Zach Brimstone

By samuel coher

Published on Feb 26, 2009


All the usual T's & C's apply. If you are offended by stories involving boys or same sex relationships, then this is not the story for you.

Well I did not get a wink of sleep last night. I was tossing and turning in my bed all night. Mostly from the pain that was going through me. I finally fell asleep around two in the morning. My mom left early that morning since she had some business to attend too.

My alarm went off and I just slammed my hand down upon. I felt like the world was punishing me. I was in so much pain. I knew I was not going to make it to school, so I called in sick on my behalf and just lay in my bed. In nothing but my boxers, I thought about the things that went on yesterday.

My body ached just from the thought that my lover would do something like that to me. I tried to get those memories out of my head but the look on his face when he was beating me up I will never forget. His eyes we glazed over and it seem like he had only one thought on his mind. His fist clenched in rage and the power from the forceful kicks.

Even through he did all those things to me, I

still love him. I always will and I hoped he still feels the same way. I fell back to sleep and slept most of the day away; I awoke to a knock at my door. I tried to get up but I still could not move. Then my cell phone rang.

I reached over and picked it up. "Hello," I

answered. "Why are you not answering the

door?" she said.

"I am in too much pain to get up. There is spare key by the door frame, use it if you want to get up here," I said to her and hung up the phone.

I heard footsteps and then Jackie was standing in my doorway. She had the shock look on her face. She ran over to my bedside and knelt down. "I heard what happened and now I see what happened. Are you alright?" she said.

"I am fine minus the pain. I understood why he did it but I just hope I did not screw things up with him," I said and a couple of tears rolled down my cheek. I looked up at Jackie and I knew she wanted to hug me but she was afraid if she did that it might cause more pain. "Well you going to hug me or just sit there, I can handle the pain." She gently bent down and hugged ever so lightly.

I smiled and then she let go. "I am going to kill him. The next time I see him, I will just beat him up," she said.

"Do not, it is not his fault," I said and reach out to grab her hand. She knew that I was right but she was a little raged at the moment to see me like this. She was always there to protect me and was more like a big sister then a friend right now. Just then, there was another knock on the door.

Jackie went up to go see who it was. She opened the door and was shocked at who it was. She led him up to my room. I turned my head to see who it was. It was Bobby standing there. He was the last person I thought would come here. "Do not speak, let me talk," he said to me. "I

am so sorry for what happened. I did not mean for it to happen this way. I did want to see you fully nude and I was not able to control myself. See the truth is that I am envious of you and Damien. I want what you have. My boyfriend and I are having troubles over the last couple of weeks. I do really hope everything will be alright between you and Damien."

"How could you do that?" Jackie said to him. I knew she was just looking to beat someone up for causing me this pain and suffering.

"Jackie, you might want to clam down before you do something you will regret. I know why he did this. He did it to see if true love lasts, he knows now that there are people out there that will not cheat even if the opportune moment arises. He just needs to find a man that does not cheat on," I said.

"How did you know my boyfriend was cheating on

me?" Bobby asked.

"Well you just said that you guys were having trouble and you had it on your mind that you knew he was cheating on you so why not do an eye for eye so you took the chance with me and it failed. Plus I know you're the type of person that would rather do the rejecting then get rejected," I told him.

"Wow, you go it right on the nose. Is there anything I could do to make it up to you?" he asked.

"Nope, this is my mess and I just need to clean it up," I said and paused. "Thanks for offering through."

Jackie knew I need some rest and some meds. Jackie got up and went into the bathroom. She came back with some painkillers and told me, "Take these and call me when you wake up. Bobby and I will go now."

She bent down and kissed me on the forehead and grabbed Bobby. Just before I dosed off I heard the door shut. I do not know how long I was out when I heard my mom scream.

I woke up quickly and she was standing in front of me. "My baby, who did this to you," she asked in a panic state.

"Mom, clam down. Damien did this to me but

it is ok," I said.

"It is not ok, I am going to call his dad up right now and give him a piece of my mind," she said and reached for the phone that was in my room.

I reached out and stopped her from picking up

the phone. "Mom, sit down and listen. His dad already knows everything. I would have told you but you did a back to back shift yesterday and this morning. So here is what happened," I said to her.

She took a seat and I told her the whole story. Just when I finished I got smacked on my head. "Ow, what was that for," I asked.

"That is for not tell Damien what was going on," she paused and then looked out the window. "What are you going to do now?"

