YoGA MaT' o1

By T. Chase McPhee

Published on May 11, 2024


% This work of fiction is set in the format of real-world situations. Identifying details to real people, alive or dead, is entirely coincidental in nature. If a character from this story happens to have the same first name, use it to your advantage and put yourself in his place. The author is not responsible for leakage.

% Countries have various rules regarding reading or viewing adult material'. It is up to you, the reader, to research this subject, abiding by laws and conscience. The pages of this story contain 'adult material', intended for an adult audience.' Bypass this warning at your own risk!

% If sexual scenes involving male-to-male relationships offends you, then why are you here? Seriously, if dude-to-dude sex & related stuff makes you wanna barf or is gonna screw up your mind, you should not read this story.

% Sexual safety matters. Guys, this is fiction. In real life, use protection and I don't mean going out and hiring a security guard...unless he gives your nuts and bolt a jolt!

% Hey dudes, if you have enjoyed reading NiFTy stories as much as I have over the years, consider adding some $upport for `internet $pace' or else I will have to start cutting handsome, hairy or steamy characters out of my stories. Do you dare imagine a story without any tops? % Give till it hurts...and if that's not enough, get with some s&m!

'YoGA MaT' 24 WriTten by T. Chase McPhee


Next morning, the yoga studio was buzzing with men journeying from the locker room to the studio of the next Naked Yoga Class. As usual, some guy was taunting another, trying to pull the towel from one of his fellow classmate's waist!

Mat, holding the door, also a normal thing, "hey, would you guys stop behaving like a dorm full of college boys in heat?"

One of the dudes, a grad student Mat favored, after spending his life savings on tuition, and whom having felt sorry for him, giving Jordan a 'free ride' on class fees, the last one in the door, turns and smiles at the yoga instructor, after having received a friendly little pat on the ass!

Often, after class Mat or one of his other students could go off topic, one instance reminding the other of days gone by. Mat could relive the college dorm scene, which had little supervision, guys roaming the halls with their cocks and balls in full swing. It would put a straight dude to shame, listening in, a gay man taking it in stride, "yeah, stop acting gay, before I tell your wife!"

Sometimes a come-back line could be, "how do you know she doesn't already know?"

Who got the last laugh?! :)

What was discovered by some of these straight men, married or single, is they had a gay streak running through their veins and attending 'Nude Yoga', the manisfestation began to work itself out into the open. It also provided an outlet for some men, a way to cheat on their wives, on occasion, going home with one of the gay members of the class. Those particular ones looked upon getting a sex fix without getting tied up in a permanent m-m relationship. Straight, gay, other, all men liked venturing outside of a relationship, with the variety of folk out there.

"Hey, Mat," Sherman is there, not in a towel, but his gym threads, "after your class I need to have a talk with you."

"Something of importance, which needs my immediate attention, Sherman?"

It wasn't a secret, the cute boy, Sherman entered the lobby with his gym shorts packed, which confronted by his boss over the issue, reported, maybe he had a 'thing' for Mat.

Since the opening of the gym, out back, was a week from opening, Mat wanted everything perfect, so gave it his prioritized focus.

"See that guy standing over there?"

Mat looks upon him as a normal college fratboy, "yeah, what of him?"

"I think he has some good ideas about opening a cafe in the old warehouse behind the gym."

Before Mat could say anything, Tom enters the scene, "need your signature on this." Also, scanning the kiosk area, "hey, who's the hot cub? Haven't seen him around here before. Signing up? I've got a free few minutes to show him the layout."

A lot to process, from Sherman's point of view, he left the decision up to Tom's parner.

It was kind of an apex to his day, starting with a 'hot' yoga class full of nude men, things sliding downhill from there, so Mat says, "since you're not doing much right now, Tom, why don't you see why Sherman thinks of him as a man of interest for our business."

"He's looking for a job?" Tom says, adding, "mm-mm, even better than membership."

Mat, slowly closing the door, says, "he's all yours, Sherman. And Tom?"

"Yes, dear?"

"Can you manage to keep your hands to yourself?"

Hands on his hips, Tom looked comical, "are you seriously insinuating?"

Mat gives him the two-fingered eye thing, his eyes on Tom every step of the way.

Sherman says, "don't worry Mat, I'll be on top of things."

After Sherman says it, he thinks on it, pulling the door open, "uh, Mat, trust me, I didn't mean it that way."

Turning back, before Mat enters room full of naked men, retorts, "sometimes a man needs to learn things the 'hard' way!"

Rubbing hands together, Tom, always in heat when it comes to laying eyes on a hot man, says, "shall we get to it, Sherm?"

Sherman rolls his eyes. Good thing he had first dibs at sleeping with 'the cub', so he could pass it on, "um, not to burst your bubble, or develop any bad vibes between us, Tom, but me and Geoff, we kind of found an interest in each other."

"Oh," Tom stops, staring Sherman in the face, then jovially says, "so, you got to him before I did?"

"Love kind of has a way of working its way, besides, your married?"

Another one bites the dust.

"So, it's love, is it?"

"Hard to tell after one night," Sherman acts sheepishly.

"You know, Sherm, I really don't know how these rumors get started, but it's not a requirement for a guy to have sex with me, before he's hired?"

Patting Tom on the shoulder, Sherman says, as he irks his boss on, "yeah, I wonder that myself, how juicy rumors like that get started!"

From afar, Tom tried quieting his balls, the objects of his approach feeling sexy and suave as they made their landing.

Sherman is the one to introduce, "this is one of the owners, Tom, in charge of hiring, firing, and just about everything else," making it a point, "also married to the other owner of the gym, Mat, who has a Nude Yoga class at the moment. Tom, this is Geoff D'Marino."

Tom was a little disappointed Sherman threw the 'married' part in, but understood it as protecting his assets, "good to meet you Geoff."

"Same," Geoff says, shaking Tom's firm grip with a soft shake, like a wilted houseplant.

"Why don't we take this up in my office?"

Geoff suggests, "um, actually, I think it might get my point across better if we speak out back at the facility I hope to purchase and renovate."

Tom says, "aren't you a little too young, to think about becoming an entrepreneur, Geoff, unless you're loaded?"

Geoff's thoughts changed from something 'dirty', to what Tom was actually alluding to, "I admit, I have a lot to learn and of the entrepreneurial part, nah, right now I'm lucky to have money for cooking school. But the loans I'm taking out now, I figure, if I can get a little revenue going, there will be less to pay off in a timely manner, cutting the interest costs."

Part infatuation, part business-minded, Sherman says, "smart move, Geoff," he pats Geoff on the shoulder, proudly.

