Zach Brimstone

By samuel coher

Published on May 11, 2009


Zach Brimstone pt. 20

All the usual T's & C's apply. If you are offended by stories involving boys or same sex relationships, then this is not the story for you.

That week went by real slow. The finals were easy for the both of us but what was really on our minds was where his dad went to. I did my best to keep Damien happy and not to think about it. The good thing about finals is that the last one on Thursday was with Damien.

I looked over at him and he was really focused on what he was doing. I finished my test quickly and was just waiting for Damien to finish his so we could leave together. I just went over my answers and tried to look busy and then I knew I could not wait any longer or the teacher would just get suspicious.

I got up and walked over to the teacher's desk and handed in my paper. Most of the kids looked up at me as I was walking over there. I dropped off the paper and I turned around. I was the first one done and on the way back I made sure to walk by Damien's desk.

As I walked by I made my hand drop and rub right past his shoulder, he looked up and gave me a smile. I walked back to my desk and packed up my stuff up. I grabbed it off the floor and then walked out the door. I knew I was going to wait for him till he finished. I needed to use the restroom.

Walking down the empty hallway felt a little weird. I finally made it to the bathroom and I went inside. I unzipped my pants and pulled out my cock. I started to take a leak when someone entered the bathroom. He went into the stall as I was finishing up. I zipped up and went to wash my hands.

I looked up in the mirror and noticed the stall door opened up and it was Bobby. He walked up to the side of me and gave me a smile.

"Hey, thought you would be out at graduation practice?" I said.

"We finished so I thought I'd walk the halls, I saw you walking down them so I figure I'd say hi," he said back to me.

"Well, hello. So how are things with you and Ryan?" I asked. Since Ryan has been away on business for the last couple of days, Bobby has not been around the beach house that Damien and I were using.

"Things are great; we are just talking over the phone since he is away on business. He wishes that he was here with me and to help you guys out," he said to me and shut off the water. "How are things with you and Damien?"

"Well we are just taking it day by day. Waiting for his dad to show up and tell us everything is going to all right. Besides that we are doing ok," I said to him and looked down at my shoes.

"Hey, what's really going? I can tell there is something you're not telling me," he said and then waited for an answer.

"Well it seems like his dad is not coming back and that means we have to follow these instructions," I said to him and took at a piece of paper out of my pocket that I had with me. I unfolded the paper and handed it to him.

He read the paper and then handed it back to me. "It seems to be some kind of riddle or map to help Damien find something," he said to me. "Does he know about this?"

"Yeah, he told me if his dad does not come back by the end of the week, that we are going to solve it and find out what's going on?" I said to him.

"Well if you need any help let me know, I am always up for great adventure or whatever," he said. "I got to go get some stuff ready for my own little graduation event. See ya later."

"Later," I said and then he walked out of the bathroom. I waited a few seconds and got back out. I looked down the hallway and noticed that Damien was outside looking around. I waved at him and then he noticed I was down the hallway. He came running towards me. He had a big smile on his face.

I did not realize that he was going so fast. He was going when he was right next to me. He tried to stop but crashed into me. We both went falling down to the ground and he landed on top of me. We looked at each other and then busted up laughing at our clumsiness.

He kissed me and then rolled off of me. I got up and helped him up as well. "What's got you in a good mood?" I asked.

"Well I just finished my test and now we get to start summer. The best part is I get to do it with you," he said.

I blush a little when he said that. "Well that is a great thing to be happy about," I said to him. "We ready to leave then I take it."

He nodded his head and his hand found mine. We walked down the hallway holding hands. It was one very long year. As we walked down the hallway, I start remembering everything that we been through.

We made it to the doorway and Jackie was standing there. "Hey," I said.

"Hey," she said back.

"So how are things with you?" I asked her as we made our way outside.

"Doing ok, heard about what happened over the weekend, so I figured we could hang out and just chill to get your mind off of things," I said.

"Sure, how did your finals go?" I asked her as we all walked over to our cars.

"They went well, I am just glad they are over," she stated. "Where are we going?"