"Well I am just going to wait and see what happens. The ball is in his court now, I just have to wait and see if he is willing to take me back," I said to her and then followed her gaze out the window. We both were looking at the moon, it was bright and full this night.

My mom just sat with me till about ten and then kissed me goodnight. She got up and walked out of my room. I started to doze off again when there was a tapping on my window. I got most of my strength back from resting all day, so I got up and walked over to the window. There was someone standing right next to it. I looked out the window and it was Damien. I opened the window and waited for him to say something.

"Hi," he said shyly and was looking down at

the ground. "Hi," I said back. I knew he

could not look at me after what he did. I reached out and lifted his chin so he was looking at me. I looked into his eyes and they had look of fear that a child has when they know they did something wrong.

I leaned and tried to kiss him. He backed away and almost made me fall out the window. I looked at him and then I saw the tears rolling down his face. Then he spoke, "How can you forgive me so easily, after what I did to you."

"Simple, I love you and I understood why

you did what you did," I told him.

"I love you too and I am so sorry that I did this to you. I am now afraid of everything. My world seems so bleak with out you. After I beat you up, I ran home. I went directly to my room and was afraid of what might happen. Then you came up to my door and explained everything. That made me feel even worse then I was for beating up the person I love," Damien paused. "After you left my dad came up and talked to me. He told me that you were telling the truth and really did not mean to hurt me. He told me that I should rest and think about everything."

I looked at him and just waited for the next

thing to come out of his mouth.

"I thought all day about everything and even through you did not tell me everything but you did not lie to me in the end I still love you. All day you were on my mind, I was going to tell you this in our last class but you did not show up. Then I came over but notice that Jackie and that creep Bobby where here. I just waited by the window sill and listened to everything. Even your mom whacking you," he said and finally smiled.

"Wow, I got a stalker. At least I know him and he is damn cute. So you going to come in or is this a scene from Romeo and Juliet where they are on the balcony confessing their love to each other," I said to him.

We both laughed and then he climbed in through the window. I was still a little sore but was able to manage it. He just took me by the hand and we went to lie in my bed. The time slowly slipped by. It reached midnight and he had to go. He climbed back out my window and told me, "I got something planned for us tomorrow after school, don't plan anything."

"Wow, I get my boyfriend back and he has plans already for me. I am just the luckiest boy in the world," I said to him and he lightly punched my arm. He kissed me goodnight and took off into the night.

I went back to my bed and passed out again. My alarm went off and I took my time getting ready. There was a knock at my door. I answered it and Jackie and Damien were both standing with big smiles on there faces.

"I get front door service today as well. What a minute, Jackie I thought you would kill him the next time you saw him," I said with some worry in my voice.

"Do not worry about it; he filled me in on the talk last night and his plans for tonight," she said. "You ready to get to school?"

"Sure, how do I look?" I said and flashed a smile on my face.

Damien just looked at me and reached around and grabbed my butt. "You look perfectly handsome, I would not change a thing," he said and leaned in to kiss me. We all piled into Jackie's car and off to school

we went. School flew by but I did get some weird looks from some of the other kids. Then I crossed paths with Bobby, he did look a little different but he smiled at me. I knew some rumors went out about what went on. I just ignored the looks and stares and just smiled back at Bobby.

The last bell rang and Damien and I were walking out of the classroom holding hands. We got out to the parking lot and there waiting for us, was his dad's car.

"Where we going?" I asked.

"You will just have to wait and see," he

told me. "Ok, fine," I said and smacked his

ass. He jumped a little bit and ran over to the other side. We both hopped into his car and off we went.

I just looked out the window as we went driving down the back streets and then we ended up at the history museum. I did not know it at the time but there was a special show going on. He walked around and helped me get out of the car.

We got up to the entrance of the place and

they just let us in. It seemed like the place was closed. It felt like we were the only ones in there. I looked around and we were the only ones in there. I looked over at Damien and asked, "Where is every one?"

He just shrugged his shoulders. We walked around looking at all the exhibits and he checked his watch. It was a quarter past five. I just kept wondering were every one was.

"You ready for the next stop," he asked.

"There's more," I said. He did not wait for me to answer, he grabbed me hand and was dragging me to the car. He opened my door and took me off to the next site. We went driving for a little while longer and then we ended up at the next place. It was the old knights jousting show. See I know what your thinking, Knights jousting,

well do not knock it till you try it. We got to the entranceway and paid for our tickets. I did not know how he knew that I like knights and stuff but I was already carried away but the thought that someone else was thinking about me and not themselves. I always want to go to this show but my family was always to busy or did not have the funds at this time.

