You Call It Madness

By Tyler Christopher

Published on Jul 18, 2022


You Call It Madness - Chapter 5

Disclaimers: This is a work of fiction. Any similarities between the characters in this story and real people (appearances, names, etc.) are purely coincidental. This story may contain homosexual material, including love and sex, so if material like this is illegal in your region or if it discomforts you, please leave.

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You Call It Madness

Chapter V

Will smiled excited when he saw Nick. He took big, long strides toward the gate, grinning. Just as the two were about to embrace one another, Nick dropped his duffle and wrapped his arms around the blonde. Will buried his nose in the crook of Nick's neck, inhaling the sweet and musky cologne.

"I missed you," Will said quietly, longingly. "So good to have you in my arms."

Nick leaned his head back slightly, just enough that their eyes were able to connect. He reached his hand up to Will's face and stroked his thumb over the smooth skin on Will's cheek. They shared warm smiles before they leaned in and shared a sweet kiss.

After the smooch, Will asked, "Waiting for luggage?"

"No," Nick answered as he grabbed his duffle off the airport floor. "Carried this duffle and my backpack on. Stewardess bitch was too lazy to shuffle bags around in the overhead compartment but not lazy enough to try taking my duffle to the cargo guys. So I had to shuffle myself and there was more than enough room for it. Ready to go?"

In the truck, as Will drove, Nick asked, "Has the VIHA inspected Royal Jubilee yet?"

"Umm, the inspection was scheduled for this morning," Will answered as he drove one-handed with his other reaching for Nick's. "When Noah inspected the site when we finished, he said it looked fantastic. I'd be fucking surprised if the Health Authority has any issues. Petra called me this morning. She approved my vacation leave form for next month so I could fly to New York to film 'Lullaby'."

"'Lullaby'?" Nick asked. "The Coppola film? Sony finally named it?"

"Yeah," Will answered around a chuckle. "Got an email from Casey this morning. She told me Sony named the project, and a script for me to read."

"Yeah?" Nick asked excitedly. "What's the script?"

"An action film by Twentieth Century," Will swerved with a smile of excitement. "They're calling it 'Chell'. It's based on the video game 'Portal', which I'm geeking out about. That was one of my favourite video games to play. TCF is currently negotiating salaries with Jamie Chung to play the title character of Michelle 'Chell' Irvin. The role that I'm auditioning for, next week in New York, is Caleb Talling, a security guard at Aperture Labs who helps Chell escape the antagonist."

Nick gave Will's hand a good squeeze and said enthusiastically, "Whoa, that's so cool!"

"Casey said not to get my hopes too high," Will began slowly, "but she thinks I've got a real good shot at getting the role because of my gymnastics background."

Grinning like a Cheshire Cat, Nick responded, "Aw, man! I hope you get it!"

"Yeah, so do I. Casey wants me to film a couple of videos before my audition. One of me running as fast as I can and jumping like I'm entering portals. And the other of me doing parkour and free-running."

Surprised, Nick asked, "You can do parkour?"

Will let out a bark of laughter before answering, "No. God no. Well, not really. Just a bit. I can flip off walls, leap over things, and monkey-bar faster than a fucking gibbon. But if I do get the role of Caleb, Casey wants me to get some parkour training. She sent me a Facebook link. Victoria has a small parkour group."

"How big is the role?" Nick asked, giving Will's hand another squeeze.

"Not very," Will replied, the truck entering the city. "Casey thinks I'd get maybe ten minutes of screen time after editing and scene deletion. Well, if I do get the role. Caleb gets captured and is tortured for answers. When he doesn't give any, he's killed."

Now in Will's apartment, Will said, "Dinner'll be ready in about an hour. You know where the bedroom is."

Nick smiled sultrily, though, Will's back was facing him, as he stood behind the blonde and kissed the nape of his neck.

"I was-" Nick kissed the side of Will's neck, "thinking-" kiss, "you'd like to-" kiss, "commit a sin-" kiss, "of the flesh-" kiss, "with me."

Will laughed softly as he turned around to face Nick and replied, "Mm, my favourite sin."

Will leaned in, pressing their lips together. While giving each other soft pepper kisses, the two men sidled their way into Will's bedroom.

Between kisses, Will stated, "I- missed you- so much."

"Three weeks isn't long considering we're dating long distance," Nick replied as he pulled Will's grey polo up off his body. "But I missed you, too, beautiful."

Will grabbed the hem of Nick's red Henley and peeled it off. He then pushed Nick down onto his bed, and both men unfastened their own jeans and pushed them off.

Will offered Nick a sexy, sultry smile that showed off his shiny and perfect teeth. The sight caused Nick to smile back as Will sat on his knees at Nick's ass. Will bent forward, touching his soft lips to the thatch of brown hair between Nick's pecs. He kissed his way down Nick's firm, warm, slightly furry body, further hardening Nick's half-hard dick.

Will was not done sleeping. But he could no longer remain in a peaceful slumber with Nick holding him securely and shifting minutely. Nick was obviously awake, Will knew.

