Young Master from Dc

By moc.loa@rshcgny4buhcbuS

Published on Feb 13, 2008


This story is pure fiction though I wish it were true. Any similarities to a real situation are purely coincidental. You should be of legal age in your area to read this. This story will contain sexual acts between consenting teenager and adult males. This is my first story I am writing or posting anywhere on the internet. I have many other ideas in my head and hope to get them on paper soon. I will be breaking this story into multiple parts. The first one will be mostly set up for the rest of the story. All feedback is appreciated. You can email me at

Young Master from DC -- Part 1

My Master for the last five years has tasked me to write a story for the internet explaining how this slave met the Boy who would become my Master, hopefully for the rest of my life. At the time Master was 17 and i was 35. So this chapter will be how this wonderful life i am now leading got started.

My name is Steve and i live on the East Coast of the United States. I grew up with what most would consider a fairly normal middle class upbringing. I am not going to get into my childhood experiences or fantasies that I wish happened because I think they can be a story on there own. Basically from the time i was 13 or 14 I knew I was gay but did nothing to act on it except maybe stare at kids in the locker room or down the hall at school. Growing up in the 80's it was not as acceptable as it is now to be gay and a teen.

So fast forward through HS and college and I am a frustrated in the closet gay male. Around 25 I discovered the online chatting on the internet. For the next five or so years I only knew about AOL and lets face it 99.99% of the guys who chat on there are total fakes. I would chat with someone for days or weeks or even months and then they would disappear. Oh I guess I forgot to mention what should be obvious. I am naturally a very submissive person. All I want to do is please someone else. I have no interest in my own pleasure, just pleasing someone else. I am also extremely overweight which unfortunately means most people would not even give me the light of day or a chance to show how much I could benefit them being their sub or slave.

So the last few years I have discovered other sites to chat and look for Masters on. Some of them are chubby chaser sites and others are for the BDSM community and then there's the big one that seems to have a category for everyone. I had some luck on the chubby chaser site meeting some guys in their 30's who had a fetish for big guys. But none of them turned out to be dom or wanting anything more then a one night stand. Though for the first time I did get fucked. He was early 30's asian and lived in NYC. He fucked me twice in one night. I had the best night sleep in his comfortable bed. Snuggled up against his body as he slept. When he went to work out the next morning I jerked off and came for the first time in almost two days. But just like AOL most of the people turned out to be fake. Then one fateful night late in the fall it finally happened. I started chatting with someone who could and would turn out to be my Master for life.

It was almost midnight and I was ready to give up on another night of not meeting anyone online. Just as I was about to log off a private message window pops up. I had been advertising in the chat room all night "Mid 30's chubby sub white for younger Dom or master. Only looking for real, no cyber or cam". The screen name was YNGDCDOM but the age said 100 and living in Washington DC. There was a picture attached to the profile and I would have said he was 18 or 19. First thing he did was ask how young I would consider. This started my radar. I said only looking for 18 and up. So he told me he was just 17 and wanted to be my Master. I said thanks for the interest but cannot go younger then 18. But then I thought about it and looked on an age of consent cart and saw that the legal age in DC was 16. So after a few minutes I messaged him back saying he was of legal age and lets chat some more.

So right off the bat he tells me that he has always known he had a dominant side to him but had no outlet for it. I told him yeah I was a sub all my life but needed a Master to serve to be able to live my life to the fullest. So far it had mostly been games with players. Well of course I figured this would go no further than a few minutes and he would turn out to be just as fake as everyone else I had spoke to on the internet.

Here is the crazy part. My future Master was HOT -- H-O-T HOT. He is 5'11" and maybe 170 lbs. Muscular. Brown hair, brown eyes and just an amazing looking young man. So of course I had to ask. Why would a young amazing looking young man want anything to do with an overweight mid 30's guy. Well here is what he told me.

He said that lets face it we are opposite in almost every way. You are fat, I am thin. I am young, you are older. You are submissive and I am dominant. I am very self confident, and you have no self confidence what so ever. I am hot, you are not. Simply put Master loved that we were different in so many ways. And lets be honest if anyone ever saw us, who would think the young guy is the Master and the older big guy is the slave. Well that is the way it would turn out to be.