Damien spoke up, "Well I figured we can just go back to the beach house and hang out there."

"Beach house? When did you guys get a beach house?" she said.

"It is our friend Ryan's house, he is letting us crash there for a little while," he said to her.

"Well let's get over there and relax," she said then went to her car. We walked over to Damien's car. We got in and we drove off to the house. Jackie following us and then I was getting tried. I leaned over and rested my head on Damien's shoulder. He took one of his hands off the wheel and stroked my head.

I feel asleep and was awoken by his kiss, my eyes opened up to see him staring at me. We broke the kiss and then I realized that we were at the house. Jackie was standing at the door waiting for us to get out of the car. I looked out the window and she was on the phone, probably talking to Elliot.

We got out of the car and then walked towards the door. I got my keys out of my pocket and opened the door. The house seemed a little empty. We walked in and made ourselves comfortable in the living room.

"I invited Elliot over if that is cool?" she told us.

"Sure, I got no problem with that," I said. "I think I am going to take a nap."

"You ok, babe?" Damien asked.

"Just a little tried," I said. I got up and walked into the bedroom. I shut the door and just thought about what is going to happen next. I knew Damien told me to tell him when the week was up to hand him back the paper; I was just afraid what it might bring.

I heard the front door open and everyone greeting each other. I was not really tried; I just did not want to be around people at the moment. I decide to check my sites that I ran.

I turned on the computer and waited for it to boot up, I logged on to my main site and started visiting my sites. Each site had a few messages from the users to me, how I could make it better, what they would like to see.

Then I came across one of my sites that help people find others and there was an email address to me. It was not address to my admin but personal to me. I was at first afraid to open it and then I figured I must do it to find out what it might be. I click on it and opened it up.

It read: Dear Zach, I am writing this email to you let you know that Damien will need to find out what's going on. Please help him. You're good for him. The email ended right there, but I figured it was from his dad. I sat there thinking about what to do next. I printed out the email and I was going to show Damien the next time I got the chance.

There was a knock at the door and I jumped out of the sit. I fell onto the floor and the chair fell on top of me. The door opened quickly and Damien was standing there looking at me in the dark. He turned on the light.

"Thought you were asleep," he said.

"Ow," I said and then looked up at him.

"What's really going on babe, Jackie and Elliot left since they wanted to mess around. They are going come back tomorrow to hang out. Tell me what's up," he said and walked over to help me up.

He pulled the chair off me and helped me up to my feet. I went over to the printer and handed him the piece of paper. He read it and then sat down on the bed. I went over to sit next to him. He had a smile on his face and I knew he was happy due to that fact that his dad is still alive.

"Well I take it your happy to know that your dad is still alive, you ready to find out what we need to do," I asked and rubbed his shoulder.

"This is why you were tried," he asked.

"To be honest with you, I just got that email today when I was checking my sites. I was tried because I did not know how to start this little summer adventure that we are going to have," I said and plopped backwards onto the bed.

He lay down with me, "Well no matter what happens, we will do this together and together we will get through this. How about we have some fun before we start our little adventure?"

I rolled over on my side and looked at him. He had a big grin on his face. I kissed him as I lay next to him. His fingers walked down my side and tickled me while I was just kissing him. I jerk away and he continued down towards my package. His fingers stopped at the waistband of my jeans that I was wearing that day.

They moved down towards the center of my waist and worked on unbuttoning my jeans. It was working and then I felt his fingers unzip my pants as well. He pushed the flaps open and then his fingers went back up to the waistband of my boxers. They slipped underneath and went down my trail and touched the base of my cock.

I was rock hard by the time he got there. My hand went straight to his cock and ripped open his shorts and boxers. His hard cock was peeking through the fly. My hand wrapped around his cock and started jerking it off rapidly. His hand just continued the slowness. His fingers slowly walk the length of my cock and then each finger wrapped slowly around it. I felt the warmth of each finger wrapping around my tool.