Being the busnessman he is, having been the brains behind the financial part of Mat's own venture into the yoga studio, and now annexing the gym, Tom feels good about Geoff, saying, "lead the way."

After their little sexual romp last night, Sherman and Geoff couldn't sleep, so they went out back, and with flashlights, Geoff gave Sherman the tour, outlining how the place could be renovated and turned into a topnotch cafe.

Glad he did this, getting Sherman's ideas on how to improve, Geoff says, "I have to confess, not only me, but Sherman gave me some good pointers on how to improve."

Tom's mind was on something else, "I'm sure he did."

Leaning his mouth towards Tom's ear, Sherman whispers, "behave or I'll have to take punitive action!"

Smiling, Tom says, "mm-mm, bring it on!"

Geoff, unaware of the secret conversation, continues through the gym, towards the back door.

"Stuck again," he turns to Sherman for help.

"On it," Sherman hustles towards where Geoff is standing.

Tom follows, with his eyes, seeing how Geoff reacts to his 'knight in shining armor', which the outcome shows him there is something there in their future as a couple.


Elton wakes up, in his own bed, feeling the place next to him, where Randy lay last night. Not at all worried that he's gone with never a whim to return, rolls back over onto his back. A hand finds the place of attention, rubbing his soft shaft, feeling all that dried goo, smiling at the memory of where he had it last night.

On the other side of town, as business subsides, Randy goes to sit on one of the stools behind the lobby desk, "oh shit!"

Next to him sits James, "something the matter, Randy?"

"Nah," he lies, instead of mentioning the heavy fuck last night with Elton, length and width having to do with expanding his tender ass, "just not used to this hard stool."

James wondered about that, being both cushions of the bar-height stools were padded, "I hope you can get used to it." Hopping off his own stool, he checks, "nope, not removable, Rand. Sorry 'bout that."

"Thanks," Randy felt a little remorse for hooking up with Elton, being James was such a hottie, cute, mannerly, any man's fine catch!

Before Randy can sit down, two men walk in, followed by another. The 'other' looks ripped, as he approaches the counter, "hey, word's getting out around town that you're opening a gay gym. Where do I sigh up?"

The other two, apparently 'together', say, "yeah, us too. Says right here," one holds a flyer, "pre-sign up gets us a ten percent discount and if we get another to sign up, it's fifteen?"

The gruff musclehead standing at the counter is checking out the offer, "fifteen percent, not bad."

Randy is about to say something, James butting in, "fifteen percent is if you have another with you, though you qualify for the ten percent, sir."

"Still, I don't see the difference, them getting fifteen and me, ten?"

That's how James addresses older guys, which to him, this guy might have a lot of muscle mass, but lacked 'brain muscle', "uh, read my lips, champ, there's two of them and one of you, so either you take the ten percent discount or pay your way at full price?"

Randy thought James exhibited having 'balls', which he was sure there were ample amount under his three-quarter yoga pants, but with meaning, he knew how to stand up to guys who looked like they could pound you into the ground with a thumb.

Then, to confirm his thoughts, the musclehead says, "one thing I gotta hand it to you, you've got balls, boy."

Smiling at his assumption, Randy, since he feels James has it in the bag, "so you going to shut up and sign up, or leave?"

"Damn!" He was obviously impressed, "you got a paper to fill out?"

James hands him a form, "go over there and fill it out."

Randy says, after doing the same for the two guys with the fifteen percent discount, "shit, James, you really know how to control a guy."

"Not really what I intended, but taking a situation in hand, in whichever way it deems necessary, can be imperative to making or breaking a deal."

"Yeah, well looks like you avoided a confrontation with Mr. Musclehead."

"Yeah, and I liked the way you stood up for me, Randy."

"Uh, yeah, about that," Randy gulps, "I wasn't really going to, except that you, you know?"

"Thanks. I'll take that as a compliment!"

"What I am wondering though," Mr. Musclehead, comes back over, if people are coming to sign up for the gym, why are we signing up in the yoga place? Do I get a look at the gym?"

"You're right."

Randy smiles.

"Not a problem, sir," James rifles through the drawer, coming up with a tagged set, key, marked 'gym', "these must be it."

Coming out from behind the counter, James says, "if you will follow me, I'll take you to the gym, where you can check out the facility."

Mr. Musclehead is the first to respond, with thoughts, 'I'll follow you anywhere, boy!'

He meant, all-inclusive, but the couple next to him say to Randy, "actually, we'd be more interested in the nude yoga class?"

Randy's crotch was aching, but there was no one else around to watch the front desk, "right now, there's a yoga class in progress." Then, spotting one of the workers, he changes his tune, "uh, wait here a second."

The two men turn around to see a man with a bucket and mop. Right away they began talking among each other, about how, it seems, every man who was employed at the yoga studio, looke, 'hot'!

Randy, after talking to the yoga studio worker, returns, "the beauty of people who work here, sometimes they have to go beyond the job expectations."

One of them says to Randy, "he doesn't look very happy about whatever it is you said to him?"

Without hesitation, Randy says, "he needs the job. He'll do what he's told."

Hasan put his mop and bucket behind the counter. Surely, hired by Tom to do a specific job, he wasn't happy about Randy's directive. However he looks at this as a break from the ordinary and perhaps, he might be there at the counter when yoga class lets out, having the opportunity of seeing all those men, dressed in towels and sandals, saying to himself, 'man, would that make my day!'

Even more so, if one or even two of those men were to come over to the desk, strike up a conversation and then invite Hasan over to their place for the evening.

Watching the male couple follow Randy on the guided tour, the cute one in particular looks back, giving Hasan a smile. He smiles back.

This is not the first time Hasan has been pulled away from his work. Many a time Randy has taken him aside, told him he needed someone to cover for him while he's giving a tour of the facility, with intentions of turning a fifteen minute walk through into an hour. He perceives no difference this time.

Standing there, Hasan strikes two fingers in a snap, recovers from his bod leaning against the counter raids the stash of protein bars, meant as give-aways to customers. He takes a coconut-cherry and then without disgression, grabs a handful and stuffs it in his pants pocket. Of course he knows there's a security camera pointed towards the reception desk, so waves and mouths the words, 'thanks'!

After a few minutes of boredom and with his elemental skills at electronics, he programs the camera trained on himself to viewing the nude yoga studio.

'Nice', Hasan says, watching all those shafts hang down, tips almost touching the floor for most men. A few become aware of their longer dicks touching, looking underneath themselves, obviously in touch with the coldness of the floor. Sitting behind the counter and with the visual barricade, Hasah unbuckles his belt, unzips and yanks out his already growing shaft.