We walked in and there was the walls all

decorated with shields and swords, each one having a different color or emblem on it with flags hanging from the ceiling and a throne where the king would sit. About half an hour before the show started, people dressed up as the king and queen would come out and do ceremonies like proposals, birthdays and stuff like that.

That is when it happened, they called Damien's name and he went up there. Then they called my name. I was going too died and kill Damien in the process. I went up there and then he got on one knee.

He asked, "I am sorry for screwing up and I would ask for your hand in marriage right now but we are too young, so I going to do the next best thing. Zach would you be my date for the spring fling?"

It through me for a loop, I finally caught my

breath. Then I spoke, "Oh course I will go with you. I

love you." Some of the people in the crowd

gave us dirty looks but most of them cheered on after I gave my answer. Then king and queen invited everyone to go and take there sits since the event was going to start. We entered the doorway and it lead to a big open coliseum like room. Each section had a color.

We all sat down and they started serving us food and drinks. We had to eat just like in the olden days. With out hands, they feed us turkey legs, corn on the cob and had coke to drink. Then the show started. They told us the rules that we had to cheer for the knight's color that we were sitting. We got placed in the black knight section of the arena.

We cheered and we had a blast, even though our knight did not win but we did have a good time. By the time we got out, the sun had set and we had one last place to go. We hopped into his father's car and took off.

I fell asleep in the car and was awoken when we got to the last destination. We drove up into the Hollywood hills and he brought a blanket with him. We hiked out to a clear spot. I looked over the hillside and right below us was the Hollywood sign. I turned around and there he was sitting on the blanket, smiling at me.

"Thank you babe for the most wonderful evening," I said to him.

"No thanks need, just being with you is all I need," he said and signaled for me to join him.

We sat there looking out over the city. Then he

made his move. He pushed me down onto the blanket and then straddled me. He leaned in and we start kissing. I felt his hands moving slowly down to the top of my jeans and he undid the button. He unzipped my pants and just started rubbing my cock through my boxers.

I did not stop kissing him but my hands found there way to his jeans. I undid his button and unzipped him as well. My hands went inside and started rubbing his cock. We both just kept kissing. He lifted off my body and then I felt his hands slip inside the waistband of my boxers. I lifted my butt off the ground and in one quick move my jeans and boxers were around my ankles. My cock sticking straight up into the air and then I felt his hand wrapped around it.

He sat back down on my stomach and he started

jerking me off. This time it felt different. I did not know if it was the breeze or the location but it seem like time had stop and we were the only ones able to move. My hands left the inside of his jeans and I put them to my sides.

I was in a little pain from the bruises but I

was in more pleasure then normal. Then I felt him get off my body and stand up. I opened my eyes and he was standing above me. He let his jeans fall off his body and then he slowly pulled down his boxerbriefs. His dick swayed a little in the wind. He then lowered back down onto the blanket. He turned me on my side and faced me away from him.

I felt him slowly move closer to me. I felt him start to kiss the back of my neck; I melted and let him do what he wanted. His tongue work its way down my spine. My hands found there way down to my cock and I just slowly jerked myself off. His tongue made its way into my crack and it went to work again. I moaned and arched my back from the pleasure.

He whispered in my ear, "You ready?" I just nodded since I had nothing left to say. I

felt his cock slowly tease my hole. Then I felt the head of his cock enter my body. Inch by inch he entered my body.

He again whispered in my ear, "Breath baby, it

is a little tighter then normal."

I just let out a breath of air and felt his body right up against mine. His warm breath on the back of my neck sent a chill down my spine. After a minute of letting me adjust to him, he started rocking his hips back and forth. With the pain and pleasure that was going through my body, I moaned loud and long.

If there were anyone else up here, I am sure they would have thought I was an injured animal or one staring. His pace got faster and faster. He wrapped his arms around me and his hands flowed down to my cock.

His hands pushed mine off my cock and he started stroking me. My hands fell down to my sides and I let him have full control of my body. His hands match his hips in speed. I knew that I would climax soon but I did wish I could have stayed like this forever. His lips finally came and started kissing the back of my neck.

