You are not real

By em.notorp@ecnirpevisnep

Published on Jun 25, 2024



You are not real

You are not real

By the Pensive Prince []

This is the first story that I have managed to write and feel satisfied with. It is short and more realistic than raunchy. Any feedback is welcome.

"You are not real."

The man looked at me sweetly and smiled. He started caressing my face with the back of his hand.

"You are not real." I repeated.

The man brought his face close to mine. I could feel the heat of his breath, the scent of his skin, the hairs from his beard. I could hear the sound of his tongue as his lips moved. He kept still for a few seconds and then he kissed me. The kiss was wet and warm. Instinctively, I closed my eyes and brought my hands at his back. Responding to my movement, the man wrapped me in his embrace. We stayed for a while in this position, kissing and fondling each other. His arms were strong and filled my hands and I felt shrinking within them. He was guiding me and this was a relief.

Eventually, we disentangled our bodies. He kept smiling at me with a dreamy look that I liked.

"You are not real." I kept saying. "You are not here."

The man's smile widened. He raised his hand and squeezed my nose playfully. I felt the pressure from his fingers. "I am as real as I need to be." he said cryptically. His hands ran over my back, making my hairs stand wherever they passed. He fixed his gaze on me, his eyes wide open, almost unblinking.

My objections evaporated but I couldn't bear his stare and turned on my back. The man followed me, resting his body over mine. He reestablished his gaze. "You are very handsome when you feel shy."

My body shivered and I turned my eyes. "You do not know if I feel shy."

"I do." he replied. He lifted my arm and started licking my armpit while his hand caressed my chest in counterpoint. "Mmm, salty."

I closed my eyes feeling the sensations. Finally, with all the honesty I could muster, I ventured, "You know it is not enough. You know I do it on purpose. Why do you put up with me?"

With his voice muffled from my armpit he said, "Because I want to." Then, raising his head, "Because you are my baby boy. And I get so horny when my baby boy feels shy."

I couldn't reply to that. I let him handle my body in the way he knew best as my mind drifted in the silence of the night.


The next morning, the light from the window shades woke me up. I felt the heat from the rays but I didn't want to get up. With my eyes closed, I slid my hands over the sheets searching for my target. It was easy to find. I opened my eyes and kept still looking at my pillow. Alone. Like yesterday. Like every other day.

I squeezed the pillow on my chest and whispered softly, "You are not real."

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