You Know Hes Sub Dont You

By sharper

Published on Oct 3, 2022


+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ THE USUAL WARNINGS APPLY TO THIS TALE.






Second book : YOU BELONG TO JOBAL PART FOUR -- Urib2.0

I felt strange the two of them watching me like I was this ...

Then while I was pulling my clothes on, Po asked me, "So you gonna do what Urib tells you and not fucking argue!"

"Yeah," I said quietly, "I suppose so ..."

Urib snorted derisively.

"That won't FUCKING DO WILL IT?" shouted Po.

"YEAH I KNOW!!" I shouted back, pulling my shoes back on. "But, like, you said, but is it true he is even, one of Jobal's actual friends? I mean, cause he ..." I suddenly thought of all the beatings it would take for Po to teach me for speaking like that.

But Po didn't react violently. It was more like he felt sorry for me being so thick. "You dipshit. Does he look like one of Jobal's friends?"

Looking down on me, with his hands behind his back, Urib looked like one of those men you see in sportswear ads, you know, who are only interested in sports and aren't violent or anything cause they are too masculine to need violence - at least that's the story ... And all they do is wear sportswear and pose?

My shoelaces tied, I stood up ... and, I was still pissed off and I said, "I don't know do I? I mean why not? You said he was one of Jobal's friends - but I mean, his hair is nice, his clothes are nice and I thought, he just looks just too, you know, I mean I don't fucking know do I? He just looks too fucking NICE."

"I didn't say he was one of Jobal's friends, did I? Dumb fuck. I said he was Jobal's, but that's not the same thing. They're not like bum buddies for fucksake. We aren't all nancy fairies like what you are. You fucking idiot."

"Ok. Fine. I just don't get it, that's all. So he works for Jobal, is it? Ok. Fine. It doesn't matter anyway. I just don't get it, that's all."

"No. You don't get it. So stop worrying. But take a good look at him, at Urib, cause that's what I want you to aim for, yeah? Cause he's a top."

"Top?" I said.

Urib didn't say anything.

Po slapped me, "Get your head out of the gutter! Not like that. I meant top soldier, right?"

He turned to Urib and apologised, "I'm sorry, Urib, but we're at an early stage still."

"I understand Sir," said Urib, with an understanding look.

And that's when I wondered, I wondered ... And then I suddenly realised and the penny dropped.

He's sub isn't he!

Suddenly I could see it!

And then I looked at him again, and I wondered if he had been given a scar or mark up? And did he have someone who like owned him, like I had Po? Cause he didn't look like he needed anybody but at the same time he was like this really polite super-subservient guy, towards Po, so I wondered like, you know: had he been broken?

And I looked at him and I wondered what he looked like naked, though also, you know, I think I would know what HE looked like naked? - cause I could see all his body through clothes, like he already was like with no clothes on; which was already amazing enough! And I imagined him being sub to someone like Po, to see someone else submit, someone like him, and I really thought, 'Wow, that is sexy!'

And I thought, yeah, I WOULD like to be like that, this totally muscle fairy who gets owned and dominated and used by some sexy guy like Po. And I thought, yeah I could be like that. And I saw it for the first time, the possibility. I mean that's what it meant, didn't it - this new life?

Po looked at me thinking and said, "Now what are you thinking? What's that mind of yours ... ?"

"Can I ask a question," I asked.

"Yeah," said Po, "course. So long as it's not another fucking stupid one!"

"Have you fucked him?" I said.

Po was too proud to get angry. "I love this side of you," he said.

"Wha-at? What are you talking about?" I said, confused.

"It's just this side of you I absolutely love," he repeated, "I love it when you're stupid. It's so sexy!" He laughed. "Yeah. Course I fucked him! Why not?" He reached out one strongly muscled arm and patted Urib on the behind like he has always owned it.

Urib barely reacted, but smiled a bit like he remembered it as well - that made me sooo hard, to think, so I COULD be Urib2.0!

"So is HE marked up?" I said.

Po grinned, but Urib looked ... just very serious. "Oh, so that's it! That's what you're worried about is it? Hey Urib, lift up your shirt," said Po.

Urib wiped his shirt up with a palm; his blue eyes looked cool now as he revealed his rippled abs like with lines and stuff, and there was all this fucking great scar in all complicated shapes on his stomach flat abs what Po patted them now like he was admiring the gloss on a car and laughed. "See that!"

'Fuck.' I thought.

"Scars of brotherhood," said Po like it was their official name. "Like I said," said Po, "he's a sub, isn't he?"

"Will mine look like that?" I said.

"Depends," said Po.

"Depends on what?"

"Just fucking depends doesn't it! That one went a little bit wrong ... Didn't it Uri?"

Urib nodded.

"Yes," said Po, "it did, because it got a bit messed up, because it was one way and then had to be changed."

"I bet that hurt," I said.

"Yeah. But he don't even feel anything as pain, innit," Po said. "He could punch a concrete wall and not feel anything!"

Urib looked calm, but spoke at last, "Yeah," he smiled. "Fucking hurt. Fucking did. But I'm grateful. If it wasn't for Jobal, OK, and Po here, I'd be, I'd still you know, I wouldn't know what I was and I wouldn't be here and nothing would be right, cause nothing ... was until Jobal said to me, 'Yeah this is how it is; this is what you are and this is is your place in the world,' like I would be serving Superior Men. And that's when I realised ..."

"Yeah ok mate, don't go on," Po interrupted. "We get the idea."

"Sorry Sir. I just wanted him to realise this is all good. Sir. All for the best."

"Yes," said Po, "it's all for the best and no one needs to worry. Cause Jobal's crew's got you now. And you're safe."

"Yes Sir. I feel safe," Urib added.

Po turned to me, "So you ok? Do you see now?"

I nodded. I didn't see, but I could see what Urib was: he was owned. And that's what I wanted to be.

"Right? You dressed?" said Po. "Tied your shoelaces? Do I have to tell you everything?"

"I've tied my shoelaces!" I said - but I had to look down to check.

"Check they're tight."

So I crouched again to check the knots were tight, and whilst I was kneeling down there like that Po put his trainer into my face and told me to lick it.

"Yeah while you're down there," he said. I suppose that was the point. "There you go; just show Urib here that you CAN be good, do as your told ..."

I licked his toe gratefully, cause I was just glad to be doing as I was told for once, doing the right thing, and being good and making it clear that I would do anything, just worshipping his trainers - which seemed to satisfy him cause he watched me for a while and just let me get into it, making the white leather wet with my spit and gradually licking off all the grime. It was peaceful for a moment and I felt my anxiety and emotions just sort of get absorbed by the action, letting the task of serving him hold all of my attention.

So it was a drag when he told me to stop and kneel up and look at him.



Next: Chapter 58

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