Zach Brimstone

By samuel coher

Published on Jun 22, 2009


All the usual T's & C's apply. If you are offended by stories involving boys or same sex relationships, then this is not the story for you.

I woke up the next morning and I checked my sites. I did get an email from the person I was talking to last night and I sent him one back with some information for him. I hoped it will help him out. I also gave him my number and location just he wanted to meet in person.

I looked over at the end of my desk and my phone just lite up. I grabbed it and it was Damien saying he was on his way over and to get ready. I looked down and noticed that my boxers were all tented up. I decided to skip the shower and I just threw on some clothes and went down the hallway. My parents were off to work and I went outside to wait.

I made my way to my garage and leaned against to admire what a beautiful day it was. The sun was out warming the world up. I heard a couple of birds chirping away and the busy hustle and bustle of the city. Then I saw Damien turn the corner and a smile appeared on my face. He pulled up into my driveway and I hopped in.

"Hey babe, so what's the plan?" I asked him as I kissed him on the cheek.

"Well I figured we go hit the mall and get some cute outfits for tonight," he said back and pulled out of the driveway.

"Great, more walking," I said sarcastically.

He punched me in the arm and then turned up the radio. I let my hand fall down to my side and then I felt his hand brush against it. His hand came back and grabbed hold of mine. I felt comfortable once more and just enjoyed the ride to the mall. We got to the mall and he turned off his car. He looked over at me and I was staring blankly out the window. I turned to look at him and we just stared at each other for a moment and leaned in for the kiss. I lips meet and both our hands started roaming over each other. I was still all tented up and then he took hold of it.

I found his member and start rubbing it through the fabrics. I felt his hand lift up my shirt and then dive underneath my shorts that I had on. I broke the kiss and leaned back so he had more access. His hand did slip in more easily this time but then I felt the urge to get him off more then have him get me off. I pushed him on his back and his hand slipped out of my shorts.

I bent over and my mouth was just above his bugle, and then mouth started sucking his hard member through the fabric. He leaned back in his seat and just let me do my stuff. My hands reach up and found the entranceway to what I wanted. I unbuttoned his shorts and then unzipped them slowly. As I was unzipping his zipper I made sure to push down on it and made sure my hand trace over the out of his cock. Then I finished the zipper and pushed his shorts just down underneath his balls. His underwear was all tented up. My mouth went to work quickly and then my hand snaked up the leg of his underwear.

I pulled his balls out the leg of his underwear and start fondling them. He moaned as I squeezed them gentle. Then my tongue worked its way through the fly of his boxerbriefs and found what it wanted. I teased him by licking the tip of his cock. I teased some pre-cum on his cock and he was arching his back push up into me. Then my hands wanted to release his manhood. They reached up and hooked into the waistband and pulled them up and over.

I hooked them under his balls and then start to go back to work on him. I grabbed his shaft with my hand and start stroking and then just put the head of his cock into my mouth. He moaned out my name this time and I smiled and went back to work. Then I engulfed his cock and stopped teasing him. I then felt my shorts drop off my body and my cock was sticking out the fly of my boxers. I start rubbing up and down on the sit causing my cock to get pin between me and seat.

Damien noticed this and reached down to help me out. I lift my butt in the air and he grabbed hold of my cock. We started a rhythm with me going down on him and him jerking me off. I did not know how much long I was going to last since I had the hard since this morning. I started breathing heavy and that sent him over the edge. I felt him cum into my mouth and I just kept sucking him till he was dry. His hand let go of my cock and just dropped down to his side. I think I just blew his mind with this one. I let his cock fall out of my mouth and looked at him. He had the glazed over look about him. I snaked my way up his body and kissed him on his lips.

I rested my body on his and my cock started to relax. I reached down and tuck both ourselves in and Damien finally came out of his little climax. He smiled at me and just ran his hand through my hair.

"That was awesome babe," he said to me and kissed me on the forehead.

"Yeah it was," I sand and then rolled back to my seat. I opened my door and Damien followed in suit. He walked around and took hold of my hand. We walked into the store and went to the back. I figured we would want something a little more comfortable and breathable since the club is going to packed.