"Mmm!" Will groaned, forcing himself to sound grumpy. "G'back t'sleep!"

Will felt Nick behind him, holding him, shake the slightest bit. The brunette had the audacity to laugh silently. If only for a moment. Will drove all thought from his mind, clearing it with the intention of falling back into a blissful snooze. And he almost did. Except Nick moved his feet just the slightest bit. But it was enough to keep Will in the waking world.

"Okay," Will said with a smile as he turned in bed to face the brunette. "I'm up. Time's it?"

Nick reached behind himself blindly, and grabbed his phone off the nightstand. "It's eleven-seventeen. We've been sleeping for eleven hours, which is plenty. Enough sleep. I'll make French toast. In a minute. Or an hour. I just wanna cuddle."

Will laughed before replying, "You could've cuddled me while I slept. Goddamn snuggle bunny."

"Yeah, but I like to plant little kisses to your neck... and shoulders... and arms while cuddling. It would've kept you awake anyway."

Will looked off into space in thought for a second, and responded, "True."

Nick craned his neck up slightly and kissed the tip of Will's nose. He then touched his knee to Will's inner thighs, pushing a little harder and sandwiched his leg between Will's.

As promised, Nick made French toast. Forty minutes later. After snuggling with his blonde boyfriend in bed and talking, and laughing. Nick even took a couple of selfies of them and posted them on his various social media platforms.

After eating the French toast and fresh strawberries, Nick apologetically explained that he'd received an email from his boss and it was urgent so he had to quickly finish creating an EP album cover for which was already three-quarters done anyway.

Will didn't mind. Both men were still wearing nothing but their underwear. Will grabbed his acoustic guitar and began playing a peaceful song called 'Tender Heart' as Nick worked away on his laptop and art tablet.

When Nick finished his work and closed his laptop, Will began plucking a different tune. It was three cords, repeated three times: C, G, and Am7.

Will smiled softly when he saw that Nick knelt before him on one knee with his phone held in landscape. The brunette was recording a video.

Will then changed the chords to C, G/B, Am7 and began to sing. His voice was soft, and warm, angelic.

"I took my love, I took it down I climbed a mountain and I turned around And I saw my reflection in the snow-covered hills 'Till the landslide brought me down "Oh, mirror in the sky, what is love? Can the child within my heart rise above? Can I sail through the changing ocean tides? Can I handle the seasons of my life? "Well, I've been afraid of changing 'Cause I've built my life around you But time makes you bolder Even children get older And I'm getting older too."

Will smiled shyly at the phone before him and laughed, hiding his face behind the neck of his guitar.

After ending the recording, Nick stated, "I wish you'd sing more often. You have a terrific voice."

Will blushed brightly, shyly, and replied, "I sing often enough, I think."

Nick shook his head while smiling, "No. We've been dating for three months and that was the first I've heard you sing. Mind if I post this video?"

Embarrassed, Will asked, "Umm, where do you wanna post it?"

"Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter," Nick answered. "I think everyone should see how talented you are."

Will then laughed in embarrassment and retorted, "But I'm basically nude."

Fighting off a grin, Nick replied, "They'll see how sexy my boyfriend is, too."

Two hours later, the two men walked hand in hand through the Butchart Gardens. Nick stopped for a moment to smell at a purple tulip. Will, having his cell phone out already, snapped a photo of the brunette smelling the gorgeous flower with a soft smile on his face.

"What time are we meeting your friends again?" Nick asked he once again led Will along the path.

"Six o'clock," Will answered before raising their joined hands and kissing Nick's knuckles. "Be warned that Shianne only gets off work at six so we won't be eating right away."

Nick shrugged with a soft smile and responded, "More time to get to know the others. Tell me about Jake."

"Well you know he's my best friend."

"I know," Nick said softly. "But tell me about him. Your relationship with him."

"Well I already told you that we've been friends since we were six. And that we remained friends when we went to different middle schools. He used to 'love' girl after girl in high school, but his friends were always important to him. There was one time a girl- I don't even remember her name, would not take the hint that Jake busy with us bowling. He didn't mention it before he grabbed my hand and said that he's going through a curiosity-exploration phase. Thank god it didn't go so far that Jake had to kiss me. That would've been fucked up. All kinds of fucked up."

Teasing, Nick said, "Jake's kind of hot."

"Well then I'll ask him if he's interested in actually being curious and exploring with you," Will teased back.

"Mm, I think I'm too much man for him."

"Perhaps just a smidge," Will said with his thumb and finger pressed together.

Nick laughed and said without really thinking, "God, I love you."

A half second later, Nick realized what he'd just said. With just a pinch of panic in his heart, he stopped walking at the exact same time that Will did. But Will stopped in shock, utter surprise.

Before Will could think of a reply, his cell phone began buzzing in vibration in his back pocket. Seeing the caller ID, he told Nick, "Sorry, it's Casey."

"I- yeah," Nick said awkwardly. "I'll just..."

Will threw Nick a kind smile and replied, "Yeah, I'll catch up. Hey, Casey."

Casey greeted back, "Hi, Will. How are you?"

