Zach Brimstone

By samuel coher

Published on Mar 17, 2009


All the usual T's & C's apply. If you are offended by stories involving boys or same sex relationships, then this is not the story for you.

My alarm went off the next morning. I reached over and turned it off. I just lay there in my bed for a few more moments. I turned my head and my phone lit up. I sat up and grabbed my phone.

I had two messages. One from Damien, telling me sweet dreams and see you tomorrow and the other was from a number I did not recognized. It just read; hope you have fun at the dance.

I shrugged it off and went about my day. I hoped in the shower, got dress and head out to school. I got to school and Damien was at my locker waiting for me.

"Hey babe," he said to me. He leaned in and kissed me on the cheek.

"Hey sexy, how was your night?" I asked and kissed him back.

"It was ok, went to bed around ten and then woke up all bright-eyed and bushy-tail. I feel so good," he said as I opened my locker.

"That is great, can I borrow some of that energy," I said while yawning.

He quickly gave me another kiss and then the bell rang for first period. He squeezed me ass and walked off. I did not know why I was so tried; I went to bed real early last night. I walked to my first class and just coasted through the rest of my classes till lunch came around.

We all meet up at the grassy area. I rested my head in Damien's lap. Damien and Jackie were going on and on about their day and I was just slowly dozing off. Then I felt a hand reach into my pocket. The hand gave my cock a squeeze and then I felt him grab my phone.

That woke me up a little bit but not enough too do anything about it. I looked up at Damien and he was looking through my phone. Then I remembered the text message that I got this morning. Damien noticed it too.

"Zach you ok?" Jackie asked.

"Just tried," I said to her and then looked back up at Damien.

"So who is this mystery text from?" he said looked down at me.

"Do not know, got it this morning and did not really bothered with it. I guess it is just someone saying to have a good time," I said.

"Well I hope that person knows that you're taken," he said with a smile.

"Do I take a hint of jealously?" I said playfully.

He did not say a word but just reached down and started tickling me. I squirmed to get away but it was no use. Then Jackie joined in. I lost the battle. They tickled me for a good couple of minutes. They stopped tickling and my shirt was half way up my torso and my pants were sagging showing off my boxers. I think Damien started to strip me a little as well. I stood up and fixed myself.

I leaned over and whispered in his ears, "If you wanted to strip me, all you had to do was ask."

He did not respond but only gave me a big smile. I knew he wanted a show. I wanted to give him one. He got up and started walking away. Jackie knew what was up as soon as Damien walked away.

Jackie just said before I walked off, "Remember your mine after school."

"Yeah, I remember. Meet you at you car after school," I said and went chasing after Damien.

I finally reached him as he entered the school building. We walked in silence till we reach the bathroom stall at the end of the hallway. We did one quick look around and then walked in.

We checked the bathroom and nobody was in there. We enter the handicap stall since it was the one that had the most room. We locked the door and I started the private show. I pushed Damien down on the toilet seat and then just started to gentle mess up his hair and teased him by leaning in to kiss him then pulling away.

I backed up into the empty space of the stall, even though it did not have much room I still could work my magic. I grabbed the edges of my shirt and slowly pulled it up over my head and just did a belly dance for him. I left the shirt on but it was just left that it was behind my head. The waistband of my boxers was showing and I wanted to tease him a little more.

He tried to reach for me but I was just out of reach. In the background, we heard the bell but both of us did not care if we were late or if we would make it to the next period at all. I knew he was getting hard because his shorts that he had on were all tented up. I walked over to him and sat down on his lap. My ass grinded in his crotch and then I got off his crotch. He had a pair of basketball shorts and as I got up, I slowly grabbed his shorts.

I walked away and pulled his shorts with me. He lifted his ass off the seat and they came with me. I left him seating there with his boxerbriefs all tented up. I undid the button to my jeans and just shake my hips. My jeans fell off my body and my boxers were tented up as well.

Damien wanted me so bad but knew that he wanted this to last. He waited patiently and while he waited for me to finish up, he removed his shirt. There we were in nothing but our underwear. All tented up and ready to start going at it, when we heard footsteps.

The footsteps stepped in and we both looked down at the bottom of the doorway. Someone was standing in front of our doorway. The door rattled and then the feet moved over to the one next to us. They looked like adult feet and the shoes were loafers. I knew we had to stop what were doing and get out of here. I bent down and grabbed our clothes off the floor.

I quietly walked over to Damien and just sat on his lap. I felt his hard cock rub up against my ass crack. That turned me on even more. I was just about to let out a moan when Damien's hand covered my mouth. He saw that I was enjoying it. I did not want to stop. So I did the next best thing.

