Young Master from Dc

By moc.loa@rshcgny4buhcbuS

Published on Oct 23, 2008


This story is pure fiction though I wish it were true. Any similarities to a real situation are purely coincidental. You should be of legal age in your area to read this. This story will contain sexual acts between consenting legal age teenager and adult males. This is my first story I am writing or posting anywhere on the internet. I have many other ideas in my head and hope to get them on paper soon. All feedback is appreciated. You can email me or message me at

Who have we met so far

Slave - mid 30's chubby giving up his life completely for his 18 yr old Master

Master - 18 yr old HS student in DC.

Master's Mom and Dad - live in the townhouse above M/s's apartment.

Bill - another 18yr old Master's friend from school. blond hair surfer type. works at pet store and will be bidding on the slaves services

Jon and Dave - 20 something Dom Partners who own gay men's hair salon and spa

Young Master from DC -- Part 9

I woke suddenly right around 6:00am. Not sure what caused me to awaken but lucky for me i was able to rise out of bed in time to make Master's breakfast and be under the covers giving Him His morning blowjob around 6:30AM. i quietly got out of Master's bed as to not wake him. i crawled on all four's from the bedroom into the kitchen. i desperately needed to pee but Master was asleep and i could not or more importantly would not use the toilet without His permission so until He was up, fed and blown i would just have to wait and hold it in. Once in the kitchen i prepared Master a fitting breakfast for His first day of school. i prepared a cheese omlette, bacon, toast, coffee and orange juice. All this time cooking and preparing Master's food i did not eat. Master would feed me (hopefully) when He felt like it. I was not to ask or beg for food from Master. When He felt like it, i would be fed. Begging for food, might get me fed but it would also come along with punishment. i was not looking forward to that so hopefully will be able to avoid this situation as much as possible.

Once breakfast was ready and the time was right, i gently woke up Master by going under the covers and started to slowly suck on Master's cock. Oh my GOD these were the times that made everything worth it. i loved serving my Master's cock. I heard Him stir awake and He said he needed to pee. i now know this means get ready to take His piss directly in my mouth. i had to be extra careful because if any spilled in Master's bed i might spend the next day in the cage. After Master was done pissing i sucked Him off to completion. He shot directly in my mouth and i swallowed about 6 or 7 amazing spurts of the greatest tasting cum in the world. Master was ready to eat breakfast and told me to go into the bathroom and prepare it for His use for school. To accomplish this i needed to set towels on the floor so Master would not have to walk on the cold marble floor, put His toothpaste and toothbrush next to the sink and run the shower water until it is a lukewarm temperature that Master prefers. When Master finished breakfast i was hoping He would thank me for preparing the meal. Apparently Master's do not need to thank their slaves for doing anything so i have gotten used to just doing things and getting no feedback if the job was done correctly.

Master came into the bathroom in his boxers only and walked right past me kneeling on the floor. He stood at the vanity and casually said - slave boxers now. i took Master's boxers off and He walked into the shower. i followed Master into the shower and i washed the lower half of His body never getting up from my knees. When the lower half was complete Master told me to rise and clean the top half of His body. Once done with the shower i got out first and got a huge towel to dry Master off. Once He was completely dry, He stepped over to the sink and i got his toothbrush and toothpaste ready for Him. i brushed Master's teeth while i was still soaking wet from head to toe. Master said He was going back into the bedroom and would dress Himself for school and that i was to use His old towel and dry myself off, clean the shower (needed to be done after each of Master's showers) and the vanity in the bathroom and be outside kneeling by the couch within 10 minutes. Yes Master anything you want i replied. So i used this already wet towel to dry my body and then clean the entire bathroom in the alotted time.