"I'm feeling great. Yourself?"

"I'm fine. I can hear birds."

"Yeah, I'm on an outdoors date with Nicky."

"Okay then, I'll make this quick. I've scheduled your audition for 'Chell'. Susan will send an email with the information. I've also seen Nick's video post of your singing. Two questions. First, are you ready to be out?"

Unfazed, Will answered, "I've always been out."

"Sure. But this is a different level. You're a star quickly on the rise. You'll be under the ever watchful eye of the public in a few years."

"Oh. I- well... Do you think it'll affect my career?"

"No. I'm confident about that. You have great skills, and portrayed a great high school basketball star who flirted with a girl. Look at Matt Bomer. Luke McFarlane. Jack Plotnick. All are gay and open, and their careers are going strong. I believe you can do the same."

Will responded, "Well, either way I don't care. How'd you know about the video anyway?"

"Keith O'Hansen, works in public relations. He keeps an eye on our talent. Nick tagged you in his post. You and Nick have some selfies together, but those are likened to friendship rather than a relationship. Until now, it wasn't clear. But it's great that you're willing to stay out in the open. Second question regards the video. I had no idea that you could sing! Would you like to get singing lessons? I'm sure that I can get--"

"--No," Will said firmly. "I'm not interested in being a singer. Too much work to write songs and record and tour. I wanna focus on acting."

"Think about it," Casey pressed. "Don't shut--"


"Fine. No singing career. What about if an acting role comes up that requires singing?"

"I'll get singing lessons then. And only then. I'm not paying for singing lessons if I never use 'em. I play the guitar and sing out of habit. It brings me joy, and peace. I don't want it to become a job."

"Okay. I hear ya. You're welcome, by the way."

"What?" Will asked, scrunching his eyebrows. "Why am I thanking you?"

"Because that's what one does when someone else does something for them."

"It's your job, Casey. My commission payments are your thanks. One more thing: no gay roles. I'm not ashamed of my sexuality, but I don't wanna be typecast."

"I... I will only suggest gay roles if I think it'll get you award nominations."

"Sounds good. Anything else? My boyfriend is getting pretty far ahead."

"Go enjoy your time with Nick. Goodbye."

Nick was about fifty feet ahead of him. Will watched for a second or two as the brunette slowly, oh-so-slowly walked along the concrete path, touching his finger to yellow and red tulips as he passed them.

Will ran over to his boyfriend with an excited smile gracing lips. He then leapt into the air, landing on Nick's back. Nick stumbled for a moment to regain his balance, laughing and grabbing at Will's legs.

"Hey," Nick said with the last remnants of laughter. "Everything okay with Casey?"

"Yeah," Will answered as he climbed down off of Nick. "She saw your video."

"Of you singing?" Nick asked, trying not to blush when Will grabbed his hand again.

"Yeah, that one."

"Did she not like it?"

"No," Will replied as he gave Nick's hand a gentle squeeze. "Nothing like that. She asked if I was ready to come out as gay to the public while becoming an actor."

"Oh shit," Nick said quietly yet exasperated. "God, I'm so sorry, Will. I- I didn't even think of that."

Will smiled at Nick and responded, "No need to be sorry. I'm not hiding my sexuality no matter what. Casey is certain that my sexuality will not effect my career. Another thing she called about was to ask if I was interested in getting singing lessons. But I declined because I don't want to have a career in singing. I just like to from time to time."

"Mm," Nick nodded. "Well, if you ever decide to pursue singing, promise me you'll sign with Interscope."

Amused, Will asked, "Aww! Are you getting a little possessive?"

"No," Nick denied with a soft laugh. "I already told you that I love you. Interscope is simply the best there is. Hands down."

"Okay. I promise if I pursue singing as another career, I'll sign with Interscope. They better make me a damn good deal."

"They will," Nick said firmly and happily. "I'll make sure of it."

"I do, too, you know," Will stated gently, offering Nick another warm smile.

"Hmm? You do what?"

Will planted another kiss to the back of Nick's hand before answering, "I love you, too."

Surprised- happily, giddily surprised, Nick wore an expression of surprise for a moment. He then smiled softly and leaned into Will. The couple shared a sweet, lingering kiss.

After the kiss, Will looked deep into Nick's stunning green eyes and said shyly, "Y-you're my first love."

Nick smiled affectionately at Will. Will released his grip on Nick's hand, and grabbed the waist of Nick's jeans. He pulled the brunette into him, flush against him. They pressed their foreheads together, the sides of their noses sidled together as well.

"My Will," Nick whispered, affectionate and possessive.

Blushing fiercely, Will responded, "My Percy."

After a moment of silence as Nick took the words in, he smiled a smile that he tried to suppress. Unsuccessful, Nick threw a punch to Will's side with no intention of actually hurting the blonde.

Will laughed as he removed himself from Nick and took off running down the concrete path. Nick watch the blonde for a second, an amused and affectionate smile gracing his lips.

"Get over here, you coward!" Nick shouted as he ran after his boyfriend.

But I Call It Love

To Be Continued...

Next: Chapter 6

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