I started bouncing up and down. I started to get into a rhythm and then I looked over at his face. Both his hands were covering either my mouth or his. I knew he was enjoying this as much as I was.

I swallowed my moans and then I winked at him to let him knew it was ok to uncover my mouth. The person took the stall next to ours and was only there for a couple of minutes. During that time, both of us were completely turned on. I felt his hand reach under the waistband of my boxers and pulled out my dick. He then hooked my boxers underneath my balls and start jerking me off. I raised up off him just enough to push my boxers down and I pulled his dick out of the fly of his boxerbriefs.

I then I position his dick with my hole. I slowly eased back down on his cock. He let out a soft moan and I felt him inside me. I sat on his cock for a minute while he was still jerking me off. The person left and then I knew the coast was clear. I then start bouncing up and down on his hard member.

He let out another moan and I knew he was ready to burst. His body tensed up and I felt him cum inside me. That sent me over the edge. I came and it made a mess on both our chests and my dick and a little even went on the floor next to the toilet. I eased off him and his cock popped out. I looked at him and his after glow. He looked so cute just sitting there with his dick hangout of his underwear.

I went up to him and just licked cum off his body. He did the same to me and then he tucked his dick back into his underwear and we both got dressed. I knew there was no point of finishing this class, so I figured to do the next best thing. We did not leave the bathroom stall till the bell for next period rang.

Damien stood up and then I pushed him against the wall. I forcibly kissed him. He kissed back and we made out for the rest of the period. The bell rang and since it was the last class of the day we both walked together down the hallway. We walked into the class room and took our seats.

I knew we had class that day but I could not remember anything about it. My mind just kept wondering back to what we just did. I looked over at Damien and he had the same look as me. We both did not care about the class. The bell rang and we both walked out happy. We got to the parking lot and I kissed Damien goodbye as he got on the bus and I walked over to Jackie's car.

Just as I got to the car, Jackie walked up behind me.

"I see someone is happy," she said and got in the car.

"Yeah," I said and got in as well.

"Please tell me one thing, which bathroom was it, so I do not ever step foot near it again," she said as we pulled out of the parking lot.

"The one at the end of the hallway, we had a great time," I said and then paused. "I got some good news for you. The guy that you like from gym class is in my history class. I noticed him and we started talking. Strangely enough we talked about you."

I looked over and she had the half happy, half terrified looked on her face. "Hopefully all good things," she said.

"Yeah, well he was wondering if you would like to go with him to the dance. He is single and he had his eyes on you for a while now. He was just scared to ask you out," I said.

She did not respond to me. I knew she was happy and she did not want to do the third person hook up. She then finally told me, "Ok, I will tell him my answer in class tomorrow."

"Ok," I said. "So where are we going?"

"To the mall to get your outfit," she said to me.

About fifteen minutes later, we pull into the mall parking lot. We found a spot and parked the car. We started talking about class and how excited we were for summer to almost be here.

While walking around the mall, I noticed a lot of people were out and about today. Everyone at the mall was busy shopping and getting ready for there own dances. We finally hit this one store and we went in. I must have tried on like million different combinations of outfits and then Jackie told me to stop.

"That is the right one, take it off," I went back into the dressing room and change back into my regular clothes. I came back out and Jackie was holding a hat to go with it. We brought everything up to cashier and paid for it. She tossed everything in the bag and we left.

It was around five and my stomach started growling at me. I knew I was still tried but I also need some food. We hit the food court and got our food. While sitting down I notice Bobby out of the corner of my eye. He was with someone. I did not know who the other guy was but he was eying me the entire time.

"Hey Jackie, do not look now but we are being watch," I said to her.

"Where, who?" she asked.

"Just clam down, I know one of them and the other must be his boyfriend," I told her and she started to relax.

She turned around to get a look and she realized that one was Bobby and the other must be his boyfriend. "Let's just finish up and get out of here," she said.

We finished our food and headed back to the car. I looked back just make sure nobody was following us. We made it back to the car and took off.

About an hour later, we were back at my house and I waved goodbye to her as she exited the driveway. I went into the house and off to my room. Then I thought of what I need to do for the dance.

I made a few phone calls and got everything ready for that special night. Just as I hung up the phone, my cell phone rang.

"Hello," I answered.

"Hey, handsome," the voice said.

"Hey babe, how was the rest of your day?" I asked him as I start to strip off my clothes and get ready for bed.

"Lonely, I missed you. How was shopping?" he asked.