I moan out in pleasure from what he was doing. My hand slow down its pace and start to match his. He exhaled when he felt that and noticed that I was ready for him. His hand started to jerk me off. I arched my back from all the pleasure that he was giving me. My pants slipped down a little more off my body but still cling to my butt when I cam back down.

I moaned out his name and he sped up his hand movements. I followed in suit with my hand. I whispered to me, "Cum with me."

I just nodded my head and kissed him on the mouth. He separated his lips and his tongue invaded my mouth. We wrestled with our tongues and I just gave in and let me do what he wanted. His hand finally picked up more speed and I felt the wave of pleasure flow throughout my body and then I felt my hand had some stick stuff on it. I looked down and it is covered with his white goo.

That sent my body to let go and I came all over his hand and in my underwear. I relaxed and he took his hand out of my boxers and licked himself clean. I bent down and lick cum of his cock and my hand. I had to change because of the feeling of cum in my boxers was a little weird.

I stood up and let my jeans fall to the floor and then I pulled down my boxers. I lay back down next to my lover. He removed his clothes as I was doing the same. He wrapped his arm around me and we cuddle up next to each other.

We rested like that for about an hour and then he rolled over and we were facing each other. "I think I am ready to start our quest to find out what is going around here," he said to me.

"Well let's get dressed and then we can see were we are starting," I said to him and kissed his lips. We both rolled out of bed and I grabbed a clean pair of boxers and he put his back on. I reached into my pants pocket and pulled out the piece of paper. We sat back down on the bed and opened it up.

It read: To find what you seek you must look within. Once you found what lies beneath you will know what you're looking for. We both looked at each other and had no clue what that meant. We sat in silence for a few moments and then I decided to go and make some food since we have not ate since breakfast that morning.

I walked into the kitchen and was thinking about the riddle that was before us. My mind started hurting because I was thinking to hard. I opened the fridge and pulled out some hamburger meat and started make some patties.

I seasoned them up with some spices I found and then turned on the stove. I put them in the pan and started frying them up. About a few moments after I started I felt someone massaging my shoulders.

I started relaxing into the person behind me and then I smelled the burgers starting to cook. I flipped them and turn around briefly. Damien seemed a little relaxed now that he knew his dad was ok.

"Smells good," he told me.

"Yeah it does, hope it tastes as good as it smells," I said back to him.

"Same here, I think I figured out the riddle," he said. I just finished putting the burgers on a plate and he went to get the buns. He grabbed mine buns and then walked away. I smiled and then brought the meat to the table. We sat down and then started eating.

"So what do you think it means?" I asked him after taking a bit of my food.

"Well my father always talked about this one place, he told me I was taken there once with him and my mom. I just can not remember where it is," he told me.

"Ok, maybe it was in some of your older photos, we can go to your place and look through your old photos," I said.

"Sounds like a good place to start," he said. We finished our food with a new outlook and it finished the same way, with us making out. We cleaned up our plates and then went over to his place. We took our clothes since I figured it was time for us to go home.

Back at his place, he opened the door. The smell of stale air rushed us and then we quickly opened all the windows to air the place out. I took a seat in the living room, while went to collect all the photo books. He came back with an arm full of photo albums. He plopped them down on the coffee table.

He picked one up and sat down next to me. We started looking through them. It started out with photos of his parents and their wedding. He was not in the first set of photos and then about half way through his mom started showing signs that she was pregnant. We finished the first book and then the next one was title: Damien. I assumed that it was when he was born and the photos about him.

He opened it up and the first photo was of him being held by his mom. I looked at him and his eyes were watering a little. I wrapped my arm around him and pulled him close to me. He looked up at me and smiled. We started flipping through the pages and they were all of him doing different things. Then the bare butt and cock shot were in there as well. He turned beat red.

I said, "That is so cute. Your ass was cute then as well."

He hit my in the shoulder and then quickly turned the page before I could comment about his cock. The next pictures seemed to have one thing in common. The background all seemed to be of the same spot. It was when Damien was about six years old. When he looked at the pictures he somewhat remember being there.

