cock and balls. Then he finally untied my feet. What could I do? I had totake a piss so badly by then that I couldn't even plot an escape attempt.

"Allow me to show you to the restroom." Andwith that he began to tug on the leash and literally led me by the dick down the hallway. I was too busy glancing furtively around looking for any clues or escape routes to stop to contemplate how embarrassing it was to be led to take a piss like a dog on a leash.My bodywas stiff and sore from being tied in one position so long.We arrived at the john and he stepped aside and pushed me in.

"Allow me" he said as he tookhold of my dick and pointed it at the toilet. I was horrified to see our image in thebathroom mirror - me tied up with some pervert holding my dick for me to go to thebathroom.Still sporting a hard-on, it was hard to get the urine flowing, and when it finally did it hurt and it came for a long, longtime. He watched the wholeprocess apparently enjoying himself. Then he tapped and squeezed the last drops out.

"That should permit you toenjoy your orgasmmore fully." he saidas he reached down and pulled the leash back between my legs, tugging painfully on myballs and forcing me to walk backwards. "Oh, I've been wanting to get a good look at your naked backside - yes, very very nice; firm ass, youwork out, and yousunbathe with a Speedo-just the view I was hoping for! I think I need a picture of this for my collection as well - remind me to my camera back out." Again he reached out and traced the outline of my torso with his hands and brought them to rest on my ass. "Oh, so much of you to enjoy and so much time to do so!"

Now that I'd taken a piss, I could think more clearly. This might be my one shot at getting away from this whack job. What were my options? How could I accomplish it with the handcuffs? He was behind me so I couldn'tbody slam him- he'd probably already thought of that. When we returned to the living room, I was able to see my prison cell - it was actually a futon, and he'd had me tied to its four legs. He stood me by the futon and reached down into his bag. I didn't have any time to prepare a strategy, but I realized this might be my one and only chance to escape and salvage what was left of my masculinity. With all the forceIcould muster,I slammed down onto him and then kicked him as hard as I could. In the split second that he was taken off guard I turned and frantically looked for the door and ran towards it, never stopping to consider how I'd open it without any hands.

In another second I felt myself slammed to the floor. His robe had come open in the attack. Unfortunately, I'd been right, he was in good shape. He was on top of me at once, his normally calm and taunting eyes now burned with surprise anger. At least I had taken round three, as short as it had been.

As I lay writhing on the floor, he fiercely and painfully grabbed me by the genitals. He put his knees on my chest and his hand on my throat as our combined weights crushed the handcuffs into the flesh of my wrists.

"Lets go over the scorecard, Mr. Thompson! You have a young, strong, athletic body and could likely overpower me, BUT, I have it tied and cuffed. You could run out the door and escape, BUT you are stark naked other than wearing perverse sexual equipment - I have your clothes securely locked away - do you really want to be seen on campus in your present state? True, you are clearly a captive, but you also showobvious evidence ofyour pleasure." he said as he slapped my stillerect dick.

"And yes, of course, you could somehow get free, get dressed and march right into theadministration building and report me.But whoare they going to believe? Thepathetic 18 year old with a 1.2 GPA and a ridiculous story, or the respected, tenured, published professor? And if by any stretch of the imagination, you persuaded them to believe you, I have the pictures that show how much you enjoyed our date! You see, Mr. Thompson, Inotonly have you by the balls and the throat, but I continue to hold all of the cards. And I have grown tired of your resistance! Youare attempting toact as though you do not want this, but your male organ, the center of your being, is telling us a very different story."

We both looked down at my dick which, damn it!, was still rock hard. He then let go of my throat andslid down off my torso to kneel beside me on the floor.

"You want me to finish your blow-job, don't you Mr. Thompson?" he said as he stroked my aching cock.

"You want a blowjob from me, don't you Mr. Thompson?" he repeated, squeezing my dick harder and harder.

"I am now going to removethe gag from your mouth and there is one thing, and one thingonly that youmay say...'Yes sir, professor.' any other answer will result ina great deal of pain and embarrassment for you. Say yes andyou will be utterly surprised at the heights of sexual pleasure to which I can take you. - I'll give you a minute to make your decision."

to becontinued...

Next: Chapter 6

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