"Babe, I am." I said and then my entire body tensed up. My cock in his hand exploded. Seven shots of cum landed on the blanket and then it had five smaller ones. Cum was all over the place. Cum that was still on his hand he brought to his mouth.

He licked it up and whisper in my ear, "You

taste good."

"Thanks," I said and relaxed so he could continue fucking me. He went back to going back and forth with his hips. His pace was slow and steady this time. I think he wanted this to last a little while longer as well. Then I felt him tense up and the warm gooey stuff came out of him. He filled me up and was still rocking his hips. Some of his cum came leaking out.

He pulled out of me and just laid there for a few moments. Then we both just cuddle with our pants around our ankles. We must have fallen asleep because the next thing I felt was the warm sun light hitting my face. I woke up and shook Damien awake.

It was one of the most beautiful sites I have

seen. I looked over at Damien and we both were still half asleep. Then I realized there was a breeze and I looked down. Forgetting that we never pulled up our underwear and pants, I quickly pulled mine up and Damien did the same. We both just looked at each other and smiled.

After we watched the sunrise, we got back into his car. The drive back home was long and I was bored so I figured I'd have some fun. I reached over and started to message Damien's crotch. He was already hard from the morning wood. Then my hand worked its magic. It quickly undid his jeans and pulled out his cock from the fly of his boxerbriefs. My hand was jerking him off but then I just went for it.

I unbuckled my seatbelt and bent over towards him. His hands clenched the wheel the first time I went down and deep throated him. He moaned and I knew he liked this. Then I went faster and faster. The light changed but I did not stop.

I felt one hand on the top of my head running

through my hair. The other was still on the steering wheel. I knew we would be home soon so then I just used my tongue to flick the tip of the head. He moaned one last time and then I felt him cum in my mouth. About four shots of cum hit the back of my throat and I swallow ever bit of it.

I cleaned him up with my tongue and then I smiled up at him. I got up out of his lap and tucked his cock back through the fly of his underwear. I zipped him up and then we arrived at my house.

I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. Then I told him, "Thanks for the awesome night. Hope you enjoyed the morning activities. Now I am going to shower and head off to school. See you there."

I hopped out of the car and shut the door. He drove off and then I went inside. My mom was sitting at the table. It looked like she had been up all night. I looked over at her and knew what was going to happen next. The lecture that ever kid gets when they do not check in.

"Hi, mom," I said.

"Oh, hey Zach," she said back to me.

I walked over and sat down. "Before you say anything, I am sorry for not checking and you can ground me if you want. I will understand and take the full punishment," I said to her.

"Oh yeah just go clean up and get ready for

school," she said to me.

Now I knew something was really up but I did not decide to push my luck at the moment. I went down the hallway and hopped into the shower. I was out within five minutes and now in my room.

I changed and then went back to the kitchen. My mom was now just staring into her cup of coffee. "Ok, mom you're starting to scary me," I said to her. "Oh, Zach," she said and looked up at me. "Where

were you?"

"Well Damien took me out for the most magical night," I told her. "You had me worried all night but I am happy to

see that you're not in much pain and Damien and you are back together. I guess I will let you off with a warning this time," she said to me. Then she reached over and smacked me on the side of the head. "Well I took the day off so I am now going to bed and you mister need to get to school."

"Yes, mom," I said and then

went back to my room to grab my stuff. I went to my parent's bedroom and saw my mom was passed out. I still had that feeling that she was not telling me everything. I went in and kissed her on the forehead, and then I ran out the door for the bus.

Just barely making the bus, Damien

was sitting in

the back like normal. I looked back at him and walked towards him. I sat down next time and grabbed his hand.

"Hey babe, hope you were not in

too much

trouble," I said to him. "My dad let me off the hook since I

was with you

and are you in any trouble?" he asked.

"Nope my mom let me off the hook

this one time but next time I need to call her so she does not worry where I am at," I told him.

We both leaned in and kissed each

other. We

waited on the bus for a little while and then

he broke the silence. "We are

going to a dance together.

Maybe we can have a private show before hand and after. I was thinking of make that night very special," he said to me and winked. "Well I still have some money left

over from my

one night performance and I thought that we can get anything we want. How much are the tickets and where do we get them?" I asked him when we pulled up to the school parking lot. We got off the bus and then started towards the school.

Hey guys just wanted to say thanks for the emails and you were all right about what Damien would do. Hope you like the chapter and keep those comments coming or anything you want to let me know about the story.

Next: Chapter 12

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