We took out the pictures and put them all together. The picture made a bigger one and in the background was a food place. Damien looked up at me and smiled. "I know where that is," he said. "We need to go there, now."

"It is almost midnight, I think we can wait, plus if we drag Elliot and Jackie tomorrow we could cover more ground," I said to him. "Let's go to bed sweetie."

"You're right, let's get some sleep," he said and then we went upstairs up to his room. We stripped down to our boxers and hope into his bed. I figured that he would not be able to sleep but I was wrong. As soon as his head hit the pillow, he was out like a light.

I lay down next to him and then threw my arm around him. I felt his warm body next to mine and fell asleep. I woke up the next morning to the sound of the shower going of. I sat up in bed and Damien was not in it. I figured that he was the one getting the shower ready. I slowly stumbled over to the bathroom and opened the door.

He was standing there completely naked and his cock was sticking straight out. I figured I give him a good morning. He noticed me and gave me a smile. He entered the shower. I looked down and noticed I was up for some fun as well. I quickly pulled down my boxers and jumped into the shower.

He had his back to me and I grabbed the bar of soap. I start washing up his back and then he turned around our dicks touch. I felt a wave of pleasure flow over me. I looked at him and he had his head tilted back. I then took the chance. I got on my knees and wrapped my hand around his cock. He moaned with the touch. I moved my mouth over his cock and then took it all in. I knew he would not last long because I felt his cock twitch in my mouth.

I picked up the pace and felt him grabbed my hair. Then he unloaded into my mouth. I was not in the mood to swallow that morning so I let it just dripped out of my mouth. He finished shooting and then I spit out the rest. He pulled my up off my knees and we start making out. The water running over our bodies and then I heard my phone ringing. I figured it was Jackie calling to make sure we were still on for today.

I broke the kiss and said, "Let's finish this up later. I want to go find out what is going."

He agreed with me and we finished up getting clean. We stepped out of the shower and dried off. We went back into his room and then he went for it. He quickly grabbed my phone and looked at who called us. It was Jackie and then he played the voice mail. He put it on loudspeaker.

She just wanted to make sure we were still on and then it hung up. He erased the message and then started to get dress. I was already finished by the time the message end. He finished getting ready and we decided to close up the house since we would be gone all day.

I gave Jackie a call back and had he meet us up at my house in a few minutes. She said her and Elliot were ready and will be there. We hopped into Damien's car and drove down the street. As we pulled into my driveway Jackie and Elliot were waiting for us. We got out of the car and I was feeling better then yesterday and Jackie knew it.

"Hey, darling, sorry about yesterday, just was not feeling to well," I told her.

"Well glad to hear that, so what's the plan for the first day of summer," she asked us.

"I figured that we go to this place and find out what's going on with my family. I was hoping you guys would come along and help," he said to them.

"Of course we will, you're our friend and that's what friends do is," Elliot said and came over to Damien's car. "Plus I get to ride in this sweet car."

We all laughed at that comment and plied into his car. We took off towards the desert. We ended up on the outskirts of L.A, there seemed to be this old ghost town out there. As Damien was driving I was looking at the photos once more. I notice in the parent's album that there were more photos of this place.

It seemed like they lived there once. I showed them to Damien at quick glances so he would not lose focus on the road. It took us about an hour of driving to this location. We did not know what we were getting into but just then Damien stopped the car. We all went flying a little in our seats.

"Why you stopped the car?" we all asked.

He was just looking out the window and then our gaze followed. I looked down at the picture that was in my hand. It was the sign in the background of the picture of him and his family. We all got out of the car and looked up at the sign.

"Well I take we are here," I said and walk around the car to stand next to Damien. Elliot and Jackie join us as well looked up at the sign.

"What are we waiting for, lets go take a look around," Jackie said and then took off running towards the dinner that the sign was for.

"Wait, I have no clue what we are looking for," Damien yelled and then took off after her.

Elliot and I looked at each other and then took off after our other halves to make sure that they did not get into trouble or danger.

Hope you guys enjoyed the story so far. Let me know what you think of the story. Email me at

Next: Chapter 21

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