Almost ready to groom his cock, the door bangs shut, which signals him to 'put it away', "oh hi. Can I help you?"

There was no time to fix the button on his pants, but the zipper could hold it together, though Hasan wasn't sure if not buckling his belt could hinder the whole holding-it-together thing, causing his hips the only part of his bod keeping his pants from falling.

"Probably," Elton says. "I'm looking for my boyfriend."

Hasan really didn't know who he was talking about, jokes, "oh, I thought those roses were for me!"

Elton did think it might be nice having the desk jockey as a boyfriend, indeed a very handsome guy, but cuts to the chase, "I wish I had another dozen roses," he laughs, "but do you know where Randy is?"

It took no time at all for Hasan to throw the picture together and knowing where Randy's tour might be, "I can go get him for you, if you want?"

"He doesn't know I'm here. I'd rather it be a surprise."

To buy time, hoping Randy had fit in a little of a tour before 'showing' the couple the supply closet, Hasan says, "how long have you and Randy been boyfriends?"

"Not long. In fact, it's been like an overnight thing. I guess you can say we surprised each other, hitting it off like it was love at first sight?"

"Like, in the past week? Month?"

"Significant," even Hasan deems it not really true.

"Yeah, it was like, it hit us both at once, right from the start of meeting each other. Crazy, huh?"

"That is," Hasan runs out of words to stall, but then is relieved of the duty, receiving a phone call. After listening to questions about the nude yoga class and not knowing how to respond, he leaves it at, "the best way to find out is to come talk with the owner."

When he hangs up, Elton is no where in sight, "oh shit!"

Hasan scrambles to look down the hallway, seeing no one. He knows he's in charge and hoping no one will walk in off the street, leaves his post. However, he realizes in the space of only a few minutes, Elton has entered the locker room.

Elton found the locker room empty, but heard a commotion in the supply closet and opening the door has found three naked men.

To the one in the middle of two, both on their knees, one working Randy's ass, with tongue deeply embedded, the other making love to Randy's dick, "Randy, what the fuck?"

At this point, the dozen roses Elton has brought to his loverman, droops to his side.

"Oh shit! Elton! I can explain this," Randy walks towards Elton, ripping the tongue from his ass, pulling his fully loaded shaft from the other man's mouth.

"You don't have to. I can see it plainly for myself," the boiling temperature rises within Elton.

Storming out of the locker room, what Elton didn't count on, was about to literally hit him in the face.

From the other side of the door, Hasan is headed in and without warning gets fully blocked by the door, sending him backwards onto his ass!

At first Elton walks away, but then, turning around, finds the person on the floor not moving, which then hits him a different way, "oh no, what have I done?"

With his cell out, he walks back to Hasan, laid out like a starfish on the floor.

Rubbing his shoulder, Elton checks, "hey, are you alright?"

Hasan lifts his head, then tries pushing himself up on his elbows, "I think."

Elton could see he wasn't okay, whipping out his cell, dials 911.

It was a matter of a few minutes and the emt's were on the yoga studio's doorstep.

By that time Randy had recovered his clothing, dressed and was standing at the locker room door, "I'm really sorry about all of this, Elton."

Elton doesn't look up from playing nurse to Hasan, "you should be!"

Shortly, Tom rounds the corner, "what the fuck is happening here, Randy?"

Randy is lost for words, "um, I had stepped away for only a few minutes and..."

Elton fills in the blanks, "more than a few minutes. Like, how long does it take for foreplay, before one guy even gets your pants down, Randy?"

Tom looks away from Hasan on the floor, "what's this really about, Randy?"

There he goes again, Randy's implusive behavior getting him into trouble again, "I can explain."

Tom, who had joined Elton on the floor, kneeling at Hasan's side had a clear glimpse of Randy crotch and even though partially zippered, could see 'sex' that had leaked out, "go to my office and stay there until I'm done here, Randy."

As Randy is leaving the scene in the hallway, two EMT's head his way, one smiling, of which Randy is too scared-shit to respond.

Reporting to Hasan's side, the two get to work on him, asking all kinds of questions, which Elton, broken up over Randy's sex rendezvous in the supply closet and his encounter with Hasan, "it's totally my fault. I was upset and came out with such a rage, and I didn't see him coming in."

At first, one of the medics, ready to condemn Elton for allowing his rage to rule, suddenly changes direction, "it seems, it wasn't entirely your fault, if he was going into the lockers and you were coming out?"

It suddenly occurs to Elton, that the case, "I didn't think of it that way."

A little relief he encounters, but the main burden on his emotions, causes Elton to plop his ass down and lean against the wall.

Tom says, "are you all right, El?"

Elton says, "yes and no. Mostly no, I guess."

The emt says, "from the look of things, it seems his forehead took the blow of the door, which means he's lucky. He'll probably wake up tomorrow with a strong headache. Still, we're going to transport him to the hospital to have a real doc check him out."

"Thanks," Elton is slow in saying, "um?"

He reached out a gloved hand to introduce himself, "Kip Spalding," but then retrieves the hand, realizing the health risk, "sorry."

"No," Elton says, "it's okay. I get it."

What Elton didn't get, is why this thirty-something guy was acting like he was hitting on him. He's never thought of being with anyone older than himself, but then maybe his thinking in the wrong direction.

Just then they are faced with a barrage of nearly-naked men, headed for the locker room. A guerny blocks their path. Tom directs them, apologizing profusely, sending them out one exit, to enter through the one on the far side of the hallway.

Things clear the air though, after Hasan is bundled up in a neck brace, placed on a guerny and as they are being wheeled out, is handed a card, "my unprofessional card. Call me later?"

After they leave with Hasan, Elton says, "I'm terribly sorry for all the commotion, Tom."

Tom asks, "why the roses?"

Elton says, "long story, but right now, where's the trash?"

Smiling, Tom says, "I wouldn't do that if I were you."

"Oh? How's that go?"

"Might come in handy for the owner of the card just given you!"

Elton didn't know Tom that much and Tom, feeling likewise, talked like they have been friends for years.

"In what way? I mean, he's probably twice my age. Besides, from what just happened, I'm staying away from men."

Tom, wise to how love goes and the power of sexual wellbeing, knows better!

"If you wanna talk, I'm a good listener?"

Mat, coming down the hall, after speaking with the EMT's, half naked, says, "Tom, what the hell is happening here?"

He gives Elton the once over, not neglecting to look at the bouquet of roses.

