You Might Be a Queer If

By Irvin Bielefeldt

Published on Jul 29, 2006


The story below is a work of fiction, set in the format of reality. Any resemblance to real people is entirely coincidental in nature. It is not meant to accurately reflect upon persons in towns, cities, or governmental areas, in which the story is staged. If a sexual scene involving male-to-male relationships offends you, then you should not read this story. Additionally, if you are under 18 years of age, in most state and countries, you are not allowed to read this story by law. Check with your local laws regarding such. Playing safe in sex is important. This is fiction. Use protection in real life.

You might just be a queer if...Part 5 Written by Duchbo

We left off Part 4 with.....

"Hell, I just gave you a little squirt to see how you'd take it. It wasn't so bad was it." I couldn't speak but I shook my head violently and again tried to push him off. He pulled his dick from my mouth and said, "You might just be a submissive queer if you let a guy piss in your mouth. We'll have to practice that, later."

Part 5

When Troy got off me I ran into the bathroom and rinsed my mouth of the piss taste. When I came back in the room he was puttering around getting his stuff ready for the day. "I didn't appreciate what you did Troy. You could have at least warned me to see if I wanted to try that."

What Troy said next really surprised me. "I'm sorry Queer. You're right." Troy was apologizing? No such luck, as he went on. "I should have waited till later in the day when my piss was less strong tasting. Morning piss is quite rancid, I'm told. After I've had a couple beers it gets quite tasty. At least that's what my last queer told me. He couldn't get enough of it. You really need to explore that side of queerness so I'll give you another test on that later. You better get your ass in gear or you'll be late for class."

I couldn't believe the turn my life had taken in just a couple short days. This was moving too fast for me to digest all the ramifications of being queer. I needed to take a break from all this for a while and get my mind straight on it.

I did my class work and showed up for swim practice that afternoon. Troy was a perfect gentleman around our swim mates. He introduced me to some of the others and made no indication of what was happening between us. In this setting he really acted like a nice guy. A person I would like to be friends with, if not for the other thing. My mind was all screwed up. I'll really have to work on this, I thought.

I was in the room going over some course work when Troy came back. Hey sport, why don't you come down to dinner with me and the guys. Jay and Kev would like to get to know you better. I put my book away and followed Troy to the cafeteria. Jay and Kevin were there already and had saved a place at their table. I started in on some indescribable casserole thing and got into conversation with the guys. Since they had roomed together last year I was the only one there with a past to reveal. They seemed interested in my home and school life, growing up, and I got quite comfortable relating to these guys.

We talked about the usual things but Jay wanted to know about my sex life in high school. You know, the usual, did you date any cheerleaders?, was sex easy to get?, and so forth. Not wanting to admit I was a virgin, I embellished my exploits with the girls, much to Jay's delight. He was insistent on getting all the details but I hesitated. I remember a saying from my grandfather "If you never tell a lie, you never have to remember what you said." I didn't want to get caught later if my story changed so I just mumbled something about not liking to talk about it. Troy came to my rescue and told the guys we had to get back to the room for some studying. I think I knew what he had in mind but was just glad to get out of there.

When we got to the room Troy started reading a book and I worked on getting my clothes ready to launder. "When you get back from the laundry room we need to talk." Said Troy. "What about" I replied. "Just go do your stuff and then we'll talk."

I put my clothes in and sat around in the rec room watching TV and waiting for the clothes to get done. Jay and Kevin were there playing ping pong and I watched them awhile. They finished playing and got some cokes and came and sat by me. Kevin asked me how it was going with me and Troy. I immediately became apprehensive about what they might know. Kevin said, "Troy's roommate from last year sorta disappeared in the middle of the year and we never did know what happened to him. Troy said the guy was homesick but he never let on about that with us. Just thought there might have been something going on between he and Troy."

I responded, "I wouldn't know either, as I wasn't here. So far, Troy and I are getting along OK. It just takes time to get to know someone your living with." Jay replied, "I guess so. It wasn't bad for us because we were buds before coming here. That makes it a lot easier. Sometimes I think Troy has some funny ideas about relationships. It's hard to say what might have gone down."

I was intrigued by that last statement but didn't want to go further with this as I might give something away. I excused myself to go get my laundry and back to the room. Troy was still reading and I put my clothes away. He let me finished and said, "If we're going to room together and you're queer then we have to have an understanding. I'm the top here and you're the bottom. You have a lot further to go to know how much of a queer you really are and I will take you through the hurdles. Now I want you to think on that and make up your mind. If you want to stay in this room and have to opportunity to perv on my cock then as soon as I'm in bed you come over and do your duty. Do you get my meaning?" I hung my head and nodded. "I want to here you say something."

"Yes, I understand your position and I will think it over and let you know. Just remember, if I go along with this you have to give me advance notice when you're planning on subjecting me to some kinky shit." Troy replied, "You didn't hear a word I said. I'm the top. I'll call the shots. You will respond to my needs as I see fit. That's all you have to consider."

I went into the bathroom to get ready for bed. When I came out I sat on my bed with my head in my hands and thought about how low I felt. Troy went into the bathroom and got himself ready for bed. He came out and stripped to his briefs he laid on his bed atop the covers. He turned out the light and waited. I thought some more about the situation and then got up and walked slowly to Troy's bed.

End of part 5... More to cum

Next: Chapter 6

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