Ten minutes later i was kneeling at the couch waiting for Master. Master came out of the bedroom and damn he looked hot in His school outfit. As i have mentioned Master goes to one of the most exclusive private Schools in this country. Located in Washington DC, it has students who are children of diplomats, kings, queens, US Goverment officials, CEO's and just some of the richest families in America. i would later find out just how rich and powerful Master's family really was. Master was dressed in a navy blue suit with a sharp yellow and blue striped tie. The crest of the school on his front pocket. Shiny black shoes that i would cleaning on a daily basis. i was not sure what Master had in mind for me when He was going to school especialy His first day back after a break. Apparently i did not have to wait long to find out what was on tap for today. if you remember a few chapters ago Master got rid of all of my clothes, gave them to charity but he went out and bought me all the clothes i would need to use outside of the apartment. Master dressed me in black cotton pants and a light blue t-shirt that was probably 1 or 2 sizes too small for me. Master thought it looked good and that i would grow into it. No socks or underwear ever for slaves. Master had me wear a pair of slip on sandals he bough. Master put on one of my collars that He purchased from His friend at the dog store. Master said when we walk to school, you will follow 1 step behind me staring at MY ass at all times. When we stop, while we are walking your eyes never leave MY ass. Yes Master. you will not have to wear a leash while we are walking, when we get to the school which was about 1 mile away, I will attach a leash to you that will be worn until I enter the school building.

So off we went to Master's first day back at school. The twenty minute walk was very uneventful, at least for me. i had one view the whole time. i kept 1 step behind Master and stared at that beatiful ass all the time. When we arrived at the school, Master told me to stop and put my hands behind my back. Master attached a leash to my collar and took His backpack from me which up until this time i was holding. He told me now i was to act like a good puppy and get down on my hands and knees and crawl until told otherwise. Master saw a group of kids standing near the front of the school. His friend Bill from the pet store was there with three other kids. All of them looked to be seniors and you could tell the underclassmen were afraid of them and they would walk in through the other door and avoid being seen by this group of seniors. Master said hi to Bill. Bill looked behind Master and said to the group - see guys i told you it was true. He has a fucking slave. Can you believe it, right here in the middle of the Capital of the US, He owns another human being. They all thought it was the coolest thing in the world.

Two of the other guy's i found out were twin brothers and the sons of a diplomat from a Middle Eastern Country that was beyond rich with oil money. They went by American names of Joe and Jack while here. They said its been years since they have seen slavery in action. In their country it is very common for the rich to own many slaves and have them at their beck and call all day. Joe asked Master if the slave was for sale or if he could borrow me sometime. Master said that whatever was His, belonged to the group and that they could use me at any time. All of this time I was not looked at or acknowledged, it was like i was not even there. Jack came over to me and started to pet my head. It is awesome, here is the mid 30's fat man and he is bowed down like a dog. I now love being here. Maybe we will go back home to my country on our jet next holiday. You can see how slaves are really treated. Joe and Jack walked away and talked for a few minutes. They told Master if He ever got tired of me or i was bad, that they would buy me for their little brothers back in their country. It would be the ultimate status of wealth to have an older white slave working for them back in the Middle East.

Bill who has already had use of my mouth said he wanted to get off before school starts. Master handed him my leash and we went to the limo that was waiting in front of the shool. Apparently it was Jack and Joes personal limo that waited there for them while they attended school. Bill got in the car sat down and pointed me to a spot on the floor. Unzip my pants and fish out my cock NOW slave. Yes Master Bill. I quickly took care of that task and within minutes i was sucking Bill's cock another time. It only took a few minutes and Bill fed me his cum. We got out of the car and rejoined the group. It was time for them to go into school. I had no idea what Master had planned for me, but right before going in he handed me the address for the salon we had been to and that for today I would be spending my day attached to a barber's chair servicing any man that came in for a haircut.

Enjoy your day Master said to me and laughed as Him and His friends walked into the school. Master did not take off my leash and i was not given permission to so I walked the 10 plus blocks with the leash attached. At this point it finally hit me that i had not eaten yet today. Hopefully the boys at the salon were told to feed me. Otherwise i would not be eating until tonight at the earliest.

The life of a slave of a high school student. I love it.

Next chapter - a day at the salon.

As always I love feedback on the story. Always open to new ideas and where you think the story should go. As stated before this will not be a hard core BDSM story. I am trying to keep it as real as possible and give as many day to day details as i can think of. I have gotten a lot of positive feedback so far and would appreciate hearing from anyone reading the story. If you happen to be a young dom in search of a mid 30's chub sub email me and lets chat.

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