"It's complicated, but I'm just about to find out."

"Good," Mat says, without passing by them, walks away.

"Aren't you going to change?"

Mat says, "there's no one on the front desk."

That explains it, Tom knowing if even one customer walks away, it's more business for the other yoga studio in town. One point of disgression, the other studio has only 'fully-clothed' sessions!

"Like, I was saying."

"Elton," Elton says.

"Tom," he counters. "If you need to talk?"

Smirking, for one thing, Elton didn't want to take this home and worst scenario, the possibility of running into his next door neighbor, Randy.

What Tom did forget, he had bannished Randy to his office.

Upon entering, Randy gets up from Tom's leather sofa, in full apology, "Elton, I'm so, so sorry."

It's a good thing Elton decided to unload onto Tom, because when entering the office and being confronted by Randy, he could not hold his temper, "you fucking bastard," he slaps his cheek with an open hand!

It sends the unsuspecting Randy flying to his right, going right over the side chair, unanchored to wall, both toppling over.

"Oh my god," Tom says, holding both hands up to the sides of his head and after recovering a bit, "Randy, you okay?"

More dazed than anything else, it was a total surprise, but not the same kind of whack to the side of his head, like his old man used to deliver, "I'm fine," he gets up, uprighting the chair.

"I guess this means you're not into forgiving me?"

Tom puts it to rest, "Randy, go home. We'll talk about this tomorrow."

Randy, realizing the implications, far beyond hurting Elton, "I still have a job, right?"

Tom reiterates, "we'll talk tomorrow. I need to think on it and you do too."

Elton has taken to sitting in the chair at Tom's desk. The roses are in the trash.

Walking over, Tom reaches down and pulls the bouquet out, "I think I have a vase in the bathroom."

Elton is just too stunned to say anything, sitting there and developing a case of the sniffles.

"There's tissues on the desk, if you need them."

In not even two minutes, Tom had found a vase, filled it and returns with the roses, "did you find the tissues?"

"Yeah," Elton says, in a downhill spiral, needing emotional rescue.

"Stealth roses. Must be from the florist."

Elton corrects, "I got'em at the superfood store."

"Oh, they reopened?"

"Under new management. I got my old job back, part time."

"Oh, I thought maybe you would be in college," Tom tries steering away from the real problem.

"I was, but hope to get back to it. Right now though, I need to look for another part time job to balance the rent money."

"I might be able to help you out with that," Tom says.

"Thanks, but I'm not working at a place where 'he' works."

"No," Tom says. "Where, I was talking about. is the Gay Pride Center."

"I thought that was volunteer work?"

"Not the size of the operation it is now. In fact, if you wait a second, I'll give my friend, Bill, a call. Bill's the director and can give me the heads up if there's any openings," Tom picks up his cell. "That is, if you've got a minute?"

Elton did, have a minute. Fact is, he felt like Tom's office was a comfort zone, a place away from the troubles of the world. For right now, at least, which left him with shoulders slouching, exhaling a deep breath, as if all the troubles he had in the universe had lifted up and over the heavens. Closing his eyes he slipped a little, that silky-soft feel of leather moving his clothed ass forwards. It's only when Tom started to speak he came back from that ugly daydream, of opening that supply closet door, finding three men naked, Randy the middle of a sandwich.

"Yeah, Bill," Tom's voice went on, Elton half-paying attention.

"You do? Great. Okay if I send him over right now?" There was a pause, Tom reconnecting with the conversation, "oh, Monday morning. Sure. I'll let him know."

After he sees Tom touch his cell off, Elton says, "he's got something for me?"

"Starting Monday morning."

He could hear doubt in Tom's vocal rendering, Elton saying, "but?"

"It's a full time job. You would have to quit the job at the supermarket."

Like a speeding race car powering his brain, Elton says, "everything is happening so fast."

Indeed, as the door opens, a familiar face sticks in through a crack, saying, "Tom, can I see you for a few." Stopping mid-sentence, "oh, you're busy, I'll come back."

The door closes, then opening once more, "hey, it's you!"

Tom knew it wasn't 'him', being he already knew who the face was at the door.

Elton pulls the crumbly business card from his pocket, saying, "hey, you're the guy who handed me this card!"

He knew the guy who handed Elton his business card, Kip Spaulding, the EMT who had responded when the call came in, to report to the yoga studio. He was allowing things to proceed on its own course.

"Elton, right?"

Elton studies the card, zeroing in on the name, "Crispin Spaulding?"

Fully opening the door and like he was totally ignoring Tom, walks over to where Elton sits up, "yes, but I'm better known as Kip," he holds out a welcoming hand.

Kind of a weird encounter, "I'm Elton," who then realizes Kip already knows, "oh, you already know, but they call me El."

Like star-struck-in-love, Kip says, "it's good to know you, finally, when we're both not caught up in something."

To Tom, it was obvious the scale tipped towards Elton, eyes red, personality not as brilliant as Kip.

In order to allow nature to take it's course, Tom says, "well, boys, I've got to go check up on something and it's getting pretty near closing time."

Kip looks at his fit watch, "but it's only noon, Tom?"

Patting Kip on the shoulder as he passes by, Tom says, "still, all-in-all, time seems to fly around here when it gets busy."

Leaving the room, Elton extends gratitude, "thanks for hooking me up with the job at the pride center, Tom."

"You're welcome," Tom says and with his back to the door he closes, exhales a "whew!"

Good reason for it, as the conversation carries on inside, perhaps a little match-making on Tom's part?!

"Well, aren't I the lucky one?"

Elton says, "how so?"

"For what seems months I've been pestering Bill Le Jeune, he's the director at the pride center, for an assistant and what I assume is, you're that person."

So much to process, Elton is a little bent out of sorts, "wait. You work at the pride center?"

"I'm on call when I'm not at my regular job. Yes, but it looks like you will be on call when I'm not available."

Lack of confidence, understandable, Elton says, "but I'm not a paramedic. I don't even know anything about wounds or someone fainting. Hell, all I'm able to do is put on a bandaid!"

Kip smiles, giggles, like it's all a joke, "well, that's a start!"

On his lunch hour, Kip had put in a hectic half day at work, comes over and sits on the leather sofa, leaving one cushion distance in between.

Elton shifts his bod, turning towards Kip, "I don't even know if that's something I'd be interested in."

"Well, I know one thing and that's for sure."

"What's that?"

Turning his bod a bit, Kip says, "you're very caring," referring to what transpired today, "and you're too good a person to be treated in the way you were given. Not which I have anything against Randy, but what I see in you, isn't what I see as compatible with him. Or, maybe I should be minding my own business."