So we chatted a lot the first few weeks. Every day it seemed like Master was getting more and more dominant. I certainly had reservations about His age and how could we possibly make it work. Well he told me that his parents were in favor of him having a relationship with an older man. Master was very mature for his age and did not have much in common with kids his age. Master also admitted to me that he was A.D.D. and apparently a side effect of this condition is a heightened sex drive. So his parents felt that if he was in a committed relationship with an older man it would stop him from being out every night looking for another conquest. Over those first few weeks I found out Master comes from a very well off family living in DC. Both parents are very successful professionals. Master attends a prestigious private school. Well in his parents house they have a basement apartment that Master kept saying we could live in until he was done with school. Would not have to worry about rent or any bills, his parents would take care of everything. Master was still a Junior in High School. I told Master at this point the only way I could move on with this is if his parents really were in favor of this. So for a few nights I spoke to Master's parents and they really seemed to like me and the concept of me and Master being together. They wanted to keep us under their roof so they could keep an eye on their son. At this point they did not know about the Master/Slave part of our relationship. But they would soon find out.

So over the next few months of chatting online and on the phone I learned more of what was going to happen. Master needed to be in complete control. I would have no say in any decisions or any right to complain or question his decisions. I would have to turn over any assets that I had at this point and have my work check direct deposited into his account from the minute I relocated to DC. The kicker was, I had no idea when that would happen. Master said when he was ready he would tell me to relocate and I would have no choice. Time did not matter, because I could still pay my rent on my current place until my rent was up because there was no rent at his house. So I had no excuse not to relocate at the drop of a hat.

I would have to cut off contact with all of my old friends and have limited contact with my family. Master and his family was going to be my new family. I would not have time for anyone else. I would have to dedicate all my time and effort to serving and pleasing my Young Master. What the fuck was I thinking. I was going to turn my life over to a 17 year old kid I met on the internet. FUCK YEAH I would if this turns out to be real. Could it really?

So the chatting continues and it this point he hits me with a big one. He says Steven when you come to DC after a little while you are going to quit your job and become my 24/7/365 slave and lover. Well how could this be. How would he support us. He told me not to worry about that. I am his slave and it's his responsibility and all I have to do is take care of him. So after thinking about it, I remember I cannot question his decisions and I agree that I will be retired before the time I am 40. Never in my life did I ever imagine that happening, but being completely honest with all of you reading this, it turns me on to all hell and I am hard as a rock right now thinking about not working and just serving my young boy Master.

Believe it or not a few months into this and we rarely talked about sex or sexual activities. Don't worry the next few chapters will have a lot of that. Bottom line is this was about total power exchange. I had to agree that Master was 100% in control. I would have no say in decisions or what would happen to me the rest of my life. I had to trust Master and his decision making. Of course we started to chat about day to day life and things like that. Here is how he described a normal day would go.

I would have to wake up before him. Go under the covers and suck him slowly until he was ready to wake up. Then he would face fuck me and then use my mouth as a urinal. After that I was to prepare a shower for him. I would take care of all bathroom responsibilities. If he needed to shave that day I would do it for him. Next I would cook breakfast for him and then get under the table and wait to see if I got any table scraps for my breakfast. I would then dress Master for school. I would have a list of tasks to do for the day. I would be on my knees waiting for Master when he got home from school. He would watch TV and I would be in his crotch just smelling his scent and there in case he needed anything. After dinner served however he wanted, every night would be different.

At this point I could not wait for him to tell me he was ready to take this to the next step and have me relocate to DC. Then one day in the middle of the week in January I got the instant message I was waiting for. In two weeks I was to report to DC and start the next phase of my life at the age of 35 serve my Boy Master who was only 17.

What happens next. Stay tuned for Chapter 2 where we will go over the first few days of my servitude.

Enjoying this story? I know not much sex action but trust me it is coming. Any and all feedback positive and negative is appreciated and wanted. Email me at

Next: Chapter 2

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