I went over to the shorts area and want something that showed off my stuff. Damien followed me over there and we started shuffling through it all. We each grabbed some shorts and shirts then headed to the changing rooms. This time we did not go into the same room but we did need to show the other what we looked like.

We each went back and forth showing the other and decided on which one we liked best. I was in some shorts that were tight at the top and somewhat baggy at the bottom and he had the baggy shorts all around. I smiled at him since he seemed to be having a good time.

I was happy that we were having a good time but then my leg started acting up. I finished changing real fast and hobble my way to the one of the waiting benches. The cast was bugging me and I was rubbing it to try and make the pain go away. Damien just came out and saw me sitting down. He came over to me and sat down.

"Everything alright?" he said and the started rubbing my back.

"My leg is really hurting me and I left my pain pills in the car," I told him.

"You want me to go get them," he asked.

"I well endure the pain, let's just get the clothes and hit our next stop," I said to him and grabbed my crotches. I knew Damien and if I was in pain he might cancel going to club and I think Damien wants to go as much as I do. We slowly made our way to the counter and paid for the clothes.

"So, where to next," I asked to him and smiled.

"Well let's go to the car get your pain pills and drop this stuff off," he said to me and we head towards the parking lot. We made it to his car and I opened the passenger door. We tossed our bags in the back and grabbed my pill bottle. I put them in my pocket and heard his stomach growl.

"Sounds to me like someone is hungry," I said and rubbed his tummy.

"Yeah, I want to get an early start so I skipped breakfast and went over to your place. Well at least we have our next stop," he said and then he heard my stomach growl as well. "Well it looks like I am not the only one, plus you should not take medicine on an empty stomach."

I just smiled a little and took hold his hand this time. We made our way to the food court and I took a seat. Damien went and got the food. While I waited for the Damien to come back, I just took out a pill and start playing with it. I spun it around a couple of times and then I looked up and Damien was standing there smiling at me with a tray of food in his hand.

He put down the tray of food and handed me my drink. I threw the pill up in the air and caught it in my mouth and then took a big sip of my drink. I swallowed my pill like his cum this morning; quick and clean. Damien smiled at me like I was his child and then he leaned in. I leaned in the rest of the way and we kiss in the middle of the table. We started eating our food.

We finished our food and then just sat and decided what to do next. We sat in silence and then both started to talk.

"Well we can go back one of our houses and chill till we need to go to the club<" I said to Damien.

"Yeah but it is such a beautiful day outside, let's do something out doors," Damien responded and then looked into my eyes.

"Yeah you're right," I said and then looked back at him. "So, what about going to the beach?"

"Do not have swim trunks and I bet it is packed," Damien said and looked up at the clouds.

I followed his gaze up into the clouds and I notice one looked like and arrow. My gaze followed the arrow and it was pointing to something. It was small shop and it seemed interesting. I got up and walked over to the shop.

Damien looked over where I was and noticed I was gone. He looked around and then noticed my cute butt enter that shop. Damien got up tossed our food away and then headed over.

I opened the door and inside was filled with beach balls and other beach items. I walked around and found out what seemed like fun. I went up to the cashier and told him what I wanted. He rented them out to me and Damien walked in just as I finished the transaction.

He came up behind me and wrapped his arms. He kissed the back of my neck and looked over my shoulder. "What's in the bag?" he asked me while rocking back and forth.

"It is our next activity," I said and then started heading towards the door.

"So where are we going?" he asked.

"Well back to my place to change," I said and smiled at him.

"Ok," he followed me out the door and we headed back to the car. We took off to my house and we changed into out trunks. Then off to the beach we went. We made it to the beach and then I took out the bag.

"Do I get to see what's in the bag?" Damien asked.

"Well I figured since I can not get into the water I might as well walk on it," I said to him and pulled out to big pieces of plastic and an air pump. I plugged the air pump into the car and started pumping up the plastic. It turned into a ball and then I did the other one. We both got inside and started rolling towards the water. I was still a little nervous about getting my cast wet but then I reached the water and started walking on it. The bubble did not have any leaks so I was safe.