Elton was a little confused about Kip's feelings, but singling out himself, "and what are you feeling for me right now?"

It's something the thirty-four year old wasn't prepared to expose about his feelings, but a revelation to himself, "I don't know what it is about you, Elton," he stops, starts up again, "El, I feel for you and your problem," realizing he's probably eluded the real aspect of his emotions, "gee, I hope you're okay with talking to an older guy, about feelings and all?"

He knew he felt something, but not sure himself, Elton says, "are you coming onto me, Kip?"

Scratching his head of hair, which didn't itch, Kip says, "yeah, you've probably hit the nail on the head."

Elton had already reconciled about love and what it could hold for him. Age didn't matter, other than he wasn't interested in an older-older man, "you're okay with a chubby guy?"

There it was, Kip knowing he was at a point of no return, "I have no problem with the shape of a man, like 'size' doesn't even matter."

After he said it, Kip could've kicked himself.

Feeling hope for the future, Elton says, "one of my superlatives, I suppose."

"What's that?"

Feeling flippy, Elton says, "um, does like, 9-inches scare ya?"

"Nine," Kip lightens up, "inches, you say? Hm, no. Not really."

Not with knowledge of everything about gay-relations, Elton says, "oh, but here I am being selfish. Maybe you like to be the one who gets sucked, and, you know?"

Kip didn't intend on venturing down this road, but it was sure as sexy as hell to detour, "as I was standing outside the door, I'm bad."

"How so?"

"I was listening in on your conversation. Y'know, these doors aren't what the doors at Fort Knox are made of, and, I happen to hear that you're a little upset that you're living next door to Randy and..."

"Wow, you have a good sense of hearing!"

Kip assumed Elton knew where he was taking this, and already turning him down, "never mind."

To Elton, Kip's demeanor looked as if he was disappointed and to top it off, it was himself, the cause. Perhaps he had done something to drive Randy to doing the same?

Life sure has it's problems, 'love' even more so, but rather than hung up on ethics, Elton decides to act on the here and now, and getting up out of the leather sofa, walks over to Tom's desk, picks up the twice-trashed bouquet, "Kip, do you happen to like roses?"

He was first perplexed at Elton's movement, eyes following, but with the explanation and actions to why, he uses his hands to propel himself into standing, "I love roses, El."

Not knowing any other clever way to say it, Elton moves them forward, "here, then, have them, even though they weren't first meant for you."

"Hey," Kip smiles, "I'm not picky about seconds."

All Elton can seem to do is smile, but then elated when Kip takes the flowers, making them second to leaning in for a kiss.

"Hey, no offense, but my dad didn't even kiss like that."

It struck Kip as strange, "you're dad, kiss?"

"Oh damn. I hoped I would never slip and go to that place," Elton puckers his lips with disgust.

Placing a hand on Elton's shoulder, "hey, if what you're saying is what I think you're saying, don't worry about it. We both have a lot to learn about each other. I have some skeletons hiding in my closet and if you're willing to share, I will too."

More impulsive than anything else, Elton reaches arms forward, entwining them with Kip's bod, hugging him with all his might, "thanks."

"For what?" Kip says, embracing the frat-man, holding the scraggy clump of bouquet roses to Elton's back. "Hey."


Kips says, "the roses, they still smell like roses!"


Meanwhile, back at the picnic grove, as happens to Patrick, being top cop, he's called away.

Left to themselves, Nick says, "so, Patrick caught you peeing in public?"

Quaint little smile on Kyle's lips, the young cop says, "uh yeah, but can I level with you on something?"

"Sure," Nick says.

"Can you keep an open mind?"

Nothing much bothers Nick, "of course."

"I like to pee."

Taken aback, Nick says, "um, like, isn't it like, a fact of life? Like, we all can't just go and hold it in, dah?"

Kyle sat there, legs dangling over the edge of the picnic table, shirtless, but with pants on, and after thinking carefully of the next words to come out of his mouth, "okay, here goes. You ever hear of water sports?"

"Oh sure. I love it."

"Really?" Kyle thinks, this not going to be as rough a road to go down as he thought.

"Love the way those Olympic men hurl themselves up in the air," Nick explains with this hands in a roly-poly motiton, "twisting this way and that way in syncronization, then diving with impeccable timing into the pool. You know they lose points is they make too much of a splash?"

Kyle takes it all in, "no, I didn't know that." He's then not sure Nick can take this, but then thinking 'now or never', "I'm not talking about Olympic divers, though I think they're kind of hot."

"Oh," Nick places folded hands in between his legs, like he's praying, "then what?"

Clearing his throat, Kyle is not sure about moving ahead, afraid of losing the guy that's already growing on him.

"You had something else to say?"

"Uh, yeah," but Kyle is still reluctant.

Nick then confesses, "y'know, once I had a dude stick his cock in my mouth and when he was all the way to the back, like the tip of his shaft was right there at the back of my throat, he like, let loose and pissed down my throat, every last drop going into my stomach?"

"You bastard!"

It's all Nick could do, half-laughing, half holding onto the picnic table, to keep Kyle's shove from pushing him over the edge.

Quick as the push, Kyle is reaching out to keep Nick from the harm of falling onto the knotted-wooden bench.

Both of them say at once, "that was a close one!"

When Kyle had pulled on Nick's arm, to keep him from somersaulting over the edge, they wound up face to face in a warm embrace.

"Yeah," Nick says, warming up Kyle's lips.

After that sweet show or affection for each other, Kyle says, "so, you up for a golden shower?"

Not totally up on the terms, Nick says, "and that is?"

Throwing hint, Kyle says, "kind of hard to explain."

Nick takes the hint, "your place or mine?"


The incident at the yoga studio had delayed Mat, but soon as the accident report was filled out and Hasan instantly promoted to front desk duty, Mat headed across the drive to the yet to be opened gym.

Delays have a way of causing a person to be late for something important, but for Sherman and Chef Geoff, it gave them time to wrap up some itinery, plus iron out some questions about top and bottom roles!

"Hey, you weren't so vocal about me forcing myself deep inside you, Shermy?"

Already they had bonded, Sherman saying, "well just you wait. Tonight you'll be howling at the moon when I shove myself in you, up to the hilt!"

"I can feel the hurt already," Geoff laughs it off.

It's then Sherman shows his soft side, "don't worry, I'll be extra specially gentle."

Already knowing Sherman's length and thickness, Geoff says, "I doubt that very much!"