"It was ok, got this really cool looking outfit. Hope you like it. Then we had dinner and I came home," I told him.

"Awesome," he replied.

"What you doing now?" I asked.

"Just lying in bed and you," he asked.

"Just striping down and then going to bed," I said to him as I lay on my bed.

"Want to have a little fun?" he asked.

"I'm game, what did you have in mind," I asked.

"Well I am laying here, my hands are rubbing down my smooth chest," he said.

"It is that type of game. Well then I am imaging you here with me. You are straddling me. I slowly move my lips up to yours and kiss you ever so softly," I said.

"Keep going," he said.

I waited for one second and removed my boxers. My free hand wandered down to my hard on and started to slowly stroke it. "Then you push me back down on the bed and move down so our bodies are touching each other. It looks like we are one with each other. My curves matching yours, our cocks rubbing against the each other," I said to him and gave him a soft moan.

I hear him on the other end breathing hard and then a moan escapes from his mouth. That turned me on even more. "Baby please keep going, I removed my underwear and stroking my cock. I want to cum with you on the phone," he said.

"I roll you over onto your back and then slowly I move down your body teasing your nipples I go down. Working on each nipple, my tongue circling them and my teeth biting them," I said. I heard another moan which in turn made me moan. "Then I keep going down to your happy trail. Fucking your belly button with my tongue, I move out of there and slowly lick the trail and reach the base of your cock."

"Oh Zach, keep going. I am almost there," he said.

I tell him, "Me too, lets cum together."

"Oh yeah, that would be hot," he said back to me.

"I lick from the base of your cock all the way to the tip. My hand started reaching up and fondling his balls, taking my time with each one. Groping and sucking. My head bobbing up and down on your juicy cock," I paused to let out a moan.

He moaned back and then I heard I'm.. and then a loud grunt coming over the phone. That sent me over the edge. I just moaned with the grunt and it got all over the place.

I heard his heavy breathing. "Babe, you still there?" I asked.

"Yeah, I am. That was hot babe. I did not know you could be so sexual with your words. I am going to go now, we should get some sleep. Sweet dreams and I love," he said.

"I love you too. Sweet dreams," I said and then hung up the phone. I was all sticky from the mess I made and I decided to go take a quick shower before I went to bed. Not worrying about my mom seeing me, I ran across the hallway into the bathroom. I bent over and turned on the water.

Letting the water run a little bit to warm up, I look into the mirror. This was the first time I looked in the mirror and saw myself smiling. I was truly happy and I knew Damien was happy as well. The room started filling up with steam from the shower and that was my time to get in.

I hopped in and just stood underneath the water, letting it run down my body. It was washing away the mess that was on me. It felt good. The water flow over every inch of my body, I stood there for a couple of minutes before I started to soap myself up. I finished up but did not get out of the shower. I just stood under the flowing water. The water started getting cold and then I knew it was time for me to get out.

I reached out of the shower and grabbed a towel. I dried myself off and then headed towards my bedroom. I got into my room and shut the door behind me. I dropped the towel onto the floor and walked over to my dresser. I passed the window on my way over to my drawer. I looked out side as I walked by and notice the clear night sky.

I got to my drawer and threw on some boxers. I walked by the window again and I noticed something was casting a shadow. I looked outside and there was nothing there. I decided it was nothing and went to bed.

The next morning I woke up and remembered that today Jackie was going to ask that guy out. I reached over for my phone and looked at it. I had two messages again; one from Damien telling me sweet dreams and one from Jackie, saying had a great time yesterday.

I hit reply to Jackie's message and wrote good luck with your guy today. I waited a few moments for a reply but nothing came back. I started to get ready for school. I looked at the time and I had plenty of it. I walked down the hallway and found a note on the cork board. It was from my mom telling me she had a back to back work shift and would not be home today. She left me some money for food and then I went into the kitchen.

I made some breakfast and then headed out to the bus. Damien was at the bus stop too. I walked up behind him and kissed him on the back of the neck and wrapped my arms around him.

He jumped a little and I moved with him. He turned around in my arms and had a smile on his face. He kissed me back, and then spoke, "Hey babe how was your night?"

"It was ok, just showered and went to bed," I said.

"Same here," he said with a smile. We chit-chatted for a while and the bus came to pick us up, we took our seats at the back of the bus. Then Damien rested his head on my lap. While on the bus ride to school, I got a weird feeling in my gut. I could not explain it but it seemed like something was wrong.