I was walking on towards the ocean and the waves kept pushing me back. I looked to my left and saw Damien running towards me at full speed. He came crashing into me and I went rolling on the water. I tumbled in the ball and then land upside down. Then a big wave came and washed me ashore.

I landed with thud and then I just sat there for a little bit. I watched as Damien was riding the waves and having a good time. Then a wave tackled him and washed him right next to me. I looked over at him and smiled. He smiled back at me.

We both got out of the bubbles and deflated them and stuff them back into the bag. It was time for us to return the balls and get ready for the club. We drove to the shop and drop them off.

After that we went back to my place to get ready. I looked at the time and it was almost time for the limo to pick us up. Damien was still in the bathroom fixing his hair. I peeked in and grabbed his ass; he turned towards me and stuck his tongue out.

"I know a thousands better things you can do with that," I said and bent over for him. He came over and slapped my ass. I yelped a little and stood straight up. He walked by me and I tackled him onto my bed. We started making out when I here the doorbell ring.

Damien pushed me off him and we both got up to get the door. I followed him down the hallway and was just admiring his cute ass. We got to the door and Ryan and Bobby were both standing there looking smokin hot.

"Wow, you guys look hot," Damien said and look both of them up and down.

"So do you guys," Bobby said and did the same thing.

Ryan and I just looked at each other and then just headed towards the limo. Just as we got to the door, we heard two whistles come from behind us. We just turned our heads and blew them a kiss. We all got into the limo and I we started goofing around in there. Ryan finally calmed us down and started to speak.

"Well I thank you guys for coming out and I am also glad to have meet you guys," he said and paused. "Well tonight just have fun and everything is on."

"Really?" I said like a little boy, with the big eyes and everything.

"Yes really," he said.

"Ok," Damien said and then opened a bottle of wine that was in the mini fridge.

Bobby grabbed a couple of glasses and Damien poured. He hand us the cups and we toasted to a wonder evening with friends and loved ones. We drank and then kissed. The limo pulled up to the club and we all got out. There was a line around the block to get in and we just walked up to the front of the line.

Ryan talked to the bouncer at the door and he unhooked the red rope and we walked in. The next bouncer padded us down and cleared us to go in. We opened the doors and the music was blasting. The doors closed behind us and we were rushed into the dance floor. A group of people pushed us with them and we made it into the dance floor.

"Guess we are dancing?" I tried yelling over the music.

"What?" Damien yelled back.

I just shook my head and we started moving to the beat. I was dancing well with my broken leg and the crutches. Damien was getting a little tried and so was I. we headed off the dance floor and found our way upstairs. It had some couches and the sounds were muffled but still able to hear it clearly. We took a seat on the couch that was over looking the dance floor.

I looked down on the dance floor and it seemed like everyone one looked the same from up there. It was odd that I realized that but I just shrugged the feeling off and focus my attention back on Damien. He was also looking down on the crowd of twinks and club kids. I looked back down at the crowd and noticed Ryan and Bobby dance the night way.

Then I felt Damien's hand on my thigh and I looked over at him. It looked like something was on his mind but I could not tell what. Then I felt my buzz in my pocket and then I just let it go to voice mail. I looked into Damien's eyes and then we broke the silence.

"How you doing?" I asked him.

"Well, I am doing ok. Just sometimes the crowds get to me," he said to me. "How is your leg holding up?"

"It is ok; the pain pills are working their magic. I am just happy sitting here with you," I answered him and put my hand on his thigh.

He looked down at my hand and then I leaned in and stop inches from his lips. He looked back up and moved forward just a little. I lips met and we start making out. My hand roamed from his thigh up his body and rest on the back of his head. His hand followed suit and we start having a big make out session.

Just when we were about to go further in our little session, Ryan and Bobby plop down on the couch with us. Ryan landed on my lap and Bobby on Damien's. That broke our kissing and we look up at them.

"I see the two love birds found there nest to have some fun in," Ryan said to us.

"I take the dance for was cramping your style. To many people bumping and grinding onto you," Damien said back at him.

"Nope, just thought we see what you two guys were up too," Bobby chimed in.

"Well, I need to go use the restroom," I said and excused myself. Ryan got up off my lap and I walked to the restroom. It is never the cleanest place in the world but if you have to go, you have to go. I picked the restroom at the end of the row and I went in. they took the doors off them so people would not fuck in them but as I was walking down I looked into some of them. The one next to me had two people in there going at it.