Sherman giggles, in the sadistic sense, but with a comical twist, has them both laughing.

"Did I miss something?" Mat says, walking in on the two.

Putting everything behind them, Sherman says, "not really. Tom was called away on important business. Oh, but I guess you know that?"

"Not really," Mat says.

"Ok," Sherman continues, "I've given Geoff the tour, but he has a very interesting proposition that I thought needed to be brought to one of the bosses attention."

"Hm," Mat could 'smell' sex, "and that might be?"

Geoff plays it cool, asserting himself, "I've been in contact with the realtor, about the warehouse out back, which fills out the quadrant of this block and it's my hopes and intentions of turning it into a cafe."

From his partner's dealing, Mat already knows where this is going, "and you would need some financial backing, I assume?"

Sherman says, "I told you he's smart!"

"Oh?" Mat directs at Sherman, "and what other brilliant things have you told Geoff about me?"

Prior, Mat and Sherman have not only connected in business, but they knew how each others lips tasted, "oh, just about everything," Sherman smiles a toothy grin.

"I see," Mat looks at Sherman, but then quickly draws his attention to the chef, "so, why don't we take a tour of the place and you can tell me your plans and aspirations as we go, Geoff?"

"Uh, yeah, but."

"Hey," Mat says, "if we're going to be business partners, I think we should speak freely and not hold anything back. So, if you have something to say, say it, Geoff."

Geoff swallows, "okay. You've got your tee shirt on backwards."

Mat looks down his own chest.

Sherman laughs.

"Damn," Mat says, holding the tails of his shirt, pulling it upwards, but because of the sweat of his nude yoga class, it gets stuck, condemning Sherman's laughter, "I could use some help here, Sherm?"

Like it was nothing, Sherman has no recourse but to touch Mat's skin, in order to pull the shirt off overhead.

Geoff is all eyes, licking his lips, with a natural strong desire and can't hold back his feelings, "damn, you're hot!"

Now, if Mat wasn't into a little playing around with all manners of man, he could have been offended, saying, "oh really? And when do I get to see what's hiding under your shirt?"

Sherman, apt at being a little playful himself, takes the tail of Geoff's shirt and lifts it, "a penny for your thoughts, boss?"

Of Geoff's hairy pecs, two embedded pink nips, the stripe opening up into a swath of dark hair of his rounded belly, Mat says, "hm, I think this opinion is going to break your bank, Sherm!"

Geoff says, "is it good or bad, your opinion?"

Little did Mat know, while Geoff had Sherman with his back on the weight bench, fucking him till he shot his seven inch shotgun off, Sherman had tormented Geoff's nips with all his might, probably the main reason so much spunk wound up on Sherman's chest. Geoff left with perky pec spots.

"Why don't we get on with the tour and we'll research that later?"

Much as Mat wouldn't mind frolicking around with Sherman and Geoff, he felt compelled to save up some of his pent up emotions for when he got Tom home, a couple very much devoted to each other, even though their open relationship allowed some daily deviations.

Though, it's not which Mat was not sympathetic and when Geoff got farther ahead of he and Sherman, he says, "why don't you and Geoff come over for cocktails, around eight?"

"Would love to, boss!"


Across town, Tom had showed up at the pride center. He and Bill Le Jeune had been friends since grade school. Part of Bill's childhood had been that of a father in the military, moving around a lot. However, while in sixth grade, Bill's parents divorced, which made it a permanent move, for him to live in a more homey, stationary location. It's here he met up with Tom and since then, have cemented their relationship, on a sexual level, but not without a sense of trust.

"My place?" Bill says.

Tom leans into Bill's ear, "where else am I going to find a fully equipped dungeon atmosphere?"

He knew, saying it in such a descriptive manner, it would be the start of getting Bill's ball boiling!

"Got some new toys, if you're game?"

"Um, like, not up to leave my hole as big as the Holland Tunnel?"

Laughing, Bill says, "you don't think I know that by now? Besides, I'm saving them more for the 'hardcore' boys!"

Even though Tom would badger Bill into revealing the names of some of his 'hardcore' friends, it has never said, "don't suppose you're up for naming names?"

Tom knew better, but it also set the standard for their impending play.

"Now, you should know better, Tom and because you do, I'm going to cut you some slack and use a small buttplug."

"Oh," Tom jokes, "who did you have in mind?"

They jump in Bill's car and caught between conversations, "actually, have got a muscled frat boy interested in playing with a bear your size?"

"Really? Good looking?"

Overlooking the vanity, Bill says, "whatever, but he says he's willing to get into some one-on-one gut punching, which I know you've showed some interest?"

Shaming Bill, "which I could have been doing with you?"

"Hey, you know it's not my thing. Like, hanging weights from your balls, ain't you?"

They both laugh, like nothing surprises either of the two!

"So, who is this hot frat man?"

"More fun keeping you guessing."

Tom labels his good friend, "sadist!"

It's not that Bill hasn't given Tom some of the attention he's lusted after. Fact is, if they had never met, neither might have explored some of their most secret, dark desires.

Bill had experienced some of those lusts as an onlooker. His father, had been with the Canadian Armed Forces, stationed in Petawawa. Since, the base has been transformed into a national wildlife refuge. However, while Bill's father was staioned there, some pretty wild life was going on, which was comprised of men acting like animals.

It was from watching some of these, 'off the wall' endurances of corporal punishment, which practices had been abandoned, acted as a form of entertainment, which still occur. Bill couldn't believe, if not viewed by his own eyes, men stripping other men down, hanging them by their arms and whipping their backs, butts, chests and upon special request, have cocks or balls flogged. Intensely horrifying, but since it was consential, in Bill's young mind, influenced by the lax in principles. His own father even gave play-by-play explanation, which made him see it as a thing of beuty.

When Tom, at a mid-teen age heard the tales Bill told of this, he almost barfed. However, when the two teens began experimenting with both, corporal punishment and sexual desires, sometimes mixing it up, they found not only a unique friendship, but things which could promote the extreme end of the sexual drive.

There was a lull in their relationship, a matter for five years apart, but they still kept in touch. Missing each other terribly, they made a pact to go to the same college. They roomed together and it was through this union of college dorm living, they grew more fond of each other and what they did in secret.

Standing there, where piles of donated boxes to the pride center, stood, Tom had his legs crossed, arms folded along his pecs, while watching Bill direct young people to put this, there, and that, over there.

When everything looked like it was in a place, not scattered about, Bill laments, "whew, what it takes to throw together a camping trip!"

"Oh, when's the trip?"