We finally got to school and went inside. We got to my locker and I was in complete shock. My locker was completely destroyed. The door was hanging on its hinged. On the inside, my books and pictures were shredded. I just fell to my knees and was speechless. Then I noticed one thing, on the back of my locker the person who did this wrote, fags should die and I hope you burn in hell.

Now I know that I made enemies when I came out a couple of years ago and lost a few friends in the process but I also knew them well enough that none of them would do something like this. I did not know what to do. Part of me wanted to run and just vanish into the night the other want to kick someone's ass for doing this.

Out of my confusion and rage and sorrow, I felt someone's hand on my shoulder. I looked up in that direction. Damien had the look of a killer at that moment. Even through he was still here with me, his mind was a million miles away. His eyes were cold and distance. I knew what was going on in his mind. He wanted to make the person who did this pay.

Well I had two options, go home or just toughen it out. If I went home, the person who did this would have won. If I stay, things might get worse. I decided to stay and see where things went. I got up off the ground and went into my locker. I salvaged what was left of my books and pictures and stuff. Damien was there with me the entire time.

He whispered into my ear, "Are you alright? Let's go and we can deal with this another time."

I just turned around and looked at him. "I am fine, thanks for the concern babe. I want to deal with now. If we put this off then it shows who ever did this that we could not fight him. The best way to deal with this is to just shrug it off and move on. Do not get me wrong I want to find out who did this as much as you but for now we do what we can."

Damien did not say a word but knew I was right. Just then the principal walked up behind us both and looked at the damage that was done. I turned around and looked at him.

The look on his face was just in complete horror. He was in more shock then I was. I think he was more disgusted that something like this would happen. He looked down at me and I knew he was sorry for this.

He finally spoke, "I am sorry something like this had happened. I will get to the bottom of this and do not worry we will get your books and clean your locker up ASAP."

"Ok," I said. Then he walked away. The janitor came by and was starting to go through it and was trying to save what was still useable. I just walked away. Damien followed in tail and I went into the bathroom.

I walked into the nearest stall and locked the door. Damien waited outside and he heard loud clang from the stall. I was standing for a few seconds and then I threw my fist into the metal wall. I punched the wall and left a nice size dent in it. Then I sat down on the toilet. I unlocked door but did not open it.

Damien pushed the door open and saw me sitting down. Then he looked over and saw the dent in the side of the stall. My head was in my hands. I felt Damien start to rub my shoulders and then I started to cry. I did not lift my head when the bell rang. Damien did not leave me.

Damien let me cry, he just kept rubbing my back in small circles. After a good twenty minutes, I lifted my head up and looked over at him. My eyes were red and puffy. "Babe can we go?" I said to him.

"I thought we want to stay and show whoever this was that we were strong to move on," he said to me.

"I know I said that but nobody at this school did this. It was someone that does not go here and I know my enemies and this would not be them. They would confront me to my face," I said. I was fighting my tears; I did not want to be here. I just got up and did not wait for Damien to say anything. I pushed my way around him. He did not move instead he just grabbed me and gave me big hug.

I kept fighting his hug but he did not let go. Then he let go and grabbed my hand, he took the lead and run with me. We run out the bathroom and then out the doors of school hallway. I knew I was being stupid but after that I did not want to be there.

I looked over at him and knew of the one place I wanted to be. I wanted to be with Damien in my room, under the covers of my bed. We both ran as far as we could, not realize that were ran about half way home, we walked the rest of the way.

"Is your mom going to mad at you if you miss school?" Damien asked me on the way home.

"My mom is not going to be home till late, I am more worried about your dad getting mad. You miss quite a few days because of me. I do not want you to get in trouble, you should go back. I will be fine," I said to him even through I really just wanted him there.

"I already missed first period plus I figured that you need me more then school," he said and leaned in to kiss me.

Wow, I thought to myself. I am so lucky to have him as a boyfriend. "Well I just want to crawl into bed and hide under the covers," I said to him. "Tomorrow I will deal with all this. Plus I bet Jackie is going to find out who done this to my locker."

"You're probably right, so let's get some rest. We will deal with all this tomorrow and the next day," Damien said to me and then we walked the rest of the way home. I stripped down to my boxers and hopped up my covers. Damien sat in the bed with me but he was above the covers. We watched TV for the most part of the day.

In the afternoon Jackie called and gave me the info on what she found out. She found out that it was someone from outside the school. She was still on the hunt and she also told me she asked that guy out from gym class. We said goodbye and then Damien took off as well.

I just pulled the covers over my head and started thinking about who it might be. i fell asleep trying to think about it all.

Hope you guys liked it. Love to hear you're your thoughts and comments about it. Email me at

Next: Chapter 14

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