I made it to the final stall and unzipped my pants. I took my cock out and was peeing when I heard the couple next to me moaning and hitting the wall. Words like "Harder and you like me fucking like that" were flying out all over the place. I was so not trying not laugh since they both were sound like a couple of pigs squealing. I quickly finished up and made my way to the sink to wash my hands. Then I heard one of them yell out that his cumming and then a moan of release followed.

I finished up and went outside and busted up laughing. I made my way back up the stairs and Damien was just sitting there alone. I walked over to him and sat down. I told him about the bathroom and he busted up laughing as well.

"So where did Ryan and Bobby go?" I asked.

"They went back down to the dance floor," he said to me and then pointed them out. Then as he pointed them out, I took his hand and then started sucking on his fuck. I was pretending it was his dick and then his eyes widened. Then other hand started going down my chest and then I felt him squeeze my bugle.

Then he spoke, "It is time for you get yours from early."

"Go for it,' I whispered into his ear.

That was all he needed to hear and I just leaned back into the couch. His hands worked quickly and soon my dick was feeling the stale club air. I felt his warm hands wrap around it and start jerking me off. My head tilted over the top of the couch and I was looking at the crowd upside down. Then after a few moments, his hand lift and was replaced by his mouth.

His warm breath sent a chill down my spine. He was teasing me with his tongue was just licking it like an ice cream cone. I looked down and saw those big beautiful eyes looking back at me. I smiled and let him finished his work. His mouth then engulfed my cock and I just moaned out loud. The music drowned my moans and Damien quickly made sure I was going to enjoy this moment.

He went all the way down and I felt his nose buried in my pubes. I felt him breath in my scent and then he started bobbing up and down on my pole. I took my hands and rested them on his head and every time he went down on my I would push just a little more. His throat muscles were working on my meat as he would go down on me. Then I felt that this moment was going to end soon.

I arched my back and took a deep breath; let him know I was ready to shoot down his throat. He then deep throated me and I shot my entire load. My dick went soft and he let it fall out of his mouth. His hand tucked me back in and zipped me up.

Then he got back up onto the couch and then he rested his head on my chest. I stroked his hair and kissed him on the top. Damien started falling asleep and I looked at the time. It was just a little past midnight when the music died down a little bit.

"Attention, if there is Zach Brimstone here please come to the DJ booth. I repeat if there is Zach Brimstone please come up to the DJ booth," it said.

I looked around if it was something about Ryan or Bobby but I figured I need to go there. I woke Damien up from his little nap and told him I was being paged. He was wondering the same thing I was. Who paged me? We both made our way to the DJ booth and I knocked on the door.

The DJ opened the door and asked, "Are you Zach?"

"Yeah I am Zach and this is my boyfriend, Damien," I said to him.

"Come inside," he said and we both made our way in the booth. He shut the door behind us and the music instantly died. They make the booths sound proof so the DJ can do his job without being bothered. "Well I guess your wondering what's up."

"Yeah," I said while holding Damien's hand.

"Well some kid came up and handed this to me and told me to get my attention at midnight," he said and handed me a piece of paper. "You can read it in here."

"Thanks," I said and then started reading the piece of paper.

The paper read: Meet me on the roof once you get this.

I looked over at Damien and wonder if it was someone that was following him. He had that look of shock and terror on his face. I grabbed his hand and smiled at him. He became un-shocked and then just looked at me.

"What you going to do?" he finally asked.

"I am going to meet this person," I said to him.

"Well I am coming with you," he said.

"Ok, well lets get going?" I told him and started heading for the door.

We got out of the DJ booth and head back upstairs to the couches. We were looking around for the entrance to the roof. Then I saw some moonlight out of the corner of my eye. I looked over and there was black ladder on the wall and it lead up to the roof. I walked over to it and Damien helped me climb up.

I bent down and help him up out of the hole and then we started looking around. Damien spotted him first and signaled me to come over there. The shadow of him moved and then he noticed us. He step to the side and into the light.

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Next: Chapter 27

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