"We're packing the truck in a few minutes. And oh, by the way, since you have nothing to do," Bill assumes, since Tom is there for reasons not associated with the gay pride center, "I'm glad you're here to volunteer your help!"

As the help dissapates, the only workers left are a few of the older guys, the truck driver and Bill, "oh really? I thought maybe we would be going over to your place and," not wanting to give away the kinky things they would do, "you know?"

He had a distressful, sorry look, Bill saying, "much as I'd like to, buddy, business comes before pleasure."

'Why not?' be placed into servitude, Tom thought, being he would only be going home, alone, to four walls. Would be nice if Mat were there waiting for him, but he had issues to work out at at the yoga studio with Sherman.

Business before pleasure, indeed!

Approaching a small group of college aged guys, Bill and the truck driver, Tom says, "well, where am I most needed?"

"Uh, just hang there for a minute, Tom."

Tom 'hung', going back to his parking space. After hearing the truck door slam, a burley figure comes walking over to him. It was like, not on his way to some place else, but directly making a beeline for him.

"Hi, I'm Jared, Tom."

Tom takes Jared's hand to shake, saying, "have we met?"

"Last week at the Sebastian Youth Center?"

Tom didn't remember, but how could he forgot such a hot man, "of course."

It's then Jared shames him, "good memory, since I was passing from one place to another."

Tom just smiled, thinking he hadn't made the connection and now Jared knows this, "it was just a glimpse actually."

"I overheard you wanting to be put to work where you're most needed. I could use a pair of hands getting these boxes into the truck?"

"Of course," again Tom fibs, "that's what I'm here for!"

However Jared starts into a tirade, "originally I was supposed to deliver the truck and leave, but I don't know how well you know Bill, but I got roped into now loading the truck."

"Well," Tom says, holding up both hands, "here I am, willing and able. All you have to do is tell me where to put, what!"

Smiling, Jared says, "hm."


"Nothing," the tall, dark Arabic man says.

Really, he was picturing Tom naked, well as himself, on all fours, Tom standing behind him, cock fully loaded and as he lowered himself, his shaft stabbing him right in the ass.

With lust and wishful thinking, Tom hesitates, "oh, because I thought maybe you were going to say something else."

Tom stands there with a smile on his face, not making a move.

Jared, thinking there's more to Tom than meets the eye, "this might sound dumb, being that you're here, working at the gay pride center, but do you happen to be gay?"

Tom, he could always tell, "no less than you are!"

Jared, always out to find stuff out about people, knew how to throw a hint, "oh man, I should be stripped naked and horse-whipped you for that!"

Tom did pick up on it, but alludes, "after we're done loading the truck, Bill will reward us both with a horse-whipping!"

Jared couldn't believe his ears, "really? You can get into stuff like that?"

"What? Bondage, nip clamps, a good flogging, yeah into it all."

"But you're a bottom?"

"Totally. You?"

"Depends on the mood I'm in."

Tom gets an idea, "well, since no ones around but us, why don't you take off your belt and if I'm not moving the boxes fast enough, you can 'throw me a hint', if you know what I mean?"

"Really? I lean more towards the sexual. But sure, I could do that. Except I don't think either of us can trust that someone will walk in on us."

Looking around the open door the truck has pulled into, Tom says, "you're right, 'Sir'!"

Laughing, Jared had a good feeling about all this, "I'm glad we met, Tom."

"Same, but I have one question."

"Go ahead. Ask me anything."

Tom smiles, saying, "like, how big are you? I want to know how deep I'm going to be impaled?"

"Oh, you'll feel it all right. I think we should wait and have you surprised!"

As they worked, polo shirts came off and both remarked at how beautiful the other looked. Talking about s&m mixed with preferred positions, plus experiences they've had over the years, both had tented their pants.

Bill, coming back, with only clipboard in hand, had two guys trailing him, "oh, you've got the truck almost loaded I see?"

He also saw something else in particular about Tom and Jared, but didn't mention it.

"I suppose you and Kyle can leave, Nick, since Tom and Jared have the truck almost loaded."

However, both refuse to leave until the last box is loaded, being they wanted to find out the reason why the two loaders had pent up erections, "nonsense. We've both got plenty of energy."

Bill says, "okay, you're call."

Even though he needn't have done so, Bill said to form a chain, that transport from the former pile to the truck, would go quicker.

With two of the six boxes away, Nick says, "whew, this is having me work up a sweat," he whips his pride center tee shirt off.

Kyle takes Nicks lead, "yeah, I'm feeling kind of moist myself."

That irked Tom in the right way, like he's sure he's a little 'moist' inside the zipper of his pants!

They find Nick was once a supermarket worker, but went full time with the pride center when the store closed.

Of Kyle, Jared says, "oh, you're a cop?"

"More like a rookie. Actually I'm a bike-cop, except on rainy days I ride shotgun with one of the officers."

Jared notices, not one of them, but of both Nick and Kyle, "that's some suntan you've acquired on your backs?"

Nick and Kyle stop what they're doing and stare at each other. Both had forgot, that they even said, they would need to keep their shirts on at the beach, at least, until the welt marks from giving each other a whipping, healed up.

However, Bill covers for them, "are we going to talk shop or get these boxes moving onto the truck before midnight, Jared?"

"Yes, sir," Jared salutes.

They had seen Tom a couple of times shirtless, but the first time for Jared, coupled with his height, about 6-feet, the cocoa skin, dark hair, a mop on top of his head, neatly styled, pec muscles covered with hair, darker to outline the lines of his worked abs, the deep navel, Nick and Kyle spoke softly about what may lay under his pants.

As Bill had directed, the boxes filled the truck in no time. All along, as they were working, he too had thoughts dancing in his head, wondering how they could all get along, "if you're all not doing anything, I've got a fridge full of beer at home?"

Kyle and Nick exchange looks, "we're in."

Tom and Jared decide the same. Picking up their shirts.

Tom says, "Jared and I can follow you in my car."

"Nonsense," Bill says, "I'll take the center van."

They all pile into Bill's van and it's not secretative in any way, Jared saying, "why don't you ride with me in the back, Nick?"

That's weird, Tom thought, thinking it would be him and Jared partnering up, but he was just as satisfied with Kyle by his side, "so, how did you really get those marks on your back?"

Upbeat, Kyle says, "I guess we can't fool everyone. If I say, you're not going to tell anyone?"

Tom says, "if you're going to say those are welts on your backs and they got there by each of you whipping the other with your belts, no, it's not going to phase me in a negative way."

"Wow, you're very perceptive Tom."

"Comes with the experience of knowing those four capital letters, B-D-S-M!"

"Nick, he's a total bottom. Me, depending on the guy, I could get my alpha on, if you know what I mean?"

Cutting to the chase, Tom says, "I'd love to have you tie me down and have you're way with me, Master Kyle."

Bill, driving, smiles. The way he was seeing it, Kyle and Tom would have their own fun. But knowing Nick and Jared, two fighting to suck his hard shaft, that wasn't such a bad thing either!

It's then Tom yells out, "hitch-hiker!"

After all that thinking and making him hard, Bill says, "really, Tom?"

"You know how I feel about runaways, Bill?"

At this particular time, Bill became the puppet and Tom was pulling his strings, "okay."

Having turned off the main drag, this was not a road traveled often, only by residents accessing their homes, which made it easier for Bill to back the van up.

After braking, Bill yells, "hey kid, you need a ride?"

As he looks up into the elevated van, the guy's hood falls backwards, revealing he's young and blond, indeed a 'kid', and with a bruised eye, "I'm on my way to my uncle's house. I was told he lives down this way."

Bill did notice the 'shiner', but headed in a different direction, "I might. What's his name?"

"William Le Jeune. You know him?"

"Holy shit, are you Wolfy?"

"Uncle William?"

It starts to rain.

"Get your ass in here, Wolfy. We have plenty of time for Q&A later on."

All was quiet in the back, giving Bill and Wolfy their space, but also learning a thing or two.

Bill used the brake twice, once to find out his sister-in-law had passed away, and the other gun of the van's braking system, listening to Wolfy tell about his own brother, his flesh and blood, taking a belt to his son and punishing him in other ways. For Bill, it was the other side of the fence, extending the privelege to friends, in order to get the frustrations of the daily grind out of their systems. It was totally against all his ways of thinking, trying to 'beat' a person into submission of thoughts or ideals. Bill also learns, drugs and alcohol play a part in Wolfy's abuse.

Tom was one of the ones traveling along, who didn't stand for such talk, putting a hand on Wolfy's sore shoulder, "well, you're in safe hands now and there's nothing to worry about now."

Bill backed him up.

When they got to Bill's place, a nice wooden building all to itself, on a road where houses were set several lots apart, contrary to their plans, they did not head for the basement dungeon.

Instead, they sat around a setting of leather sofas and chairs.

"Uh, Uncle William, you wouldn't happen to have any food in the house?"

They all got up and follow Bill to the kitchen, where a large granite slate became the focal point for the lavishly spaced eatery. There were ample seats for all.

"First, Wolfy, it's 'Bill', not 'William'."

"Oh good, because I'm not Wolfy anymore. I'm my real name, 'Wolf'." Wolf was also a guy of cheer, "and I better not here anyone say the name on my birth certificate, 'Wolfgang'?"

Bill jokes, "heed the warning fellow, it almost cost me a kick to the balls!"

"Really, Wolf?" Jared asks.

"Nah. Uncle Will...I mean, Bill and I might've done some kinky stuff, but never got to that stage."

Tom says, with incrimination, "really, Bill?"

Wolf says, "don't worry. We were both of legal age and consenting."

"Are you top of bottom when it comes to kinky play, Wolf," Nick wonders.

Unashamed of what Bill has taught him, Wolf says, "I'd like to see what you can take, Nick."

"Bring it on," Nick encourages.

The others, except Bill, say, "I think we're all in on it!"

Wishy-washy in such matters, Kyle says, "I stand with Wolf."

Bill thinks it fair moment to bring up, "remember that dungeon I built in the basement back in Iowa, Wolfy?"

"Wolf, remember?"

"My bad," they smile at each other, like something fond has passed between them.

"Don't tell me you've gone and built another one, Uncle Bill?"

"I could never keep anything from you, Wolf," Bill almost slips to add a 'y'.

"I know, but hey, can I see it now?"

"Why don't you finish eating and get some rest?"

"I'm fine, but I bet Nick is hard as a rock, thinking about what I want to do with him?"

Wolf stare in Nick's direction and if he wasn't in the process of throwing a boner, there was movement in his pants right now!

Wolf says, "I'm full."

Nick retorts, "you're not the only one!"

They all head down wooden stairs, ones that creaked, just to make it creepy.

At the bottom, they hesitate, at Bill's command, "hold it right there guys."

Wolf intervenes, "this is where we all leave our clothes behind."

Bill smiles. As with the old dungeon back home, at the foot of the stairs are lockers.

"Pick your color, boys," Bill says, himself beginning to strip.

All eyes were on each other.

Wolf watches Nick like a hawk, but made no effort to take his own clothes off.

"You did that satisfactory, Nick, but before you strip me, you'll fold your own clothes. I don't tolerate sloppy slaves."

If Nick's dick wasn't ticking now, it was pulsing like a raceway car, "oh. Sure. Normally I am a neat person," which he wasn't!

"Right," Wolf says, "and that'll be ten demerits for starters."

Folding his clothes, Nick counters, "ten demerits? What for?"

"Now it's twenty and let's get things straight, Nick, if I want to know something, I'll ask it and you'll answer me truthfully, but I don't owe you any explanation."

"That's kind of selfish," Nick says.

Naked, they all stand there and watch the drama unfold.

"Thirty demerits."

Bill clues him in, "if you keep talking like that, without asking permission, Nick, you'll wind up with a hundred welts on your back!"

"Really, Uncle William?"

Bill says, "it's Uncle Bill, remember? That'll be ten lashes for you, Wolf!"

Wolf drops the master demeanor, "okay, I'll wipe the slate clean, Nick, but you really need to try to work on your role."

Again Bill intervenes, "I'm sure he will Wolf, but not until he finds a good teacher?"

"You're right Uncle Bill. I sometimes let myself get ahead of myself."

As Bill has tutored Wolf, when he came over to his house 'to play', he says, "I'm willing to train you, Nick, if you're willing to learn."

"To learn?" Nick is unsure.

"How to be my slave. In sex and other stuff."

"Hm," Nick says, "I'm all in with the sex, but not sure what else I want to get into."

Opening the door which led from the 'locker room' to the main dungeon, Bill says, "shall we begin to explore and find out how compatible we are with each other?"


% Copyright 2024 T. Chase McPhee Developing segments of 'YoGA MaT' may not be amended, distributed, sold, used, quoted, paraphrased, chopped, sliced, diced, nor made part of any collection, electronic or otherwise, without prior consent from the author. Drones are prohibited from overhead viewing. _ Check here that you are not a robot.

Next: Chapter 25

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